
Trojan War Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trojan-war" Showing 1-23 of 23
Madeline Miller
“That is — your friend?"
"Philtatos," Achilles replied, sharply. Most beloved.”
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

Pat Barker
“We’re going to survive–our songs, our stories. They’ll never be able to forget us. Decades after the last man who fought at Troy is dead, their sons will remember the songs their Trojan mothers sang to them. We’ll be in their dreams–and in their worst nightmares too.”
Pat Barker, The Silence of the Girls

“They came back
To widows,
To fatherless children,
To screams, to sobbing.
The men came back
As little clay jars
Full of sharp cinders.”
Aeschylus, The Oresteia: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, The Eumenides

Sulari Gentill
“Hero,” he said softly, in a manner that was much like his father’s. “Vengeance and glory are the ways of the Greeks and the Trojans. We are of the Herdsmen.”
Sulari Gentill, Chasing Odysseus

“Then, like ravening wolves in a black mist, when the belly's lawless rage has driven them blindly forth, and their whelps at home await them with thirsty jaws, through swords, through foes we pass to certain death, and hold our way to the city's heart; black night hovers around with sheltering shade.”
Virgil, The Aeneid

Emily Hauser
“Choose,' she says, reaching out towards him. 'Choose to which of us the apple most belongs...”
Emily Hauser, For the Most Beautiful

Sulari Gentill
“You know, Mac,”Cadmus said still looking out the window. “We may have to work on the way we tell our story …apparently it’s not amusing enough.”

“I’ll try to include a joke between ‘he bled to death’and ‘the city burned’.”Machaon responded tersely.”
Sulari Gentill, Chasing Odysseus

Sulari Gentill
“Hero,” said Machaon to his sister who was still muttering to her gods. “Please stop. Surely the gods would have heard you by now … let’s try not to annoy them.”
Sulari Gentill, Chasing Odysseus

Tracey Morait
“I am Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, the Sea and the Sky, and a Messenger to the Gods.’
‘W-what?’ Any minute now, I’ll wake up!
.‘I am here to deliver a message from the Great Moon Goddess Selene, who speaks to you through the song of the Siren, that which seduces the soul with its beauty.”
Tracey Morait, Episode

“So the immortals spun our lives that we, we wretched men live on to bear such torments - the gods live free of sorrows.

-Achilles to Priam”
Homer, The Iliad

“In human affairs there is no room for certainty”
Virgil, Aeneid, Books VII-XII

“my rage, my fury would drive me now to hack your flesh away and eat you raw – such agonies you have caused me - achilles, killing hector”
Homer, Iliad

Sulari Gentill
“Are the legends true?” asked Cadmus. “Of course they are,” replied Pan. “We live in an age of legends.”
Sulari Gentill, Chasing Odysseus

Jean Giraudoux

[Mon fils] ne sera pas lâche. Mais je lui aurai coupé l’index de la main droite.


Si toutes les mères coupent l’index droit de leur fils, les armées de l’univers se feront la guerre sans index... Et si elles lui coupent la jambe droite, les armées seront unijambistes... Et si elles lui crèvent les yeux, les armées seront aveugles, mais il y aura des armées, et dans la mêlée elles se chercheront le défaut de l’aine, ou la gorge, à tâtons...


Je le tuerai plutôt.


Voilà la vraie solution maternelle des guerres.”
Jean Giraudoux, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu

“She came anyway, but this time, she brought a wedding gift with her.
A wedding gift that would kick off the Trojan War.
Eris, the goddess of Discord, wasn't invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. Not to be deterred, she came anyway, and she brought something with her.
What she brought with her was a golden apple that had the words, "...to the fairest" engraved on it. And the three goddesses - Aphrodite, Athena and Hera - began fighting each other over it...and that's how the Trojan War started. It's also how Rome was founded, as the story goes.”
Michael Jagdeo

“Usually when you talk to people, they don't want to talk; they want to dominate. Most of the time, they don't want to have a conversation; they want to place judgment on your soul...and you can use this to your ADVANTAGE.

So the next time someone picks a fight with you, ask them a question no longer than 8 words. Emotional people LOVE answering questions.

And it's by their answers ye shall truly know them.

And it's by their answers that ye shall discover where their pressure points are.

And at the perfect time...you'll ask the final question.

Now, you might not get anywhere, but the audience will feel it.”
Michael Jagdeo

“Do you know why the best politicians are stand up comedians?
Because people can't disagree with you when they're laughing.”
Michael Jagdeo

“There are two people in the kingdom who can interrupt the King: the Queen and the Joker.”
Michael Jagdeo

“People are primarily interested in themselves, so if you're not talking about them, they're probably not going to be all that interested in you.”
Michael Jagdeo

“If you want to see what happens when nerds get power, listen to them argue about philosophy and religion.

They're so interested in dominating each other that they forget they're supposed to converting each other.”
Michael Jagdeo

“Sometimes we help each other because we need a surrogate activity.”
Michael Jagdeo

“Lemme guess: you know the future and want to tell me ALL ABOUT IT.”
Michael Jagdeo

“They’re not interested in buying…they’re just lonely.”
Michael Jagdeo