
Iron Gold Quotes

Quotes tagged as "iron-gold" Showing 1-6 of 6
Pierce Brown
“She is an ocean. I knew from the first that I couldn't own her, cannot tame her, but I am the only storm that moves her depths and stirs her tides.”
Pierce Brown, Iron Gold

Pierce Brown
“History is a wheel. And all mobs are the same. Full of small men with big appetites. Only way they grow is by eating men like us.”
Pierce Brown, Iron Gold

Pierce Brown
“I suppose that is what every man must tell himself in war... That there will be an end, and when it is done, enough of himself will remain. Enough to be a father. A brother. A lover. But we know it isn't true. Don't we Darrow? War eats the victors last.”
Pierce Brown, Iron Gold

Pierce Brown
“Life's a mountain, Volga. Nasty, steep, covered in ice. Try to move it, you'll go nowhere. Try to help someone else, you'll fall right down with them. Focus on your own feet, and you just might make it up and over.”
Pierce Brown, Iron Gold

Pierce Brown
“No protection for the small-business owner. Only taxes and extortion.”
Pierce Brown, Iron Gold

Pierce Brown
“How do you prepare for a kick in the balls? You don't. You suck it up.”
Pierce Brown, Iron Gold