Serenading Heartbreak
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Kindle Notes & Highlights
Read between January 23 - January 28, 2022
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He arrived wrapped in warning, of which I’d never heed. Every shade of gray, sunshine and rain-drenched days. A love that visited and never stayed. Again and again and again.
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“I’m not afraid of the dark. Not at all. But I like what something bright can do to the dark, so they stay.”
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“You’re a flower bound to suffocate without sunshine, fresh air, and tasty nutrients.”
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I felt it then, that irrevocable shift inside. As if somehow, someway the vibrancy of the world had dripped away, and the only color that remained was us.
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“You’re beautiful, but when you smile, you’re a portrait of starlit dreams.”
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Mind, body, and soul, it resonated with a permanence I couldn’t ignore. I was his.
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He was a crescendo, an ever-increasing note, and there was no end in sight.
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I took the moment, the feeling of his skin beneath my hands, his own holding me as if he’d never let me sink, and I drowned inside it.
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Forgiveness was a desperate heart’s mistake. You didn’t forsake the soul to save an organ. Hearts had an expiration date; the soul was immortal.
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Like the sun and the moon, we’d always revolve around one another, doomed to dance on opposing sides of fate.
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“I once thought the world of you. I thought there was nothing you couldn’t do, that you were magic just waiting to be discovered. But every chance you got, you set that adoration, that love on fire and never stuck around to watch me burn.”
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This love, our love, it was an entity all on its own. It stalked us wherever we roamed; a living, breathing beast that wouldn’t rest until it won. Until it was just him and me, saddled in its unshakable, never-ending embrace.
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To fall in love twice was a beautiful rarity. To be in love with two men at the same time was a cruel twist of fate. Your soul was split right down the middle, a piece of you stolen forever.
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Some people were stronger on their own. Some people were stronger due to the people they surrounded themselves with.