
Shapeshifters Quotes

Quotes tagged as "shapeshifters" Showing 1-30 of 68
Ilona Andrews
“I flexed my wrist, popped a silver needle into my palm, and offered it to him.
'What's this?'
'A needle.'
'What should I do with it?'
He'd walked right into it. Too easy. 'Please use it to pop your head. It's obscuring my view of the room.'
- Kate & Saiman”
Ilona Andrews, Magic Strikes

“Em, I am trying to have an important conversation!" shouted Seylin. "I will not change into a cat!”
Clare B. Dunkle, Close Kin

Aileen Rose
“I look at him ready to cry again. Not out of pain. Not out of need. But because his words rub that part of my soul that suffers, that wants to be explored like a virgin land that has remained intact for centuries and craves to be occupied, appreciated and transformed.”
Aileen Rose, Girl In The Woods

Katja Millay
“I live in a world without magic or miracles. A place where there are no clairvoyants or shapeshifters, no angels or superhuman boys to save you. A place where people die and music disintegrates and things suck. I am pressed so hard against the earth by the weight of reality that some days I wonder how I am still able to lift my feet to walk.”
Katja Millay, The Sea of Tranquility

Kenya Wright
“If you’re not good, I’ll burn your—”
“Yeah, I know.” MeShack strolled to his bedroom. “You’ll burn my balls off.”
Kenya Wright, Fire Baptized

Aileen Rose
“Why do you want to keep this beauty for yourself? Why don’t you want to share it? The world is made of shared grace and harmony. Look at the sun shining, at the bees flying, the flowers blossoming. What would happen if they were ashamed like you are? No beauty would be revealed. We would live in an eternal shadow of what could exist.”
Aileen Rose, Girl In The Woods

Cait Miller
“Megan noisily sucked in air for a scream that froze in her lungs. The cat stood in front of the open fire escape window, tail twitching, eyes focused intently on her face. Cursing inwardly at the stupidity of leaving the window open even a little bit, she made a mental note to never do it again…if she lived.
The sheer size of the body under that sleek black coat was breathtaking, not to mention the power evident in those muscles. Megan whimpered as she caught sight of the sharp claws just visible on its feet. “Holy crap, someone up there has a really sick sense of humor. When I said I should get a cat, this is not what I meant!” she whispered. The cat snorted and her heart lodged in her throat.”
Cait Miller, Stray Magic

Cait Miller
“The sexual attraction between a shifter and one of the marked was always strong and for some that was enough. Even though it might mean spending the rest of your life bound to a woman who wanted to screw you every time she looked at you, but hated you while she did it.”
Cait Miller, Stray Magic

Kenya Wright
“One downside of living with a Were-cheetah is that he purrs when he’s happy. At times, the apartment vibrated
all day from MeShack’s enjoyment of life.”
Kenya Wright, Fire Baptized

Stacy Mantle
“I can see the headline now: Archangel Busts Were Whisperer.”
Stacy Mantle, Shepherd's Moon

Ilona Andrews
“You didn't tell me you were the Consort," I growled. "I haven't been the Consort for 9 years."
"I didn't think you were a shapeshifter, but now I see it, " Thomas said. "You sound like one."
Behind me Andre made a strangled noise that sounded a lot like an aborted snicker.”
Ilona Andrews, Magic Tides

J.F. Rogers
“Perhaps it was meant to be. Perhaps God willed it to be so. His ways are a mystery.”
J.F. Rogers, Astray

J.F. Rogers
“Dear child, everything needs to happen according to God’s plan. Otherwise, it will result in certain disaster. The fasgadair are faster and stronger. God will protect us, but we must do things His way.”
J.F. Rogers, Astray

J.F. Rogers
“...any attempt to thwart God’s plans will only result in harm to oneself or others. His desired outcome will be achieved regardless.”
J.F. Rogers, Astray

J.F. Rogers
“The hairs on my arms stood up like meerkats on the lookout for danger.”
J.F. Rogers, Astray

J.F. Rogers
“The clouds let loose, as if God had tightened His fist around them and squeezed.”
J.F. Rogers, Astray

J.F. Rogers
“No matter where you are, no matter what has happened, there is a greater purpose for everything.”
J.F. Rogers, Astray

J.F. Rogers
“Through it all, you are loved by the One True God. He is always with us, guiding, shaping, loving us. This helps us get through trials.”
J.F. Rogers, Astray

J.F. Rogers
“I stared at the stars, trying to forget evil forces wanted me dead.”
J.F. Rogers, Astray

K.V. Wilson
“I groaned as me limbs grew to immense proportions an' me neck stretched. Moss-coloured scales emerged upon me slick skin. Me snout elongated and me teeth sharpened to the size o' small dirks.”
K.V. Wilson, Guardian

K.V. Wilson
“But there’s no such thing as just human. Humans can do incredible things sometimes.”
K.V. Wilson, Incarnate

Nancy Campbell Allen
“Oh, Mother, not you too! We cannot deny people their rights simply because there may be a few bad members of their group who abuse them. We may as well lock ourselves up, then. Heaven knows there are plenty of bad humans - humans who do not Shift into animals but simply harbor an evil we might all potentially possess.”
Nancy Campbell Allen, Brass Carriages and Glass Hearts

Sarah J. Maas
“I saw him assess the field ahead- and transform.

The talons came first. Replacing fingers and feet. Then dark scales or perhaps feathers, I couldn't get a look at them, covered his legs, his arms, his chest. His body contorted, bones and muscles growing and shifting.

The beast form Rhys had kept hidden. Never liked to unleash.

Unless it was dire enough to do so.

Before the Cauldron swept me away, I beheld what happened to his head, his face.

It was a thing of nightmares. Nothing human or Fae in it. It was a creature that lived in black pits and only emerged at night to hunt and feast. That face... it was those creatures that had been carved into the rock of the Court of Nightmares. That made up his throne. The throne not only a representation of his power... but of what lurked within. And with the wings...

Hybern soldiers began fleeing.

Helion beheld what happened and ran, too- but towards Rhys.

Shifting as well.

If Rhys was a flying terror crafted from shadows and cold moonlight, Helion was his daytime equivalent.

Gold feathers and shredding claws and feathered wings-

Together, my mate and the High Lord of Day unleashed themselves upon Hybern.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Noor Al-Shanti
“The city had fallen, his parents had died, no shred of their old lives would be left by the shape-shifters, but there were still lords galloping around on horses that could uphold the old rules. The destruction and desperation had afforded Alistair a few moments of freedom to practice magic, but now he would go back to the life of poverty and misery and powerlessness that he had been born to.”
Noor Al-Shanti, A Kingly Sword

K.V. Wilson
“I would be there, too, long after the armies had parted ways. I would pick up the pieces their senseless fighting had brought on.”
K.V. Wilson, Incarnate

Kayla   Edwards
“We all bleed, General. You’re no more immune to Death than the rest of us.”
Kayla Edwards, Dreams of Ice and Iron

Kayla   Edwards
“A promise isn’t a promise in this House until you draw blood.”
Kayla Edwards, Dreams of Ice and Iron

Stewart Stafford
“Skinwalker Supper by Stewart Stafford

Savage roaring in the night,
The pack's hierarchy shifts,
Listen close as the wolf yelps,
Are now a shaman's chant.

Lupine hymns to Luna Regina,
Breeding pairs and rogue males,
The shaman makes his potion,
In flickering campfire flames.

Smearing the odorous mixture,
Across his body in peyote trance,
The medicine man shapeshifts,
A skinwalker's nocturnal rampage.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Sam   Hall
“He was like the sun. I felt warmer when I was around him, something that spiked into a bittersweet heat every time he looked at me.
And he did, over and over.”
Sam Hall, Poke the Bear

K.V. Wilson
“When next we meet, all of your bonds shall be severed. By the light that guides me, I shall see it done.”
K.V. Wilson, Guardian

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