
Gabriel Emerson Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gabriel-emerson" Showing 1-18 of 18
Sylvain Reynard
“For you, my love, I would endeavor to pluck the stars from the sky, only to shower them at your feet.”
“How do you do that?’
“Do what?”
“Say things like that. That’s beautiful.”
“I’ve spent years studying poetry, Mrs. Emerson. It’s in my DNA.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Redemption

Sylvain Reynard
“Miss Mitchell had a lovely voice, it was true, but Miss Mitchell speaking Italian was something celestial. Her ruby mouth opening and closing, the delicate way she almost sang the words, her tongue peeking out to wet her lips from time to time...Professor Emerson had to remind himself to close his mouth after it had dropped open.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Inferno

Sylvain Reynard
“I want to make love to you because I care about you. I want to worship your naked body with my own and learn all of your secrets. I want to please you, not for minutes, but for hours and even days. I want to see you arch your back in ecstasy and look into your eyes when I make you come.”
Sylvain Reynard

Sylvain Reynard
“Life is risk. I could get cancer. Or get hit by a car. You could wrap me in bubble wrap and keep me indoors and I could still get sick. I know that I could lose you too. And as much as I don’t want to say it, someday you’re going to die.”

Her voice broke on the last word. “But I choose to love you now and I choose to build a life with you knowing I could lose you. I’m asking you to make that same choice. I’m asking you to take the risk, with me.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Redemption

Sylvain Reynard
“Having seen you naked, I should demand that the only thing you wear in my presence from now on are these earrings. Anything else is superfluous.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Inferno

Sylvain Reynard
“—¿Por qué sigues creyendo en Dios? ¿No estás enfadada con Él por todas las cosas malas que te han pasado?

Ella interrumpió lo que estaba haciendo y se volvió hacia él. Gabriel parecía muy infeliz.

—A todo el mundo le pasan cosas malas. ¿Por qué iba a ser yo distinta a los demás?

—Porque eres buena.

Ella se miró las manos.

—El universo no se basa en la magia. No hay unas reglas para las personas buenas y otras para las personas malas. Todo el mundo sufre en un momento u otro. Lo importante es lo que haces con tu dolor, ¿no crees?”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Rapture

Sylvain Reynard
“Your father is proud of us for having a
Gabriel nodded, as he continued brushing.
“That means he’s proud of us for having sex and you for impregnating me. Do you think they make T-shirts for grandfathers that express those sentiments?”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Redemption

Sylvain Reynard
“Cualquier persona que haya estado enamorada conoce la diferencia entre el eros y la lujuria. No hay comparación. La segunda es una sombra del primero, una sombra vacía y frustrante.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Rapture

Sylvain Reynard
“If I were to taste your mouth now, I couldn't answer for the consequences. So I can only adore this beautiful neck. I know that in a few seconds I will have to pull away, before the temptation becomes too much. It's too much already. You have no idea how much I want you.”
Sylvain Reynard

Sylvain Reynard
“Te respiro —susurró—. Eres mi aire. Lo eres todo”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Rapture

Sylvain Reynard
“—Si yo bajara en busca de tu alma, ni todos los querubines negros juntos podrían apartarme de ti.

Un escalofrío recorrió la espalda de Julia.

—Haría lo que fuera necesario por salvarte —añadió él y, en ese momento, su expresión y el tono de su voz no admitían discusión—. Incluso aunque tuviera que pasar la eternidad en el infierno con tal de lograrlo.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Rapture

Sylvain Reynard
“Das por sentado que mis anteriores relaciones fueron satisfactorias, pero te equivocas. Tú me diste algo que nadie me había dado antes: sexo y amor al mismo tiempo. Eres la única de mis parejas que ha sido mi amante en el auténtico sentido de la palabra.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Rapture

Sylvain Reynard
“Why do we allow people to abuse their children? Why don't we defend the sick and the weak? Why do we let soldiers round up our neighbors and make them wear a star on their clothing and cram them into boxcars? It isn't God who's evil-it's us.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Rapture

Sylvain Reynard
“Tal vez fui demasiado cuidadoso, demasiado protector, pero no podía soportar la idea de causarte dolor.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Rapture

Sylvain Reynard
“Like they’d never seen a hot professor before. You made quite an impression in your turtleneck.”
“Ah, yes, the turtleneck. Turtles have that effect on people.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Redemption

Sylvain Reynard
“Queridísima Julianne:
Gracias por tu regalo, de valor incalculable.
Lo único valioso que tengo para darte a cambio es mi corazón.
Es tuyo,
Sylvain Reynard

Sylvain Reynard
“Dante perdió a Beatriz cuando ella tenia veinticuatro años y pasó el resto de su existencia llorando su muerte. Si yo te perdiera, me pasaría lo mismo. Nunca habría nadie que ocupe tu lugar. Nunca.”
Sylvain Reynard

Sylvain Reynard
“Superman," she muttered. "I should have known you had magic in your genes."
"Why, yes, Mrs. Emerson, I do have magic in my jeans. I'd happily put on a magic show for you at any time. All you need to do is ask.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Redemption