Aussie Lovers of Crime/Mystery/Thriller/Suspense discussion

You and Your Books > Free/low priced Kindle and ebooks

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message 1: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (last edited Nov 08, 2014 06:55PM) (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Please note: authors are not to promote their own free/low priced ebooks in this thread - if you want to promote your books then please do so in the authors thread.

As there are a lot of people out there now who have an e-reader of some description, and we are also all trying to save money...I thought we could put any links to free ebooks that we find. It doesn't matter the genre...

I'll start with this one I have just found:)

message 2: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod (left hand side are priced, right hand side are free)

message 3: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Thanks Michael.

message 4: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod

message 5: by Mish (new)

Mish | 270 comments You can get a few books & short stories from Google play

message 6: by Mish (new)

Mish | 270 comments Mish wrote: "You can get a few books & short stories from Google play"

Plus they've got a few books for .99c

message 7: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments I just found this well-reviewed book at Amazon! Dead Of Winter (Louis Kincaid, #2) by P.J. Parrish FREE

message 8: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Grrr!! Not available to us Aussies Joanne:( Thanks anyway.

message 9: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments Brenda wrote: "Grrr!! Not available to us Aussies Joanne:( Thanks anyway."

Do you get Amazon Kindle UK? I know a FB site that always lists those if that would help!

message 10: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
I haven't in the past Joanne, but I'm willing to check it out:)

message 11: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments Brenda wrote: "I haven't in the past Joanne, but I'm willing to check it out:)"

I'll find it and post it here! No fair you miss out! :(

message 12: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Thanks Joanne:)

message 13: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments Here it is! and if you "like" it on Facebook, you'll see updates daily, if not more. They do a special post that says Amazon UK books! Hope this helps those "down under!"

message 14: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Thanks Joanne...I just went through the links, and it STILL said (for that particular book) unavailable:( But it's a great link, thanks. I'll check out other books and see what happens:)

message 15: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments Divine Fury (Enzo Lee Mystery, #2) by Robert B. Lowe by Pulitzer winning author free today!

message 16: by Dorina (new)

Dorina Stanciu (cinderelle) | 1 comments FREE on KINDLE, today only. BROKEN SERENADE - a mystery, romantic suspense.
Broken Serenade by Dorina Stanciu

message 17: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Thanks girls, picked them both up:)

message 18: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments This looks good today! Necessary Evil by Janelle Taylor I've heard of this author.

message 19: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Thanks Joanne:)

message 20: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie Thank Joanne - I just picked it up :D Gotta love a freebie! Of course, this does not help the every growing TBR list!

message 21: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
I know **sigh** mine just keeps on growing:(:(

message 22: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie You're catching up to me Brenda... though you are reading more books a year than me, so you might manage to keep your TBR list a bit more trimmed than mine is!

message 23: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
It's scary Lynxie! I want/need to be able to read 24/7!!!!

message 24: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie I know that feeling all too well. It gets interesting when PR companies for some of the big name publishers approach you to read/review ARCs too... kinda cool, but totally scary! Atleast they don't have an unrealistic expectation that I'll be able to read/review before the book is released, though it does kind of defeat the purpose of getting the ARC. Oh well. More dead tree books for me!! yay!

message 25: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Yay! alright! I wish the authors would slow down their writing;P lol When we have multitudes of favourites, it's most difficult NOT to buy them all!!!

message 26: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments I just got this because it looked so DIFFERENT! Murder mystery in the Middle Ages in a North America already settled by Europeans! I like Harry Turtledove's and S.M. Stirling's alternate universe books so I thought I'd give this a try! Secret Murder Who Shall Judge? by Ellen Kuhfield and it's free!

message 27: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments Ooh! A real good one, The Twelfth Imam by Joel C. Rosenberg AND Whyspersync is available for $3.99 so you can read and listen!

message 28: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments Just got this one Cloudburst by Ryne Douglas Pearson free. My Kindle is going to get fat and housework is going to suffer!

message 29: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Mine's like that now Joanne;) Thanks:)

message 30: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments Had to share this because it's an Aussie writer! Doesn't have any reviews yet. The Gay Mardi Gras Murders -- A Mia Ferrari Mystery (Book 2) by Sylvia Massara

message 31: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments Dirty Martini (Jack Daniels Mystery, #4) by J.A. Konrath looks good. Rather unfortunate that I downloaded it to my iphone instead of my Kindle, though :(

message 32: by Heav (new)

Heav (heav1964) joanne, you can download the kindle to your computer and use calibre to convert it to an epub

message 33: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments Heav wrote: "joanne, you can download the kindle to your computer and use calibre to convert it to an epub"

Have Kindle everywhere! PC, iPad, iPhone, Kindle Fire! All my books were going to the iPhone, though! Had to shut down kindle and reboot or whatever and there my books were! I was actually afraid that maybe my kindle was full, lol!

message 34: by Joanne (new)

Joanne | 24 comments Freezing Point by Karen Dionne is free at Amazon. Douglas Preston, James Rollins and Steve Berry say it's good, and that's good enough for me!

message 35: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
A thriller free on kindle at the moment, it finishes on Sunday... A Touch of Deceit by Gary Ponzo by Gary Ponzo

Amazon link

message 36: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Brian wrote: "FREE! I'm pleased to announce a special promo offer. Endeavour Press is giving away FREE, the first book in my exciting, Belinda Lawrence mystery, CAPABLE OF MURDER. For Kindle. It's completely FR..."

Brian, could you please go to the Author section and make your own thread for this promotion? Thanks...either there on in the Giveaway folder


message 37: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Brian wrote: "FREE FOR KINDLE. THE EMBROIDERED CORPSE - book two in the Belinda Lawrence mystery series.
'The author builds the tension of the book to its climax excellently and Belinda is a refreshingly smart, ..."

I have transferred this to the Giveaways section Brian....

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

Just downloaded! Thanks for the tip.

message 39: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

message 40: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

message 41: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Not free, but only .99c until 5th September. Tiger Paw by Charles A. Cornell Tiger Paw by Charles A. Cornell

For those of you who love a good thriller, I have read it, thoroughly enjoyed it, and would recommend it highly.

message 43: by Vicki (new)

Vicki Tyley (vickityley) | 280 comments Thanks for sharing, Brenda.

I must get into the habit of doing the same for any good freebies I come across.

message 44: by Tenth Street (new)

Tenth Street Press (tenth_street_press) | 4 comments Hi Everyone,

Tenth Street Press is a small independent publisher based in Victoria and are very pleased to have just released New York's John Reinhard Dizon's latest thriller - The Standard.
We're offering free downloads for all e-formats up to 14/08/13 and guarantee fans of thriller, espionage & spy novels will love it!

message 46: by Vicki (last edited Aug 06, 2013 12:07AM) (new)

Vicki Tyley (vickityley) | 280 comments Sounds terrific. Where is the download available from?

Edit: Ignore me. The links weren't there when I asked that question.

message 47: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
Tenth Street wrote: "
Promo Code For Free Download: ZE92L"

Thanks:) Is it only free with the code from Smashwords? I notice it's not free from Amazon?

message 48: by Tenth Street (new)

Tenth Street Press (tenth_street_press) | 4 comments Brenda wrote: "Tenth Street wrote: "
Promo Code For Free Download: ZE92L"

Hi Brenda,
no, the Kindle version is for sale on Amazon before the paperback release. But feel free to leave reviews there.

message 49: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
OK thanks:)

message 50: by Brenda, Suspense lover! (new)

Brenda | 11210 comments Mod
For all you Jack Reacher fans out there, the new novella just released on kindle and ebook, only $1.45 High Heat: by Lee Child

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