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Buddy Reads > Twin Peaks: Buddy Read

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message 1: by Jonathan (last edited Jun 09, 2015 04:07PM) (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments

This is a buddy read for all of the Twin Peaks books. You could read these books before the television show or after the television show. Watching the television show will spoil some things in the book, reading the book will reveal some mysteries in the show. Both go hand and hand and they compliment some things together well. There is really no official order in order to get into Twin Peaks. I think you can start anywhere and be drawn into the majestic lore of Twin Peaks and all of his many secrets.

This buddy read includes:

The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer by Jennifer Lynch

The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer by Jennifer Lynch

Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks by Brad Dukes

Reflections An Oral History of Twin Peaks by Brad Dukes

Welcome to Twin Peaks: An Access Guide to the Town by David Lynch

Welcome to Twin Peaks An Access Guide to the Town by David Lynch

The Autobiography of F.B.I. Special Agent Dale Cooper: My Life, My Tapes by Scott Frost

Autobiography of FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper by Scott Frost

The last one may be a bit difficult to find since it is out of print. All are welcomed to join and leave as they wish. If someone wants to just read one off of the list that is fine as well. All I ask is that you please keep the spoilers in the spoiler tag!

If you would like to add a book to the list please be my guest! If you have any questions about the television show or the lore of the series please ask me here. I have been a fan for awhile know and I'm well versed in the mythology of Twin Peaks.

Date to start is next week! We will start with the Secret Diary of Laura Palmer first, since it takes place before the television show begins. I feel that is the best place to start for anyone who hasn't heard of the television show.

message 2: by Addy (new)

Addy | 5108 comments Is it true that they are starting a new twin peaks series? I started watching twin peaks on Netflix a while ago, but didn't finish yet. Wud love to join if they're not too pricey.

message 3: by Addy (new)

Addy | 5108 comments Haha! Which they are! I'll have to pass but I'll prob Peak from time to time:)

message 4: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Did you check the ebook price? It goes for ten I think.

message 5: by Addy (new)

Addy | 5108 comments Yes, they all are over 10 bucks:( I'm pretty sure I looked at the kindle version and physical book price.

message 6: by Kasia (new)

Kasia (kasia_s) | 4336 comments Mod
I just ordered a copy of The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer by Jennifer Lynch, looking forward to diving in.

Valancourt Books (valancourt_books) | 271 comments I'll order a copy of the first one today and hopefully join next week. Re-rewatching the series on Netflix right now.

message 8: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Thank you for joining! I am very much looking forward to this read!

I have seen Twin Peaks twice now. It is definitely better the second time around.

message 9: by Toby (new)

Toby Raymond | 2 comments Will grab a copy of The Secret Diary...this week and get started in a few days. Looking forward to discussing it!

message 10: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Awesome. I am excited to brush up on these books! Especially since season 3 of Twin Peaks is coming out next year! :-)

message 11: by Toby (new)

Toby Raymond | 2 comments Never watched the series, but love Lynch's film stuff, so will probably binge it at some point...yes, my name is Toby and I am a binge watcher.

message 12: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Welcome Toby! You are safe among fellow Peakers! ;-)

I picked up Wild at heart recently. I am excited to watch it!!

message 13: by Valancourt Books (new)

Valancourt Books (valancourt_books) | 271 comments Jonathan wrote: "I have seen Twin Peaks twice now. It is definitely better the second time around."

I agree! I rewatched the series earlier this year and decided to start from the beginning again once I saw a season three in the works. It really gets better with each viewing. There's so much going on.

message 14: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments I am so excited that David Lynch and Mark Frost are coming back. It would not be the same without either of them returning. Props to Showtime for getting them both onboard.

Did you know Mark Frost is writing a book that bridges the gap between season 2 and season 3? It is called the Secret Lives Of Twin Peaks.

message 15: by Valancourt Books (new)

Valancourt Books (valancourt_books) | 271 comments No, I had not heard that. That's awesome! I've been meaning to read The Diary of Laura Palmer. My copy should be here next week so looking forward to it. I'm ordering the rest this weekend.

We just had a Twin Peaks-themed festival (first annual) here in Richmond called The Great Southern. I wasn't able to go but can't wait for next year.

message 16: by Dean (new)

Dean | 27 comments Just ordered my copy and plan to re-watch the series.

message 17: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Does anyone here have a favorite David Lynch movie?

message 18: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Mcgrath | 157 comments I loved Blue Velvet , The Elephant Man and The Straight Story. Three very different stories from a very talented man. And I think of his TV series every morning with one of my favorite quotes " Damn good coffee , and hot ! "

message 19: by Jaro (new)

Jaro (aplaceofmarvels) I will try to be in on this. I only have The Secret Diary so far.

My favorite Lynch movies are Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive. Favorite quote though: "This whole world's wild at heart and weird on top".

And one of my favorite movies used to be the Schlesinger movie The Believers, screenplay by Mark Frost. I still think it's a really good movie.

message 20: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments I haven't seen Straight Story or Elephant Man yet. I hope to see both of them soon!!

I have not seen Inland Empire or Dune yet either. I heard mixed reviews about both of them!! :-)

message 21: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments I want to join this, but for some reason the screen on my phone is cutting off all your dialogue. I can completely read all comments, I don't know why this is! So I can't see the exact start date for the secret diary of Laura Palmer. Damn this kind of sucks. I am a huge Twin Peaks fan and I'm willing to order these other books to participate! (laptop isn't an option as it barely works at the moment) I wonder if I missing a way to expand my screen for this. :/

message 22: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments I want to join this, but for some reason the screen on my phone is cutting off all your dialogue. I can completely read all comments, I don't know why this is! So I can't see the exact start date for the secret diary of Laura Palmer. Damn this kind of sucks. I am a huge Twin Peaks fan and I'm willing to order these other books to participate! (laptop isn't an option as it barely works at the moment) I wonder if I missing a way to expand my screen for this. :/

message 23: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Hi Aimee!! It might be the posted images messing with your Goodreads app! I apologize for this. :-(

message 24: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments Yeah that's where it cuts off :( I could see it was this week, just didn't know if there was an exact date . I've actually never participated in one of these...do you just read at your own pace, or do you read certain chapters and check in for discussions or how does this work? Thanks! I am a huge David Lynch fan and an avid Twin peaks watcher. It's always on rotate in my home!

message 25: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments You can start at any point this week. I hope that is ok with you. Once we get to page two it should be much better for you to read things.

To make things easier for everyone we usually just read at our own pace. Then at the end we come together and talk about the book. There is a way to put spoilers in spoil tags. I can teach you if you are interested.

message 26: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments That's sounds great! Yeah, I'm interested thank you!

message 27: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments That's sounds great! Yeah, I'm interested thank you!

message 28: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments Sorry, I'm not sure why some of my comments are double posting. That's really annoying

message 29: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments It is ok Aimee. It isn't your fault for the double comments. The Goodreads app does that sometimes from the smart phones. I have that same difficulties from my iPhone. I will definitely explain the spoiler tags for you in my next post. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask! ;-)

I am here to help make this a fun buddy read! :-)

message 30: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Spoiler tags have to be typed out by hand like this:

< s p o i l i e r > Insert the text here. Like this... and then... < / s p o i l e r >

I conveniently left spaces between each letter to demonstrated how you type them out. If I had left no spaces between the letters it will look like the post below this one.

Unfortunately from the Goodreads app you can't utilize all of the features on Goodreads using your smart phone. (Unless you view it from the desktop version from your browser.) That is the reason the images came out so big on the Goodreads app but not when viewing this post from a browser. So in the post below this one you probably won't be able to read what I put within the spoiler tag.

However for future reference learning how to use the spoiler tag is pretty handy.

message 31: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Normally a spoiler tag will look like this.

(view spoiler)

Most of the members using the browser will be able to read what I posted about Laura Palmer in the spoiler tag. However for people using the smart phone it will most likely say "spoiler removed." It is unfortunate that people using the goodreads app can't view spoiler tags. Hopefully they come out with a better version of this app soon.

message 32: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Has everyone purchased a copy of Laura Palmer's Diary?


message 33: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments I've owned it for 20 years ;) just started re reading it last night!! Got through a good 10 entries so far....

message 34: by Valancourt Books (new)

Valancourt Books (valancourt_books) | 271 comments I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive in the mail but it should be soon.


message 35: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments Also I know this is kind of off topic but is the Oral History of Twin peaks going to be next? I would like to go ahead and order the next book so I'm prepared!

message 36: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments Also I know this is kind of off topic but is the Oral History of Twin peaks going to be next? I would like to go ahead and order the next book so I'm prepared!

message 37: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments I am good with Reflections being our next book.

Is The Agent Cooper book something everyone is interested in reading as well? I got a copy to read, but since it is out of print I wanted to hear everyone's opinions first.

message 38: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments Ok thanks!

I would be willing to try to find the agent Cooper book and read it for sure

message 39: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Sounds good. Well I got my copy of the Cooper book for those who want to read it after the Reflections one! :-)

message 40: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments Alright all! I am finished and ready for discussion when anyone is ready!! :)

message 41: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments Hi Aimee! I am almost finished with the diary. I am a little more then half way finished. :-)

message 42: by Valancourt Books (new)

Valancourt Books (valancourt_books) | 271 comments My copy just arrived so I'll start this evening. :)

message 43: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments What does everyone think of Laura Palmer's Diary?

message 44: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments I was wondering peoples opinions on the ripped out pages of the diary. Do you think these are where Bob's true identity is revealed?

Also opinions on the quote "The owls are sometimes big" ?

message 45: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments I was obviously very touched by the meeting between Laura and the Log Lady. I like that another aspect of this relationship is brought to light in the book...she truly cared for Laura and for no type of self beneficial purposes

message 46: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments I liked the book a lot !! I liked all the stuff that was left up to interpretation. Like the dream she had in the beginning about failing a test, so now she was being punished. That got me thinking about what attracted Bob in the first place. Dreams are usually never just dreams in Twin Peaks.

Also liked that weird guy with the giant beard and black finger nails. It got me thinking that he was another forest spirit.

It seemed like a lot of ground work was laid forward for a possible season 3. (As well as alluding to things that happened in season 2.) For example the spirit with the giant beard possibly appeared in Fire Walk With Me.

Reading this book definitely prepared me for watching Fire Walk With Me for the first time!!

message 47: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments So did everyone finish the diary?

message 48: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer  Hawley (zombiepuma) | 2 comments Anyone still alive in this topic?

message 49: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 16 comments Psh, I tried with zero response

message 50: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Echevarria (gabrielzero) | 862 comments The new Twin Peaks book should come out soon!

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