Shadow Moon Sanctuary discussion

The ultimate vampire vs. werewolves epic

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message 1: by Mason (new)

Mason Balfour | 2 comments The Pacific Northwest. Werewolves, vampires... conflict.

The rogue vampire factions of North America have come under the scrutiny of the House Von Straught of the 13th Coven, the ruling class of vampire society; a rapidly failing leadership quickly losing control over those that have defected from the covens and the whole of the vampire world. They have begun to seek new lands dangerously close to the borders of three werewolf clans of the three breeds. A unit of Von Straught vampire Marshals, the elite arm of the 13th Coven has arrived. They will secure a location for a coven to bring the factions under control, or risk losing all authority and starting the war with the wolf breeds that both species have feared for thousands of years.

Read more at TERRITORYBOOKS.COM Full synopsis, sample chapters, character bio archive, excerpts from future installments and more.

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