
We Matter Quotes

Quotes tagged as "we-matter" Showing 1-5 of 5
Koki Oyuke
“It took me a long while to realize it but being unseen didn’t mean I didn’t matter. It didn’t mean that I wasn’t chosen. When you think about it, it all comes down to who’s looking. You don’t need every eye on you. Just the right one.”
Koki Oyuke, Chosen Not Cheated: Discover God's Goodness Through Life's Detours, Denials and Doubts

Julia Gfrörer
“Agnes! Do you hear me? I was wrong. The world isn't ending. There are things that matter. We matter.”
Julia Gfrörer, Laid Waste

Koki Oyuke
“We will ask ourselves: Do I matter? And that question will turn our insides out and press heavy on our hearts hoping that the answer is the biggest yes. That we do matter. Small as we are. Unseen and unknown as we are. That we matter. And knowing that should make all the difference in our lives.”
Koki Oyuke, Chosen Not Cheated: Discover God's Goodness Through Life's Detours, Denials and Doubts

Koki Oyuke
“In a sea of a thousand faces God’s eyes are always locked on us (like the slow-motion scenes of eyes locking in a crowd in the movie The Passion of the Christ). We all tie for first place in His heart and His gaze is firmly set on each of us. Not to put us down when we’re wrong or off, but because He’s enamoured by us. There’s no kinder heart, no kinder eyes and no kinder love than that of God. His words of affirmation over me have always filled my hunger.”
Koki Oyuke, Chosen Not Cheated: Discover God's Goodness Through Life's Detours, Denials and Doubts

Koki Oyuke
“Safe is always slower—whether it has to do with money, relationships or plain old life.”
Koki Oyuke, Chosen Not Cheated: Discover God's Goodness Through Life's Detours, Denials and Doubts