Boys Quotes

Quotes tagged as "boys" Showing 511-540 of 569
C.J. Duggan
“If there is one thing worse than self-pity, it was other people's pity.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

The Script
“What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?
And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok?”
The Script

C.J. Duggan
“Can we get out of here?"
"Your chariot awaits."
"In the form of a blue Ford ute?" I curved my brow.
"But of course," he said in an over-the-top French accent.
"Sacre blur, bad accent alert!"
"Wow," he said, "Le rude?"
"Le sorry?"
"Le hurt." Toby clutched his heart.
"What can I do to soothe your shattered ego?"
Toby drummed his chin thoughtfully, pacing around me. He stopped just near enough to whisper in my ear.
"Le kiss?”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

Jaclyn Moriarty
“Well, first you have to be very, very funny. I have realized that it is essential for a boy to be funny. Otherwise, what is the point in a boy?”
Jaclyn Moriarty, The Year of Secret Assignments

C.J. Duggan
“I may have been buzzed last night, but I remember everything. I can't promise you that I won't want to drive you home, or kiss you like crazy again. Because I will. I do.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

Benjamin Alire Sáenz
“Some boys... Are perfect shits. & other boys are very, very beautiful.”
Benjamin Alire Sáenz, He Forgot to Say Goodbye

Ann Landers
“I have leveled with the girls - from Anchorage to Amarillo.
I tell them that all marriages are happy
It's the living together afterward that's tough.
I tell them that a good marriage is not a gift,
It's an achievement.
that marriage is not for kids It takes guts and maturity.
It separates the men from the boys and the women from the girls.
I tell them that marriage is tested dily by the ability to compromise.
Its survival can depend on being smart enough to know what's worth fighting about.
Or making an issue of or even mentioning.
Marriage is giving - and more important, it's forgiving.
And it is almost always the wife who must do these things.
Then, as if that were not enough, she must be willing to forget what she forgave.
Often that is the hardest part.
Oh, I have leveled all right.
If they don't get my message, Buster,
It's because they don't want to get it.
Rose-colored glasses are never made in bifocals
Because nobody wants to red the small print in dreams.”
Ann Landers

C.J. Duggan
“So if I was to choose? Then I choose complicated,” I said, with a nod of finality. I met his eyes again in a silent challenge.
“I choose you.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

C.J. Duggan
“That’s the thing. I’ve never met anyone like you, Tess. You think you’re a no one? You’re so wrong. So wrong. You stand in a room with all the Angelas, even the Ellies. None of them can compare to you. I remember when you started working at the Onslow, I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. You were so terrified. You weren’t full of yourself like other girls. Every time you walked into the bar, you were like a breath of fresh air. Even when Angela was a bitch to you, you rose above it. You made me see the difference in people. You’re not a nobody, Tess, you’re a somebody.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

C.J. Duggan
“He looked at me now.
"Remember I said, 'what if I didn't want to fix your bike?'"
I remembered. "Yes..."
"I didn't want to fix it, because I liked driving you places.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

C.J. Duggan
“I love you, Tess McGee. I don’t do big funny or heartfelt speeches in front of people at birthday parties, but I’m excellent in private alcoves in beer gardens.” He paused. “Okay, that sounded really bad, what I mean is …”
I kissed him into silence. I pressed my forehead against his with a sigh. “I love you, too, Toby. In fact, that’s what I was going to tell you before we walked into the beer garden. Right before the really bad singing started.”
Toby chuckled. He let out a sigh of relief. “Ready to reminisce?”
I whispered my final word before he closed the distance.
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

C.J. Duggan
“When you knock off work tonight, go looking for Toby, because, trust me, he will be looking for you.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

Kathleen Peacock
“What a surprise. That boy doesn't have the sense God gave a cactus.”
Kathleen Peacock, Hemlock

C.J. Duggan
“Well, if they set you in the kissing booth, let me know, I am always willing to donate for a worthy cause.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

C.J. Duggan
“What do you know? This is where it all began,” he said.
“This is exactly where I was when I wanted to kiss you,” he whispered, his lips brushing along my neck causing me to melt under his touch. “So bad.”
“Except this time there’s no drunk netballer squawking at us,” I teased.
“I wouldn’t care if the seven horseman of the Apocalypse charged through the garden right now, nothing’s gonna stop me from doing this.” He leaned down and captured my lips with tenderness, a completely perfect kiss, like it always was.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

C.J. Duggan
“She is something else.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

Kristen Ashley
“These boys talk more than a pack of
Kristen Ashley, Rock Chick Revenge
tags: boys

C.J. Duggan
“A 'T' for Tess, a 'T' for Toby.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

Brenna Yovanoff
“Did you ever think about boys?' I say, staring up into the dark.
'There wasn't room,' she whispers, and her voice is unbelievably sad. 'At first, after Connor, I was just waiting. I was going to get a new boyfriend soon- as soon as I was prettier or better, more perfect. But after a while there was no room for anything else. If I though about kissing or sex, I just started feeling ugly, too awful for anything good.”
Brenna Yovanoff, Paper Valentine

Robin Brande
“I thought guys were complicated. Maybe they are. But maybe they're easy and it's really me who's complicated.”
Robin Brande, Fat Cat

Gola Gong
“Tidak ada yang jagoan di bumi ini, sekalipun dia seorang Bruce Lee atau Old Shatterhand. Lelaki memang harus keras, tapi bukan berarti kekerasan. Keras dalam arti menghadapi hidup dan menggeluti hidup yang serba susah ini. Lelaki memang harus begitu.”
Gola Gong, Balada Si Roy 1: Joe

C.J. Duggan
“Tess, there isn't a drunken, screaming netballer in the world that would have made me not want to ... continue.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

C.J. Duggan
“I like you, Tess.”
C.J. Duggan, The Boys of Summer

Flynn Meaney
“We are in a boy recession," Eugene repeats. "There's been a sudden, drastic decrease in the male population at this school. And I'm gonna take advantage of it.”
Flynn Meaney, The Boy Recession

“We look for pretty girls we can say bad things to. No one shows up.”
Ida Løkås, Det fine som flyter forbi

Diane Messidoro
“lying in bed with Johnny Depp sussing out which males are what kind of pet from their clothes.”
Diane Messidoro, How to Keep a Boy as a Pet

Moacyr Scliar
“...he would tell stories about the Holy City, about Solomon, a just king, a poet-king, a monarch with a thousand concubines. We weren't quite sure what concubines were, but we guessed: a concubine ... Concubines! One thousand! One thousand women in all colours and shapes - but all of them sexy, of course - one thousand - one thousand raving beauties lying side by side on a bed (what a bed! How wide it must have been!), all of them smiling, all of them reaching out their arms, all of them saying something in Hebrew - but the meaning was unmistakeable - "Come here, sweety." One thousand women. If one were to spend twenty, or fifteen minutes with each one of them, how long would it take to...? A problem that our math teacher never assigned us for homework...!”
Moacyr Scliar

David Safier
“Por desgracia, él no se conformaba con besarme, siempre quería meterme la mano por debajo del jersey. Yo no se lo permitía porque pensaba que ya había tiempo para eso. Una opinión que él no compartía. Por eso, en una fiesta de confirmandos, metió la mano debajo del jersey de otra, justo delante de mis ojos. Y el mundo que yo conocía acabó en aquel momento.”
David Safier, Jesus liebt mich

Anne Pfeffer
“That’s when I realized it. I liked this girl. A lot. I liked her super-moist double chocolate chip cupcakes. I liked how kind and patient she was with the guests, the way her forehead crinkled when she was thinking about a problem. I liked her low, soft voice and that long ribbon of platinum-blond hair. I liked the way she looked at the world, as if it were an okay place, where good things were actually possible. ”
Anne Pfeffer, Girls Love Travis Walker
tags: boys, love, ya

“But we left camp after a while and we was driving in a real spooky place cause all the roads up near camp are dark and in the woods and we had to drive for a while to get to a highway cause there was no street lights or anything and nothing but woods and my dad asked me if I had a good time and I told him I did, but that’s really a lie and I felt like telling him what it was like at that mean old camp, but I thought he’d get mad and tell me I’m making it up and I thought I’d tell him some other time like Febuary and cause I didn’t think he’d believe me anyway, but so I changed my mind and then I thought I should tell him now cause he’ll wonder howcome I never told him sooner, so when he said that’s a nasty gash and when he said what did I do, stumble on the trail and hit a big rock or something? I told him no and I told him that lots of bad things happened to me at camp and that I never want to go there again cause I hate it and I almost cried. But he said I always had a bibid emigination cause he’s sure it wasn’t that bad! And I don’t know about those big words either, but what he said made me kind of mad cause grownups always think they know what happened to you better than you do yourself.”
Timothy Victor Richardson, Morning Song