Lexie's Reviews > Redeeming Love

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
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did not like it

I recieved this as a part of the First Reads program.

I was repulsed by this book.

It's supposed to be a Christian romance novel. Full disclosure, I'm an atheist, so I wasn't expecting to exactly fall in love with the book. But I found the concept of the story of Hosea being retold during the Gold Rush interesting, or else I wouldn't have picked it up.

So you may ask, why was I so repulsed by this book? Looking past the forced marriage, rape, beatings and child rape described in the book. Also looking past the flat, one dimensional characters, that are by the way, stunning and physically beautiful (how boring is that). Not to mention, looking past the horrible source material that is the Old Testament. I'm repulsed by the ideas that this book reinforces for women. I'm disgusted that this drivel was written by a woman. And after reading some reviews prior to recieving the book, I'm appaled that some people found this book moving, positive and uplifting. The plot device of using these characters to represent god and his unconditional love that he supposedly has for his children was weak. This was represented by the two main character's and Angel. So god talks to him(I'll leave that one alone) and tells him to marry her. He has a priest marry the two of them while she's pretty much unconsious. She runs away after being forced to work for and take care of him. I wonder why she would run away. So she finally meets a family who is willing to take care of her. She's in a good place. And then he comes back for her. She for some unknown reason, goes back to him. The worst part is the ending, because she wants nothing more than to please him and bear him a son.

This book does nothing more than subjugate women. In my own opionion, so do gods and religions, but that's a different story for a differnt time. What positive message is there in this for anyone? Be a good wife and devote all your time to making babies. I think we all know there is more to life than that.

Please don't waste your time reading this book, get something else that will celebrate life and the worth of an individual, or something that you will learn something from. I'll be trading mine in at the local book mine, to get something of more worth.
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 51 (51 new)

April Knapp I am a Christian and I agree with you. This is not the content of the book of Hosea either.

Libbi AGREED! (From another Christian who found it forced and irritating) I wouldn't have finished it had I not been reading it for my book club.

Tara Dennis I agree with your literary thoughts, perhaps though reading the book of Hosea would clarify for you some of your problems with this book ie why Angel keeps running away. This is just a retelling and much of it doesn't make sense without understanding the Biblical/spiritual allusions. For example the idea of a barren woman giving birth to children is a theme repeated in the Bible and speaks to the greater idea of a barren person (someone without love and hope) giving birth to new life (having a new life of purpose and truth). For me I appreciated the idea of feeling unworthy and the surrender it takes to accept things we don't think we deserve. I applaud you for giving this book a chance as an atheist, not many Christians would be brave enough to read an allegory (I'm using this term here loosely) about atheism.

katerina flanegin God is loving.... and that shows in angels life!!!!!!

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

totally agree with you!! everyone was so in love with this book that I thaught It would be amazing....I'm really worry for all those people that think this is a beautiful love story and the worst part of it is that is the majority.....where people saw love I just saw woman repression. ....

Jiajia Liu agreed.

Chene Well maybe because you are an athiest, you do not exactly see that the whole theme is about God.

LadyS  hard to see the depth of meaning in this story from an athesit pov

message 9: by Linda Roberts (new)

Linda Roberts You are mistaken this book can change lives you need to think beyond yourself This really gets peoples attention and makes them hang on for the ride. It is relative stop being a prude.

♛ Jarusauskas I love you review. Everything you say it's true.

message 11: by Melody (new)

Melody I'm a Christian, and I'm horrified that people are defending this vile, toxic bit of trash. This isn't about someone not understanding the symbolism and allusions--there is no subtlety in her writing. The story perpetuates rape culture and normalizes abusive behavior. Michael treats Angel like a recalcitrant child rather than a grown woman who deserves the right to consent to marrying him (and, no, being manipulated into marriage when half conscious from nearly dying does *not* count as enthusiastic, active consent). When she doesn't want to stay he forcibly keeps her there

SHE'S AFRAID OF HIM FOR GOOD PORTION OF THE STORY. And with reason, there's a point where he admits to himself that he couldn't hit her because he wouldn't be able to stop, that he wanted to kill her, but of course, that doesn't stop him from manhandling and throwing her around. He gets violent with her because she tries to leave him. This isn't okay, and it's not a sign of "love" or healthy relationship. These are the actions of an abuser.

It doesn't matter that she doesn't want to be with him, that he makes her uncomfortable, that he scares her. No all that matters is that he feels entitled to her because "God" gave her to him. He isolates her, makes her feel guilty for making friends, forces emotional intimacy on her, guilts her for her emotions and desires, is violent towards her, renames her to suit him even when she objects (because she's not a person, she's his property no matter how the author wraps it up in flowery prose and pretty Christian phrases). No matter what he does to her, it doesn't matter because he's a "good Christian" just trying to "love" her, and she pushed him to it.

Take away those Christian phrases and you're left with Fifty Shades of Grey without the smut.

Vivacious I didn't think the wedding was off and wrong before reading this review and some replies. I justified it because the heroine was conscious and consented and remembered the event. But when I think the author should indeed have waited before marrying the couple, I remember the story of Hosea. He actually bought his wife, who was a prostitute, and as this is a retelling I think the author of RL gave the heroine more agency than there was in the real thing.

That said, the novel left me with a horrible taste in my mouth. It is absolutely true that the role and place of women in this "inspirational" novel is appalling, and I've said as much in my review. May women find deliverance from toxic theology.

message 13: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Thanks for your review. It sounded interesting, but it doesn't seem like the subject was handled well. I'm not a Christian, but I have read and enjoyed multiple Christian novels in the past because it seems like it's hard to find a middle ground between completely clean and utter smut and I am more interested in reading about relationships than sex most of the time. But as a feminist I don't think this is something I would like, with physical abuse and such. There are tons of stores when women are sold into marriage and she at least accepts it but that in and of itself isn't sexist, it's just a plot point. It's how the author justifies or doesn't justify that action that's sexist. But if the woman is scared and abused I'm not interested.

message 14: by Mery (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mery Bagdyan No one asked you to read a Christian book especially if you weren’t “expecting to exactly fall in love with the book.”

message 15: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Mery wrote: "No one asked you to read a Christian book especially if you weren’t “expecting to exactly fall in love with the book.”"

Mery, what's your problem? It's a book. The author wants to sell their books to as many people as possible. They don't care if you're a Christian or not, and furthermore only extremely close-minded people will refuse to read books about people different than themselves. So what point are you making? She read a book that she wasn't sure she was going to like and instead of just not liking it, she hated it. Her opinion is as valid as anyone else's. She explained about herself, where she was coming from and what bothered her. She wrote a good review and doesn't need passive aggressive comments, as if she's not entitled to read or comment on a book because she's not a Christian.

Fallan (msyvettereads) Thank God i didnt have to say it. This is exactly my reaction when i read this book. Also, can i just reiterate to anyone who still needs clarity, including the author: No means no, it doesn't mean try harder. I dont care what Hosea's intentions were, no still means no. Also can we stop pretending that women dont know their own mind, and that a man has to convince her to "see the truth"? What utter garbage.

message 17: by Gena (new) - rated it 2 stars

Gena Yay, a reveiw that echoes my thoughts exactly.

Devika @Melody Germain I'm just passing by to say that I love your comment. I was christian too and this book was a recommendation. I can't understand how this can received so much praise when it's all about abuse. Michael is odious and Angel broke my heart. She wanted to live alone and be happy in a little house. She ended up with another abuser. A man who changed her name three times without her consent and a man she was forced to married.

message 19: by Joanne (new)

Joanne Completely Agreed, after I read this book, I couldn't bare to donate it thinking someone's else would read it. I threw it in the trash. It was awful. Plus there were so many prostitutes why was she so special, just because she was beautiful she was worth saving. I heard they are making it into a movie...yikes.

Susan I am a Christian and I was offended! Not sure I wil finish. stopped after brother in law rapes her. Just awful. What redeeming love? Child sexabuse and sex trafficing, phyiscal abuse, possesive and obsessive husband. Just awful to read.

message 21: by Jayden (new)

Jayden Pitre Thank you. I thought I was going crazy. Especially about the characters like she is literally just an object of desire throughout the book even in the view of her "husband".

message 22: by Lisa (new)

Lisa I couldn’t get past a few chapters. I hated the writing. I really wanted to like it, a respected friend loves it.

message 23: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Phew glad I’m not the only one with these thoughts. I was starting to wonder what was wrong with me because so many people *women* love it and I found it insulting and just a perpetuation of this idea that women need to be saved, especially if they’re attractive, and their only desire is to be married, led by a man and birth children.

message 24: by Haw (new)

Haw I wish I could block the author from coming up on my book fees. I almost added this book to my list but after reading both sides of the argument in multiple comment threads, sounds like those who hated it were justified because they saw how horribly wrong it is to romanticize questionable consent, be repressed, not taken to a trauma specialist, and be brainwashed into thinking he's her savior. Sounds like the author shrowded Michael's insidious behavior behind an illusion of his self proclaimed martyrdom. Nooo thank you....

Christine @Melody. I really wanted to like this book. I almost put it down. And walked away when the "Christian man" forced her to marry him then forced her to lay in bed when she wasn't ready then had sex when he told her he only wanted to when she wanted to... That is not how I read Hosea. Placing it in "gold rush" California doesn't make the way Angel was treated right. It doesn't justify how she's written as another helpless woman who needs a man to save her and isn't good enough for him and it certainly isn't a woman's role to just bear children. Now the author states that many women in the sex industry with abusive backgrounds relate to the this book. Some of me is happy that they see Gods redemption and healing in the story. But as a Christian women.. wow that message could have happened without the framing given. Without the forced sex by Hosea and treating her like a child. I could go on and on. How did all the Christians let the Paul character get away raping her?! And remind friends hoping for change... It's complete vomit. I hope the author matures in her writing and understanding of scriptures. I really do.

message 26: by Erin (new) - rated it 2 stars

Erin You said it perfectly!!!

message 27: by Alex (new) - rated it 5 stars

Alex Wait. Are you kidding? Completely missed the point of this book

message 28: by Sincerely, (new) - added it

Sincerely, Angel this is very weird i thought this was a beautiful love story bcs it was recommended by tons of booktubers saying it was beautiful and the ratings are high omg I'm shock

Tracey Appreciate these comments. As a sexual assault nurse, I hated the way they swept the rape of Angel by Paul under the rug. It was never made to be as big of a deal as it should have been. And for Michael being so strong and "christian"... he should have defended his wife more instead of just "oh well". Paul's pathetic "come to Jesus" moment in the end was NOT sorrow and I did not feel made him any more worthy of Miriam or anyone else for that matter. I feel disgusted.

message 30: by Kelly (new) - rated it 1 star

Kelly I’m still in the prologue thinking ok I like this until she is taken to be sold and then raped as a child. Poor girl. What a horrible story.

message 31: by Eden (new)

Eden Girl. you complete missed the whole point of the movie.
like are you kidding. it’s a very sad story for Angle yes, and the things she goes through and people put her through is very disgusting and sad. but these are very true situations that happen in real life obviously but the point is not her past or what’s she been through but she can choose the life she wants and she’s not defined by her past. So you’re repulsed by the rape, child rape etc? The very situationships that happen in real life. So you’re repulsed because the author is being attention to these situations in her characters story line? The “forced” marriage was for her own good. It was literally to protect her. because she had just been abused and almost beaten to death he was marrying her for safety. How are earth do you find these characters one- dimensional? The author very well describes the deep deep feelings and thoughts of characters. It shows the way Angel shuts down all feelings of love because trauma and how her mother was very poorly treated by men. And because they a good looking characters they are boring? So one has to be unattractive to have depth to them? No. Absolutely not. The book is not even focusing on the beauty of the outward but rather the healing of the inward. Have you even read the book of Hosea? Because i don’t know where you are getting your information from but.. The book of hosea is about a man lead to marry a prostute. To give a good life and bringing her into the life. Regardless of his unconditional love, she left him and hurt him many times and even bear children with another man. The book is not focused on the sins of the woman but rather the love of Hosea. The is a true representation of Gods unconditional love. The both books Redeemimg love and Hosea are not based on controlling the women but rather loving them in spite of their flaws and being there to protect and shield them. To provide a good life not defined by past mistakes. Were
we even reading the same book?? She wasn’t forced to take care and work for him! He literally bent over backwards to take care and make she was comfortable. Feeding her, washing her, letting her sleep in the bed by her self and him on the chair. nurturing her, encouraging her when she does good and not making her feel bad when she makes mistakes but rather sharing his own times of mistakes. When she ran away for the first time, and he found her cold and hungry, he gave her a CHOICE. To come back or to keep going and SHE CHOSE to come back. when she got back he didn’t rub it in her face but rather washed her feet and gave her something to eat. Then SHE felt like she had to repay him ( he didn’t influence that idea at all.) so that’s when she cooked and kept the garden up for him. At the end she wants nothing more than to please him? Girl. that was her choice. because she loved him. because that her husband. of course that’s a person wants to make their partner happy. She does not bear a child just for him. but for herself as well. The positive message is that A person is not defined by their past or mistakes. but rather the person the choose to be and the life that choose to live. The positive message is that no matter what we could ever do, no matter the deepest thought We are loved by God. no matter how many times we run away he comes chasing after us with his perfect and pleasing love. His peace and joy that he so desperately wants to give us. The positive message is that a woman has more to offer than just her body, that she is more than that as an individual. Since you have so much to say about the Bible them i suggest you actually read it and get your facts straight. Because if you did then you would know how much God values women and sees them as equal to men.

mommylonglegs Um girl what??? 🤣

Vanesa Seems like you forgot this was set in the 1850s.

message 34: by Lily (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lily Courtade Talk about missing the whole point… this book is on so many levels excellent. But youre an atheist so i wouldnt expect you to get it.

Devika Lily wrote: "Talk about missing the whole point… this book is on so many levels excellent. But youre an atheist so i wouldnt expect you to get it."

It's always sad to read this kind of comment. You've been so brainwashed that you can't even recognize abuse and on top of that you excuse it under the guise of religion.

amy dawson This book was written in the time frame of the 1800s. This stuff happens. It’s not like it is encouraged or excused by anyone. I’m currently reading it and I’m really enjoying it

message 37: by Katy (new) - rated it 5 stars

Katy Berryman I’m not sure why you read a Christian fiction novel if you think the Old Testament is a horrible source material and that religion in general subjugates women, even with interest in the story of Hosea. That entire story is about God redeeming His people, though His people acts like a harlot with her infidelity—everything you are against, per your review. It kinda sounds like you were looking for a hate-read and found it. The book is not perfect by any means, but you gave it no charity.

message 38: by E (new) - rated it 5 stars

E B Redeeming Love is not a book for everyone. Born and raised catholic. Though I do not attend a church. I still enjoy Christian Historical Fiction. This book is about overcoming our past trials and tribulations of suffering. To notice unshakable Love, Hope and Faith. The strongest being Love.

My girlfriend who is 39; has abandonment fears, fears of being lonely and unwanted from experiencing what Sarah (Angel) has. I read it first ages ago while I lost my Love.

This book taught me to forgive for things I do not understand instilling the lesson of True Selflessness, Loving-Kindness and True pure innocent Forgiveness.

Any person who misses out on this lesson from the book is not facing your past ‘Shadows’ - Carl Jung or Soul-Pains (badasscounseling.com)

If it isn’t for you then say “not for me” move on

Besides we put too much on public reviews these days whatever happened to just enjoy

message 39: by k (new) - rated it 1 star

k Thank you for this review. I read about a quarter of this book and it felt off. Now I can dnf this crap

message 40: by Sheila (new)

Sheila YES! Thank you, for this review. The comments in response to your review are cringe and, in my opinion, are Christians being Christians! 😅 Mandy Moore’s character from Saved! comes to mind! This book is nothing but Christian trauma porn! 🤢😤

Brianna Johnson I see your point but if you read this from a Christian’s point of view you may see differently but to each there own

Miloš I disagree. It looks to me that this book juggles pretty well with human, both female and male, nature. We may not want to admit it but most women are driven in one way and most of the men in another way.

Kaylie “Redeeming” love. The entire point of the book is that she was abused and then she found love again. Not exactly sure why it’s “repulsive” to you that she found happiness in someone that actually loves her. Also they were on a farm, it’s not like he wasn’t doing work too.

Savannah I understand completely why you would find this book disturbing. But I am here to say that that is what makes it so powerful. Yes, it explicitly points out abuse and rape and such, but these things are prominent. They are happening. And thats the beauty of her redemption and her return to love. Without these vivid and definitely nauseating descriptions, the book would not hold the power that it does when her life changes completely. It would feel flat and empty, and then there would be comments about how it was completely unrealistic and brushed over the tough stuff. Yes, those things are disgusting, but that is what magnifies the beauty of feeling treasured and valued.

Ashlee Stupid review.

Becky That is the saddest review ever. That person needs help.

message 47: by irenee (new)

irenee halfway into it, and i think it shows how women are powerful and can always be unconditionally loved. it talks about how God validates and loves everyone no matter what.
but if you want to judge christianity, judge it from the way Jesus lived. not from a christian romance.

message 48: by irenee (new)

irenee God never said be a good wife and devote all your time into making babies, where is that from??????????? dude..

message 49: by Baby (new) - added it

Baby Na your own wahala be that. The book was good.

message 50: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Heeter Thank you for this comment. I’m Christian, though not a churchgoer any longer (I was brought up mainline Protestant.) I also did a degree in English. I’ve sold one novel and a dozen short stories, and make my living as a technical writer. One of my short stories had a religious theme, and I thought about having a crack at the Christian fiction market. I started reading Christian romance paperbacks and found them to be insipid, featuring cardboard, submissive heroines and patriarchal values. Children are idealised. Anyway, Francine Rivers did write a novel I (mostly) liked, “And the Shofar Blew.” But I won’t be reading this one.

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