Bond Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bond" Showing 211-240 of 242
Sarah J. Maas
“She knew he meant it. He’d burn the library, the city or the whole world to ashes if she asked him. It was their bond, marked by blood and scent and something else she couldn’t place. A tether as strong as the one that bound her to her parents. Stronger, in some ways.”
Sarah J. Maas, Heir of Fire

Michael Bassey Johnson
“You will know who truly loves you when you ask them to do an uncoventional favor.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

“Changes in Relationship with others:
It is especially hard to trust other people if you have been repeatedly abused, abandoned or betrayed as a child. Mistrust makes it very difficult to make friends, and to be able to distinguish between good and bad intentions in other people. Some parts do not seem to trust anyone, while other parts may be so vulnerable and needy that they do not pay attention to clues that perhaps a person is not trustworthy. Some parts like to be close to others or feel a desperate need to be close and taken care of, while other parts fear being close or actively dislike people. Some parts are afraid of being in relationships while others are afraid of being rejected or criticized. This naturally sets up major internal as well as relational conflicts.”
Suzette Boon, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists

Dianna Hardy
“How can you lose me? You’ve owned me from the first moment I saw you.”
Dianna Hardy, Cry Of The Wolf

“Complex PTSD consists of of six symptom clusters, which also have been described in terms of dissociation of personality. Of course, people who receive this diagnosis often also suffer from other problems as well, and as noted earlier, diagnostic categories may overlap significantly. The symptom clusters are as follows:
Alterations in Regulation of Affect ( Emotion ) and Impulses
Changes in Relationship with others
Somatic Symptoms
Changes in Meaning
Changes in the perception of Self
Changes in Attention and Consciousness”
Suzette Boon, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists

Jonathan Larson
“In these dangerous times, where it seems that the world is ripping apart at the seams, we all can learn how to survive from those who stare death squarely in the face every day and [we] should reach out to each other and bond as a community, rather than hide from the terrors of life at the end of the millennium.”
Jonathan Larson, Rent

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When you start loving, your character becomes like the positive side of a magnet and the one you love becomes negative, that pulls people close to you in union, and becomes very difficult to separate.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Viraj Mahajan
“She was now drowning in that pool of desires without having any idea about the depth of it.”
Viraj J. Mahajan, Derivation of Life

Michael Bassey Johnson
“There is no medicine that can ignite the bond of love. Friendship is compulsory, love comes around when friendship ripes, and sex is a matter of choice.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

James A. Murphy
“Isn't friendship amazing? At one time, our friends were just strangers to us. However, there was something special about these strangers; you felt a connection, something in common, a special bond, and your friendship began. What if, as we pass all of the ‘strangers’ in our lives, if we looked at these strangers as if they could be a friend? What a different world it would be….”
James A. Murphy, The Waves of Life Quotes and Daily Meditations

Jackson Pearce
“When we were little, Scarlett and I were utterly convinced that we'd originally been one person in our mother's belly. We believed that somehow, half of us wanted to be born and half wanted to stay. So our heart had to be broken in two so that Scarlett could be born first, and then I finally braved the outside world a few years later. It made sense, in our pig-tailed heads--it explained why, when we ran through grass or danced or spun in circle long enough, we would lose track of who was who and it started to feel as if there were some organic, elegant link between us, our single heart holding the same tempo and pumping the same blood. That was before the attack, though. Now our hearts link only when we're hunting, when Scarlett looks at me with a sort of beautiful excitement that's more powerful than her scars and then tears after a Fenris as though her life depends on its death. I follow, always, because it's the only time when our hearts beat in perfect harmony, the only time when I'm certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are one person broken in two.”
Jackson Pearce, Sisters Red

Luis Carlos Montalván
“A few days later, Tuesday quietly crossed our apartment as I read a book and, after a nudge against my arm, put his head on my lap. As always, I immediately checked my mental state, trying to assess what was wrong. I knew a change in my biorhythms had brought Tuesday over, because he was always monitoring me, but I couldn't figure out what it was. Breathing? Okay. Pulse? Normal. Was I glazed or distracted? Was I lost in Iraq? Was a dark period descending? I didn't think so, but I knew something must be wrong, and I was starting to worry...until I looked into Tuesday's eyes. They were staring at me softly from under those big eyebrows, and there was nothing in them but love.”
Luis Carlos Montalván, Until Tuesday: A Wounded Warrior and the Golden Retriever Who Saved Him

Galt Niederhoffer
“Physical attraction did its part to glue them together, but something stronger than sexual attraction sealed the bond. When men and women grow apart, it is for the same reason they are drawn together; because they are finally, inherently too different. Friendships among women, on the other hand, were burdened by similarity.”
Galt Niederhoffer, The Romantics

Viraj Mahajan
“She was few inches taller than him and when for the first time her promising eyes met with his, he knew it would be more than friendship. He was too young to name that feeling then. But love...above all relationships knows no age.”
Viraj J. Mahajan, Derivation of Life

Viraj Mahajan
“There are so many moments in our life which we cannot describe with mere words. There are not enough adjectives to justify the emotions behind such moments. Those moments are your life- they define who you truly are”
Viraj J. Mahajan, Derivation of Life

Harold Bell Wright
“There is a bond of fellowship in sorrow that knows no conventionality.”
Harold Bell Wright

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A deep kiss can put you in an emotional state of coma, sometimes in a reckless vulnerability, we lose virginity and sanity, and maybe our bond of love becomes strong or weak.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Viraj Mahajan
“These stories always take us to some far away places which we can never visit in real life.”
Viraj J. Mahajan, Derivation of Life

R.K. Narayan
“He(Samuel, known as 'the Pea') was as apprehensive, weak and nervous about things as Swaminathan was. The bond between them was laughter. They were able to see together the same absurdities and incongruities in things. The most trivial and unnoticeable thing to others would tickle them to death.”
R.K. Narayan, Swami and Friends, The Bachelor of Arts, The Dark Room, The English Teacher: Introduction by Alexander McCall Smith

Quinn Loftis
“The Canis Lupus, both wolf and man, were meant to be a family with one another. We gain strength through our bond with each other.”
Quinn Loftis, Out of the Dark

Sara Sheridan
“The bonds between a family are strange indeed.”
Sara Sheridan, The Secret Mandarin

Donna Lynn Hope
“Theirs was a tug-of-war and neither could let go. Both felt the burn and still wouldn't let go. Some might call it a game for neither could admit defeat.”
Donna Lynn Hope

“Four Day’s Four Night’s

My desire her eyes
Her attention my life
I claim she refuses..!
In the passion of hope
I was
All day all night

Her ignorance my fall
I like rides so I moved
I know now she wants
After immense instance
We met
With less in words..!
Exchanging thru eyes a lot
Jovial and congenial
All day all night

I claim again..!
Response remains..?
My hope is my ecstasy
Your woe is your wait
I hope…!
You sense the harmony
Of my bond on two wheels
You will always
My first love
Till the cease
I loved you
All days all nights”

Ruth McLeod-Kearns
“The morning was brisk and the coffee was hot and roasted with little gurgles in the room. Rosie hadn’t moved, but she let out a tiny snore every now and again that made everything perfect.”
Ruth McLeod-Kearns, Blood Mother

Steve Maraboli
“Let your handshake be a greater bond than any written contract.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Dianna Hardy
“She smiled into his mouth. “That was … wow.”

“It's always wow. You're wow. I'll never get enough of you, Lydia. Not after ten years in dreams; not after forever in real life.”
Dianna Hardy, Heart Of The Wolf

Ishmael Beah
“My squad was my family, my gun was my provider and protector, and my rule was to kill or be killed. The extent of my thoughts didn’t go much beyond that. We had been fighting for over two years, and killing had become a daily activity. I felt no pity for anyone.”
Ishmael Beah

“One is almost tempted to say... at last I can almost see a bond. But that will never be, for a bond does not really exist at all: it is a most convenient fiction which, as we have seen, is convenient both to experimental and theoretical chemists.”
Charles Coulson

Debra Dean
“Once she had thought that she might discover some key to her mother if only she could get her likeness right, but she has since learned that the mysteries of another person only deepen, the longer one looks.”
Debra Dean