Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥'s Reviews > Carry On

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: young-adult, favorites

”You’re so alive, Simon Snow.
You got my share of it.”

This is probably going to be the most incoherent review I’ve ever written but I just can’t seem to be able to contain myself!!! I mean we’re talking about SIMON AND BAZ!!! BAZ AND SIMON!!! <333

Their love reduced me to a babbling and giggling mess and I can’t stop to grin! I’m still grinning like a Cheshire cat and it’s starting to hurt!!! BUT oh god, how much I loved those two!!!
There are no words that would do them justice so suffice it to say that I died at least a thousand deaths!! <333 They are too freaking adorable and I want more!! I just want more!!! Rainbow do you hear me?!

I. WANT. MORE!!!! *dies*


Oh, sorry! Was I out cold again?

Anyway!!! =)

And Baz and Simon GAVE ME LIFE!!! <3333

They obviously gave me cardiac arrhythmia too and I think chances are high I’ll never recover!!! Still, I’ll never regret that I read this book and it will forever have a special place in my heart! =)))

This said I’m heading straight to the characters section because I’m pretty certain that you all know about the plot by now! ;-) If not: The Insidious Humdrum (Haha! What a name!!!) is threatening to destroy the magical world and Simon Snow isn’t only the most powerful mage of the world but also the only one who seems to be able to stop him.

Okay, from now on there will be a ton of spoilers and quotes and uncontrolled, incoherent stuttering! If you still want to continue: You’ve been warned!!! ;-P


”I don’t know”, he says, closing his eyes. “I guess I’ve never thought much about what I am. I’ve got a lot on my plate.”

Simon Snow!!! He’s clumsy, completely oblivious, he doesn’t get anything right and he’s basically a catastrophe walking on two legs! And for some reason that makes him adorable as hell!!! *LOL* Seriously, Simon is like a puppy you just want to cuddle! I can understand why Baz loves him so much and can’t seem to be able to get enough of him! Gosh there were so many moments between those too! It was so funny to see how obsessed Simon was and to read that he had absolutely no clue why he was even so obsessed with Baz! XD I mean Jeez Louise!!! He noticed that Baz looked thinner than usual and that he’s limping and he ran to his house at Christmas just to tell him what he’d found out! Ohh and how he almost lost his mind just because Baz wore jeans!!!!! *LOL* I loved their conversations, because they were always so tender and sweet! Even when they still claimed to be enemies there was always tension in the air!!! <333

”I don’t get to choose a plan. I just take it as it comes. And someday, something will catch me unawares or be too big to fight, but I’ll fight anyway. I’ll fight until I can’t anymore – what is there to think about?”

”I’ve never turned my back on you. And I’m not starting now.”

”He’s not a monster. He’s just a villain.
He’s not a villain. He’s just a boy.
I’m kissing a boy.
I’m kissing Baz.”

CHAPTER 61 WAS MY UNDOING!!! I read it 8 times!!! I just couldn’t stop to read it!!! It was so damn sweet!!! What they thought, how they reacted! AREAFDKASDLFASDFKASFDJA!!!! I CAN’T EVEN!!!!

”I’m going to die kissing Simon Snow…
Simon Snow is going to die kissing me.”


”Why are you already weeping?” he snarled. “You’re ruining my plans to push you to tears.”

Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch!!! THAT BOY LITERALLY KILLED ME!!! I loved everything about Baz!!! Oh god, I can’t even!!! I’m fangirling so hard here I have to calm down so I can write a proper sentence!!! XD Okay, I think I can write now! I loved how rude he was, how his actions were in stark contrast to everything he thought!!! ARGH!!! AEDKLASDLKFASKD!!! His attitude!!! I mean he really “dared them fucking all” and it was sooo damn amazing to watch!!! XD BUT oh god! His thoughts were so hilarious and tender and I couldn’t get enough of it!!! Baz’s chapters gave me LIFE and I loved each and every single one of them!!! I loved how he noticed that Simon was too thin and how he tried to get him to eat something when they were about to solve the mystery of his mother’s death! I mean he even thought about bringing Simon food, because he knows that he needs it to function properly!!! And he didn’t let him go on Christmas!!! Every single one of Baz’s actions was performed with deliberate care and Simon never realised anything!!! <333 Haha! Oh and that moment when Baz called Simon “love” for the very first time? IT WAS THE DEATH OF ME!!! <333

”And when I felt myself slipping too far, I held on to the one thing I’m always sure of –
Blue eyes.
Bronze curls.
The fact that Simon Snow is the most powerful magician alive. That nothing can hurt him, not even me.
That Simon Snow is alive.
And I’m hopelessly in love with him.”

”It dawned on me during our fifth year. When he followed me around like a dog tied to my ankle. When he wouldn’t give me a single moment of solace to sort through my feelings – or try to wank them away.”

”Sharing a room with the person you want most is like sharing a room with an open fire.
He’s constantly drawing you in. And you’re constantly stepping too close. And you know it’s not good – that there is no good – that there’s absolutely nothing that can ever come of it.
But you do it anyway.
And then …
Well. Then you burn.”

”You were the sun, and I was crashing into you. I’d wake up every morning and think, ‘This will end in flames.’ “


I was so glad that Simon had her as a friend!! Penelope is amazing and I loved how she bonded with Baz!!! XD Their conversation about his mother was so intriguing and I think their friendship will be awesome! =))) Plus I loved how Penny thought about Simon. Her POV was always so nice to read because she truly cared about him and always wanted his best! She wanted him to be okay, to survive and if it would have been possible she would have even run away with him!! Penny is intelligent, brilliant and blunt and probably the best friend anyone can have! In short: She is amazing and Simon was more than just lucky to have her at his side!!! <333


”I can’t break up with Simon for a Tory vampire – my parents would disown me. And I don’t even know what that would entail. Would I have to be evil?”

I didn’t like Agatha!!! She was such an egoistic and spoilt brat!!! She was so self-centred; she never even spent a thought about what other people wanted! To read her POV was horrible and the more I read about her, the more I disliked her! How can anyone be so shallow-brained? Plus, she ran away and never even thought about helping her friends!!! What a stupid girl!!!

”I wish I were wearing something other than leggings and Ugg boots. I always figured I’d make a more beautiful corpse.”

The Mage:

”The Greatest Mage is our only hope now.
But our greatest mage is fundamentally flawed. Cracked. Broken.”

The second character I didn’t like! The mage was so mean! All he wanted to do was to use his son and poor Simon would have done almost everything in order to please him!! I hated how he thought about Simon and I felt really sorry for Lucy! She didn’t deserve to be used like that! =( It makes me sad that Simon never found out who his parents were and I kind of hate Agatha for keeping it a secret! I mean if she would have told them about Lucy and Davy, Simon and the others sooner or later would have figured it out! I’m sure of that!!! But since she was a coward and ran away they never even got a chance to think about it!

All told, I really loved this book and I never ever wanted it to end! I swear I’m going to buy a physical copy of “Carry On” and then I’ll take it to my bed and cuddle it until I fall asleep!!! *LOL* Yes, that’s how much I loved it!!! <333

So if you want some fluff in your life, if you want to grin like a Cheshire cat and if you want to laugh out loud while sitting in a train: READ THIS BOOK!!! You won’t regret it! ;-P

”What you are is a fucking tragedy, Simon Snow. You literally couldn’t be a bigger mess.”
He tries to kiss me, but I hold back – “And you like that?”
“I love it,” he says.
“Because we match.”

Artist credit: mitsouparker @ tumblr:
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Quotes Virginia Ronan Liked

Rainbow Rowell
“Sharing a room with the person you want most is like sharing a room with an open fire.

He's constantly drawing you in. And you're constantly stepping too close. And you know it's not good--that there is no good--that there's absolutely nothing that can ever come of it.

But you do it anyway.
And then...
Well. Then you burn.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“I think I might kiss him. He's right here. And his lips are hanging open (mouth breather) and his eyes are alive, alive, alive.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“If Baz thinks I’m ever letting him go, he’s wrong. I like him like this. Under my thumb. Under my hands. Not off plotting and scheming and talking to vampires.
I’ve got you now, I think. I’ve finally got you where I want you.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“Even some of our cookbooks are banned. (Though it's been centuries, at least, since the Pitches ate fairies.) (You can't even find fairies anymore.) (And it isn't because we ate them all.)”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On
tags: baz

Rainbow Rowell
"I just-"
"I worry-"
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“I think again about pulling my hands away -- but Snow could light fires in my palms at this point, and I wouldn't pull away. It feels like he has.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“I can't always tell when Baz is mocking me. He's got a cruel mouth. It looks like he's sneering even when he's happy about something. Actually, I don't know if he ever is happy. It's like he's got two emotions -- pissed off and sadistically amused.
(And plotting, is that an emotion? If so, three.)
(And disgusted. Four.)”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“He swallows. Snow has the longest neck and the showiest swallow I've ever seen. His chin juts out and his Adam's apple catches - it's a whole scene.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“That's one way I've bettered you. I was weak enough to give your son a chance. And look at him now - he may be dead, but he isn't lost. He's dark as a pitch and sharp as a blade, and he's full of your magic. He's a bonfire. He'd make you proud, Tasha.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On
tags: baz, tasha

Rainbow Rowell
“I am going to die kissing Simon Snow. Aleister Crowley, I'm living a charmed life.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“Snow kissed me last night until my mouth was sore. He kissed me so much, I was worried I’d Turn him with all my saliva. He held himself up on all fours above me and made me reach up for his mouth—and I did. I would again. I’d cross every line for him.
I’m in love with him.
And he likes this better than fighting.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“He's not a monster. He's just a villain. He's not a villain. He's just a boy. I'm kissing a boy. I'm kissing Baz.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“I wind my fingers in his hair. It's thicker than mine, and curlier, and it shines golden in the firelight. There's a mole on his cheek that I've wanted to kiss since I was 12. I do.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“Simon,” I say, and swallow again, “you’re being idiotic.”
“Because I like this better than fighting?”
“There is no ‘this’!” I protest.
“You slept in my arms,” he says.
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“You did it, didn't you?" Baz whispers. "You defeated the Humdrum. You saved the day, you courageous fuck. You absolute nightmare.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Rainbow Rowell
“I was eleven years old, and I'd lost my mother, and my soul, and the Crucible gave me you.”
Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

Reading Progress

July 22, 2017 – Shelved
July 22, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
September 3, 2017 – Shelved as: young-adult
October 20, 2017 – Started Reading
October 20, 2017 –
page 1
0.19% "I c-can't resist a-anymore!!!! Lia's last comment finally broke my will!!! I have to read this book!!! *faints*"
October 23, 2017 –
page 38
7.28% ""Baz plays for our school. Of course. The tosser.
He's the same on the field as he is everywhere else. Strong. Graceful. Fucking ruthless."

Ohh Simon!! You do love Baz!!! *lol* ❤ And that scene with the car!? Jeez! I laughed so hard!! XD"
October 25, 2017 –
page 50
9.58% ""Who knows what he's capable of in his sleep," I say.
"You do," Penny says, "as much as you watch him."
"I live with a dark creature - I'm right to be paranoid!"

Oh, Simon! It's not your paranoia that's keeping you awake!!! <333"
October 26, 2017 –
page 72
13.79% ""'Why?' Are you playing dumb today because you think I'll find it cute?"

Haha! Simon is cute! XD I love his friendship with Penny! <3"
October 27, 2017 –
page 78
14.94% ""Simon, you can't be scared of this horse. You've slain dragons."
"Well, I'm not afraid to slay it, am I? You want me to ride it."

Haha! He's such a precious cinnamon roll! XD"
October 27, 2017 –
page 90
17.24% ""She doesn't know him better than I do," I argue. "I live with him."

Ohhh jealous much, Simon? *lol* It's so funny how he doesn't want Baz around but misses him nevertheless. XD"
October 28, 2017 –
page 116
22.22% ""I don't think undeath would improve you, Snow. It would just ruin your complexion." He giggled again. Mirthlessly. And closed his eyes like he was exhausted.

Gosh, Simon!!! How can you be so oblivious to Baz's condition and pain? T_T"
October 29, 2017 –
page 127
24.33% ""The Greates Mage is our only hope now.
But our greates mage is fundamentally flawed. Cracked. Broken."

Does anyone else hate the way the Mage thinks about Simon?! I mean yeah his power is obviously out of control but still! He should support him and not make him feel like he's a walking disaster!!!"
October 31, 2017 –
page 139
26.63% ""I know that he hated what Simon and I have. And wanted it. That he'd do anything to get between us."

Agatha you faithless friend!!! You don't deserve Simon and Baz only got in your way because he loves Simon and not you!!!"
October 31, 2017 –
page 165
31.61% "Snow stands again when I walk into our Greek classroom. I take my seat without looking his way. "Enough, Snow, I'm not the Queen."

I. AM. DEAD. Baz is so ... OMG I can't even... <333"
November 1, 2017 –
page 182
34.87% ""The fact that Simon Snow is the most powerful magician alive. That nothing can hurt him, not even me.
That Simon Snow is alive.
And I'm hopelessly in love with him."

ASDFJKLMDHHJJG!!!!! ARGH!!! I can't even.. I'm dead!!! Baz chapters are so... 😍😢❤ I love that boy!!!!"
November 2, 2017 –
page 200
38.31% ""He blinks them at me. Stammering. I feel myself blushing.
(Crowley, that's how much blood I drank last night - I'm capable of blushing.)"

You just gotta love Baz!!! <333 That boy is so torn, it hurts!"
November 2, 2017 –
page 218
41.76% ""Baz, you don't want to hurt me. Do you." He strains against my grip. He's panting with rage. "You don't want to hurt me," I say, trying to push him back. "Isn't that right? I'm sorry. Look at me, I'm sorry."

That was intense! Those two boys will be the death of me!!! <333"
November 3, 2017 –
page 231
44.25% ""Is this how you normally plot my downfall?"
"Yes. With multicoloured pieces of chalk. Stop complaining."

*LOL* Baz is freaking adorable! He even thought about food!!! <333"
November 3, 2017 –
page 251
48.08% ""We're telling you now," Baz says.
" 'We'?" she says. "Since when are you two a 'we'?"
"We're not a 'we'!" I half shout.

Ohh this conversation is getting better and better! XD"
November 5, 2017 –
page 267
51.15% ""I think again about pulling my hands away - but Snow could light fires in my palms at this point, and I wouldn't pull away. It feels like he has."

Seriously, how is it possible Simon doesn't get any of THIS!!!??? Damn, that boy is so freaking oblivious it hurts!!! XD"
November 5, 2017 –
page 294
56.32% ""I know Simon and I will always be enemies....
But I thought maybe we'd get to a point where we didn't want to be."

Baz! BAZ! BAZ!!! <3333 Just BAZ!!!"
November 5, 2017 –
page 312
59.77% ""Maybe you should write a book about vampires," I say.
"Maybe I should. Apparently, I'm the world's leading expert."
When I look up, Snow's staring right at me.

Those last few chapters make me feel sooo alive!!!!! Those two are the cutest thing ever!! And *lol* Baz wearing jeans! *drools*"
November 6, 2017 –
page 329
63.03% "I love Baz's aunt Fiona! The Pitches certainly have an odd way to show their love for each other! *lol*"
November 6, 2017 –
page 351
67.24% ""I'm going to die kissing Simon Snow...
Simon Snow is going to die kissing me."

November 7, 2017 –
page 370
70.88% ""Because I like this better than fighting?"
"There is no 'this'!" I protest.
"You slept in my arms," he says.

ARGH!!! Can they get any cuter??? *LOL* I'm melting here... I'm a puddle on the ground!! <333"
November 8, 2017 –
page 400
76.63% "THEY FREAKING KILL MEEEEEEE, but at least I'll die happy and with a grin on my face!!! <3333"
November 8, 2017 –
page 431
82.57% ""You're exceedingly thick. And criminally good-looking - have I mentioned that?"

They give me life!!! <333 I don't want this book to end!!! T_T"
November 9, 2017 –
page 447
85.63% ""All right, Snow?" he asks softly.

Oh my!! Baz's tender heart is going to be the death of me!!! XD I'm fangirling so much, I can't contain it anymore!!! *lol*"
November 10, 2017 –
page 461
88.31% ""All right. It's all right."

Awww, my heart is breaking!!! T_T"
November 11, 2017 –
page 492
94.25% ""On love's light wings!"
It's a hard spell and an old spell, and it works only if you understand the Great Vowel Shift of the Sixteenth Century - and if you're stupidly in love.

AWWWW!!!! <3333 *faints*"
November 11, 2017 – Finished Reading
November 13, 2017 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-50 of 55 (55 new)

message 1: by Beverly (new)

Beverly Don't you just love Rainbow Rowell? My favorite is Eleanor and Park.

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Beverly wrote: "Don't you just love Rainbow Rowell? My favorite is Eleanor and Park."

Ohh! I loved Eleanor and Park too! I just would have wished some sort of other ending. *lol*

message 3: by Beverly (new)

Beverly Yes, too true.

juliana omg, Simon and Baz <3

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Beverly wrote: "Yes, too true."

Glad I'm not the only one! ;-)

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ juliana wrote: "omg, Simon and Baz <3"

Simon and Baz are L.O.V.E!!! <333

Chapters And Sparkles I will be reading this one very soon, is it any good? :)

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Blackrosie wrote: "I will be reading this one very soon, is it any good? :)"

So far it's funny and nice to read. 😄

message 9: by nur (new) - rated it 5 stars

nur BAZ ♥ He deserves the whole world because he is just too precious !!!!!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ eda wrote: "BAZ ♥ He deserves the whole world because he is just too precious !!!!!"

So true!!! He's the best!! XD

message 11: by Ray (new) - rated it 3 stars


message 12: by Virginia Ronan (last edited Nov 11, 2017 10:49AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Ray wrote: "OMG YESSS

Mine is too!! XD I love them so much!!! I need a second book! How am I going to survive without them?!! ARGH!!! <333

message 13: by jenn (new) - added it


Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Jennymort ☆The Dark Lord, House of Slytheread★ wrote: "I NEED TO READ THIS OMFG."

IT IS SOO DAMN CUTE!!!! I'm still trying to recover!!! XD

message 15: by Ray (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ray Virginia Ronan wrote: "Ray wrote: "OMG YESSS

Mine is too!! XD I love them so much!!! I need a second book! How am I going to survive witho..."

They're so damn adorable I can't even!


Talia I LOVED CARRY ON! Honestly, Rainbow Rowell needs to write more fantasy!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ @Ray
I know!!! They are so adorable it hurts!!! XD


I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL!! I've been fangirling through that entire book!! XD

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Talia wrote: "I LOVED CARRY ON! Honestly, Rainbow Rowell needs to write more fantasy!"

Agreed!!! And she needs to write more about Simon and Baz!! I just want mooreeeee!!!

message 21: by nur (new) - rated it 5 stars


message 22: by Ray (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ray Okay seriously though
Did you guys not die of feels bc you had major Harry and Draco vibes from Simon and Baz or was it just me?

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ eda wrote: "SIMON AND BAZ ARE TOO MUCH TO HANDLE !!!!! I LOVE THEM !!!!!"

So true!!! <333 They are just too much of everything!! XD I LOVE THEM TO BITS AND PIECES!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Ray wrote: "Okay seriously though
Did you guys not die of feels bc you had major Harry and Draco vibes from Simon and Baz or was it just me?"

Haha! I got those vibes too, but I never saw Draco and Harry as a couple! Simon and Baz though! Gosh those two killed me!! <333

message 25: by Khadidja (new)


Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Khadidja wrote: "THAT FANART!!! I NEED TO READ THIS SOON!!"

I KNOW!! I loved this picture and decided to place it as a treat until I'm able to post the actual review! *lol*

message 27: by Ray (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ray Virginia Ronan wrote: "Ray wrote: "Okay seriously though
Did you guys not die of feels bc you had major Harry and Draco vibes from Simon and Baz or was it just me?"

Haha! I got those vibes too, but I never saw Draco and..."

I kinda ship Drarry xD so that was the first thing I noticed

Fun fact, Rainbow Rowell said that this was indeed a Drarry fanfic at first

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Ray wrote: "I kinda ship Drarry xD so that was the first thing I noticed

Fun fact, Rainbow Rowell said that this was indeed a Drarry fanfic at first"

That's really funny! *lol* I'm so glad she made a book out of it! =))

message 29: by Ray (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ray Virginia Ronan wrote: "Ray wrote: "I kinda ship Drarry xD so that was the first thing I noticed

Fun fact, Rainbow Rowell said that this was indeed a Drarry fanfic at first"

That's really funny! *lol* I'm so glad she ma..."



Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Annie ☆{of Lightwoods and Herondales}☆ wrote: "YOU FINISIHHHHHHHHHHEDDDDDDD💫"

YASSS!! I did and I died!!! <333

Megha Yes gurl yeeessss. Simon and Baz are everything!!

☆ Annie ☆ Virginia Ronan wrote: "Annie ☆{of Lightwoods and Herondales}☆ wrote: "YOU FINISIHHHHHHHHHHEDDDDDDD💫"

YASSS!! I did and I died!!! <333"

BUT WASNT IT A SWEET AND MAGNIFICENT DEATH?! ishdkfhksdhfhsldh I was so desperate for more after finishing it that I started reading snowball fanfiction with pASSION! 💙💛💙💛

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Annie ☆{of Lightwoods and Herondales}☆ wrote: "

BUT WASNT IT A SWEET AND MAGNIFICENT DEATH?! ishdkfhksdhfhsldh I was so desperate for more after finishing it that I started reading snowball fanfiction with pASSION! 💙💛💙💛"

It was but I'll never be over this book! It's sooo damn good! I loved everything about it! I think I want to go to sleep with it in my arms! <333

☆ Annie ☆ Virginia Ronan wrote: "Annie ☆{of Lightwoods and Herondales}☆ wrote: "

BUT WASNT IT A SWEET AND MAGNIFICENT DEATH?! ishdkfhksdhfhsldh I was so desperate for more after finishing it that I started reading snowball fanfic..."


Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Annie ☆{of Lightwoods and Herondales}☆ wrote: "then GO TO SLEEP WITH IT IN YOUR ARMS! DO ITTTTT!"

Haha! I will! I'll have to get a physical copy first though! XD I read it on my e-reader. ;-)

☆ Annie ☆ Virginia Ronan wrote: "Annie ☆{of Lightwoods and Herondales}☆ wrote: "then GO TO SLEEP WITH IT IN YOUR ARMS! DO ITTTTT!"

Haha! I will! I'll have to get a physical copy first though! XD I read it on my e-reader. ;-)"

ohhhhhhhh I didn't know that! how's sweet Annie doing?

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Annie ☆{of Lightwoods and Herondales}☆ wrote: "ohhhhhhhh I didn't know that! how's sweet Annie doing?"

She's amazing!! I'm in love with her!!! She's everything I ever wanted and more! Gosh I love her to bits and pieces! <333

message 39: by Siti (new) - rated it 5 stars

Siti i totally understand you. i am trying my best not to pick up the book again, for the third time, this year alone

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Siti wrote: "i totally understand you. i am trying my best not to pick up the book again, for the third time, this year alone"

This book is just amazing! I think I'll never get tired of those two! I really hope there's going to be a second book!!! <333

message 41: by Joe (new) - added it

Joe Krakovsky Virginia, you got to contain yourself, cause I think your slobbering on the keyboard. But I am glad you enjoyed it.

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Joe wrote: "Virginia, you got to contain yourself, cause I think your slobbering on the keyboard. But I am glad you enjoyed it."

OMG!! How do you know!? *looks around for cameras* XD This book was so adorable! I enjoyed it a lot! =)))

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ BooksOfTheWestWing wrote: "Aww, this is a wonderful review! Your fangirling is adorable and made me want to read this 10 times more then I already did. I'm ready for some Simon and Baz love!! ❤️❤️"

Haha! Aww thank you! XD I love this book so much!! <333 I really hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did!! 😍

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ BooksOfTheWestWing wrote: "No problem!! Haha! I can tell, loving a book always makes the best reviews! I'm sure I will and I know right who to come to, to fangirl with hahah! 😊"

Ohh yesh! Come to me if you want to fangirl! My inbox is always open!! XD 😜

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ BooksOfTheWestWing wrote: "Haha, yay awesome I definitely will once I read it!! 😊"


message 46: by Joe (new) - added it

Joe Krakovsky Oh my gosh, you made me laugh out loud, over and over again. Sometimes I think I am reading the funny pages in the Sunday paper. (If you remember what that is?) The quotes you mentioned illustrated this author's talent.

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Joe wrote: "Oh my gosh, you made me laugh out loud, over and over again. Sometimes I think I am reading the funny pages in the Sunday paper. (If you remember what that is?) The quotes you mentioned illustrated..."

YAY! That's good! I wanted to make people laugh and be happy, because the book made me so happy. =))
(P.S: I love the funny pages in the Sunday paper. ;-P)

enqi ☾⋆˚*̣̩✩ currently reading this and OH MY GOD IM INCOHERENT I NEED AIR THEYRE SO SOFT AND IN LOVE

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ enqi ✨ wrote: "currently reading this and OH MY GOD IM INCOHERENT I NEED AIR THEYRE SO SOFT AND IN LOVE"


Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Via wrote: "I love you. You literally said everything I was thinking right now. Gosh, I think I just fangirled while reading your review!!!"

Haha! Well, erm... thank you! XD I'm glad you could fangirl with me! My reviews are mostly a big fangirl festival! *lol* Especially when it comes to Simon and Baz! <333 They are so adorable!

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