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Lightfall #1

Lightfall: The Girl & the Galdurian

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Deep in the heart of the planet Irpa stands the Salty Pig’s House of Tonics & Tinctures, home of the wise Pig Wizard and his adopted granddaughter, Bea. As keepers of the Endless Flame, they live a quiet and peaceful life, crafting medicines and potions for the people of their once-prosperous world.

All that changes one day when, while walking through the woods, Bea meets Cad, a member of the Galdurians, an ancient race thought to be long-extinct. Cad believes that if anyone can help him find his missing people, it’s the Pig Wizard.

But when the two arrive home, the Pig Wizard is nowhere to be found—all that’s left is the Jar of Endless Flame and a mysterious note. Fearing for the Pig Wizard’s safety, Bea and Cad set out across Irpa to find him, while danger fights its way out of the shadows and into the light.

Will these two unexpected friends find the beloved Pig Wizard and prevent eternal darkness from blanketing their world? Or has Irpa truly seen its last sunrise?

247 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 2020

About the author

Tim Probert

15 books270 followers
Tim Probert is an author and illustrator whose work is made of equal parts wonder, magic, and adventure, with a dose of monsters and the occasional dinosaur. In addition to making books, he is an art director at Aardman Nathan Love, working on projects for Nickelodeon, Kellogg’s, Coca-Cola, Candy Crush, and more. Tim lives in NYC with his wife and two cats.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,665 reviews
Profile Image for Nicole.
683 reviews15.9k followers
October 24, 2023
Jakie to było urocze 😭
Dostałam tutaj to czego oczekiwałam od Nimony
Profile Image for annelitterarum.
316 reviews1,583 followers
November 4, 2022
Je ne pense pas nécessairement repenser très souvent à ce roman graphique mais il m’a tout de même fait passer un incroyable moment!! L’univers est exactement comme je les aime : merveilleux, magique, original, réconfortant, et j’en passe! Le schéma de l’histoire est un peu classique mais je dois tout de même avouer que les quêtes restent dans mes tropes prefs alors je me plains pas trop heheheheh

J’aime beaucoup trop cad et les illustrations. Si j’étais britney spears je dirais gimme gimme more
Profile Image for Mackenzie Lane.
255 reviews2,133 followers
July 24, 2020
What a little gem of a graphic novel. I already want to read the next installment because if it's half as touching & beautiful as this one, I know I'll like it a lot.

Would highly recommend, especially for younger readers :)
Profile Image for Valentina Ghetti.
211 reviews2,430 followers
May 1, 2022
Bea vive con suo nonno, il Verro Mago (si, è un maiale) in una capanna nel bosco. Le giornate dei due passano tra la raccolta di erbe e la preparazione di medicine erboristiche e filtri magici.
Un giorno però, rientrando a casa dopo la solita raccolta di erbe, Bea non trova più il nonno. Trova solo un biglietto che la avvisa della partenza del Verro Mago verso una località ignota.
La ragazzina decide allora di mettersi, con il gatto e Cad, l'ultimo sopravvissuto della stirpe dei galduriani, sulle tracce del nonno.

Lightfall è una tenerissima graphic novel che tratta temi estremamente delicati in modo altrettanto delicato.
Bea spesso viene avvolta da una nebbia scura che la immobilizza totalmente, non è un potere particolare, non è una scelta grafica, sono attacchi di panico. Il Verro Mago, non è semplicemente sbadato, è un anziano che soffre di Alzheimer, disperso chissà dove, senza la compagnia di sua nipote. Cad è alle prese con l'accettazione del lutto, o meglio, in piena fase di negazione. Così questi tre "reietti" della società diventano i protagonisti di un'avventura unica che li porterà a scontrarsi con un potere antico e malvagio.

La valutazione personale non è altissima semplicemente perchè ho percepito il primo volume come una semplice introduzione al wordbuilding e alla storia.
Profile Image for Mara.
1,824 reviews4,185 followers
September 2, 2024
3.5 stars - A charming & effective middle grade fantasy graphic novel. Not cozy enough for my tastes in the genre, but I would recommend if you're looking for a quest story for this age range
Profile Image for Rachel.
69 reviews2 followers
September 18, 2020
This graphic novel is very well done. The art is gorgeous, the characters and their growth, and the story, 'chef kiss'! Bea's grandfather leaves out of nowhere and worried that he won't come back, she sets off after him. She does run into Cad, and he offers to help find her family while he is looking for his. These two characters help and build their growth. Bea gets overwhelmed easily and is always 'what ifs', where Cad jumps right in and does things to know the outcome in the end. He understands Bea's feelings, but also pushes her in the best possible ways. This is just so good and can't wait for the next volume!
Profile Image for Danny_reads.
393 reviews242 followers
September 25, 2024
I enjoyed this.

I thought the art was good and the story was interesting. I'm not completely sure if this is something that will stick with me, but I am interested in reading the sequel...
December 5, 2021
This was so cute & dangerous at the same time! Lol loved it. Deep in the heart of the planet Irpa stands the Salty Pig’s House of Tonics & Tinctures, home of the wise Pig Wizard & his adopted granddaughter, Bea. As keepers of the Endless Flame, they live a quiet & peaceful life, crafting medicines & potions for the people of their once-prosperous world. All that changes one day when, while walking through the woods, Bea meets Cad, a member of the Galdurians, an ancient race thought to be long-extinct. Cad believes that if anyone can help him find his missing people, it’s the Pig Wizard. But when the two arrive home, the Pig Wizard is nowhere to be found—all that’s left is the Jar of Endless Flame and a mysterious note. Fearing for the Pig Wizard’s safety, Bea & Cad set out across Irpa to find him, while danger fights its way out of the shadows and into the light. Cad & Bea are just the most adorable characters ever. Put them together, & oh my heart! Then the friendship that forms between them is so pure & beautiful. Cad has my whole heart. Then you add in this world & its whole backstory, & everything with the light..plus danger & adventure? AMAZING! Loved this, & can’t wait for the next one. Absolutely STUNNING art by Tim Probert too! So beautiful!💜
Profile Image for Tasha.
4,117 reviews129 followers
October 7, 2020
Bea lives with her adopted grandfather, the Pig Wizard. Their life is quiet and simple with Bea entering the forest each day to gather ingredients for the potions they sell. Then one day, when Bea falls from a tall tree, she meets Cad. Cad is a Galdurian, a member of the ancient race who created the lights in the sky and rescued everyone from constant darkness. When they return to the shop, the Pig Wizard is gone, headed out on a quest that may or may not be real thanks to his faulty memory. Bea and Cad head after him, journeying across the land and encountering many strange and dangerous things. There are huge crabs that try to kill them, lizard men who try to eat them, and a pack rat who keeps stealing Bea’s Jar of Endless Flame. Meanwhile, in darkness, more creatures are stirring, creatures who are after what Bea has and who will follow her anywhere to get it.

In this debut graphic novel, Probert shows himself to be a graphic novelist of superb skill. The art and story flow together seamlessly, creating a world that shines with golden light. He creates vistas in his world so that readers can view the expanse of the continent. Then he populates this glowing world with amazing elements straight out of fantasies like the Last Airbender, Star Wars or Indiana Jones. With a sly sense of humor, he brings this world fully to life.

Cad is a marvelous hero, mowing down villains with his sword, and devoting himself to saving others. He is part frog, part giant, and full of myth and wonder. Bea is a great contrast with him. She worries a lot, the darkness spreading around her limbs and head, almost carrying her away at times. But she is also a hero, jumping in when she is needed, bravely fighting off foes and having cold feet (literally) along the way.

The first in a new graphic novel series that is sure to delight young fantasy fans. Appropriate for ages 9-12.
Profile Image for Munro's Kids.
557 reviews22 followers
December 14, 2021
While Lightfall's story is not particularly special - its narrative is pretty episodic and predictable, and its dialogue is pleasant but not electric - the real star of the show here is Probert's art. Both the warm, lush backgrounds and the appealing, expressive characters draw the reader in. I took particular joy in noticing Bea's cat, who accompanies her on her journey, being delightfully catlike in the background of many panels. The world-building also stands out enough to lend intrigue to an otherwise straightforward quest storyline. As a whole the book successfully mixes the cute and funny with a sense of magic and adventure, and I think it could make a lot of middle grade readers happy.
Profile Image for Lucille.
1,287 reviews264 followers
August 16, 2022
Oh j'ai tellement aimé ce roman graphique jeunesse 💛💛💛 Très lumineux avec de superbes illustrations, que ce soit dans les petits détails ou les paysages. J'ai aimé l'héroïne peu sûre d'elle et anxieuse qui petit à petit prend confiance en elle même si c'est pas chose faite en ce début d'aventure. J'ai aimé ce beau monde de fantasy avec un petit goût de post apo. J'ai franchement tout aimé et j'ai hâte de lire la suite.

Avertissement de contenu : combats et morts
Profile Image for Marta Demianiuk.
677 reviews528 followers
April 22, 2024
Co za urocze fantasy 💙. Przepiękne ilustracje, żabi Cad jest wspaniały, a przy paru momentach z Beą zatrzymałam się na chwilę kiwając głową, że też tak mam. Bardzo to było miłe.
Profile Image for verbava.
1,072 reviews134 followers
June 8, 2021
головна героїня вирушає на пошуки дідуся, але виявляється, що насправді в її квесті йдеться про порятунок світу.

і це прекрасно намальований, цікавий світ: багато років тому темні істоти зжерли в ньому сонце, але мудре плем'я галдуріанців змогло створити штучні світила, у сяйві яких зараз існують анклави цивілізації, а поза тим сяйвом простягається пітьма і смерть (здається, між окремими освітленими зонами можна подорожувати, проте автор ще не розказав, як саме). після сонцетворення галдуріанці вимерли (в сенсі, їм сильно допомогли вимерти), їхню культуру давно вважають втраченою — аж раптом з'являється пер��онаж, якому процес вимирання вдалося проспати, напрошується у сайдкіки до головної героїні, всіляко допомагає їй не нудьгувати в пошуках дідуся, притягуючи пригоди на обидві їхні голови, і, здається, носить у торбі сувій із якимось давнім знанням, але це не точно.

власне, ще ніщо не точно. сюжет «світлопаду» не тільки не завершується — він ледве-ледве доходить до першої конфронтації з лиходіями. можете назвати мене старомодною, але я люблю, коли історія, яка почалася на початку книжки, більш-менш закінчується наприкінці тої самої книжки. а зі штуками, на яких написано, що вони графічний роман, навіть за кількістю сторінок не завжди вгадаєш, це перший сюжет серії чи перший шматок сюжету, тому часом бентега нєізбєжна.
Profile Image for Ksia_zkowe Oliwia.
458 reviews454 followers
November 4, 2023
Ale ja się supi przy tych komiksach bawiłam! Przypomniały mi, jaką fajną odskocznią są powieści graficzne od zwykłych książek, po które sięgam jednak najczęściej. A tu - historia, która da wszystko, czego można od niej oczekiwać.
I nawet nie wiecie jak bardzo się cieszyłam, że mam drugi tom, bo od razu po skończeniu pierwszego po niego sięgnęłam. Ale później od razu potrzebowałam trzeciego, więc oby wydali go jak najszybciej hahaha!

Mogliście już zobaczyć wczoraj na story, bo wrzucałam tych komiksów sporo, ale… TE GRAFIKI. Przecież ta kreska jest przepiękna. Tak idealnie dopracowana. I te kolory, takie żywe - od razu pomyślałam o zdjęciu w liściach 🍂

Uwielbiam ich świat, przygody - czułam się bardzo zaangażowana w akcję, tę grozę nadchodzącej ciemności na Irpę, bohaterów, ich odwagę! bo nie da się ich nie lubić! Nawet charakter kotki, która absolutnie nic nie mówi hahaha jest tu wykreowany lepiej niż w niejednej książce głównego bohatera, serio😂 I tu bardzo chcę pochwalić Beę - jej osoba to jest coś tak niesamowicie wartościowego w tej książce. Nie jest nieustraszona i niczego się nie boi. Musi zmierzyć się z ogromnymi wyzwaniami, które niejednokrotnie ją przerażają i powodują u niej lęki. I to jest w tym tak ludzkie. Prawdziwe. Aż miałam ochotę ją przytulić. I martwienie się o swojego dziadka, wartości rodziny, przyjaźni. I humor!
Profile Image for Katey Flowers.
378 reviews51 followers
January 4, 2023
What a little gem! I picked this up on a whim in Kmart yesterday and am glad I did! The artwork is absolutely incredible - so cute and alive and dancing with textures and layers of light. The story moves quickly and the characters are all endearing almost instantly. I especially loved the visual representation of anxiety. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for when book 2 is published!

ETA: reread Jan 2023 and this is still the best middle grade graphic novel out there! So good!
Profile Image for ambyreads✿.
394 reviews238 followers
May 12, 2021
5 stars 。・:*˚:✧。 Wow this was one of the cutest graphic novels I have ever seen. The art and colouring of this book was my entire aesthetic each panel had so much detail the author must have put his whole heart into this story. The story alone was really good! I love adventure/quest stories and it was good pacing, not too many words. Good for people of all ages, I really loved this one and can’t wait to the next one (considering the amount of detail it might take a while hahahaha)
Profile Image for madame Gabrielle.
684 reviews600 followers
September 2, 2022
magnifique roman graphique. j’ai tout aimé de cette merveilleuse et entraînante histoire, les illustrations sont si belles et colorées et j’avais de grandes attentes et elles ont été comblées. c’est un livre que je voudrais dans ma bibliothèque de classe sans hésiter. un beau gros WOW!
Profile Image for Alžběta Bílková.
Author 8 books223 followers
September 21, 2024
Tohle teda bylo mega ňuf. Krásné ilustrace, roztodivné bytosti a bytůstky, sympatičtí hrdinové a parádní dobrodružství. Miluju, chci víc, proč ten komiks nemá tak 100 stran navíc.
Profile Image for Hunter.
623 reviews
April 5, 2021
I didn't really like it.
The art style was fine; it reminded me of animation from the late 1990's-early 2000's. I just didn't like the way the shapes fit on the page, and how they were supposed to look 3d-ish but it looked strange. The art wasn't very pleasing to my eye.
The plot was kinda annoying. They're looking for a missing grandpa, but it seemed as if it was too easy. At every twist and turn it seemed as if someone was there to tell them information that they needed, and they didn't have to do anything but keep trudging on.
The characters...Bea is someone I relate to because of her constant worrying and her love of books, but it got annoying. And Cad...so perky and talkative and the voice they got in my head was giving me a headache.

I don't know if I'd recommend it. If you like adventure with the art style I mentioned earlier, then go right ahead. I don't think there's anything bad with trying to read this book, but it wasn't for me, so I don't think I'd recommend it.
Profile Image for Candies.
242 reviews20 followers
December 28, 2023
Les dessins sont beaucoup trop beaux !! Si j'avais su en plus qu'il y avait un chat dans l'histoire, j'aurais lu cette bande dessinée plus tôt !

C'était tout doux et pour le coup on part sur une vraie aventure, ça se lit comme une petite épopée dont les personnages principaux viennent nous conquérir avec leurs personnalités touchantes. Bea est adorable, et Cad est très émouvant, l'auteur réussit en quelques pages à nous dessiner une belle histoire d'amitié.

La bande dessinée aborde également l'anxiété et ce qui s'apparente à l'Alzheimer même si c'est fait tout en délicatesse, et pour ça c'est appréciable !
Profile Image for Melki.
6,682 reviews2,515 followers
June 15, 2021
This promises to be a wonderful new fantasy series for younger graphic novel fans. A strange creature, and a Hilda-like girl go looking for her missing grandfather. Along the way they encounter both friend and foe, and loads of adventure.


I can't wait for the next volume.
Profile Image for Lisanne.
384 reviews4 followers
May 21, 2023
fell in love with the art style, colouring and even the panelling of this graphic novel at the first page. what a lovely story and cast of characters. also really appreciate the way in which probert has very cleverly depicted the anxiety of main character bea through black swirling tendrils that coil around her whenever she feels anxious or panicky.
Profile Image for Tom Mooney.
763 reviews270 followers
June 10, 2022
This came recommended by several colleagues, as well as my seven-year-old son. I can absolutely see why; it's magnificent! Definite vibes of Hilda and Super Happy Magic Forest, only for a slightly older crowd. Loved it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,665 reviews

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