Abundance Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "abundance-quotes" Showing 571-600 of 606
Mensah Oteh
“If you got on your knees and counted all of the blessings, goodness, grace, favour and kindness in your life, you would find that you would exhaust the whole day and will still have more to share.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“Your life is lived in a day, so focus on living one good day by successfully designing, creating and living that good day and duplicating it.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“Life never gives you what you want or need just because you have a burning desire for it.
Life gives you what you seek, knock, and ask for.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“Life is like soil – it will always return a harvest.
If you plant good seeds, you’ll reap a bountiful harvest.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“The abundant life should include all that life has freely given you –
love, good health, success, prosperity, happiness, joy, spirituality, fulfilment, wisdom, purpose, growth and excitement.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“See each day as an investment in the future and be willing to do today what you wish to experience in the future.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“Success won’t happen overnight; the season of sacrifice will have to be endured first before the promise is due.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“The abundant life doesn’t happen by accident.
It is the result of doing specific things purposefully every day and it requires an investment of time, energy and effort.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“Life is not just the passing of time; it’s also a collection of experiences from your past, present and future.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“To succeed in life you need five things – a burning desire, a willingness to do whatever it takes, wisdom, incredible effort, and a commitment to never-ending improvement.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“Creating the good life is like following a recipe; specific ingredients are required to guarantee the promised results and each has to be carefully selected and added in the right quantity and sequence. If you get it right, the outcome is guaranteed. If you change or alter the ingredients, the outcome changes.”
Mensah Oteh

Mensah Oteh
“Gratitude is arriving at the point where your expectations, accumulation and anticipations make way for appreciation, reflection and celebration.”
Mensah Oteh