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Reasonable Doubt #3

Reasonable Doubt: Volume 3

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This is a previously-published edition - ASIN: B00N1WNV5A

I hate him…

I hate that I fell in love with him, I hate that he didn’t love me back, and I hate the fact that I just made a life-altering decision just so I could get the hell away from him.

He’d always said that he was unchangeable, heartless, and cold…

I really should’ve believed him…

183 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 25, 2014

About the author

Whitney G.

71 books13.4k followers
Whitney G. is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author. Her books are currently published in over a dozen languages.

She lives deep in the Tennessee woods and spends most of her time drinking coffee while penning dirty-talking alpha males.

Find out more about her next project at www.whitneygbooks.com

(Be sure to sign up for "The F.L.Y. List" as that's the best way to receive new release updates. Link: eepurl.com/hbhVOf )

You can also connect with Whitney on Instagram and Facebook.

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
October 18, 2016
4 Stars

Before I say anything, I have to give mad props to Whitney G.

Because girlfriend writes good Asshole.


Seriously though, I absolutely adore her alpha jerk heroes. They are crude and rude and, in short...

...they are COMPLETE dicks.

And I love them for it.

They might act like total bastards, treat people like shit, and make no apologies for it whatsoever...


But you know what?

At least they are honest.

And I ADORE their one liners.


I loved "Andrew" almost as much as I loved my Jake from Turbulence.


Seriously, it was thisclose.

Speaking of my Jake-y...he and Andrew were SOOOOO similar, you could call them virtually interchangeable...with a side of tweak.

But you know what?




Because, like I said, I fucking DIG these assholes.

And if Whitney G. writes 40 more books with completely unoriginal, carbon copy heroes who are EXACTLY like Jake/Andrew...?

I will devour them ALL with a smile.


And embarrassing gratitude.

Because me love it.

I DO have to say this though...

Methinks Whitney G. must have watched Ocean's Eleven right before writing this series...

Why, you ask?


From Ocean's, in the scene where Tess (Julia Roberts) and Danny (George Clooney) first see each other after he gets released from prison and he finds her at Benedict's hotel...

"DANNY: It's good to see you. You're not wearing your ring.

TESS: I sold it. And I don't have a husband. Or didn't you get the papers?

DANNY: My last day inside.

TESS: I told you I'd write."

And from book one in this series...when Ava first tracks Andrew down in South Carolina after getting out of prison...

"Ava: 'Did you know that when most people get sentenced to prison, they get care packages, money orders, even a phone call on their first day?' She clenched her jaw. 'I got divorce papers.'

Andrew: 'I told you I'd write.'"


Later on, from this book...

"Andrew: 'Does he make you cum?'

Aubrey: 'He doesn't make me cry.'"

And from Ocean's...





But whatevs!

Other than that, I didn't completely love the way the middle to end of this installment unfolded, but you know what I DID love?

There was groveling.

So much groveling.

And homie loves groveling.


So consider me a happy book slut.

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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
August 15, 2017
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★★★★ ½! Reasonable Doubt, part 3 of 3. The conclusion to jaded & enigmatic Andrew Hamilton tempestuous relationship with his friend & intern!

“Does that mean you won’t fuck me at the end?”
“It means I won’t leave you at the end.”

There are 3 parts to the Reasonable Doubt serial, which should be read in order:
Part 1: Reasonable Doubt
Part 2: Reasonable Doubt II
Part 3: Reasonable Doubt III
Part 3.1: Extended epilogue

Reasonable Doubt, part 1-2 followed man-whore extraordinaire, attorney and law firm partner, Andrew Hamilton as his world was turned up-side down by his new intern, pre-law student, Aubrey Nicole Everhart. Ever since a gut-wrenching betrayal that forced him to start a new life, details to be unfolding with story, Andrew cannot abide being lied to.

He had settled into a comfortable life of practicing law and courting his next one-night-stand. When he discovered that his new intern, Aubrey is also his online chat friend Alyssa he was torn between anger and lust; his hungry cock failing miserable at keeping off her yet his other head set on sticking to his plan.

Reasonable Doubt, part 3 opens up to the aftermath of part 2’s devastating ending. Story goes onto follow Andrew and Aubrey in their daily lives and struggles.

Andrew will be forced to face and sort out his past while Aubrey is forced to reevaluate her life and current situation. It’s a roller-coaster of events and emotions; lies, truths, omissions, betrayal, tragedy, lust, but ultimately it’s about a soul searching passion and unending love…

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Andrew Hamilton with his filthy mouth and hungry cock has captivated me throughout! Some revelations hinting to a softer Andrew in the past I didn’t welcome as much as I really like him just the way he is, asshole and all. Eight words to describe Andrew: Charismatic, jaded, flawed, commanding, enigmatic, sarcastic, vulnerable and larger-than-life.

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Aubrey Nicole Everhart has managed to hold her own against everything that is Andrew. Eight words to describe Aubrey Everhart: Smart, naïve, endearing, focused, lonely, impressionable, resilient and dogged.

Reasonable Doubt, part 3 moves along at medium pace with many ups and down. It is bittersweet to say goodbye… The ending left them in a great place, but I’d have welcomed more details and more focus on the ending.

Swoon-worthy and unforgettable hero, Andrew Hamilton! Compelling heroine! Brilliant and witty story-telling! Captivating and entertaining plot!

Hero rating: 5 stars
Heroine rating: 5 stars
Sexual tension rating: 4 stars
Sex scenes rating: 4 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 3.5 stars
Plot rating: 4 stars
Dialogue rating: 5 stars
Storytelling rating: 5 stars
Story ending rating: 4 stars
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 5 stars
Overall rating: 4.5 stars

Would I recommend this series: Yes.
Would I re-read this series: Yes.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
August 24, 2014
4-4.5 Stars!

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Reasonable Doubt 3 is a great conclusion to a highly entertaining series of novellas that have featured one of my most favorite assholes, Andrew Hamilton. I love this series as a whole, but Andrew is by far the best part for me. We’ve seen this side certain side of him the first two novellas. He sleeps around, he can be a jerk, he’s got a dirty mouth. We love him for it. But now things have changed. We get to see an entirely different side of Andrew when we (finally) get all of his past.

But back to the present, where RD2 left off… Andrew and Aubrey aren’t on good terms. They are working together, but thats about it. It’s a little hostile at times. They both are holding on to what happened…

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Aubrey does something she should have done from the very beginning and that something is following her dreams. Doing what she wants for once. While Andrew is facing his past, Audrey is looking towards the future. There is a lot of hurt, a lot of devastation, some admitting of the feelings and even some forgiveness. Andrew grows a lot and changes some. Don’t think Andrew has gone to a complete soft side… he still has his little dirty mouth we love so much.
“You’re going to show me to your room so you and I can become reacquainted.”

“Reacquainted?” I moaned as he cupped my ass.

“Is that code for conversation?”

“It’s code for fucking”

Whitney G did a fantastic job writing three serial novellas with two characters I loved. They are steamy and sexy, but also emotional with some humor sprinkled in. The last 30% of this, every thing came together and all the questions we had were answered. The only reason I didn’t give it a full 5… but still, I loved the way she tied up Andrew and Aubrey’s story. 

Overall, this is a series you won’t want to miss out on! And now that the series is complete, you have no reason not to jump on board and meet Andrew! ♥

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*ARC kindly provided by author, Whitney G, in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
August 24, 2014
4.5 Perfect Conclusion Stars

Everything we had was built on lies...

I was a little worried about jumping into this book immediately after finishing the second since I just didn't get the excitement from the second book that I did for the first. I was scared that this would follow an unfortunate formula that some serials have had for me lately and fizzle out at the end. But after finishing it? It blew the first 2 books out of the water. OH MY GOD. I devoured this in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. What an amazing conclusion to a great serial. Whitney, I will never doubt you again. Seriously. I bow down. Wow.

What this book had:
1. An asshole Andrew that fucked up with Aubrey in epic proportions.
2. An Aubrey that finally grows into her own, grows a pair of lady balls and makes Andrew WORK for it. And I mean WORK for it.
3. A grovel of epic proportions. And I ate it up like the starved little pervert that I am and loved every second of it. Perfection.
4. An even better epilogue that was the icing on an already perfect cake.

Now then, on to the review. But if you haven't read the first 2 books
STOP reading my review. It will not contain spoilers for this book, but it will definitely have some from the previous 2.

It all started with an email.

You and I will still be friends a few months from now, and you'll be completely okay with not seeing my face.

You and I will be fucking a few months from now, and the only reason I'll be okay with not seeing your face is because you'll be riding my cock as I bend your ass over a table.

Andrew has kicked Aubrey not only out of his apartment, but also out of his life. After his past quite literary comes back to dig up long buried secrets and wounds, he feels like he has no choice. He tries to move on with his life and tries to continue with his one dinner, one night, no repeats motto. But every time he tries to replace the image of Aubrey with another woman, there's always something that holds him back. It really doesn't help that Aubrey is now completely freezing him out and wants nothing to do with him inside the office or out of it. So he does what he does best; push. Until one night he pushes too far and she's done.

What do you want me to say, Aubrey? Your pussy was so magical that it opened my eyes and made me want to change all my ways for you? That I can't live or breathe without knowing you're by my side? Is that what you're expecting me to say?
"No. A simple apology for-"
"Kicking your inquisitive ass out of my apartment? For trying to prevent you from feeling like do you right now? Fine. I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner."

Aubrey is tired of the scraps she's been getting from Andrew. She doesn't just want his cock, she wants his heart, but he has no interest in ever handing that over.

But when Andrew finally starts to understand the depth of his feelings for Aubrey, it's too late. She's moved on, moved to a different city, and wants nothing to do with Andrew ever again. What follows in the second half is a grovel that will make you smile and pant at the same time. It was, in a word, perfect.

As for the secret that Andrew's been keeping and the mystery behind his past? Well it all gets revealed little by little and chapter by chapter. And when you finally get the whole story, your heart will absolutely break for him. All I can tell you is that Whitney manages to bring the story a full circle and not the slightest detail from the previous 2 books goes unanswered.

The thing I loved the most is that the author stayed true to Andrew's character. He never loses that edge of his asshole ways, even when he finally gives into his feelings for Aubrey. And of course there's always his filthy mouth and the scorching hot sex. But while the sex was hot, it wasn't at the center of the story like I felt the last 2 books had. This had a rounded story, more character development, and just more of everything. I loved it and I can't wait to see what this talented author will have in store for us next.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
August 26, 2014
LIVE!! http://www.amazon.com/Reasonable-Doub...

4.5 Stars

To say that I have been anxiously awaiting this release would be a HUGE understatement. I have been dying to read this book, and finally learn all of Andrew’s secrets.

RD3 picks up with Andrew and Aubrey separated. Aubrey feels at the very least she is owed an apology for the way Andrew treated her. Andrew doesn’t do apologies - he never pretended things were more then they were and didn’t make any promises to Aubrey.

What I loved about Reasonable Doubt 3:

Andrew…of course we all know how much I love him and his hungry cock, but what I really loved in this one was FINALLY knowing why Andrew became Andrew in the first place. His story was heartbreaking, and I completely understand his motives.

Aubrey…hell yes a woman who doesn’t allow a man to run all over her. She knows what she deserves in a relationship and she refuses to settle. She is passionate and follows her dreams, regardless of the risk. I have always like Aubrey, but sometimes after a while a heroine can begin to drive me insane, not this one - I am an Aubrey fan too!

Funny…yes this story had me laughing out loud. Andrew and Aubrey both made me laugh with their comments and actions. Sexiness…YES! Of course, Whitney G. has that on lock down. Don’t worry we still get the Andrew we all know and love.

I loved the conclusion to Aubrey and Andrew’s story, and what the future holds for these two. This has been the year of serials and this one is definitely one of my favorites!!

ARC kindly provided by Ms. Whitney G. in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Mysza.
478 reviews401 followers
May 30, 2017

I have to say I was pissed off with all that waiting for this final installment, I even stopped caring anymore. But after finishing it, I can honestly say that it was Damn. Worth. Waiting. It was definitely my favorite in the series, I liked how everything wrapped up in the end, there was no rush and no forced twists, everything flowed so naturally to happy ending. But what amazed me the most is the fact that the author completely turned dirrrrty, erotic story from part one into highly emotional one in this third part. Totally not what I anticipated, I thought we would get entertaining hot stuff again (and don't get me wrong because there was plenty of that too), but I never expected it to be so good on the emotional level.

Aubrey finally grew some lady balls here and stood up for herself. After realising she couldn't have Andrew the way she wanted and that he didn't want to change and that he treated her like shit, she walked away not wanting to settle for less than she deserved.
"I actually miss when I was Alyssa and you were Thoreau.
Back when you were a fucking liar?
Back when you treated me better..."
I liked how passionate she was about her dancing career and that in spite of losing love, she was still able to move on and live her life to the full. And I was proud of her for being strong and not giving up on herself, even when Andrew jumped back to her life and tried to charm her with his filthy mouth.
"You would have to beg me to take you back, Andrew. Fucking beg me..."
And, oh he did. Not literally of course, but the way he did it made me smile so big:)))

Andrew....well, Andrew was still an asshole, no doubt here, but we got to know more of his past and what happened to make him be an asshole. That story really broke my heart and I fell even harder for him. And it turned out that asshole too had a heart and that heart was missing something or rather someone, once he got what he "wished" for. I loved how he fought to have her back, I loved how he grovelled, *sigh* and I loved how he opened up in his typical Andrew assholish style at the end.
"You're going to show me to your room so you and I can become reacquainted.
Reacquainted? Is that code for conversation?
It's code for fucking."
The epilogue was a cherry on top. Simply beautiful! In spite of everything, Andrew is still hot for Aubrey and wants his dirty way with her. Thank god, becuse I was scared he might have become wishy washy like Liam, and I really liked the asshole, filthy version of him.

I read a lot of serials, some are better, some are worse, this was for sure the best one I have ever read. That being said, I. LOVED. IT. PERIOD.
"I liked you as "Thoreau", but I love you as Andrew."
Ah yeah, me too....

Buddy read with Patty, Denisse, Sharon & Melissa. Thank you girls!
Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,070 followers
September 10, 2014

3.5 Stars because I LIKED it and some part I REALLY LIKED.

Andrew, of course, is ALWAYS dreamy and has a delightful brand of sarcasm, even though at times, he's undoubtedly a complete and utter bastard.

I like the way Aubrey deals with his asshole behaviour. I love her dream and the fact that it takes center stage in her life. Her courage and determination, despite fucking Andrew, shines through.

After such a wonderful start to this 3 part series, volume three felt a little rushed to tie everything up in a nice bow. I wanted to emotionally feel more intensity than I did. Some elements felt slightly disjointed, not everything was picture perfect clear and didn’t always add to the development of the story, for me personally. I found myself wanting to speed ahead and find the heart of the happenings. In this the final part everything becomes clear. All our wonderings, of this much anticipated story, are answered. I'm not entirely sure they were the revelations that I expected or wanted, although the ultimate love-ending did put a smile on my face and make me happy.

I adore this line. Beautiful.

Reasonable Doubt Volume one, for me, was a 5 star magical reading experience; it was wonderful in every way. It's true that volumes 2 & 3 didn't quite match that magic for my personal tastes, but never the less, it was an enjoyable read and I would NOT have wanted to miss GORGEOUS-SEXY-MAN-WHORE Andrew for anything.

September 9, 2014
4.75 Andrew's Hungry Cock Satisfies Stars!!
You are quite correct in your closing statement though: Having a subpar dick really isn't the end of the world. Having an un-fucked pussy is. ~ Thoreau

Andrew Hamilton and Aubrey Everhart are back in this much awaited conclusion. Andrew screwed up and Aubrey is NOT in a forgiving mood.

Aubrey has tried to get Andrew to apologize and admit his true feelings but Andrew is sticking to his philosophy: no feelings, just sex.

Aubrey's heartbroken. With the lack of an apology from Andrew, she makes a life-altering decision to move far away from Andrew.

Aubrey may have made the mistake of falling in love with Mr. Unavailable, Dirty-Talking, Hungry Cock Hamilton but it lead to pursuing her dream as a professional ballerina. Months later, Aubrey is moving on with her life in every way. She is even dating a fellow dancer, Brian, who I like to call Mr. Safe & Boring!!

Brian.....He was kind, sweet, funny, and the perfect example of what it meant to be a gentleman. He was the type that kissed you - softly and tenderly, whispering that he liked your lips but never taking things any further.

Yup.......like I said Brian was.......

Meanwhile, Andrew's past has come back and we find him in New York City pursing closure from his past. While in New York City, Andrew makes sure to insert himself back into Aubrey's world where the groveling commences.........

While I love Andrew's dirty-talking mouth, I loved seeing this more caring side of him. Andrew goes the extra mile to win Aubrey back.

I must now congratulate Whitney G in her success of not disappointing her readers with this conclusion of what has become my favorite serial. I was really worried the ending would fall flat and was soooooo relieved when it didn't. The disclosure of Andrew's past tore at my heart strings and the Epilogue.......I loved the Epilogue!! My only complaint is that I just wanted a little more detail in the ending before the Epilogue. That's why I couldn't give it 5 stars. I'm really going to miss dirty-talking Andrew and his hungry cock!! Thank you, Whitney, for creating one of my favorite book boyfriends!!

Thanks to my buddy reading bitches for reading along with me!! xoxo

Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
September 26, 2014

The final installment of this novella provides us with the closure and answers we all need. As Andrew’s past is slowly revealed a new side of him is exposed.

Aubrey did the one thing she wasn’t supposed to do. She fell in love with the man didn’t come back for seconds, except he did. With her. But that didn’t stop him from ruining it all with his harshness. A mechanism of self-preservation. As Aubrey’s focus changes and she decides to put her dreams first she finds that escaping the man that she can’t stop thinking about isn’t as easy as boarding a train. Andrew is the type of man that takes what he wants, the kind of man that won’t give up. In order for Aubrey to give in, he needs to reveal himself to her fully.


To say that Andrew is nestled nicely in the ranks of best assholes ever, is an understatement. The more of jerk he was the more I loved him. Although he got tender at times, his mouth was always there to remind us that he was filthy. Jesus, did that mouth do things to me. Give me a filthy taker with a chip on his shoulder and I will love him every time.

*** Image originally posted was flagged. Check out my Pinterest board to see it in all its glory. ***

What I loved most about the conclusion to this story and this series overall was that it could have been told in a much different way. One that gave us less suspense and less of a story; it still would have been hot – but the added complexity that was thrown in with regards to Andrew was done perfectly. The conclusion gives us a complete story. Not just an ending but the whole picture.

A blurb caught our attention, a few words made us take notice, but the story is what made us all stay. I look forward to seeing what else this author has for us in the future.

ARC won via Facebook contest by author.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,803 reviews2,318 followers
June 1, 2018
Full series currently on sale!
"One dinner. One night. No repeats."

Aubrey aka Alyssa is a Junior in college with a double major in pre-law and ballet. Her dream is to be a dancer, that's her true passion, not the law. But her parents want her to be lawyers like them, and the only way they'll pay for her tuition is if she pursues the career that they think is best. Needing help with her classes she joins a lawyer-chat site and meets "Thoreau."

Andrew aka 'Thoreau' is a high profile lawyer that's used to getting his way. He wants no commitment to a woman, only one night to get his fill of pussy and then to never see her again. Then he meets Alyssa on and helps her on a few of her cases, becoming more and more interested in her. That is until he meets her in person and realizes she's a liar just like everyone else. She's not Alyssa, a fellow lawyer, she's Aubrey, law student and ten years younger than him.

I just have to say, Andrew was a complete and utter asshole...and I loved every second of him! He never apologized for his personality, and for me that's what made me fall for his character. Would I like him in real life? Not a shot in hell. But in the fictional world, I loved how much of a bastard he was. I especially liked that it never changed, this wasn't one of those cliffhanger books where the characters seem to change out of no where. Andrew started as an asshole and ended as one, there was none of that "her magical vagina made me a better person" bullshit that I don't really like.
"Andrew was the epitome of what it meant to be an asshole."

Aubrey was kind of hot and cold throughout the story and there were times that I liked her character, but there were also moments when I didn't. She had some fight in her, and the times she stood up to Andrew and showed her backbone, I really liked. I thought it was great that she wasn't someone that he could push around all the time. But then also she had her moments when she cam off as being a little weak, and I didn't like her then.

The books were off the charts sexy, and I couldn't get enough of Andrew's filthy mouth. From book one we got these crazy things that he would say, and they lit my panties on fire. I honestly can't even say that they were the hottest things I've ever heard, but the way they were written and coming from such an intense character, that's what made them so sexy.

My rating for the third book went down a little because there was so much angst and drama, which started to annoy me a little bit since I'm not a huge fan of a lot of angst. But that was my only issue with this series, and the rest was highly enjoyable.

Overall, this is a great series that I'm glad I finally found out about and read. Each book goes together very well and the story flows smoothly through each volume, which I liked. If you enjoy reading an angst filled story about a dirty talking lawyer, and his younger intern, this is the book for you!

Volume One: 4 Stars
Volume Two: 4 Stars
Volume Three: 3 Stars
Overall Rating: 4 Stars
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
August 26, 2014
4.5--I Love a Good Grovel--Stars!!

Finally, the much anticipated conclusion of Andrew and Aubrey's story. With the way things ended in book 2, I was ready to see where the story would go.

What I loved most was that Aubrey grew some lady balls...

"You would have to beg me to take you back, Andrew. Fucking beg me..."

And Andrew had to do some serious groveling!

I still loved Andrew just as much in the end as I did in the beginning. Getting the complete story of his past and how he went from caring, thoughtful Liam to cold, callous Andrew. Things made a lot more sense.

I loved the hate emails between Andrew and Aubrey. Just as the love ones did in the past, these made me laugh out loud. I really never doubted that Andrew and Aubrey belonged together...

"I liked you as 'Thoreau', but I loved you as Andrew."

I loved seeing Aubrey finally stick up for herself and go after her dreams, whether Andrew was part of the picture or not.

I thought this was a really well-done conclusion. I lost a bit of interest waiting for this book and had I read all three back to back I possibly would have rated this one higher. But overall, I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews286 followers
August 24, 2014
Felt like forever for this last book! But it was well worth the wait! And the cover? Love it!

I'll keep this short and spoiler-free, since a TON of stuff gets revealed here. This was much longer than the last two, And I gotta say, this is the best serial I've read so far! It was heavy on the plot and provided steam in a way that complemented the story, not overwhelmed it. Sexy time was well placed, not inappropriate and it was hot!
This starts about 2 weeks where RD 2 left off. Aubrey has been rudely kicked out of Andrew's apartment and she's hurt beyond reason. Andrew is a glorified asshole for the first half of this book and I felt Aubrey's pain when dealing with his vicious and insensitive comments.

But Aubrey is a strong young woman. She's makes a decision that changes everything. I won't say more about that, but the fallout for Andrew was bittersweet. He deserved a wake up call and she deserved what she's always wanted from him. Everything gets explained here, and I have to say it broke my heart. Looking back at Andrew's interaction with his ex, she deserved it and more. But the greatest thing about this? Andrew! He's not only a dirty talker, but has the most fabulous comebacks and rebuttals I've ever heard! Incredibly witty and hilarious comments from this guy! But that's not all. His fall from assholedom was worth every rude comment. He comes back finally fighting for Aubrey and I loved it! The story was very engrossing and although the author kept the details of Andrew's trial vague, she more than made up for it in consistency and pacing. Loved the epilogue, I think it would have been nice seeing more of Andrew and Aubrey, like more detailed insight into their life, but I still finished satisfied. For all you RD fans, this will not disappoint!

** Copy provided by the author for review **
Profile Image for  Nayeli ♡.
173 reviews153 followers
April 22, 2021
⭐ 2.25 Stars ⭐

I don't even know what else to say about this series, it just went downhill for me, so...

First of all, finally a plot!! Omg, I was so tired of reading just sex scenes😭

↳ What I didn't like about this third book?:

1. I still couldn't connect with the MCs, especially Aubrey. I was tired of reading her POV'S. And her parents wanting to finally create a family relationship? No way I was going to believe that, it was very forced💀

2. With the first two books I laughed a lot and really enjoyed the story; but I would be lying if I said that this was better, because it wasn't.

3. The number of times Aubrey made comments like these to Andrew:

"You only want my fucking pussy."

"I want to be friends with someone who's interested in more than my pussy."

"Now, please leave me alone. I'm out with someone who admires my brain more than my pussy."

And this one tho...

"Reacquainted?" I moaned as he cupped my ass. "Is the code for conversation?"
"It's code for fucking."
"Would it kill you to say make love just once?"
"Depends on if you love me or not."

UMMM ANDREW, DARLING...WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU?! The girl you are supposed to be in love with is telling you to be a gentleman, and you are throwing your stupid comments.

Until now, I still don't know how many times she said things like that to him. But every time she did, I felt sorry for her because I couldn't believe that Andrew really loved her. Sorry, not sorry, that wasn't romantic at all.

↳ My biggest problem was A-sshole-ndrew, obviously🙅🏼‍♀️

What can I say about him?
First, there was no development of his character. I was tired and angry throughout the book because of how his acting was really rude and annoying. Apparently Andrew thought treating everyone like they meant nothing was a good idea.

I know I was supposed to empathize with him after the author has told us his tragic story. Therefore, I should have connected more with him, and to be completely honest, I really did, but to a certain point...
Now, what was wrong? Something that really infuriated me was when he was talking about how he was so sad about losing his daughter and how he mourned her. But suddenly, it was just at that moment that he realized he needed to have sex again because he hadn't had it in a long time?! 💩

"I gave her the paper and walked away. Her bringing up sex was a reminder of how long it'd been since I slept with someone.
And then it hit me: Sex.
I needed some badly."


Andrew, I didn't want you to tell me that you wanted to have sex, I was just trying to understand why you were acting like an idiot😐

Why did the author have to end the most special chapter like this?

↳ Now, the only thing I liked:
Just the last 20% 😂. This was the longest book in the series and for what? I still do not understand. Everything that interested me happened in that last 20% and I really think this could have been shorter, but anyway.
Oh, another thing that I liked! His tragic past was credible, at least it wasn't something too dramatic or unnecessary like in other books where the authors make it seem like a BIG problem, but in the end it is not.

Overall I thought I was going to like this book more because the first two were entertaining, but this one didn't live up to my expectations☹️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
March 24, 2016
Well, I got through all three books and I must say I enjoyed them all. Andrew - he was a dick for most of the series but we got a bit of grovelling in the end. Book three was the best of the lot - we got to find out about Andrew's story!

... love, heartbreak, devastation ...

I love any book with a "Law" theme.

Will definitely check out more by this author.

Profile Image for Brandi.
656 reviews1,467 followers
August 29, 2014
Loved it. I mean it's Andrew. While at times Aubrey made me want to slam my head into a wall. Andrew. Well. I love him. He gets 5++ stars <3

Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
December 20, 2016
“I told you that I loved you…”
“I told you that you shouldn’t have.”

The third book of the series is definitely different in comparison to the previous two:
• It is longer.
• There is more New York, less Durham in the picture.
• There is drama, but the pain feels more real. Well, when people are playing with a child’s life, the pain always looks more real to me.
• Although, Andrew is still a smart-mouth and dirty-mouth bastard, you actually like him in this book. His behavior towards sex, women and the fear of a possible betrayal is explained.
• Aubrey on the other hand grows a backbone. She is more demanding. She realizes that she is important and valuable and everyone who has her is lucky. She wants more from Andrew and she lets him know that.
• Both of them are talking about love for the first time. Aubrey talks openly and demands things. She stands up for herself. On the other hard (until the very end) Andrew hides away from his truth, does not say anything and drives Aubrey away.
• My God, the things Andrew is saying. I didn’t know if I was supposed to laugh or shout at him or just stay with my mouth open. Unbelievable!
• The book is definitely heartbreaking and emotional, but it has its funny moments.
• The emotions are deeper and the characters have a substance. Their actions have a meaning.

Overall I really enjoyed the series. Time was flying, when I was reading the books. Lots of Laughs!
It is definitely recommended for all romance lovers.
Profile Image for [~Ami~]♥Sexy Dexy♥ .
501 reviews475 followers
August 28, 2014
4 stars

The final part to Andrew and Aubrey story. Will we finally know the guy behind the "One dinner. One night. No repeats"?

Still love Andrew, he was still *cough* charming as ever. Loved their email and text exchanges. It missed a 5 star because maybe it felt like there was all the build up and not enough of them being an actual couple.

I would recommend if you like your heroes a bit broken and dirty talker. It ended perfectly and I can't wait to see what this author will bring out next.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,582 followers
July 27, 2017
3.5 Stars

Overall Opinion: I still think the first book was the best in the series. I'm happy that this one was longer, but I feel like there was a lot more that could've happened before the series ended. I appreciated finally getting the H's backstory, and I also appreciated that the h wasn't a doormat. I am disappointed in the epilogue though. There looks to be an "extended epilogue" listed here on GR, so I might look into finding that (didn't find it on Amazon) to get myself a little more closure. After investing 3 books to this couple I really wanted a concrete HEA! Overall, I did enjoy this series :)

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is the conclusion of Aubrey and Andrew's story. This takes off where the last book ended. Aubrey decides to make some big life changes, and ends up dropping all contact with Andrew because of what happened during the cliffhanger. They spend some time apart, there is some drama and big secrets revealed, and some sexy times...and they get a HFN ending.

POV: This alternated between Aubrey and Andrew's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good. This one was longer, but I still read it quickly. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.

Instalove: No, but we do get "I love yous" in this one!

H rating: 4 stars. Andrew. I felt bad for his past once it was revealed, and it explained his jerkish (yes, I probably made up that word) behavior in my eyes. He was still hot too!

h rating: 4 stars. Aubrey. I was super happy that she no longer took the H's bad treatment, and she made him work to get her back. I did think her relationship with the OM was pretty stupid.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed.

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Moderate. They still have some hot chemistry and scenes.

Descriptive sex: Yes

Safe sex: Yes

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No


Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: I'm a greedy greedy girl, and yet again this just wasn't nearly enough closure for me! I would call it a HFN ending, but others might be fine calling it a HEA .

How I got it: It was part of my kindle unlimited subscription.

Safety: I'd call this one Safe with exception or Safe depending on personal preferences.
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,035 followers
May 11, 2015
It all started with:


Everything we had was built on lies...

I've completed all three volumes and Andrew's a dirty mouth is very intriguing part of this series. While this couple had its ups and downs... throughout it all it was-> ENTERTAINING. If you like a dirty talker who is an assh*le then this novella series is for you. Plus, I forgot to mention the sexy times are off the charts.

Reasonable Doubt Volume 1 (Reasonable Doubt, #1) by Whitney Gracia Williams Reasonable Doubt Volume 2 (Reasonable Doubt, #2) by Whitney Gracia Williams Reasonable Doubt Volume 3 (Reasonable Doubt, #3) by Whitney Gracia Williams
Continuing novellas that must be read in volume order.

descriptive text here
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
August 28, 2014
*****4.5 STARS*****
(BR with Mel, Dee, Sharon, and Mysza)

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Well we've come to the final installment of the "Reasonable Doubt" series, and I am sad that I have to say goodbye to Andrew Hamilton and his sexy, dirty talking ways!! Back in my youth, I pretty much would have slapped any man who talked to me the way that Andrew does to women, but now I find some of my TOP book boyfriends are the filthiest talkers!! I think my taste in men, over the years, has improved, just like a fine wine.

After having thought about this one over night, I had to deduct a half point for minor issues I had with the story. Nothing detrimental, but I couldn't honestly give this the full five because it wasn't as PERFECT as the first book was. But still it was very enjoyable and well worth reading!

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Andrew has broken off things with Aubrey and she's stunned by his cold, and callous behavior towards her. I felt so bad for poor Aubrey and was hoping that things would turn around for her. I really just wanted to kick Andrew in the nuts a few times, but then he starts talking in his usual dirty manner and I forgave him instantly.

You and I will be fucking a few months from now, and the only reason I'll be okay with not seeing your face is because you'll be riding my cock as I bend your ass over a table.

Need I say more?? SO DAMN HOT!!!
If a man is that good at the dirty talk, he's even better at sex!!
Andrew definitely is very talented in that area.

Aubrey will finally get the push she needs to make drastic changes.
She goes off to NYC to try out for the New York Ballet Company and actually gets selected as a dancer. She's moving on from her heart break over Andrew. When Andrew goes back to NY to be a witness in a court case against his wife and old partner, he stumbles across a newspaper article that features Aubrey and mentions an upcoming fund raising event that she will be performing at. Andrew has missed her and had no clue she had left NC and moved to NY. He makes it his mission to reach out to her.

I loved that Aubrey was tough on Andrew. He had put her through an emotional ringer and had a lot to make up for.
Andrew wasn't going to get the girl so easily this time and it was the kick in the butt he needed.

We learn what happened between Andrew and his wife, Ava, six years ago, when he lived in New York. Emma's story is also revealed and it was completely heart breaking. Andrew/Liam was a completely different man all those years ago. He was a loving husband and devoted father. His evil ex wife is who helped to shape who Andrew Hamilton is today. He closed off his heart and only used women for one night stands.
Aubrey managed to captivate Andrew and ended up proving to him that he had it in him to love again.

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I loved how the story ended but had issues with why Ava was such a wretched bitch to Andrew, and I honestly didn't fully comprehend why he felt it necessary to change his name. There was a little reveal about Emma which I believe the story could have done without.

Overall, Reasonable Doubt, was an amazing series and it's not one I will soon forget. I will always swoon whenever Andrew Hamilton is mentioned.
August 28, 2014

I'm disappointed in the fact that I didn't enjoy this series as much as everyone else.

I'll keep this brief.

1. 5 Stars for Andrew because he was the perfect broody and angsty alpha male

2. 1 Star for Aubrey because I never connected with her character.

I think when it comes to the erotica genre it comes down to this for me:

So I probably had no business reading this series in the first place.

Have a great day everyone!
Profile Image for La-Lionne.
484 reviews822 followers
September 8, 2014
***1 shockingly disapointing star***

I don't even know where to begin. I think the reason my disappointment was so great, was because I loved the first two episodes. I was expecting the same quality of work from the third.

The beginning wasn't bad. Actually, it was great. It had the same vibe as the first two installments - plenty of dirty talk and witty remarks. I was having a blast, until I hit 15-or-so% mark, and started to pay attention to the background story. It turned out my enjoinment was short lived. I soon realized that it was a complete and utter mess.

I loved Andrew/Liam in the first two books, and I thought Aubrey was all right character too. Little did I know, that when the shit will hit the fan, none of them will be able to handle it.


Here are the issues that led me to 1-star-ing this last book:

1. A heroine with a zero self-respect.
At the end of the previous episode, he told her:
"Make sure you get all of your shit out of my bathroom. You won't be coming back here again.
I was sure that in this installment, he will be walking through hell and high water, trying to get her back. That didn't happen.
“I told you that I loved you…” The words rushed out of my mouth.
“I told you that you shouldn’t have.”
“You can’t really be this callous and cold of a person, Andrew…”
She's not even asking for the reason why he kicked her out after fucking her. She thinks that just because she told him she loved him, he suppose to be a done deal. Desperate and whiny chicks are extremely unattractive.

2. A heroine who thinks she's a fucking center of the universe and everyone owes her special favors.
Here is the quote from the scene where she was late to the audition at New York Fucking City Ballet Company. The most prestige ballet company in a world. Every little ballerina dreams of dancing with them when they grow up. However, this one thinks she's speshuuul and is entitled to shit.
“Good morning, Mr. Ashcroft. My name is Aubrey Everhart and I’m—”
“Late.” He cut me off. “You’re also the only performer who isn’t wearing the mandatory white.”
“Yes, well…” I stammered. “That’s why I want to speak with you.”
“I want to know if you would allow me to go home and change.”
“And why would I allow that, Miss Everhart?”
“So I can audition with the group this afternoon and be judged fairly. I just think that I’ve already—”
And that's not all. She didn't get to go home and change, and she did had a shitty audition - didn't make the cut. But the fucking entitled little thing that she is, didn't gave up.
“Enraged, I marched up the stage’s steps and took a seat on the white line. I untied my right slipper and prepared another one—bending it forward and backward until it felt right. (...)“I walked over to the pianist. “Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake. Act two, scene fourteen. Do you know that piece?”
“Umm…” He looked confused.
“Do you know it or not?” (...)“Before I knew it, I was in a trance and I was dancing in the middle of Times Square, underneath flashing lights and a star-filled sky.
I continued dancing long after the last note,”
I would've called an ambulance on this auditionee. Is she crazy or what?
It reminded me a lot of the bad American Idol and The X Factor auditions, when the judges start waving their arms and legs, trying to stop the horse-like singing, calling for the security to escort the person out, and the person just refuse to take a no for an answer and keeps singing.
But it is a fictional story, disappointingly, they overlooked her craziness and hired her. I don't think they realized that they will be over their heads with this so-called star. Later in the story, this happened:
“In the final frame, where the love of my life vows to die with me instead of honoring his mistaken promise to the black swan, I can’t help but deviate from the choreography.
Instead of taking his hand and letting him lead me into the “water,” I leapt into his arms—letting him hold me high for all the other swans to see.”
I'm lost for words. I have no fucking clue how she managed to leap into his arms without rehearsing it first! I imagined her jumping and flying into his arms, him looking puzzled at her flying through the air, and her landing face first on the floor. How he read her mind in that split second is still a mystery to me.

Then there is the fact that every time she preformed, audience applauded only her, the crowd went fucking wild, not for the other dancers. For instance:
“One by one, the dancers came out—reciting a short monologue and dancing to a short piece of piano music. While most of the performers were entertaining, a few of them made me wonder if they’d simply awoken this morning and decided try ballet for the first time.
In between the sets, I could hear a few murmurs from the crowd: “Are they sure this is their best cohort?” “Maybe they should’ve canceled the season after that accident…” “Hopefully, they’ll be having nonstop rehearsals until the season actually begins…”
This, my friends, is the prestige company of NY City ballet! Dancers dancing like they just woken up and are trying ballet for the first time. But don't worry, the day was saved by:
“Aubrey shut her eyes and started her routine, dancing as if she was the only person here.
There was an immediate change in the gala’s atmosphere. Everyone watching her was fully engaged—captivated, by her every move.”

3. From loving to hating Andrew/Liam.
After I finished the book, I realized that the dude is tolerable only in small doses. I enjoyed reading about him treating everyone like shit, but not more than 60 pages per installment. 140 pages of it drove me to the brick of insanity.
Remember him telling her to fuck off because he didn't do relationships? For some reason, I thought he will cut his bullshit and try to win his way back. He did, by sending her harassing emails. Why? Because chicks dig that!
"Subject: Thoreau & Alyssa.

You once said that you missed when we were Thoreau and Alyssa because I supposedly treated you better. I don’t think I treated you any differently. I just really wanted to fuck you. But when we did meet in person, I unfortunately wanted to fuck you even more.

I personally prefer us as “Andrew & Aubrey” because on a night like tonight, when there’s nothing I would rather do than fuck you against my balcony until you cum, at least I can actually picture what your pussy feels like and no longer have to imagine.

Pick up the phone…
Even though the last two words of your resignation letter were ridiculous and unprofessional, I’d like to take you up on your offer to fuck you.

Name the time.

Subject: My Suit.

Since you have yet to pick up your final check, should I assume that’s your way of letting me keep it to replace the suit you ruined?

Subject: BALLET.

I stopped by your dance hall earlier. You weren’t there.

Did you quit that, too?
Now, in some weird way, it does look like he's trying to reconnect with her. But every time she shows up in his office, answers his emails or calls, he continues to treat her like shit and gives her responses among the lines of "Is that all? Now fuck off, you liar. Oh, and I missed the taste of your pussy." Then he proceeds with harassing her with inappropriate emails, messages, calls and even visits. What the goddamn fuck is this bullshit?
Rather than ignoring his bullcrap and giving him time to reflect over his actions, letting him come to his senses, she participates in it and keeps feeding the monster with "Leave me alone. Don't contact me anymore. If you had really missed my pussy you would..." All throughout the fucking book.
Then, be still my heart, comes the long awaited apology, for treating her like shit. He did not said the words himself, no, he went for the "better" option:
“Opening the doors, I noticed everything was set up exactly as I asked: A lone white clothed table sat in front of a dancing fire, soft lights hung in waves across the trellis, and through the falling snow, the words “I’m sorry” twinkled against the building directly across from us.””
Totally what I expected a guy like him would do, "I'm sorry" twinkling against the building. NOT!

4. While we're on the subject of character inconsistencies and things that make no sense, let's talk about the background story. Which was not only all over the place, took too much space than it should've (or not enough in some scenes), was rushed and very poorly researched as well.
“Miss Everhart—” I cleared my throat. “I mean, Miss Everly, do you believe that leaving your husband in his time of need was what was best for your company?”
“Mr. Hamilton, you and your company led your employees to believe that you cared about them, that you had their best interests at heart, and that you would literally communicate the actual changes you would make before termination. Are those promises not directly from your company’s brochure?”
It seems that all the evidence are based on feelings of the offended party, or what a fucking brochure said, rather than the law and hard evidence.

To me, it felt like a lot of the court procedure scenes were thrown solely for the story to sound more dramatic, and were used just to talk smack about the other main character. Which not only made that character to lose the appeal, it made the story very Spanish telenovela-like. The drama in those scenes was beyond unrealistic. The questions that were asked were completely irrelevant to the cases and the behavior of people involved were beyond juvenile. Keep in mind that Andrew had never lost a case, because he's the shark, the shit, the best lawyer there is. How he has never lost a case behaving like this, is beyond my apprehension. I got the impression that the "research" was done buy watching TV shows rather than going to the legitimate sources.
“Is it possible that you’re a fucking liar?”
“Order! Order!” The judge banged her gavel and the jury gasped.
“Counsel, my chambers. NOW!”
If you decide to use that much of the digital space of your book on the subject, try make it sound at least a little bit realistic. In what court in a world would a judge start banging with his gavel shouting "My chambers!" without previous warnings? In a TV show, that's where!

Then there is the fact that every time there was a show, the performers had to present themselves, hold a little speech, then afterwards, mingle with the crowd begging for donations. Does that sound like a brothel or a strip club, or what? Director kept interrupting the show to announce some shit or other. I don't know if any of you ever been at ballet show, but from my experience, directors don't pimp their shows out every five minutes into the performance and announce that after the show, the dancers will be blending into the crowd to introduce themselves, so audience can get to know them. The likelihood of well know dance company as NY City Ballet doing that, is even less likely.
In this story, the line between fiction and a complete bullshit is very thin, and in a lot of the scenes, non existing.

5. The author's need to explain basics, because readers are that dumb.
“The orchestra struck a sudden loud chord that reverberated through the room, and a voice came over the speakers.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” it said. “The Benjamin Wright Orchestra will now play their rendition of one of Tchaikovsky’s most revered pieces. The tempo of this song has a similar pacing for what some of you may know as the waltz.”
I've never been at the ballet show where someone interrupted to announce something or other, or to explain anything. I bought the ticked, found the brochure to fallow the program, and enjoyed the dance. What the hell is this nonsense? It happened every time she preformed!

“Out of nowhere, a male dancer joined her, picking her up and holding her high above his head—spinning her around as the music became harsher.
I don't think he came out of nowhere, I'm pretty sure it was planned and rehearsed a thousand times. Plus, I would've loved if the author had called it "présage", rather than going into juvenile description of the movement. But whatever.

Bottom line: the only 140+ pages story had way too much going on. First you have the rocky and endless back and forward drama type of relationship of the two main characters. Which doesn't resolve until 99% into the story (I shit you not! She dumps him couple of pages before the end, and then takes him back again!). Then you have the relationship and the drama/struggles between our heroine and her new boyfriend. Than there is a nagging ex wife and the bickering between her and him, random, and IMO irrelevant and unnecessary, court procedures, a greave of a dead daughter that isn't a daughter, poor attempted at the dance career with countless auditions, training sessions and performances, a bankrupt firm and change of an identity. Then, on the first page of the prologue, I read "Good morning professor Hamilton." Are you fucking kidding me?

This book was nothing what I expected to be. I'm still shocked that I disliked it as much as I did.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,323 reviews590 followers
March 6, 2019
3.5 Stars

The first half of this story was heading dangerously into 2 star territory for me. I just could not fathom how Andrew would redeem himself before the series drew to a close. His treatment of Aubrey was reprehensible. He was callous and hurtful, and his arrogance seemed to know no bounds. I honestly felt like cheering when Aubrey up and left the state, blocking his calls and telling him promptly to f*ck off every time he tried to weasel his way back into her life.

During the first half of this story I didn’t want Andrew and Aubrey to end up together. It was as simple as that.

But then the flashback chapter happened and I finally learned the full extent of what Andrew went through in his mysterious past. It made me indignant on his behalf and I even cried learning the true extent of his loss. Suddenly his present mindset and behaviour started to make a hell of a lot more sense. His past betrayals and heartaches didn’t excuse his current heinous treatment of Aubrey (or really anyone he came into contact with across the series), but it at least began to explain why he was such a bastard and hated the world, making him a little more understandable and a little more tolerable.

By the end, much like Aubrey, I was fairly forgiving towards Andrew’s prior mistreatments, especially when he showed his remorse and expressed his love for Aubrey, even if it was in a very Andrew “I’m-still-an-asshole-to-my-core” sort of way. I began to believe again that they’d work long-term, and even though I didn’t find anything about Andrew and Aubrey’s relationship romantic - they were super hot, sure, and what they shared was definitely complex and meaningful, but it was not my idea of romance - I still found the story to be very addictive in nature and I have zero regrets about spending the last four days devouring all three novellas.
August 31, 2014
The last book in the series starts with Andrew and Aubrey breaking up. Andrew's realized he's let Aubrey in too far and has to push her back and well, Aubrey doesn't like that one bit!

Aubrey was great in this installment. She stands up for herself and definitely keeps Andrew on his toes. The coffee scenes bust me up!


Andrew is still a big ol' jerk but luckily he does soften up a bit. It was hard reading about his history and what happened but I was happy to finally get some answers.

These two are still as steamy as ever! But it was disappointing that it wasn't as much as the first two books.

Aubrey's parents were really horrible. I was expecting more out of them especially after she stood up for herself.


The epilogue was wonderful though...and perfect. I just wanted more especially after everything they went through!


Favorite quotes

Subject: You.

I liked you as “Thoreau,” but I love you as Andrew.

— Aubrey (Alyssa)

♥ “I missed you so much,” I whispered. “So f*cking much…”

♥ "Five more minutes!"

♥ “I send you flowers every day—every. f*cking. day.” I stepped forward. “I tell you that I love you and that you complete me, every day and this is what I get in return?”

*BR w/Melissa, Patty, Dee and Mysza!*

Profile Image for Flo.
285 reviews589 followers
August 16, 2015
4.5 I wish there was more STARS

Sigh. Andrew and Aubrey. Oh, how I missed you. I really did. But then I had to re-read the old books after all...because I somehow forgot what happened. Anyway...you were finally here...but it didn't last very long, did it?

So, after becoming 'friends' online, lying to each other a little bit, suddenly becoming co-workers and having some of the hottest office sex ever, these two enter into the final chapter of their whirlwind romance in Reasonable Doubt Vol.3.

”Do you believe in reasonable doubt, Mr Hamilton?”

Where to begin?

Oh, Andrew. He has issues. I love to start my reviews with this particular phrase, it usually doesn't bode well for all involved and gives me something to giggle and complain about. His past caught up with him and stirred some unwanted fears which in return brought up all his insecurities (or I guess that is what that is supposed to be) and made him kick out poor Aubrey.

To say that I was shocked about his overall assholishness would be a huge understatement. Andrew is a world class dick, but unfortunately a loveable one.

And as luck would have it his girl has some mad forgiveness skills...well not after giving him some hell back, but still...Aubrey sure has a high tolerance for bullshit.

”You would have to be me to take you back, Andrew. Fucking beg me.”

I was cheering when she finally pulled the plug and took her life into her own hands and not just to deal with Andrew, but also her god-awful parents. You really don't need enemies when you have friends/family like that.

Yes, Andrew is an asshole, but for me finally seeing where he came from and what he lost made all the difference in the world. I would have been very surprised if he had been able to have a normal relationship after that kind of betrayal and deception. He has issues he needs to acknowledge and deal with and if he decides at some point that he wants that sexy ballet dancer back...well, he will have to work for it, right?

Aubrey always felt a little indecisive and weak to me, but she finally grew into her own in this instalment and it was marvellous to witness. She is one strong character and I love, love, love that she is a ballerina. I used to dance ballet and I had to give it up after an accident and this book hits me right in the feels that way. *sniffs*

”I liked you as ‘Thoreau’, but I love you as Andrew.”

I loved Reasonable Doubt Vol.3. We finally get some answers, a lot of heartache, bad timing and questionable decision making. You know I'm always here for that kind of thing.

Prepare for a very emotional read and a little less sexy time, but I can assure you will be very satisfied regardless. To me the conclusion for Andrew and Aubrey's story felt absolutely right and I wouldn't have it any other way. Deal with it!

**short and sweet, sorry...I've got no time, a headache and I'm tired ;P

Profile Image for Vina.
192 reviews217 followers
January 13, 2015
This series was exactly what I needed right now: a quick , fun, hot as fuck, steamy read.

Andrew (or Liam, whatever ) : you can't help but love the men .He can be such an unapologetic asshole and I couldn't believe some of the stuff that came out of his mouth; but what a DIRTY TALKER! I would probably faint right away if a guy say to me half of the things that men get out of his mouth.

Aubrey : what can I say ?I was so proud of her for so many reasons.For one I loved how she stood against her (fucking stupid) parents , especially since she still needs them financially.I know how hard that can be because I tried with mine. I loved how she chased her dreams and I loved that she didn't always put up with Andrew's crap.

Great ending to a great novella series!
Profile Image for Jess-i-ca .
796 reviews777 followers
September 2, 2014
It was a nice ending to their story. A little more drama and back and forth than I would prefer but whatever....
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,279 reviews

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