
Expressing Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "expressing-love" Showing 1-15 of 15
“Expressing not to you, but
with you, I've bound my love
unseen from anywhere.”
Sanu Sharma

Richelle E. Goodrich
“I hope you know I love you, not just because I tell you so at every opportunity, but because I show you so as often as the sun sets.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a Few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

Ivan Turgenev
“To be young and not to know how, is bearable; to be old and not have the strength, is too great a weight to carry. And what's is so painful you can't sense your powers leaving you. It's hard for an old man to ensure such blows!”
Ivan Turgenev, Home of the Gentry

Susana Fortes
“All that interior violence and complication to defend themselves from the very tenderness.”
Susana Fortes, Waiting for Robert Capa

“Language is the gateway of the mind and a bridge that connects us to other human beings. Language enables a person to share their clandestine inner world with other human beings and to learn about other people’s mysterious world of logical thoughts and poetic sentiments.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“There is no need to say: Love, I love you. Let your whole being say it. If you love, it will say it, words are not needed at all. The way that you say it will express it; the way that you move will express it; the way that you look will express it. Your whole being will express it.
Love is such a vital phenomenon that you cannot hide it. Has anybody ever been capable of hiding his love? Nobody can hide it; it is such a fire inside. It glows. Whenever somebody falls in love you can see from his face, from his eyes, that he is no longer the same person – something has transformed him. A fire has happened, a new fragrance has come into his being. He walks with a dancing step; he talks and his very talk has a poetic flavour to it. And not only with his beloved – when you are in love your whole being is transformed. Even talking to a stranger on the street, you are different. And if the stranger has known love in his life he knows that this man is in love. You cannot hide love, it is almost impossible. Nobody has ever been successful in hiding love.”
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, When the Shoe Fits: Stories of the Taoist Mystic Chuang Tzu

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Love by the sweat of thy brow.
Not through whispered words of hollow sound or lofty dreams ne’er substance bound that more than oft do run aground. Nay, love with mighty, blistered hands that turn the soil and carve the land. A bearer of toil and golden band.
Be strong! A founder of the feast!
Protective knight who slays the beast!
For promises and vows aloud are naught but wispy veneer shroud like cobwebs, frail, the airy words and wooing fail. So work, my darling. Toil as proof. Thy loyal heart be drained of youth and yet beat on, incessant sound. Both feet take root within the ground, and service be thy kingly crown.
Love by the sweat of thy brow.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a Few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

Jyoti Patel
“Listening to her heartbeat,
'I love you' He said.”
Jyoti Patel, The Mystic Soul

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Cooking for someone just happens to be one of the most profound expressions of love.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“For friends, lovers, parents and other relations, cooking can be a profound expression of love.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Ray   Smith
“He realized that his past life, his past lonely life, hadn’t been good but perfect. For every single event in that life had pushed him unwaveringly closer and closer to her. Every failure, every crumbling relationship, every breakup in the cold rain or amidst hot tears—everything had been to place him at that diner two weeks ago. To bring him to the now—sleeping on her bed, this stunning, intelligent woman next to him. All his life, he had dreamt of her, either consciously or subconsciously, and this woman had materialized in the flesh. Looking back, he wondered if the plan had been too perfect for it to be mere coincidence. Fate or whatever could substitute for fate had slowly moved him toward her.”
Ray Smith, The Magnolia That Bloomed Unseen

Louis Yako
“We don’t say ‘I love you’
To those we really love.
Only to those we are deceiving
Or wish to console…”
Louis Yako, أنا زهرة برية [I am a Wildflower]

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Never underestimate the power of an honest kiss. Few things can touch your soul so deeply.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Fausat Omolara Ayinla
“Don't be a sucker for verbal expressions of love, because words are simply words and all the real answers and real love lies in actions.”
Fausat Omolara Ayinla

Sam Izad
“In conclusion, a eulogy for the living is a powerful way to express our love and appreciation for the people in our lives.”
Sam Izad, Snackable Existentialism: Small Portions, Big Ideas