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Home for Christmas

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Beth Prince has always loved fairytales and now, aged twenty-four, she feels like she's finally on the verge of her own happily ever after. She lives by the seaside, works in the Picturebox - a charming but rundown independent cinema - and has a boyfriend who's so debonair and charming she can't believe her luck!

There's just one problem - none of her boyfriends have ever told her they love her and it doesn't look like Aiden's going to say it any time soon.

Desperate to hear 'I love you' for the first time Beth takes matters into her own hands - and instantly wishes she hadn't. Just when it seems like her luck can't get any worse, bad news arrives in the devilishly handsome shape of Matt Jones. Matt is the regional director of a multiplex cinema and he's determined to get his hands on the Picturebox by Christmas.

Can Beth keep her job, her man and her home or is her romantic-comedy life about to turn into a disaster movie?

356 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2011

About the author

Cally Taylor

13 books140 followers
Cally Taylor lives in Bristol with her boyfriend, baby son and their ridiculously large DVD/book/music collection. She shares her 'study' with the washing machine and surf board and writes her novels in any spare moments she can squeeze in between the day job and her social network addiction . She started writing fiction in 2005 and her short stories have won several awards and been published by a variety of women's magazines. Her debut novel Heaven Can Wait has been translated in 13 languages and was voted 'Debut Novel of the Year' by chicklitreviews.com and chicklitclub.com. Home for Christmas is her second novel.

Cally's third book, psychological suspense novel "The Accident" (written as CL Taylor) will be published by Avon HarperCollins in April 2014 and in the US as 'Before I Wake' in June 2014.

Cally's CL Taylor alter ego is on Goodreads too. Do friend her!


You can find out more about Cally on her website - www.callytaylor.co.uk - or read her blog at http://writing-about-writing.blogspot...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews
Profile Image for Melina Souza.
357 reviews1,909 followers
August 15, 2019
Confesso que, apesar de não ter encontrado um livro com clima natalino (com esse título era o que estava esperando), fiquei bem feliz lendo esse chick lit. Ele tem sim algumas referências a essa época do ano (começa na época de Halloween), mas não é o foco. Uma leitura leve, fofinha e divertida que me deixou nostálgica e com vontade de morar em Brighton.
Profile Image for Georgina.
92 reviews95 followers
December 22, 2011

When Christmas time rolls around each year, I love to read as many Christmas chick lit novels as it is physcially possible to do so. After reading and being captivated by Cally Taylor's novel Heaven Can Wait, I knew that Cally's latest novel Home For Christmas would be on the top of my reading pile as soon as I received a copy.

Beth Prince, a twenty-four year old romantic, works in the Picturebox, a charming independant cinema. Beth has a boyfriend she believes is her dream man, theres just one problem, none of her boyfriends have ever told her they love her. Desperate to be told 'I love you' for the first time Beth decides to take matters into her own hands and then wishes she hadn't. With Beth feeling low, bad news arrives in the handsome shape of Matt Jones, the regional director of a chain cinema who is determined to get his hands on the Picturebox.

Home For Christmas is told from two different viewpoints; Beth and Matt's, with each chapter alternating between the two characters. I really enjoyed being able to gain two perspectives on events that unfolded throughtout the novel. Usually in chick lit novels, the male characters feelings and emotions are not portrayed, so this was a refreshing change that I would love to see in more novels. At many points in the novel I did find myself literally laughing out loud. I really enjoy any book that I read to be humourous, even if only in a subtle way. Home For Christmas really excelled with the humour injected into the characters, adding an extra spark to the novel. Cally Taylor's wit is one of the reasons she is such a fantastic author that I will always look out for. The characters were another contributing factor as to why I enjoyed Home For Christmas. Cally Taylor has managed to create characters that I really cared about by really bringing them to life. Beth, while at times being a little naive was caring and extremely likeable. I couldn't help hoping that she would find love and be able to keep her job at The Picture Box cinema. I also really enjoyed reading about Carl, although I detested him as a character, he definatly made certain moments within the novel very entertaining.

I did find that unlike Cally Taylor's previous novel, Heaven Can Wait, Home For Christmas was a little cookie cutter for my tastes. While I, and most chick lit lovers, enjoy a romance story that is neatly wrapped up, I do enjoy a little originality, and in my option that is where this novel lacks. I also would have liked to see a little more of the Christmas theme within the story. While the novel ends at Christmas time, there is very little mention of Christmas for a book entitled Home For Christmas.

Home For Christmas is a very enjoyable, quick and charming read, that I managed to devour in just one sitting. I would reccomend this book to anyone looking for a cozy Christmas read over the holidays. I will be looking out for more of Cally Taylor's novels in the future.
Profile Image for Love Fool.
317 reviews105 followers
February 2, 2016
Beth Prince has always loved fairytales and now, aged twenty-four, she feels like she's finally on the verge of her own happily ever after. She lives by the seaside, works in the Picturebox - a charming but rundown independent cinema - and has a boyfriend who's so debonair and charming she can't believe her luck!

Desperate to hear 'I love you' for the first time Beth takes matters into her own hands - and instantly wishes she hadn't. Just when it seems like her luck can't get any worse, bad news arrives in the devilishly handsome shape of Matt Jones. Matt is the regional director of a multiplex cinema and he's determined to get his hands on the Picturebox by Christmas.

Can Beth keep her job, her man and her home or is her romantic-comedy life about to turn into a disaster movie?

This was funny and charming... it didn't get me in the Christmas spirit but that's okay. Actually, the only time Cally Taylor really mentioned Christmas was towards the end and to me, it was nothing.

I can picture this book turned into a funny romantic comedy, it was hilarious and Beth was adorably helpless.... and she wasn't annoying!

I gave this 4 stars because I thought the ending was too corny.
Profile Image for Tita.
2,131 reviews216 followers
December 22, 2014
Mais um livro com o tema "Natal" mas desta vez um chick-lit.
Beth Prince é uma jovem que adora finais felizes e cinema mas que tem um desgosto, nunca lhe disseram "Eu amo-te". Além disso, acredita que o seu namorado Aiden é o seu "príncipe encantado".
Sabendo à partida que este era um livro chick-lit e pela premissa mencionada, confesso que não esperava muito da história mas posso dizer que até gostei.
Com uma história engraçada, com Beth a ser protagonista de episódios divertidos mas também pela história paralela do cinema, mas também com Matt, que tem uma ex completamente doida e um avô amoroso, foram ingredientes suficientes para me levarem a continuar a ler o livro.
É uma história leve e divertida, e a Beth relembrou-me algumas vezes a Poppy de "Eu Tenho o teu Número" por se meter em cada cena. Mas algo que me agradou bastante foi termos capítulos intercalados com o ponto de vista de Matt, algo pouco comum em livros românticos.
Não me alonguei na história pois não quero contar demasiado e porque esta é relativamente simples, mas para quem procura algo leve de ler e dentro do tema natalício, este livro é uma boa opção.
Profile Image for Mariazita.
534 reviews4 followers
December 21, 2015
Este romance é muito divertido, ri bastante com as peripécias de Beth.Ela trabalha num cinema antigo, e sonha com os filmes de amor , uma eterna romântica , mas nunca nenhum dos seus namorados alguma vez lhe disse" Eu amo-te".Beth sonha ouvir essa palavra mágica, mas ao longo do livro vai percebendo que amar é muito mais do que uma palavra dita.
E uma leitura simples, rápida muito romântica com partes muito divertidas.
Mais um livro que aconselho a ler para uns momentos muito descontraídos.
23 reviews
January 15, 2021
Ei oskagi raamatut otseselt kirjeldada- romantiline lugu, sekka segadust, vääritimõistmist, lahkumisi jne. Kirjutatud kuidagi lapsikult, kiirelt loetav, kuid ei tekitanud emotsioone, mida raamatult ootan. Ei meeldinud, et meespeategelane on kergelt mõjutatav ja otsustusvõimetu, probleemide eest põgenev. Koomilised situatsioonid, mis peaks olema lugejale naljakad, tekitasid pigem küsitavusi.
Profile Image for Tracey.
2,488 reviews73 followers
October 23, 2018
A not very interesting read to be honest. The characters had no real quality that made me like them . The plot was slow and their was no Spark between the two lead characters.
Profile Image for Brooke Watton.
158 reviews
December 22, 2022
I really enjoyed this! Not as Christmassy as I was expecting, but a nice wee rom com all the same! But grandad 💔
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for LoLo.
277 reviews48 followers
December 5, 2012
It had taken me twenty-four years, but I finally understood two things. First, that isn’t about someone saying three little words to you, but about being loved for who you are, who you really are and not who you think the other person wants you to be. Second, the words “I love you” only mean something when you can repeat them right back.

Beth and Matt aren’t having much luck in the love department. Matt is being chased by a very temperamental ex-girlfriend – who lost the girlfriend status after throwing scalding hot coffee in Matt’s face. His ex-girlfriend has tried everything: stalking him, showing up at his local pub in just an overcoat, faking an ankle injury, and oh yeah, faking a pregnancy.

Meanwhile, Beth has never had a boyfriend who hasn’t cheated on her, or dumped her with the classic “it’s not you, it’s me”. She has never had a boyfriend tell her they love her, and she doesn’t hear it from her own mother all that often either. So all Beth wants is for boyfriend Aiden to tell her he loves her. Only he doesn’t, he tells her he needs space, that “it’s not you, it’s me”.

”You’re just having one of those men-withdraw-to-their-cave moments I’ve read about in Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. And I’m cool with that. Honestly. Go back to your cave and build a fire or, um, draw some pictures of stampeding buffalo on the wall or whatever, and I’ll wait until you’re ready to come out again.”

Just when Beth wants to sit at home and cry, she gets more bad news. The beautiful, beloved, independent vintage cinema she works for is being sold to the biggest cinema chain in the world and there’s only one job going to be left for the current staff. Making things even more difficult, the guy that’s going to be interviewing candidates, Matt, busted her practising her “I Love Yous” on a cut out of George Clooney. Beth is desperate to get that job and save the unique character and charm, but the whole process is a bit of a disaster – imagine the mortification of splitting your pants (sans underwear) while trying to abseil down a cliff as part of a management workshop – and it seems all aspects of Beth’s life are in turmoil.

I picked up this book in order to spread the magic of Christmas with a nice Christmas story and the thing is, while this story occurs during the last few weeks of December, it’s actually not about Christmas at all. So while it was a cute story, all I could think was “Just get to the Christmas part already!!” So in that sense, my expectations for this novel were disappointed in a way they wouldn’t have been had the book not been called Home for Christmas.

While I didn’t particularly warm to the two main characters, Beth and Matt, I did love the story and details surrounding the old theatre. The place itself had more character than either of the two main characters and I could picture it so vividly in my mind that I really wanted to physically go to this place and just stand there and look at it. It was honestly the best part of the novel, and had the emphasis solely been on the story surrounding the cinema I would have really loved this novel.

Best Line of the Novel: “If someone’s told you I’ve got a grandson, they’re pulling your leg, darling. I haven’t been near a fanny since I popped out of my mothers in 1932.”

Worst Line of the Novel : ”Do something wild,” he urged as he leaned across the table and shot me what I think was supposed to be a saucy look. “Cause a scene, upturn the table, throw a glass of wine at me. Go on, Tiger. Get me hot, turn me on, make me do a little mess in my pants.”
Profile Image for Jacki (Julia Flyte).
1,332 reviews193 followers
December 20, 2012
First of all, despite the title and cover, this isn't really a Christmas novel at all. It feels like the publishing company thought that would be a good idea so they shoehorned in a couple of references to Christmas approaching and gave it a title that has nothing whatsoever to do with the book.

This is an easy enough read which I got through in a few hours, but it doesn't amount to much. Two pretty silly characters who each have their own hang ups dance around one another with the reader supposedly wondering will they-won't they get together at the end. Beth has been working at an old cinema in Brighton for six years. She loves movies and her dream job would be to one day run the place. Matt works for Apollo Cinemas, a massive chain which is looking at acquiring the cinema where Beth works. Beth has boyfriend issues and wonders why no one has ever told her they love her while Matt has recently broken up with a complete nutter who wants him back. Oh and he has a loveable Granddad to give him occasional pieces of hokey wisdom. It's all very predictable and I just couldn't bring myself to care about any of the characters. The business related parts felt completely unrealistic and the amusing parts just didn't do it for me.

I will freely admit that I don't read a lot of chicklit and I probably am not the target audience for a book like this, but I do like chicklit when it's written with a bit of genuine heart and humour. To me, this wasn't.

If you want a heartwarming, genuinely Christmassy chicklit read, I recommend All I Want for Christmas. Or if you just want a similar story that works, I recommend The Opposite of Love.
Profile Image for Tatyana Naumova.
1,413 reviews156 followers
December 14, 2015
В общем, что я вынесла из этой книги:
-носить штаны на два размера меньше без трусов;
-ползать под столом;
-напиваться и устраивать дебоши;
-передерживать автозагар;
-сбегать посреди секса.

И тогда ты встретишь мужчину своей мечты!
Profile Image for Carolina Torres.
219 reviews
July 13, 2022
Em Casa Para o Natal // Cally Taylor // 350 Páginas // 2,0⭐⁣


Beth Prince tem seu emprego dos sonhos em um cinema independente e namora com o maravilhoso Aiden, muito sonhadora Beth está em busca de seu final feliz.⁣

O problema é que nenhum homem jamais declarou seu amor por ela, e ela está disposta a ir em busca do seu "Eu te amo" e desesperada por ouvir essas três palavras, Beth acaba por se arrepender.⁣


Eu espero de que não tenha assustado ninguém com a nota em que dei a esse livro mas vamos lá. ⁣

No inicio de dezembro eu quis muito entrar em clima de natal então resolvi procurar por livros nesse tema, e quando dei de cara com esse fiquei empolgada, iniciei a leitura sabendo da sinopse, mas ao começar a ler já começou o desastre pois pesonagens chatos e nada cativantes, alguns tóxicos demais ao ponto de me deixar irritada e querer abandonar o livro logo de inicio, mas como vocês sabem raramente abandono um livro.⁣

Fui empurando com a barriga para ver quando iamos chegar na parte do natal e não criem expectativas por causa da capa e do título já que só temos uma passagem no dia de natal.⁣

Era um livro que eu achei que iria ler e resenhar para indicar antes do dia 24 mas no final eu só fui terminar ele agora nessa última semana do ano, fazendo minha última resenha ser negativa mas não tenho como escrever algo positivo de um livro que muitos falaram se engraçado e romântico quando eu não fui cativada pelos personagens e só senti raiva a maior parte tanto por causa da namorada super tóxica de um dos personagens e da protagonista que não sabia se impor nas situações.⁣

Então comigo o livro não fluiu e tive até que pular alguns dialogos de tão chato que tudo foi, único ponto positivo foi que eu gostei da forma da escrita da autora, de resto foi um clichê que não funcionou - e olha que eu adoro cliches, e até o presente momento estou tentando achar aonde está o natal e a tal da comédia romântica que vi que muitos falaram que tinham nesse livro.⁣

Leia por sua conta e risco, Salem 🧙🏻‍♀️⁣
Profile Image for Saima Z.
56 reviews
July 28, 2020
Beth loves fairy tales and dreams of being on the receiving end of the three little words ‘I love you’ which have never been said to her. Unfortunately yet again it wasn’t meant to be and she finds herself dumped at the beginning of the book. Just when she feels her life cannot get any worse, Matt walks into the independent cinema in which Beth works. Matt works for a massive chain of cinemas - Apollo cinemas - and is there for the purchasing of the Picturebox as well as being tasked with recruiting a manager for the place. Beth has lost her man and will now be fighting for a job.

‘Home for Christmas‘ was a little frustrating to read as although it was predictable from the beginning, the two characters kept skirting around each other! When Matt’s psycho ex girlfriend toys with him we see him as a dim witted fool. But then again the same can be said for Beth who is naive. Fortunately for Beth, her caring side appealed towards me leaving me with a fondness towards her.

I enjoyed the fact that the story is told with alternating chapters between the two characters. This, I thought was a little unusual and a good decision made by Taylor as a male’s perspective is not usually represented in chick-lits.

I really don’t get the title of the book which is quite misleading as there is no Christmas feel to the book/storyline.

Although this book brings nothing new to the table it was a fun read which shamefully I did enjoy.
Profile Image for Claire.
990 reviews177 followers
December 11, 2022
Beth is unlucky in love. She’s got a shitty ex boyfriend who dumps her at Halloween and she’s never been told she’s loved 😢 and she resorts to talking to a cardboard cutout of the luscious George Clooney (but you would wouldn’t you?)

Matt has a psycho ex who will not take no for an answer. To make his life even more difficult, he’s got to acquire the traditional cinema Beth loves for a multiplex company; will this move break Beth’s heart all over?

Home For Christmas tells both sides of the the story, alternating chapters between Beth and Matt. I loved both of these characters, they came alive on the page as I delved deeper into their lives. Their misunderstandings and embarrassing moments I can imagine happening in real life!

In usual Taylor fashion, I was kept guessing throughout. But not in the dark and twisted ways she does with her psych-thrillers. More of a will they, won’t they kind of fashion, what will happen to the PictureBox? What will Beth do next? What will Alice do next? I can see why this book was adapted for our viewing pleasure and I must watch it!

If you want a festive read with a bit of romance, a smidgeon of tension and plenty to make you smile, you can’t go wrong with Home For Christmas.
Profile Image for Gabriela Suzano.
27 reviews
January 9, 2024
Peguei esse livro no Natal, pensando que teria uma atmosfera natalina envolvente, algo que me faria sentir mais conectada com o espírito natalino. No entanto, estava na metade do livro e não tinha nada relacionado ao Natal, apenas o frio e o inverno.
Os personagens são extremamente incompreensíveis, talvez para parecerem mais humanos, mas ambos os protagonistas revelam-se bobos e impulsivos. Para mim, o livro está no nível mediano, um clichê com situações constrangedoras de romance. Ao contrário do que a capa sugere, a trama não tem nada a ver com o Natal; em vez disso, a autora escreve sobre vários filmes e cenas que aconteceram neles, só para conseguir conectar algo ao tema cinema.
Definitivamente, não é o típico casal fofo e perfeito. Encontrava- me frequentemente sentindo vergonha alheia devido às situações pelas quais a personagem principal e seu par romântico passam juntos. Isso foi surpreendente para mim, já que é algo realmente diferente do que normalmente se encontra em livros de romance.
O final foi até bonnitinho, mas terminou tão abruptamente que nem fez sentido, queria saber o que aconteceu, se realmente teve um final feliz, resumindo final meio aberto.
698 reviews11 followers
February 8, 2024
This is one of those books that you think you will know what is going to happen before you even read it. But this one will give you quite the surprise.
Firstly and very unusually it had me laughing out loud. That is rare in a book.
Secondly I really cared about our two leading characters.
Seeing Matt care for his grandad and his distress over his death was so touching. Also Beth and the nasty piece of work that is Carl, I so wanted him to get his comeuppance. I could have cheerfully punched him.
I didn't like Beth's mum, far too overpowering and damaging to her own daughter.
I liked Beth's friend Lizzie and all the scrapes they got into as well.
I was so invested in this story that I thought about it when I wasn't reading it. This book has surprised me in the nicest of ways.
Profile Image for Allison Hurst.
181 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2021
This story is nothing to do with Christmas whatsoever, except the odd mention of Christmas Eve. Nothing Christmassy about it. So I was very disappointed on that score. I like some of the story, but to be honest it came across as though the main characters were teenagers, when I fact they were adults. It had a very young immature feel to it. And really it’s all about Beth & Aiden, Matt & Alice and then Matt & Beth. Mainly in and around the picture house. A couple of hilarious lines in it, a really sad part and that’s it really. It wasn’t bad enough to be a dnf, but not far off. Not really a gripping or heartwarming story. I don’t think I will go out of my way to read anymore by this author
Profile Image for Sarah Lee.
588 reviews5 followers
December 27, 2017
Another Christmas read, this time Home for Christmas by Cally Taylor. It was a nice book but not much at all about Christmas. I think authors and publishers have cottoned on that people (like me) buy books which they think are going to have a Christmas story / theme to them. This did not. It was an ok read but the characters were slightly annoying, I kept wanting the 2 main characters to sort themselves out! Ok but not fantastic.
Profile Image for Tillandsia Primastuti.
8 reviews17 followers
June 2, 2020
cerita ini menurut ku simple dan ringan untuk dibaca jadi dalam satu kali duduk baca udah bisa dapet ratusan halaman, ada beberapa bagian yang buat aku ngakak juga :D terutama waktu Matt di restoran sama Beth di panggung wkwkkk, secara keseluruhan kurasa cerita ini bagus tapi memang di akhir kayak agak kurang aja kurasa, kayak terlalu mendadak. maaf aku enggak bener-bener bisa review buku jadi ya gini hehheee :)
Profile Image for Nic.
68 reviews
December 6, 2020
Os pontos positivos: é rapido de ler, ajuda na ressaca literária, existem personagens secundários importantes e a vida da protagonista não gira ao redor do cara na narrativa
Os pontos negativos: achei os personagens muito caricatos; todas as mulheres que tinham uma personalidade pra você se incomodar eram por problema de relacionamentos amorosos; e teve umas coisas que apareciam e sumiam do nada. E o título e a capa vendem uma história de natal que mal cita o natal.
Profile Image for George (Fueltheblog).
193 reviews9 followers
November 29, 2020
I am a huge fan of Cally’s writing so once I discovered she has previously written chic lits; I just had to give it a read and after I was gifted this book on Instagram; I knew it was my next pick!

I read most of this book in one day in bed, and it was lush. I just wanted to read more from both Beth and Matt. Enjoyable read mixed in with another one of my loves, movies!
Profile Image for Angie Fehl.
1,178 reviews10 followers
May 10, 2019
Cute... doesn't necessarily bring anything earth-shattering or new to the genre, but a fun read. To be honest though, this storyline is basically The Shop Around The Corner (aka You've Got Mail), only set around movie theaters instead of bookstores.
Profile Image for Lisa Atkins.
72 reviews
January 1, 2020
Laughed and cried

Finished Heaven Can Wait earlier this morning and just finished Home For Christmas. The joy of New Year’s Day is having the time to read non-stop.
Another really good book from Cally. Great characters and Inlike the fact that it was told through two voices.
Profile Image for Monique.
151 reviews8 followers
December 19, 2021
Achei que fosse um livro natalino... Mal falam de natal hahahaha não consegui me apegar as personagens. E achei que a autora pesou demais na mão com relação aos dois antagonistas. Era pra ser um livro bobinho pra distrair a mente, virou um livro chatinho onde várias passagens me irritaram.
Profile Image for Jemima Peacock.
182 reviews2 followers
December 7, 2022
A thoroughly enjoyable easy to read wintery love story with all the trimmings you would expect. Perfect for cuddling up with at the end of a day of festive preparations. One of my favourite Christmas reads
21 reviews
December 11, 2022
Que leiturinha boa!
A escrita é fluida, simpatizei com os principais desde o começo.
Um romance levinho e fofo, parece filme da Sessão da Tarde recheado de clichês (que confesso que amo).
Super indico pra quem está de ressaca literária!
Profile Image for Michaela.
1,202 reviews8 followers
December 16, 2022
I love Callys writing as a thriller writer and this didn’t disappoint.

Loved the easy style and how I just wanted to keep reading on.

The characters were lovable and it wasn’t just a Christmas romance there were other topics. Loved it.
Profile Image for Karen Ayeska.
179 reviews
December 15, 2017
a parte o título que quase não faz sentido com a história em si, é um chick lit com todo clima das festas de fim de ano em Brighton, uma protagonista bem clichezona e tudo que eu adoro!
12 reviews2 followers
July 29, 2018
Fab and love the fact that most places are real places in brighton
Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews

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