
Selena Quotes

Quotes tagged as "selena" Showing 1-15 of 15
Kami Garcia
Ethan, I love you. Don’t leave me. I can’t do this without you.
If there was moonlight, I could have seen his face. But there was no moon, not now, and the only light came from the fire, still frozen, surrounding me on every side. The sky was empty, absolutely black. There was nothing. I had lost everything tonight.
I sobbed until I couldn’t breathe and my fingers slipped through his, knowing I would never feel those fingers in my hair again.

Kami Garcia, Beautiful Creatures

Jodi Picoult
“During the night he'd kicked off a sock; his toes were plump as early peas; it was all she could do not to taste his caramel skin. So much of the language of love was like that: you devoured someone with your eyes, you drank in the sight of him,you swallowed him whole. Love was sustenance, broken down and beating through your bloodstream.”
Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes

Kresley Cole
“Jackson snorted. And Selena play-slapped his chest, like he was her mischievous boyfriend.

At that, the inital mrowr pfft pfft I'd felt transformed into I will cut a bitch.
Kresley Cole, Poison Princess

A.  Kirk
“He arched a brow. “Miss Lahey, are you flirting with me?”
“Well, hot stuff, if you have to ask, I’m not doing it right.”
His laughter rumbled low, slithering heat underneath my skin. I pulled him to me, backing him against the table, risking a literal firestorm as his lips laid upon mine with a burning promise of—
“That’s how babies are made!”
I reeled back and knocked over a chair. “Aunt M!”
“Sex kills!”
“M, seriously.” Mom walked into the kitchen and rolled her eyes.
My aunt patted her belly. “It killed my waistline.” Then she cackled.
Who was the banshee now?
“Ayden and Rory sitting in a tree,” Selena sing-songed, “making b-a-b-b-y-n-g.”
“Selena,” Mom admonished. “That’s not the right spelling.”
A&E Kirk

Anne Bishop
“ - As wiccanfae não merecem estar entre nós...e Tir Alainn não é o lugar delas.
- Nesse caso, sugiro que se vá embora.
Lucian fixara-a com o olhar até Selena começar a perder mão sobre si mesma, em vias de se descontrolar.
- Eu sou Fae - afirmara - e sou Filha da Casa de Gaian, o que implica que também sou wiccanfae. No entanto, se eu sou wiccanfae,o que julga o Senhor do Fogo que é?
- Como?!
- O fogo é um dos elementos da Mãe Universal. Não é uma dádiva dos Fae. O único motivo pelo qual o senhor o domina é por ser descendente de pelos menos uma pessoa que pertencia à Casa de Gaian.
- Mentira - brandira Lucian - Eu sou Fae.
- Wiccanfae! - atirara Selena, no mesmo tom. - Quem tem o seu poder não pode ter sangue puro. Quem julgava o senhor que era?...”
Anne Bishop, The House of Gaian

Skyla Madi
“He must have a magical dick because there’s no way I’d keep dating someone who cheated on me every week.”
Skyla Madi, Consumed
tags: selena

J.R. Ward
“Never met Ahhh, don't know him, don't care how big he is-if he's standing in our way? I'ma murder the son of a bitch" ~ Trez
'The Shadows' page 205”
JR Ward, The Shadows

J.R. Ward
“Forever..." he murmured against her. " I'll hold you down..." ~ Trez

'The Shadows' Page 366”
JR WARD, The Shadows

Anne Bishop
“W-what are you?"

Selena looked down at her rival. "What you should have been and never were. The Queen of the Witches.”
Anne Bishop, The House of Gaian

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“Honey, you need to get laid.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
tags: selena

Madison Sevier
“Yes, Keith shut up.” Roberta’s sly grin turned her face into a mask of pure evil. “So, let me get this straight. Miss Bitchy-Witch wants to go, no, is demanding to go to Hell and make a deal with the Devil, huh? Offering yourself in trade for a mutt and some ancient pussy? Very noble and honorable, Selena. Stupid, but just what I’d expect from a coward like you. Why fight, when you can surrender, right? Myself, I find your willingness to sacrifice your own life for those creatures rather disgusting and I don’t know what Father sees in you.”
Madison Sevier

Martina Riemer
“Beschwichtigend hob Rafael die Arme. „Ganz ruhig. Was ist passiert?“
Erbost schüttelte Selena den Kopf. „Da fragst du? Nach was sieht es denn aus, Genie?“
Rafael lächelte, offenbar unberührt von ihrem Unmut.
„Wenn du es wissen willst. Ich tippe auf atomaren Angriff genmanipulierter Riesenhühner oder auf einen missglückten Versuch, eine Eierplantage zu gründen.”
Martina Riemer, Glasgow RAIN: Küsse im Regen

A.D. Aliwat
“Fame had kept me from getting laid that night. Fame would make it so other people would bother me, follow me around with cameras, be all up in my shit, keep me from doing what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. Fame could even potentially kill me. It killed a lot of people: John Lennon, Princess Diana, Selena.”
A.D. Aliwat, Alpha

J.R. Ward
“It's a date, isn't it," she realized. "Praise to the Virgin Scribe, I have a date!"
Trez laughed, the sound a rumble in his broad chest. "You'd better believe you do. And I'ma treat you like a queen. My queen." ~Trez

'The Shadows' page 205”
JR WARD, The Shadows

Tere Liye
“Kita akan lebih menyesal jika tidak melakukan karena takut, dibanding melakukan meskipun gagal”
Tere Liye, Selena