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History is on repeat, and things didn't go so well the last time.

Alexandria isn't sure she's going to make it to her eighteenth birthday--to her Awakening. A long-forgotten, fanatical order is out to kill her, and if the Council ever discovers what she did in the Catskills, she's a goner... and so is Aiden.

If that's not freaky enough, whenever Alex and Seth spend time "training"--which really is just Seth's code word for some up-close and personal one-on-one time--she ends up with another mark of the Apollyon, which brings her one step closer to Awakening ahead of schedule. Awesome.

But as her birthday draws near, her entire world shatters with a startling revelation and she's caught between love and Fate. One will do anything to protect her. One has been lying to her since the beginning. Once the gods have revealed themselves, unleashing their wrath, lives will be irrevocably changed... and destroyed.

Those left standing will discover if love is truly greater than Fate...

330 pages, Paperback

First published October 31, 2012

About the author

Jennifer L. Armentrout

149 books142k followers
Hey Guys! Please note: I don't send out ARCs for review. If you're interested in reviewing a book of mine before release date, please contact the appropriate publisher. I also do NOT check my Goodreads email.

To email me, please use the below addy.

# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Charles Town, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. In early 2015, Jennifer was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a group of rare genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and death of cells in the retina, eventually resulting in loss of vision, among other complications. Due to this diagnosis, educating people on the varying degrees of blindness has become of passion of hers, right alongside writing, which she plans to do as long as she can.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Tor, HarperCollins Avon and William Morrow, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her Wicked Series has been optioned by PassionFlix. Jennifer has won numerous awards, including the 2013 Reviewers Choice Award for Wait for You, the 2015 Editor’s Pick for Fall With Me, and the 2014/2015 Moerser-Jugendbuch- Jury award for Obsidian. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA. Her adult romantic suspense novel TILL DEATH was a Amazon Editor’s Pick and iBook Book of the Month. Her young adult contemporary THE PROBLEM WITH FOREVER is a 2017 RITA Award Winner in Young Adult Fiction. She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

She is the owner of ApollyCon and The Origin Event, the successful annual events that features over hundred bestselling authors in Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult Fiction, panels, parties, and more.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,377 reviews
Profile Image for Daly Cogards.
34 reviews411 followers
August 9, 2024
To have a really interesting experience, I would say you should listen to "Deity" by Jennifer L. Armentrout as an audiobook . As I always say with audio books, having the story told on audio adds an extra element of tension, feeling, and just takes you on a more exciting and emotional journey. "Deity" is the 3rd book in the Covenant series, which blends romance, mythology, and action to make an entertaining and magical story.

This book continues to follow Alex as the main character as she tries to navigate a world filled with gods, demi-gods, and mythical creatures. Alex is both tough and resourceful, which allows the readers to stay immersed in the complex world of the gods.

The plot is fast, compelling, and suspenseful, with more twists than a little girl's hair on Christmas day. This captivating tale is filled with vivid world building and strong character development, making it a great option for paranormal romance and urban fantasy lovers.

Listening to "Deity" as an audiobook allows the characters and story to come to life and give you the experience of dwelling in the intense character development and quick-paced plot.

If you enjoy romance, adventure and mythology then I would recommend you check out "Deity".
Profile Image for Nymeria.
320 reviews110 followers
November 4, 2012
Just read the book... OMG!! I was going crazy reading it and the end... The end!! OMG!

Sometimes I was like this

Other times I would have like to punch "someone"

After the last page I was like

And now, please
I'm going crazy trying to figure out what will happen! ç_ç
*Team Seth*

Jennifer L. Armentrout Italian Fanpage - Obsidian, Wait for You.
Profile Image for MeMe Belikova First lady Ivashkov.
82 reviews88 followers
June 8, 2015
50 gazillion million trillion stars! This book was AMAZING. I have never read a book that has kept me excited as this Photobucket

Yes, this cat sums up ALL of my emotions while reading this book!

This will be a quick an short review since this is an ARC. I will try not to give too much spoilers I PROMISE! I don't want any death threats in my email lol.

The story start where we left off in book 2 Alex is taken back to the covenant as you all know and well, after everything that has happened Alex, is basically on LOCK DOWN until her eighteenth birthday in which she does not want to come. In the begenning Alex finds out some shocking news about her father that you are just going to have to read to find out! Book three is full of so many twist, turns and surprises that is going to have you saying "OH MY GOD'S!" throughout the whole book!

Alex: Is still her kick/smart ass self and just can't seem to catch a break in this book. Alex is put through the ultimate test when it comes to her fate and what she feels is right. Alex has to make a life changing decision that can put the people she loves in a life threatening situation.

I really loved Alex and felt like I connected more with her on an emotional level. Yes, Alex can Irrational and crazy at times but in this book I actually got to see a softer side of Alex that I really liked, and I can say she is still the same crazy Alex that us fans love but she is also maturing and growing and I love the new Alex!

Aiden You all probaly already heard me say this but......I AM NOW #TEAMAIDEN !!!
I was originally Team Seth because he was hotter and funny than the boring Aiden but Aiden has stepped up his GAME this time around! I LOVE HIM! I WANT TO MARRY HIM! HAVE SENTINAL BABIES WITH HIM!....Anyways, Aiden finally has a chance to show us the real him and I am LOVING ALL OF IT! He is soooooo sweet, loving and caring when it comes to Alex, you can't help but love him! All my #TeamSeth girls look out because Aiden is going to steal your heart!

Seth Oh, Seth........Hmmmmmmmm......I suggest you guys should read the book when it comes out to see why I have no words for him. I still love you Seth, but you need to get it together!!!!! I will have more to say about him Nov 6th so look out :)

Leon I know you guys are wondering why I am mentioning Leon in my review because he is a 'nobody' but I think everyone will notice his role in book three and come to LOVE HIM!


Lucian I just DON'T LIKE YOU!!!

Romance: LOTS OF IT!!!! I loved this book for the steamy parts that popped in and out of this book, all of them will leave you with an AWWWWWWW feeling :) <3

Action: OMGGGGG!!! There is so much action in this book you will not be able to put it down. So many surprises that you can't even guess what is going to happen next and that is my kind of book!

Plot Was so AWESOME! You guys are not going to believe which of the Gods make an appearance in this book an oh, the Furies are back!

Overall: This book was EPIC!!!! And I can't wait to discuss Deity with you all! I will be adding more to my review once it comes out because I am DYING to get it all out!!

Rating: GR for GOOD READ!!!!

Until next time!

Thanks for listening!

-Alice <3

Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
December 16, 2019
i take back EVERYTHING i wrote in my review of ‘pure’ because holy smokes. this is the best book in the series so far. wow. this is everything i was dying for the story to be.

i finally feel like the story has a purpose. there are high stakes and compelling conflicts that now make the characters choices matter. i also love where the romance is and where its going - its what ive wanted from the beginning and im praying that it wont change. and the gods finally make an appearance! hallelujah! i love that they are getting involved and that the mythology aspect of this story is finally getting stronger.

i am a little sad that it took three books to finally get to this point, but there are two more left. so theres a lot that i now have to look forward to! im very excited!

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Isabella.
Author 3 books85 followers
November 3, 2012
*After reading it*
Ok, I swear if someone try to Team Seth me after reading this book I'M GOING TO KILL THEM.

[image error]

ALL MY FEELS! Seriously, there were many things that I expected, but SO many OTHER things that made me scream like crazy (LIKE THAT ENDING, GOOD LORD). That said, I NEED THE NEXT BOOK LIKE NOW. AND I WILL START ELIXIR RIGHT AWAY. I NEED IT. I WANT IT. LET ME HUG YOU AIDEN, AND ALEX, MY BABY, I LOVE YOU, I want to kill all those bad guys who don't want to leave you alone. I NEED to kill them all.

And Seth? I always despised you, but after this book....

And THAT ending....


17/04/12 - Dear Deity, don't think I'm NOT still waiting for you. I AM. AND I FEEL SO POWERLESS.


Let's just say I'm like, praying for this one to magically appear in front of me.
Deity, my love, come to mama Isa. I'm sure we'll have so much fun together *grins*
Profile Image for Stormy.
500 reviews71 followers
November 6, 2012

There were things that sucked daimon butt,
there were things that kicked daimon butt.
Everything I was dreading would happen,
happened but the romance aside,
Deity was awesome.
There's the same humor,
action, && sexiness in Deity
that we're accustomed to in all Jenn's books
Always entertaining && hard to put down.
Even when things are happening
that just rip you apart.

Profile Image for Sherbie.
167 reviews88 followers
Want to read
April 8, 2012
waiting... waiting...


prays with all my heart seth and alex will make it together all throughout.

Profile Image for Lia Carstairs.
492 reviews2,721 followers
October 12, 2020
  “Sometimes you have to know when to let hope go.”

ASDFGHJKL this has got to be one of the worst cliffhangers ever.😰😓

The betrayal.....The pain.....The fear.....The LOVE🥺

Seriously though, each book in the series just keeps getting better and better.💖 I love these guys so much, although some people have made some.......questionable choices and it's so sad.😣


“That simple act stole my breath, my heart. But even as he pulled away, I realized that he couldn't steal something he already had.”

Omg how sweet is that?!?!🥺😭😍 Alex has changed so much from the first book, but the one thing that never changed was her love for Aiden. Aghhhh I'm about to start crying now.🥺 Their love for each other makes my heart swell with emotion. She's had to deal with so much death (like Caleb's) and guilt, but now she's learned from most of her mistakes and aghhh just the growth.....I love it.💞

“I can’t keep pretending that I don’t want this – that I don’t want you. I can’t. Not after what happened to you. It thought… I thought I’d lost you, Alex, forever. And I would’ve lost everything. You are my everything.”

AHHH AIDEN!!!! I LOVE AIDEN SO MUCH😍😍😍 He's the sweetest guy ever and JLA always manages to do it perfectly.🥺 Aiden loves Alex and always keeps the promises he makes for her (unlike some people). Omg and every time Aiden calls Alex "Agapi mou" ......my heart just melts.🤧🥰

Haha but the fights between Seth and Aiden over Alex were priceless.😆🤣 At one point even Leon and Seth had a go at it. It was way too funny xD.
He sneered. “You want to fight me now, in your
true form?”
“I will fight you in any form, you little punk-ass brat.”
Seth laughed. “You can’t kill me.”
“But I can beat the living snot out of you.”

I love Leon.😆 He's such an awesome guy. And to Alex, he's know as "The King of Impeccable Timing", which I definitely agree with xD. He has the worst timing with certain moments, but you could also say that those appearances prevent some......decisions.😂

Oh that reminds me. Speaking of people with bad decisions.....Seth😞. I was never a Team Seth to begin with, but some of the things he did weren't really good. HE CAN'T SEE THAT STUPID LUCIEN IS USING HIM!!!😫😤 And now....well things aren't really looking that good.😓 But I was happy with what happened to Telly—he had that coming and also, I can't believe that his name means "Best".😶 The only thing he's "best" at is pissing me off.😤

There were some others that appeared much more, too. Like Deacon, whom I also just adore.😍 His parts were hilarious xD.
“Yeah, I'm great. Nothing like witnessing a death match between gods when I'm trying to get some Cheetos.

^Poor Deacon.....he just wanted to eat his Cheetos.😢

The appearances of some of the Greek Gods was probably my fav part (that and a certain 2 people finally being together.🥰🥺). Apollo of course, is the funniest and coolest God of all of them hehe. I can't wait to see more of his scenes—Oh and his poofing.😆

Sadly, there won't be many fun times with these guys because.......

🔥𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠🔥
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
October 3, 2012
Wow! I think The Covenant series just keeps getting better and better! Deity is my favorite so far!

Alex is back home and training but repercussions from the events at the council are not going away. With the attack by the Daemons, the Furies showing up, and all the death and destruction that followed, their world is in upheaval. Plus, Alex is worried it will come out that she was responsible for the death of a Pure, and that Aiden covered it up. It won’t matter that is was in self-defense. Plus, Prime Minister Telly is hot on Alex’s tail, paying a special visit just to see her. Alex has also been spending a lot of time with Seth but she can’t shake the idea that theirs is a physical attraction only, and is she really willing to settle on that? Also, Alex is counting down the days to her Awakening. She’s afraid of what she might become and how much of herself she’ll lose once she Awakens.

I have to say in Pure, I was growing tired of Alex’s rash and reckless actions. She was playing right into the hands of the very ones that wanted to enslave her. This was really starting to annoy me. I’m happy to report that in Deity, we see some major character growth and she seemed to smarten up and mature considerably. I’m so pleased with the turn of events! Alex is also starting to question the ways of her society, and no longer just taking things as she’s told.

I don’t think I’ve ever loved Aiden more than in this book! Oh my heart!! ♥♥♥ He’s by Alex’s side and is her fierce protector, unwavering throughout! I am SO Team Aiden!!! Seth is sexy, for sure, but his motives are always under suspicion, in my opinion; even more so as we have some revelations. Okay, I have to give you a steamy quote but I won’t tell you the parties involved, so it’s not spoilery:

My fingers sifted through his hair as I held him to me. His kisses were doing crazy, strange, and wonderful things to me. I whispered his name over and over again like some kind of mad prayer. Then I was moving against him, being guided by some primal instinct that told me what to do.*

In Pure I was left with so many questions, I found it a bit frustrating. But in Deity we have answers!! I was shocked by one in particular. We finally get to find out why they don’t want Pures and Half-Bloods together. Deity reveals many things, and I have a much clearer picture now. However, the ending killed me!! Oh no you didn’t Jennifer!! I think some quality time on the naughty rug might be in order!

Jennifer L. Armentrout has a talent for sucking you into a story so you can’t put it down, it’s just impossible! The Covenant Series is highly addictive! I can’t wait until Apollyon! April can’t come soon enough.

You can find this review and more at The Readers Den .

Thank you to Spencer Hill Press for allowing me to read this!

*Quote taken from an uncorrected proof and my change in the final copy.

Below you will see my original thoughts I had after reading this. :)

OH NO YOU DIDN'T, JENNIFER!!! You did NOT just end it there!!! I think you need a time-out on the naughty rug!!

With that said, DEITY is my favorite of the Covenant series! Oh Aiden!!♥♥♥
Apollyon can't come soon enough.

Proper review to come closer to the release date.

A huge thank you to Alexa for lending me her precious copy!! I got to read this before Spencer Hill sent out their copy to me thanks to her.
Profile Image for Sophie.
28 reviews1,669 followers
November 13, 2016

holy gods

time for book #4 OMG
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,122 reviews622 followers
September 25, 2024

Y es que no sabes lo que ha sido leer este libro!

Es más, te diré que me he saltado el primer y el segundo tomo y que he devorado el tercero como si no hubiera un mañana… (sí, lo sé, esto no se hace, pero ya sabes que soy una experta en empezar sagas por la mitad🤭)

Aunque, claro, estamos hablando de la Armentrout, y todas sabemos que sus libros generan cierto enganche y adicción🔥 Y por más que estaba convencida de que, como esta saga ya tiene sus años, no me iba a enganchar…, tanto, tantísimo, me queda claro que es imposible no hacerlo!

Sobre todo cuando pasa lo que pasa y, literalmente te quedas en plan "What´s😱"

Y por si fuera poco, después viene lo de Seth😮🔥

Y lo de la gasolina, ya ni te cuento…😱

Y claro, con ese final, que te deja en plan: "😮😍🔥😮✨", cómo para no engancharte!

Vamos, que cuando cierras este libro te conviertes en un correcaminos literarios, ya me entiendes, sales disparada a tu librería más cercana para hacerte con los dos primeros tomos porque, evidentemente, necesitas saber más de los personajes…😏🔥
Profile Image for Marie.
504 reviews388 followers
November 7, 2012
Ok so before reading this I hoped Alex would wake-up and choose to be with Seth.

Now I'm probably insane but that hasn't changed what so ever.

Now before all you Aiden fans attack me, I know Seth is a bit screwed up right now and has become an enraged murderer, a little toy for Lucian to take over the world with.

BUT IS THAT REALLY HIM? No. He's got a fucked up past and only wants to be loved. Lucian's manipulating him and it makes me sick. I'm not giving up on him when he needs Alex and everyone now more than ever.
I believe he can be saved. So many have given up on him already it makes me so sad.
I want Alex to save him and fall for him in the process. :)

Now the book. It is not my favourite book of the series by far. I mean Seth was finally gaining some ground on the Seth and Alex romance when she turns him into a psycho. No. But I do like where the stories leading and the fact that the true goss have finally made an appearance.
This book starts right where Pure left off and finished with Alex's awakening. And my gods the cliffhanger at the end will leave you shaking and craving for the next book like a Daimon shaking and craving for their next fix of aether.

If your Aiden fans stop reading now.
However for all you Seth fans these are Seth and Alex's best scenes in this book.

“Seth’s body tensed. “Good gods…”
And then I felt it—akasha—shifting through the cords, leaving me and entering Seth. It was kind of like a daimon tag, but not painful. No… this was nice, heady. I stopped struggling, letting the glorious tug and pull lift me away. I didn’t think about anything. There were no concerns or fears. The pain in my hand melted away, leaving only a dull ache that was spreading elsewhere. There was just this… and Seth. My eyes drifted shut and a sigh leaked out. Why had I been so afraid of this?
There was a flash of light that I could still see even though my eyes were closed. Seth dropped my hand and it fell limply to my side. The bed dipped beside my head from where he placed his hands. I felt his breath on my cheek, and it felt like warm, salty air rolling off the ocean.
“You okay?” He placed his lips to my cheek.
I smiled.
Seth chuckled, and then his mouth was making its way to mine, and I opened for him. The edges of his hair tickled my cheeks as the kiss deepened. His fingers drifted down the front of my blouse and then they were sliding over the bare skin of my stomach. I wrapped my leg around his, and we were moving together on the bed. His lips were dancing all over my flushed skin as his hands slid down, fingers finding the button on my jeans.
A second later, there was a knock on my door and a booming voice. “Alexandria?”
Seth stilled above me, panting. “You have got to be freaking kidding me.”
Leon knocked again. “Alexandria, I know you’re in there.”
Dazed, I blinked several times. The room slowly came back into focus, as did Seth’s disgruntled expression. I almost laughed, except I felt… off.”

“I flushed as I put my hands on his chest, stopping him from overcoming that last inch or two that separated us. “People “change,” I said lamely.
“Some people do.” He placed his arm beside my head, supporting himself.
The cord was really starting to go crazy, demanding that I pay attention to it. My toes curled. “Did you come here to talk about the rules I’ve broken or what?”
“No. I actually had a reason for coming.”
“And that is?” I shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore the way my skin, especially the palms of my hands, started to tingle. Thank the gods he had a shirt on.
“Give me a second.”
I frowned. “Why do—”
Seth dipped his head, brushing his lips over mine, and being caught between wanting to clamp my mouth shut and wanting to open for him was a frustrating feeling. I ached to be near him as equally as I did to be away from him.
“That’s… that’s why you came here?” I asked when he lifted his head.
“It wasn’t the main reason.”
“Then why are you—” His mouth cut my words off, and the kiss deepened, stealing my protests. The cord tightened as his hand slipped down my arm, over my stomach and under the hem of my shirt.
He smiled against my lips.

“But why do you have to go?”
“I don’t know, Alex. Can we talk about this later?” He looked down at me, eyes glowing. “There are other things I want to do.”
The cord buzzed its approval. “But—”
Seth kissed me again and the hand against my stomach pressed down. I let go of his wrist, intending on pushing him off, but then I was gripping his shirt. The air around us seemed to crackle. There was something building inside me, a warning that the damn bond was up to no good.
I felt the cord rushing to the surface before I actually opened my eyes. Amber and blue lights cast strange shadows across the wall of my bedroom. I was transfixed by them for a moment. It was so bizarre that we were responsible for them. That they even came from within us.”

“It freaked me out a little.
But Seth’s free hand was everywhere, skimming down my arm, over my leg, and our cords were spiraling together, connecting us. My fingers clenched his shirt and I was pulling him down.

“He dropped his shoes and swept his arms around me. “You drive me crazy.”
“I know.” I smiled. “The feeling is mutual.”
He laughed and then brushed his lips over my forehead. “Come on.” He started pulling me back to the bed.
I stalled a little. Not hurting his feelings did not equal me ending up with a mark on the back of my neck.
Seth dropped down, tugging me forward. “To sleep, Alex. Nothing more… unless…” His gaze dropped to my tank top. “You know, you should wear that more often. It leaves very little to the imagination, which is something I like.”
Flushing to the roots of my hair, I quickly climbed over him and pulled the covers up to my chin. Seth laughed as he lay down. He threw an arm around my waist, snuggling close. His breathing was steady. Nothing like mine, which seemed to be racing my heartbeat. And he was smiling easily, as if we hadn’t just argued.
“You’re such a perv,” I said for the hundredth time.
“You’ve called me worse.”
And I had a feeling I probably would in the future, too.”

And finally-5.

“The First—my whole purpose for existing. Mine. My other half. He was here, waiting. Already inside me, seeing what I was seeing, whispering to me, promising me that he was coming. Seth. Mine.”

All 5 are excerpts from: Armentrout, Jennifer L. “Deity (Covenant).” Spencer Hill Press.
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,702 reviews25.1k followers
November 11, 2015
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Deity is book three in the Covenant series by Jennifer Armentrout. I have loved every book so far in this series but something happened to me about half way through this third book. That feeling hit, that obsessed feeling when you can’t think of anything else but what is going on in the book. That feeling when you just want to close yourself off in a room and read non-stop. This was by far my favorite of the series so far. So much was revealed in this book. Our characters are all growing and changing as well.

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Alex, oh Alex. She has been manipulated, lied to, and deceived. Continued attempts have been made on her life. She is scared to death of the awakening. But she is loyal to a fault.

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So much is revealed in this book. Some concerns I have had from the start have proved true. I was pleasantly surprised by one particular ally. And we got a new character that is on Alex’s side. Something I did not expect at all. Along with this new character Alex’s lineage is also revealed.

So much happened in this book and I am trying hard not to give anything away. We finally learn how Apollyons are conceived. And we learn the true evil plans in place for using the power of Alex and Seth once they are connected. We get to know Deacon (Aiden’s brother) better in this book and I want to say that I love him. Actually, it seems that there are more Team Alex members than she thought. Alex thought she was alone, abandoned by everyone. But she truly is not.

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Now let’s talk about Aiden. I was so frustrated with him in the previous books. He always held Alex’s heart, even though she thought he didn’t want it. But in this book he finally reveals his true self to her. And I melted into a puddle on the floor. It was that wonderful.

“You’ll have a piece of my heart--all of it, really. Forever.”

This book had me going from my heart beating out of my chest in fear to my heart melting with some of the sweetest moments. Then there was the “Oh My Gosh, that did NOT just happen!”

I think now we are beginning to wonder what is strongest, the power of true love, or the power of a supernatural connection. It is a true test of good vs. evil. And talk about a cliff hanger. We are left barely hanging on by our fingernails. It’s a good thing I am binge reading this series and will be immediately going on to the next book. Otherwise, I don’t know how I would have been able to stand it.

Looking back over this review, I don’t really think I said much of anything. Just know that this book was fantastic. My favorite so far. And that I can’t wait to continue on. And that if you haven’t started this series yet, DO…SO…RIGHT…NOW!!!

“Agapi mou, zoi mou”
“My love, my life.”

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Profile Image for Seda.
568 reviews177 followers
January 21, 2021
Vay canına... o nasıl son öyle 😳😳😳

Seriye aşk oldum. Nefes almadan okumak istiyorum ama aynı zamanda bitmesin istiyorum. Okurken o dünyanın içine giriyorum, olayları köşede bir yerden izliyor gibi hissediyorum. Bazen nefesimi tuttuğumu sonradan fark ediyorum.

Kitapların ya da yazarın kaleminin en belirgin özelliği, duyguları anlatma şekli. O kadar ustaca hissedilenleri aktarıyor ki kendiniz yaşıyor gibi hissediyorsunuz. Aynı ustalık mekan ya da olayları anlatırken de kendini gösteriyor. Hepsini eksiksiz gözünüzde canlandırıyorsunuz, film seyreder gibi okuyorsunuz.

Ne söylesem açık veririm, onun için olaylar hakkında bir şey yazmak istemiyorum. Ama... Allah’ıııım Aiden... sen nasıl bir yaratıksın ya. O nasıl güzel sevmek, nasıl güzel korumak, sahiplenmek... Hiç kavuşamasa da, sevdiğinin başkasını sevdiğini düşünse de, adam aşkı uğruna canını verecek düşünmeden. Kitabın bir kısmını okurken yine su birikintisi oldum, eridim. Fantastik bir hikayenin bana bu kadar romantik geleceğini tahmin etmezdim.

”Bir an tereddüt ettim ama görmeye mecburdum. Dikkatlice zinciri çektim. Zincir tişörtünün içinden tümüyle çıkınca boğazım düğümlendi. Gümüş zincirden sallanan, doğum gününde ona aldığım siyah gitar penasıydı. Penayı ona verdiğim gün, beni sevmediğini söylemişti.
“Seni o kadar uzun süre kandıramazdım.”
“Sadece... bana hiç belli etmedin.”
“Senden bir parçayı daima yanımda taşımak istedim. Ne olursa olsun.”
“Ama... bende senden hiçbir şey yok.”
“Hayır, var aslında. Kalbimin bir parçası, hatta aslını istersen tamamı senin. Sonsuza dek. Senin kalbin başkasına ait olsa bile.”

İçinde romantizm dışında bir şey yok sanmayın. 3. kitap başlarda biraz durgun başlasa da çok fazla beklemeden aksiyonun içinde buldum kendimi. Hele sonundaki o sahneler yok mu, işte onları nefes almadan kitap okuyabildiğinizi keşfederek okuyorsunuz.

“Sen iyi misin?” diye sordu Aiden, Deacon’a.
Deacon başıyla yavaş yavaş onayladı. “Evet ya, iyiyim. Cheetos almaya çalışırken tanrılar arasında ölümüne dövüşe tanık olmak gibisi yok.”

Çok çok çok güzel bir seri. Şimdiye kadar okuduğum 3 kitap, mitoloji ile çok güzel harmanlanmış bambaşka bir dünyanın kapılarını açtı benim için. Nasıl oluyorsa, serideki her kitap daha öncekinden güzel olmayı başarıyor.
Profile Image for Brittni.
211 reviews123 followers
July 11, 2013


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Wow!! This book was unbelievable!! So shocking!!!! That ending blew my mind!!!

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I'm so glad this series has finally found its own path and can now step out of Vampire Academy's shadow. Deity is fast-paced and full of plot twists that will blow your mind. I can honestly say this is the best book in the series so far. I absolutely loved it!!!

I love Alex!!! She is a strong determined woman who will do anything to keep the people close to her safe even if it means giving up her own life for the cause. I’m really starting to see the character growth in Alex. Instead of running off and doing something extremely stupid, she thinks before she acts. Well let me rephrase that, she thinks before she acts some of the time. Alex still needs to work on that, but she is way better in this book than the previous books. I still think she is very naïve. She tries to see the good in everyone when maybe there isn’t any good left. I can relate to her in that aspect because I have the same problem.

I adore Aiden!! He might act like a jealous asshole at times but I still love him. I was so happy when he finally told Alex the truth about how he feels for her, but I will say it was really fun to watch him get jealous of how much time Seth was spending with Alex. I can’t wait to see where their relationship is going to go even if it is forbidden.

All I can say about Seth is he showed his true colors in this book. I was so shocked!!!!

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I actually liked Seth and thought he genuinely cared for Alex, but I was so wrong on all ends. I realized that Seth has only been looking out for himself. All he wants is POWER and he doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. Part of me hopes Alex can save him in some kind of way but I feel like it’s going to end badly for him.

Overall, I loved this book and the series!!! I can’t wait to see what going to happen in the next!! Definitely a must read!!!!
Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
October 4, 2012
Originally I was going to go all screaming-fan-girl on ya'll, but I decided that I wanted the readers to experience this book the way I did, so while there is some spoilers, I kept this as spoil-free as much as possible.

Undeniably Epic!

Jennifer L. Armentrout third installment in the Covenant series is nothing short of brilliance. It surpassed all of my wildest expectations and then some. This series is an unstoppable force, bringing something fresh and powerful to the world of mythology as well as inspiring endless emotions from pure joy to pure rage to action punched- spine tingling-on the verge of being thrown from my seat- excitement.

Someone once asked me between the Lux series and this one, which was my favorite book.
Picking a favorite JLA book is like asking me which of my children I love more. It's impossible to choose.
I love them all. Hard and equally.
But I still have to ask, how the hell does she do it?!? I swear there is nothing, I repeat, nothing like being inside a JLA novel. My insides were a rush of energy and a puddle of goo. Alex may have a cord pulsing in her stomach but mine had a swarm of butterflies doing the hula dance. I love/adore/worship the way this women can write. I even smiled to myself when the words obsidian and onyx would play into a sentence. Reminding me that aliens or mythology or even adult contemporary, this women doesn't hold back. She gives us her heart and soul and it shines through every single one of her characters.

Deity was a surge of pure adrenaline. There are so many epic twist in this book and so many moments that I have a hard time believing any of this was real. Like a freaken dream. I was floored in the best way possible.
There is just to many things that happened plot-wise to even try to explain. Compared to Pure, this book steps up in a gigantic way. No skimming room for this one folks, your gonna want to hang on ever word and hold on to your seats cause this is one helluva explosive ride. Things just got freaken serious. Fans are gonna eat this alive.

I don't even know where to start with these characters, they were all simply outstanding.
Deacon, Luke, Leon and even Lenard are just a few that had effected the story line in a way that left me in awe. Especially Leon. I have to say that he was my favorite twist. I always liked him just fine, but now I simply adore him. I can't wait to see more of him in the next coming books.
~I am so so proud of Alex. I new that she was destined for greatness, but I didn't think she would be this incredible. This girl has grown into a fierce force. Her compassion is astounding. Her bravery and strength admirable and her humor and easy personality makes her simply irresistible. The way she didn't want to give up on Seth almost killed me since apart of me doesn't think he deserves it, but in true Alex fashion she even has me believing in hope.
Such a fantastic character.
~Aiden totally owned this book. I wasn't to pleased with him in the last book, but yeah, he totally made up for it.
I love love loved seeing this sweet and playful and affectionate side to him besides the already established protectiveness and loyal qualities he possesses. There were so many treasured moments that made my heart stop and took my breath away. My heart hurt I was so happy. I'm also glad we finally know what agapi mou, zoi mou means now. I melted I tell ya. Reading those Alex and Aiden scenes reminded me of what young first love was all about. The dip in your belly every time he comes into a room. The perma-smile that's plastered on your face when you even think his name. These two makes me believe in love and that anything and everything is possible.
~Now for Seth. ~sigh~ I am truly conflicted. My first reaction after reading this was that I indeed hate him. I've always been Team Aiden all the way, but Seth managed to wiggle some love in the last book, but now? Not so much. He did things that hurt to even read, I'm not even sure he can be redeemed in my eyes. His greed for ultimate power clouded everything good and real about him and I just don't know what to believe anymore. I am awfully curious what JLA has in store for his character. I'm nervous and scared as hell.
~It was also so great to see one of my favorite characters, even if it was just a little scene. It brought peace to my heart just as much as it did for Alex.

I feel like I can go on and on praising this wonderful gem, but the truth is no matter what I say it will never bring this book justice. Fan of this incredible women and this incredible series are going to love this. The writing it pulse pounding pitch perfect and insanely entertaining. The story line took us on a whole new level of oh.my.gods and these characters will make you heart explode.

Pure Awesomesauce!


HUGE thanks to SpencerHill Press for sending me an arc in exchange for a honest review. I'm hugging you right now!

:My first reaction after reading this book:

OMG! That ending?!?!

friends gifs Pictures, Images and Photos

Yup, this pretty much describes what I'm feeling right about now.

Profile Image for Maja (The Nocturnal Library).
1,016 reviews1,920 followers
December 23, 2012
From now on, the year 2012 shall be known as The Year of Cliffhangers and Jennifer L. Armentrout as the person responsible. Two in a row is more than I can take. Why not just hand me a rope to hang myself with instead? Where are the Furies when you need them?

This will be a moderately short review because there really isn't much to write about. With Pure and Deity (and Opal), Armentrout restored my faith in her and and turned me into an addict. I have now grudgingly joined hordes of fans who eagerly await her every release.

It’s not all roses and rainbows, though. I think what's stopping this series from truly becoming one of my favorites is that, thanks to the Half-Blood debacle, I can't stop comparing it to Vampire Academy. Even though Alex is now a heroine in her own right, a part of me still sees her as a pale copy of Rose Hathaway. The same goes for Aiden – as amazing as he is (and trust me, he is one amazing guy), I can't help but compare him to Dimitri on occasion, and of course he loses every time. That is the consequence of Armentrout's initial plagiarism. Although she found a different path for her characters (and hopefully for herself), all those connections my mind made at the beginning simply refuse to go away.

Although reluctantly, I feel that I must also mention a series of editing issues I’ve come across in Deity. Awkward, clumsy sentences and incorrect word order are just some of the things a more careful reader will surely notice. This could have easily been avoided which is why it upset me so much.

But I didn’t set out to write a negative review. Deity set a new course for this series, an expected one perhaps, but a new and satisfying direction nonetheless. Aside from the horrendous cliffhanger, I have no objections whatsoever. With Deity, Armentrout gave me exactly what I’ve learned to expect from her. As for the said cliffhanger, I’ve been told that Elixir, a novella from Aiden’s point of view, really takes the edge off and I’m looking forward to it.

Without revealing too much, I'll try to ease the minds of those who are like me: the (in)famous love triangle finally gets resolved in this book, or at least Alex sees things for what they really are. If you’re anything like me, you were severely annoyed by the Aiden-Alex-Seth mess in the second book, but rest assured, it does get better.

That simple act stole my breath, my heart. But even as he pulled away, I realized that he couldn't steal something he already had.

At this point, I'd say I'm enjoying this series despite myself. It is extremely addictive and fun, but at the same time, I can't forget how it started. Perhaps with Apollyon, Armentrout will break those last stubborn connections and make me look at this series differently. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.

Profile Image for Sofi (sofi.bookshelf) &#x1fa77;✨.
715 reviews601 followers
October 10, 2021
4.6 ⭐

Este libro me hizo sentir muchas cosas, sin duda.

Siempre me consideré Team Aiden, pero no me pesa admitir que Seth también tiene lo suyo y te conquista lentamente. De echo me sorprende que me guste más nuestro querido Centinela porque casi siempre me inclino por el chico malo, pero St. Delphi es una mezcla perfecta entre un bad boy y un good boy. Además tiene unos ojos grises que me imagino impresionantes. También su cabello negro con ondas... este hombre me fascina de pies a cabeza. Me mata su inteligencia, que sepa griego antiguo y que domine tantos temas, no es solo una cara bonita o un bruto, es delicado y elegante sin perder lo masculino. En conclusión: perfección semihumana.

¿El párrafo anterior fue solo de alabar a Aiden St. Delphi? Claro que sí, como debe ser.

En cuanto a la trama de este libro... fue genial. Me gustó todos lo que toca y como lo hace. Adoré ver un cierre en ciertos temas antes de que otros se abrieran, ya que si sentí que "Puro" abarcó mucho, si no lo cerraba en este u otros de la saga, probablemente me hubiese desencantado un poco. También me agradó que en este libro hubiesen más cosas sobre los dioses porque estaban abandonados en los otros dos. Todo el tema de los Apollyon era un misterio enorme del cual aprendemos en este volumen de la saga.

No hay mucho más que pueda decir sin spoiler, solo que leeré el 3.5 y luego de leer una colaboración iré de cabeza con el libro 4 de la maravillosa saga Covenant.

¿Lo recomiendo? Si todavía no ha quedado claro... OBVIO QUE SI.
Profile Image for Cecilia.
320 reviews470 followers
October 2, 2021
En el segundo libro, se comienza a vislumbrarse un triángulo amoroso más interesante; incluso se puede llegar a tener cariño y simpatía por ambos personajes masculinos.

La protagonista Alex se encuentra en un dilema de por cual decidirse, si es por su amor prohibido o por su “destino”.

Pero en esta tercera entrega, y a través de ciertas acciones, se destruye todo ese cariño generado hacia uno de los personajes de aquel triángulo, convirtiéndolo en el enemigo; y en donde ya Alex decide con quien proyectarse.

Este último punto fue lo negativo, el pasar de lo bueno de un personaje a su extremo tan negativo; si bien esto se consigue a lo largo de todo el libro, siento que antes se trato de lograr que el lector empatizará con él, para en esta entrega destruir todo eso.
Profile Image for Ramona Popescu.
408 reviews137 followers
September 15, 2017
This  is my favorite book so far, I just loved it top to bottom and I've read it with amazing speed, because its THAT addictive. I loved every second of it and consider it the best in action and twist of events. 

"Deity" begins in a low pace, but after that, the action builds up and makes you gasp every step of the way. Alex is months away from Awakening and this means she has to be ready for the danger that may come. Her connection with Seth is stronger than ever and her confusion is getting the best of her. She began to care about him but in the same time she doesn't trust him, not knowing exactly what his true intentions are. She finds out certain things about him, but as you know Alex, she believes Seth can be saved. To put it worst, somebody is trying to kill her and she will have to be heavily guarded in order to stay safe. All the book is centered on the days until her Awakening and how will she act and feel upon it. 

Alex is a different character now, letting aside her temper and personality that were untouched, but she is more focused, more mature and more willing to take chances for the things she loves. I have to admit, I like her a lot, considering her very atypical and extremely funny. She knows how to be vulnerable, but also very feisty and straightforward. She is very afraid of becoming an Apollyon and will do anything necessary to use her powers in a good manner.

Aiden!! Aiden!! Aiden!!! Wow, he definitely has a place in my Book Boyfriends Top.. I loved him in this book and I wanted to tell him "IT WAS ABOUT TIME" !!! Aiden personality and intentions shifted dramatically in "Deity" after a certain chain of events. You will see for yourself and consider this happenings positive for our couple. His tender and nurture side will be mostly present, his wall completely down and willing to love Alex against all rules. He will fight for her and prove to us what we already knew from the beginning, that he's a terrific hero. 

With Seth I'm in the "No comment" area because there is not much to say about..I don't like him and I hope Alex will show him the right path. I have faith that she will succeed, because the situation in which they are right now really sucks:)

The book was amazing and I liked the construction of it tremendously. It had every ingredient necessary to keep you alert 100%. The characters evolved in a normal pace, some predictable, some not, but they were a whole and everyone had with purpose. The romantic scenes were incredibly written, Jennifer giving the right amount of love and steaminess for them not to be very descriptive, but for you to understand exactly the message and connect with it immediately. It was the perfect mixture and this one had more OMG moments and scenes where you were left dizzy and wanting for more. Here you will find all the answers you'll be waiting for and your suspicions will maybe become reality. 

Next is "Apollyon".. Only 2 more books to go:( 

5 stars!


For more reviews please check https://readwithloveblog.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Mikky.
870 reviews233 followers
March 8, 2021
Originally posted at:

The farther I get into this series the more I can appreciate the universe the author created and how everything is moving along at a steady pace. I'm also enjoying the vampire twist with greek mythology sprinkled in.

Alex continues to be a really interesting character! Though I still dislike her rash decisions. I like how she does everything possible to see the good in most people. It's a tad bit naive (in my personal opinion) but I can respect it.

Well, thanks to this novel I finally have a team to root for. Team Aiden for the win! I've always liked that he's respectful and caring towards Alex. Though the whole law that prevents them from being together is a real downer. I still can't see how all this will play out so I'm looking forward to continuing on in this series.

Seth can go faint in a ditch and be buried alive for all I care. He really showed his true colors in this book and that's putting it mildly. I'm glad I was never rooting for him and Alex to be together, so that's a win in my book. Considering he has a spin-off series I'm interested to know how the author eventually redeems him because even though I was planning on eventually getting to his series I don't see myself doing that after the events in this book.

The ending wasn't anything out-of-this-world but it does give interesting tidbits of information for how the story is going to possibly play out in future books. I'm cautiously optimistic about where this series is going.

P.S. The latest cover for this series is by far my favorite out of all of them!!

The Audio Book:

The narrator is fine but the audio quality is severely lacking for this whole series it seems. It's definitely not as bad as the first book but it's not that much better. I think I've just gotten used to the fuzzy/muffled audio. I've said this before and I'll say it again, how this passed quality control at Audible and/or whoever published the audio book is still beyond me.
Profile Image for Carmen G.
146 reviews14 followers
Want to read
May 2, 2012
Huh, Team Seth? Really? Seriously? *thinks about it, considers it even* Hmmm, I honestly can't see it. No offence to anyone btw. But I am so NOT down with the whole fate thing. Me just doesn't like Seth that much, there is just something about him that stirrs me the wrong way. I swear if Alex is going to end up with Seth in the very end (which I hope isn't very soon, I want this series to go on and on and on and, you get my point, right?), I'm going to scream and hate this series like I did with The Hunger Games (sorry, me is not Team Peeta, erm why am I even saying this in another books review?). But so not the point here.

Give me Aiden anytime, anywhere, please please please PLEASE. He's just... urgh, he's perfect! I hope I'll still love him after this book tho, me is scared I will not. Sweet Jesus, I want MORE AIDEN!!!!!! I am so gonna name my first born son after him (okay, maybe that is a little bit too crazy or exaggerated, but I actually really like that name whahaha ^^).

November can't come early enough! Any ARC's available? I'd love to promote the book here in Belgium ;) *giggles* Hey, I can only try, right? *lol*
Profile Image for Grace A..
444 reviews39 followers
September 4, 2022
OMG! “Deity” is a beautifully crafted work of art; stunning, heart gripping page turner.
I am a big fan of Alex. She is reckless, irrational and stubborn as them come but that’s also what makes her strong. No matter how much pressure she’s under, she never condoned injustice or played God, she always gave people the benefit of a doubt. She is selfless and hope for the best in people.
I can’t believe there are two more books to go in the series. I am waiting to see how this all goes down with Seth, Lucian, the gods, half-bloods, pure and mortals. It is going to be EPIC!
Profile Image for Seena Seena .
660 reviews211 followers
November 15, 2012

I screamed in frustration when it ended.

I need to steady my breathing before I write my review.......

“Aiden had slipped under my skin, wrapped himself around my heart and embedded himself into my bones.”


Seriously JLA???? Leave us hanging??? HOW COULD YOU!!


This installment for me by far the best so far. So much did happen and it leaves you tearing your hair out.

I am an Aiden lover all the way. Always been "team" Aiden.


But Seth also held a part of my heart. But after this installment I am so shattered and heartbroken that I will NEVER EVER FORGIVE HIM!


Now I have to be "patient" and wait for the next book.


Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books781 followers
November 11, 2012

WOW, JLA you never cease to amaze me with your awesomeness. I am so completely drained from this book. I am sick to my stomach and seriously am scared shitless for what's to come in Apollyon. But holy hell....that was freakin badass!

I am too tired and exhausted to write this review since my brain has been shut off. So I will stop here and leave you with...

TEAM AIDEX ALWAYS!!!!! I don't care, something will happen and all will be perfect! It can't end badly....please. My gods I love Aiden St Delphi....more than ever now!!!!

~Full review to come~


Not even a day later and I am still sitting here trying to conjure up a good review for this fantastically epic book....and....nothing. More than likely it's due to my migraine that I've had for the good portion of this book because reading this I was all over the place, yelling and screaming and freaking out. IT WAS SO GOOD!

Anyway, so here goes nothing....

We leave off after Pure with Alex returning from New York and leaving some secrets behind that could destroy her and Aiden *sigh sigh sigh*. Upon returning, with the council still there, Alex has to figure out a way to keep quiet. Then she recieves a letter and in it is something that just adds onto her problems of crap. Poor girl, I swear she has been through hell and back. Anyway, when she finds out that Aiden has returned, she brings it to him for help as to how to solve THAT problem. I swear Aiden is the most chivalrous guy ever...so damn attentive and amazing. Sigh.

Sorry, Aiden makes me forget everything. I'll focus...focus. So now, the council returns to New York and Seth has to go and deal with some stuff there...thank you Seth for leaving you jerk off....stay gone! Things between them heat up and not in a good way. He is using the Akasha to channel Alex's power to gain more for himself because he's a selfish asshat. OMG, he pissed me off SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much in this book. I never was a fan of him from the beginning but he has crossed a line and I hate him more than ever! So yeah, he's become a puppet to someone and yeah maybe it's not his fault entirely but I don't think there is any coming back for him...which is good for Aiden because dammit he needs his happy ending. Seriously, Aiden and Alex are soul mates. I know Seth lovers will hate me and it's totally cool, I can take it. I don't like Seth. Never did and never will. But if there was a chance he could be saved...I hope he is and then leaves and never comes back. He has been a burden ever since he came into the picture...his bloodthirst for power has shown from the beginning. Honestly, I love my bad boys but Seth never once did anything for me, ever. Except make me want to vomit or punch a hole in my wall. So between her Awakening drawing nearer and Seth being an asshole and a liar and her stepdad being the evil fucktard and Aiden being the one she's always wanted but can't have, I'd say Alex Andros is really unlucky. Although we got so much STEAM....STEAM STEAM STEAM....holy Hell that was the BEST PART OF THIS WHOLE BOOK! I was glued to my nook and damn if I didn't drool all over myself....sweet Jesus I love the shit out of Aiden because he did things I have been waiting for him to do since Half-Blood and it brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. God, I know there is hope for them....there has to be. It can't end with....no it won't. I know I have to read Elixir and I am so on it. But seriously, this book is the best book so far of the series and honestly this series is by far my favorite JLA series and I am so feining for Apollyon right now. How the hell am I going to wait until the spring...I am literally dying now for it.

JLA never disappoints with her amazing stories and characters. This book proved that she can do no wrong, though I haven't finished Onyx I say this series is better than the Lux series. It was such a wild and thrilling and very emotionally draining rollercoaster. I was up and down and up and down and twisting every which way. I got to know more of the characters in this one so it was awesome! I loved Leon so much in this, he was so fecking funny! Also Deacon...gods I love that boy! He's just like his brother Aiden. Love them both so much. And Marcus....what can I say? He surprised me the most. Damn he's so awesome and I was happy to see how things turned out. There were some devastating parts and parts that left me speechless, breathless and ready to kick ass and take names! One thing I loved the most about this book (aside from Aiden of course) was the Greek mythology being thrown in there more. It was so intriguing and awesome! Loved it! Everything about this book had me reeling and so excited and crying and laughing....and feeling damn near every emotion in the world. Gods, this book was perfect! I really give Jen props for writing such a stellar continuation to a superb series. I am really excited and scared to see what happens next. With 2 more books coming out I can only imagine how Alex much more crazy shit Alex will have to endure. Seriously for a 17 year old she literally goes through the wringer...and I go right along for the ride, drained in the process...but I wouldn't have it any other way!


Profile Image for Greta.
459 reviews
March 19, 2022
Non mi aspettavo tutto questo casino. La storia riprende da dov'era finita nel secondo libro, è stata un tantino lenta nella prima parte, parecchie volte chiudevo il reader e facevo altro, era abbastanza pesante, ma sono comunque andata avanti e la seconda parte si è rivelata molto meglio e piena di azione.
Alexandria rimane un personaggio che io non sopporto, se fosse una persona reale l'avrei già presa a sediate perchè è una bambina insopportabile, testarda che pensa di fare tutto quello che vuole. Peccato che ancora non abbia capito che combina un casino dietro l'altro, lasciando gli altri a raccogliere i cocci.
Sono passata a Team Aiden, devo essere sincera, Seth è diventato un pazzo rincoglionito e onestamente non ho apprezzato questo cambio repentino del suo personaggio, ci sono rimasta davvero malissimo. Aiden si è finalmente svegliato e finalmente entrambi sono riusciti ad esprimere i loro ormai chiari sentimenti l'uno per l'altro.
Non so come la Armentrout ha pianificato di continuare la storia, nel quarto volume ci sarà sicuramente un casino bestiale, visto com'è finito questo, ma ovviamente tutto si risolverà perchè è palese che sarà così, quindi la sorpresa per me non ci sarà fin da adesso.

Apprezzo comunque molto questa serie e apprezzo sempre Jennifer per la sua inventiva e il suo modo di scrivere che amerò sempre. La serie Covenant per certi versi, per me, è un po' prevedibile ma comunque una lettura piacevole per gli amanti del paranormal romance.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,377 reviews

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