How to Tell a Story
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Read between December 4 - December 4, 2023
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What interests readers is not so much what happens, but who things happen to.
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A good story takes readers where they haven’t been before in the company of interesting people they learn to care about who are forced to deal with adversity.
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memoirs are about traumatic events in a writer’s life that a writer of exquisite skill can transform into an experience we can all share. It is the nearest thing to poetry a writer of prose can create.
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You don’t “write what you know,” as the old saw has it; you draw upon what you know. But you write what you read.
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The great French film director Jean Renoir (son of the famous painter) once said: “Learning is being able to see the relationship between things.”
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To know your desires, and those of your characters, is to be able to exert greater sway over them.
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Alice Orr, an agent and author, as well as a terrific teacher, put it best I think: “A villain is still the hero of his own story.”