Young Adult Fantasy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "young-adult-fantasy" Showing 151-180 of 510
Alexandra Bracken
“Power does not transform you, he'd said. It only reveals you.”
Alexandra Bracken, Lore

Julie Kagawa
“Remember, you'll never be alone. No one is ever truly gone.”
Julie Kagawa, Night of the Dragon

Laura Sebastian
“I’m here because I want to be. Because you are lightning– terrifying and beautiful and dangerous and bright all at once. And I wouldn’t wish you were anything else.”
Laura Sebastian, Castles in Their Bones

S.D.   Howard
“A mage with magic can’t take out an old man, but a girl with a shovel can? Talk about a blow to someone’s pride.”
S.D. Howard, The City of Snow & Stars

Penny  Johnston
“Rinnen scowled. “I didn’t come here after thirteen days to practice solo drills I could do at home.”

“You didn’t come here to cry, either,” Linazon said mildly, “but some things aren’t for you to decide.”

“I’m not crying,” Rinnen growled.

Linazon nodded. “You might consider it.”
Penny Johnston, To Be Called Worthy

Amy Earls
“When people march for something they believe in, they speak it, not with words or painted signs alone, but with their feet.”
Amy Earls, The King's Feather

“On Greyvyn Mountain, which is actually a volcano, quite high up, there grows a very rare form of blue narcissus flower. Bees take the nectar, and the honey they make from it has what is said to be magical healing properties”
Jill Yielder, Through the Labyrinth

Cassandra Clare
“The worst moments, when, sitting alone at breakfast, she had realized that she had forgotten the precise blue of his eyes or the depth of his laugh; that like the sound of Jem's violin, they had faded into the distance where memories are silent.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

Kayla   Edwards
“I don’t think it’s possible to ever stop loving someone. In time, those feelings simply become buried beneath other ones. But once in a while you will see something that reminds you of them, something that causes those feelings to suddenly stir awake. And for one split second, it throws you back to that time—months ago, years ago, however long ago it might be—and you remember. And you feel.”
Kayla Edwards, Dreams of Ice and Iron

“The greatest battles come from within”
Michael K. Bialys

S.D.   Howard
“He hated making such a mess of things, but how else would his miserable daughter know her place? Had she really thought she could escape him that easily?”
S.D. Howard, The City of Snow & Stars

S.D.   Howard
“This is why we can’t have nice things. You accidentally leave people for dead without checking to make sure they are, in fact, dead.”
S.D. Howard, The City of Snow & Stars

“I love you too Ansel.'
'I can't kill her if I keep hiding Reid.' 'Remember what your mother said. Closing my eyes won't make it so that the monster can see me. I have to play if I want to win.”
Shelby Mahurin, Gods & Monsters

Diana Shafran
“What do you know about the students from the Gemology class?”
“They're dangerous, and it's better to keep your distance from them, and if you go into their personal territory, you will lose, but you know that now, don't you?”
Diana Shafran, Alice in Liars Land

Penny  Johnston
“I worship the Maker with my blade and with my life,” he said quietly, “and I would suffer for him gladly if he asked it.”
Penny Johnston, To Be Called Worthy

Penny  Johnston
“My hands are empty,” she replied, “but anything can be a weapon.”
Penny Johnston, To Be Called Worthy

Tomi Adeyemi
“For power, acceptance, sometimes we do what we never thought we would”
Tomi Adeyemi, Children of Virtue and Vengeance

Rebecca  Queen
“Sophia raised an eyebrow at her. "Don't ever tell a psychologist about your dreams. They sound like they belong to a serial killer in the making.”
Rebecca Queen, Elysian

Kayla   Edwards
“Everything I read of Hilandria suggested she was lovely, viewed as the most beautiful among the elemental gods, and among the High Ones, she was second only to Ismay herself. They say her skin smelled of cedar fires, and when she laughed, her eyes sparked.”
Kayla Edwards, Dreams of Ice and Iron

S.D.   Howard
“Panic rose and her palms itched as she ran, heart racing and cold sweat dripping down her neck. There was still an option left to her. One horrible option.”
S.D. Howard, The City of Snow & Stars

S.D.   Howard
“She had to get away; she had to find help. Only then would she be able to repay him for the wounds he’d given her, seen and unseen.”
S.D. Howard, The City of Snow & Stars

“No, I do not come from a world like yours. But the more I understand the words, images and thoughts in your mind, it seems I might be a person after all.”
Ahnimgoyothalia, from the novel, UNIMAGINARY

“Il dégagea son visage et je pus admirer en personne, pour la première fois, les yeux aussi étranges que les miens dont tout le monde parlait. Pas d’un rouge écarlate. Un mélange bleu-gris tellement clair qu’il tirait sur le laiteux. À tel point, que n’importe qui pourrait penser qu’il était aveugle. Je l’avais vu combattre et je savais que ce n’était pas le cas.”
Phoenix Pharell, L'Éveil

Mary E. Pearson
“Write it down, he had told me.
Write down every word one you get there,
Before the truth is forgotten
And now we do, at least the parts we remember.”
Mary E. Pearson, Dance of Thieves

Jody Hedlund
“Tis a difficult thing to understand. But ’tis always possible for even the smallest light to illuminate darkness and defeat it.”
Jody Hedlund, Enflamed

Avery Habermacher
“Everyone is worth saving.”
Avery Habermacher, The Shadow's Prey

Robert G. Culp
“What’s that?”
Mitchell blinked in an annoyed manner and said, “The potion, of course. With any luck, once you drink this, you’ll be able to astral project yourself to wherever Shade is keeping Marley.”
“No,” said Jeb, “I meant, what were those two drops you just added to it?”
“Sweat of goat anus,” Mitchell smirked. “Does wonders for digestion.”
“You’re sick,” said Jeb. “You know that, right?”
Robert G. Culp, City Of The Slain

Robert G. Culp
“I’m scared, Jeb,” said Marley.
“Sometimes having hope can be the scariest thing of all,” Jeb let a single tear run down his cheek. “But that makes us human.”
Robert G. Culp, City Of The Slain

Robert G. Culp
“You really suck at this, y’know?” Reyna laughed. “What kind of demon can’t even hit someone with a fireball?”
“Insulant girl! I am the Guardian of —!”
“Awful cliches?”
“Sure you are!”
Robert G. Culp, City Of The Slain

Robert G. Culp
“Shut up.” Marley playfully slugged his shoulder as she wiped her own tears away. “And never say I look good wearing these... things.”
“Got it,” Armie laughed. “From now on, only pure and decent insults about you will leave my mouth.”
“Yeah, right,” Marley laughed.”
Robert G. Culp, City Of The Slain