Emma's Reviews > Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow

Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari
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bookshelves: netgalley

This is a profoundly shocking piece of writing- a tactic which Yuval Noah Harari uses to great effect- aimed at getting readers to think about the now, not just what comes next.

Harari’s second book claims to be about the future of mankind, but works more as a means of discussing the state of current trends in science, tech, and human ‘progress’. While he offers suggestions about how things may proceed, the more significant aspect of the book is the way his arguments make us think about how we want things to go- and how we don’t. It's philosophy, not science. That big question that has been posed throughout the ages: how should we live? He makes clear that his hypotheses are only potential futures, but there’s no doubt the text comes across as a warning as much as anything else.

For me, the most interesting and thought-provoking was his argument for the better treatment of animals. While we have placed ourselves at the top of the species ladder, new advents in technology may bring about computer technologies which replace us in the number one spot. Considering we may well end up in the unenviable position of the underdog, perhaps we should take more care of those who, like us, may well depend on the goodwill of this higher in the chain. Not only that, modern technology has increasingly allowed us to understand the emotional and intellectual complexity of animals in a way that should make it difficult to treat them as lesser beings. This is an issue that has been playing on my mind for some time. It seems like every week now we are getting news reports of another animal ripped from its habitat for a selfie and dying as a result. Pictures of intensive farming that have animals in cages so small they can't lay down. My social media newsfeed of animals mistreated, dumped, abused, given no more thought than a piece of trash. Harari is a vegan and his specific set of beliefs come across in the text. Yet, as a current meat eater, it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify my position. I don't know what to do that can help and the book doesn't offer any concrete plans for change, but it has added another dimension to the considerations I have been struggling with myself.

Overall though, it is Harari's style which is the most engaging. I rushed though this book because even the most complex issues are dealt with in accessible language and an approachable tone. It's fun and despite the subject matter, doesn't take itself too seriously. It felt like the starting point of a conversation, somewhat controversial of course, but isn't that the best way to get a debate going?
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Reading Progress

August 29, 2016 – Started Reading
August 29, 2016 – Shelved
September 7, 2016 – Shelved as: netgalley
September 7, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 53 (53 new)

Shikha Rawal Beautifully put !

Bfconfidence Thank your guide,Nowadays China do not have simple Chinese edition of homo deus,but I know Citic Press translate homo deus into「brief history of future」。Iam very interest in this book.

Emma Shikha wrote: "Beautifully put !"

Thanks for the compliment!

Emma Bfconfidence wrote: "Thank your guide,Nowadays China do not have simple Chinese edition of homo deus,but I know Citic Press translate homo deus into「brief history of future」。Iam very interest in this book."

Hopefully you'll get a translation at some point, it really is an interesting set of arguments.

message 5: by Krishna (new)

Krishna Seeing as you've begun to think about veganism, I recommend the book 'World Peace Diet' by Will Tuttle. YMMV - some parts may seem grandiose or preposterous to you but it's an illuminating read on the whole.

Emma Krishna wrote: "Seeing as you've begun to think about veganism, I recommend the book 'World Peace Diet' by Will Tuttle. YMMV - some parts may seem grandiose or preposterous to you but it's an illuminating read on ..."

Thanks Krishna, I'll take a look. Sometimes reading a book that may seem a bit out there pushes you to evaluate about what you really think.

Ozge Can Nice comments :) ı hope you will make it to go vegan soon Emma ;) it feels so peacefull and happy, beyond the compassion and health reasons - i would recommend you to watch the documentary "cowspiracy" to see how going vegan helps to make thia world a better place

message 8: by Christine (new) - added it

Christine Zibas Excellent review. Makes me really want to read it now.

Emma Ozge wrote: "Nice comments :) ı hope you will make it to go vegan soon Emma ;) it feels so peacefull and happy, beyond the compassion and health reasons - i would recommend you to watch the documentary "cowspir..."

I'll add that one to my watch list, thank you!

message 10: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Christine wrote: "Excellent review. Makes me really want to read it now."

Thanks Christine, it's definitely one that makes you think and is welll worth a read.

Büşra Beautifully written review! Read "Sapiens" and really loved it. Bought 1 week ago "Homo Deus" and can't wait to start reading.

message 12: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Büşra wrote: "Beautifully written review! Read "Sapiens" and really loved it. Bought 1 week ago "Homo Deus" and can't wait to start reading."

Thank you, I'll keep an eye out for your review once you've finished it.

Carlos I can't wait to read this book, (great review), have you read Sapiens before you read this one , if not you should (it was so good) , and if you did , what did you though about it? .

message 14: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Carlos wrote: "I can't wait to read this book, (great review), have you read Sapiens before you read this one , if not you should (it was so good) , and if you did , what did you though about it? ."

I haven't read that one yet, but is it on my list. I do love his style so I'm betting I'll really enjoy it too.

Carlos It was such a good one, highly recommend it!!

message 16: by HrH (new) - rated it 5 stars

HrH MIND BLOWING...period! Anyone who's at all reading 'this kind of thing' will find Harari at his best here; a grand follow-up to Sapiens and a must-read. Given his towering intellect it is presumptuous for almost anyone to critique it. It certainly is for me. Get it!!

message 17: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Carlos wrote: "It was such a good one, highly recommend it!!"

He certainly has some fascinating ideas!

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Recently finished reading Sapiens and haven't stopped thinking about it since. Your review has me convinced Homo Deus will do the same. Just getting started on it

message 19: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Louis wrote: "Recently finished reading Sapiens and haven't stopped thinking about it since. Your review has me convinced Homo Deus will do the same. Just getting started on it"

He aimed to be thought provoking and I think he succeeded- I keep going back to read certain sections. Let me know what you think.

Dimitris Hall Reading Homo Deus now. I commend you for having the honesty to admit that you're not vegan/vegetarian but that the book's view on animal treatment has made you think. You give me hope that people aren't just riddled with confirmation bias.

message 21: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Dimitris wrote: "Reading Homo Deus now. I commend you for having the honesty to admit that you're not vegan/vegetarian but that the book's view on animal treatment has made you think. You give me hope that people a..."

I'll be interested to read what you make of it.

Thank you for the comment. I have to believe people can change, particularly myself. I'm making small improvements all the time, making better choices, including with food. It's not been easy, but worthwhile things rarely are.

Adele I agree that the animal rights parts were particularly vivid and have me questioning some of my habits

message 23: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Adele wrote: "I agree that the animal rights parts were particularly vivid and have me questioning some of my habits"

Eating meat is such a contentious issue, entirely normalised but once you start to think about it... I've cut right down but i'm still struggling with my nutritional intake. Even so, it's something I want to improve upon. Have you made any changes?

Christophe Mind-blowing and very provocative book! Mr. Harari's diagnostics of current technology trends and their potential impact on the future of mankind is chilling. Read the book and discuss it with your family, friends and colleagues!

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Great review Emma, thanks. It has prompted me to start reading it.

Patrick Brink Thanks for the great review and highlighting the animal rights issues - indeed inspiring to see discussion on animal consciousness and the progress in recognising this. If i remember correctly he said two states - New Zealand and one other - formally recognised, in laws, animals as conscious / sentient creatures with greater rights. It will be interesting if others countries follow suit.

message 27: by Rezaul Karim (new) - added it

Rezaul Karim Sajib Excellent review

Felgona Adhiambo Couldn't have been said any better.

message 29: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Ian wrote: "Great review Emma, thanks. It has prompted me to start reading it."

Looks like you weren’t a fan in the end, Ian. I think because it made me question my whole way of eating, it felt very personally shocking.

Glad you gave it a go, though. That’s what this site is about and we all have a bit of continued hope in us for a recommended book we fall in love with. Fingers crossed for next time!

message 30: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Patrick wrote: "Thanks for the great review and highlighting the animal rights issues - indeed inspiring to see discussion on animal consciousness and the progress in recognising this. If i remember correctly he s..."

Your review kicks mine into next week, Patrick- it is excellent! There seems to be so much more work these days about animal emotion and connection, which i think is a more important factor in giving them rights/taking them off the menu. It’s one thing to eat a herd of cows when they’re pictured as stupid or without individual personality but if they love.... ? And I’m saying that as someone still trying to find a new way to eat and live.

message 31: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Rezaul Karim wrote: "Excellent review"

Thanks RK, it’s a fun book to read, if not cheery.

message 32: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Diana wrote: "Couldn't have been said any better."

Thanks Diana, I’m still struggling with some of the questions, but I like books that make you think about yourself and about society in new ways.

Sophia Tran Great review. Thanks

Sean Barrs great review :)

Howard P Excellent review!!! Thanks.

Valeria I bave just finished the bokm that left me with many different strains of profound thought and also uneasy on many issues. What I found most difficult to accept was the issue of the end of the self and all that derives from that idea.

Jonathan Boom 💥. What Emma said. Beautiful review. I just finished it and can’t stop thinking of the profound ideas presented. For me the last chapter has blown my mind. And now I need to get a helmet for my pooch 😉

message 38: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Jonathan wrote: "Boom 💥. What Emma said. Beautiful review. I just finished it and can’t stop thinking of the profound ideas presented. For me the last chapter has blown my mind. And now I need to get a helmet for m..."

It feels like I read it such a long time ago now. Might be due a reread. Glad you enjoyed it, it really does make you think!

message 39: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Sophia wrote: "Great review. Thanks"

Thanks, Sophia!

message 40: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Sean Barrs the Bookdragon wrote: "great review :)"

I thought this might be your kind of thing...

message 41: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Howard wrote: "Excellent review!!! Thanks."

Thanks, Howard. Have you read his others? They're on my list.

message 42: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Valeria wrote: "I bave just finished the bokm that left me with many different strains of profound thought and also uneasy on many issues. What I found most difficult to accept was the issue of the end of the self..."

It's one of those books that makes you consider things in a new light... and that's quite a difficult prospect I think.

Frank Ferriss Brilliant review! What could he have done to deserve the full 5 stars?

Etienne Padin I enjoyed reading your review as much as I enjoyed reading the book. :)

Becky Jones After many years of flirting with vegetarianism, reading this book did it for me. I completely agree with your review x

Josefina Zakzuk ¿Hasta donde nos llevará el humanismo? ¿Somos libres realmente? Muchas reflexiones pueden surgir de leer este libro y varias impactarían tú vida diaria. Haciendo uso de la historia el autor puede explicar varios comportamientos sociales de la actualidad y vaticinar lo que se vendría.

message 47: by Betsy (new)

Betsy You can choose to stop eating meat!! It’s not that hard...I did it 25 years ago for the reasons you describe in your review and have zero regrets!! There are many delicious plant based options on the market today and they are getting closer and closer to tasting like the “real thing”. Give it a go and I know you’ll wonder why you waited so long!

message 48: by Matt (new) - rated it 5 stars

Matt Brilliant review (other sections were my favourite - shows its breadth, even if it misses deep knowledge). Only confused by the harsh 4stars after all that.

message 49: by Kizaale (new)

Kizaale Damn! You can Write

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