Norm de Plume's Reviews > Intensity

Intensity by Dean Koontz
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did not like it

** spoiler alert ** I hate Dean Koontz, but I go through books quickly and have to have something to read at work, and when it comes down to it, I'll read anything you put in front of me even if it's bad just for something to do. Allegedly, this was one of his better books. The best book I've read of his, I would give two stars. Don't even remember what it was called. It pains me that this man is the second best selling author in the US. Seriously.

Why? Well, where to begin? Let's start with characters. Dean Koontz doesn't create characters, but caricatures. The main character's stories of childhood trauma aren't remotely believable. If her mother didn't give a shit about her and was constantly moving around, why would she even bother to bring her for 16 years? Everything is so extreme in her character that there's never any remotely realistic motivation for any of it. Meanwhile, the villain is concerned only with intensity, mostly written in italics, because italics are apparently intense. His philosophy is that any intense experience is worthwhile. Basically, he should be on the X-Games doing flips on motorcycles and appearing in Mountain Dew commercials. The way Koontz beats the shit out of the intensity motif, I could barely manage to focus my eyes well enough to keep reading because they were rolling so hard.

How about his craft? Clunky, uninspired, repetitious prose with awful dialogue. I don't remotely understand why people buy this guy's books. There is nothing compelling about his craft. For a guy they call "The Master of Suspense", he lacks all sense of subtlety. He constantly holds the reader's hand unnecessarily as if afraid they won't get it any time he uses some kind of symbolism. Not that it's common with Koontz. He's always saying more than is necessary and it gets a little insulting over time, as if he thinks his readers are so stupid they can't possibly pick up on the things he's writing without help.

So, his plots must be super-awesome to make up for it all, right? Let's face it; with most pulp, people don't give a shit how it's written. They only care about the story. This story is about some chick who goes to a friend's for the weekend, only to have the entire friend's family killed and end up the sole survivor riding along with the killer, trying to come up with a way to take him down and save some girl she's never met that the killer has locked in his basement. The upside of this story is most of it leaves the heroine alone, so you're not subjected to the cringe-worthy dialogue that the book opens with. It also means that Dean Koontz has to find some way to create his particular breed of melodrama through sometimes very slow events, so he prattles on for pages about a cramp in the heroine's ass, or we're subjected to her internal dialogue as she freaks out about how she will surely sustain a grievous spinal injury by slamming the chair she's chained to into the stone fireplace wall by backing into it. Every time she takes a whack at it, "OHHHHHHH GOD THE PAIN IT HURTS SOOOOOOO BAAAAAAAD!" Gimme a fucking break. It's make of PINE. Fuck you, Dean, it's not dramatic that you lack a basic grasp of physics. Half of this book is her considering a fairly simple action and then contemplating the multitude of ways it could go horribly wrong and leave her critically injured. There's no real drama and nothing to care about, so Dean Koontz tries to manufacture some by telling you how you should feel about what she's doing.

I can't even begin to convey how inane this book truly is. Hopefully I've given you some idea.
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Comments Showing 1-41 of 41 (41 new)

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message 1: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Chandler Well thanks for the review, never my first choice of an author to read, you've reminded me why, thanks.

Tina Maybe the mother kept Chyna around so Chyna could be company when the boyfriends left. Maybe Chyna had to take care of her mother after her mother's party sprees. Maybe the mother got welfare payments or other government aid for keeping Chyna. Maybe the mother kept Chyna around with her as a possession or a pet.

Janet I think you're nuts not like this book.

Jackie Jameson You nailed it, Amnesiac! I was one of the people rolling my eyes and saying, "Oh give me a break!" I quit reading and threw it against the wall when the heroine, after seeing a whole family brutally slaughtered, escaping the motor home with all the dead bodies inside, and seeing two gas station clerks gunned down, decides to jump in a car and give chase to the psycho guy. Please! Give me a break!

Autumn THANK YOU! I can't STAND this book and refused to read past where Chyna (lamest name ever, btw), gives chase to the killer. I just, I can't in good conscience read this trash when there are so many other good books left out there to read! My brain is bleeding over the ridiculousness of this book. Truly hated it.

message 6: by Jamie (new)

Jamie Rose Lol I have the same problem. I read so much, I end up having to read stuff by undeserving authors that annoy me into writing scathing reviews. I'd like to say I won't read it because your review perfectly mirrors my feelings about koontz, but I probably will *sigh*

Girard Bowe Your negative review said everything I thought about the book, from the cringe-inducing dialogue in the beginning, to the way he pointlessly stretched things out. I sped-read it because I couldn't finish it fast enough. I'm going to have read some James Ellroy to clean out my mind.

message 8: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Stucki Wow, such nasty reviews. Why don't you just not read the books and spare us the borefest. If he is not your cup of tea so be it. Troll much.

message 9: by James (new) - added it

James Welsted I agree, why waste your time reviewing a book you don't like. If the books so bad why does it have so many stars. Troll much indeed!

message 10: by Alan (new) - rated it 2 stars

Alan Marcus My thoughts exactly. Had to create a "couldn't finish" shelf just to slap this book on it. Read half it and it's one of the most draining experiences I've gone through with reading

message 11: by Alima (new) - rated it 1 star

Alima I feel the same, read it while it was slow at work and immediately regretted choosing this one! Genuinely awful... I was literally shaking my head at some points, like when she calls the killer "cute", what?!??

message 12: by Maria (new) - rated it 1 star

Maria You nailed my feelings exactly!

Jonathan Cupp You guys must have bumped your heads, Koontz is an awesome author. I have thirty-eight of his books and only one got shelved before I finished it. Koontz is a sensational storyteller. Stop the haters club!

Paul  B Lol @ reading Koontz for prose and character development. It's like going to McDonalds expecting a steak dinner; the shitty cheeseburgers are amazing and you are a moron.

Steven So glad to find someone else hated this awful book as much as I did.

message 16: by Nena (new)

Nena Add my name to the list! I thought it was just me that found this book so badly written that I didn't even make it 1/4 of the way through. The dialogue was awful. The description and over-wordage was enough to make me gag and the actions of the main character were so unbelievable I was done when she got out from under the bed and started schlepping around the house knowing he was in there too. Thanks for saving me hours on this author that I would never have been able to get back.

message 17: by Gino (new) - rated it 2 stars

Gino Completely agree. There’s so much unnecessary fluff on nearly every page that this could’ve been shortened 100 pages and got the same exact point across.

Lauren M Campbell Completely agree! This is my first koontz book and I’m entirely underwhelmed and disappointed.

message 19: by Cora (new) - added it

Cora Robles I'm surprised you made it as far as you did. I couldn't! For all the reasons you already said. I was so annoyed with the writing and the main character.

message 20: by Jeff (new)

Jeff Waterfall I like your review. Can you give me list of your 5 favourite books? Thanks

message 21: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Kane I love your review; hate the book!

message 22: by Ami (new) - rated it 1 star

Ami I had this book on my shelf and with Covid quarantine, thought I’d give it a try. I am about half way through this book and I want to stop. Now I feel justified. I feel like the chapters are unnecessarily long and filled with details that add nothing to what is going in the story. I’ve read only one other book by this author and the ending blew chunks so bad. Now I see why I read this one. No shade to those who enjoyed this book. I’m just not one of them.

Jackie Jameson Lol! “Blew chunks!” Sniggers.

Michael You must have some insanely unrealistic standards because this book had action and intensity from start to finish. Chyna was AWESOME, and maybe you're just a Hobbit fan with extremely boring characters with almost no plot development? Lol.

Kimberly Barbee I enjoyed this review more than the book 😂

message 26: by ash_the_dreamer (new)

ash_the_dreamer Terrible book. Took me ages to finish because of unnecessary wording..and that was with speed reading too. This review was definitely better than the book😅

message 27: by Rose (new)

Rose Abeyta Thank you! I couldn’t make it past the first couple hundred pages. It was horrible! I hated his writing! This was my first attempt at his books and ended the book wondering “who can like these books?!” No interest in Koontz’s work at all. Way better writers and books out there to waste time on this one!

Japheth Grimm My thoughts exactly. I also feel like this book is yet another example how little Dean Koontz knows (or cares) about women, or reality in general.

I was reading this book alongside a friend, so initially I felt obligated to keep going, but they agreed this book is absolute shit. At around 34% completed we are abandoning this book and moving on to another. If this were a physical tangible book in my hands, I would gladly set it on fire.

message 29: by Casey (new) - rated it 1 star

Casey Kania Oh my gosh thank you. I can’t even read another page- so unrealistic and DUMB. Give me a real psych thriller

sadhna jain Couldn't agree more. Just finished it. The idea of story is good and could have written better. It had piqued my interest in beginning but after his going to work, everything was all over the places. Nothing seemed to make sense. Unnecessary long and dragged to the point of the level of one's patience.

message 31: by Lacey (new) - rated it 1 star

Lacey Conrad What he said...

I actually used to like Dean Koontz, but I think that was before I had taste. I only got 100 something pages in, thankfully.

message 32: by Seth (new) - added it

Seth Traver I disagree entirely but can't help but laugh at people bitching about you posting your review, on a site for reviews, just because they don't like it. Last I checked GR isn't the Dean Koontz fan club.

message 33: by Eden (new) - rated it 3 stars

Eden Brower You should see the French horror movie that ripped off the plot. Guess what? Her gf she goes to visit IS he killer the whole time though we see him as a huge horrifying monster it is her cute lesbian friend who is in love with her. Haute Tension...

message 34: by Ron (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ron The guy hates Dean Koontz and yet reads all his books. And he wants us to take him seriously?

Shirley Hartman-Rozee Disagree completely with everything you wrote. I have read 71 Dean Koontz books and the only ones I didn’t like were his early work, mostly sf. I can’t say that Intensity is one of my favourites, but it is, indeed intense and very suspenseful. People who don’t like Dean Koontz’ books probably like gag-inducing stuff like Gone Girl, a totally preposterous piece of trash that had critics raving and was made into a movie. I recommend you read that.

message 36: by Jim (new)

Jim Bennett I don’t think I can finish this book. It is so poorly written and the characterizations are just one dimensional. I used to like Dean Koontz back in the 70s and early 80s, and then I quit reading him. I’m sorry I purchased this from I will be returning it.
I don’t have enough time in my life to read crap.

Shelley I wish I read this review before I read the book. 100% best,most accurate review on the worst, most time sucking book.

☆ Macie ☆ I absolutely loved this book, but I also enjoyed reading your take on it as well. I cracked up how you explained Chyna going on about the cramp in her ass - I too thought it was a bit excessive.

Darren William Kyle You didn't read this. You lied. Stop being a hipster.

April Spink I literally hated this book. I managed to like the one about the dog somewhat. Watchers. This was drivel. Awful

Kelly Kosinski I read this years ago, but I can’t remember anything about it.

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