Nikki's Reviews > The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl

The Pioneer Woman Cooks by Ree Drummond
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it was ok
bookshelves: cookbooks

(WARNING: incoming rant)

I wanted to give this book three stars but since I found out the TRUTH about what a fake and phony Ree Drummond is, I cannot.

Through several websites I read the truth about Ree, her life of privilege in an upper-middle-class family and then marrying into one of the top land-owner ranching families in the US. The "pioneer" appellation that Ree gave herself must be an inside joke because she and her husband are so rich (without even counting her $1.5M+ blog, TV show, cookbooks dynasty) that they get paid for land they don't work and to keep wild mustangs on their property (subsidized in the millions by the US government). In fact the little ranch operation that Marlboro Man (Ladd Drummond) runs with his brother Tim makes a paltry few hundred thousand a year in comparison to where the big bucks are (Ree's empire and the family land, some of which sold back in 2001 for over $20M - purchased by the US government).

Ree and her perfect little cowboy clan ARE NOT LIKE you and me, though she thinks if she pretends to be all down home by dropping the g's off all her words (gettin', fightin', talkin', home schoolin', eatin', feedin') and never refers to them but 'em (come an get 'em) she'll be able to fool the masses into thinking she's living like a modern "Little House on the Prairie". Which apparently she has been able to do quite successfully.

The truth of the matter is, she is not a lonely little prairie wife, strugglin’ to work a family ranch. She's gobs and gobs richer than her fans (most likely richer than just about everyone in Oklahoma), home schools with two teachers (I bet you thought she did the teachin' too, dinja?) had/has nannies for her kids as they were growin' up, had a ghostwriter and staff work on her cookbooks and recipes, clears easily a cool million in ad revenue from her blog and let's face it talks way too much about how she loves her husband and how hot he is in his Wranglers which personally makes me think he's a dud in the bedroom, otherwise, who are you trying (sorry, tryin') to convince by yappin' about it all the time? I don't care that you hit the hubby landowner jackpot (land stolen from the Native Americans) and pushed out four lil' brats, that doesn’t make you better or smarter or more interesting than anyone else who has done the same thing but on much less money, having to be far more creative than cooking in a kitchen bigger than most people’s homes (and that's not mentioning The Lodge which is literally a hotel/TV kitchen studio on their property built especially for her Food Network TV Show. You could land a Cessna in the living room).

Ree Drummond is as phony as the shade of red she dyes her hair.

Yet them regular folks out here eat it up. I admit at first I kind of fell for it too though it didn’t really make sense that she could be feedin' all them cattle-folk, schoolin' four children, bakin' pies for the church social, helpin' out with all the chores on the ranch, makin' a good supper for her family (and all the other meals), keepin' up her blog by writin' and takin' hundreds of photos, doin’ a TV show, writin' cookbooks, developin' recipes and wranglin' whatever's in Marlboro Man’s Wranglers on a regular basis. I mean she's called The Pioneer Woman not some durned Super Pioneer Woman who has a laser spatula for flippin' griddle-cakes and a giant cowboy bean-pot of radioactive energy that is the source of her powers.

So when I did a little diggin' round the old cowherd called th’ internet, daggummit what d'ya think I found?

Non-believers who were happy to turn a spotlight on Ree's duplicity.

And frankly if'n The Pioneer Woman tain't no real pioneer it kind of renders her cookbooks, somewhat ridiculous.

The recipes are simple Ladies Auxiliary type, for beginners with step by step photos that I guess are there in case you have no clue what sweatin' an onion in a fryin' pan looks like. Actually I don’t really see the point of the step by step pictures since they are very small and not particularly clear. Also step by step instructions for simple recipes is overkill.

It’s not that I don't like some of the recipes. But often they are recipes that you don’t even need a recipe for - like potato skins. Is there anyone who can currently walk into a kitchen and peel a potato that doesn't know how to make potato skins?

She does have an good recipe for cinnamon rolls (her mother's) and other recipes from various friends and family members that are pretty good too but as long as Cinnabon exists in the Pillsbury refrigerator case I see no point in going to all that work and I severely doubt that Ree does either.

The pictures are lovely (though over-saturated with Photoshop filters) and some of her humor is hokey and sweet. If only it were genuine. Well, if any of it was.

Curse me out if you're a fan of hers if you like but just know that you are defending a fake who laughs all the way to the bank. And she's laughing at YOU.
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Reading Progress

July 1, 2012 – Shelved
August 7, 2012 – Started Reading
August 30, 2012 – Finished Reading
September 8, 2012 – Shelved as: cookbooks

Comments Showing 1-50 of 95 (95 new)

message 1: by Caitlyn (new)

Caitlyn Whoa. Angry much? I think the "pioneer" thing refers to the fact that she was a big city chick for several years and then she fell in love and decided to stay living in the middle of nowhere. Ok, so she has money. NOWHERE does she ever say that she doesn't or didn't!!! People can't be down to earth if they have money? Why do you think she isn't a genuine person just because she grew up with more money than others? I think she presents exactly what she claims to - simple food that middle America will like, and doesn't pretend to be some Michelin star chef. I personally think it's kind of awesome that she still thinks so highly of her husband, and gives me hope for the future.

By all means, like who you like, and don't like who you don't like, but just because you don't seem to like this woman does not make her "phony." On her website she goes into great detail about a building that she and her husband bought and are completely renovating. I think the average person has enough brain cells running around in his/her head to know that that takes serious money. The fact that they have financial wealth doesn't, in my opinion, take away from the idea that one can still love their family, be church-going people, and like simple things.

message 2: by Janice (new)

Janice Hanson-nikulin Caitlyn, that was well said. I really enjoy Ree's website for what it is--a great cooking blog with great and simple recipes--with a lot of great humor mixed in. I don't think I need her financial records and land owning history to determine whether or not I like her recipes. It is very disappointing to read such negative rants--if you can't say something constructive--don't say anything at all.

message 3: by May517 (new)

May517 Everyone is entitled to their opinion, obviously, but have to agree with the two comments above. I don't care what her financial situation is. If she's hurting others, that's something else, but she provides straight forward recipes that are very doable to get done during hectic weeks and even to enjoy on weekends. I think that is the bottom line. If you don't like her personally, that's your prerogative, but seems strange to go too so much trouble to try and shame her for who she is. I never thought she was a "Pioneer" woman... I just think she created a persona just like every actor/tv personality or public figure does. What I do like is the easy-to-follow recipes that taste great. If she has property and likes to gush about her husband then so be it. There's no crime in that.

message 4: by Ag (new)

Ag I agree with Caitlyn, Janice and May517. I was under no illusion that they were anything but financially very well off. Just looking at the opening sequence of the cattle ranch and the expanse of land they own is not something a middle income person would own. In addition, she is on TV! I don't know anyone on The Food Network, that may not be financially very secure. She is a TV personality and I enjoy watching her cook. I know people that have had nannies and people that are living paycheck to paycheck, all decent people, I try not to prejudge based their paycheck. I enjoy watching her cook, her recipes are things my family would eat, have tried a few of them and all delicious.

message 5: by Sue (new)

Sue Caitlyn, Janice, May517, and Ag, I completely agree with you! I think calling herself "Pioneer Woman" is a tongue-in-cheek way of describing her transformation from a woman who lived in L.A. for years, to living on a ranch. I don't infer from that moniker that she's churning her own butter and is barely scraping by. I enjoy Ina Garten's books, too; she and Jeffrey have more money than I'll ever have, just as the Drummonds do, but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying their programs, their books, or their recipes. For the life of me, I don't understand calling Ree a "fake" or "phony." She doesn't seem to be pretending to be anything she's not. My two cents.

message 6: by Mary (new)

Mary Lee Why do women out there hang on every word someone on TV says?? Put them on a pedi stool.....for what?? Most people have better recipes than any on this show!

message 7: by Tonya (new)

Tonya Ummmm....she lives somewhere that has a kitchen as big as my home and has an additional "lodge" house. Why on God's green earth think she WASN'T rich.

Look at her cookware! She's got pots that cost HUNDREDS!

Why would that bother me? And how stupid would I be if I didn't realize she's loaded?

Maybe get a hobby, lady. For reals.

message 8: by Tonya (new)

Tonya Mary wrote: "Why do women out there hang on every word someone on TV says?? Put them on a pedi stool.....for what?? Most people have better recipes than any on this show!"

A pedi-stool!!! I love it!

message 9: by L (new)

L Manning I feel sorry for this reviewer - quite insecure about her own story really. I appreciate the amazing photos and recipes off this website. Too bad someones discontent with themselves must be to cut on someone who has made a successful career and many happy followers. I have made many, many of the recipes on this site and have turned many to her site due to their desire to have those awesome recipes. Shame on you Nikki - Sorry for your jealousy!

Megan Gross You know, In order to write a good review, you need to include two different sides, not just the bad, but the good as well!

Kerry I actually thought the review was amusing. Yes, I had no illusions to her wealth. I would love to have a kitchen half that size rather than the postage stamp size one I work with currently. I can understand why one would think she is not genuine and that is okay because it is exactly that. An opinion. So I say rant away!

message 12: by Katherine (new)

Katherine Joyce You are my newfound hero. This is amazing.

message 13: by SuzyLee (last edited Mar 15, 2015 11:00AM) (new)

SuzyLee I created an account for the sole purpose of telling you how spot-on your review is. I hate-watch this show when I'm feeling too lazy to reach for the remote and have grown very, very weary of her hokey, homespun witticisms and "aw shucks" demeanor while standing in a massive, flatteringly-lit, showroom kitchen filled with top-of-the-line pots and pans. Her phoniness is almost like another person in the room with her. She has *never* once sounded real when speaking to her children. I want to beat myself with my rolling pin when she adds a 'y' to the end of their names (Paige-y, Bryce-y, Todd-y, and The Other One). As for the food, I have attended church suppers and PTA socials with better, more imaginative dishes prepared by ladies who could cook circles around this red-headed fake without the help of a $400 dutch oven. She's selling a lifestyle and attitude, nothing more. Fantastic writin' job!

message 14: by mbm (new) - rated it 5 stars

mbm Congratulations Ree Drummond on all your success. I hope you are making the money suggested by the rant. I love a good success story. I don't speculate on your life or even care to judge it - enjoy!

Rachael Hodson (still skiing) Whoa! I personally despise when people get all high and mighty because someone has money. So silly. There wasn't one thing in your rant that I didn't already know (other than how her husband performs in the sack...which is none of my dang business) or that even made me raise a brow. Ree rose to fame because people read her blog not because she had money. Congrats to Ree and her success in life. As far as the cookbook goes, I only use one recipe. Not my favorite.

message 16: by Suetr (new)

Suetr It is a sad and miserable person to spew so much hate over someone you don't know personally. Don't get me started on Internet "research". If you don't like her, don't watch her show, read her blog or buy her books. End of story. Negativity and bad energy is bringing our society down faster than anything else

message 17: by Stacy (last edited Apr 29, 2015 12:27AM) (new)

Stacy S. This isn't a review of her book. It's a review of her life.
What does their money, land, etc. have to do with the cookbook?
Sorry, but you come off as a jealous, bitter person that can't live like Ree does.
So, she has money and married money. Big deal. If you loved the guy, wouldn't you?
This review is unfair.
I hope you aren't getting your info from those 'hate blogs'. You can't believe everything you read on the net.
I'm pretty sure Ree knows that she's not Laura Ingalls Wilder.

message 18: by Nancy (new)

Nancy The recipes are ho hum and not even hers, she claims she was a "big city" girl though she grew up in Bartlesville, OK (hardly a big city) and went to college in California on daddy's dime. I stopped visiting her blog long ago when her home schooling facade was exposed. I don't care how much money she has, or who she married, or how many photoshop packages or cookware sets she sells - good for her. But I won't contribute a penny of my hard earned money to support her. Ever notice how she has give-aways of sponsored expensive items and promises winners on a certain day? She's a marketing genius. People will keep visiting her site all day and night on the specified day and every click is more money in her pocket from ads. The winners are often posted late at night or even a day late. Cha-ching!

message 19: by Beverly (new)

Beverly Blair Nikki, I realize you feel the need to "blow the cover" off of this life-shattering topic, but as anyone who's lived in Texas can tell you, rich people from the South GENUINELY "drop their g's" all the time too. And rich people can be wonderful, humble, hardworking folk just as easily as anyone else. I don't know the intimate nature of Ree and her family since I don't know them personally, but the point is...neither do you. The fact that she is successful doesn't mean she doesn't provide an enjoyable show with great recipes and a nice wholesome appeal. And to Nancy (commentor), who is so hot and bothered about Ree's dad paying for her education that she won't spend her "hard-earned money to support her".....I imagine you don't own a car, hold a mortgage, carry a credit card or buy ready-made clothes, because ANY money spent in corporate America (like car companies, banks, CC companies and large retail stores) is supporting someone so wealthy, they make Ree look like a pauper. Perspective, ladies. It's just a blasted cooking show.

Rachael Hodson (still skiing) Exactly Nikki! Love

Rachael Hodson (still skiing) Exactly Nikki! Love

message 22: by Stacy (new)

Stacy S. Nancy wrote: "The recipes are ho hum and not even hers, she claims she was a "big city" girl though she grew up in Bartlesville, OK (hardly a big city) and went to college in California on daddy's dime. I stoppe..."

Pretty sure she won't be in a financial bind if you refuse to buy anything from her.

Rachael Hodson (still skiing) SORRY, I wasn't paying attention!!!! Excuse me everyone. I was agreeing with Beverly NOT Nikki!!!! Oops

Mariya The review of Ree Drummonds personal life is uncalled for. It's plain tacky to speculate on her bedroom life. If you don't like the book, review it WITH reasons but don't attack the author.

message 25: by Sue (new)

Sue Agreed. This is not a review. It's character assassination!

message 26: by Sue (new)

Sue Agreed. This is not a review. It's character assassination!

message 27: by Katherine (new)

Katherine Joyce Ree Drummond is phony . the end.

message 28: by Stacy (last edited Aug 14, 2015 06:23PM) (new)

Stacy S. Katherine wrote: "Ree Drummond is phony . the end."

Nobody is forcing you to read or watch her.
The end.

message 29: by Katherine (new)

Katherine Joyce It's an observation, lady. Go back to your snacks and shows.

message 30: by Stacy (new)

Stacy S. Katherine wrote: "It's an observation, lady. Go back to your snacks and shows."

How mature. :/
If you don't like her, don't watch. Pretty simple really.

Regina you sound jealous to me. I dont care how rich she is..etc.Her show and blogs are fun, easy and entertaining and she manages to relate the the average woman. go back to your shows and snacks. the commercials are over.

message 32: by Linda (new)

Linda Smith The Mrs. Is so fake with her fake smile and simplistic recipes. All she wants to do is brag on her hubby and her brats. I got sick of of and could not watch one more episode. I say she is fake cause she tries to talk so sweet and "down home" but it comes across so syrupy and plastic. Please Food Network, dump her and Farmhouse Rules.

message 33: by Barbara (last edited Oct 09, 2015 02:24PM) (new)

Barbara Dixon This is supposed to be a review of her book, not an essay condemning her lifestyle. Who are you to judge what she does in her life? A little bitter are we? This is a book review , not a judgment on people. Personally I leave that to a higher power. I don't know who you are Nikki or what gives you the right to pass judgment on others but this is not the forum to do so. I pity you having to spew your negativism in a book review. If you hate the author so much don't read her books, don't watch her TV show, and don't read her blog. It's that simple. Obviously you need to take your hate out on someone. I enjoy her recipes that's all I'm interested in. How she conducts her life is none of my business.

message 34: by Beatrice (new)

Beatrice Sullivan (Funny how our society has changed and making money is now a cause for disgust. I admire you Ree Drummond for being fun, successful, a loving mom, a loving wife, a good business woman and publishing books "for the pleasure of my eyes". I do not care that you do not really homeschool your children, I like the fact that you decided to have them educated at home. If I could afford tutors, I would hire some also!
Go ahead, make even more money and you'll hear me cheer! )
About the book. I read it as a picture book, looking at the photographs, enjoying the graphic style and smiling at her conversations with the readers. The ingredients are somewhat too high on the calories scale for me since...I do not work on a farm.
Looking forward to more books!

message 35: by Emma (new) - added it

Emma I like her recipes but I don't care what all of you think. She gas great food, I've made most of the recipes and they work great. Just because she has money it doesn't mean she is not part of a farmer family on a ranch!

message 36: by Chrissy (last edited Oct 26, 2015 08:32AM) (new)

Chrissy I have to agree with your review Nikki. At first, I too was intrigued by Pioneer Woman and what she stood for. I'm a working mom who puts a meal on the table every night. Family values mean alot to me. But I wondered, how on earth does she do it, how can she possibly do everything she claims to do. Well you've answered those questions and now I'm completely turned off. Not because she has help, but because she has misrepresented herself. She doesn't home school her kids. I've seen snips on her show of them 'in school' and thought, my goodness, what kind of education IS that?! Anyway, I feel the same way about the source of the land which was always a turn off (stolen from native americans) and federal subsidies etc. Overall, not feeling it like I did - though I do make a few of her recipes and did enjoy watching her show in the beginning. I'll tell you this, I will not be buying any of her new dishware products, primarily because they're made in China. It's not one thing that turned me off, but the cumulation of the reality of who she really and attempt to mislead us all that did it for me.

Brooke are so people love her and some people hate her...the part that is hilarious is that you actually let this ruin your day..probably even your week.

message 38: by Jodi (new)

Jodi Thompson I agree with Nikki and not because of the wealth. I couldn't care less about how rich she is. But she IS a phony (having teachers/maids/tutors/etc. and pretending she does all this stuff herself.)
What I do NOT like about her is that her recipes are so VERY unhealthy and many even come from sources like Better Homes and Garden's, Good Housekeeping from many, many years ago before people started cooking healthier. She had one recipe for brownies that she doubled, and put in an 8"x 8" pan. Probably 500 calories per piece. She's the Pioneer Paula Deen. More power to her earning powers, but please don't pass yourself off as a knowledgeable, creative cook.

Rosemarie Gleason Have any of you met her? She is very nice & genuine!

message 40: by Cate (new) - added it

Cate Flanagan It is sad how you just treat a inspiration woman and kids and adults might like her because of the way she cooks. So I think whoever doesn't like her just don't say dumb stuff like that because what if Ree Drummond was reading all of these comments and she thought that only a couple people called her a phoney and that is very disrespectful. So if you want to judge her than you are messing with the wrong people.

message 41: by Sandi (new)

Sandi Not a book review, just a snarky jealously mean spirited comment. Successful people are to be admired. I've made many of the recipes an they are good.
Maybe you are not capable of writing reviews. Maybe you shouldn't !

message 42: by Rizpah (new)

Rizpah Fitzgerald Thank you *SO* much for this review! I have to admit--being in N. TX area so close to OK I fell for her shtick as well. Of course, being in show business myself I've got to give her the propers that she deserves. She honed in on the fantasy of prairie, "simple" livin' and capitalized on it. If anything she's playing the part and that makes for good TV.

message 43: by Rich (new)

Rich Binder Someone didn't stir their Metimucil this morning.

Terri So just because she's well off means she can't cook or display a recipe? And, yes pioneer woman is obviously a euphemism...not once did they show, nor did i expect her to be working out of a one room house, doing laundry by the creek or pulling Pa's plow in the fields. Bless your heart, did you really thing that she was living like Ma Ingalls? And are you insinuating that educated, well off people are above using words like " 'em"? Don't be mad because someone does better than you, or you are disappointed by your own mad because the scrambled eggs didn't turn out. How she lives and what she does on her own time has no impact on the quality of her work.

message 45: by Rachel (new)

Rachel I am so glad that I came across this review. I too was wondering the very same things. Thanks for the honest and forth coming review. She gives the impression of homesteading, of doing all of this work all on her own, and that you and I can do this, too - but we can't. We don't have her money to buy all of that help. This is the same reason that I stopped with Martha Stewart so long ago and started looking for real homesteaders that started from scratch. Thanks again!!

Oh - and don't listen to the bad reviews about your honest review. Their toxic words speak more about themselves than your review - they are utter shills, and still drinking the kool aid!! OR - Ree has now employed people to counter the growing legion of former fans that feel duped.

message 47: by Kira (new)

Kira For the replies such as Terri,sandi, cate, etc- Nikkis comment is not about Ree being rich or successful- its about her misrepresenting herself, and the impact that has on women who aren't aware of it. Just get that straight before u reply, instead of making spin-doctor comments that turn it into someones personal meaningless envy.

message 48: by Carolanne (new)

Carolanne Young Nuts. And yet, maybe we are far more gullible believing the fantasy in the first place. Or, discontented with our own lives. Anyway, good to know

message 49: by Bev (new)

Bev Uh, really, Pioneer Woman. Hey it is a catchy name for the show. Not really a Pioneer, did you think the Barefoot Contessa walked around her Hampton kitchen? Doesn't seem like people reading this site thought too much of your opinion.

message 50: by Laura (new)

Laura I just think Ree Drummond is extremely mediocre and is peddling a type of Americana culture that doesn't exist. Her food is no better than the below average home cook who uses soup mix and bouillon cubes to make soup. When you first read her blog, she seems laid back and cool but after watching her show, you can see through the thin veneer of sincerity. Her forced cheeriness and awkward interactions with her husband and family are grating.

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