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Lockwood & Co. #3

The Hollow Boy

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As a massive outbreak of supernatural Visitors baffles Scotland Yard and causes protests throughout London, Lockwood & Co. continue to demonstrate their effectiveness in exterminating spirits. Anthony Lockwood is dashing, George insightful, and Lucy dynamic, while the skull in the jar utters sardonic advice from the sidelines. There is a new spirit of openness in the team now that Lockwood has shared some of his childhood secrets, and Lucy is feeling more and more as if her true home is at Portland Row. It comes as a great shock, then, when Lockwood and George introduce her to an annoyingly perky and hyper-efficient new assistant, Holly Munro.

Meanwhile, there are reports of many new hauntings, including a house where bloody footprints are appearing, and a department store full of strange sounds and shadowy figures. But ghosts seem to be the least of Lockwood & Co.'s concerns when assassins attack during a carnival in the center of the city. Can the team get past their personal issues to save the day on all fronts, or will bad feelings attract yet more trouble?

Danger abounds, tensions escalate, and new loyalties form in this third delightfully terrifying adventure in the critically acclaimed Lockwood & Co. series.

374 pages, Hardcover

First published September 15, 2015

About the author

Jonathan Stroud

57 books10.5k followers
Jonathan Anthony Stroud is an author of fantasy books, mainly for children and youths.

Stroud grew up in St Albans where he enjoyed reading books, drawing pictures, and writing stories. Between the ages seven and nine he was often ill, so he spent most of his days in the hospital or in his bed at home. To escape boredom he would occupy himself with books and stories. After he completed his studies of English literature at the University of York, he worked in London as an editor for the Walker Books store. He worked with different types of books there and this soon led to the writing of his own books. During the 1990s, he started publishing his own works and quickly gained success.

In May 1999, Stroud published his first children's novel, Buried Fire, which was the first of a line of fantasy/mythology children's books.

Among his most prominent works are the bestselling Bartimaeus Trilogy. A special feature of these novels compared to others of their genre is that Stroud examines the stereotypes and ethics of the magician class and the enslaved demons. This is done by examining the perspective of the sarcastic and slightly egomaniacal djinni Bartimaeus. The books in this series are The Amulet of Samarkand, The Golem's Eye, and Ptolemy's Gate, his first books to be published in the United States.

Stroud lives in St Albans, Hertfordshire, with his two children, Isabelle and Arthur, and his wife Gina, an illustrator of children's books.

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Profile Image for Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥.
595 reviews35.1k followers
November 7, 2018
”Secrets followed Lockwood about like the flapping of his coat, and it was nice to be close enough to feel them brush against me too.”

The more “Lockwood & Co” books I read, the more I want to dive into this world. It’s really amazing and something completely different to all the other fantasy books I usually read. Stroud invented such an intriguing world that it gets difficult not to believe in spectres, malaise and ghost lock. XD I mean alone the effort he put into his glossary is more than just delightful! =)) Not to mention his unique ability to leave us with a cliff-hanger that shocks us but also provides us with the opportunity to pick up the next book at a later time. And speaking of cliff-hangers:

”And the truth is,” he went on, “you’re both right. I do want to talk about it – as George says. But I also don’t find it very easy, so Lucy’s spot on too.”

We finally got a few more details about Lockwood’s family and the more I hear about it, the harder it gets to suppress my curiosity. Seriously, I really want to know more about his parents and sister but as it seems Stroud isn’t willing to give us all the necessary information. Well, at least not yet. ;-P I’m sure this will change over time and until we get there I’ll just collect every little snippet I can get. (Yes, I’m THAT desperate to know more about them. Haha!)

New details about Lockwood’s family aren’t the only change in this book though. No! Our lovely independent agency gets back-up in form of a new secretary named Holly Munro!

”Holly’s presence unsettled me. She was at once submissive and assertive, her inexperience overlapping with her smooth self-confidence. Both these aspects, in different ways, contrived to snare Lockwood’s attention. It left me out on a limb, feeling awkward and exposed.”

”She likes everything under her thumb. Who knows, perhaps that includes A. Lockwood, Esquire. Which is maybe another reason why you aren’t so happy, eh?”

If I’m entirely honest I don’t know how I feel about Holly’s addition to the team. I mean on the one hand I appreciated her professional attitude and loved the way she handled things in the office (that girl is efficient, I’ll give her that!!), but on the other hand she was kind of an intruder at “Lockwood & Co.”. Of course Stroud wrote her like that on purpose and damn did he do a great job. I mean it’s impossible not to feel hesitant or even deprecatory towards Holly. XD Try as I might, to read about her always left me with a bad taste in my mouth and I really tried my best to stay neutral! *lol* I guess it didn’t help that the skull disliked her as well. >_<

”What, you want me to blow you a kiss? Who cares whether I like you or not? People are dying here. I might be able to do something with it, do us all a favour. If you want to read it yourself, fine. Otherwise give it here. Just don’t put it in the stupid bin.”

So speaking of the characters I feel obliged to mention that I LOVE GEORGE!!! I think I love him more with every book and I don’t care if he’s supposed to be the weird kid in the group. We all know guys like Lockwood and yes he is awesome and a very cool character, but my heart still beats for George. Well, George and the skull! Truth be told, I think I might have developed a little crush on the skull. *lol* I just adore that little sarcastic brat! <333

”I swear I almost want him to get away.”
“Getting away from you is a tough art,” Lockwood said. “I bet only the very best can do it.”

Another new character that intrigues me immensely is Sir Rupert Gale. We already made his acquaintance in “The Whispering Skull” but we never learned his name until now and I gotta say I’m already very curious about him. As usual Montague Barnes was no help and seemed to brew his own soup once again but oh well, nothing new there, right?! Still, to see how Lockwood ranted about Barnes definitely was worth his brief appearance! *lol*

”That total and utter idiot,” Lockwood growled. “That moustachioed imbecile. That benighted, blinkered jobsworth. He’s a clown! A fraud! An oaf! I hate him.”
“How’s the mutual-respect thing going?” George said.

And last but not least the cases in “The Hollow Boy” were amazing. We had bloody footprints, the Chelsea outbreak and a journey to Aickmere Brothers department store. All those three were really creepy and the Chelsea outbreak in particular immediately had my full attention. I loved the idea of a sudden ghost cluster and I was guessing and wondering with our team.

”All the usual sensations we look for are there, drifting like invisible clouds along the streets. Chill, miasma, malaise and creeping fear – you can feel them rolling at you down the alleys, or stealing out of the houses as you pass. They engulf you – it’s all you can do to draw your rapier. You stand in the road, heart pounding, wheeling round, waiting for the attack – and then they’re gone.”

Sounds creepy, doesn’t it? *smiles broadly* Still, the ending kind of threw me and I was desperate to find out how it continues. Thankfully I already had the fourth book at home and could start it almost right away! XD Boy, I really wonder if Lockwood and Lucy will get together in one of those next two books. *lol*

”You shouldn’t have done it,” I said. “You shouldn’t have risked yourself.”
“Come off it,” Lockwood said. “You know I’d die for you.” He chuckled. “Heaven knows, I’ve come near it often enough.”

And with this quote I’ve finally reached the end of my “short” review! =)
This series has been nothing but amazing so far and I can really recommend it to everyone! There’s humour, there’s friendship, and there are ghosts and creepy encounters. It’s just the right mix to keep you thoroughly entertained and I’m convinced that this is the kind of book everyone – no matter how old or young - would appreciate on their shelf. ;-P
1 review1 follower
June 6, 2015
Profile Image for Darth J .
417 reviews1,293 followers
October 27, 2015
I was in the mood for something spoopy for Halloween.

But I think I'm done with this series now. First off, the thin story is stretched over 374 pages when it easily could have been told in ~120. Second, now that we know the secret that Lockwood has been hiding in that room, his mystique is all gone, leaving him quite bland. Third, Lucy is threatened by a new female on the job. Jonathan Stroud, you should be ashamed of yourself for this. Is that really what you want to do with that character? Lucy was the cool girl but now she's devolved into some jealous wannabe girlfriend of Lockwood's. She turns very catty towards the new [very capable and efficient female] member of the team. Ugh, this is such a downgrade for her character to be seen as some petty love interest that .

While there are some nice action scenes, most of the book is just boring. Maybe it's the font choice but my eyes were closing nearly the whole time.

Also, the artwork here is great and so are the interior chapter headings, but please lighten the chapter artwork. It's too damn dark to appreciate in hardcover form but you can tell that detail went into it.

May the ghost of Poot Lovato haunt this book and its poor decisions.

You can find my reviews for the first 2 books here:
Book 1: The Screaming Staircase
Book 2: The Whispering Skull
756 reviews2,554 followers
March 6, 2017
This is a reread.

Second time reading this really stirred up emotions for me. That ending brought tears to my eyes and I just want to lay down and cry. Who knew this series could affect me like this?

I seem to love this even more reading this the second time. For me, this book is the best in the series. I am absolutely terrified to start the next book. I haven't read that book at all and was rereading the previous three in preparation for it. I'm so nervous and scared for what's going to happen with all my Lockwood and Co. babies, especially after that absolutely horrible ending.

Scroll down for my stupid ramblings, when I read this for the first time!



100/5 stars. TAKE THEM ALL. ALL THE DAMN STARS. all. of. them. ಠ_ಠ

What this book is about:
-Supernatural outbreak
-Sexy Lockwood
-A new agent, Holly Munro
-A very jealous Lucy
-Hilarious Skull in a jar
-People dying because of the ghosts
-Cases of hauntings
-Rapiers and iron
-A peek on Lockwood's past (HE OPENS UP TO GEORGE AND LUCY)
-Bloody ghost footprints
-Getting rid of ghosts
-Talking to ghosts and almost getting killed
-Lucy and Lockwood moments. *screams*


Lucy Carlyle:
She is an amazing strong badass girl with a special gift for hearing ghosts. (You'll learn more about it when you read the book. She's brave, reckless, makes stupid decisions sometimes, stubborn, sensitive, and hella jealous when it comes to Lockwood. She's the main character and the book is written from her point of view.

The Skull in the Jar:

Oh my God, how I missed the Skull in the fucking Jar that everyone hates and no one seems to give a fuck about. Those who only read the first book won't really know who this amazing character is. This wonderful Skull makes his presence in the second book. Yes I will treat him as a character. Fight me. I love this guy. I don't even care if he likes it when the Lockwood gang is about to die and risking their lives. Like this wonderful piece of shit would say things like this: "'Is he dead?' the skull's voice said. 'Yay! Oh. No, he's hanging on to the shutter. Shame. Still, this is definitely the funniest thing I've ever seen.'" Like the Lockwood gang don't even appreciate him. HE GOT YOU OUT OF SO MANY SITUATIONS WHERE YOU COULD HAVE DIED.

This Skull is fucking GENIUS.
Even the skull hates Holly. The amount of times he gave ideas to just kill her to Lucy was cracking me up. I was legit laughing out loud.

I ship her with George though lmao.

Anthony J. Lockwood : This might get a little spoiler-y if you haven't read the previous two books. ALSO THIS IS MY HUSBAND. NO ONE GETS TO TOUCH HIM. I WILL rUIN YOU.

He is secretive about his past. He is calm, confident, smart, clever, good-looking and fucking fabulous. No matter what the situation, he will be calm because he knows others depend on him to do what's best. And he will do anything for those he loves. *cough Lucy and George, but mostly Lucy bc it's my fucking OTP, so let me live my fantasy about them *cough*

If you talk to him about something he doesn't want to he will cut you off, RUDELY. Not giving a single god damn fuck. He is dashing, but a bit reckless. But I still love him more than anything in the world. He will love anyone, but if you touch his motherfucking chocolate stash, he will ruin you.


My boy is fucking opening up to Lucy and George. YES YOU FUCKING HEARD ME. HE IS OPENING UP TO LUCY AND GEORGE. *endless screaming*

"Without preamble, he'd taken George and me up to the landing, opened the forbidden door, and shown us a little of the truth."

wHY is that making me cRY?

"'Something killed these men while they were sleeping.'
'I'm just glad neither of them slept naked, ' George said. 'Particularly that hairy one.'"

George is my cute, chubby, smart little cinnamon roll.

Lucewood: Nothing more needs to be said

Before reading:

*screams bc that cover*


Have been wanting to read this for over a year and finally got it.
Goodbye world.

This is what I want:





*fangirls until I die*

They are so beautiful. Please just fuck already.
Profile Image for Paige  Bookdragon.
938 reviews631 followers
October 1, 2015

“Under all the anger and the sorrow, Lucy, I was was just left feeling hollow”

I love this book.I can't get over it, I want to swallow it and I want to stare at it for a looong time.


The Hollow Boy is the third book in the Lockwood & Co. series and damn you, Jonathan Stroud for making me such an unrepentant fangirl to Lucy and Lockwood..


Speaking of Lucewood love team, there's another character added to our little band of psychics. Holly Munro is this goody-two-shoes,I'm-so-perfect-and-you-can't-help-but-hate-me-character.


She put a threat to my Lucewood ship and she was on my shit list from the moment her name was mentioned in the blurb.

"What's with all the lovey-dovey stuff, Lucy?" the skull in the jar whispered. "You should be vaulting the coffee table and pouring your drink down Munro's blouse. Look at her, little Miss Prim and Perfect, taking center stage. You're not standing for this. Go on, punch her! Kick her shins! Snatch off her shoes and throw them on fire!"


Don't get me wrong, there's no romance in this book. It's mainly mildly scary stuff, hilarious snarks by the Skull in the jar and pure awesomeness. But that doesn't stop me from shipping Lucy and Lockwood.

Anyway, I still have to wait for more people to read this book. Don't wanna much spoilers and all that.. But, this needs to be said. THIS IS THE ONLY MIDDLE GRADE SERIES THAT I KNOW THAT GETS BETTER AND BETTER.


P.S: Because of the ending,Jonathan Stroud, here.


The aesthetics are from Tumblr and are no fucking way owned by me
Profile Image for ♛ may.
816 reviews4,381 followers
September 7, 2017
Full review posted

Lockwood and Co. continue to freak me out and melt my heart at the same time. I’m. Just. So. Invested. In. Everything.

So, let me tell you, if you looking for creepy, this book has got it. If you’re looking for complex characters that will own your soul, this book has got it. If you’re looking for mysteries and thrills, this book has got it.


I’m telling you, when I was listening to it (audiobook-ed it), I was getting goosebumps at certain parts, it’s very properly scary. But it’s also properly hilarious (that skull man, that skull doesn’t stop) and the ending will make you scream (in protest).



“Come off it,” Lockwood said. “You know I’d die for you.”



I have 0 idea which song these lyrics belong to, but that was basically me when lockwood and lucy are in the same room breathing oxygen

Surprisingly, I loved the dynamic holly added to the group. George continues to be a fricken muffin of a human. Lucy has grown SO MUCH as a character. And Lockwood is a little baby duck that I will protect with my life.

Now, the book isn’t without its faults. It kinda has the expected ‘middle grade’ redundancy. Almost all the books start, build, and conclude the same way (yes yes there are different twists and turns but ya get what I mean)

But I can’t even complain about that just pointing it out, not complaining bc im so bloody invested in this series, I will die when it ends, plz I don’t deserve this kinda pain.

4 stars!!!


i intended to read this back in july but ha! like my life ever goes according to plan

fake buddy read with the fancy doctor lady she finished it a few years ago WITHOUT ME but i'm still counting it :)
Profile Image for Madeline.
794 reviews47.9k followers
August 28, 2017
Looking back at my reviews for the first two books in the Lockwood & Co series, I learn that apparently the second book (The Whispering Skull) ended on a massive cliffhanger. But since there was so much time between me finishing the second book and starting the third, I completely forgot what the cliffhanger even was. If it got resolved in any satisfying manner in the beginning of The Hollow Boy, I didn't notice. So that's probably not a great sign.

We're at the third installation of what is at least a four-book series, and Jonathan Stroud is finally starting to deviate just a little bit from his established formula. The book still opens with a minor ghost-fighting mission that won't impact the plot in any way, and we still have a big blow-out ghost hunting scene in an appropriately dramatic setting, with the requisite "Wait! We had it wrong the whole time!" realization. But Stroud appears to be laying the groundwork for something bigger in a later book, teasing us with more information about the "Orpheus Society", hinting that one of the bigger ghost-hunting agencies is up to something nefarious, and also further developing Lucy's unusually strong psychic abilities. Even though this book didn't really blow me away, I'm still going to track down the next one in the series, if only to see how Stroud continues to develop this story.

Honestly, this book isn't bad, overall. There are some great action sequences (including a haunted house with a giant open stairwell that extends from the basement all the way to the attic, and a high-stakes chase scene at a parade - this series is just begging for a film adaptation, and I think it could also make a decent TV series), the ghosts and hauntings remain genuinely scary, and the dialogue is still clever and snarky as hell.

But I think it could have been so much better. Part of the book involves Lucy exploring and developing her ability to talk to ghosts, often by putting her own team at risk and having to learn lessons about keeping her friends safe despite her curiosity etc. I wanted Stroud to take this a little farther - have Lucy become more isolated and withdrawn, and explore how the Lockwood team would deal with one of their members going off the rails a little bit. There are hints here and there that Lucy is starting to lose sight of what's important, and also that Lockwood may not have the team's best interests in mind, but Stroud is either waiting for later books to develop those ideas, or he just couldn't be bothered.

The time/setting is still off-putting - everything feels really steampunk-y, to the point where I had to keep reminding myself that it was taking place in modern day. Stroud even gives us a definitive time period, when he has a character establish that the Victorian era was "over a century ago." Even with this indisputable fact, I remain incapable of picturing any of this happening anywhere other than Victorian or maybe pre-WWI England. Part of this is the little details - Lucy uses the word "chambermaid" once, and also mentions that a character is wearing "petticoats", and nobody ever uses a cellphone or computer. But it's also easy to picture the story happening in some kind of steampunk universe, because the world Stroud has built is entirely devoid of pop culture for our fifteen-year-old heroes to reference. I'm not saying that you have to throw out snarky Ghostbusters jokes every few pages, Stroud, but at least give me something? What kind of music do Lucy and her friends listen to? Are there Reddit pages for ghost-hunting kids? What shows are they watching?

Another big issue: we get a new addition to the Lockwood & Co team when they hire an assistant to help with cases. Her name is Holly, and if you guessed that Lucy is immediately suspicious and jealous of her, you unfortunately guessed right. Lucy, to put it bluntly, is a total asshole in this book. She's constantly rude and dismissive to Holly, who is never anything but nice to her, and even Lucy's narration couldn't make me see the feud as anything but one-sided.

The whole thing is handled very badly for two reasons: first, I'm not saying that Lucy and Holly had to be besties from the moment they met, but "badass heroine who isn't like other girls" is a trope that needed to die twenty years ago, and I'm so mad at Stroud for using it. Lucy Carlisle has definitely uttered the phrase "I just get along better with guys, girls have so much drama" at some point in her life, and I hate her for it. The second reason the Holly plotline misfires is because Stroud's idea of showing us Lucy's dislike is to have her internally gripe, constantly, about how Holly sucks so much because she's so tidy and helpful and well-dressed and her skin is so nice and her hair always looks great and it's just like...Lucy. Babe. You aren't jealous of Holly, you have a crush on her. Sadly, Stroud doesn't even consider this possibility, choosing instead to feebly develop Lucy's dumb crush on Lockwood instead. Yawn. Give me ghost-hunting girlfriends who squabble about dirty socks left on the floor or give me nothing, Stroud!

Also Stroud pulls the same trick he pulled in The Whispering Skull where he seems to kill a character off, prompting me to think "This is upsetting, but it's also a bold storytelling move and I'll be interested to see how the series continues without this character" only to reveal that nope, they didn't die after all! And then I get disappointed because a character didn't die, which is always a weird feeling.
Profile Image for Ginger.
876 reviews489 followers
October 29, 2018
What a great cliffhanger! I really enjoyed The Hollow Boy which is the 3rd book in the Lockwood & Co. series.

First, the name of the book, The Hollow Boy was only a small portion of this book. The book was much more involved with other ghost hauntings. It also dives into personal changes within the paranormal group, Lockwood & Co.

I thought this was a good addition to the series and the book starts off with the crew of Anthony Lockwood, George and Lucy tackling ghosts while there's a ghost epidemic brewing in the Chelsea neighborhood of London.

Lockwood and company have not received a invite to the Chelsea neighborhood because the main ghost agency branch (DEPRAC) are using more well known paranormal groups to fight all the ghosts and spirits.
And damn is this pissing Lockwood off! I don’t blame him because his gang of ghost fighters are one of the best in the business. Lockwood thinks about making the group bigger to get more paranormal cases like the one happening in Chelsea and decides to hire a new girl to the group.

Holly Munro is super organized and literally the perfect girl. She rubs Lucy the wrong way. I would laugh at the way these two interacted together in the book. It was very descriptive and Jonathan Stroud wrote teenage girl drama well!
I couldn’t decide if Lucy was just jealous of Holly because she's starting to like Lockwood or if Holly was just a pain in the ass. I think it was a little bit of both in this case.

The Hollow Boy had more teenage angst in it then I would like but it was still written well, and I love the skull in the jar. He’s one of the best things in this series with saying the things that I’m likely thinking.

The spooky parts are great in this series, the writing is well done, and the characterization seems to get better with each book. The only thing that I'm hoping does not happen with upcoming books is a love relationship between Lockwood and Lucy. I just don’t want it! I like how the group interacts now and I think it would ruin the chemistry of Lockwood & Co.
Profile Image for Marlene Ocampo.
72 reviews3 followers
September 24, 2015
Luckwood, don't fail me now.


Consider Luckwood NOT failed. Slow burning, but definitely no fail.

But why...

Why must there be another cliffhanger? STROUD.
Profile Image for Mel (Epic Reading).
1,017 reviews314 followers
July 27, 2024
We could probably get a lot more kids to read if all middle grade books were this exciting, spine-chilling, and intriguing! Lockwood & Co series proves that the Goosebumps books I read as a child were mild in comparison. I'm so glad that today's kids have this kind of amazing writing and story-telling to read instead of some cheesy Goosebumps books (that while fun lack the depth of story telling and characterization we get here).

New Girl = Jealousy
I really liked the girl/girl jealousy that immediately springs up between Lucy and (new girl) Holly. Jonathan Stroud really hit the nail on the head when he write the snippy, hurtful, sarcastic comments that these two girls throw at each other. I felt at times like I was re-living a few childhood moments between myself and other girls. Stroud makes it a clear point, by the end, that both girls are jealous of one another for no reason whatsoever. And why? Because us gals have been taught to be wary of other girls. We are supposed to 'win'; be it the boy, the rat race, or the popularity contest; and so we tend to be wary of new females in our comfort zones (even if it's undeserved or unfair). Even today I still struggle with this silly notion.

There are a number of great models for friendship in The Hollow Boy. Stroud continues with our terrific trio of Lockwood, George, and Lucy of course. But he also brings back lesser loved Kipp and his team; plus new gal (mentioned above) Holly. The Kipp dynamic is a carry-over from the previous two books and I like how, in the end, both team of agents always ends up helping one another in some way, shape, or form. Our Lockwood-should-be-with-who dilemma continues; and of course he has swashbuckling moments where his hair is flowing perfectly as he jumps *eye roll*. I make fun but I know 11 year old me would have eaten it up like candy.

Plot & Ghosts
The story is really where Lockwood & Co books shine. While our characters are well done and interesting; it's all about the haunting problem in London. Without the ghosts we'd have nothing to be chilled by. We are introduced to more types of Type Two ghosts in The Hollow Boy, a couple super creepy presences (ick to all the spiders!), and in the end a hoard of... well I can't tell you! You'll have to read up to find out. But let's put it this way; there are more ghosts in this book than any of the previous two combined. Oh, and our skull buddy is back. He has to be one of my favourite 'people' (is he people?) in the series. Sarcastic, mean, and all around self-serving; the skull is a great reminder that people can be both good and bad at the exact same time.

My husband calls me a wuss when I read these books because I have been known to actually shiver from Stroud's incredible descriptions and atmospheric tension. The sense of disaster that lingers throughout The Hollow Boy (in a few different ways) keeps you on the edge of your seat. Each time I picked this book up I didn't want to put it down (resulting in two very late nights, lol). Stroud has taken the idea of child ghost hunters, which is already a bit disturbing, and elevated them to just the right level. He allow this series to remain middle grade (no gore) but still be creepy enough to make you think twice about turning the light off.
If you need to get a child who loves creepy things into reading; then I would highly recommend this series. If you're a teen or adult that wants something that is nice and easy to read, a bit scary, and has great writing then this series is for you.

Finally... that ending!! Oh that ending! I need to find out how quickly I can get book 4 delivered to my house (all our bookstores are closed at time of writing this due to COVID-19) because it's a 'necessity' for me to read it now! (lol) I'll leave you with one of Stroud's chapter ending sentences; that always pulls the reader onto the next page.
"Yes, all the living inhabitants of the store had left. But that didn’t mean we were alone.
Of course not. After dark, we never are."
Profile Image for Jody .
209 reviews164 followers
November 16, 2018
Thoughts: I'm happy to say Jonathan Stroud really stepped up his game in this installment. In The Hollow Boy we get all the ghost chasing fun we've had in the previous two books, but with a little darker tone.

By darker tone, I mean the hauntings and description of the haunts had a more horror feel to them. Now, I'm not comparing this to a Stephen King book, but I felt more of a terror vibe with this as compared to the creepy and spooky atmosphere of books 1 & 2.

It has been about a year and a half since Lucy joined Lockwood & Co. at the beginning of the series, and some of the new is beginning to wear off. Things are starting to change within their little company. Lockwood, George, and Lucy are noticing that struggles can come with success as much as failure. Risks must be taken and changes must be made, but not everyone will agree. And the tension from these risks and changes really drives this book.....along with the massive Chelsea hauntings going on in London.

Mr. Stroud seemed to use a bit of foreshadowing in this installment. I noticed it in Lucy's narration of events and the story itself. I also noticed they seem to mirror the same outcome, or possible outcome. Since this is listed as YA, I wonder if younger readers picked up on this as easily as I did. Either way, it will be interesting to see if it turns out the way I think, or if it was all a trick by the author to throw me off.

This book has one of those always irritating cliffhanger endings. Luckily, this series is finished, so I can begin the next book immediately. I'm anxious to see what's in store for Lockwood & Co. and our bright young psychic, Lucy Carlyle, in this next installment. So, let the next haunting begin.

Characters: 4.5/5 stars
Plot/Storyline: 4.5/5 stars
World Building: 4/5 stars
Spook-Factor: 4/5 stars
Total: 4.25/5

Favorite Quote:
"It was a funny thing about being an agent, something Lockwood had once said: you were admired and loathed in equal measure. After dark, you represented order and all good things. They loved to see you then. In daylight, you were an unwelcome intrusion into everyday life, a symbol of the very chaos that you kept at bay."

Book 1: The Screaming Staircase - 4 stars
Book 2: The Whispering Skull - 4 stars
Book 3: The Hollow Boy - 4.25 stars

Profile Image for RitaSkeeter.
709 reviews
June 18, 2017
Honestly, this series just keeps getting better and better. It's a big call, but here goes - this is the best series to come along since my beloved Mr Potter. I never want this series to end.

This installment has a lot of humour (love that skull!), a lot of character development for Lucy, and A LOT of chills. I read the book in the cold hard light of day (after being scared silly reading the first installment at night), but frankly the climax of this book still scared the bejeebus out of me.

Write faster Mr Stroud, write faster. I needs number four STAT.
Profile Image for Abigail McKenna.
698 reviews125 followers
April 4, 2023
"Is mindless violence your solution to everything?”
The ghost considered. “Pretty much, yeah.”

gosh this book is iconic. i don't love the "lucy doesn't get along with other girls" vibes (holly seems like a lovely person, lucy, chill) but the ending still gives me all the feels. i need to see aickmere's on screen so bad, netflix, season 2 PLEASE
Profile Image for Sheila Beaumont.
1,102 reviews165 followers
August 5, 2019
This is the third book in Jonathan Stroud's exciting series about young ghost hunters. In this alternative London, it's children who must hunt down and exterminate ghosts, as almost all grownups have lost the ability to detect them. Not all ghosts are dangerous, but many are, and contact with some kinds can be fatal.

It had been several years since I'd read the first two books, but the author was good about catching the reader up on previous events involving the ghost-hunting agency Lockwood & Co. Like the previous books, this one is very entertaining and has likable protagonists, humor, excellent dialogue, and plenty of creepy encounters with all sorts of ghosts.

I was not expecting that shock at the very end! I'll have to go on to the fourth book soon, so I can find out what happens next.

This series can be enjoyed by all ages from middle grade on up.

Profile Image for Veronique.
1,308 reviews221 followers
October 17, 2022

This is one of my all-time favourite series. One that I keep coming back to, especially at this time of the year.

Stroud builds on the previous two titles, deepening the development of our cast, while offering the expected thrilling action scenes, spine-tingling moments, and of course the humour and snark. We also start finding out a little more about the nature of the Problem, namely the apparition of all these supernatural beings. By adding a fourth member (not counting the hilarious skull!), the dynamics of the group switch somewhat, highlighting some very interesting issues. Still, even as some questions are answered, many more come to the fore, resulting in a dawning sense of urgency. This is the point where I became totally addicted to this series :O)

“Because you're unique. You shine like a beacon, attracting the attention of all dark things." It chuckled. “Why do you think I'm chatting with you?”
Profile Image for Vee.
125 reviews42 followers
January 25, 2016
ugly crying
Ich hätte wirklich nicht gedacht, dass das mir so an die Nieren gehen wird ...

Ich hab den dritten Band der Reihe ja schon irgendwie weggeatmet? Und er war einfach nur super? JEDER SOLLTE DIESE REIHE LESEN! (UND ICH WILL MEHR! TT_TT MEEEEEHHHR!) Ich bin gerade einfach viel zu emotional, um irgendwie eine Rezension zu dem Buch zu schreiben und ich werde das auch nicht später editieren oder so, weil ... LEST EINFACH DIESE BÜCHER?! ICH LIEBE DIESE REIHE?
Und warum muss der vierte Band im englischen ersten im Herbst rauskommen? Und warum wird das für die Übersetzung noch 'mal ein gutes Jahr dauern? WARUM? WARUM MUSS ICH SO LANGE WARTEN? WARUM MUSS ICH ÜBERHAUPT MIT DIESER REIHE ANFANGEN, OBWOHL DIE NOCH NICHT MAL BEENDET IST? WARUM MUSS DIE SO TOLL SEIN?


read the book
Profile Image for Heather.
316 reviews293 followers
May 23, 2017
Yeah I don't even have to think about this one.
5 stars

I can't even form adequate words right now to write this review!
I'm not even sure adequate words even exist!

This book is a piece of my soul. My emotions are off the charts right now!!!

I just ... and .... omg but .... my heart ❤️
Profile Image for Innis ☾.
91 reviews97 followers
November 6, 2023
Минуло три роки з моєї останньої зупинити в серії "Локвуд і Ко". Тоді я вирішила дочекатися виходу усіх частин й продовжити своє подальше читання пізніше. І час повернення настав.

Я навіть не підозрювала, як скучила за цим всесвітом, інтригуючими розслідуваннями й таємничими привидами. З перших сторінок мене огорнув такий знайомий затишок штаб-квартири агенції. Ніби на чай зі смаколиками до них завітала.

Третя частина стала для мене ковтком свіжого повітря для цієї серії! А ще ідеальним осіннім читанням! Поки для мене це була одна із найцікавіших справ агенції. Та й поява ще однієї учасниці в їхньому колективі освіжила трішки атмосферу та додала цікавих поворотів сюжету. А кінцівці… як завжди суцільна інтрига і треба терміново хапатися за наступну частинку, що я й планую робити. Так вже чекаю на омріяною масштабізацію цієї історії. А ще глянути до чого все прийде наприкінці та хто за усім стоїть!
Profile Image for Gergana.
227 reviews426 followers
February 9, 2017
Absolutely brilliant and terrifying! And the most petrifying plot twist I've ever read!!!

The Lockwood series are not for the faint of heart. People will ask: "What, the bloody hell, is she talking about? This book is targeting middle-school children! Does she get scared by her own bloody shadow?" and I'll just send my army of rabid bunnies after them, because reasons. This series will leave you with eyes wide open during the night and feet shivering under your covers. Nothing will be able to get the chill out of you.

Ok, enough with the threats, for now, and WELCOME once again to the scariest London in fictional existence. Ghosts are all over the place and it's up to children to defend the British isle from this nasty infestation (cause adults can't see them, you see). Sounds cute and jolly doesn't it?

We join our favorite agents, Lockwood, Lucy and George, as they learn to deal with the new found popularity of their agency. After exorcising a particularly nasty ghost (and a couple of crazy adults brandishing kitchen utensils), the trio is once again overwhelmed with the number of cases arriving each day and the lack of order and hygiene in their home. A secretary is required, someone who can deal with the clients, organize their schedule and clean the mess in their kitchen. And, oh joy, it doesn't take long for Lockwood to find Holy - the perfect assistant and Lucy's worst nightmare.

Oh, and there's also
- a massive outbreak of ghosts in Chelsea - where different agencies are working together to resolve the ever increasing attacks and panic.
- a pushy client with a murderous ghost in her home
- and if things weren't hard enough for Lucy, battling ghosts (and Holy for Lockwood's attention), she also has to deal with her talent getting more and more powerful, both helping her colleagues, but also endangering their lives at the same time.

AND THAT ENDING!!!!!! GRRRR!!! Sometimes I think writers are intentionally evil. Ending the book with a twist and leaving us alone in our misery for months, until we get the sequel.

There are books that just click with you, and this one clicked with me. I was sucked into the world, I interacted with the characters, I was emotionally involved with everything that was happening and I completely forgot that this is just a work of fiction. An absolutely great experience for me. I can't guarantee that this will be one of THE BOOKS for you, but it was a wonderful ride nevertheless. If you decide to give the series a go, I hope you enjoy them.
Profile Image for Motori  Nastya.
118 reviews5 followers
July 8, 2024
Кожен раз беручи якусь частину цієї серії я боюсь що вона день просяде в сюжеті, бо неможливо ж весь час примати планку.
І кожен раз я отримую ментального стусана за такі думки🤣 ні, цикл про Локвуда стабільно тримає і сюжет і напругу.

Третя частина не стала виключенням, навпаки: події розвиваються і масштабуються від сторінки до сторінки. Ми - нарешті - підбираємось все ближче до таємниці утворення ПРОБЛЕМИ з гостями. З новою славою агентству необхідно розширитись, але чи знайдуть вони вдалого кандидата?

Люсі завела собі харизматичного друга (Череп все ще краш!!!) і намагається зрозуміти чи всім привидам можна співчувати.
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,863 reviews2,299 followers
February 16, 2020
The Hollow Boy
(Lockwood & Co. #3)
by Jonathan Stroud
Wow, I thought this was even better than the last book! Even though the book is called the Hollow Boy, it is just one of many exciting ghost stories in this book. The other interesting element to this book is the personal aspects that happen or that are shared. They also get a new team member and that plays out in here too! Great action, characters, ghostly presences, and team dynamics are all part of this great adventure!
Profile Image for samantha  Bookworm-on-rainydays.
285 reviews114 followers
October 13, 2017
this was as good as any of the other in the series. Stroud has created a world filled with fun, fear, mystery, conspiracy, and humor. I never want this series to end! and its Perfect for Halloween!!!!!
Profile Image for Daria Piskozub.
Author 5 books114 followers
October 5, 2021
Коли я виросту, теж так хочу вміти балансувати письмо для молодшої аудиторії з глибшою лінією для старших.
І damn you, Абаба, давайте швиденько продовження, як то жить тепер!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
504 reviews259 followers
January 15, 2024
The ghostbusting bits were still creepy and good, but I could have done without the pissing contest between Lucy and the newest Lockwood employee Holly Munro. As a fellow XX who is not manicured and perfectly dressed all the time (okay, ever), I can sympathize with Holly's annoyance with someone who looks good even beaten up and has inserted herself into a previously cozy trio, but not so much the jealousy over Lockwood (enigmatic, dashing, slightly broken, and also with good hair). I'm docking a star for that particular hormone fest.

Actually, my favorite character in this installment is by far the whispering skull, who cheerfully offers ways to murder Holly to Lucy. I'm still wondering how exactly you would do someone in with an egg whisk. Stab the skinny end into an eye? Up the nose? Set up a trip hazard into a giant tub of lye??

[I should add that I am about to make custard for a delightfully British lemon pudding - a lemon cake with warm vanilla-meyer-lemon sauce poured over - with my egg whisk, so it's a good time for contemplating alternate usages.]

Anyway, the Chelsea neighborhood of London has been experiencing an extraordinary rash of Visitors, so many that DEPRAC has recruited all the top ghosthunting agencies to deal with the outbreak. Lockwood & Co. was not invited, much to Lockwood's chagrin, but he's a slippery one and finds a way to burrow into the thick of things. George dives into research; in the meantime, Lucy makes herself miserable by engaging in a passive-aggressive feud with the tidy and competent Holly. She's also beginning to discover that she can now not only hear ghosts but also listen to them. Turns out, not all of them want to whisper sweet nothings.

As usual, I laughed out loud at a few times. Also as usual, I cursed Jonathan Stroud immediately after finishing and then hopped over to the library website and placed a hold on the remaining two books.
Profile Image for Igor Mogilnyak.
325 reviews26 followers
April 5, 2024

А Страуд взагалі тут десь у циклі планує лажати? Чи й далі все так буде класно! Ця частина поки найкраща для мене. І як добре, що я не маю всіх книг, а то б почав читати одразу четверту.

Profile Image for Tina ➹ lives in Fandoms.
455 reviews458 followers
May 1, 2024
3.25 Hollow Stars

the beginning was good (really funny)
the end was thrilling (tho I kind of guessed what was going on, so not surprising or emotionally engaging)
the middle was not! so many random cases. which were not even related to the actual case. so the story felt like many short stories instead of one integrated book. (I expected at least the cases had some kind of tiny connection to the main plot, but usually they didn't.) & that just booooooored me, nothing more revealed (every new case, I was like, okay, now the real plot... not happening....)
Profile Image for Beth.
1,190 reviews147 followers
September 27, 2015
SO MUCH TO SAY. First: who thought a cliffhanger ending was a good idea? WHY? (It's a good ending. It grows organically out of the story. I just hate cliffhangers.)

Even with an abrupt end, the story crackles. I find the worldbuilding so compelling, and I never get bored of the different ways ghosts manifest and the many problems they can cause. I think The Hollow Boy dials up the series elements: there are more threads introduced that aren't wrapped up than I remember from the previous two books (though the central conflict, from a plot perspective, is resolved), and they're exciting threads. I'd have picked up the sequel even without that cliffhanger ending.

The story from a character perspective is less perfect, I think. For one, there are still elements of the fat-shaming Hallie mentioned in her review of the first book. For another - and this is central to the book's character conflict - Stroud introduces another female character. Who is positioned as Lucy's opponent and competition, but is immediate pals with the boys and subsequently creates a rift in the team. Quite frankly: this is why we can't have nice things. This isn't a wholly unnecessary streak of misogyny in a story that would otherwise be fine without it - Stroud's too good of a writer for that, and in fact, the plot hinges on this conflict - but isn't this something we should be past? Where are my awesome-women-supporting-each-other plotlines? It's actually good writing to challenge an established team; that way, you don't end up with a case-of-the-week style series. But when the team is fractured because of two women who just can't get along, and who see each other as competition... It's been done before. And I didn't like it then, either.

More on the competition:

One thing I really like about this series is the background given for the less-present adults. It's something a lot of MG books have to deal with, because for the most part, kids need space to have adventures. The Lockwood & Co. series gives it a great twist by having the kids be more professional and in many ways more adult than the actual adults, but the Lucy/Holly spat throws a wrench in that, and frankly, so does Lucy's minor fixation on Lockwood. (No Romance, Please is another bias on my part, apparently.)

Also, I don't know why I never noticed this before, but Stroud is spinning some extended thoughts on government and bureaucracy underneath the story. (I'd have to reread the Bartimaeus series to be sure, but I seem to remember him doing the same there.) He takes it further in this book with the parade and events that follow, and while he stops short of making political pronouncements and I avoid looking for them, there are definitely ideas to be mined.

Which brings me, finally, to the ending. Like I said, it's a cliffhanger - yuck - but it's also smart, and drastic, and it finally brings some of the stylistic aplomb seen in the Bartimaeus series to this new series. Because until it happened, the Lockwood series read as lighter fare, creepy manifestations and nighttime horrors and deaths and all. But now there's a major character decision without any easy resolution, and that's exciting.
Profile Image for Jesica.
142 reviews44 followers
September 2, 2016
Aku suka banget seri ini walaupun sebenarnya aku gampang takut n seri ini bisa dibilang seram. Di buku ini atmosfer seram yang menurutku sempat berkurang di buku kedua balik lagi. Cerita di seri tiga ini agak mirip dengan buku pertama. Kasus jejak kaki berdarah agak mirip undakan menjerit. Menurutku buku ketiga ini lebih berwarna. Ada seramnya, serunya, ada misteri yang mencakup hantu dan bukan hantu seperti penjahat-penjahat yang berusaha membunuh Fittes dan Rotwell. Ada bagian melankolisnya yang bikin sedih tapi banyak juga adegan dan percakapan konyol yang bikin ngakak. Beberapa hal mencurigakan. Disini juga (mungkin) ada sedikit hint romance antara Lucy n Lockwood :p Tapi yang paling beda menurutku adalah asisten baru yang dipekerjakan Lockwood, Holly Munro. Holly ini orangnya perfect banget. Cantik, rapi, sopan n kerjanya efisien. Menurutku interaksi Lucy-Holly bikin gemes. Sifat mereka beda 180 derajat jadi mereka ga pernah bisa akur. Lucunya, mereka bersikap sopan n formal kaya berusaha bersahabat satu sama lain tapi sebenernya mereka saling cemburu. Holly ini juga jadi bahan utama si tengkorak yang lagi hobby jodoh-jodohin Lucy sama Lockwood buat godain Lucy. Lockwood sendiri yang ga sepenuhnya sadar 2 rekannya saling cemburuan malah disebutkan suka ‘tersenyum hangat’ lihat Lucy n Holly ‘bagaikan ayah yang mengisap pipa cangklong menyaksikan anak-anaknya bermain di pekarangan’. Perbedaan mencolok lain dari buku-buku sebelumnya adalah si tengkorak yang disini lebih banyak dapat peran. Hantu yang satu ini bisa bikin ketawa walaupun keadaannya lagi setegang dan seseram apapun. Karakternya, menurutku mirip jin Bartimaeus di seri Bartimaeus karangan penulis yang sama. George dan Flo juga tidak ketinggalan dengan riset cerdasnya George dan gaya ala gelandangannya Flo.
Waktu pertama beli buku ini yang langsung menarik perhatianku adalah terjemahan judulnya: Pemuda Berongga. Kesannya seperti sejenis hantu tapi, sedikit bocoran, Hollow Boy disini tidak tepat hantu, kok. Tergantung pembaca mengartikan gimana. Aku jadi mikir setelah perhatiin covernya kalau dibuka/ditutup (great design, btw). Agak cocok sama salah satu karakter di dalam, sih.
”aku memusnahkan hantu yang melakukan itu,” katanya, “tapi apa gunanya? Sudah terlambat. Dan aku merasa…” Aku bisa merasakan dia mencari-cari kata yang tepat. “Dalam kemarahan dan kesedihan, Lucy, aku hanya merasa kosong.

Hal menarik lainnya yang aku perhatikan adalah si penulis, Jonathan Stroud, beberapa kali memasukkan beberapa hal yang berbau Indonesia. Biasanya ini ga terlalu ketara tapi di buku ini jadi lumayan penting karena diceritakan kalo Jessica Lockwood meninggal dibunuh hantu dari Indonesia. Lockwood juga disebutkan punya koleksi rebana penangkal hantu dari Bali dan ada juga quote kocak Lucy tentang inspektur Barnes dari buku kedua:
Namun seperti biasa, kumisnya yang mengagumkanlah yang menarik perhatianku. Bagiku, kumis Barnes mirip sekali dengan sejenis ulat bulu eksotik, mungkin dari hutan Sumatera, yang sebelumnya tidak dikenal di dunia ilmiah.

Walaupun endingnya bikin kesel tapi secara keseluruhan buku ini seru. Terjemahannya juga oke. Jadi ga sabar nunggu buku keempatnya. :D
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,542 reviews

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