Haters Quotes

Quotes tagged as "haters" Showing 151-180 of 349
Carlos Wallace
“If they talk about other people with you, they will talk about you with other people.”
Carlos Wallace

Carlos Wallace
“Fake friends get mad when we don't pretend to like them.”
Carlos Wallace

Kailin Gow
“The most successful people in history were made fun of, called "crazy", hated on, and ridiculed...because people didn't want to think a normal person like them could be successful. Thank God they didn't listen to the haters, because how else would the Founding Fathers of America establish America? - Kailin Gow, The American Adventure TV Series”
Kailin Gow

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“We need not reply or even listen to people who are talking about—not to—us.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Maria Karvouni
“The haters are the ones that must investigate what is wrong with themselves and why they spread negative vibes instead of encouraging people to follow their dreams and be better in what they do.”
Maria Karvouni

Carlos Wallace
“They're not happy for you because they wish it was them.”
Carlos Wallace

“It is against the principles of human rights to bully another human being.”
-Shenita Etwaroo”
Shenita Etwaroo

Shon Mehta
“Hater you can find in a moment, but it takes an eternity to find a true well-wisher.”
Shon Mehta, The Timingila

Andrena Sawyer
“If you see something dynamic in another person, speak up. It's time to stop letting haters set the precedent, while negativity becomes the default setting.”
Andrena Sawyer

“I teach my kids that "hate" is a strong word that they should not use unless in extreme cases.

BTW, I hate Donald Trump.”
Ed Krassenstein

Cassandra Clare
“The world can change so quickly,” Jia said. “One day the future seems hopeful, and the next day clouds of hate and bigotry have gathered as if blown in from some as yet unimagined sea.”
“They were always there, Jia,” said Diana. “Even if we did not want to acknowledge them. They were always on the horizon.”
Jia looked weary, [...] “I do not know if we can gather enough strength to clear the skies again.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

“Everybody has something to do, but some people will always seek to detract and destruct others! However, always remember, how people perceive things depends on their knowledge, understanding and way of interpreting things, therefore, do not just be moved by the perception of people to abort your true mission on earth. One most important thing is the lesson to learn from people to shape your vision and to accomplish your mission distinctively! Always be vigilant! Always Stay focused! Live the dream!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“Most haters are like the cobras they spits evil and deadly venom , but don’t let the Viper’s bite poison you, kill them slowly with the living fire of your success.”
Motherly Love
tags: haters

Steve Maraboli
“Dear haters, You’re never going to catch up. Because while you’re talking about how “lucky” I am, I’m working. While you’re talking about what you’re going to do, I’m already doing it. While you’re making resolutions, I’m setting behaviors.”
Steve Maraboli

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“To make someone hate you even more, refuse to hate them back.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Cathy Burnham Martin
“Folks who scream the loudest get heard, and those who spew the most negative, most repeatedly, get falsely perceived as telling the truth.”
Cathy Burnham Martin

Steve Maraboli
“Stop letting your haters write your bio.”
Steve Maraboli

“I love my haters, They actually help me to grow faster.”
Soham Mondal

Aysha Taryam
“Contagion is hate’s greatest attribute and its most treacherous, anyone is susceptible.”
Aysha Taryam

“When we hate other people, it reduces ourselves.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Steve Maraboli
“Why don’t I lose sleep over haters? Because I know that their hate for me is just an indication of a much bigger psychological issue. Haters are rarely better off than you personally or professionally... and if they were to just focus on their own life instead of mine, they would be so much better off. But that’s their problem; not mine. I’ll sleep fine and continue living my dream.”
Steve Maraboli

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Never deny others their right to criticize or to hate you, and yourself your right to ignore them.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Carlos Wallace
“Even when they hurt themselves trying to harm me, I pray for their speedy recovery.”
Carlos Wallace

“At times in life you are your haters inspiration and motivation unconsciously.”
Angel Moreira

Steve Maraboli
“The haters just don't get it...
They're never going to catch up.
Because while they're talking about how “lucky" you are,
you're working.
While they're talking about what they're going to do, you're already doing it.
While they're making resolutions, you're setting behaviors.”
Steve Maraboli

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Life is yet to produce someone who is loved by or important to everyone.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Maria Karvouni
“Perfection is not the ultimate requirement in order someone to have a remarkable career and to deserve to have one, not only in music but everywhere.”
Maria Karvouni

“If you can't handle haters on this level, then you're not ready for the Next Level.”
Jeanette Coron

Stewart Stafford
“Never think that hatred and prejudice are the exclusive problems of any particular group in society or the world. When we become inured to hate's virulence, it has time to thrive, spread and reach everyone eventually. So take no comfort from the fact that others are suffering today and not you. The mirror of empathy makes us witnesses our own future torment.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“Never think that hatred and prejudice are the exclusive problems of any particular group in society or the world. When we become inured to hate's virulence, it has time to thrive, spread and reach everyone eventually. So take no comfort from the fact that others are suffering today and not you. The mirror of empathy makes us witnesses to our own future torment.”
Stewart Stafford