Lit with Leigh's Reviews > Dark Corners

Dark Corners by Megan Goldin
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bookshelves: did-not-finish

Thank you St. Martin's Press (LOL) and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. IYKYK, my reviews are always honest.

DNF @16%

BRUUTHHHAAA????? LMAOOOO. You may be familiar with my disdain for Stay Awake, but I always give an author two chances before writing them off. WELP. Adding another SMP author to the no-no list.

Like Stay Awake, this gave me forehead wrinkles. I've seen a couple reviews wondering what happened to Rachel's personality and even though I didn't read book #1 (duh), I can agree that she is insufferable for absolutely NO reason. I really have to wonder if authors don't realize they're writing these combative, difficult characters? Or is this a reflection of themselves? I hope not. Rachel was abrasive from the jump... homegirl needed a Snickers bar ASAP. When she threw a lil fit because the FBI required her to sign a NDA I holleredth. She dead ass thought the FBI was bringing her, a podcaster, into an investigation with no strings attached trololololol. Oh and then like 3 paragraphs later she'd like fine I agree to your terms without thinking it through. Make it make sense?

Two gripes from Stay Awake make an appearance in this book: random use of full government names and the repetitiveness. Seriously, who are the editors at SMP? We need to have a little chat. And this is from someone who got paid to edit, so it's not like I'm just chatting shit (for the most part). It's literally your job to recognize the author randomly writes Joe Martinez after calling him Martinez for most of the scene. You can't be this bad at doing the bare minimum of your job.

Anyways, here's some lowlights:

"Martinez hadn't left anything to chance." *1 page later* Nothing had been left to chance. Tell us one more time... was it left to chance or nah?

Rachel zoomed in on the security camera footage playing on the iPad so she could see what Bailey had written. She hugged with disappointment. The writing wasn't visibile due to the security camera angle and the poor quality of the grainy video. "A different CCTV camera got a shot of the message before Madison erased it." Martinez produced the photo. Bro why tf did you let her zoom in on the image and try to decipher that 400p image when you had the screenshot on deck? What was the point of all that?

He'd stopped writing mid-sentence when the guard turned back in his direction. Whatever he'd been trying to communicate to Madison was so sensitive that he hadn't wanted to risk it being overheard or recorded by a prison listening device. NO SHIITTT???? YOU DON'T SAY??? God I hate when authors think their readers are so brain dead that they need to over-explain something that is implicit.

He eats his lukewarm meal in the privacy of his car and listens to the latest news updates on the car radio while he devours the burrito and fries. You can't be dead as with this sentence? Again, editor, where the fuck art thou? Simple edit: He eats his lukewarm burrito and fries while listening to the car radio. Et voila!

"The visitor's sticker was issued to Maddison Logan," Martinez told Rachel. "You think that Maddison Logan is the missing camper," said Rachel, cottoning on. Here's your cookie for being the world's biggest dumbass.

"....They're trying to figure out how much of Maddison's freewheeling wanderlust lifestyle is fact and how much is fiction... It would be a fatal mistake to think that Maddison Logan is anything more than a carefully cultivated persona." *1 page later* "I'm fast coming to the conclusion that Maddison is not real... Maddison is an invention. She created a persona of a free-spirited travel blogger..." This is where I gave up.
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Reading Progress

February 14, 2023 – Shelved
February 14, 2023 –
10.0% "Guess how many times I have real life physically cringed already????"
February 15, 2023 –
10.0% "Seriously where is the editor?? "He eats his lukewarm meal in the privacy of his car and listens to to the latest news updates on the car radio while he devours the burrito and fries." So repetitive. We know he's eating? Simple edit: "He eats his lukewarm burrito and fries while listening to the car radio." Et voilà!"
February 17, 2023 –
15.0% "15%. 26 notes on my Kindle. Should I continue 😂"
February 26, 2023 – Shelved as: did-not-finish

Comments Showing 1-50 of 51 (51 new)

Dani Boise Oh I can't wait to hear about this LOL

Lit with Leigh Dani I don't think I have it in me to finish LOL

message 3: by Tabitha - (new)

Tabitha - The biggest mistake was Madison with two Ds.

Rachel Hanes You made the right choice to DNF this book! I knew from the get go, that you would not like this book at all. Even I had a hard time with it, but I struggled through it. I gave this book a very generous three stars 😕

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) Haha another great entertaining review Pink!

Nina (ninjasbooks) Sorry it was a let-down!

Derek (I'M BACKKKK!) SMP is definitely blacklisting you now 🤣🤣 Entertaining review, Pink! I'm hit or miss with this author, so I'm curious where this one will tilt the scales.

message 8: by Karly (new)

Karly Ughhhhh that sounds terrible!!!! Sorry it sucked so much you had to punt it off your kindle 🤣🤣 great review though

message 9: by Anne (new)

Anne Dragovcic Sounds like u haven’t been missing anything from SMP!! Not shocked you DNF’d this one. Not this author. She’s got quite about to learn about including the FBI in her novels


Jayme You didn’t miss a thing! What a slog to get through!

message 11: by JanB (new)

JanB I dnf'd book #1, loathed STAY AWAKE with every fiber of my being, so I skipped this book. Whew...finally I made a correct choice!
Your review though is excellent and hilarious!

Rachel I actually really enjoyed Dark Corners! It’s not a serious book at all, but I thought it was entertaining and fast paced. It won’t win any literary Awards, but I was into it!

Carolyn Walsh OhOh! Have this one waiting on my Kindle.

message 14: by Mai (new)

Mai Not forehead wrinkles!!!

message 15: by Brooke (new)

Brooke Stay Awake was 2 stars for me. Premise more intriguing than the execution.

message 16: by Jennifer (Jaye) (new)

Jennifer (Jaye) Oh Pink, what a let down, hope you have better luck with your next read. I just love your reviews 💕💕💕

message 17: by Alli (new)

Alli Love your reviews! Sorry this one was a dud. I’ll be skipping it!

Lit with Leigh Tabitha wrote: "The biggest mistake was Madison with two Ds."

Lmao facts

Lit with Leigh Rachel wrote: "You made the right choice to DNF this book! I knew from the get go, that you would not like this book at all. Even I had a hard time with it, but I struggled through it. I gave this book a very gen..."

Lmao not "even I have a hard time" 😂😂😂

Lit with Leigh Dorie - Cats&Books :) wrote: "Haha another great entertaining review Pink!"

Tysm! Glad you had better luck with this one💖

Lit with Leigh Nina wrote: "Sorry it was a let-down!"

Thanks Nina!

Lit with Leigh Derek wrote: "SMP is definitely blacklisting you now 🤣🤣 Entertaining review, Pink! I'm hit or miss with this author, so I'm curious where this one will tilt the scales."

Lmao oh I've been pin their netgalley naughty list for a year now😂 but for reason they email with widgets.

Lit with Leigh Karly wrote: "Ughhhhh that sounds terrible!!!! Sorry it sucked so much you had to punt it off your kindle 🤣🤣 great review though"


Lit with Leigh Anne wrote: "Sounds like u haven’t been missing anything from SMP!! Not shocked you DNF’d this one. Not this author. She’s got quite about to learn about including the FBI in her novels


Lmao the hashtag. I literally can't think of a book from them that I have enjoyed

Lit with Leigh Jayme wrote: "You didn’t miss a thing! What a slog to get through!"

Thanks for the validation😂

Lit with Leigh JanB wrote: "I dnf'd book #1, loathed STAY AWAKE with every fiber of my being, so I skipped this book. Whew...finally I made a correct choice!
Your review though is excellent and hilarious!"

Lmao good call Jan.

Lit with Leigh Rachel wrote: "I actually really enjoyed Dark Corners! It’s not a serious book at all, but I thought it was entertaining and fast paced. It won’t win any literary Awards, but I was into it!"

Glad you enjoyed!

Lit with Leigh Carolyn wrote: "OhOh! Have this one waiting on my Kindle."

Hippie you enjoy it more💗

Lit with Leigh Mai wrote: "Not forehead wrinkles!!!"


Lit with Leigh Brooke wrote: "Stay Awake was 2 stars for me. Premise more intriguing than the execution."


Lit with Leigh Jennifer SK wrote: "Oh Pink, what a let down, hope you have better luck with your next read. I just love your reviews 💕💕💕"

Aww Tysm Jennifer💖

Lit with Leigh Alli wrote: "Love your reviews! Sorry this one was a dud. I’ll be skipping it!"

Aww Tysm💖💖

Dutchie(on hiatus…medical) Yep this one wasn’t very good! As always thanks for the great review that made me laugh😂

Jayme This one was a disappointment!!

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) Great honest review, truthfully I can't remember this one, so I guess it wasn't that great :)

message 36: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Why oh why oh why did I request this on the SMP influencer list? Of course I haven’t actually gotten it yet so maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll forget? 🫣 😆 I think your assessment and quotes from this one confirms that I’m probably not going to be a fan of this author ever. But on the plus side you’re off the SMP blacklist(?) LOL Fab review as always Pink! 💖

message 37: by Scott (new) - added it

Scott Rhee Ugh, sloppy writing coupled with bad editing is a huge turn-off...

Bec (becbingesbooks) - sorry, behind with lots of catching up to do Hahahaha fab review Pink! I wonder if you'll go back on the SMP blacklist

CarolG Yikes! I have this one and Stay Awake to read for Netgalley. I'll have to steel myself for them. Thanks for the laughs!

message 40: by Kay (new)

Kay I've decided to skip it, woohooo! Sorry, it's another dud Pink!

message 41: by Rhinnan (new)

Rhinnan Omg your last example. The author really sat down and tasked herself with writing the same thing in as many ways as possible. 😂

message 42: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz You’ve been reading my mind. Ditto for all your issues.

Sierra I finished this book, but it was brutal..

message 44: by Jen (new) - rated it 1 star

Jen I’m reading it right now and DYING. So mad I picked it for BOTM. The repetitive names are one thing but no one in the book has two brain cells to rub together and the same information keeps getting repeated over and over.

DeLayna 😂 why are you so right though? I’m hate reading at this point and heavily skimming. I read book 1 and I do not remember it being *this* bad

message 46: by Chelsea (new) - added it

Chelsea YESS with the repetition!

Here's my example:

Page 128: "He wears jeans, ankle boots, and a tuxedo T-shirt that's so tight it shows off the cubes of his washboard stomach."
Page 133: "....dressed in jeans and a tuxedo T-shirt so tight that it displayed the grooves of his washboard stomach."

So, we changed the wording a bit. From "shows" to "displayed," and from "cubes" to "grooves." I saw instances of this all over the place, and it drove me BONKERS. Part of me thought I was crazy so seeing your review makes me feel better (insert crying smiling emoji here, lol).

Lacy | lacyloveslit I love your reviews. They just make me happy 🤣🤣🤣

Taina Garcia Terrific review, Leigh. I applaud you for DNFing. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I loved book #1 but this was boring. Your lowlights are spot on! As are Chelsea’s examples. But thank goodness Rachel was there to help out the professionals! 😮‍💨 🤣

Tina Loves To Read I am sorry this book did not work for you, and I hope your next read is better.

Samantha So here’s another lowlight for ya. On page 69 Rachel is talking to the prisoner who we know had a visit from Madison Logan. Rachel already had watched the cctv footage of their meeting.

Anyway while she’s chatting with the prisoner he mentions she’s the second visitor he’s had since he’s been incarcerated other than his lawyer.

Rachel’s internal monologue is this verbatim “Rachel presumed the other visitor was Maddison. She decided not to ask”

GIRL you ALREADY KNOW. why are you presuming??? What’s to presume??

Also when she first sees him on page 68 she notices a tattoo on his neck that she thinks to herself HE must have done TO HIMSELF. like, home boy is in PRISON. Why is your first thought he must have done it to himself when everyone knows prison tats are super common and are usually done by other prisoners.

Anyways I’m on page 89 and still chugging along 😂😂

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