✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back's Reviews > A Court of Thorns and Roses

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
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(Note from 4/17/2023 So someone reported this for unmarked spoilers even tho I prefaced it lol so the spoilers will be marked where they are, even though they really aren't spoilers at all because they do not significantly affect the plot in any way but oh well. It's either do this or have the entire review hidden bc of spoilers)

(Note from 2/21/2023 because I apparently have to spell it out: For those of you who don't read comments or check dates read, I read and reviewed this book in 2018. It has been about 5 years; as I have stated in a number of comments, I will not continue this series. In the intervening years since reading this, my feelings on the matter have not changed nor have I desired to continue. Please refrain from commenting about how I need to continue the series or that I did not understand the book. I receive too many of those comments and I'm tired of replying the same thing over and over again. This review is for me first and foremost, not you. Please move on if you do not like my take.)

Me to Sarah J Maas:

"Do you lie awake at night to come up with all your witty replies for the following day?"

Oh dear, this is awful.

The Writing

The title of this book is stupid. It's stupid and flashy and unrelated to the actual content of the book. It's solely for the ~wow~ factor. The quotable line, "I love you... Thorns and all" is wholely ineffective because "thorns" had not been established as a motif and was only used in that context in that very scene, more than halfway through the book. The word "thorn" was only used a grand total of 9 times in this book. The original Beauty and the Beast story had established rose motifs—you can't borrow good writing, even for a retelling. That's just lazy.

The writing itself was inconsistent and poorly done.

I pushed and pulled, but the mud was too slick, and held fast.

Are you aware of the definition of "slick", Sarah J Maas? I do not think it means what you think it means.

Besides that, Amarantha's hair drastically changed color after about 90 pages:

Her red-gold hair

Her black hair

Which is it, Maas? It can't be both unless she has unmentioned magical hair dyeing abilities.

The atmosphere and the opening chapter were excellent and I was intrigued by the idea that was offered me, but the actual book did not deliver at all.

This next point is a spoiler, but because I am disgusted with Sarah J Maas for including this, I am not going to mark it as such, since everyone should know what kind of morals this book is supporting before they read it especially when they are as filthy and vulgar as this was.

The attempted (view spoiler) of Feyre by Tamlin was brushed off as no more than a mere romantic, steamy encounter to further their lukewarm love story. The only conclusions I can logically draw from this are all rather victim blamey, tbh—she was warned several times to stay inside with the doors locked until dawn, but she leaves her room not once but twice before dawn because she ~wants to go to the party~ and then later, after she almost gets gang-raped and is saved and then creeped out by Rhysand the sociopath, she thinks she is totally safe to go eat a bunch of cookies because, well the drums stopped, so it's probably okay now, and then she gets (view spoiler) by Tamlin, who was (view spoiler)

I was about to pass out when he grabbed me, so fast I didn't see anything until he had me pinned against the wall.

"Let go," I said as evenly as I could.

I [pushed] him away. He grabbed my hands again and bit my neck. I cried out as his teeth clamped onto the tender spot where my neck met my shoulder. I couldn't move—I couldn't think.

Before, during and after the (view spoiler), she's thinking, Wow, he's really hot. I'm kinda uncomfortable with this, but I guess it's okay that he's drunk on lust magic, because I wanted to sleep with him anyway. That is a very wrong and dangerous way of thinking. No matter what, it is never okay for anyone to make someone else sexually uncomfortable or afraid, especially when they've given verbal disapproval. This entire scene left a bad taste in my mouth.

And then there's Rhysand's behavior. He repeatedly violates her personal space and comfort, drugging her and forcing her to (view spoiler) for him in front of a large crowd for weeks on end after stripping her all but naked. Like all Fae males, apparently, he uses brute force to get her to comply with his sexual wishes.

"But he didn't actually touch her; he kept his hands just on her waist!" you say. Yeah, but did she say he could touch her at all? Did she actively encourage him to touch her? No, she did not.

I pulled away, but his hands were like shackles.

I would not have such an issue with this if Sarah J Maas didn't give the impression that she supports such behavior. That is what I find unconscionable.

Besides that, the plot made no sense, even after exposition-Alis gave us the lowdown—in fact, it almost made less sense then. It was cheesy and cliché and frankly, boring. The "riddle" was extremely easy and only proved that Feyre is an absolute idiot with no logical abilities, as I was able to figure it out before Amarantha had even finished saying it, and I'm notoriously bad at riddles.

The sex scenes were almost Empire of Storms levels of bad, cringey, and gross. I think Sarah J Maas doesn't know what YA means and isn't aware she's actually writing for NA.

The Worldbuilding

The Fae were, for one thing, almost exactly the same (primarily in appearance and personality) to the ones in the Throne of Glass series, and tbh I was disappointed. They're not even cleverly unique faeries. They're just Tolkien-esque elves that are actually vampires: fangs and biting, immortality, aetherial beauty, animalistic tendencies, superiority complex. They don't have any distinct differences from humans in their thought processes or emotional capacities—only the same degree of variety that exists in humans.

The religious system and creation story was very interesting and I really liked that aspect.

The Characters

Faerie aka Belle: Sarah J Maas decided to try something new and have a first-person fixed perspective, but it didn't really work, because Feyre was a bland complacent character without much substance passed the surface level, and most of the interesting action took place where she couldn't see it. She suffered, like Celaena did in Crown of Midnight, from what I call Nehemia syndrome: the character that the MC has grown to trust, despite obvious suspicious behavior, turns out to be manipulative, and yet the MC completely overlooks that fact in favor of idolization of their lying friend. In this case, everyone in Prythian is keeping secrets from her and after almost getting her questions answered by the Suriel, Feyre decides to "Stay with the High Lord. He will keep you safe," and just completely forgets that she wants answers about the blight. Also, whereas Belle left the Beast in the original story because her father was in mortal danger, in this book, Feyre leaves because (view spoiler) She is not an active protagonist. Also, her painting skills aren't a part of her characterization; it just feels tacked on to make her ~cool~ and ~unique~

Tampon aka the Beast: I don't even care about this guy tbh. He's a confusing character who just feels like a Chaol-Rowan merge on steroids. He's violent, obsessive, and abusive, but also sweet, understanding, and caring, because that's not a contradiction. There's a difference between a complex character and a poorly written character.

Lucien aka Lumiere/Cogsworth (his steampunk eye suggests Cogsworth but his personality suggests Lumiere): So apparently he "hates" Feyre even though I almost shipped them more since they consistently had better chemistry than her and Tammy, and that's saying a lot, because they didn't have chemistry.

exposition-Alis aka Mrs Potts: She was okay. Just okay. She was fine.

Reese's Cups aka also the Beast and kinda Gaston too: Is he supposed to be her love interest for the rest of the series or something, because the fan art definitely suggests that, but, uh, did everyone forget that he's a dangerous sociopath with a history of violence?? He has no regard for her emotional well-being and sees her body as literally nothing beyond a sexual plaything. He's a horrible person.

Amarantha: Why did there have to be a "big bad evil Faerie Queen" in this at all? There's already one in the Throne of Glass series and I can only take so much female-against-female hate from a supposedly feminist fantasy writer. Amarantha was bland and predictable, and her motivations were extremely surface-level.

Her fam: Nesta was like, supposed to have some kind of implied character arc but lol it wasn't very good. Elain was nice and I liked her. The dad was okay, I guess. Pretty forgettable tbh

Isaac Hale aka fake-out Gaston: This character wasn't important at all, but I just wanted to say that I think this is the dumbest name choice in a high fantasy book that I've ever seen. Isaac Hale?? Really, Sarah J Maas? Really? That's the Jason of fantasy names. This is a the-guy-who-went-to-high-school-with-my-older-sister kind of name. It's not a fantasy name.


While I managed to read it fairly quickly, I had to dnf it for several days before deciding to trudge through. It was horrendous. I may pick up the sequel at some point, idk, but for now, from what I predict and understand from various spoilers I've encountered on the internet, I don't really care about this series very much. Frankly, it's not good.
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Reading Progress

May 11, 2017 – Shelved
May 11, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
March 18, 2018 – Started Reading
March 18, 2018 – Shelved as: fantasy
March 19, 2018 –
page 9
2.15% "Ooh first person! I love first person!"
March 19, 2018 –
page 21
March 21, 2018 –
page 75
17.9% "The beginning of this had a Grimm's Fairy Tales feel to it but now I can't help but imagine the live action Beauty and the Beast lol

Is Lucien Lumiere and Alis Mrs Potts? I wonder who Cogsworth is. Andras lol?"
March 23, 2018 –
page 123
March 24, 2018 –
page 231
55.13% "Lol I'm confused tho. Who's the black haired guy from so the fan art? Is he that dude from fire night?"
March 26, 2018 –
page 290
69.21% "please don't hate me, but... I'm seriously considering dnfing this... while I've been reading it rather quickly, it's really dumb, and I keep cringing and groaning, and I don't need that kind of stupidity in my life; plus, it's not very interesting..."
March 26, 2018 – Shelved as: dnf
March 26, 2018 – Shelved as: dnf
March 31, 2018 –
page 316
75.42% "So I decided to finish it, even though I really don't like it. Also, the answer to the stupid riddle is obviously love, you freaking idiot. Even I figured it out before the riddle had even finished and I'm terrible at riddles"
March 31, 2018 –
page 386
92.12% "Oh wow. I guess it wasn't enough for Tamlin to sexually assault her—oh course Rhysand had to as well. He is, after all, another love interest, and that's how love interests show their interest and their love, isn't it?"
March 31, 2018 – Shelved as: dont-believe-the-hype
March 31, 2018 – Finished Reading
May 11, 2018 – Shelved as: get-thee-behind-me-satan
May 12, 2018 – Shelved as: masterpiece-covers
May 14, 2018 – Shelved as: new-adult-kinda-ya-but-not-quite
May 14, 2018 – Shelved as: why-did-i-read-this-exactly
May 17, 2018 – Shelved as: retelling
May 23, 2018 – Shelved as: 1-star
May 23, 2018 – Shelved as: soulless
June 1, 2018 – Shelved as: read-2018
June 28, 2018 – Shelved as: faeries
September 30, 2018 – Shelved as: mc-gurl
March 28, 2019 – Shelved as: feminist-but-not-actually

Comments Showing 1-50 of 422 (422 new)

message 1: by Riley (new)

Riley Ashby i think this is literally the only negative review i've seen for this book! sorry you didn't enjoy it :-(

message 2: by ✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ (last edited Mar 26, 2018 09:48AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back Kristina Reads - wrote: "i think this is literally the only negative review i've seen for this book! sorry you didn't enjoy it :-("

Not to be bitter, but I really can't comprehend why so many people like it... Especially with my point about the sexual assault. People revere SJM as a "feminist" author when she writes a scene like that, glorifying assault as a good thing, and somehow gets away with it without anyone noticing? I haven't seen that point in any review I've seen about it, and I think that might almost be worse than what Maas did.

I mean, it had the Hot Guys™ and Plot Twists™ but not really anything substantial--it felt soulless. Feyre doesn't learn or grow from her life in poverty, other than that one point when she is all charitable. Her character regresses if anything. She felt more well-rounded at the beginning and became shallower as it went on and she lived comfortably in a "more than this provincial life" kinda way

Meagan I liked this series, however book one was my least favorite. It didnt really get good until about the last 30%. This is supposed to be a beauty and the beast retelling so that's where the thorns and roses comes in. I don't think of SJM AS a feminist writer overall, but if you read book two I think you might get an idea of why others think that and I think it definitely has good feminist points in it.

Meagan lol so omg I totally didn't see the section you wrote about beauty and the beast so yeah just disregard that little piece in my last comment.

message 5: by Riley (new)

Riley Ashby i felt the same way about 100 years of solitude - all the reviews just gloss over the incest and rape and it drove me insane. I'll probably still read this later this year, but i'm glad i saw your review because i'll certainly have something to say about non-con or dub-con scenes, especially in a YA novel.

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back Meagan wrote: "I liked this series, however book one was my least favorite. It didnt really get good until about the last 30%. This is supposed to be a beauty and the beast retelling so that's where the thorns an..."

I know you said to disregard your Beauty and the Beast comment, but one thing I didn't say in my review that's relevant to this is that, in my opinion, retellings should be able to stand completely alone and still be completely coherent. In this case, the original story of Beauty and the Beast had a lot of rose and thorn motifs, but this one did not, and so including them in this book and implying a motif without bothering to write one is just lazy and bad writing.

Kristina Reads - wrote: "i felt the same way about 100 years of solitude - all the reviews just gloss over the incest and rape and it drove me insane. I'll probably still read this later this year, but i'm glad i saw your ..."

I haven't read One Hundred Years of Solitude yet, but my general opinion on sexual themes is that if the author implies that they condone that kind of behavior, that is when I have an issue. Those kinds of themes can be powerful and interesting, but only when they are treated as they should be.

Nina ✿ Looseleaf Reviews ✿ Agreed! This book was pretty horrible. I listened to everyone who said the second book was amazing, and it was, but you know what? The bird book was back to being dull. If an author isn’t keeping up the same standards for a whole series I’m honestly over it.

Nina ✿ Looseleaf Reviews ✿ ***Third book 😂 Also with all the progressiveness book 2 had about sexuality, it really doesn’t help to only clarify that in book 2. Book 1 alone reads with complete complacency for sexual assault and domestic abuse.

message 9: by Riley (new)

Riley Ashby Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote multiple books about old men having sex with teenagers (or younger). i'm pretty sure he had some nasty fantasies, but we gave him a couple of nobel prizes for it. ugh.

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back Kristina Reads - wrote: "Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote multiple books about old men having sex with teenagers (or younger). i'm pretty sure he had some nasty fantasies, but we gave him a couple of nobel prizes for it. ugh."

Ew. My sister, who basically only reads classics, recommended Love in the Time of Cholera, but if it's like that too, then idk if I want to read it...

Nina ✿ Looseleaf Reviews ✿ wrote: "Agreed! This book was pretty horrible. I listened to everyone who said the second book was amazing, and it was, but you know what? The bird book was back to being dull. If an author isn’t keeping u..."

I hate series inconsistency! It drives me mad!!!

message 11: by J.J. (new) - rated it 3 stars

J.J. Yeah her writing can be annoying but the story and characters I got hooked on in all 3 books. Movies have plenty of assaults we watch continuously. I mean the channel Lifetime, Hallmark, or Oxygen usually is based on women and assaults and how the persevered or even the woman being the suspect of some sort of assault. The books are fantasy and the movies are fiction unless it says based on true story. Either way I still like the ACOTAR series and I'm a guy lol.

message 12: by ✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ (last edited Mar 26, 2018 10:46AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back J.J. wrote: "Yeah her writing can be annoying but the story and characters I got hooked on in all 3 books. Movies have plenty of assaults we watch continuously. I mean the channel Lifetime, Hallmark, or Oxygen ..."

The gut feeling while I was reading it, and the fact that there were absolutely no consequences of what happened, strongly suggested that this assault was not about "perseverance" but was actually meant to be a romantic moment. It has nothing to do with being a guy or not, or taking place in a book or a movie. I don't like assault, of a man or woman, that is not treated as such in film either. The form of media doesn't matter whatsoever. You can continue to like them--that is your own opinion and you have a right to it--but I do disagree with your argument for being okay with that aspect of this book.

Corvid I am beyond grateful to have seen your review. My best friend has been trying to get me to read this for awhile, and I am extremely uncomfortable reading about SA when i am not ready and steeling myself against the anxieties that comes with consuming that kind of content. Are you willing to provide me with the pages this occurs on? I really want to read it, but if I don't prepare myself for that I will only have problems. Thank you so much for being candid, you may have saved my heart for a moment

message 14: by J.J. (new) - rated it 3 stars

J.J. Sure thing but assault is part of many people's daily lives and ignoring it or disliking it doesn't make it go away. We live great world with many great things happening but the world is also cruel. Currents events going on today has a ridiculous amount of crazy stuff going on today. We may not like it but it will always be there and we don't live in a fantasy book, this is reality.

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back Emily wrote: "I am beyond grateful to have seen your review. My best friend has been trying to get me to read this for awhile, and I am extremely uncomfortable reading about SA when i am not ready and steeling m..."

Of course!!

The first incident: pages 186-191 (the mood changes from impending gang-rape that doesn't happen to creepy guy just kinda staring at her, but idk I got weird vibes)
The second, and imo, worse one: pages 195-197

I'm really happy you appreciate my review so much! It really makes my day that I affected someone that way! I'm glad to be of service! :D

message 16: by ✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ (last edited Mar 26, 2018 11:13AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back J.J. wrote: "Sure thing but assault is part of many people's daily lives and ignoring it or disliking it doesn't make it go away. We live great world with many great things happening but the world is also cruel..."

I know things like this exist in the real world and therefore should exist in a fictional one to maintain a level of believability and to express certain themes. I've experienced sexual harassment before; I know without a doubt that it's real. I'm not saying it should not be included in the book, though. If you read one of my early comments, I said as much. I'm saying it should have, at least from a narrator's perspective, been treated appropriately; as it is, the book condones that kind of behavior as long as you make a few jokes and apologize afterwards, which is definitely not okay.

message 17: by J.J. (last edited Mar 26, 2018 11:13AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

J.J. Well for a Fantasy novel I thought book 1 was ok, book 2 good, book 3 I really liked it. I did give this book 1 3 stars. I liked it lol

message 18: by ✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ (last edited Mar 26, 2018 11:16AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back J.J. wrote: "Well for a Fantasy novel I thought book 1 was ok, book 2 good, book 3 I really liked it."

From a purely-fantasy perspective, yeah, it was okay. Wasn't the best fantasy I've ever read, but it definitely wasn't the worst, that's for sure

message 19: by Skyler (new)

Skyler Autumn Omg! I despise when author romanticize rape like oh he couldn’t control himself around her. Like what is wrong with people!! Who finds rape romantic! Great Review🙌

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back Skyler wrote: "Omg! I despise when author romanticize rape like oh he couldn’t control himself around her. Like what is wrong with people!! Who finds rape romantic! Great Review🙌"

Ikr??! And thanks!

message 21: by OliveTree (new)

OliveTree "I DON'T understand how you keep forgetting that"

Hayley ☾ (TheVillainousReader) People seem to hate this book or love it. From all the reviews I’ve read I don’t think it’s for me but damn are her fans ready to fight to the death over it.

Melanie (TBR and Beyond) I do enjoy the series but I still appreciate this review. I will say that the sexual assault is very much dealt with by the second book and the the consequences she has to deal with because of that and other things that happen. The second book does deal with PTSD. I do think it's a cheesy book but I love it. I know I was furious with a few things when reading the first book and actually appreciated that the author dealt with the things in the second book - the affects it eventually takes on the main character.

Kitkat The first boo I thought was boring but the second book picks up and honestly goes in depth with characters especially Feyre.

message 25: by OliveTree (last edited Apr 01, 2018 01:26AM) (new)

OliveTree I personally get kind of frustrated by the "Oh the first book aint great o'ight but dont worry luv it reaaally picks up'n the second book okay?" argument. A standalone work is a standalone work, bar none. If an author intends to write a story as an incomplete companion novel to a sequel which actually justifies the original plot, he/she shouldn't sell said original book by itself at full price.

Obviously it's fine to 'expand' on the plots of previous book with retcons, and I guess it's justifiable to "address criticisms" in a sequel, from the author's point of view, but as a reader, recommending books to other readers, there is no advantage to reading the sequel when you need to drudge through the first book. It's much more efficient to just jump ship, hm, and start reading a book series that's actually good from start to finish.

message 26: by Tani (new) - added it

Tani Yes, even I felt there were many flaws in the book. It was written horribly. The story had potential but yet the author wrote sloppily. I was expecting this book to the best, unfortunately it wasn't. I noted down the same mistakes in the book and I'm glad you were bold enough to put it in your review. I have read many reviews in which readers had appreciated the book but I couldn't find myself to relate with their thoughts. I could relate to your review and thoughts on the book Great review.

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back Taniksha wrote: "Yes, even I felt there were many flaws in the book. It was written horribly. The story had potential but yet the author wrote sloppily. I was expecting this book to the best, unfortunately it wasn'..."

Thanks! Yeah, I believe in reviewing how I actually feel about a book, especially all the issues I had with it, and I'm not afraid to disagree with the masses, or in this case, the Maases. I really can't comprehend what other people saw in it, though.

Susan This is a fantastic review! I especially love that you mentioned the attempted rape of Feyre by Tamlin. I didn't like Tamlin from the start of the book but this scene, I despised him and hated the way it was portrayed in the book.

Jessica I appreciate your review and totally get your issues. Book one was difficult to get through, almost DNF it myself, since I hated Tamlin, was weary of Rhysand and thought Feyre was as dumb as a box of rocks. Seriously, what an annoying character. Book two and three ended up working really well for me, though, since a lot of the things that happened in the first book were just not what they seemed and former issues became non-issues. Kinda stupid, to make the first book of a series this crappy since I totally get why people give up on it after this one. If you do get around to reading book 2 I’ll be looking out for your review. You and those books is probably a lost cause 😄 but I would still love to hear what you think :) Happy reading :)

˙⋆✮ Anny ✮⋆˙ I thought it was ok, but I agree with most of your points. And everyone seems to looove the sequel, which for me wasn't bad, but had even more NA-like sex scenes and (I don't think this is a spoiler anymore) these happened with Rhys, who in book 1 was a total...yeah well you get it. I'm still not sure whether I'm going to read the last book.

Mizuki Someone else who views Rhysand as the creep that he is! Good!

message 32: by J. (new)

J. Taylor 'I would not have such an issue with this if Sarah J Maas didn't give the impression that she supports such behavior. That is what I find unconsciable.' That's the problem I have, other fantasys include that kind of thing happening but they state how wrong it is while this author never really does or tries to make excuses for it which is worse even. Anytime someone likes them as a love interest, I don't get it. Their sexual abusive creeps. What gives?

L A i N E Y (will be back) The ‘almost having your life alter forever (raped) then go eat cookies’ syndrome is the worst to me, for some reason... like I need my eyes to keep reading the book but I can’t if they get stuck at the back of my head from the most violent eyeroll the ‘go eat cookies mentality’ triggered!

message 34: by Cyn (new) - rated it 1 star

Cyn Ah, it's refreshing to see a review not raving about this book :) I agree, especially that sex scene which was gross :x
Great review Faith

message 35: by Nana (new) - rated it 1 star

Nana Spark It seems your views are like mine with this one so I'm going to recommend not reading the second book. I DNF'd it as the book is basically 600 pages of filler and the characters are blander than white paint.

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back @Nana I started it but dnf'd it pretty early on (like 14% if I recall correctly) so yeah, I agree with you there too. I gave it 2 stars because if the benefit of the doubt but what I actually read was 1 star worthy

Veronika Yes!! I thought I am going crazy with the Amarantha's hair change :D

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back Veronika wrote: "Yes!! I thought I am going crazy with the Amarantha's hair change :D"

Seriously though!

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back V. PARENTAL GUIDANCE ALERT: A Court of Wings and Ruin is NEW ADULT/EROTICA but Goodreads editors won't tell you wrote: "Great review, Faith."


A.Roma I wish I could ‘Like’ your review more than once.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 thank you for saying it like it is man.

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back @K Roma hah thanks and of course!

message 43: by Iris (new) - added it

Iris Great review! I agree with basically everything you said! This book was one huge rotten mess. YIKES. I can't believe this is the same book that everyone loves so much. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. It was horrifying and disgusting and URGH.

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back @Iris seriously, it's truly awful. If it was any more awful, it might have crossed into so bad it's good territory and I might have actually liked it in the way I like Twilight, but unfortunately, it just remained genuinely bad. It's baffling that people genuinely love this and have this as their favorite book. Like, not to judge, but...what else are they reading that makes this trash their unironic number one?

message 45: by Iris (new) - added it

Iris @Faith and like, I DO get it to some degree, because I actually thought parts of this book were pretty good, but like... I just CAN'T look past the way all the sexual assault/abuse was romanticized. It was gross, and I felt so uncomfortable, and ughhhhhh. HOW??

Wissame Book 1 wasn't good except for the last third. Book 2 major improvement. Book 3...lost interest in the series can't bring myself to finishing it.

Lexie Totally agree with you I hate this series and how much hype it gets it’s just unbelievable in the worst way it’s so annoying... Her Throne of Glass series is decent but this is just, no. Although I do admittedly have one teensy tiny nitpick the word ‘slick’ does actually make sense in that sentence, it can mean slippery.

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back @Lexie um I know it means slippery. Slippery and "held fast" are illogical in the same sentence. The mud can't be slick like oil and hold onto her, keeping her in place. Slick implies she can easily slip out of the mud. If she'd been trying to open something that was oily that then held fast because she couldn't get a good grip, that would make sense, but that's not what the sentence was talking about. The mud itself was supposedly slick and viselike.

And yeah, I enjoy the ToG series enough, but this one is just ridiculous.

Lexie @Faith Ohhh I’m so sorry my bad I misread, I thought the sentence was saying something else I have it out of context after all, yeah you’re right very sorry.

✨faith✨trust✨pixiedust✨ Dead Account; Not Coming Back Lexie wrote: "@Faith Ohhh I’m so sorry my bad I misread, I thought the sentence was saying something else I have it out of context after all, yeah you’re right very sorry."

No problem, it's a simple mistake. I just wanted to make sure you knew what slick meant haha

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