Nikki's Reviews > The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl

The Pioneer Woman Cooks by Ree Drummond
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it was ok
bookshelves: cookbooks

(WARNING: incoming rant)

I wanted to give this book three stars but since I found out the TRUTH about what a fake and phony Ree Drummond is, I cannot.

Through several websites I read the truth about Ree, her life of privilege in an upper-middle-class family and then marrying into one of the top land-owner ranching families in the US. The "pioneer" appellation that Ree gave herself must be an inside joke because she and her husband are so rich (without even counting her $1.5M+ blog, TV show, cookbooks dynasty) that they get paid for land they don't work and to keep wild mustangs on their property (subsidized in the millions by the US government). In fact the little ranch operation that Marlboro Man (Ladd Drummond) runs with his brother Tim makes a paltry few hundred thousand a year in comparison to where the big bucks are (Ree's empire and the family land, some of which sold back in 2001 for over $20M - purchased by the US government).

Ree and her perfect little cowboy clan ARE NOT LIKE you and me, though she thinks if she pretends to be all down home by dropping the g's off all her words (gettin', fightin', talkin', home schoolin', eatin', feedin') and never refers to them but 'em (come an get 'em) she'll be able to fool the masses into thinking she's living like a modern "Little House on the Prairie". Which apparently she has been able to do quite successfully.

The truth of the matter is, she is not a lonely little prairie wife, strugglin’ to work a family ranch. She's gobs and gobs richer than her fans (most likely richer than just about everyone in Oklahoma), home schools with two teachers (I bet you thought she did the teachin' too, dinja?) had/has nannies for her kids as they were growin' up, had a ghostwriter and staff work on her cookbooks and recipes, clears easily a cool million in ad revenue from her blog and let's face it talks way too much about how she loves her husband and how hot he is in his Wranglers which personally makes me think he's a dud in the bedroom, otherwise, who are you trying (sorry, tryin') to convince by yappin' about it all the time? I don't care that you hit the hubby landowner jackpot (land stolen from the Native Americans) and pushed out four lil' brats, that doesn’t make you better or smarter or more interesting than anyone else who has done the same thing but on much less money, having to be far more creative than cooking in a kitchen bigger than most people’s homes (and that's not mentioning The Lodge which is literally a hotel/TV kitchen studio on their property built especially for her Food Network TV Show. You could land a Cessna in the living room).

Ree Drummond is as phony as the shade of red she dyes her hair.

Yet them regular folks out here eat it up. I admit at first I kind of fell for it too though it didn’t really make sense that she could be feedin' all them cattle-folk, schoolin' four children, bakin' pies for the church social, helpin' out with all the chores on the ranch, makin' a good supper for her family (and all the other meals), keepin' up her blog by writin' and takin' hundreds of photos, doin’ a TV show, writin' cookbooks, developin' recipes and wranglin' whatever's in Marlboro Man’s Wranglers on a regular basis. I mean she's called The Pioneer Woman not some durned Super Pioneer Woman who has a laser spatula for flippin' griddle-cakes and a giant cowboy bean-pot of radioactive energy that is the source of her powers.

So when I did a little diggin' round the old cowherd called th’ internet, daggummit what d'ya think I found?

Non-believers who were happy to turn a spotlight on Ree's duplicity.

And frankly if'n The Pioneer Woman tain't no real pioneer it kind of renders her cookbooks, somewhat ridiculous.

The recipes are simple Ladies Auxiliary type, for beginners with step by step photos that I guess are there in case you have no clue what sweatin' an onion in a fryin' pan looks like. Actually I don’t really see the point of the step by step pictures since they are very small and not particularly clear. Also step by step instructions for simple recipes is overkill.

It’s not that I don't like some of the recipes. But often they are recipes that you don’t even need a recipe for - like potato skins. Is there anyone who can currently walk into a kitchen and peel a potato that doesn't know how to make potato skins?

She does have an good recipe for cinnamon rolls (her mother's) and other recipes from various friends and family members that are pretty good too but as long as Cinnabon exists in the Pillsbury refrigerator case I see no point in going to all that work and I severely doubt that Ree does either.

The pictures are lovely (though over-saturated with Photoshop filters) and some of her humor is hokey and sweet. If only it were genuine. Well, if any of it was.

Curse me out if you're a fan of hers if you like but just know that you are defending a fake who laughs all the way to the bank. And she's laughing at YOU.
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Reading Progress

July 1, 2012 – Shelved
August 7, 2012 – Started Reading
August 30, 2012 – Finished Reading
September 8, 2012 – Shelved as: cookbooks

Comments Showing 51-95 of 95 (95 new)

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message 51: by Yvette (new)

Yvette Moore I'm so glad that these comments agree with the way I feel about it too. You'd have to be pretty thick to not realise that these guys are extremely well-off. The way they speak is perfectly normal in rural OK, and I enjoy both the shows and the recipes. I don't begrudge any of them any of it, even though I'm a pauper in comparison. Sounds like sour grapes to me. It reflects badly on the reviewer not on Mrs D or her family. I don't think Ree pretends to be anything she isn't.

message 52: by Bart (last edited Jan 06, 2017 11:19AM) (new)

Bart Allen Right ON Nikki!

Many of the so called cooks on the made for TV stardom are merely marketing creations....there is a sucker born every minute...and reality television plays to their simple ways of thinking! This includes Pioneer Woman and a host of other reality shows made up, drama evoking, fake scripts....but hey if it's your thing, dig in folks!
I'm glad that some (like Nikki) have the tenacity to write reviews on shows and books for what they are....lots of marketing BS!

BTW: she is not a photographer!

message 53: by Bart (new)

Bart Allen Brooke wrote: " are so people love her and some people hate her...the part that is hilarious is that you actually let this ruin your day..probably even your week."

So, not ruining my day....she's just another fake!

message 54: by Bart (last edited Jan 06, 2017 11:30AM) (new)

Bart Allen Sandi wrote: "Not a book review, just a snarky jealously mean spirited comment. Successful people are to be admired. I've made many of the recipes an they are good.
Maybe you are not capable of writing reviews. ..."

We jealousy, no envy, no mean!
She's just saying she is nothing more than a made for TV marketing fake!

message 55: by Michael (new)

Michael Burns Nikki- I am a huge fan fan of Ree Drumond and her show!

I personally do not care about her money, sex life or anything else!

I just enjoy watching her show for what it is....entertainment and cooking recipes!

Nikki- Please get a life, because you, my dear, are an ass****!

message 56: by Amy (new)

Amy I agree with Nikki and those who are taking her review personally really do need to step back. If you really feel the need to start arguments over the internet do so but only if you believe it would be worth your time. Insulting Nikki for voicing her opinion just reflects poorly on yourself and really doesn't defend Ree Drumond's case at all.

message 58: by Kyleen (new)

Kyleen really sorry but some people like homemade better thenstore

Courtney Hall You have no fucking idea what there flimsily is going throu. You judge them. Don't bitch. Because you act like you have it a lot worse. Well guess what there is always some one out there worse then you. This is the best cooking show ever and if you can't respect that delete her books your fake more then she is

message 60: by Ruth (new)

Ruth Bloch I'm not a massive fan. I watch her show periodically when I need a break and it's what's on the food network(my go to for some chill time!) I find her food overly unhealthy and not particularly creative. I Asi find her delivery stilted and extremely scripted, but don't mind enough that I change the channel. Doesn't bother me in the slightest that she's wealthy- living on a ranch does not preclude wealth! I don't think she's selling a false image...she's a working mom! Good on her! It is bloody HARD to do everything without any help- ie kids, house, cooking, and work! If she can afford the help - and get to do what she loves, why does that make her a fake??? If she can monetise that...even better! She's created a great product with a sense of nostalgia and Americana that perhaps doesn't really exist nowadays and people love that...again good for her. If your review is based purely on her somewhat ordinary recipes, then fine...but I would leave out the personal criticism!

message 61: by Carolyn (new) - added it

Carolyn Wow all you people who are going on about her kids and. Money , jealous or what , so what if she married into money so what if she went to college on her daddy's dime that's what dads do she is amazing to watch on TV and I personally think if you have nothing good to say don't say anything how do you all know her kids don't read these comments rather sad in my opinion I know I wouldn't want my kids reading these comments

message 62: by Cathy (new)

Cathy Beaudoin I think its a shame every time someone does something great there are always the naysayers trying to knock them down. Who cares if she's making money off it. She's suppose to!! sounds like a jealous rant to me.

message 63: by Adelaide (new)

Adelaide McAllister Tonya wrote: "Ummmm....she lives somewhere that has a kitchen as big as my home and has an additional "lodge" house. Why on God's green earth think she WASN'T rich.

Look at her cookware! She's got pots that co..."

I think she's just sayin' it's all phony. Her recipes are not original and she paid cash for her success. She certainly didnt work for it. Its sad that the wealthy have all the opportunuties.

message 64: by Adelaide (new)

Adelaide McAllister I can not stand this phony and terribly homely woman. Her foodis NOT original at all. NOTHING IS HERS..its all just regular crap that is everywhere.

message 65: by Yvonne (new)

Yvonne Walker Who cares hi w they live that's there life not ours..get over it. .stupid

message 66: by Netta (new)

Netta Hardaway The Pioneer Woman is so full of herself. If you'll notice, she doesn't always give you the measurements of the ingredients she's using. She'll same things like: a whole bunch, or a little of this or that.
While a whole bunch, or a little of this or that may fit in some instances, it shouldn't be in every recipe she cooks.
While her family is beautiful, she's a bit of a mean girl, & can be a bit of a snob sometimes.
She appears to have some good recipes, but per the above comments I don't choose to watch her very much because of failure to provide the viewers with her measurement situation.
She's such a turn-off to me.
If she'd 1st put more thought, effort, & verbage into her cooking directions, before showing off & taking pictures & telling us about her family, & ranch, it would be a show more geared up for viewing. Her ranch, husband & kids are wonderful! She can just give us a little sprinkle of ranch life, & picture taking, & fencing building. Give "us" "the viewers" what we watch her show for "How to Cook her recipes" .
It's like she sets us up for failure.
The real professionals cooks/chef, & home cooks such as: Nancy Fuller, The Barefoot Contessa, Paula Deen, show you want they're working with.
These women believe in us & truly want to help us cook. Try doing some of what they do, "give measurement, & instruction, & quick tip time saving, & techniques.
Try this Pioneer Woman, it'll make for better TV viewing.
I'm so glad to be able to vent & get this Pioneer Woman off my chest, & out of my system I could just scream.
I want this Pioneer Woman exposed, & put on blast so that other people see her for whom she is, or is not.
Sorry to the hubby-Ladd (I like you, & I see how hard you work, & I enjoy seeing Ladd work with, & teaching the children to work). The children do appear to be somewhat uncomfortable when they're talking to their mom on TV. But appear to be really themselves, & more comfortable when speaking with their dad-Ladd.
Thanks for giving me this outlet.

message 67: by Judy (last edited Mar 07, 2018 12:46PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Judy Schooley-foster I flagged this "review" (rant) as inappropriate. I expected to read an actual review of a book, not something containing her hatred of the author. I hope to see this "review" removed.

message 68: by Grace (new)

Grace Thee Agreed ☝🏼 this is not an actual review of a book. Just sounds like you hate the author because her economic status is apparently too high for her to be a “real” country woman. Who cares how much she makes? Review the actual recipe book. Post a rant about the author on your blog or something else.

message 69: by Rita (new)

Rita I cannot believe what people post! Sounds like people on here need to get some Jesus in their life. If it bothers you so much then don’t watch her or read her stuff. Move on

message 70: by Rita (new)

Rita A woman who loves Bassett Hounds is good with me

Jennifer Seems like you hate the rich? So what if she came from money and married money. I certainly wasn’t naive enough to think that they were some ordinary middle class family. She is a mogul and good for her! And by the way, I don’t know how to make potato skins.

message 72: by Abby (new) - added it

Abby Lee I love the pioneer women I have her cook books And her kitchen supplies and watch all of her shows she has her own restaurant and a Coffey shop in pawhuska oklahoma

message 73: by Poppy (last edited Dec 12, 2018 05:45PM) (new)

Poppy Anderson This horror of a “cooking” show has now arrived in Australia. This poor unfortunate looking woman not only has no presence on the screen, she has a terrible voice for t.v. Well for anything really... and she is rather awkward in the kitchen. The shows themselves are more centered on showboating her lifestyle rather than recipes. The recipes themselves are uninspiring and the cooking is either a disaster .... errrm burnt black chicken pieces ?! I would be ashamed to serve it let alone have something so disastrous make it onto the t.v. screen. Or a crazy mixed up version of turning classics into something new. One episode she shoved four shelves of her fridge full of “meal trays” too damn bad if you needed the fridge space for anything else... like a weeks worth of groceries, as I need to living in the country and speaking of if I went to town to shop and had lunch I would NEVER order a “quiche” that consists of what I consider leftovers (fecking corned beef and cabbage?! Barf). No no that’s not cooking show or cook book worthy and certainly not cafe worthy, seems she can’t even get classic quiche right. I will pass on the books too if ever god forbid they make it to our shores. gah! Terrible, please America do us a favour and quarantine this creature within your boarders and keep the crap cook, cookbook and t.v like this to yourselves. (My advice hide it in your basement)

message 74: by M. Bowen Stamper (new)

M. Bowen Stamper I really don't care about her marketing and branding of herself. No one comes close to the smoke and mirrors facade. She isn't too annoying and she fills time before the Barefoot Contessa. I don't have to buy a cookbook to get her recipes they have the recipes on the food network. Her recipes don't require a culinary degree to prepare and most aren't very original, but I see that as part of her business model. Don't get upset if she is making a decent living with people who think they know her or have a personal connection to the illusion. She's not forcing anyone to watch her show, or read her blog or buy her products.

Rachael Hodson (still skiing) Jealous? Good grief, hopefully GR removes this post.

message 76: by Shawn (new)

Shawn B I could not agree with your rant more but here is the real awful truth about Ree Drummond that is truly ugly, she and her husband keep mares on their land that are constantly pregnant so that they can produce estimable for hormone replacement therapy . This cruel practice ends up with the poor mates in constant breeding and their offspring being slaughtered off especially if they are males. Ask anyone around her small town and you’ll find out the truth about her and her family . Her food is pedestrian and she’s inauthentic as they come . Nope, I am not a fan

message 77: by Martin Baker (new)

Martin Baker Good read book reviews????? Please,Please comment on the content of the books and use this forum for what it is intended for.

message 78: by Abby (new)

Abby Baer I love this post! Something about her always bugged me and I couldn’t pinpoint it.

message 79: by Terrie (new) - added it

Terrie Jordan My dad always taught me “ If you don’t have something nice to say,say nothing.

James R. Crayton sr You are right

message 81: by Jenny (new)

Jenny Linehan WoW.....I really like her too:( Bummer, but I guess we should only be worrying about the recipes and forget her personal history.

message 82: by AJ (new)

AJ YES YES YES! I will never support PW in the slightest. Be sure to look up the video from her show where she pulls Asian-themed Chicken Wings out of the oven and her husband makes racist comments. Then PW giggles and pulls her backup American wings out of the oven. To Rachael who said “Jealous?” to the OP: nah, it’s called having morals. GR should remove PW’s books before they even dare try removing honest posts.

Catherine The majority of this 'review' isn't a review at all, it is a criticism of the way a family lives out their days. How Mrs. Drummond chooses to live her life has no bearing on whether or not the 'Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl' COOKBOOK has recipes worth trying. How many recipes have you tried that were successful? Any meals that were delicious, that you would make again? Any recipes too expensive to make? Any ingredients difficult to find? You did not present much in the way of reviewing the recipes in this book and, honestly, after reading your rant I don't place any value whatsoever in your opinion on whether or not I should purchase this cookbook.

message 84: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer I'm glad i read your comments .
Gut instinct told me that she was fake!!

message 85: by Chris (new)

Chris Do you think anybody who has seen her tv show is under any allusion that she’s a normal country fried person? Obviously she’s a millionaire land owner. If this news has blown your mind I find that hilarious.

message 86: by Lance Helgerson (new)

Lance Helgerson ^^^^^

message 87: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Downey If you don't like her, then don't watch her. Simple. Other people happen to Luke and watch her. Grow up. As far as Farmhouse Rules goes, if you don't Luke the show don't watch. Very simple. Jealous much ladies. Grow up and act like adults.

message 88: by EJ (new)

EJ No hate here… just confused. Isn’t every tv cook rich? There are poor, middle class and rich people in the country. Their status doesn’t make them less country.

This reminds me of every country singer trying to appeal to the blue collar crowd when they are crazy rich. Trisha Yearwood’s Real Live Woman always made me laugh.

Every entertainer has their target audience but don’t be fooled the part they are playing is anything more than a performance of a part of their life.

Morganna Anholt Lol your rant is ridiculous. She’s never claimed to be the poor little mouse. And if you’ve ever watched her program and you thought she was … you are a fool

message 90: by Jamie (new)

Jamie Anne I just wanted to say that this is how pretty much in Oklahoma talks, rich or poor. I am from Tulsa, lived in Sapulpa for a looong time, and we all talk like this :) :)

message 91: by Eddy (new) - added it

Eddy L. Manning well said, my thoughts exactly!

message 92: by Eddy (new) - added it

Eddy Beverly Blair, Absolutely love your comment;

message 93: by Joanna (new)

Joanna Are you jealous??? Let her be!!
She did some hard work to get to this position. It's not like it came to her one day, begging: 'take me!'.
We all have our chances during our lives. Some will take chances, some not. She took hers and did something with it.

Did you take your chance?...

message 95: by Alex (new)

Alex (Alex's Version) I like her, but you are spot on lol! but I own all her cookbooks and Ina's lol

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