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Viking Warriors #0.5

Viking Thunder

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Captured. Seduced. Craved.

When a terrifying band of Northmen land near Elswyth's village, the headstrong beauty falls captive to the magnificent brute who commands them.
For the first time, a man's strength of will matches her own, and Elswyth discovers that a Viking's love is not to be denied. As her ruthless captor places her at the mercy of his forbidden touch, she discovers her true capacity for passion—but can she trust her heart to such a savage warrior?

Surrender to burning desire and brutal passion, in a world threatened by ambition, jealousy and revenge.

Heat level: volcanic

Read on, in the steamy sequel, 'Viking Wolf' : a full-length novel, continuing Eirik and Elswyth's journey through desire and danger.

'Viking Thunder' is a 13,000 word novelette: the prequel to the 'Viking Warriors' steamy historical romance series.

Audible Audio

First published May 17, 2017

About the author

Emmanuelle de Maupassant

71 books1,248 followers
Emmanuelle lives in a medieval tower house in the Highlands, with her husband and haggis pudding monster Archie (connoisseur of bacon treats and squeaky toys).

She writes historical romance filled with adventure, suspense, and red-hot passion.

Visit her website - www.emmanuelledemaupassant.com - to find a FREE story to download, and to sign up for her newsletter (monthly gossip, giveaways and goodies).


Emmanuelle lebt mit ihrem Mann (Hersteller von Tee und Obstkuchen) und ihrer Schnüffelnase, Archie, auch bekannt als ihr liebstes Fellknäuel und Liebhaber von quietschenden Spielzeugen und Schinken.

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Emmanuelle de Maupassant vive con il marito (che le prepara tè e torta di frutta secca e canditi) e ama i suoi fagottini pelosi a quattro zampe (che sono dei grandi intenditori di giocattoli da mordere e snack al bacon).

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Emmanuelle de Maupassant vive con su esposo (encargado de preparar té y pastel de frutas) y ama las mascotas peludas de la variedad de cuatro patas (expertos en juguetes ruidosos y golosinas de tocino).

Regístrate en el boletín de Emmanuelle, para ver los nuevos lanzamientos, obsequios y las historias detrás de escena, entregados directamente a tu bandeja de entrada.

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L'auteure publie (des romances historiques) sous trois noms de plume : Annabelle Quinn, Anna Quinn et Emmanuelle de Maupassant.

Elle vit avec son mari (amateur de thé et de cakes aux fruits) et a un sérieux penchant pour les terriers à poils longs (amateurs de jouets qui font pouêt-pouêt et de gourmandises au bacon).

=> https://emmanuelledemaupassant.com/vo...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 220 reviews
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,628 reviews477 followers
February 5, 2018

This book has been on my to-read list for awhile and I finally got round to reading it.

Vikings raid Elswyth’s village killing her husband and many others, she’s raped along with the other women.
Elswyth is different from the women of the village she’s always felt unsettled, her birth a result of a Viking raid.
Despite the atrocities here Nothmen have committed Elswyth finds herself very attracted to Eirik but she’s not the only one.

Who says romance is dead?

I have mixed feeling on this book.
At times I liked it and wanted more yet at others the writing seemed off, jumpy and remote.
Profile Image for Rodin.
1,318 reviews
July 31, 2018
What a magnificent book.
First in a must read trilogy.
Emmanuelle's descriptive pieces are simply delicious.
Great plot.
Fantastic character development.
Terrific complications to tease the reader.
Great page turner.
One image of Faline's used flower is simply gorgeous
Elswyth is perfect
She moves from her older smaller hubby
Eirik the magnificent - larger Alpha Viking - as is his Viking hammer
Every scene made it harder to put the book down
Simply superb.
Great read
Five red hot nordic stars
Profile Image for 'Q' aka CoCo.
568 reviews59 followers
May 26, 2017
Very well written but extremely short. The ending was abrupt, and I felt like, even though it's clear there is going to be a sequel, a better job could've been done to flesh out the story a bit more. When Erik, Helka, and their Vikings plundered the village, they killed the chieftain and left Elswyth a widow, not that she was all that upset...

“I’m not sorry. I dreaded his bed. He wasn’t a man. He was a rat, like vermin in the barn. I’m glad he’s dead.”

That's when Faline, Elswyth's stepdaughter, is introduced, who makes it obvious in the sluttiest of ways that she has her sights set on Eirik. He's not exactly known for monogamy, so even though he really wants Elswyth, he doesn't see this as a problem and, of course, takes advantage.

“Elswyth, I have lain with many women, and will lay with many more, but I ask you to keep my bed every night, to give me your body, for the bearing of my children.”

Aww sweet, right? At least he's upfront about it. And then he has moments like this.

"I do not fear death. If I die, my axe will be in my hand, and I shall join Odin. I shall stand by his side when the time of Ragnarok comes. I hope that day is not today, for I wish to return to you, and I shall show you what it is to be loved by a Northman.”

Which was WAY better than his last speech and probably what tipped it for her. Still, it was super short, and even though I know there are more books and this was really well-written, I likely won't be reading them. I couldn't get past her quick turnabout from being taken against her will to acceptance and seeking adventure--too strange, especially because she has no desire to share Eirik, but we know that Falina is hopping aboard for the ride. Why she would choose this life is beyond me. Sounds like a whole lot of drama that's not for this mama.
Profile Image for Angela.
251 reviews1 follower
July 14, 2017
This short story is another raunchy masterpiece by Emmanuelle de Maupassant. Erotic literature isn't my usual choice of reading but Emmanuelle's professional writing style and interesting storylines always make for a good read.

This story goes way back to the days of Viking invasion, days when we were still living in mud and straw huts and hunting boar in the woods. The descriptions of their home, the clothes they wore and the smells, all give a satisfyingly real feel – you can imagine the matted hair, coarse dresses, the men's leather bodices and the smell of animal and humans living close together. Being a short story, about an hour's reading time, the characters are briefly described in their appearance and who's who, but there just isn't time to delve into their personalities.

Elswyth is the lead female character who herself is the offspring of a previous Viking raid. She has the flaxen hair of the Norse or Northmen, and is seen as 'different' by the others in the village. When the village comes under attack, Elswyth's husband is brutally murdered in front of her as are all the men of the village. Just some of the women and children are spared for their 'usefulness' to the savage Vikings. The Viking leader, Eirik, takes a liking to Elswyth and, in true Viking nature, he takes her as he wants her. But, there is more than a spark of wantonness in Elswyth. Viking Thunder's sex is raw, base and earthy – what do you expect, it's about invading Vikings. An excellent start to this Viking series.
Profile Image for Keep Calm Novel On.
467 reviews68 followers
April 6, 2017
The Goodreads author provided a copy of the eBook in exchange for an honest review.

Emmanuelle de Maupassant’s first instalment in the Viking Thunder series is a steamy read. The author transports the reader to a time when Vikings ruled. Elswyth has been recently widowed. Her strength of character drives the novella. Everything changes for her when she meets the mighty Northman, Eirik. The chemistry between Elswyth and Eirik is undeniable and unstoppable. Viking Thunder moves quickly as the characters find their way and are forced to explore their true feelings. The author’s descriptions paint a vibrant picture. This story is far from over. Looking forward to the next book in Viking Thunder series.
Profile Image for Anne.
546 reviews128 followers
September 8, 2018
This is one of the worst books I have read. It is in the I person and it is mostly porn. NO romance whatsoever nothing about the characters to like. Definitely will not read any more from this author.
152 reviews
September 22, 2018
What the f***did I just read?
"Elswyth, I have lain with many women, and will lay with many more, but I ask you to keep my bed every night, to give me your body, for the bearing of my children.”
And she accepts him. Ugh!!
Profile Image for Victoria Vale.
Author 33 books521 followers
May 8, 2019
A short read, but a gripping, smoking hot one! I can't wait to see how things turn out in the full length follow up!
Profile Image for Serialbookstarter:Marla.
849 reviews47 followers
January 18, 2023
Vikings land and rape and pillage village. The fmc falls for the male leader and decides to go to Viking land with him.
Profile Image for Love Africa Book Club.
450 reviews25 followers
June 18, 2017
The vikings have arrived at Elswyth village, killed most of the men including the chief who was Elswyth's husband and raped the women including Elswyth.

Elswyth is angry at the invaders but cannot deny the attraction she feel to Eirik their leader when he takes her to bed and shows her pleasures she's never experienced in her husband's bed.

Soon she is questioning her beliefs, her place and her future. Should she stay in a place she knows and yet feels a stranger in or should she go with the marauding strangers who seem to have found a place in her heart.

This is a quick read and yet it is packed with depth that I don't usually see in short stories. The writing style is captivating and I was totally immersed in this book. Really cannot fault it.
Profile Image for Laz the Sailor.
1,644 reviews81 followers
November 3, 2020
I like Vikings and Pirates, but I found this to be very flat. Vikings invaded a town, killed some men, raped some women, stole some supplies. They stayed longer than planned, and showed that they weren't really terrible monsters. Then they left, accompanied by two of the raped women who didn't resent the monsters. I didn't mind those plot points, but there was very little emotional content, and the sex scenes were dry.

I realize that this is a short prequel to the body of the series, but as such it should provide the hooks needed to entice me to read on. It didn't.
1,372 reviews15 followers
September 1, 2017
A very simple book. The themes are singular with no complexity in the relationships or story. It is a short story so it is difficult to build very much drama. However, there is no build up, no climax and no compelling reason to read another book in this series.
Profile Image for _ paralivreando_ .
31 reviews4 followers
August 15, 2020
"Eu não sei o que sou, não sou lebre, nem coelho".

Elswyth, nascida em meio a traumas vividos por quase todas as mulheres de seu vilarejo, é rejeitada por ser diferente deles fisicamente. Porém ela sempre tem o apoio de sua vó.

E é por ela e por tudo o que ela contou a Elswyth, que esta aceita sem reclamar em se casar com o líder do povoado e ansiar por vingar a sua mãe.

No dia em que o vilarejo é atacado pelos Vikings e eles são obrigados a ajudar os bárbaros para que retornem ao seu lar, Elswyth vê a oportunidade de sua sede de vingança ser saciada.

Porém a maneira como passou a ser tratada por Helka e Eirik, faz ela parar e refletir quais são os seus reais sentimentos e anseios.

"Eu devo me vingar por ambos, matando a cada um de vocês."

Bem, tirando o pequeno detalhe que o livro é um romance dark, o que me assustou em certos momentos da leitura, não deixou de me fazer refletir sobre certas situações.

Ler tudo o que Elswyth passou durante aqueles dias conturbados não é fácil, e penso o quanto as mulheres do passado foram fortes. O quanto tinham que lutar para sobreviver, pois os homens travavam batalhas físicas enquanto que as mulheres tinham suas batalhas psicológicas e físicas para vencer.

Estaria ela errada, assim como outras mulheres, em agir da forma como fizeram? Teriam condições e força de agir de outra forma? E Eirik e Helka, que tinham outras crenças, saberiam viver um novo estilo de vida? Nós, que vivemos em uma sociedade condicionada a um meio de vida diferente somos aptos a julga-los?

Se eu encontrei uma resposta? Ainda não!
De qualquer forma "Como posso esquecer o passado? Há muitos erros nele".

Vale ressaltar que apesar do livro ter mais ou menos 80 paginas, a leitura é carregada em detalhes, quer nos sentimentos, quer nos atos bárbaros. Então sim, tem que estar com a mente aberta e sem receios para essa leitura.

"Nenhum lugar é seguro. E não há lugar para onde correr."
August 23, 2020
Gostei da história em si. Fala bastante da mitologia Nórdica exemplificando bem o conteúdo. A história é bem curta, de rápida leitura. Uma boa introdução para o próximo livro.
Profile Image for Suellen Mima.
109 reviews3 followers
August 23, 2020
Oi, gente!

Hoje temos resenha em parceira com a editora leabharbooks de Viking Trovão, prequel de Guerreiros Vikings e escrita por Emmanuelle de Maupassant.

Um aviso importante: há cenas +18 e de violência extremada.

Elswyth é a protagonista que narra em primeira pessoa de uma forma crua e direta.

Ela nunca se achou parecida e realmente acolhida na Vila onde vivia com sua avó materna, seus cabelos loiros e sua atitude destoavam de tudo e de todos.

Todavia, a aparência diferente e seu jeito não afastaram os olhos do líder daquele lugar, ele logo a quis como esposa, mesmo tendo idade para ser pai dela.

Um genitor desconhecido, uma mãe já falecida, um marido odioso, não há lugar para Elswyth. Até a noite do ataque na Vila onde mora, eventos bárbaros e terríveis, porém com um chamado para a descoberta de seu próprio eu.
Confesso que não é o tipo de leitura que mais me agrada, fiquei bem impactada com a descrição das cenas violentas, Elswyth nos mostra tudo sem qualquer véu e entendo perfeitamente que num enredo de um povo querendo conquistar o outro não vai vir romance fofinho suspirante, mas, apesar dessa ressalva que citei acima, a leitura foi cativante porque li em menos de uma hora (o fato de ser curto ajudou, é claro). Enfim, quero saber dos outros livros, o que Elswyth vai enfrentar e tudo o mais.

Encontra-se no kindleunlimited e para quem quiser ler o livro físico, também tem disponível para compra na Amazon.

Resenha compartilhada em outras redes: Instagram e Skoob.
Até a próxima.
Profile Image for Terrance Shaw.
Author 33 books9 followers
July 9, 2017
Emmanuelle de Maupassant’s 'Viking Thunder' is an exquisite piece of writing by any standard, imaginative historical fiction at its finest, and one of the sexiest tales I’ve had the pleasure to read in—ever. Told from the point of view of Elswyth, a young Anglo-Saxon woman, promptly made a widow when a band of Northmen raid her village, this is a clash-of-cultures story enlivened by lots of deliciously lurid action, pillage, fire, and, yes, rape. Elswyth, not ungrateful to be rid of her feckless husband, quickly catches the eye of the Viking leader, Eirik, and is befriended by the shield maiden Helka, Eirik’s sister who functions as interpreter, cultural go-between and a counterbalance of quiet reason to her brother’s fiercely impulsive nature. Yet, more than mere escapist adventure, 'Viking Thunder' has its thoughtful moments, too, a bit of comparative theology and myth, reflection on love, fate and destiny, cheek by jowl with unapologetically explicit descriptions of sex, heady as the sweetest mead. First in a yet another series from the remarkably prolific Maupassant, I, for one, can hardly wait for more. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Joann Herley.
Author 18 books61 followers
April 1, 2017
Elswyth, half Northmen, and the widow of the chieftain must deal with another attack by the Northmen on her people. Their minds are set on brutality, pillaging, and raping the women for their own entertainment. I found Elswyth to be a self-reliant woman that had been taught well by her grandmother. She was not only curious, full of hatred and fear, but she was also compassionate, brave, passionate, loving, and had a longing for something more. She was longing for freedom. This story was graphic but fitting for the time. I did find an interesting contrast between the gentleness of the prologue and the foreboding epilogue. I found I grew an attachment to Elswyth, and I am curious to see what follows for her. I received an exclusive copy of the book.
Profile Image for Alison.
734 reviews
April 15, 2017
Copy received via Goodreads/Instafreebie link.

This short story is the first part of a series from Emmanuelle.

Being married to the Chieftan was not Elswyth's idea - he was also her Uncle. When the Northmen arrive he begs for them to take his young wife and spare him.

This very sexy short took me to the world of the Vikings and could almost be an episode of this great TV show.

Am looking forward to the next instalment.
Profile Image for Ang.
11 reviews2 followers
September 13, 2018
I don’t normally read romance but I’m trying new genres to broaden my love of reading. This has to be the worse book I’ve ever read! Romanticising gang rape, women being objectified and publicity sexually assaulted. It’s also very poorly written, poor character development, poor plot, is just 87 pages long... i had this book free in a book club, I so won’t be reading the other 4 books in the series!
280 reviews
September 26, 2018
Not for me, couldn't finish it

I was hoping this would be a good book but quickly realized it wasn't for me, I love take charge alphas and a little bit of roughness never hurt anyone, it can actually be pretty hot, but If there was any romance in here I couldn't find it. I'll be passing on the next installment.
Profile Image for Christina.
821 reviews8 followers
July 15, 2017
One word . ...Scorching hot! Okay that's two words. Seriously though ... a sexy read! Loved it!
Profile Image for Sandra R.
3,151 reviews44 followers
June 7, 2020
Well, that was certainly a very interesting and well written (short) novella - a prequel to a series. I felt like I was watching an episode of the TV show 'Vikings'.

It was bloody, dark and uncomfortable and was written from the POV of Elswyth only. Her husband and the men in her village were slaughtered by Vikings, then the women were raped, including our heroine. Eirik, the hunky Viking in charge, then decided she would be his. It was a pretty dark and erotic read and I assume their story continues in the next book, as it certainly felt unfinished. I've had this story on the kindle for ages and I've just discovered I have the first follow up book in the series, so that's good.

In this novella the writing does really paint a disturbing picture for that era, so 5 stars for the descriptions and the atmosphere the author created and the historical research as well. 3 stars overall, because I liked it, but didn't love it. Also it wasn't really romance, as the heroine just accepted her lot. (so nothing swoon-worthy about this story)
Profile Image for Alejandra Ospina.
186 reviews1 follower
September 11, 2020
Una historia corta perfecta para leer en menos de una hora.

“Juzgamos por lo que nuestros ojos ven, pero hay mucho más en el mundo. No podemos conocer los secretos del corazón”.

La historia del libro aunque es básica , sencilla y predecible, no es apta para todo el mundo. Contienen grandes cantidades de sexo y violencia, pero ¿Qué más podemos esperar de un libro sobre vikingos?

A pesar de la fuerte carga emocional, donde muchas defensoras del género femenino no estarían de acuerdo ni con la mitad del libro, la autora nos trae una visión del pasado bastante agradable y amena , con una escritura ligera, llena de frases con las cuales es fácil identificarse a la vez que damos un vistazo la mitología nórdica a través de lo ojo de ella.

Es un libro perfecto para leer en menos de una hora, disfrutar quizás de alguna que otra fantasía. No esperen mucho de él, pero creo que es perfecto para matar un bloqueo de lector.

Si eres amante de este género, debes leerla. Seguro disfrutarás sus 68 páginas y querrás ir a leer , de una sola sentada, toda la saga.

Profile Image for Rainelle.
1,891 reviews107 followers
June 27, 2020
The prequel Viking Thunder, by Emmanuelle De Maupassant is certainly a book that I’m not use to reading. The book is a quick read, but Emmanuelle has placed a lot of information within it. Most was knowledge for the reader. This Information explains the Vikings history, beliefs and the family that they reside from. Eirik and Elswyth are two people who are drawn to each other.
Eirik sees Elswyth as a woman who will give him children. Elswyth sees Eirik, but her story tells of something more than Eirik. As the reader, I liked that Helka was there to explain what is the driving force behind her people. One part I didn’t find much interest is Faline’s character. I didn’t like her intruding in on Eirik and Elswyth romance.
This a very steamy book to read.
Profile Image for Jen.
625 reviews5 followers
September 27, 2019
I really should have done my research before picking up this title. I saw Viking and thought medieval romance and... well, I was wrong. The story is short and I wouldn't call it a romance in any form. There's not one ounce of love or romance in this book. There is a lot of violence (read rape) and graphic sex, but no love. There's even a cliffhanger. It's the first book in a series, but usually there's closure in each book. Not so much here.

The bright spot was the narration. Emma Parry has a pleasant accent and good pacing. It was a solid performance, but nothing stood out as excellent.

This book just wasn't for me. I get that Vikings are violent, but I can't saw that I want to read about it within the pages of fictional story. I have the opportunity to read the next book in the series, but I'm not entirely sure I can stomach it.
Profile Image for Janet.
4,555 reviews49 followers
September 29, 2019
Life is peaceful in the Northumbria village until the night the Vikings came. A damaged longboat seeks shelter whilst repairs are made. At the mercy of a savage band of Vikings, led by a formidable warrior Eirik.
For the first time, a man's strength of will matches Elswyth's own.
This is the prologue to the series & beautifully sets the scene for the following books. I’d recommend reading it before ‘Viking Wolf’. Elswyth is a strong woman who is drawn to Eirik but should she stay with her ailing grandmother or leave to go into the unknown?
Profile Image for Ginger.
1,154 reviews7 followers
May 4, 2019
This short story was in true fashion of what you would expect from a Viking conquest, except a romance seemed to be forming on the horizon of this one, but the tale ends to soon with the victor leaving with his conquest. What lay ahead only the author knows, and I hope to find out.
The narrator is not familiar to me, but she did a wonderful job in the narration.
Reviewed for Audiobook Obsession.
Profile Image for Erin Kelch Zerby.
104 reviews8 followers
March 8, 2018
This was a breath of fresh air! This is the first time I've come across this author and while this is a sexy read I would not be ashamed to recommend this to my church lady mama. This viking conqueror novella is more like a detailed first person best case scenario. This prose is so fluid and easy to get lost in! I can't wait to read everything else she's written!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 220 reviews

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