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Ancient History (Old Threads) > Challenge #11 (Feb/Mar 2013): Report Points Here

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message 1: by JoLene, Mistress of the Challenge (new)

JoLene (trvl2mtns) | 1251 comments Mod
Here's the thread to report points.

Do NOT delete any posts from this thread. I use the message number as a reference to track points.
Also, I do not review old posts, so once the post has been scored, do not go and edit earlier posts.

10.1 What's in the middle? Marie is my middle name and this is a book about Marie Antoinette
Becoming Marie Antoinette
Task = 10 pts
Pages: 400 pages = 4 pts
HF = 1 pt
Review = 5 pts
2 stars --> http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...

Task Total = 20 points
Challenge Total = 20 points

message 2: by Marti (last edited Feb 02, 2013 07:37PM) (new)

Marti (marjay) Beguiling the Beauty by Sherry Thomas
(15.1)The sun never sets on the British empire - Setting of the book is Great Britain (a member of the Commonwealth Countries)
+15 Task
+2 200 to 300 pages - 281 pages
+1 Historical fiction
+5 Review - 3 stars

23 points task total
23 points for challenge total

message 3: by Shannon SA (last edited Feb 03, 2013 12:24AM) (new)

Shannon SA 15.2 Is the book always better than the movie?

The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham

Task = 15
Pages 228 = 2
Challenge total = 17

message 4: by Cheryl A (new)

Cheryl A | 959 comments 15.3 Renaissance Man - read a book featuring an artist or features an artwork in the plot.
The Woman Who Heard Color by Kelly Jones
400 pgs - 4 pts
HF - 1 pt
Review - 5 pts

Task total - 25 pts

5.1 Laisses les bon temps rouler! Read a book that has a green, gold or purple cover.
Fat Cat by Robin Brande Fat Cat by Robin Brande
336 pgs - 4 pts
Review - 5 pts

Task total - 14 pts
Challenge total - 39 pts

message 5: by LemonLinda (last edited Feb 05, 2013 05:42PM) (new)

LemonLinda (lwilliamson0423) | 626 comments 15.3 Renaissance Man: artist or artwork in the plot

The Glass-Blowers by Daphne du Maurier

Task: 15 points
Pages: 384 - 4 pts
HF - 1 pt
Review - 5 pts
4 stars - www.goodreads.com/review/show/172263474

Task total: 25 points
Challenge total: 25 points

message 6: by JC (last edited Feb 05, 2013 06:20PM) (new)

JC (jmnc) | 499 comments A Memory of Light (Wheel of Time, #14; A Memory of Light, #3) by Robert Jordan

10.3 - Happy Chinese New Year: published in 2013
A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan
Task = 10
Pages: 909 = 8
Review = 5
5 stars: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...

Task Total = 23
Challenge total = 23

message 7: by Cheryl A (new)

Cheryl A | 959 comments 10.1 What's in the Middle - Read a book where the author has the same first or last name as your middle name (Rae).

The Unidentified by Rae Mariz

296 pgs - 2 pts
Review - 5 pts

Task total - 17 pts
Challenge total - 56 pts

message 8: by Heather (new)

Heather (jjgrl55) 15.2 Is the book always better than the movie?

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Task: 15 pts
Pages: 216 = 2 pts
Review: 5 pts (http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...)

Task Total: 22 pts
Challenge Total: 22 pts

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 3077 comments 15.2 Is the Book Always Better Than the Movie
The Christmas Hope (Christmas Hope, #3) by Donna VanLiere by Donna VanLiere

Bonus-(213pp) +2
http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/... be found on this website-http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1384926/?...

Book Total: 22
Grand Total: 22

message 10: by LemonLinda (new)

LemonLinda (lwilliamson0423) | 626 comments 15.2 Is the books always better than the movie?

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy byDouglas Adams

Task: 15 pts
Pages: 216 - 2 pts
Review: 5 pts

Task total: 22 points
Challenge total: 47 points

message 11: by Linda (new)

Linda Bridges (lindajoyb) | 816 comments 15.1 Set in Great BritainElizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch
Task: 15 points
Pages: 688-6 points

Task total: 21 points
Challenge total: 21 points

message 12: by Marti (new)

Marti (marjay) The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier
[10.3] Read a book from the Year of the snake: 2013
+10 task
+4 301 to 500 pages - 305 pages
+1 Historical fiction
+5 review

20 points for the book
43 points for the challenge

message 13: by Cheryl A (last edited Feb 09, 2013 01:00PM) (new)

Cheryl A | 959 comments 5.2 The Big Game - read a book that features a sporting event or competition in its plot.
The Final Four by Paul Volponi
256 pgs - 2 pts
Review - 5 pts

Task total - 12 pts

15.2 Is the book always better than the movie? Read a book that has been made into a movie.
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
352 pgs - 4 pts
Review - 5 pts

Task total - 24 pts
Challenge total - 92 pts

message 14: by Heather (last edited Feb 14, 2013 02:20PM) (new)

Heather (jjgrl55) 15.3 Renaissance Man: Read a book which features an artwork in the plot.
Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland
Task pts: 15
Page pts: 242 = 2
Review : 5 (http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...)
Historical Fiction bonus: 1

Task total: 23
Challenge total: 45

message 15: by JC (new)

JC (jmnc) | 499 comments The Reader by Bernhard Schlink

Task 15.2 - Is the book always better than the movie?
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
Task = 10
218 pages = 2
Review = 5
Task total = 22

Challenge total = 45

message 16: by Holly (new)

Holly Weiss (hollyweiss) | 278 comments Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

Task 15.2 (made into movie)
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
HF = 1
Pages (1463) = 10
Review = 5 http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...
Task total = 31
Challenge total = 31

message 17: by Kristine (new)

Kristine (kristinekae) | 238 comments 25.2 Big books
The Angel's Game
5 stars from Kat
Pages 531....6 points
HF 1 point
Review 5 points

Total points 37

message 18: by LemonLinda (new)

LemonLinda (lwilliamson0423) | 626 comments 100.1 Best of the 2012 - GR Reader Choice Awards

Completed 1 of 4
Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch by Sally Bedell Smith

Will wait to claim points when complete all 4 books.

message 19: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca (rebeccasg) | 137 comments Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie
(15.1) The sun never sets on the British empire - Setting of the book is Great Britain (a member of the Commonwealth Countries)

+15 Task
+2 200-300 pages - 288
Review 5 stars => http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...

Book total: 22
Challenge total: 22

message 20: by JC (new)

JC (jmnc) | 499 comments Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Task 15.3 - Renaissance Man (The main male character, Roger is an artist, and another important character, Lucian, is a topiary sculptor)

Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
Task = 15
344 pages = 4
Review = 5
Task total = 24

Challenge total = 69

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

5.1 - In honor of Mardi Gras (and my hometown), read a book that has a green, gold and/or purple. At least 50% of the cover must one or more of these colors.
Unearthly (Unearthly, #1) by Cynthia Hand by Cynthia Hand

435 Pages - 4 pts
Review - 5 pts http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...

Task/Challenge Total - 14

message 22: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca (rebeccasg) | 137 comments Murder in the Mews
(15.1) The sun never sets on the British empire - Setting of the book is Great Britain (a member of the Commonwealth Countries)

+15 Task
200-300 Pages +2 (256 pages)
Review - +5 pts http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...

Book Total: 22
Challenge total: 44

message 23: by Cheryl A (new)

Cheryl A | 959 comments 5.3 Young at Heart - Read a young adult novel.
The FitzOsbornes at War by Michelle Cooper
560 pgs - 6 pts
HF - 1 pt
Review - 5 pts

Task total - 17 pts
Challenge total - 109 pts

message 24: by JC (new)

JC (jmnc) | 499 comments Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, #1) by Eoin Colfer

Task 5.1 Laissez les bons temps rouler! (Gold cover)
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
Task points = 5
396 pages = 4
Review = 5
Task total = 14

Challenge total = 83

message 25: by Holly (new)

Holly Weiss (hollyweiss) | 278 comments Task 10.3 (published in 2013)
Farewell, Dorothy Parker by Ellen Meister

Pages (320) = 4
Review http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/... = 5
Task total = 19

Challenge total = 50

message 26: by LemonLinda (new)

LemonLinda (lwilliamson0423) | 626 comments Task 25.1 Spring Cleaning those Shelves.

Book 1 of 2
Galway Bay by Mary Pat Kelly

No points claimed until book 2 read.

message 27: by Heather (new)

Heather (jjgrl55) 10.3 Happy Chinese New Year: Life of Pi by Yann Martel (published 2001)

Task: 10 pts
Pages: 356 = 4 pts
Review: 5 pts (http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...)

Task total: 19 pts
Challenge total: 64 pts

message 28: by Linda (new)

Linda Bridges (lindajoyb) | 816 comments Task 5.1 In Honor of Mardi Gras a book with cover that is purple, gold, or green Tiger Rag: A Novel Tiger Rag A Novel by Nicholas Christopher
Task: 5 points
Pages: 200-300-2 Pts.
Historical Fiction (although listed as music but over the half the book takes place in the early 1900s-1 pot
Task Total: 8 points
Challenge total: 29 points

message 29: by Cheryl A (new)

Cheryl A | 959 comments 15.1 The sun nevers sets on the British Empire - Read a book set in one of the commonwelath countries(Australia)
Earthly Delights by Kerry Greenwood
239 pgs - 2 pts
Review - 5 pts

Task total - 22 pts
Challenge total - 131 pts

message 30: by JoLene, Mistress of the Challenge (new)

JoLene (trvl2mtns) | 1251 comments Mod
Scoreboard Update:

Updated through post: 29
Cheryl* 129
JenC 83
HeatherJ* 59
Holly 50
LemonLinda* 47
Marti 43
Kristine 37
Linda 29
Jayme 22
Rebecca* 22
Shannon 17
Ashley 14

Cheryl 13 - Task total for 15.2 is 22 (not 24)
Heather 14- Doesn't link to review
LemonLinda 18,26 - Please log at the same time
Rebecca 22 - Can only do each task once

message 31: by Holly (last edited Feb 15, 2013 11:07AM) (new)

Holly Weiss (hollyweiss) | 278 comments Task 25.1 Read 2 from your TBR
The Glass-Blowers by Daphne du Maurier
Pages: 384 - 4 pts
HF - 1 pt
Review - 5 pts LINK


City of Women by David R. Gillham
HF = 1
Pages (392) – 4
Review http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/... = 5

Task total = 45

Challenge total = 95

message 32: by Cheryl A (new)

Cheryl A | 959 comments JoLene wrote: "Scoreboard Update:

Updated through post: 29
Cheryl* 129
JenC 83
HeatherJ* 59
Holly 50
LemonLinda* 47
Marti 43
Kristine 37
Linda 29
Jayme 22
Rebecca* 22
Shannon 17
Ashley 14

Cheryl 13 - Task tota..."

JoLene - Just wanted to double check total for task 15.2 Task is 15, 356 pages is 4, review is 5. I have the worlds' worst calculator, but I still keep coming up with 24!

message 33: by Marti (new)

Marti (marjay) I have completed The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis in honor of Black History Month, but will not count the points until I read a book in honor of Woman's History Month.

message 34: by JC (new)

JC (jmnc) | 499 comments The Year of the Flood (MaddAddam Trilogy #2) by Margaret Atwood

Task 10.2 - In case of emergency
The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood
Task = 10
431 pages = 4
Review = 5
Task total = 19

Challenge total = 102

message 35: by Heather (new)

Heather (jjgrl55) JoLene wrote: "Scoreboard Update:

Updated through post: 29
Cheryl* 129
JenC 83
HeatherJ* 59
Holly 50
LemonLinda* 47
Marti 43
Kristine 37
Linda 29
Jayme 22
Rebecca* 22
Shannon 17
Ashley 14

Cheryl 13 - Task tota..."

Yeah, I am in the process of moving, so my only Internet is my phone. I did correct it a few days ago when I figured out how to copy and paste links properly. Sorry about that! Hopefully my real Internet will be hooked up soon!

message 36: by JoLene, Mistress of the Challenge (new)

JoLene (trvl2mtns) | 1251 comments Mod
@Cheryl: oops --- I typed in wrong task value so you are correct

and @Heather --- validated the link so you are now +5.

message 37: by JoLene, Mistress of the Challenge (new)

JoLene (trvl2mtns) | 1251 comments Mod
Everyone -- for the multi-book tasks, please post only when you have completed all the tasks as that is how the scoring spreadsheet works.

message 38: by Marti (new)

Marti (marjay) Dark Light by Jayne Castle
(5.1) Laissez les bons temps rouler!: In honor of Mardi Gras read a book that has a green, gold and/or purple. At least 50% of the cover must one or more of these colors.
+5 Task
+4 301 to 500 pages – 400 pages
+5 Review
14 points for task
Dark Light

57 points for challenge

message 39: by Marti (new)

Marti (marjay) Dark Light (Harmony, #5) by Jayne Castle Dark Light by Jayne Castle
(5.1) Laissez les bons temps rouler!: In honor of Mardi Gras read a book that has a green, gold and/or purple. At least 50% of the cover must one or more of these colors.
+5 Task
+4 301 to 500 pages – 400 pages
+5 Review
14 points for task
57 points for challenge to date

message 40: by Nell (last edited Feb 25, 2013 05:03PM) (new)

Nell Marti wrote: "I have completed The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis in honor of Black History Month, but will not count the points until I read a book in honor of Woman's History Month."

Sorry to rain on your parade but...The Twelve Tribes of Hattie is not on the Black History Month listopia. For that challenge both books have to be on the GR listopia (Black History or Woman in History). Wanted to let you know in case you can use it for another challenge category.

**Disregard this. The Twelve Tribes... did not come up when I did a search of the list to pick my read. It is on there. According to reports on GR Feedback, the search feature isn't working for lists. Sorry for the confusion.

message 41: by Heather (new)

Heather (jjgrl55) Thanks Jolene, won't happen again!

message 42: by Holly (new)

Holly Weiss (hollyweiss) | 278 comments The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom
The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom
5.1 50% cover green – 5
Pages (224) = 2
Review - http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/... = 5
Task total = 12
Challenge total = 107

message 43: by JC (last edited Feb 18, 2013 06:58AM) (new)

JC (jmnc) | 499 comments The Seduction of the Crimson Rose (Pink Carnation, #4) by Lauren Willig

Task 15.1 - The sun never sets on the british empire: The Seduction of the Crimson Rose by Lauren Willig takes place in London, England.
Task = 15
385 pages = 4
HF = 1
Review = 5
Task total = 25

Challenge total = 127

message 44: by Nell (new)

Nell There Goes the Bride (Agatha Raisin, #20) by M.C. Beaton
There Goes the Bride by M.C. Beaton
5.1 Laissez les bons temps rouler!: In honor of Mardi Gras, read a book that has a green, gold and/or purple cover.
Bonus points:
277 pgs +2
Review +5
Total = 12 pts

message 45: by Marti (last edited Feb 18, 2013 12:25PM) (new)

Marti (marjay) Nell wrote: "Marti wrote: "I have completed The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis in honor of Black History Month, but will not count the points until I read a book in honor of Woman's History Month."


Perhaps I am using the wrong list, but I found the Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis at number 49 on this link which I thought was the link to the listopia for Black History Month

If I am using the wrong list could someone please let me know..

message 46: by JC (new)

JC (jmnc) | 499 comments Marti - your book is indeed on the list, it should count just fine. Please, let's let moderators/scorkeepers of the challenge let people know if their books will work or not; too many cooks in the kitchen and all.

message 47: by Cheryl A (new)

Cheryl A | 959 comments 25.2 Big Books - Read a 500+ page HF with a 5 star rating from another member of Historical Fictionistas.

The Given Day by Dennis Lehane
Rated 5 stars by Garth in November 2012
704 pgs - 6 pts
HF - 1 pt
Review - 5 pts

Task total - 37 pts
Challenge total - 168 pts

message 48: by Jayme(theghostreader) (last edited Feb 18, 2013 09:20PM) (new)

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 3077 comments 5.1 Read a book with a green, gold or purple cover Emma by Jane Austen by Jane Austen

Task +5
Bonus+4 (448pp)
Review +5

Book Total: 14
Grand Total:36

message 49: by JC (new)

JC (jmnc) | 499 comments Flight by Sherman Alexie

Task 5.3 Young at Heart: Flight by Sherman Alexie
Task = 5
208 pages = 2
Review = 5
Task total = 12

Challenge total = 139

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

Task 5.3 Read a YA novel
The Usual Rules by Joyce Maynard

400 pages - 4 pts

Task: 9 pts
Challenge total: 23

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