Prisoners Quotes

Quotes tagged as "prisoners" Showing 61-90 of 97
Shannon L. Alder
“People with anxiety and trust issues find themselves drawn to people of consistency because they feel safe with someone who is predictable. However, that doesn’t cure their problem. The anxious person still remains the same because anxiety is a wave that crashes on the shore every time an unpredictable circumstance challenges their expectations and comfort zone.”
Shannon L. Alder

Sun Tzu
“The captured soldiers should be kindly treated and kept.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“You don't have to be very bright to carry a handbarrow. So the squad leader gave such work to people who'd been in positions of authority.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“The days rolled by in the camp—they were over before you could say "knife." But the years, they never rolled by; they never moved by a second.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich

Oscar Wilde
“For each man kills the thing he loves yet each man does not die
he does not die a death of shame on a day of dark disgrace
nor have a noose about his neck, nor a cloth upon his face
nor drop feet foremost through the floor into an empty space
He does not sit with silent men who watch him night and day
Who watch him when he tries to weep and when he tries to pray
Who watch him lest himself should rob the prison of its prey”
Oscar Wilde, The Ballad of Reading Gaol

Nelson Mandela
“Prison is designed to break one's spirit and destroy one's resolve. To do this, the authorities attempt to exploit every weakness, demolish every initiative, negate all signs of individuality--all with the idea of stamping out that spark that makes each of us human and each of us who we are.”
Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“A couple of ounces ruled your life.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich

Louise Penny
“I saw a lot of men die there. Most men. Do you know what killed them?”…”Despair,” said Finney. “They believed themselves to be prisoners. I lived with those men, ate the same maggot-infested food, slept in the same beds, did the same back-breaking work. But they died and I lived. Do you know why?” “You were free.” “I was free. Milton was right…the mind is its own place. I was never a prisoner. Not then, not now.”
Louise Penny, A Rule Against Murder

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“To outsmart you they thought up work squads—but not squads like the ones outside the camps, where everyone is paid his separate wage. Everything was so arranged in the camp that the prisoners egged one another on. It was like this: either you all got a bit extra or you all croaked. You're loafing you bastard—do you think I'm willing to go hungry just because of you? Put your guts into it, slob.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“We have glorified wealth and freedom so much that it is impossible for most of us to truly believe that a man can truly be happy in a shack or within the confines of a prison cell.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Brian Spellman
“Build the prisons and they will commit the crimes.”
Brian Spellman, Cartoonist's Book Camp

“Which crime has the female sex committed to be sentenced to the harsh necessity which consists of being locked up all life either as a prisoner or a slave? I call the nuns prisoners and the married women slaves.”
Christina Queen of Sweden

Debasish Mridha
“Most peoples are prisoners of other people's thoughts.”
Debasish Mridha

Brian Spellman
“It's a free country." Inmates once bought this. That's why they're inmates.”
Brian Spellman, Cartoonist's Book Camp

Jim Butcher
“What is going to happen to the Aurorans?"
"They are prisoners of war," Albion said. "I should imagine they will be set to work at the base of the Spire."
Grimm tightened his jaw. "No, sir."
"No, sir," Grimm said. "I've seen that place. You might as well tie a noose around their necks and stand them on blocks of ice, if you want them to die a slow death. It will be cleaner."
"I'm not sure why this concerns you, Captain," Albion said.
"Because they surrendered to me," Grimm said. "They gave me their parole, sir. They could have fought on with no real chance of victory, and it would have been bloody. But that surrender saved blood and lives of Albions and Aurorans alike. I will not see Captain Castillo repaid with such churlish treatment.”
Jim Butcher, The Aeronaut's Windlass

Terry Pratchett
“And in a nasty war, where's the best place to be? Apart from on the moon, o' course? No one?"

Slowly, Jade raised a hand.

"Go on, then," said the sergeant.

"In the army, sarge," said the troll. "'cos..." She began to count on her fingers. "One, you got weapons an' armour an' dat. Two, you are surrounded by other armed men. Er... Many, youse gettin' paid and gettin' better grub than the people in Civilian Street. Er... Lots, if'n you gives up, you getting taken pris'ner and dere's rules about that like Not Kicking Pris'ners Inna Head and stuff, 'cos if you kick their pris'ners inna head they'll kick your pris'ners inna head so dat's, like, you're kickin' your own head, but dere's no rule say you can't kick enemy civilians inna head. There's other stuff too, but I ran outa numbers.”
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment

Kenneth Eade
“It was William Penn who said, “Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.” Brent knew that there was nothing right about this place and the way the prisoners were treated, and he was determined to do whatever he could to change that.”
Kenneth G. Eade, A Patriot's Act

Merlin  Thomas

Pope Benedict XVI
“Morality is not man's prison but rather the divine element in him.”
Pope Benedict XVI

Mel Bossa
“You could cut...all that out."
"You mean the men. Perhaps I could. I'm quite sure I could. But you see, Joe, I don't want to. What you call unnatural is the very essence of my nature.”
Mel Bossa, Linhart's Beautiful Beast

Leo Tolstoy
“They were dealt with as in war, and they naturally employed the means that were used against them.”
Leo Tolstoy, Resurrection

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“You are as free as a prisoner in an open air prison”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

Jason Medina
“Now to tell ya about our fellow inmates. Pay attention because there are a bunch of us an’ we each have a story.”
Jason Medina, No Hope For The Hopeless At Kings Park

Paulo Coelho

Though at the moment I am a prisoner, my spirit remains free. While everyone is fighting a never-ending battle to see who will survive amid so much bloodshed, I don't need to fight anymore, only wait for people I've never met to decide who I am.”
Paulo Coelho

“...visą pataisos įstaigų sistemą reikėtų tiesiai taip ir vadinti - nusikaltėlių ugdymo bazėmis. Pradinis lygis - nepilnamečių kolonijos, kur paauglys arba suluošinamas psichiškai visam gyvenimui, arba užsigrūdina, surambėja ir išeina puikiausią nusikalstamumo mokyklą prieš ateityje laukiančius Lukiškių ir visus kitus universitetus. Kito pasirinkimo čia beveik nėra. Kaip beveik nėra kito pasirinkimo ir nuteistajam, išėjusiam iš kalėjimo.”
Saulius Stoma, Užrašai iš Pasmerktųjų Namų

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Any place you don’t want to stay becomes your prison! That’s why there are many prisoners all around the world who look like free men!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Christopher Zoukis
“(Prisoners) need an education. They need a GED to start with. Then they need some kind of training so when they get out they have a marketable skill. That way they can support themselves and they can support their families.”
Christopher Zoukis, College for Convicts: The Case for Higher Education in American Prisons

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The prisoners of the cultures are mostly the women! House is the name of the prison!”
Mehmet Murat ildan