Hope Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hope-quotes" Showing 121-150 of 808
Bukky Agboola
“People who choose to believe in God and His promises
are never really powerless or without hope.”
Bukky Agboola, All Will Be Well: Receiving The Keys To Strengthen Your Faith

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Is not Hope the other name of Expectation?
Perhaps the only difference is that it is not the Expectation from something or someone but from the One who makes Everything and Everyone.
And that, that very difference makes all the Difference in the World.”
Debatrayee Banerjee

Doe Zantamata
“It starts with a dream. Add faith, and it becomes belief. Add action, and it becomes a part of life. Add perseverance, and it becomes a goal in sight. Add patience and time, and it ends with a dream come true.”
Doe Zantamata

Albert Einstein
“The world as we have created it is the process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
Albert Einstein

“A star maybe far but I still see the light,
That’s Hope and I have it.”
Luffina Lourduraj

“Hope rises with the sun, illuminating a new day full of endless possibilities.”
HBR Patel

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“We have no right to just stand by and watch them tarnish our tomorrow.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya, Our Nepal, Our Pride

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“You’re already in the territory of the flowers. It’s only a matter of time before you bloom.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Being hopeful means never doubting that morning is on its way even in the darkest darkness of night, and acting with the psychological superiority of this thought!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mayra Yanina Valencia Parroquín
“Las lágrimas pierden valor si corren delante de los que no las entienden... no pueden.”
Mayra Yanina Valencia Parroquín, Desterrados (Serie Vivos nº 1)

“Hope hews a bright tomorrow on the surface of a dark, dry rock”
DJ Bwakali

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“The thorny question remains, who wrote it?
The thorny question remains,

who wrote it?

All I remember was my decision to write something, my hand, my fingers, and even my mind, were just tools of writing and expression, like the computer I used. As for the writer, it was something or someone I did not know, sitting inside my body fighting me to get out of its prison, forcing me to bargain it for a few words that express it. I was like a lost visual artist whose empty painting was in front of him and his brush was in his hand but his thoughts were scattered, he did not know how to connect them or how to begin, but his senses began to weave the fabric of the thoughts of that deep thing inside, as they translate them, to create the most meaningful paintings.

Every line I wrote I knew nothing of what was to come. I was even surprised by some of the chapters and reacted to them, just as you would react. They were as new to me as they are to you, and sometimes I was standing astonished to realize what I had written, or to understand the connection I had just discovered between the characters.

This novel, inevitably, was already accomplished in me, as it was written in one go. It already existed. As for transcribing it on paper, it took me some time. It is a novel that expresses a part of an exception that I think I have had in my life.

I cannot confirm or deny its events, even though they may have happened, in every detail, what is certain is the perspective of your understanding of the truth, they may be completely true, and from another perspective, they may be just delusions or dreamy fantasies, this depends on what truth means to you, or what it will be…

I appreciate your valuable time. Believe me, I am the best to know. That is why I was careful that this was not just a classic, casual novel for fun while you are drinking your morning cup of coffee.

Perhaps by it, I want to stir up that madness within you, who you have always been told, would be the cause of your ostracism, and your expulsion, out of the herd.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“-Have you ever thought about determinism?

He continued and did not wait to hear the answer: In the past, humans believed that the eye sends a ray of light to bodies and sees them, then the Arab scholar Ibn Al-Haytham asked a logical question: If my eyes send a ray of light, why do I not see in the dark?

Then he discovered that the eye is blind in its origin, a receiver and not a transmitter, it only sees when the light is reflected from the objects, so it picks up its reflection and does not send it.

We understand determinism as we understand the sense of sight today, we receive it and do not send it, so we see that we are the subject and the deterministic object, we have no power before it, we have to receive it and submit to it, but what if our understanding of it is wrong?! As our understanding of the sense of sight was, while we think we receive determinism, we are in fact sending it.

What if determinism had no existence, no reflection, and we were not designed to receive it but rather designed to make and transmit it.

The general interpretation of determinism, on which all Muslims and non-Muslims agree, is that every event in the universe, including man’s perception and actions, is subject to a logical sequence of causes within a single continuum.

Muslims say that God’s decree and predestination are pre-written and cannot be changed, but they struggle with the eternal question, if this was written for me in advance, then why would God punish me for something that I cannot change? Where is the justice in here!

While unbelievers say it was nature, the laws of the universe, that created determinism, and they run into the zero-cause barrier, what is that cause that does not come from any cause? It resulted in the chain that created all causes.

Muslims answer them, Cause Zero is neither a cause nor a causative, nor even a result, it is God, he was and will continue to exist, and the understanding of His nature is not within the limits of our mind, for it has no nature at all.

The non-believers accuse them, that their inability to understand or know the nature of the Zero cause, made them create the idea of God in their minds, to relieve themselves of the trouble of searching.

The entire dispute is based on the zero cause, assuming that determinism is a series written on us, we cannot change it, and we have no authority over it, but what if determinism is actually written on us, and we are the ones who wrote it in the first place, or perhaps we are writing it now.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“Have you read about the Law of Attraction before? His believers say, that a person has what looks like broadcasting and receiving channels, and these channels transmit his thoughts to the universe, and his receivers receive the results and interact with him, he is part of it as everything else, affects and is affected, and the master here is the universe, and the reason is the person, they are his thoughts that decide the response of the universe to him, it will give him back what he thinks, and it will seek to implement it for him.

If you are looking for an answer to a question that has puzzled you for a long time, all you have to do is think about it, and imagine that you will find the answer in some way, imagine that moment when you know it, and then leave it to the universe, it will come to you with the answer, as long as you broadcast the idea.

Based on that, if you think about something that you hate to happen, if you think about it for a long time, it will inevitably happen to you, for the law does not differentiate between good and evil, what you want and what you hate, but rather what you think.

In other words, the subconscious mind is fertile, uncultivated land, and the conscious mind or brain is a seed-sowing machine. What you think about is the kind of seeds that you will sow in your subconscious mind, and your harvest will be the result of what you sow, the more you think, you are like the one who waters and plows the land and nurtures it, and in the end, the universe will be the machine of the harvest, it will inevitably make your ideas a reality for you.

This law has been strengthened in all religions and customs.

In religion, God alerted us to the need to monitor our thoughts well, so he says in the honorable Prophetic hadith, “I am as my servant thinks of me,” meaning that if you think well of God, he will be with you as you think. If think that he will only send you all good, God will send it to you.

In all religions you will find many texts saying like this, although this completely contradicts the law of determinism in religion, God has written everything in advance, and your belief in him will not change anything in your destiny, but even your thoughts themselves, including your good thinking of him It is something he already wrote to you.

As for our ancestors, they said it from the reality of their inherited experiences, they said things like that the one who is afraid of something, it will happen to him. They summarized them in the form of popular examples, which you will find in various cultures.

However, what if the believers in this law understand things from the perspective of the ancient human understanding of the sense of sight, we do not receive determinism, and the universe does not make it and does not respond to us with what we think, and we cannot change it with our thoughts, we have already drawn them in advance, and we have no escape today except for reaping what we sowed. An inevitability we managed at once, in one moment.

He was silent for a moment, then added: Or perhaps, we are drawing the inevitable now, Ruslan, what if I did not exist in this world before you had a need for me? And somehow you made me, and gave me a whole life, with its memories, memories that make me feel like I have lived forty whole years, and make you feel this, you arranged them for me, and you created me, to answer all the questions I have always thought of.

And while I feel like I am forty, in fact, it is one second, maybe a lot less.

What if we had never met in Syria before, if you were not there, and you are still retreating in your hut on the hill, thinking about the empty, the unknown, and what happened next? It is nothing but an arrangement that you did, to transcend the authority of your mind, to get you to know the answers to everything that afflicts you, even if this life is a blank sheet of paper, you are the one who arrange it and draw it, step by step.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“When does this happen! What about your conscious mind, your brain, which shows you the truth at its own whims, ignores the data of the senses as it wants, and interprets it as it wants, enslaves you, colonizes you, marginalizes yourself and your truth, to survive in the body and enjoy.

-How does he do it? Do you need me to tell you? After we agreed, my friend, that physical and psychological torment makes you imagine things that do not exist, contrary to the truth, and who is the one who controls the transmission of nerve signals for pain? Who controls the hormones and secretion of those that control your psychological state? Who is capable of subjecting you to the worst kinds of physical and psychological torment, to make you think that the bird is a leaf, who has the full power to do this to you?

If I had a description then, it would not be more accurate than the weapon of your subconscious mind, with which it fights that devil in your head, its way to answer, find me, arrange my whole life, so that it can transcend your brain’s control over you.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“dating question
-What do you want from this world?

-To have a wardrobe.

In his first meeting with Katrina, she asked him a dating question, and his answer was unconventional, he wished he could buy a wardrobe, in which he put his belongings, a metaphor for the instability in his life, so how does he do this, while he is without a homeland, without a home, moving from place to another, carrying a bag containing a few of his personal belongings.

About to cheat on Khadija, the curiosity in the intelligence man’s mind overpowered him, the desire for knowledge, exploration, information, and a thirst for more details, the smallest details.

Plan the process with the mentality of a computer programmer, “I will leave them a loophole in the system, they will hack me through it, and to do this they have to open their doors to send their code, and at this very moment, I am sending my code in the opposite direction.

The most vulnerable account devices to hack are the hackers themselves. They enter the systems through special ports, which are opened to them by the so-called Trojan horse, a type of virus, with which they target the victim, open loopholes for them, infiltrate through them, and in both cases, they, in turn, have to open ports on their devices to complete the connection, from which they can be hacked backward.

Katrina is a Trojan horse, he will not close the ports in front of her, she must succeed in penetrating him, and she will be his bridge connecting them, he will sneak through her, to the most secret and terrifying place in the world, a journey that leads him to the island of Malta, to enter the inevitable den.

This is how the minds of investigators and intelligence men work, they must open the outlets of their minds to the fullest, to collect information, receive it, and deal with it, and that is why their minds are the most vulnerable to penetration, manipulation, and passing misleading information to them.

It is almost impossible to convince a simple man, that there is life outside the planet, the outlets of his mind are closed, he is not interested in knowledge, nor is he collecting information, and the task of entering him is difficult, they call him the mind of the crocodile, a mind that is solid, closed, does not affect anything and is not affected by anything, He has his own convictions, he never changes them.

While scientists, curious, intellectuals, investigators, and intelligence men, the ports of their minds are always open.

And just as hackers can penetrate websites by injecting their URL addresses with programming phrases, they can implant their code into the website’s database, and pull information from it. The minds of such people can also be injected, with special codes, some of them have their minds ready for injection, and one or two injections are sufficient to prepare for the next stage, and for some, dozens of injections are not enough, and some of them injected their minds themselves, by meditation, thinking, and focusing on details, as Ruslan did.

Khadija did not need more than three injections, but he trusted the love that brought them together, there is no need, she knew a lot about him in advance, and she will trust him and believe him. Her mind would not be able to get her away, or so he wished, the woman’s madness had not been given its due.

What he is about to do now, and the revenge videos that she is going to receive will remain in her head forever, and will be her brain’s weapon to escape, when he tries to get her out of the box.

From an early age, he did not enjoy safety and stability, he lived in the midst of hurricanes of chaos, and the heart of randomness. He became the son of shadows and their master.

He deserved the nickname he called himself “Son of Chaos.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“Like a shepherd and sheep, its principle is simple, redirection towards the obligatory path, and speaking of Ozcan, he is the most proficient in this game. Watch the professionals do it in the reorientation of functional organizations.

There is no need to recruit them all, it is enough for them to do what a shepherd does with a flock of sheep; blocking the roads in front of them, putting a dog in one place, standing and waving his stick in another place, to force them to take the path he wants, towards the barn.

And if you spoke to one of them, it would swear to you that it is going the way it wants, which it chose with its full will, or chosen for them by their leader at the forefront of the herd, who knows the secrets of the ways, believing that they go the way they want.

He decided that he should play the game according to its laws since they are sheep, so do not try to address them or convince them, but rather direct them to where you want. He did not know anything about deterministic algorithms at the time, his decision was based on his innate, something inside him. He succeeded, however, by making a butterfly flutter, far away. Some straying out of the Shepherd’s path, then another artificial flutter associated with the first to accelerate the process, and then a third, and a fourth, then the chaos ensued, and the hurricanes blew up all the inevitable of Alpha Headquarters.

A butterfly fluttered where no one was watching, he studied and planned it carefully.

Words by a revolutionary Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish, summarized the whole story…

Throw a stone into the stagnant water, rivers will break out
Ring your bells in the kingdom of silence and sing your anthem
And let the wall of fear break into dust like pottery”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“Classification and then reduction, the mind’s strongest weapon against conscience, if it wants to relieve your conscience to kill innocents, it would classify them within a group and include with them those who deserve death in its view, then reduce all the small details into generalities, and ignore them. As it will not fail a trick, to make the killing of children and women an inevitable necessity, towards a higher goal and a better world.

Thus began the story of Baibars himself, nearly twenty years ago, when the extremist organization decided to classify the entire American people as one group, ignoring that the number of Muslims killed by Muslims themselves was many times greater than those killed because of American policies in the Middle East, and then decided that the destruction of their opponents in the Middle East. The destruction of the World Trade Center in Manhattan.

Their minds reduced all the details; a child playing in his father’s office, a girl waiting for her mother’s return, a wife on the plane eager to meet her husband, their conscience did not hesitate for a moment to kill thousands of innocent people, for the sake of their ultimate goal.

And so did America itself, when it decided to avenge its murderers, categorized, reduced, and shot everyone.

Its pilots saw neither the children nor the families in the homes they were about to demolish over their heads.

So did Hitler, Napoleon, Hulagu, and every serial killer known to mankind.

It makes you like a pilot driving a plane, throwing a bomb over the houses, not seeing the trace of what it did on the ground, and if he carried it with his hand and walked in the streets, and watched the children, women, the innocent, who would fall dead from this bomb, he would not detonate it, but he only sees houses that look like matchboxes from the sky, general picture, no details.

Satan’s most powerful weapon for controlling the mind, or the most powerful weapon of the mind to control us, and at some point, it masters it, to the point where it no longer needs to justify, reduce, or categorize anything, kill your opponents, and all their offspring, destroy them, burn them, leave none of them.

Since many minds are tools in the hands of Satan, it can manipulate them as it wants. Since its working mechanisms have become known to him, Baibars decided, why not? Why do not we make them tools for good.

He used Satan’s own style, manipulated everyone, and at times, reduced, but according to his laws, do not reduce the innocent.

He is not afraid, he made his decision in the war, and whoever made this decision must bear the consequences of it.

He wished time would go back a thousand or two thousand years and freeze there, where the wars between human beings were fought with swords and arrows, at that time, not many innocents fell, only soldiers who made their decision in advance to war, to kill, knowing that they might die. Everyone had the time and the ability to think, make decisions, and even escape.

While today, most of the victims of wars do not make a decision, they pay with their lives without anyone asking them if they want to be part of this war at all. Cities are bombed and destroyed over the heads of their inhabitants, and most of them reject this war from the beginning.

When someone detonates a bomb in a mall, he does not ask the victims of his bombing about their political stances, their religion, and even if they want to be part of this war, and so do the planes, they do not ask, and their victims have no opportunity to make a decision.

As for him, Baibars, he made up his mind
It is to fight in defense of those who did not have the opportunity to take it.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“He is schizophrenic, this is how he was diagnosed with the CIA, and his schizophrenia is his strength, he comes out of a personality, directly impersonating a new one, a completely different one, which he experiences as if he had in it for his whole life. This is every professional agent’s strong point, but it comes at such a high price that it in many cases often ends up in a whiff of insanity.

Therefore, they must be monitored and psychologically evaluated on a periodic basis. The last thing the agency wants is a suicidal agent with a message exposing many secrets, or a biased towards their opponents, or a madman circling the streets babbling from here and there.

It takes its responsibilities towards them, these people suffer a lot, and the more they train, the more they work, the more professional they become, and the crazier they are.

But there was something different about him, which Alex did not miss.

Not that schizophrenia that she knew; When sitting with him, talking to him, all the paper reports seem as if they were written about a different person, as if deep down another person about whom no one knows anything yet, and as if all these characters he played are one character as if everything grows from inside him.

What she was most concerned about is whether he is honest in being an intelligence agent, or is it a role he plays, as are the dozens of roles he played and plays for the agency.

Many doubts revolve around him, officers were unable to manage him, and deal with him. The agency changed the liaison officer with him every few months, he is somewhat out of control, but at the same time, it is unable to terminate his services.

The closer the agency got to making that decision, the more he did something that made them stick to it more, creative, distinct, and innovative, that we cannot easily let go of.

Until Alex arrived, the only liaison officer he had worked with for years. His condition stabilized, he was no longer that mysterious brawler, she understood him completely, she threw all the reports, papers, and opinions behind her back, and dealt with him directly, without barriers.

He was not simply pretending, he was not acting, he was really him. Every character he played, every lie he lied, every mess he made, it was him, without acting.

And he said to her, they are all composite characters. If you look at each character, you will find something that connects them to the other, that they are like cubes, I build them on top of each other, I do not play them. What you need is to look at the details, and you will find a fine thread connecting them.

He trusted her, and so did she. She became his friend, perhaps the only one in this world until Katrina entered his life.

She knows nothing of what happened to him lately, but she knows that man deep inside him at the bottom of the pyramid of the cubes, “he will not hurt me, I trusted him before, I trust him today, his chivalry will not accept treachery, not of this kind, he will not do it”.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“What is the truth, but a disguised lie!

His slogan, which he has always worked with; as it has no meaning in this world, rather it does not exist, everything is relative, so what is for me an irrefutable truth may be for others just an illusion. Each sees from his angle and according to the amount of data that his mind receives from the surrounding environment, and the result that the mentality deduced from linking and analyzing these data, is the truth then.

What if we have the ability to manipulate the data? Then the truth becomes in our hands as a piece of dough, we shape it as we like, and sometimes, out of the perfection of the lie, when the truth appears, no one believes it.

If the truth suits the desires and orientations of the mind, then it becomes your help to its owner, a loyal and obedient soldier in your hands, and whenever you whip it with many details, it decides to ignore them, and under pressure it will fill the gaps with the invented story on his own occurred.

Good suspicion, misunderstanding, complicated matter, forgetfulness, trust, are all tools and justifications to bridge these gaps, then it realizes that its salvation from this torment is by believing the generalities of what it sees, and the conclusion, the final, is the truth.

But before confronting Satan with its greatest weapon, you must first whip your mind, have it at your command, then you will be able to weave the greatest truth, not subject to criticism, nor denial from the angle that the victim sees.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“A hundred men lived inside him, somehow managed to absorb all the contradictions, reincarnated many personalities, committed more crimes against himself, used dozens of names, and lost his name in the crowd.

He was struck by chaos, polished by randomly, wrestled with him and wrestled with it, wrestled with it until he tamed it, and he became its brother, friend, and son.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“The Test of Death
-Would you believe someone you trust and swear to tell you the truth?



-He may say what he thinks is the truth, which is not so, and I believe that the truth is not given, but taken, snatched, you have to fight to get it, the truth is not free.

– We sent you to carry out a dangerous, sensitive task, a matter of life or death, and we sent someone you know is a deceiver and a liar to share it with you, we do not trust him either, but we need him? Do you accept it with him?

-Maybe yes and maybe no


-Trust here has no place, even if I trust him, I may not implement it with him, and I may implement it with someone I do not trust, everyone in a certain circumstance has the ability of betrayal and treachery, as they have the capacity for honesty and sincerity, I will not trust anyone with a dangerous operation like this, but I will trust the plan; if the plan had taken all possibilities into consideration, including the possibilities of treachery, and if we put alternative plans in case of emergency, I would trust the plan itself, and implement it with those whose presence is required.

-What is brainwashing?

-It is a radical transformation of ideas in a short period of time, without a convincing reason or explanation.

– How does the process work?

-The primitive method is by coercive means, such as physical or psychological torture, to implant thoughts directly into the victim’s head.

-What is the most advanced method?

-By manipulating the surrounding environment of the victim, and passing ideas into his brain indirectly, to convince him that it is the product of chance, or for supernatural reasons such as your pre-written destiny, or that God has chosen you for this moment, and the more convincing the environment, and the more serendipitous, the quality of the process better.

-How do you know you are being brainwashed?

-I watch my thoughts, if I suddenly decide to switch them without a clear and convincing reason, and within a short period of time, then I have to study the changes in the environment around me, new people, targeted ads on social media, random videos, and everything around me seem to happen by chance It is directly or indirectly related to new ideas. Then research and focus, analyze and elicit, to try and discover the process.

-What is long-term brainwashing?

-A traditional brainwashing process, but it takes a relatively long time, such as repeating the idea to be cultivated weekly instead of repeating it daily, and this happens if the victim is intelligent and careful observation, so the process is done carefully and slowly so as not to discover it.

-Which is more powerful, short-term or long-term brainwashing?

-The short; the mind quickly ignores, when passing the idea in separate periods of time, it ignores the old ones, and buries them away in its memory, thus their impact decreases, so we are forced to plant the idea a thousand times instead of a hundred, to increase the momentum and compensate for the lack of influence of the old ideas, and with the presence of spaced periods of time when the process takes a long time, and the chance of discovering the target becomes greater.

-What is a mind injection, and how is it done?

-It is the process of implanting the ideas that are required to be implanted in it, in direct or indirect ways, and each has its own method and method of injection, some of them rush and some of them take longer than the necessary time, and in both cases, the injection does not take its desired effect, but it is possible that the effect is completely reversed.

-How do you know that the injection process is going well?

-The new and reprehensible reactions of the victim, especially the spontaneous ones. Which is issued near the end of the injection process.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“-What is the mind’s physical reaction to the injection process?

– Sometimes its reaction is by making a feeling of headache and numbness in the head, or the desire to sleep, confusion, and of course the memories, but we cannot rely on them. Even if it was not subjected to an injection. In any case, the successful injection process must be done without the mind knowing, and pass without being aware of it.

-How many failed brainwashing have you done?


-How many successful operations?


A long moment of silence. The psychiatrist looked into his eyes! She knows that he succeeded in all his operations! Unexpected answer.

-Why do you say that you failed in all operations?

-I did not say that I failed, I said that I succeeded in zero operations

-What is the difference?

– They are all still alive, as far as I know, the operation is done, but I do not know which of them might discover the trick at the last moment of my life.

– Anything new in your private life? women? Friends maybe?

-No, they are all superficial relationships, except for Katrina

-Why do you refuse to let someone close into your life?

-They ask a lot, and I do not like to give answers, you are an exception, of course

-What is on your mind the most right now?

-Do things happen because I think of them, or do I think of them because they will happen?


-Because for a week I have been thinking that you will come to meet me, did my thoughts bring you here, or did I somehow sense your presence?

-What is the Sixth Sense?

-It does not exist, our five senses receive an enormous number of notes, and details daily, our conscious mind cannot prevent their reception, but it can ignore them, stores them very far away without alerting us to them, to relieve itself from the trouble of dealing with them, and when we feel that something is going to happen, it is caused by it. Our subconscious mind analyzes and elicits billions of billions of details stored in it, giving us the result in the form of a feeling, to be able to transcend the power of our conscious mind, we have to take these feelings seriously and force our conscious mind to explain their cause, and return to memory and prove it.

-What are the conscious mind and the subconscious mind?

-The names are incorrect, but they are customary to call them like this. I prefer to call the conscious mind the mechanical mind or the brain, and the subconscious mind with consciousness, for the brain is nothing but a mechanical machine, while the subconscious mind, in fact, is consciousness itself, perhaps the soul.

-Why do you talk about the brain, the subconscious mind, the soul, and you, as if you are different entities from each other?

– I do not believe that I am this body, I am something inside it, perhaps I am condemned from another world to imprisonment in it, as a punishment for a sin I committed there, and perhaps with my death, my sentence ends.

-So, you see that you are something different from spirit and consciousness?

-No, we are all one, we cannot be separated, I am the soul, and the subconscious mind is consciousness, and it is mine, while the brain is the property of the body, or the body is its property.

-What is the most frightening thing about death?

– Everyone lies, the religious, and the non-religious, they all lie about their greatest fear of death, Muslims fear Hell and its torment, this is true, but if their choice is between eternity in Hell under torment, or total annihilation, nothing, they will choose the first option. That what frightens us most in Death is complete unconsciousness, becoming nothing, as if we did not exist, simply disappearing and having no awareness, any sense of anything, forever.

-Why would you choose torment over annihilation?

-Because I will somehow adapt to it, we humans are able to adapt in all circumstances, and always have enough hope to be patient with them.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“-Do you sleep well?

-Yes, if I sleep, I do not wake up until after my body needs sleep, but the problem lies in reaching the stage of sleep. As soon as I put my body to bed, bouts of terror and fear begin.

-Fear of what?

-From losing consciousness, for my senses to stop, and I lose my sense of time, and the world around me, it becomes like I am nothing, the world around me moves, things change, and I do not know anything about them, this idea makes me crazy, to the point of crying, then I fall asleep or faint Perhaps, out of concern.

He was silent for a moment, then added: I wish this world were without sleep, but my mind, my body, needs it, but I see no need for it.

His last psychological evaluation session was over. The doctor approached him and began removing the polygraph sensors from his body. Now he has to wait for his final result. Until that time, many places on the island of Malta are worth a visit, especially accompanied by a beautiful Ukrainian girl like Katrina.

So far from Adana, and back in time on the imaginary timeline.
But for Baibars, everything happens in one moment.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“The Son of a vacuum
Among the tall trees he sat lost, broken, alone again, among a number of illegal immigrants, he raised his head to him without fear, as nothing in this world is worth attention.

-He said: I am not a hero; I am nothing but a child looking for Eid.

The Turkmen of Iraq, are the descendants of Turkish immigrants to Mesopotamia through successive eras of history. Before and after the establishment of the Ottoman Empire, countries crossed from here, and empires that were born and disappeared, and still, preserve their Turkish identity. Although, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the division of the Arab world, they now live in one of its countries.

Kirkuk, one of the heavens of God on earth, is one of the northern governorates of Iraq in which they live. The Kurdish race is shared with them, a race out of many in Iraq.

Two children of two different ethnicities, playing in a village square in Kirkuk province when the news came from Baghdad, of a new military coup.

Without delay, Saddam Hussein took over the reins of power, and faster than that, Iraq was plunged into successive wars that began in 1980 with its neighbor Iran, a war that lasted eight years. Iraq barely rested for two years, and in the third, a new war in Kuwait, which did not end in the best condition as the leader had hoped, as he was expelled from it after the establishment of an international coalition to liberate it, led by the United States of America. Iraq entered a new phase of suffering, a siege that lasted more than ten years, and ended up with the removal of Saddam Hussein from his power followed by the US occupation of it in 2003.

As the father goes, he returns from this road, there is no way back but from it. As the date approaches, the son stands on the back of that hill waiting for him to return. From far away he waved a longing, with a bag of dreams in his hands, a bag of candy in his pocket, and a poem of longing by a Turkmen poet who absorb Arabic, whose words danced on his lips, in his heart.

-When will you come back, dad?

-On the Eid, wait for me on the hill, you will see me coming from the road, waving, carrying your gifts.

The father bid his son farewell to the Arab Shiite city of Basra, on the border with Iran, after the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war, as the homeland is calling its men, or perhaps the leader is calling his subjects. In Iraq, as in many countries of the Arab world, the homeland is the leader, and the leader is the homeland.

Months passed, the child eagerly anticipating the coming of the feast, but the father hurried to return without an appointment, loaded on the shoulders, the passion reached its extent in the martyr’s chest, with a sheet of paper in his pocket on which he wrote:
Every morning takes me nostalgic for you,

to the jasmine flower,

oh, melody in the heart, oh balm I sip every while,

To you, I extend a hand and a fire that ignites in the soul a buried love,

night shakes me with tears in my eyes,

my longing for you has shaped me into dreams,

stretching footsteps to the left and to the right, gleam,

calling out for me, you scream,

waking me up to the glimpse of the light of life in your face,

a thousand sparkles, in your eyes, a meaning of survival, a smile, and a glace,

Eid comes to you as a companion, without, life yet has no trace,

for roses, necklaces of love, so that you amaze.

-Where is Ruslan?

On the morning of the feast day, at the door of his house, the kids asked his mother,

-with tears in her eyes: He went to meet his father.

A moment of silence fell over the children,

-Raman, with a little gut: Aunt, do you mean he went to the cemetery?

-Mother: He went to meet him at those hills.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“Rushing toward his friend as if he races the pain races to him, struggles with sorrow. Raman crossed the green fields between them. Since they met, they did not part, and they vowed not to do so.

-“I will not leave him alone, I will be his father, brother, and friend”,

this is how he took a vow to himself when he saw his friend crying and complaining about his father’s departure to war. Thus, he renewed the covenant on the day he saw him silent and alone, with his mother placing in his hands the farewell poem.

A hand patted his shoulder, wrapped towards him, and hugged him

– my friend, he is gone.

– he will come back, Raman, my father promised me that he will come back on Eid morning.

– Ruslan, he can’t keep this promise anymore. Now, it is Eid, let’s play and have fun.

– No, Eid will never come unless my father comes, Eid will never come unless my father comes.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
-He continued: Comparison exists in everything material and immaterial, when you stand in front of the library shelf to buy a book on a subject, you look at the author’s name first, to compare the quality of his presentation with the fame of his writer.

When you enter a café, you look at the people in it, associating its importance with the importance of the customers, their looks, their clothing brand, and their watches.

I know a café in Vienna, that you are not allowed to enter unless you wear specific clothing brands, and its prices are very high, although the coffee in it tastes bad, yet everyone sees it as an excellent coffee.

These two papers are of the same color, you will not see them, not because they do not reflect light, or because they are colorless, but because there is no frame of reference on which the mind can rely to distinguish between them.

He bent the little one to stick out its tip: but now, you have another frame of reference, this bend exposed it.

Just because you see something when you do not have a proper frame of reference to base it on does not mean it does not exist.

He smiled and looked him straight in the eye: just as you did not see that Roman worker on the bridge, it does not mean he does not exist.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“The fact of zero
He added nonstop: Did you know that zero was not used throughout human history! Until 781 A.D, when it was first embodied and used in arithmetic equations by the Arab scholar Al-Khwarizmi, the founder of algebra.

Algorithms took their name from him, and they are algorithmic arithmetic equations that you have to follow as they are and you will inevitably get the result, the inevitable result. And before that, across tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of years, humans refused to deal with zero.

While the first reference to it was in the Sumerian civilization, where inscriptions were found three thousand years ago in Iraq, in which the Sumerians indicated the existence of something before the one, they refused to deal with it, define it and give it any value or effect, they refused to consider it a number.

All these civilizations, some of which we are still unable to decipher many of their codes, such as the Pharaonic civilization that refused to deal with zero!

We see them as smart enough to build the pyramids with their miraculous geometry and to calculate the orbits of stars and planets with extreme accuracy, but they are very stupid for not defining zero in a way that they can deal with, and use it in arithmetic operations, how strange this really is!

But in fact, they did not ignore it, but gave it its true value, and refused to build their civilizations on an unknown and unknown illusion, and on a wrong arithmetical frame of reference.

Throughout their history, humans have looked at zero as the unknown, they refused to define it and include it in their calculations and equations, not because it has no effect, but because its true effect is unknown, and remaining unknown is better than giving it a false effect.

Like the wrong frame of reference, if you rely on it, you will inevitably get a wrong result, and you will fall into the inevitability of error, and if you ignore it, your chance of getting it right remains.

Throughout their history, humans have preferred to ignore zero, not knowing its true impact, while we simply decided to deal with it, and even rely on it.

Today we build all our ideas, our civilization, our software, mathematics, physics, everything, on the basis that 1 + 0 equals one, because we need to find the effect of zero so that our equations succeed, and our lives succeed with, but what if 1 + 0 equals infinity?!

Why did we ignore the zero in summation, and did not ignore it in multiplication?!

1×0 equals zero, why not one?

What is the reason? He answered himself: There is no inevitable reason, we are not forced. Humans have lived throughout their ages without zero, and it did not mean anything to them.

Even when we were unable to devise any result that fits our theorems for the quotient of one by zero, then we admitted and said unknown, and ignored it, but we ignored the logic that a thousand pieces of evidence may not prove me right, and one proof that proves me wrong. Not doing our math tables in the case of division, blowing them up completely, and with that, we decided to go ahead and built everything on that foundation. We have separated the arithmetic tables in detail at our will, to fit our calculations, and somehow separate the whole universe around us to fit these tables, despite their obvious flaws.

And if we decide that the result of one multiplied by zero is one instead of zero, and we reconstruct the whole world on this basis, what will happen?

He answered himself: Nothing, we will also succeed, the world, our software, our thoughts, our dealings, and everything around us will be reset according to the new arithmetic tables.

After a few hundred years, humans will no longer be able to understand that one multiplied by zero equals zero, but that it must be one because everything is built on this basis.”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end

Ahmad I. AlKhalel
“the original color of the apple
-Ozcan: So, it is nothing. Imagine that we live in a world of matter, with no color, no taste, no smell, no touch, no sound. Our five senses cannot receive any information about it. So, we live in nothing, our minds decide what it is, and our need to communicate has created languages, terms, and common concepts. I may see and hear nothing but what you see and hear, but we have agreed on terms and concepts that unite us on them.

Ozcan added: But nothing is still a thing, our five senses restrict us, perhaps if we had five additional senses to receive the data of this nothing, our minds would interpret it, and deal with it. We need additional senses to receive data that we do not know anything about. Ten senses, for example? Are they enough? What if the nature of this substance needs an extra sense yet? Well, a hundred senses? What if the right sense is not among them? In the end, we do not need a large number of senses, but rather the appropriate sense to receive the necessary data about this substance.

The next question, Ruslan: What if we got this sense, and then our mind rejected the reality of matter for some reason? And decided not to interpret the data correctly? Or ignored it? As it often does with our five senses.

-What is deafness?

-A defect in the ear, due to which the mind does not receive any information about sounds.

-But sometimes the mind simply decides to ignore sounds despite receiving data. When it is engaged in something, for example, sleeping, our minds often receive sounds and decide to ignore them, just like that, even though there is no hearing impairment. Sight, touch, taste, smell, the mind can ignore its input if it so desires.

He looked directly into his eyes, and advanced towards him a little, he said in a tone of ambiguity: But what if we already have this appropriate sense, Ruslan, but our minds interpret their data at will. Or decided to ignore it completely for some reason.

And what is this sense? Let’s agree to call it zero sense. The sense through which we can receive the data of the original color of the apple”
Ahmad I. AlKhalel, Zero Moment: Do not be afraid, this is only a passing novel and will end