A Good Thriller discussion

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message 1: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Dec 05, 2020 05:15AM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod

Thanks for joining my group, please do introduce yourself. As moderator I will start. I live in Jersey in the Channel Islands, I have lived here for thirty seven years, married for thirty five years.(NOW 40.5 years)

I am a mad film buff, a music buff and love travelling and reading. I love playing tennis and walking. In the 1980's I wrote a film reference book and also collect signed autograghs.

My wife and I both work full time, but we also make homemade jewellery which we sale at Craft Shows here in Jersey.

You can see more information on my photos,music and favourite books on my website, photos of our holidays.
kind regards


message 2: by Galen (new)

Galen Watson | 1 comments I live between the Sierra Nevada’s and Paris. Retirement is freedom. When I'm not writing, I'm generally bistro hopping or backpacking in the mountains. I also admit to being a closet banjo picker. THE PSALTER is my first novel.

I love thrillers and action adventure books with a message, or transformational characters that come out of their experience changed.

message 3: by Debra (new)

Debra | 1 comments I live in Mesa, AZ. Work in medical transcription and have always loved to read, just devour books. My husband (married 33 years also Sean) also loves to read and we enjoy the same books. Unfortunately, don't have much time, my eyesight is getting bad, and I get migraines if I read too long, so, bummer. Thank you for the invite.

message 4: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Hi All,

Thanks for joining my new group

kind regards


message 5: by Geoff (new)

Geoff Nolan (geoffnolan) | 1 comments Hi all,

I'm Geoff Nolan from Dublin, Ireland. I worked for years in the I.T. Industry but have decided to follow my passion in life and become a full-time writer. Some tough years ahead, but I'm ready for them!

Favourite authors are a bit like like music - it depends what mood I'm in. Sometimes Leon Uris. Sometimes Alistair MacLean. Sometimes Charles Dickens. I'll read anything!


message 6: by L. (new)

L. Hi,

I'm Lucy Manas from Zlin, Czech Republic - that's in Europe. I'm 15 years old and I love collect autographs, movies and reading. I read almost everythnig except silly romantic books for girls.

This is my web about autographs:

- Lucy

message 7: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Feb 04, 2013 12:10PM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Hi Geoff and Lucy,

welcome to my group.

Geoff, good luck on the writing career.

Lucy, I am also keen on autograph collecting.



message 8: by L. (new)

L. Thank you :)

message 9: by Rob (new)

Rob Carnell | 1 comments Hello group,

I am in Sydney Australia and love action thrillers. I love David Baldacci, Lee Childs, Tom Clancy etc.

I work in the IT industry and just had my first book published - Nuclear Surprise.


message 10: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod

Rob, welcome to my group. Good choice, lee Childs, David Baldacii, maybe try Harlan Coben, Linwood Barclay, James Patterson.

kind regards


message 11: by Jo (new)

Jo | 1 comments Hello Everyone,
I enjoy reading mysteries, thrillers and fiction. I was looking at some of the authors mentioned by the group and thought it was a good fit.
Looking forward to getting to know everyone and share the experiences.

message 12: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Feb 15, 2013 04:10AM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Hello Jo,

welcome and looking forward to your reviews,



message 13: by Darla (new)

Darla Doyle | 1 comments Hi! My name is Darla. I live in Mississippi, I love to read any and all genres. my only addiction in life is buying DVDs! I have around 600. No biological children but I have two dogs I call my babies!

message 14: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Hi Kyle and Darla,

Kyle I especially enjoy Linwood Barclay and Harlen Coben, and reading my tenth Lee Childs book at the moment.

Darla I have for babies, my four cats !!

Enjoy your reading, and please invite your friends here



message 15: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Thanks, let's hope they all join !


message 16: by Donna (new)

Donna Cooper | 3 comments Hi all! My name is Donna and i'm from the UK, my favorite author is Karin Slaughter but I also have on my ever growing bookshelf Karen Rose, Kathy Reichs, Jillianne Hoffman and Simon Beckett just to name a few!

message 17: by Marilyn (new)

Marilyn Hi!
I love to read a good mystery and am joining this group for ideas and to share favorites.

I am a little OCD about my books, I like to read a book series - in order.

Since buying my eReader, I've read:

James Patterson's Women's Murder Club Series
Miranda Bliss' Cooking School Murders
Richard Castle's Nikki Heat Series
Lee Child's Jack Reacher Series
Sue Grafton's Kinsey Millhone Series

Currently on the Michael Connelly Harry Bosch Series
Then onto Jack McElvoy and Terry McCaleb

Have read several of these, but will likely go from the beginning.
Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta
Jonathan Kellerman's Alex Delaware

Also on the list Harlan Coben, Tess Gerritsen, John Sandford, and the Stephanie Plum and Alex Cross series.

Looking forward to learning of new ones also!

Olivia "So many books--so little time."" | 109 comments Hi! I'm Olivia from Peoria, Illinois. Some of my favorite authors are James Patterson, Harlan Coben, David Baldacci, Jeffery Deaver, and John Sandford.

message 19: by Nate (new)

Nate Granzow | 1 comments Hi guys,
My name's Nate Granzow—I'm a thriller author (www.nategranzow.com) from Iowa and a big fan of the likes of Cussler, Rollins, Thor, and Flynn.

I'd like to invite anyone interested in a shot at winning an Amazon Kindle to visit (http://bit.ly/16ibrI7); simply sign up for my author updates for a chance to win.

I'm glad to be part of this group, and look forward to discussing the genre with you all!

message 20: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod

welcome to the new members.

Other authors that I can recommend, are David Baldacci, as mentioned, John Sandford I have never read but have abour 7-8 to read.

I have in my ever growing books, many Karen Rose, Karin Slaughter,Kathy Reich, Tess Gerritsen, James Patterson, John Chrisham, Michael Connelly, James Herbert, and one that is good is Alex Cross, also Tania Carver, Casey Hill (husband and wife team), also love Chris Ryan and Andy McNab.

Highly recommend Linwood Barclay.

Keep reading.



message 21: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Hi Marilyn,

Now on my 13th Lee Childs Book Die Trying. As you can guess not read all of them in order.

Just have The Enemy, Nothing To Lose and A Wanted Man to read.

Really enjoyed James patterson's Kill Me If You Can



message 22: by John (new)

John Kenny (john_kenny) | 2 comments Hi Folks,
I'm John Kenny and new to GoodReads as well as the group. I live about an hour outside of Ottawa, Canada. And to be totally stereotyped, yes in fact I did have a moose in my backyard last week. I'm a firefighter by profession.

My reading tastes are rather broad. I do love a good thriller/mystery though I have to confess I haven't read one lately. I've been trying to catch up on some of the gaps in the classics. Right now I'm slogging my way through "The Game of Thrones" series. The first one was great, but... well I started it so I'll finish.

Here's a bit of an off the wall recommendation - Russell Wangersky's Burning Down The House: Fighting Fires And Losing Myself. It probably more properly falls into the biography/memoir category, but it has a fair bit of action/adventure. It's probably the best book I've read about what it's like to be a firefighter - brutally honest and lyrically beautiful in the writing.

message 23: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod

Welcome John to my group.

all the very best, enjoy your reading


message 24: by Irene (new)

Irene (zavrou) | 56 comments Hi, I am Irene from Northern Ireland. I lived in S Africa for 42 years and returned to NI in 2004. Don't really know what I am ......... Irish South African or South African Irish. Either way I love both. My favourite crime writer is Jeffery Deaver. Also among my likes are Linwood Barclay, Harlan Coben, Lisa Gardner, Michael Connelly (especially his Harry Bosch books) and Greg Iles. Still Missing by Chevy Stevens was more than a good read!
I am looking forward to seeing what other people are reading and their reviews.

message 25: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Hi Irene,

welcome, love South Africa, especially enjoying our safari a few years ago.

Never read a Jeffery Deaver yet !



message 26: by Irene (new)

Irene (zavrou) | 56 comments The movie 'The Bone Collector' with Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie is based on one of Jeffery Deaver's books. The character played by Denzel Washington is in several of his books. Let me know if you read one!

message 27: by Allison (new)

Allison Burrus | 3 comments Hi everyone. My name is Allison and I live in central Illinois. I love to read and wish I had more time to do it. I love mysteries and thrillers and mainly stick to those. I have so many favorite authors but off the top of my head is Linda Fairstein and Karin slaughter. There are so many more but those are old faithfuls for me. Looking forward to good book suggestions!

message 28: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod

Welcome Allison, yes I enjoy Karin Slaughter, you will like David Baldacci, Lisa Gardner(similar to Karin) and Harlan Coben and Linwood Barclay.



message 29: by Allison (new)

Allison Burrus | 3 comments I like Lisa Gardner and Harlan coben. I will check out the others. Thanks!

message 30: by John (new)

John Kenny (john_kenny) | 2 comments Welcome Allison. You'll have no problem getting lots of good suggestions. As a relative newcomer myself, it's almost overwhelming. I think I need several clones to even try to keep up.


message 31: by Michael (new)

Michael (micky74007) Hi, I'm Michael from south Florida. My favorite authors are Clive Cussler, Robert B. Parker, Vince Flynn. Lately I've been reading a lot of mysteries set at the turn of the 19th-20th century, both on the continent and America.

message 32: by Irene (new)

Irene (zavrou) | 56 comments Anyone read any by Cody McFadyen. If the rest of the book is as good as the first 50 pages I will be happy with this new (to me) author.

message 33: by Carla (new)

Carla Krueger (carlahkrueger) | 4 comments Hi Sean and everyone at A Good Thriller,

Thanks for inviting me here. I'm Amaya and I love thriller books. I talk about them a lot on Goodreads (and Twitter!) I also write thrillers, but I'm not here to self promote, just to enjoy the company of other thriller book aficionados (I love that word!)

Looking forward to meeting you all soon.

message 34: by Michael (new)

Michael Stephenson | 1 comments Hello, everybody. My name is Michael Stephenson. I am a Goodreads author. You can click my name above to go to my page. I love and write in all genres but I have a special place in my heart for Horror. I very much enjoy writing high-octane action scenes in just about all of my books and especially like fitting it into the Horror genre. Frankly, I just love good story but I also like dealing with rather controversial issues in a unique way that both challenges and entertains.

message 35: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Hi Amaya, Michael and Irene

Thanks for joining please add your comments on your books, add any new subjects.

I do pop in when time allows. I also enjoy Vince Flynn



message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

Hi Everyone:

I've been looking for a group that reads good thrillers. This seems like a good group. I'm reading The Accident right now.


message 37: by Sue (new)

Sue (coccotoro) | 2464 comments Hi Everyone!

Happy New Year! My name is Sue and I live in Toronto, and this group was recommended to me by my friend, Ronhummer. I also noticed I have some other friends in this group. I have been a member of Goodreads since 2010, and am in the site everyday. I am a avid reader and enjoy reading mystery suspense psychological thrillers. I read hard cover novels and also on my Kindle. Looking forward to touching base with other members and discussing novels.

Take care


message 38: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod

Welcome to my new members and a Happy New Year to you all, let's grow this group this year.

I just finished The Siege by Simon Kernick, it's brilliant.

Highly recommended



Ron, thanks for your help.

message 39: by LaDonna (new)

LaDonna (ladonnasbooknook) | 13 comments Hello! I was invited to this group by another member. I'm from the Kansas City area and have been an avid reader all my life. Thrillers are my favorites, but I do read many other genres as well. I have been on medical leave for the last year and a half and about the only benefit to that is having more time to read. I have read and enjoyed many of the authors listed. My favorite thriller character series are John Sandford's Virgil Flowers series and Lee Child's Jack Reacher. I have recently read my first Baldacci and absolutely loved it - am looking to pick up some of his King and Maxwell series as we really enjoyed the tv series.

message 40: by [deleted user] (last edited Jan 18, 2014 05:48AM) (new)

Good to meet you Paulette and LaDonna. Haven't read the Virgil Flowers series or King & Maxwell but would like to soon. Of course, Lee Child is great.

Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) My name is Lorrea. I'm a Stay at home mom to three kids. I love to read just about anything. I have read the entire Women's Murder Club series by James Patterson. I live outside of Washington, DC.

message 42: by Alicia (new)

Alicia Healey (alicialovestoread) My name is Alicia, I'm a 4th grade teacher and my favorite series is Alex Cross by James Patterson. I love to read and one of my resolutions this year is to read every single day. Doesn't have to be a lot but does have to be reading something for pleasure. :-)

message 43: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod

Welcome to our many new members as this group is growing, it's great that it's not just ne posting !!

Welcome, Paulette, Lorrea and Alicia.

Add as many posts, all interesting to read.

I have a collection of over 400-500 books to read, at best in order of authors.

Many regulars as mentioned previously but many not read many of yet.

Karin Slaughter, have lots to read yet, Karen Rose (read none yet) Andrew Gross (have 5-6) as well as lots of James Patterson, Michael Connelly, John Grisham, read most of Chris Ryan( a few to go)lots of David Baldacci,a few Jeffrey Deaver, Richard Montari, Clive Cussler, Robert Harris, Jo Nesbo, Nicci French(meant to be chilling thrillers), all Andy McNab's, lots of Harlan Coben, read a few, some of Linwood Barclay, some of Camilla Lackberg, some of Tania Carver, Kris Kuzneski, lots of the great old Alistair Maclean and ALL Vince Hill (another great find last year) if you like Lee Childs your like Vince Flynn!

Have loads of Tess Gerritsen, Jack Higgins, all Allan Folsom and Simon Kernick, John Sandford (to read) and Robert Goddard(although not sure about.

Casey Hill a few, and great books (Ron you will like them), lots of Kathy Reich.

Well that's names a few authors

Read all Lee Childs.

message 44: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod

if you want a chance of pace a little that touch the heart in different ways.

Frozen In Time, and unbelievable true story of courage.

A Lion Called Christian ( an amazing true stories and one of the most watched things on you tube- the re-meeting)

A Cat Called Bob. Loved this book

And of course the great thriller Child 44 (soon a film)
(one of three books)


message 45: by Beth (new)

Beth Hello fellow book lovers. My aunt was a first grade teacher and taught me to read at age 4, and I never looked back. All the teenage things, building a family stuff, etc., but always with a book in one hand. I live smack in the middle of the United States, have 2 shih tzu/poodles, treasure friends, and nurture an insatiable curiosity about life. My reading tastes have taken me through most of what's mentioned here, but I read at least one other genre between mysteries. "Defending Jacob" was my favorite so far this year - a courtroom drama which I read in one day because I couldn't put it down!

message 46: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10839 comments Mod
Welcome Beth

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

Same here Beth. One day to read a book. That's tough. I may have to check out the book. Hope to see you in the group read.

Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) Welcome Beth. It's been a long time since I have been able to sit down and read a book in one day. If that happens it's because I'm listening to it. Welcome to the group.

message 49: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Dougherty (goodreadscomvictoria_dougherty) | 61 comments Welcome, Beth. Where smack in the middle of the US do you live. I'm from the Midwest, but now live in Central VA.

message 50: by LaDonna (new)

LaDonna (ladonnasbooknook) | 13 comments I was wondering where in the middle of the US as well? I am in the KC area and lived in central Kansas growing up. Welcome from another newbie.

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