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A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
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(Note from 4/17/2023 So someone reported this for unmarked spoilers even tho I prefaced it lol so the spoilers will be marked where they are, even though they really aren't spoilers at all because they do not significantly affect the plot in any way but oh well. It's either do this or have the entire review hidden bc of spoilers)

(Note from 2/21/2023 because I apparently have to spell it out: For those of you who don't read comments or check dates read, I read and reviewed this book in 2018. It has been about 5 years; as I have stated in a number of comments, I will not continue this series. In the intervening years since reading this, my feelings on the matter have not changed nor have I desired to continue. Please refrain from commenting about how I need to continue the series or that I did not understand the book. I receive too many of those comments and I'm tired of replying the same thing over and over again. This review is for me first and foremost, not you. Please move on if you do not like my take.)

Me to Sarah J Maas:

"Do you lie awake at night to come up with all your witty replies for the following day?"

Oh dear, this is awful.

The Writing

The title of this book is stupid. It's stupid and flashy and unrelated to the actual content of the book. It's solely for the ~wow~ factor. The quotable line, "I love you... Thorns and all" is wholely ineffective because "thorns" had not been established as a motif and was only used in that context in that very scene, more than halfway through the book. The word "thorn" was only used a grand total of 9 times in this book. The original Beauty and the Beast story had established rose motifs—you can't borrow good writing, even for a retelling. That's just lazy.

The writing itself was inconsistent and poorly done.

I pushed and pulled, but the mud was too slick, and held fast.

Are you aware of the definition of "slick", Sarah J Maas? I do not think it means what you think it means.

Besides that, Amarantha's hair drastically changed color after about 90 pages:

Her red-gold hair

Her black hair

Which is it, Maas? It can't be both unless she has unmentioned magical hair dyeing abilities.

The atmosphere and the opening chapter were excellent and I was intrigued by the idea that was offered me, but the actual book did not deliver at all.

This next point is a spoiler, but because I am disgusted with Sarah J Maas for including this, I am not going to mark it as such, since everyone should know what kind of morals this book is supporting before they read it especially when they are as filthy and vulgar as this was.

The attempted (view spoiler) of Feyre by Tamlin was brushed off as no more than a mere romantic, steamy encounter to further their lukewarm love story. The only conclusions I can logically draw from this are all rather victim blamey, tbh—she was warned several times to stay inside with the doors locked until dawn, but she leaves her room not once but twice before dawn because she ~wants to go to the party~ and then later, after she almost gets gang-raped and is saved and then creeped out by Rhysand the sociopath, she thinks she is totally safe to go eat a bunch of cookies because, well the drums stopped, so it's probably okay now, and then she gets (view spoiler) by Tamlin, who was (view spoiler)

I was about to pass out when he grabbed me, so fast I didn't see anything until he had me pinned against the wall.

"Let go," I said as evenly as I could.

I [pushed] him away. He grabbed my hands again and bit my neck. I cried out as his teeth clamped onto the tender spot where my neck met my shoulder. I couldn't move—I couldn't think.

Before, during and after the (view spoiler), she's thinking, Wow, he's really hot. I'm kinda uncomfortable with this, but I guess it's okay that he's drunk on lust magic, because I wanted to sleep with him anyway. That is a very wrong and dangerous way of thinking. No matter what, it is never okay for anyone to make someone else sexually uncomfortable or afraid, especially when they've given verbal disapproval. This entire scene left a bad taste in my mouth.

And then there's Rhysand's behavior. He repeatedly violates her personal space and comfort, drugging her and forcing her to (view spoiler) for him in front of a large crowd for weeks on end after stripping her all but naked. Like all Fae males, apparently, he uses brute force to get her to comply with his sexual wishes.

"But he didn't actually touch her; he kept his hands just on her waist!" you say. Yeah, but did she say he could touch her at all? Did she actively encourage him to touch her? No, she did not.

I pulled away, but his hands were like shackles.

I would not have such an issue with this if Sarah J Maas didn't give the impression that she supports such behavior. That is what I find unconscionable.

Besides that, the plot made no sense, even after exposition-Alis gave us the lowdown—in fact, it almost made less sense then. It was cheesy and cliché and frankly, boring. The "riddle" was extremely easy and only proved that Feyre is an absolute idiot with no logical abilities, as I was able to figure it out before Amarantha had even finished saying it, and I'm notoriously bad at riddles.

The sex scenes were almost Empire of Storms levels of bad, cringey, and gross. I think Sarah J Maas doesn't know what YA means and isn't aware she's actually writing for NA.

The Worldbuilding

The Fae were, for one thing, almost exactly the same (primarily in appearance and personality) to the ones in the Throne of Glass series, and tbh I was disappointed. They're not even cleverly unique faeries. They're just Tolkien-esque elves that are actually vampires: fangs and biting, immortality, aetherial beauty, animalistic tendencies, superiority complex. They don't have any distinct differences from humans in their thought processes or emotional capacities—only the same degree of variety that exists in humans.

The religious system and creation story was very interesting and I really liked that aspect.

The Characters

Faerie aka Belle: Sarah J Maas decided to try something new and have a first-person fixed perspective, but it didn't really work, because Feyre was a bland complacent character without much substance passed the surface level, and most of the interesting action took place where she couldn't see it. She suffered, like Celaena did in Crown of Midnight, from what I call Nehemia syndrome: the character that the MC has grown to trust, despite obvious suspicious behavior, turns out to be manipulative, and yet the MC completely overlooks that fact in favor of idolization of their lying friend. In this case, everyone in Prythian is keeping secrets from her and after almost getting her questions answered by the Suriel, Feyre decides to "Stay with the High Lord. He will keep you safe," and just completely forgets that she wants answers about the blight. Also, whereas Belle left the Beast in the original story because her father was in mortal danger, in this book, Feyre leaves because (view spoiler) She is not an active protagonist. Also, her painting skills aren't a part of her characterization; it just feels tacked on to make her ~cool~ and ~unique~

Tampon aka the Beast: I don't even care about this guy tbh. He's a confusing character who just feels like a Chaol-Rowan merge on steroids. He's violent, obsessive, and abusive, but also sweet, understanding, and caring, because that's not a contradiction. There's a difference between a complex character and a poorly written character.

Lucien aka Lumiere/Cogsworth (his steampunk eye suggests Cogsworth but his personality suggests Lumiere): So apparently he "hates" Feyre even though I almost shipped them more since they consistently had better chemistry than her and Tammy, and that's saying a lot, because they didn't have chemistry.

exposition-Alis aka Mrs Potts: She was okay. Just okay. She was fine.

Reese's Cups aka also the Beast and kinda Gaston too: Is he supposed to be her love interest for the rest of the series or something, because the fan art definitely suggests that, but, uh, did everyone forget that he's a dangerous sociopath with a history of violence?? He has no regard for her emotional well-being and sees her body as literally nothing beyond a sexual plaything. He's a horrible person.

Amarantha: Why did there have to be a "big bad evil Faerie Queen" in this at all? There's already one in the Throne of Glass series and I can only take so much female-against-female hate from a supposedly feminist fantasy writer. Amarantha was bland and predictable, and her motivations were extremely surface-level.

Her fam: Nesta was like, supposed to have some kind of implied character arc but lol it wasn't very good. Elain was nice and I liked her. The dad was okay, I guess. Pretty forgettable tbh

Isaac Hale aka fake-out Gaston: This character wasn't important at all, but I just wanted to say that I think this is the dumbest name choice in a high fantasy book that I've ever seen. Isaac Hale?? Really, Sarah J Maas? Really? That's the Jason of fantasy names. This is a the-guy-who-went-to-high-school-with-my-older-sister kind of name. It's not a fantasy name.


While I managed to read it fairly quickly, I had to dnf it for several days before deciding to trudge through. It was horrendous. I may pick up the sequel at some point, idk, but for now, from what I predict and understand from various spoilers I've encountered on the internet, I don't really care about this series very much. Frankly, it's not good.
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Reading Progress

May 11, 2017 – Shelved
May 11, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
March 18, 2018 – Started Reading
March 18, 2018 – Shelved as: fantasy
March 19, 2018 –
page 9
2.15% "Ooh first person! I love first person!"
March 19, 2018 –
page 21
March 21, 2018 –
page 75
17.9% "The beginning of this had a Grimm's Fairy Tales feel to it but now I can't help but imagine the live action Beauty and the Beast lol

Is Lucien Lumiere and Alis Mrs Potts? I wonder who Cogsworth is. Andras lol?"
March 23, 2018 –
page 123
March 24, 2018 –
page 231
55.13% "Lol I'm confused tho. Who's the black haired guy from so the fan art? Is he that dude from fire night?"
March 26, 2018 –
page 290
69.21% "please don't hate me, but... I'm seriously considering dnfing this... while I've been reading it rather quickly, it's really dumb, and I keep cringing and groaning, and I don't need that kind of stupidity in my life; plus, it's not very interesting..."
March 26, 2018 – Shelved as: dnf
March 26, 2018 – Shelved as: dnf
March 31, 2018 –
page 316
75.42% "So I decided to finish it, even though I really don't like it. Also, the answer to the stupid riddle is obviously love, you freaking idiot. Even I figured it out before the riddle had even finished and I'm terrible at riddles"
March 31, 2018 –
page 386
92.12% "Oh wow. I guess it wasn't enough for Tamlin to sexually assault her—oh course Rhysand had to as well. He is, after all, another love interest, and that's how love interests show their interest and their love, isn't it?"
March 31, 2018 – Shelved as: dont-believe-the-hype
March 31, 2018 – Finished Reading
May 11, 2018 – Shelved as: get-thee-behind-me-satan
May 12, 2018 – Shelved as: masterpiece-covers
May 14, 2018 – Shelved as: new-adult-kinda-ya-but-not-quite
May 14, 2018 – Shelved as: why-did-i-read-this-exactly
May 17, 2018 – Shelved as: retelling
May 23, 2018 – Shelved as: 1-star
May 23, 2018 – Shelved as: soulless
June 1, 2018 – Shelved as: read-2018
June 28, 2018 – Shelved as: faeries
September 30, 2018 – Shelved as: mc-gurl
March 28, 2019 – Shelved as: feminist-but-not-actually

Comments Showing 401-422 of 422 (422 new)

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message 401: by Sarah (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sarah Mourey You putting Reese’s cup made me giggle.

message 402: by Irina (new) - rated it 1 star

Irina Kiz I genuinely feel like you're my twin rn. I know you probably won't read this after such a long time but I picked this book up bc everyone was raving about it, and it felt so badly written, I agree with literally every single point you made. I can't believe people find this book and story and writing so good. they're probably all just readers of the same genre and trope written over and over or 15 year olds

Elizabeth Ferry Im cackling at the fact that you called him Tampon

message 404: by Dani (new) - rated it 1 star

Dani I 100% agree. Thanks for putting words to my messy thoughts on this book.

Aurélie Marie Lmaooo Tampon

message 406: by Marlin (new) - rated it 1 star

Marlin Thank you for this detailed review, I started recently but cannot get over the writing style and how I do not want to continue. People told me it was a good book, but your reveiw and the detail of it makes it clear to me that this book isn't it.

message 407: by Harrier (new) - rated it 1 star

Harrier I am debating on DNF (a second time) with this and your review is helping. It feels like the incredibly tired old trope of woman meets asshole, woman changes asshole, asshole loves woman, woman and asshole end up together. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm doing the theatrical audio book which I think hides some of the worst writing but still several points I've thought "didn't she say his eyes were another color". "Didn't she say the character acted this way but now is doing something out of character with no reason?"

I feel like this book might be another "shades of grey" that was THE WORST writing I've ever encountered but because it had sex scenes that were new to the minds of some more sheltered types, it got rave reviews. "Oh my netherbits feel something I've never felt before!! This must be a good book!"

message 408: by Heather (new) - rated it 1 star

Heather C I am hating this book for all the reasons outlined in this review, especially the eye-rollingly bad writing. There's no prize for flowery writing if it doesn't make sense. I also hate reading about simpering women that are only strong because they tell you they are - without a shred of evidence. Same with the beast, and actually every character. All shallow, under-developed, with schizophrenic behavior that didn't make sense to me and was just stupid. I'll not be reading any more of this series.

message 409: by Sabra (new) - added it

Sabra Halen uhhhgg i’m only on chapter 7 and i usually fly through books but this one’s making me not want to pick one up again. a friend is starting the third one and said the second is way better but id rather go find a thriller book to read on my

message 410: by Gilda (new) - rated it 5 stars

Gilda All I can tell you is that Tamlin is a walking red flag, and we learn about that in the following books. I don't mean you should read it. I'm a firm believer that life's too short for bad coffee or to read books you don't enjoy (especially if there are so many other books out there), but I want to defend this point. I think that this plot is VERY IMPORTANT, not in this book precisely but in the next one when we start to see through Tamlin's character and actions without the rose-colored glasses. For me, as a survivor of rape and domestic abuse, it was very cleaning and healing to watch.

message 411: by heather (new)

heather Go write a better book … until then?! Shhh

Jillian I struggled with the word choice. It's like she doesn't know what a thesaurus is? I didn't mind it, but the writing capabilities made me realize why this may be marketed to YA cause her writing is underdeveloped at best.

message 413: by Marie (new) - rated it 1 star

Marie i feel like it should be a law that you have to write a disclaimer on a book that justifies/romantacises abuse/rape. I don't want to start reading a book, enjoy it and suddenly realize it's rapey af.

message 414: by Raven (new) - rated it 1 star

Raven Richey I wish I had read your review before buying this book. I was okay with the first half of it, but the moment Tamlin went under the mountain and she started the trials, especially Rhysand part, I immediately got turned off. I don't even want to finish the last few chapters, but I will (eventually) because I bought the book.

message 415: by Monica (new) - added it

Monica Chowdhury This is the best and most accurate review of this book. The book is horrendous

DoodleBug Sooo. You want the Fae to act more like Fae, but when they act like the brutal Fae they are, that's not ok. Right. Gotcha. #Can'tHaveItBothWays

message 417: by The Word Artist (new)

The Word Artist Thanks a lot for posting this, I don't think I'll read the book even though my friend recommended it to me as her favourite series.

Evangeline Lazowski I dont think you get to complain about her writing when you said tampon instead of tamlin

message 419: by Avery (new) - rated it 2 stars

Avery Absolon Also the whole caldron religion is confusing because then they’ll say things about Heaven and Hell but not explain that at all?

message 420: by Hyper (new) - rated it 2 stars

Hyper I am still in the middle odd listening to this book. I have to say that I agree with the Original Reviewer here SO MUCH. I couldn’t find a way to put my concerns into words so well as they did.

Mostly, due to the AMAZING voice actor who did the reading it was actually a pretty okay book to have in the background as it SOUNDED enthralling in pacing and tone…but that is all. The story itself was forgettable at best and cringey at worst.

My favorite parts when FMC was on her own, figuring out her place in the chaos…whenever MMC 1&2 came into the picture I had to force myself to keep going.

That being said, FMC & Lucien was interesting mostly as a HONEST interaction there that didn’t seem too forced, you could tell they didn’t much like each other at all, yet were decent enough company almost with the hope they become besties even though that’s not gonna happen

Gonna force myself to finish because I try not to abandon stories but….uuuh

message 421: by Kyanah (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kyanah Chafe Wow, you must be fun at parties

message 422: by Nightbooksea (new)

Nightbooksea I absolutely agree with your review. I thought the same when I read it, but because I know it would get better I read the second book and it was so good. You understand everything that bad happened in the first book. Sarah J Maas didn't wrote it that bad without a reason. Please just read the second book. Maybe you think better of it later

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