
Ispirational Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ispirational" Showing 1-30 of 51
Helen Keller
“I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace. ”
Helen Keller

“The only purpose of our lives consists in waking each other up and being there for each other.”
Johanna Paungger, Moon Time: The Art of Harmony with Nature and Lunar Cycles

T.A. Barron
“And I came to understand, in a way I never had before, that books are truly the stuff of miracles. I even dared to dream that someday, somehow, I might surround myself with books from many times and many tongues...”
T.A. Barron, The Lost Years of Merlin

“You can't keep dancing with the devil and ask why you're still in hell.”
Kynna Claire

Rebekah Crane
“Don't worry, teeny-tiny girls grow up to be the mightiest of creatures.”
Rebekah Crane, The Upside of Falling Down

Brandon Sanderson
“It seems a simple task. We all know what water looks like, feels like in our mouth. Water is ubiquitous. Describing a cup of water feels a little like doing a still life painting. As a child I used to wonder: Why do people spend so much time painting bowls of fruit, when they could be painting dragons? Why learn to describe a cup of water, when the story is about cool magic and (well) dragons?

It’s a thing I had trouble with as a teenage writer—I’d try to rush through the “boring” parts to get to the interesting parts, instead of learning how to make the boring parts into the interesting parts. And a cup of water is vital to this. Robert Jordan showed me that a cup of water can be a cultural dividing line–the difference between someone who grew up between two rivers, and someone who’d never seen a river before a few weeks ago.

A cup of water can be an offhand show of wealth, in the shape of an ornamented cup. It can be a mark of traveling hard, with nothing better to drink. It can be a symbol of better times, when you had something clean and pure. A cup of water isn’t just a cup of water, it’s a means of expressing character. Because stories aren’t about cups of water, or even magic and dragons. They’re about the people painted, illuminated, and changed by magic and dragons.”
Brandon Sanderson

Lorraine Hansberry
“Non aver paura di fermarti un istante a pensare.”
Lorraine Hansberry

Khaled Hosseini
“وجدت جنية صغيرة
تحت ظل ورقة شجرة
أعرف جنية، صغيرة وحزينة
طيٌرتها الريح في ليلة شتوية”
Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed

“Where there is a will... There is a way...”

Chuck Palahniuk
“Le stelle in cielo

Non conoscono l'ira

Bla, bla, bla, fine”
Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

“Nothing is certain. Many ways lead to destruction. You will be tested beyond your capacity to endure. Should you survive the trials ahead, you will be a husband without a wife, a father without a son, a hero without a quest, and a king without a country. But take heart. Some must lose the way to find it. Some must be empty before they are full, weak before they are strong, and blind before they can see.”
Brandon Mull, Seeds of Rebellion

Ray Bradbury
“Chi crea non può fare a meno di distruggere.”
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Stephen         King
“Forse è per questo che Dio ci fa prima piccoli e vicini al suolo. Forse è perché sa che dovremo cadere spesso e sanguinare molto prima di imparare quell'unica semplice lezione. Si paga per quel che si ottiene, si ottiene ciò per cui si paga. E prima o poi quel che ti appartiene torna a te.”
Stephen King, It

Dipika Agarwal
“Your vibes define your character.
Be the one for whom people demand,
When you know you are destined for greatness,
You feel incomplete until you succeed.”
Dipika Agarwal, The Better Side - 16 Positive Attributes To Lead A Better Life

“A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
Malcom X

Charles Dickens
“charitable, pleasant time: the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open that their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow passengers to the grave,”
Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

J.R.R. Tolkien
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king”
J.R.R. Tolkien

“Le circostanze che ci spaventano sono, o Lucilio, più numerose di quelle che ci opprimono e soffriamo più spesso per la nostra immaginazione che per la realtà concreta.”
Seneca, Letters from a Stoic

“Don’t just expect life to be a continuous streak of wins,
Expect it to be a balance of wins and losses,
Expect it to be a roller coaster,
Expect it to be a wild ride,
Expect it to be glorious,
Expect it to be devastating,
Expect good days,
and then expect moments that will test you for everything you have.
Be Strong. Be Patient. Be Compassionate. Be Wild. Be Passionate. Be energetic. Follow your dreams. Believe.”
Mehak Bhalla

Idra Novey
“Un uomo capace di fare silenzio, è un uomo capace di iniziare.”
Idra Novey, Ways to Disappear

Massimo Gramellini
“Prenditi tutto il tempo, ma non lasciare che il tempo si prenda tutto.”
Massimo Gramellini, Avrò cura di te

Bonnie Nadzam
“Così, nelle centinaia di guerre che seguirono e durante gli anni trascorsi a vagare come migranti tra gli affamati e i senza speranza, impararono che la compassione non teme nulla e nessun pensiero la ostacola, giacché altrimenti non sarebbe compassione.”
Bonnie Nadzam, Lions

“Intelligence without Experience is Meaningless !”
Sham Hinduja

“We better rethink our future to disguise our ongoing damage to the climate, this sperm whale ecosystem can’t go on forever let revolutionize our strike to make earth a finer place.”
Khoi Tran

“You have to Dream because it transforms into thoughts and thoughts result to take into action.”

“No, non neppure per un attimo. Esercito soltanto i miei diritti di individuo. Ti ho appena detto quello che penso per spiegarti come mai, secondo me, quei salti elefanteschi di Madame Tetralani mi rovinano l'orchestra. Può darsi che tutti gli esperti musicali del mondo abbiano ragione. Ma io sono io, e non ho intenzione di far dipendere i miei gusti dal giudizio concorde dell'umanità. Se c'è una cosa che non mi piace, non mi piace e basta; e non c'è una ragione per cui debba far finta che mi piaccia, soltanto perché buona parte dei miei simili l'apprezza o finge di apprezzarla.”
Martin Eden, Jack London

“Everything is impermanent. This moment passes. That person walks away. Happiness is still possible.”
Hanh, Thich Nhat

Michelle Obama
“Sono una persona normale che si è trovata a compiere un viaggio straordinario. Nel condividere la mia storia, spero di creare lo spazio per altre storie e altre voci, di ampliare la stra da alla quale altri abbiano accesso e sentano di appartenere. Ho avuto la fortuna di frequentare antichi castelli, scuole di città e cucine di fattorie nell'Iowa cercando solo di essere me stessa, di stabilire relazioni. Per ogni porta che è stata aperta a me, ho cercato di aprire la mia agli altri. Ed ecco cosa ho da dire alla fine: invitiamoci a vicenda a entrare. Forse possiamo cominciare ad avere meno paura, a fare meno ipotesi sbaglia te, ad abbandonare i pregiudizi e gli stereotipi che ci dividono senza ragione. Forse possiamo comprendere meglio le condi zioni che ci rendono uguali. Il punto non consiste nell'essere perfetti. Non consiste nel traguardo che si raggiunge. Il potere è consentire a sé stessi di farsi conoscere e ascoltare, avere una propria storia unica, usare la propria voce autentica. La grazia è essere disposti a conoscere e ascoltare gli altri. Questo, per me, è come diventare.”
Michelle Obama, Becoming

“If you knew you couldn't play tomorrow; how hard would you play today?”
aiden hatley

“You might have experienced some symptoms of ‘anxiety’ such as a pounding heart, fast breathing or clammy hands. These are typically viewed as signs that we aren’t coping well with pressure. Well, what if you mentally reframed this ‘anxiety’ as your body energizing you in preparation for a challenge.”
Tom Ryan

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