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Shy, introverted Lucy Dennings lives a quiet little life in New York City, working for a nonprofit and keeping to herself. Every afternoon, she goes home to her empty apartment and Edgar, her houseplant, and every night, she loses herself in the pages of her beloved romance novels. Her lonely heart seeks solace in tales of passionate, enduring, all-consuming love, but more and more, Lucy feels she's not just reading for pleasure but searching for a lost piece of herself in the pages. As if she once touched something beautiful but it's been ripped away.

Until one day Lucy discovers a dead body in the alley behind her apartment. Even if it's too late, her first instinct is to help.

Her second is to run.

Because the dead body isn't so very dead, and suddenly, her little world isn't so little but one in which dreams feel like memories, "inner demons" actually lurk in dark alleys, and a beautiful creature of darkness with amber eyes and wings like night might hold the key to what her heart has been aching for...if she doesn't fall down the path of eternal damnation first.

From USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Emma Scott, comes an emotional paranormal love story of passion, sacrifice, and the soul-deep love of a lifetime...more than one.

279 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 15, 2021

About the author

Emma Scott

36 books8,209 followers
Emma Scott is a USA Today and Wall St. Journal bestselling author whose books have been translated in seven languages and featured in Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, New York Daily News and USA Today’s Happy Ever After. Her first MM romance, Someday, Someday won the Utopia Con Award for LGBTQ Book of the Year. Emma writes emotional, character-driven romances in which art and love intertwine to heal, and in which love always wins. If you enjoy emotionally-charged stories that rip your heart out and put it back together again, with diverse characters and heroes who treat their heroines like gold, you will enjoy her novels.

RECENT RELEASES all available now and FREE with KU

The Muse an MM romance

Between Hello & Goodbye

The Sinner, a paranormal angels and demons romance

The Lost Boys, a three-book series of interconnected standalones

The Girl in the Love Song
When You Come Back to Me
The Last Piece of His Heart

Someday, Someday M/M romance (Winner! LGBTQ Book of the Year, Utopia Con)

A Five-Minute Life


The Muse 2022

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 716 reviews
Profile Image for Phuong ✯.
671 reviews8,094 followers
August 24, 2021
– 3.75 stars

A love story that transcends time...

If you have followed my reviews for a while then you'll now that Emma Scott is one of my fav authors and I adore most of her books. The Sinner was no exception to that. Another beautiful story about love that never ends, grief, forgiveness and redemption.
"Grief is not love. Grief is penance for living after love has died."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* The tropes *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

★ paranormal (demons/angels)
★ forbidden
★ sunshine / grumpy
★ fake dating
★ second chance with a twist
★ mutual pining

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Lucy Dennings (h) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Shy. Introverted. Sweet.

Lucy is living a very quiet and boring life. She is struggling with the death of her father and other areas of her life and the only comfort she has are her romance books. Until one day she finds a dead body behind her apartment.. or maybe he's not so dead after all. 😈

Usually, Lucy is not a heroine I find myself drawning to, cause she's so sweet, can come across as naive and has quite some demons and I'm struggling enough in real life and don't need other people struggling that much when reading too okay 😤🤚 but Lucy was such a relable character. First of all she loves reading romance books how can I not like her? She's going to be my new bestie 💫

And when she said this about romance novels –
"But the intensity of that kind of love, the kind of love where you feel lost without the other person. Where your strenghts bolster each other's weaknesses. Where you grow and are made better by loving them and being loved...Yes, I want that. And now that I'm saying it out loud, I realize I'm drawn to love stories because there's something in them that I recognize or connect to, despite never having been in love myself."

GIRL i-💀 you didn't had to call me out like that ... feeling lowkey offended, because it's hitting too close to home. BYe 💀

Lucy works at a nonprofit organization, but is not very outspoken about her ideas to save the world, because she has quite some demons that are constantly talking down to her and trying to tear her apart. I liked that Emma used these fantasy elements (demons) and made them graspable, because every person has these inner demons/voices that are not there and trying bring you down.
My nerves didn't magically turn to steel with that declaration, but bravery, I'd read, wasn't doing something because you were unafraid. It was being afraid and doing it anyway.

I enjoyed reading about Lucy's character development and how much she learned about herself throughout this whole novel and got more confident.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Casziel Abisare (H) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Angry. Sarcastic. Lonely.

I liked Lucy, but what made the book for me was Casziel. There is just something about the way Emma writes the Heroes that make me soft 🥺 they could all be tough looking guys with the biggest resting bitch face and I just know that deep down they are the teddy bears with the biggest hearts. But not only has Casziel that, he also has quite a .... wingspan. 😌 💅
My words failed as a large black raven flew into the room through the open window. The one Casziel insisted on leaving open. The bird hovered in midair, then expanded and somehow unfolded itself. In the next instant, Casziel was standing in my living area dressed all in black. Black jeans, black boots, and black jacket over a faded Metallica T-shirt.

Casziel has my heart. He comes across as a pissed off demon who hates everything, but the truth is that he is sad and lonely. He's crashing into Lucy's life asking her to help him with redemption for his past sins. But nothing is like it seems.
Casziel looked grim. "If love is the answer, Lucy Dennings, then we're lost already."
"Because there is no love left in me."

What surprised me is that even tho for the most part I still consider Caziel a teddy bear and put him under my "soft-boi" shelf for a reason, he is still rough around the edges and for a Emma Scott Hero, I would almost consider him an anti-hero after he said this 👀
"Watch yourself, Ambri," I hiss. "Control your wagging tongue or I'll cut it out of your human mouth and leave your bedmates sorely disappointed."

Cas i- i didn't know you had it in you, but I was wrong. 😏🖤

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Romance *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

What I love most is when there is unrequired love from the Hero's side and The Sinner had that. Casziel told Lucy that he is on this side, because he is in need of her help to redeem himself, but with each chapter more of their story is unfolding. Lucy and Cas' story is tragically beautiful. A love that shouldn't be, but is inevitable.
"Never apologize for who you are." He brushed the hair from my face. "In your kindness lies my salvation."
I could've drowned in the longing in his eyes. I felt drawn into their timeless depths, falling through centuries, sunrises rising and nights falling.

Casziel pining for Lucy was a shot to my heart every time. It hurts so good. He pines for her and she pines for him too, but he doesn't know it. Lucy at the beginning of the book is actually crushing on her co-worker Guy. As part of Casziel's redemption plan it is to help Lucy find happiness so Cas and Lucy are starting to fake-date to get Gus interest. The angst of it... it was delicious. 🥰
"I can't make Guy fall in love with you," Cas agreed, gritting out each word. Then his voice softened, turned gruff. "But if we guide him to you, I don't see how he could help it."

Lucy and Casziel together in the present were beautiful, I wished that we would have seen a little more about their past and how they fell in love with each other. I love the concept of being soulmates in every life and would have love to see more of why Casziel fell in love with Lucy at the beginning.
"I'll love you forever. I have loved you forever, through every centure, with every lifetime that's passed and every lifetime to come. There is only you. There will only be you. My love. My life."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Conclusion *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I don't read that many paranormal romances, so for me it was a very unique story and I loved the setting of it. Loved the main characters and side characters and can't wait to read Ambri's story when it comes out. If y'all like the tropes mentioned above, The Sinner is definitely worth a try. 💫

*ARC provided by the author for an honest review
Profile Image for Emma Scott.
Author 36 books8,209 followers
August 15, 2021
The Sinner is now live!! And FREE to KU subscribers:

"Sometimes the loneliness is so much, the silence so loud…I read until my head aches and I think until it feels like drilling into myself. Like an excavation. As if I’m mining for memories I don’t have, certain that there is more to me than this. There has to be. But I can’t find it. Whatever it is, it’s always out of reach, and so my heart aches and echoes. I drop a stone into the well of my heart and I keep listening for it to hit something real. But it never does."

Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,060 followers
December 16, 2022
2.5 Stars

In accordance with the title, I hereby declare the list of *SINS* this book has committed:

(1) It has an atrocious cover

This is pretty self-explanatory.

(2) It features a rather stereotyped heroine,

Lucy is shy and introverted. She is also a bookworm who dresses boringly modestly and doesn’t know anything about make-up. She’s always reticent about sharing her bright ideas to her co-workers because she can’t stomach the attention. To top it all off, she has a crush on one of the guys she works with and has been silent about it for two years.

(3) It presents a hero with questionable or wavering ‘demon’ status,

Cas is a demon. But he’s not one because he was inherently evil or had committed unforgivable sins in his past life. Rather, it’s because he was RECRUITED to become one. At least, that’s from my understanding of his past history. You see . . .

Once upon a time, Cas was a warrior who fought fiercely for his homeland. Alas, he was defeated by his enemy and was forced to watched his parents, sister, and wife killed in front of him before he was also eventually put to death. Having died while carrying all these pain, grief, rage, and guilt, he was approached by a demon general (so to speak) who provided him access on how to deal with all those ‘negative’ emotions . . .

“The helpless rage and grief came with me as I Crossed Over,” Casziel continued. “And Ashtaroth, drawn by that pain, was waiting for me on the Other Side.”


“Ashtaroth welcomed me into a realm in which the rage and horror of my fate could be channeled. I stoked it in humans until it became something outside of me. I didn’t have to suffer it; I reveled in it. My grief was no longer weakness but power.”

There, there! Demon Cas is born. Admittedly, he should’ve gone to ✦afterlife therapy✦ instead of acting out his repressed feelings on humans and accepting position as Ashtaroth’s minion. Still, WHERE WAS THE SIN THAT LED TO HIS MONIKER, THE SINNER??? He’s fulfilling his duty as a demon, but he’s the least demonic of all. He’s pretty much just a lonely, bitter demon with a soft heart.

I know this is not a BAD thing. Afterall, we love those kinds of heroes, don’t we?? Yes, yes. Except for the fact that I wished there’d been more grey-ness to his character. I mean, dude, at least TRY to live up a little to your reputation! Like, be more wicked, cunning, or ruthless why don’t you. 👿

(4) It stars characters with contradictory personalities and actions,

This book is full of contradictions:

(4.1.) It’s called The Sinner but everything about it is all sweet and sappy. A little grit and darkness wouldn’t hurt, please and thank you.

(4.2.) Cas is a demon who claims he has no love left in him. Yet the whole concept of this book proves that he does. Christ, if you can believe, he’s never even touched another woman in the FOUR millenium he’s lived as a demon.

(4.3.) Lucy is introduced as this mousy heroine. Yet upon meeting Cas, she quickly grows some spine, for example:

(4.3.1.) she has no problem hosting a stranger/demon in her house;
(4.3.2.) she bravely raises her hand and speaks in front of a room full of audience;
(4.3.3.) she accepts dinner invitation, lunch invitation, and basically becomes more sociable with her co-workers;
(4.3.4.) she lets someone dress her in a shapely outfit and do her make up.

(5) It starts off with a ridiculous and far-fetched beginning,

If you were to come home and found an unconscious demon lying on your front drive, what would you do?

a. scream and flee the scene,
b. call the authority,
c. be shocked as hell, then hit your head on a nearby poll hard enough to put you to sleep whereupon you suddenly dreamed or struck with a déjà vu about dark princes and long lost love,
d. promptly help said demon and invite him to your house,

REMEMBER, you’re shy and introverted, but you’re also kind and have a heart of gold. So, it must be a combination of c & d. 🤡

(6) It delivers a plotline that’s all over the place,

Let’s see, what do we have here:

Cas and his 11 day mission to redemption that he asks Lucy to help him with, but is actually just a ruse to make sure Lucy is safe and happy before he can go to Oblivion.
Cas and his “agreement” or whatever his business is with his demon boss Ashtaroth.
Lucy and her flashbacks.
➝ Us finding out that they’re as a matter of fact starcrossed lovers and have been ✦S O U L M A T E S✦ over the centuries. Wow, shocker! And how romantic! 🤠
Them fake dating in an effort to make Lucy more desirable so that her crush finally notices her.
➝ Don’t get me started on the Deeb & Keeb duo acting as Cas’ and Lucy’s personal demons.

(7) It serves no romance,

We love mutual pining. But mutual pining is not a romance. Other than the pre-established fact that Cas and Lucy are soulmates and both of them spend too much time in their own heads yearning for each other, we don’t get to see them re-connecting in the present. So, it’s like you’re told this grand love story, but you’re not exactly reading a romance (??) I think the romance suffered because it was bogged down by the fake relationship (which IMO was completely unnecessary) and all the paranormal aspects.

(8) It spits too many pop culture references,

Sheesh, I get it. You’re cultured, you’re hip, and you’re cool. No need to shower me with all these borrowed allegories and allusions. To name a few:

➝ the single red rose (Beauty and the Beast),
“Not half as beautiful as you. In body and soul,” from Pride and Prejudice,
➝ their tragic love story in the past which kinda looks Romeo & Juliet inspired,
➝ the fact that Cas is from another realm and their love transcends time (Outlander),
➝ then there are references to Twilight and Schitt’s Creek,
➝ also mentions of the novel The Bronze Horseman and other books.


It’s possible that I might’ve been EXAGGERATING and TOO NIT-PICKY.

This book is not even 300 pages long. So, I understand that character development might come too fast, romance might be unsatisfying, and some things might be contrived, not explained well, or just thrown in for the sake of having the story completed.

Part of the reason for my jab against the heroine could be because she may or may not have reminded me too much of myself. 🙈 I have an aversion to reading about characters who are a mirror of myself. I know this says a lot more about me and how I feel about myself than the character, but I can’t help it. Yes, I need therapy. 🙃

Lucy’s initial reaction upon finding Cas’ body might be unrealistic, but it somewhat makes sense considering the kinds of books she’s consumed. Besides, this is an urban fantasy paranormal romance story to begin with—a bit of suspension of disbelief is warranted. Furthermore, I have to admit that her feelings on books, love stories, and reading in general were relatable to me.

Continuing on with the positives, I liked this idea the book displayed that we all had our own set of demons whispering voices in our heads to make us doubt ourselves or hold on to our insecurities and push us to do things we shouldn’t. Another thing, the world building is done quite well. There’s a glossary of terms you can use as a guidance.

To conclude, The Sinner didn’t work for me because the characters weren’t compelling; I didn’t believe in their romance; and the plot was convoluted as heck which could’ve been avoided if the author had just PICKED A STRUGGLE AND STUCK WITH IT. In truth, I’ve read enough Emma Scott’s books to know she’s not the author for me. She’s a master at crafting beautiful, unique, and affecting love stories, but her books have never affected me the same way they did her readers. I went into this with a lot of apprehensions, but I tried anyway because I love angel/demon romances. In any case, if you’re a fan of this author, I think you’d adore this book. Even if you don’t, you’d still enjoy it more than I did I’m sure. :)
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,858 reviews1,488 followers
August 13, 2021
As I sit here and wipe the tears out of my eyes at 2am I can readily admit that Emma Scott destroyed me. The Sinner was absolutely breathtaking. A love story that transcends everything and spans lifetimes. This story was truly brilliant, raw, poignant and just so touching. Casziel and Lucy were beyond incredible and I know their story will stay with me forever.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I opened The Sinner. Sure, I knew it was Emma Scott so it would pack an emotional punch but I honestly could not have expected the visceral emotions this story would evoke in me. My heart bled for Cas. I LEGIT felt my heart slowly dying for him. His tormented and wounded soul leaped from the pages. I openly wept and swooned and was obsessed with every word of this story. Lucy and Cas were nothing short of extraordinary.

Read this story if you want to experience true love in all its glory. I am left deeply moved and will not hesitate to pick up another Emma Scott story in the future. This story was truly remarkable and one of a kind. 5 stars! ~Ratula
Profile Image for Christy.
4,233 reviews35.1k followers
August 11, 2021
4.5 stars


I’m not the biggest paranormal romance reader, but I dabble in it from time to time and when I heard Emma Scott was writing one, I knew I had to read it. I’m so glad I did! I love Emma’s words and Cas and Lucy’s love story was timeless and enchanting!

Casziel Abisare comes from the ‘other side’ and lands into Lucy Dennings life. Lucy did not see this coming. She lives a quiet life. She works, reads, and that’s about it. Cas comes in like a wrecking ball and changes everything for her.

I want to say so much about this, but I don’t want to spoil anything either so I’ll leave Cas and Lucy’s story vague. This is a fated romance of soulmates. If you love reading about that kind of forever love that’s completely epic pick up The Sinner. Emm Scott’s writing is exceptional and her story telling never disappoints!
“My beloved. I will love you until the end of time.”

Profile Image for EmBibliophile.
618 reviews1,911 followers
August 21, 2021
I don’t read many paranormal romances. My only interactions with paranormal have been K-dramas, they just do it so well!! However, I really liked this one. Firstly, I really find the idea of finding your soulmate in every life time so fascinating. Fated love stories are just so good and heartbreaking.

A current running back and forth between us. Faint messages over a telephone line. I couldn’t make them out, but I had the feeling I got when I closed a romance novel—wanting something I didn’t have.
Or no longer had.

I liked Lucy, she was so relatable in her own introverted bookworm afraid to speak her own thoughts way. And all her talk about romance books? Yeah I can relate. I liked Cas and how he have pined after her a lifetime after another lifetime. He was such a total softie for a demon.

I loved all the talk about romance books and reading and loving romance. How grief was portrayed. Also, I really liked how the author made the heroine’s thoughts to be actual demons whispering to her, like she gave those voices a shape. And I liked watching her grow and literally slay her demons. Their story was really beautiful. I just kinda wished for more of their romance, in this lifetime and the past one.
Profile Image for Lolina ⋆ .
984 reviews49 followers
August 17, 2021
Emma Friggen Scott, you've done it again (and please, what's up with you always making me cry, huh?).

I honestly don't know what to say right now, because this book honestly consumed me. I no joke waited up all night for this to come out, and just absolutely devoured it all in one sitting. I'm so mad that it's over, because this amazing, book took me on such a sweet adventure. This story was just what I needed at the moment, and was filled with so many of my favorite tropes- ugh I'm actually in love.


I'm honestly not surprised at this point, because ES is just one of my all-time favorite authors- her writing style just works so well for me. I truly felt all the emotions when reading the book, and ended up falling absolutely in love with these characters.

The characters in the story were just *chef's kiss*- I claim Casziel as one of the new book bfs, because this man was honestly something else 😶.

This book just simultaneously made me feel so single, yet so hopeful at the same time. Like I honestly saw myself in Lucy, it was kind of scary- she had no right being that relatable (but what can I say, I just love myself another romance lover).

Everything about the book was just so relatable and genuinely really interesting. I feel like the paranormal aspect of the book just worked really nicely, as the story just felt quite nostalgic and really engaging- for me, ES truly pulled it off- And can I just say that I'm now waiting for a beautiful winged man (with a great ass might I add), to show up. A girl can dream ��💅.

I truly don't know what else to say. Everything just worked amazingly for me- the writing, the characters, the emotions- I'm actually in love. ES truly did not disappoint with yet another consuming story, (still not doing ok after Full Tilt btw).

I'll leave at that, because I'm just repeating myself at this point. There are no complaints from me, I'm just in such a great mood right now- I genuinely loved the book and can't wait to see what's next from ES.

And can we please talk about that epilogue???? 😭😭😭

--- (before I read the book:)---

You honestly don't understand how excited I am to read this book- girl you had me at the title.
Profile Image for Malene.
1,275 reviews723 followers
August 6, 2021
The Sinner was unlike anything I’ve read . It’s paranormal but set in the real world today. To intertwine those two settings can be a difficult task without it in my opinion making it feel too over the top or not relatable. Emma Scott executed that to perfection. The first scene with Lucy and bam I was with her in New York. From that point on it was full speed ahead for me. I couldn’t put The Sinner down. Completely and utterly mesmerized.

The topics this story centers around was something I could easily relate to. What we humans go through in life and what we experience. The emotional impact of the story is unparalleled. Lucy and Cas’ story made me question and take a pause. A breather. It was truly an intense experience and it overwhelmed me at times because I didn’t expect it from a story that has paranormal elements in it. Here it worked and made the story stronger and elevated it. It made the overall message that more impactful and also why it hit me as hard as it did. That’s a testament to the author and her skills as a storyteller.

Emma Scott has created the ultimate second chance romance. It’s a love story. An unconventional one but it packs one hell of a punch.
It’s a personal story. It’s felt and experienced clearly. A thank you is not nearly enough so hopefully my words here will make do.

5 My Beloved Stars

*I received an ARC*
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
August 12, 2021
I should stop inflicting myself on her, but I can’t. She is my weakness. The sweetest vice.”

This was one of the most beautiful, touching, and all encompassing paranormal romances I've read in a long while. I'm ashamed to admit it was my first Emma Scott book. I know! I know! Stop glaring at me. I clearly see what I've been missing out on.

PNR was my first love. It was the genre that got me hooked on romance. So to say that I'm picky when it comes to it is putting it mildly. For that reason, I'm usually weary of contemporary authors trying their hand at paranormal. Because more often than not, world building turns into a data dump. But this was the furthest thing from the truth with this story. It was like a movie rolling behind my eyelids as I was reading it.

I loved this world of demons and angels. And the set up of this story was absolutely delicious. You have a beautiful introvert, who is still dealing with the grief of losing her beloved father. When she finds a naked man with wings outside her apartment, she thinks she may be dreaming, but is actually something closer to her nightmares. Lucy is impossible not to love. She's shy, sweet, and would give the shirt off her back to a stranger. She lives vicariously through her romance novels while wishing her handsome coworker would notice her. But she's a wallflower that doesn't mind fading in the background.

Caz was....gah. EVERYTHING. The ultimate tortured hero...or anti hero. Whatever. The man was a demon, and not just a demon, but the ultimate demon. His secrets are dark and they run deep, and the more that gets revealed about him, the more desperate I was to learn more. I loved the way they just fit. Like light to dark, ying to yang, they were like two puzzle pieces that just fit. And the more you learn, the more epic it becomes. This was the ultimate story of soulmates and love everlasting. It was beautiful, emotional, and completely unforgettable.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Saswati.
489 reviews339 followers
Shelved as 'i-give-up'
September 2, 2021

I usually love Emma Scott's writing, but for some reason this one just... didn't work for me 🥺
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
721 reviews1,153 followers
September 5, 2023
I LOVED this BOOK!!!! When I saw this beautiful dark cover I knew I had to read it! I love demons ! This is one of best I've ever read. When Casziel watches his family and then his wife murdered in front of his eyes before he is killed he wants vengeance and makes a deal with Ashtaroth a demon prince. And for years he leads legions from hell and has more blood on his hands then most and is feared by many in hell. But in over 4,000 years of carnage he has watched silently from a far his wife be reincarnated time and time again and each time she is all alone. He might not be able to be with her but he wants to to put her soul to rest.And if that means helping her to find love with someone else its the least he can do for his beloved. Lucy Is shy and not very social and while she carries a crush for he co-worker Guy her insecurities keep her alone living life through her romance books but when she comes home one day to find a beautiful naked man with black wings hurt in her alley way she has no idea that its just the start of memories about another time and place and that the dreams she's been having are of a long ago life and a lovers oath to love forever. This was truly a beautiful story of true love and of redemption. I loved how Casziel was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that Lucy finally was happy even if it meant watching her with guy and ending his life as the ultimate sacrifice. This is a slow burn with not much happening til half way thru but it doesn't hurt the story one bit! Awesome writers don't need to have pages of sex to be awesome! But fear not! When things do get started its very steamy and hot! Great storytelling and awesome characters are what make this book! I would be remiss if I didn't mention casziel's lieutenant Ambri I loved this bad boy!!! He's not only cheeky and sexy with a lot of swagger but he like casziel isn't completely unredeemable either. Until next time Luv's 💕💋

Here's a few quotes that speak to what I feel when I read a romance. I know many like me feel this way as well 😘

“But the intensity of that kind of love, the kind of love where you feel lost without the other person. Where your strengths bolster each other’s weaknesses. Where you grow and are made better by loving them and being loved… Yes, I want that. And now that I’m saying it out loud, I realize I’m drawn to love stories because there’s something in them that I recognize or connect to, despite never having been in love myself.”

“My point is, in those books, you feel all the emotions and you fall in love along with the characters. And yes, you hope that kind of soul-deep romance happens to you too. That’s part of the fantasy—that anything’s possible. But until then, what’s wrong with living in someone else’s happiness for a little while?”
Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,112 reviews606 followers
August 22, 2021
2,5 🤔😔⭐️s

I love paranormal romance reads and I was anticipating so much for this story, adding the factor it was written by Emma Scott! 🤩

But it felt not up to par… 😔

I was thrilled with the premise but any excitement I might have had, got lost in the unsuccessful execution…

Briefly, the romance was lacking, the fake relationship trope was not useful, their eternal love through all those centuries was not established and I didn’t care for all those pages with Guy or if his house was haunted!! 🙄
I wanted to see Cas claiming his soulmate and not care for her after-happiness with someone else.
Where were the deep feelings, the mortal battles, the strong and captivating characters???

I am very sorry to say it was very poorly delivered…

Profile Image for L.J. Evans.
Author 29 books1,259 followers
August 12, 2021
Stunning, hypnotizing, and emotional. I could feel the heartbeats of Lucy and Caz on every single page of this gorgeously written novel. The feelings poured from the page. The story is unique and timeless all at the same time. Ms. Scott's take on the story's underlying concepts and themes was beautifully done. Redemption. Love. Lifetimes of it. I can't recommend this book enough.
Profile Image for Suanne Laqueur.
Author 24 books1,544 followers
August 16, 2021
It's been a while since I read a book.

I don’t know what the pandemic did to the reading part of my brain, but for the past year and a half, I’ve only listened to audiobooks, and the majority were non-fiction. Any fiction listens were works I’d read before. Old faves. So I literally haven’t sat down and read a novel with my eyes in a long, long time.

Go figure I break the streak with a one-sitting wonder.

Speaking of a long time, I can’t remember when it was, but Emma Scott once made a Facebook post that said, “I just want to write something extraordinary.”

Jesus Christ, no shit, I thought, feeling that creative call/lament to action in my bones. I want that too. I want I want I want. Write something extraordinary. Not necessarily different, not necessarily a far-out-there premise, but a story that took you out of the ordinary, evoking authentic emotions that took you to the next level of yourself.

I also know that Emma has a post-it on her computer that reads “compare you to YOU.” Even within the confines of keeping the standards of your work within the parameters of your work, there’s always the yearning, the yen, the pull to outwrite yourself and go beyond.

With Sinner, Emma wrote something extraordinary. In premise, research, writing, characters and emotion. It’s Emma, but an incarnation we haven’t seen before. She’s stepped far from the path of herself, yet it feels like the most authentic thing I’ve read by her. I loved its historical depth (research crush!!) and I loved its intentions (Like, I didn’t need the epilogue, but I knew exactly why it was there).

It’s impossible to set aside the prism of knowing what you know, which makes a simple line like “I thought I was ready, I’m not ready” into a heart piercing. A line like “Let go, baby” into a searing brand. And “It wasn’t your fault…I saw everything and you couldn’t have saved me” into the forgiveness you’ve waited a lifetime for.

When you pick up Sinner, be prepared for some extraordinary, honest-to-ancient-Sumerian-Gods next-level stuff, but also be prepared for it to feel wonderfully familiar. Like an old legend from a new storyteller. Listen for the thought, “I haven’t been here in a long time… But I remember this.”

(By the way, if this one doesn’t get optioned for film rights, I’ll be a wandering dybbuk)
Profile Image for VikingGoddess.
32 reviews6 followers
August 15, 2021
I never saw this book coming from Emma. It hit me like a truck. It made me a complete, beautiful mess inside. I didn't see it coming but it was everything I wanted and needed.

This is first and foremost a story about love. Eternal love. How it transcends time and space and solidifies its all-encompassing power. That love never disappears. It's the only thing we leave behind. Our greatest legacy. Our greatest gift.

Reading this book made me hurt. It touched on so many fears I have lodged inside my heart. To lose my loved ones. The fear of the unknown. But it also touched on my hopes. That no one ever really leaves. That maybe the unknown is just a new chance. Another life. More life. More love.

Lucy and Cas literally took my breath away with their epic love and my life is richer for it.

It's clear to see how Emma has poured her heart and soul into this book so beautifully. In turn, she has captured mine, once again leaving me with nothing but gratitude and awe for the poetry this woman creates with her words. With her heart. With her love. With her life.
Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,374 reviews1,342 followers
August 16, 2021
"ɪ ʜᴀᴅ ɴᴏ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴘᴇᴀᴋ."

The Sinner is an action-packed paranormal romance that spans centuries of history. Lucy Dennings is living a quiet normal life, just trying to make her way in the world. Although she has had numerous flings and attractions, she has never found "the one." When Casziel Abisare lands in Lucy's life, everything she thought she understood about her life and her world changes. Cas is from another time, and although he knows the truth about Lucy, he will do anything to protect her from any pain and torment. Cas and Lucy come together like an explosion that cannot stop!

"...ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴍᴇ ꜰɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜɪᴍ."
Told in dual POV, The Sinner is a delightful read full of passion and tender romance. The historical aspects really enhanced the read because both characters were authentic and destined to be together! As the forces of good and evil battle to the death, Cas and Lucy hold on to each other with everything they have.
"ɪ ᴠᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴏɴᴏʀ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴅᴀʏ, ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ, ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ʟɪꜰᴇ."
Overall, The Sinner will appeal to paranormal romance fans who enjoy an epic love story with lyrical text and complex storytelling. This was my first Emma Scott read, and I look forward to reading more from this author!

❌ 🖤 This was an (F)BR with War, CC, and Loyda! ❌ 🖤


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Profile Image for Dawn Nicole Costiera.
686 reviews26 followers
August 15, 2021
4.5 Stars!!!!
Emma Scott created a magnificent and unique plot within The Sinner! I really loved it and I'm not an avid paranormal/fantasy reader. I am so proud of Emma for taking a chance and writing outside her genre. It was genius. The Sinner is an epic tale about unparalleled love, anguishing grief and soul searching redemption.
You can tell this one is very personal to Emma.....
It is not just a PNR demon story, there are so many beautiful messages throughout this book. Such as, slaying your inner demons, living in the light and the power of LOVE. There was such a magnitude of love pouring out of the book. I felt it in my core. With every page I turned, I found more inspiring words to highlight and digest.

Lucy Denning lives an ordinary, safe life. Her world revolves around work, home and her romance books. She goes through life one day at a time, until she stumbles upon something otherworldly....
A demon sent to our world in search of redemption from the one person who can give it to him.
From the moment, I met Casziel I was mesmerized.
Dark versus light. Good versus evil.
He is an enigma.
Lucy’s empathetic and curious nature had her taking a leap of faith. Would helping a demon be a blessing or her demise? The connection and longing between Lucy and Cas was tangible. I was immediately drawn to them and felt it all. They were perfect together.
Lucy brought Cas into her light and he made her shine even brighter.
The chain of events that ensued were riddled with angst and heartbreak. Emma slowly unraveled their story. Giving us one morsel at at time. She had me hanging on every word. Trying to piece it all together. Without giving anything away, all I can tell you is don't judge this book by its cover or genre, because it is so much more!
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,309 followers
December 22, 2022

Lucy + Casziel

Lucy has been pretty sad and lonely since her dad died months ago. She works at a nonprofit Ocean rescue place and only has one friend - who's working in London. She dreams of falling for prince charming like the girls in her beloved romance novels.
Then she meets Casziel.
Well, it wasn't the meet cute she was hoping for. And he's probably kinda the opposite of a prince charming. But he needs her help.


What will happen with Lucy + Casziel
Will there be a Happily Ever 'After'?



Huh. Well. I loved it. But!
I'm usually not a paranormal romance reader at all. Every few years I might be caught reading a Black Dagger Vampire book, but that's about it.
But this was an Emma Scott book, so I just had to read it.
I almost gave up before the story even started! LOL! We get this glossary right at the start with a million expressions and names and whatnot paranormal things. But it wasn't too bad - you didn't really have to memorize them all. 🤣
But the story itself - while still too weird and paranormal for my usual tastes... it was still very adorable and sweet and heartbreaking and funny.
You keep hoping for a happily ever after all through the story, even though it doesn't look too good for our darlings.
I really liked reading it.
So if you're like me - scared of demons and sh*t - don't be! Read it. If you just 10% like Tom Ellis as Lucifer - READ THIS!

And we even get a second book with this 'buddy' of Casziel's ... I'm really hoping I already know who he'll fall for! GIMME!

THE SINNER was a beautiful and heartbreaking paranormal love story! Real love never dies - even if it takes millenia ... Please run to your nearest amazon for your own Cas, because this one is MINE!

💜 💜

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Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,471 reviews432 followers
August 20, 2021
3,5. It’s a simple story inside the paranormal universe.
I expected more…
Profile Image for Joanne Ragona.
571 reviews25 followers
August 4, 2021
⭐️ 🖤⭐️🖤⭐️🖤⭐️🖤⭐️

Emma Scott has created a world of demons and angels and love that transcends thousands of years and lifetimes. And I’m here to tell you that it is nothing short of magnificent. She has poured her heart and soul into this book and it is evident on every page. This may not be a typical ES book, but the story is uniquely her…her words, her messages, her beautiful writing conveying a story of grief, soulmates, second chances, and the power of love.

I was consumed, enamored, and fascinated with this world she created. The research and history is so well done and palpable on the pages. As is the love so fierce between Casziel and Lucy. And the grief. Heart shattering, all consuming grief. The fear of it and the result of it.

“Grief is not love. Grief is penance for living after love has died.”

Lucy Dennings is a lonely, introverted girl living life in her small New York City apartment, finding solace in her romance books. Casziel is a self loathing demon who approaches Lucy under the guise of needing her help, telling her “in your kindness lies my salvation”. But this is not the truth and Lucy knows he is hiding something for she can feel a deep connection to Cas. She also knows her dreams and visions are spinning a different story that Cas is adamant to deny.

“You’re a liar and you’re cruel—” “I am both.”

I know Ms. Scott is worried about her readers embracing a story that is a different genre for her. But she has absolutely nothing to worry about. This book, this story is what Emma Scott is all about: Goodness in people, being seen, forgiveness, empathy, kindness, hope, survival, and always, always love. This book conveys it all. This book is not only a work of art, but a work of heart. I am in awe and completely in love with The Sinner. It stole my heart and my breath, in the very best possible way. 🖤

“They move and breathe and touch as one. One soul in two bodies.”
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,223 reviews822 followers
August 7, 2021
Oh my gosh! This wasn’t only different, this was EXCEPTIONAL!!!

I absolutely loved Lucy. She was all that was sweet and kind and yet her inner demons fed her the harshest of lies. Lies that many of us hear ourselves. I immediately connected with her and her struggle to find total contentment and love in her life.

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Casziel intrigued me from the very beginning. I knew what he was, but there was always something lurking underneath the surface. While his point of view is not shared as frequently as Lucy’s there was enough to continue pulling me further into the mystery that surrounds him as well as this story. And holy alpha demon! I loved his protectiveness as well as his jealousy even when he knew better.

This was one of the most amazing stories I’ve read. Unique doesn’t even begin to describe it. There were so many layers that I felt drenched in emotion as this author slowly revealed it all to me. And the heartache!!! Gah! There was a steady thrum of angst that pulsed beneath the surface throughout much of this story, never hitting full maturity until...bam! Welcome to the world of E.Scott.

This was intriguing, heart breaking and then everything delicious. Exactly what I look for. I made the mistake of starting this late at night and before I knew it I was crying over not only the epilogues, but this author’s acknowledgments. What a great way to spend the night!

Dual POV - predominantly heroine’s
Message me or comment here if you need ow/om drama or trigger info
Profile Image for Radd Reader.
954 reviews548 followers
September 7, 2021
“I have loved you forever, through every century, with every lifetime that’s passed and every lifetime to come. There is only you. There will only ever be you. My love. My life.”

“Finally, I know who I am. Why I’ve been feeling like I’ve been missing something.” I swallowed hard. “It was you. I’ve been missing you.”

Lucy was having a really crappy day and it ended by her stumbling upon a dead body near her apartment. However, upon closer examination she realizes the body has an unusual look to it, especially the wings attached to his back. 😬😳
~ “Two huge wings, covered in long, glossy black feathers, sprouted from between the man’s perfect shoulder blades. Each was easily as long as his body—their tips likely brushed his ankles when he walked. By my calculations, that would give him a wingspan of more than twelve feet.”

When the winged man reaches out and asks for help, Lucy manages to stumble backward and hit her head. An hour later when she finally comes to, the man has morphed into a more “normal” looking person but Lucy knows her life will never be the same.
~ “What’s happening?”
“I need your help. In eleven days, it’s all over. For better or for worse. Improbable as it seems, I’m aiming for better.”

~ “The key to my redemption lies in helping you.”

** The following are my thoughts about this book: **

* * it had a good beginning. I was sucked in immediately.

* * Casziel is a demon of wrath but he didn’t become one because of what he did in his human life, but rather because of the way he died and how his pain transcended beyond death. Therefore I had a hard time really viewing Cas as a demon. Instead he seemed like a tortured soul lost in a black hole.

* * the fake relationship felt out of place for the type of story this was.

* * it was predictable, which was a bit disappointing

* * I can’t really explain this, but it wasn’t exactly boring (others might disagree with that statement), but it wasn’t action packed or incredibly angsty either and yet I couldn’t put the book down.

* * it wasn’t very steamy and it was more of a “telling” story rather than a “feeling” story. It’s a little odd for me because I’m normally drowning in my feels when it comes to this author. Still, the soulmates spanning centuries aspect was very strong and clear and I was fully engaged and enjoying my time with Lucy and Cas.

* * Demon stories always make my skin crawl just a bit and the author wrote them in a way that gave me chills here and there.

- Content Warning: from the author: death of a family member, graphic violence, and mention of miscarriage (off the page)
- Setting: New York
- POV: mostly Lucy but you get a little bit from Casziel’s POV
- Tropes: paranormal, demons, age gap (😉🤣)

- Who is the Anti-Hero? Casziel (age: almost 4,000). He’s a demon of Wrath.
~ ”I had a life, once. A long time ago. I was a commander of armies. Now, my armies do not wield swords; we incite battle among humans. We fuel the rage in men’s hearts. The wrath.”
* The following words/phrases were used to describe Hero: a jaded, sarcastic tint colored his every word, an otherworldly magnetism, tired
* H likable? Yes. My heart hurt for what he endured at the end of his life.

- Who is the Heroine? Lucy Dennings (age: 23). Has a degree in Bioengineering from NYU and works at a non profit. Her father passed away six months ago from cancer
* The following words/phrases were used to describe Heroine: incredibly lonely, her name means ‘born of light’, shy, introvert, bends over backwards to help others, kind
* h likable? Yes. She was a bit weak and insecure, but she showed a strong backbone by the end.

- First time they kiss: 60%
- First time they sleep together: 75%
- HEA? Yes
- Epilogue? Epilogue 1: one year later. Epilogue 2: Two years later. Epilogue 3: 151 years later (I wasn’t a fan of this epilogue. I get the point that was being made, but it wasn’t needed IMO)
- Recommend? Yes.

“I love poetry and romance.” I smiled self-consciously. “I’m a sucker for beautiful words.”
Casziel sniffed. “Those beautiful words are your substitute for the real thing.”

“So how does someone get rid of their demons?” Casziel glanced down at me, his gaze suddenly intense. His tone commanding. “Stop listening to them, Lucy. Starve them with inattention.”

“Being seen… someone acknowledging that you exist matters. It matters a lot.”

I caught him looking at me sometimes the way a condemned man looks at the world on his last day of freedom.

“Grateful?” he asked, disbelieving.
“Yes. Grateful that I had the privilege of knowing him. That this pain I’m feeling is strong because I loved him. I wouldn’t trade it if it meant not having him.

“Lovers might be lost but love never will be.”

“Sometimes the loneliness is so much, and the silence is so loud, I read romance novels until my head aches, and I think until it feels like I’m drilling into myself. Like excavation. As if I’m mining for memories I don’t have, certain that there is more to me than this. There has to be. But I can’t find it. Whatever it is, it’s always out of reach. I drop a stone into the well of my heart and I keep listening for it to hit something real. But it never does.”
Profile Image for Shabby  -BookBistroBlog.
1,679 reviews881 followers
August 8, 2021
The Sinner isn't an ordinary love story, its a pious belief in the power of love. With her trademark passion and emotion Emma manages to make us believe in the Fantastical love that spans years, centuries, ages.

“I would wait for you until the sun goes black and the stars fall, beloved.”


The strong bonds of hope that tie Casziel Abisare to Lucy Denning, Lucy Pure Of Light are forged in steel, tested by Gods & Demons alike. They've been burning in purgatory for eternity, yet the flame of their ardor never dims, casziel never forgets his Lil'il. He hovers over her, protecting her from all demons, even himself at times. Such is the intensity of his devotion.


"I’m Forgotten, until she dies and Crosses Over. Then the memories rush back in, and she calls my name. But I’m not among the heavenly host; I’m in hell. Then she Forgets and begins a new lifetime with the same nameless hunger."


I don't want to tell you the story. Even though I'm not a fantasy reader, the central crux remains love and that's what I grasped in all its sentimental glory with both hands.
I was intrigued, then enamored by Cas.

“I am the Nightbringer. King of the South. Slayer of men and archduke of hell.”


I wanted to be the object of his piety. I was jealous of Lucy, her pure, light filled aura that attracted demonic flies and beetles, was protected by Hum-Free-Bo-gart and his warrior.
My heart tore in two when they were torn apart, my eyes crying tears at their agony.
The story is a filled to the brim with romantic tenderness and emotional avoirdupois, making it impossible to move on even after you've closed the book.
With its claws deep in your soul, it won't let go.
Valiant and compelling,It's one HELL of a story for sure!!
4.5 stars for The Guardian Angel, a Demon
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Profile Image for Lucía.
179 reviews244 followers
August 16, 2021
2.5 stars.
I never thought the day of giving Emma Scott less than 4 stars will ever come but here we are 😭

It’s a me problem with this book, the plot nor the characters spoke to me and even the fake dating trope, which I tend to love in other books, felt unnecessary in a way(?)
I just wanted to see their magical relationship develop and them together against the world, since it’s pretty clear what’s happening from the beginning with those flashbacks, and not Lucy trying to make a guy jealous 😞

Nonetheless, she knew the way to my heart with those 3 epilogues, the highlight of the book for me.
452 reviews15 followers
August 8, 2021
This book...where should I even begin?!! This has been one of my most anticipated reads of this year. And it was worth all the wait and anticipation. When Emma announced that she is writing a paranormal/fantasy romance i knew i had to read this book and i m awestruck by the beauty of Emma's writing and her ability to write such beautiful and impactful stories!!! She has successfully stunned and obliterated me.

"I’m a moth, battering itself against a lamp, trying to get to her light."

Emma have created a tantalizing world of demons and angels and an eternal love that transcends centuries and lifetime, a love so consuming and powerful and just plain raw. The effect this book has on me is ineffable. I was totally captivated and ensnared with this ethereal tale of love, grief, second chances, redemption and forgiveness!

“Grief is not love. Grief is penance for living after love has died.”

This book killed me with all the angst and pain and longing. It hurts so much! I felt so exposed and seen while reading it. The soul shattering, agonizing, tear jerking grief, how it can consume you and the final peace and acceptance. It touched me deep within my heart!
Lucy, a shy, lonely and kind girl who enjoys the company of her romance books and Cas *holy shit* epitome of male masculinity, dark, broody anti hero but you can't just help but fall in love with them both! They stole my breath away and their deep rooted love and riveting connection left my heart bursting with so many emotions!

“In your kindness lies my salvation.”

The Sinner is kind of story that sucked you in a whirlwind of emotions, with loads of angst and yearning and a love, so intense and deep. The storyline, the characters captured my heart and doesn't let go till the end. A fascinating story line with puzzle pieces, sacrifice, love, tragedy and soul mates that bewitched all my senses! It's not just a book but an experience, a journey!

Once again Emma has proven that she can write and excel any genre. She has poured her heart and soul into this book and it is transparent in every word. I am in completely, irrevocably and utterly in love with this story!

"May my eternal sleep sever the chains that bind you to my damnation. You are free."
August 4, 2021
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by the Emma Scott experience.
I know I’m not alone.
One minute, I’m minding my business, immersed in a world unlike any other, and the next, I’m crying real, actual tears because something on the page has ripped them out of me.
Y’all. This book is an EXPERIENCE.
Eternal love bleeds through these pages, showing us exactly how it affects the here and now, but also the past and future.
How a little thing like being on Earth couldn’t change the course of love.
I refuse to get too into this.
But I think this should just go ahead and fall onto your must read list, and suspend your sense of reality while you immerse yourself in this one.
Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews848 followers
August 13, 2021

Such a beautiful and poignant story because LOVE does transcends time and is an all and powerful emotion. I’m not even sure I can properly review this book except to say that I felt it deep in my bones. The paranormal aspect of the story worked because it was written from love and loss. It had a personal touch that the author experienced and from that loss she was able to create this truly emotional imaginative story.

Demons, Angels, Reincarnation, Grief, Second Chances, Soulmates and Love…….these are all manifested within this story to make you think, wonder the possibilities, maybe scoff at those ideas but without a doubt it makes you feel for Lucy and Casziel and believe. It’s up to you as a reader as to the possibilities within the book but one thing for sure is that Lucy and Cas are soulmates and have an everlasting bond.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that this story had not 1, not 2 but 3 epilogues that completely sealed this truly beautiful and unforgettable love story in my eyes.

*advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for chaity.
174 reviews431 followers
October 16, 2022
direct Twilight reference in a pnr published in 2021.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 716 reviews

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