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The Austens #2

A Thousand Letters

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Sometimes your life is split by a single decision.

I’ve spent every day of the last seven years regretting mine: he left, and I didn’t follow. A thousand letters went unanswered, my words like petals in the wind, spinning away into nothing, taking me with them.

But now he’s back.

I barely recognize the man he’s become, but I can still see a glimmer of the boy who asked me to be his forever, the boy I walked away from when I was young and afraid.

Maybe if he’d come home under better circumstances, he could speak to me without anger in his voice. Maybe if I’d said yes all those years ago, he’d look at me without the weight of rejection in his eyes. Maybe if things were different, we would have had a chance.

One regretted decision sent him away. One painful journey bought him back to me. I only wish I could keep him.

*A contemporary romance inspired by Jane Austen’s Persuasion*

349 pages

First published February 9, 2017

About the author

Staci Hart

55 books6,205 followers
I was the kid who stayed inside to read.

As a four-eyed nerd with a bad perm, I was no one’s dodgeball pick, but I had a lot of friends. Frodo and Bilbo, for instance. Kristy, Stacey, Claudia and the gang (iykyk). Once, in the third grade, I wrote a teen murder mystery inspired by Christopher Pike. On solving my mystery in twelve pages, I decided I was a terrible writer and should never, ever do that again.

Fortunately, I didn’t take my own advice.

I write romance for that feeling you get at the end, like you’re standing on top of a mountain with a backpack full of hundred dollar bills. I write romcoms because is there anything better than banter and grand gestures? I write because I love to create and I love words. I love books, and I love stretching my imagination. I love love, and if you do too, bring your coffee and have a seat. I think we’re gonna be friends.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,510 reviews
Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.8k followers
February 9, 2017
Staci Hart is one of those authors I want to read forever. I am literally obsessed with her writing, her characters, her stories. She is an author I only discovered a little over a year ago and I have already read several of her titles. I can't get enough. She writes books I want to read. A Thousand Letters was actually a new adventure for not only her as the author, but also us as her readers. Staci typically writes Romantic Comedy, and ATL is NOT that. Not even a little. SO BE WARNED. No RomCom here, folks. What we have is a story about loss and life, love and forgiveness, second chances and beautiful new beginnings. And while I love light and sassy reads, I also ADORE a story full of heavy emotion and second chances, and that is EXACTLY what Hart delivered.

A Thousand Letters was downright AMAZING. An addictive story that stole my breath. This has it all! All those deep feels and achy moments that left me dying. Once I started reading, I had an absolute raging desire to know what was going to happen. This book is heavy. It touches on some really heart-wrenching things, but it's also so beautiful in it's hopefulness.

A second chance romance where both these characters are broken and can't be healed until they come together. I JUST LOVED IT. The dynamic of it all, but especially the tight-knit group of family that they were. No matter what was going on, these people supported each other. Even amidst their own inner turmoil and pain, these characters stuck together. Sure, they weren't always perfect, and they did stupid things, reacted poorly here and there, but ultimately they were a team. And God! I loved them!

Elliot and Wade were childhood sweethearts, and ended up splitting up when they were still very young. Elliot was only seventeen when Wade left for the Army. Their break up broke them in so many ways. For years they both carried an immense amount of pain and regret for their choices. And the wounds that they left each other with festered. Unfortunately for Elliot and Wade, after years of being apart, they come back together under horrible circumstances. Wade's father is dying of cancer and Elliot (who is best friends with Wade's sister, Sophie) is there, a ghost from Wade's past, who haunts him everyday.

These two have so much baggage it is absolutely heart wrenching when they're together. The feelings of helplessness, anger, longing and need consume you. On top of Elliot and Wade's own history as a couple, they're also slugging through the devastating event of losing someone they love and admire.

This book is hard to read, but at the same time the pain is so worth it by the time you get to the end.

And also, I can't say enough good things about our female lead in ATL. Elliot is one of those girls who's soft and vulnerable, but also so unimaginably strong. I found it so refreshing to see a female lead be the pillar of strength for those around her. I ADORED watching her bloom, set boundaries, stand up for herself, and be an amazing person at the same time. Her growth in this story is amazing.

Overall, I really feel as though Staci Hart delivered an addictive, heartfelt, well written, second chance romance. It's heavy on feels. You can't help but fall for these characters. I absolutely DEVOURED A Thousand Letters and I know that once you start reading, you'll be as completely immersed in this world as I was. I highly recommend this to everyone looking for a "FEELS" type of book. This is one that'll take you on a hell of a ride.
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,601 followers
February 10, 2017
3-3.5 Stars!!

'A Thousand Letters' was my second book by this author and while I didn’t love it as much as the first, I liked it. If you are fan of second chance romance stories, then you don’t want to miss this one. Stacy Hart’s newest release was utterly emotional, equally heartbreaking and heartwarming, full of angst and it will keep you glued to the pages from beginning until the end. Stacy’s storytelling was fantastic, addictive; her poetic, lyrical prose being so wonderfully done. If you are looking for a beautifully written story that will make you feel and make you believe in second chances and forgiveness, then you must give this one a try.

“It felt like yesterday. It felt like another lifetime. It felt like I relived the moment every single day.”

Years ago, Elliot and Wade used to mean everything to each other. They were planning a future together, but their relationship changed when Elliot refused to abandon her family, marry and leave with Wade. The last time she saw him she was seventeen, but she never stopped loving him. For two years she wrote to him, at first begging for forgiveness, later on accusing, being angry and hurt. For two years she hoped Wade will answer her, but he never did.

“Her name in my mind was a curse I couldn't escape, a ghost that haunted me day after day, year after year since I'd seen her last so long ago.”

Seven years later, Wade comes home for the first time since he left, his family and the girl he never stopped thinking about. His father is dying and he can’t do anything about it. He’s devastated and all he wants is to enjoy some time with his father and his two younger sisters. What he doesn’t expect is to be so affected by Elliot’s presence. The past he’s been running from (Elliot) makes him feel so angry, betrayed and filled with regrets.

“She was all I'd ever wanted, and she was here, right here. All I had to do was reach out and touch her.”

Wade’s father, who has been like a father to Elliot for years, means the world to her. She’s devastated that he’s dying and she’s devastated by Wade’s cold behavior. She doesn’t know how to deal with everything, but to be around Rick, Wade’s father, she’s willing to endure anything.

Inspired by Jane Austen’s 'Persuasion', 'A Thousand Letters' was an emotional, heartfelt story that really touched my heart. The author’s vivid storytelling made me be invested in these characters’ story from the very beginning.

While I can’t say I loved either of the two main characters, I have to admit they were pretty well-developed. Elliot, to be honest, wasn’t my kind of heroine at all. She was weak, too submissive for my liking and for a good part of the story, a doormat. I like my heroines to be strong and independent, but sadly Elliot wasn't like that at all. Her explanation for being so weak for such a long time was simply ridiculous, in my opinion. However, she had multiple qualities I liked. She was sweet and caring towards her nephews, her best friend and Rick. I really loved her kindness and gentleness. Wade was a flawed hero I sympathized with in some way. He was annoying and infuriating for a good part of the story, so I had a hard time liking him and connect with him.

“When he reached for me, when he pulled me into his side, I melted into him. His arms wrapped around me, and I closed my eyes, sure now that it was a dream, a beautiful dream. I was whole again in his arms.”

These two characters’ relationship was complicated, to say the least, and full of angst and drama. I loved them together at some point in the story, but the miscommunication between them got on my nerves at times. Also, the romantic aspect here was not as developed as I wished it to be. I needed a few more scenes with them as a couple, in the present, but also in the past.

One of my favorite characters was Rick, Wade’s father. He was pure and simply wonderful. Sweet, caring, and kind, Rick plays an important role in Elliot and Wade’s road to happiness. I loved his wisdom, his love for his children and his love for Elliot.

All in all, 'A Thousand Letters' was a great, heartfelt, second chance romance. While I didn’t fully love this one, I’m sure many readers will love and will be very moved by these characters’ story.

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
February 13, 2017
5+ stars!

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A Thousand Letters is easily the best book I’ve read so far in 2017 and I��m certain it will make my top favorites list of the year. It was the perfect book for me. High on emotion, gave me all the feels and was a gorgeous second chance romance. I’m going to be honest, when I started reading this book I was a little shocked. I’ve only read two other Staci Hart books, but they were much lighter than this one. Don’t get me wrong- I loved the other two books I’ve read, but this one… it packed a punch.

Wade and Elliot were high school sweethearts. They were that couple that could never be separated and torn apart. Until they were. This breakup changed each of them. Neither one has been whole since it happened. Wade went his own way to the Army, and Elliot went to college. They’ve been apart for many years, but one tragic event brings them back together.

Wade’s father is terminally ill. Elliot is Wade’s sister’s best friend and essentially a part of the family. They have no choice but to spend time with one another. Watching the two of them together- it’s beautiful, but also painful. You can feel the heartbreak that is there and the love that's still lingering.

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"I thought I could forget you. I even convinced myself I had, for a time. But it was impossible. You left a mark on my soul I couldn't erase.”

This couple… they really touched my heart. They never, not for one second stopped loving each other. There may have been circumstances that kept them apart physically, but it was one of those things where once you find that one true love, you’ll never be able to love anyone else. Now, this wasn’t a lovey dovey romance. It was an emotional one with lots of feelings (not all of them happy) and it deals with sensitive subjects. I guess what I’m trying to say is if you’re looking for a hearts and flowers romance, this isn’t it. But it is a stunningly epic love story between two souls that are meant to be.

I love second chance romances when they are done right, and this, in my opinion, was done perfectly. I felt so much, I loved so hard and didn’t want to stop reading. A Thousand Letters is an unforgettable story of love, loss, forgiveness and second chances. It’s one you won’t want to miss!
"Life is short, so short, so precious, every minute, every day. Don't let the people you love, the people who make you happy, the people who bring you joy —don't let them go. Hang on to them, even when it hurts. When it seems impossible. Hold on to the things that breathe life into you. Listen to your soul and honor what it tells you. Live. Fight for what you love.”

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March 11, 2017
**2 STARS**

For my real review... https://prettymessreading.wordpress.c...

This had to be one of the most irritating books ever.If you are looking for a book that teaches you how to be a doormat, then look no further.

It was just painful. Not painful in a good way, like one of those books that touch your soul. No, this was painful because the plot was stupid. The main characters – also stupid. I should have known considering how bad Tonic was. I only sat myself up for failure. This author has a bad habit of writing about asshole men and stupid women

At least 85% of the book in inner dialogue from Elliot and Wade. I have to tell you, listening to them have their inner debate on whether or not to say hi to each other was exhausting. I considered throwing my Kindle across the room, but there was no reason to trash a perfectly good Kindle. It was the worst. If I had to listen to Elliot justify why she was a pushover one more time! It was pitiful.

The girl let everyone talk down to her saying that’s it was ok because it was just their personality. That’s like saying, Donald Trump acts like a 3 year old child, it just his personality so his behavior is okay. Girl, bye. I wanted to take her to Backbone’s R Us and Rent-a-Life to help her out.

I also want to share a personal pet peeve of mine – When females authors obviously don’t consult men when writing from a male’s point of view. I promise you, the conversations between Wade and his friend made me cringe. They were having female conversations. It was so unrealistic.
“…I needed someone to blame, and I chose her. I wanted to blame her for everything: Dad, my life, us. What is wrong with me? Why do I destroy the things I love?”

“Because you don’t know how to give or receive love anymore. You’ve been this way as long as I’ve known you.”

“I don’t want to feel like this anymore.”

“Then you’ve got to change.”

“I don’t know how.”

“I do.”

I don’t know men who have conversations like this.

So, not only did the story line suck, the author didn’t even to bother to research of how men really act. Here’s what men would really say…
“Man, I fucked up.”

“I know you did.”

“What should I do?”

“Buy her something. Do you want to go get a beer?”



My version is way more realistic.

Wade’s inner dialogue was like listening to a woman cry. “I love her. I hate her. I can’t be around her. I want to be around her. I’m going to her. I’m running away.” OMG! It was ridiculous. Imagine 250 pages of a 280 page book with pure whining. There wasn’t any real situations in this book, just two grown ass people acting like 8 year olds who are fighting over a ball at recess.

This book gets no recommendation from me. In fact, I urge book lovers not to waste their time and find a good book to read. At least the cover is cute.

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Profile Image for Sophie.
590 reviews477 followers
February 7, 2017
To infinity & beyond. That's where A Thousand Letters took me. It built me up, broke me down, crushed my heart and soul then breathed the warmest of love right back into those broken pieces.

“The words I had weren't enough. They'd never been enough. They'd never be enough.”

A Thousand Letters has literally stole all of my words, my breath, my heart. Everything. Like the quote, words are not enough. They never will be, because there are no words to fully tell you what this book means. What it represents. What it delivers. What STACI delivers.

“Down to their deepest source, / Admiring you shall find / Their roots are intertwined”

I cannot begin to tell you how raw and intense and downright beautiful the connection between Wade and Elliot is and how perfect they truly are, as individuals and together. I have had goosebumps the majority of the time I spent reading. My heart has gone from pounding, quick beats to slow, steady thuds. My breath came in either quick bursts or long, shuddering blasts of pain and anguish. I have cried, so many tears, tears of intense sadness, tears of beauty, tears of joy. My emotions are strung out, pulled and stretched to the thinnest degree.

“Inch by inch,
Second by second,
Pulling yourself from the wreckage,
Leaving it behind you
To survive.”

I was wrecked. Wrecked by the power of words. Formed so simply, so seamlessly, because that what we have here. A flawless, stunning mixture of words and sentences that captivate and consume and make you FEEL! The layout of this novel couldn't have been more perfect. The deliverance couldn't have been any more perfect. All of it, is perfection of the highest degree. And when it all felt too much, too intense, that perfection is what pulled me through, to reach the end.

“Love is a line
Spanning the distance
Between two hearts.”

Staci held all the power over me; my heart, my soul, my entire being, was in her hands. She had a direct line to my heart, and she used that line to deliver pain, heartache, anger, fear and sorrow. But she also delivered breathtaking beauty. Heartwarming reality and intense truths. Staci delivers second chances and love. Such a strong, undeniable love.

“To live
Is to feel
So you know
You are real.”

In reality, A Thousand Letters has it all. It's more than just a contemporary romance. It more than just a novel. It's everything and more. It covers life, reality. It showcases the hardness of war and the realness of how it affects loved ones left behind. It's a journey. A truth. It's also Staci. Stripped bare. A Thousand Letters is her most real novel yet. I see her, in the words. In the story. In the pain. In the love. I see it all. I felt it all.

“At the edge
Of no more
Is where we find
Our truth.”

MY truth? My truth is that A Thousand Letters now sits at the very edge of everything I am. It obliterates all Staci's previous works and settles itself as my favourite Staci Hart novel.

“The sun will rise;
Your lungs will breathe;
Your heart will love.”

In the end, love is all you can do. It's all you will feel. It's a joyous, beautiful love that lights you up from the inside out and sears your soul so deeply and so intensely. A star rating of any number isn't enough. Nothing is enough. This novel sits on its own, ahead of the rest. The best of the best.
Profile Image for Mikee (ReadWithMikee).
203 reviews1,346 followers
February 11, 2017
DNF @ 36%

Ugh, I hate DNFing books. This is actually my first DNF of the year and as much as I don't want to do it, I made it a New Year's resolution to DNF books I'm just not feeling and just stop wasting time my time on crappy books. Unfortunately, A Thousand Letters is one of those.

I've never read a book by Staci Hart or Persuasion by Jane Austen, but when I read the description of the book, I felt like this was a story that I've been waiting to discover and I didn't hesitate for a second at all to add this book to my TBR. Maybe I just expected too much considering the fact that it was inspired by a classic, but I'm really disappointed in this. I expected SO MUCH MORE. But from the very first page up until I DNFed, this book was just one huge pile of poop. Sorry for the lack of a better term but that's basically what I thought of this book lol.

I already knew I was not going to be a fan right off the bat in the beginning when we find out that Wade's father has terminal cancer. I'm sorry but I'm just sick and tired of authors, specifically romance authors, using terminal diseases as a plot device or to further a character's development. JUST. NO. Please just stop. Come up with something else. Please. I'm begging you. And if that doesn't already put you off, Wade's father's cancer takes over a huge chunk, if not the whole storyline.

36% in and yet NOTHING has happened. Nothing happy. Nothing funny. Nothing romantic. Just everybody wallowing in their grief over the father's terminal illness. I'm not trying to be cold hearted, but I just did not care. The author seemed like she was trying too hard to make her readers shed a few tears but it obviously did not work on me. I didn't care about Wade and Elliot. I didn't care that Wade's father was dying. I just did not care about anything or anyone. Reading this book felt like me sitting in a room all by myself contemplating about all the bad things that happened in my life. It was depressing. It was pitiful. I tried to really push through but it was difficult consider how the book was slow, boring, and depressing. A combination meant to be a recipe for disaster.

On top of that, Elliot was just weak to the point of my annoyance. I'm sure the original family from Persuasion was also a pain in the ass but I just couldn't stand Elliot's family. They take advantage of her, treat her like shit, and makes decisions for her. AND SHE LET'S THEM. GIRL. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I couldn't stop wishing to knock some major sense into that pushover mentality of hers. GROW THE HECK UP. I couldn't decide if I wanted to push Elliot off a cliff or her family members because they were all equally horrid in their own way. -___-

Okay. I'm just going to stop ranting now. Writing this review is just irritating me all over again because of how crappy this book turned out to be. I freakin subscribed to Kindle Unlimited to read this book. That's how excited I was for this. And I tried. I really did but this was just a huge pile of... I'm not even gonna go there again. If this is how the original story of Persuasion goes then I don't even want to bother picking that up because A Thousand Letters just put me off in the worse way possible.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,023 reviews2,447 followers
March 26, 2017
4 stars!

“I told her now or never, and that mistake would haunt me until the day I died.”

Persuasion by Jane Austen is one of my all-time favorite books. EVER. So when I heard Staci Hart wrote a modern day version of that, I was intrigued. But what really made me read this book? Hart’s Facebook memes. I’m not even kidding, she posts the most hilarious stuff on social media, so I had to see how this woman with a sense of humor could write an emotionally intense novel.

Seven years ago Elliot chose her family over her boyfriend and love of her life, Wade. Their breakup has stayed with her over the years, and she’s never been able to get over him. Now, a family tragedy has brought Wade home from his deployment and the two see each other for the first time since the breakup. Emotions resurface, good ones as well as the bad. But the two need to pull it together in order to be supportive for their family.

“He was back. He was home. And he didn’t want to see me, didn’t want me there.”

I think this book was brilliantly written, it’s not easy to take a classic story and make it your own but Staci Hart did it. I really enjoyed her take on the story, the small changes she made to make it fit into a modern setting. And with this book, we got the perspective of the guy, unlike the original novel. I found it refreshing and fulfilling to know what he was thinking along the way instead of being kept in the dark on his feelings.

I know I keep comparing the two, but since this IS based on Persuasion I’m gonna make some comparisons. In the original book, Anne was the one who made the mistake, rejecting Wentworth because of his lack of fortune and because her family expected it. In A Thousand Letters, both parties were somewhat guilty, the blame on both of them for their choices and actions. I really liked this aspect of the story, because I feel there are so many real life situations when you look back where we all could have done something differently, whether we were in the right or in the wrong.

For those who haven’t read Persuasion, this is a beautiful romance between two broken people who keep making the wrong choices. I found myself getting lost in the words, the story and the characters. I found myself wanting more from the side characters, a huge sign the characters were well developed. It’s a story that will stay with me a long time, and I cannot wait to read more by Staci Hart.

“I would never get over him. Not as long as I lived.”

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Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,414 reviews9,954 followers
February 7, 2017
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A thousand letters went unanswered, my words like petals in the wind, spinning away into nothing, taking me with them.

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A THOUSAND LETTERS: This is spoken in ‘Dual Perspectives’ Elliot (female - sorry had to clear that up never come across a female named that before) and Wade. Inspired by Jane Austen’s Persuasion..A second chance romance, it doesn't get any sweeter than that!!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic The first time I saw him, I was fifteen and he was sixteen, the boy with the dark shock of hair and broad shoulders, with eyes gray and cool as December and a smile as bright and warm as June.

Wade and Elliot were high school sweethearts when he finished school and enrolled in the army he thought Elliott would follow him and go wherever he to be deployed but sometimes life has a way of upsetting the applecart and she couldn't just up and leave everything behind, and that is one of her regrets.

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The last time they saw each other she was seventeen when he’d begged her to say yes. Begged her to go with him. Begged her to become his forever. He left the next day for the Army and that was the last time she’d seen him. Seven years ago.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic The last time I saw him, I was seventeen, and he stood before me with tears in his eyes as he begged me to say yes. Begged me to go with him. Begged me to be his forever. Begged me to change my mind. But I couldn't.

NOW Wade has just arrived off the plane to the devastating news that his father has cancer and only has a few weeks to live which he wants to spend his last days at home. Wade hasn’t been home for seven years and that is one of his biggest regrets amongst others.

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Elliot is best friends with Wades sister Sophie so it was her that told Elliot that Wade was coming home. Now and then Sophie and her father would mention Wade in passing but not every often.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic He was coming home. Seven years without a word. Seven years without seeing his face.

Dreading when she would clap eyes on the boy she’d loved after all these years since she was fifteen years old and he was just a year older.

She had painstakingly written to him everyday since then, everyday those letters remained unanswered. Doubt began to seep in that maybe he didn’t get her letters. She’d Begged his forgiveness, begged him to come back for her. One year later she gave up.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic The boy who I walked away from lived on in the wreckage of my heart, and I never stopped wishing things had been different.

Now they were in the same town, facing the same problems that split them apart. A journey of forgiveness..So much hurt and many years wasted, words left unsaid. Finally being in the same town hopefully the past can be put to rest.

When I started reading this it was nothing like I expected it to be, straight away pulled into a world of sadness as they prepare to spend time with a loved one that hasn't got many days left on earth, then add the fact that Wade and Elliot are barely talking or even looking at each other pulls more emotions out of you. Filled of angst written in such a poetic way has you devouring the pages.

With every end
Comes a beginning,
A new path forged
Through the pain
Of the end
Giving life
Giving breath
That once caught cannot be
- Elliott

* Teasers used are off the authors facebook page*

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Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
February 10, 2017
⭐⭐⭐ 3 Stars ⭐⭐⭐

A thousand letters was a story that made you feel and believe with all your might in second chances. It was emotional, heart felt, and it gave you the sense that if you truly love something and you let it go, fate will have it’s way of intervening and bring it back to you. But sometimes you have to wonder, at what cost?

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“I’ve never understood why the heart always reacts. A shot of adrenaline is all it takes, triggered by a thought. A word. A memory. And every time the reaction is singular, a fingerprint of a moment.

Elliot and Wade have loved each other since they were teenagers and no amount of time or distance has changed that. Making a decision that ultimately altered their lives at just Seventeen, Elliot has never gotten over her love for Wade. Now seven years later, Wade has returned home and the quiet brunette he’s always loved is now a beautiful lyrically shy spoken woman who's never forgotten about him.

What happens your past suddenly collides with your present?

“I love you. You love me. Everything else is details.

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Seven years ago, Wade's life changed the moment Elliot asked him to do one thing for her. It also didn’t help their situation that he was leaving for the Army and they wouldn’t be able to see each again for a long time. But with a love like theirs, no matter how hard you try, that love doesn’t go away. You can bury it, try to snuff it out, and put a substantial amount of distance between it, but NOTHING can make it go away.

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“I could heal him, but he would ruin me. I would make that sacrifice without question, simply because he needed me, and I loved him.

I won’t go too much into into the story because I truly feel that you have to experience this author’s words for the first time and bask in it’s lyrical goodness. Did I agree with everything in this story? Unfortunately I didn’t and I had some pretty strong feelings towards these characters that made me extremely stabby. I HATED the way certain people handled things and I wanted the heroine to have a stronger back bone. But that's just me. Aside from that, I think readers who love a second chance romance, will enjoy this one.

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Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,576 followers
January 23, 2018

"Sometimes things are too broken to put back together."


If you don't like to read reviews that are over the top with love for a particular book or author, then I kindly suggest that you look away right about now. Staci Hart, is an author that I've grown to love over the last eighteen months and I'm going to unapologetically talk about my love for her talent and my journey into falling in love with her latest release. 'A thousand letters' was like a heavy blanket that I wanted to wrap myself in. Weird analogy I know but this book was deliciously weighty with its melancholy, but wonderfully generous with its ability to draw me right in. I quietly fell in love with this novel, willingly allowing it to steal my time and affection.

What's it all about?
Staci Hart, has created a modern day, second chance at love story inspired by Jane Austen's 'Persuasion'. Be prepared for lost love, broken hearts and faint worthy angst that you'll have no choice but to fall hopelessly in love with. This best selling author has pulled out all the stops, 'A Thousand Letters' is not to be missed.


What did I adore?
This novel was more than a romance story, it mapped out the journey of a family and all their shortcomings and victories. A jumble of emotions all packed together in one book of family, friendship, heartache, grief and longing. It was a journey of hearts and life and love and all the gritty, soul searching bits in between.
This book wonderfully owned all of my book loving heart and when I had finally reached the last page I didn't want to let it go. This novel is complete poetry in motion, beautiful in its intent and wonderful till the end. Staci Hart has more than outdone herself she has provided a written journey for readers to willingly find themselves lost in.


Final thoughts ...
I can be honest here and say that wistful romance books don't normally make me feel the way that 'A thousand letters' has. I feel like I have been whisked away and swept off my feet and I loved all the heavy feelings that this book had to offer. Existing enthusiasts of Staci Harts work are going to be falling head over heels for this novel and those that have yet to pick up work by this author are equally going to be charmed. I, for one, feel lucky that I have read and fallen in love with this book. So, with that being said, here's to books that change us and the authors that put pen to paper so that we can willingly escape into worlds that are beautifully written. Enjoy ... kisses.

Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews908 followers
February 10, 2017

Review @ Vanilla & Spice Books

Home is not a place, Not a smell, Not a face, But a space In your heart. -M. White

If I had to rate this book by no other criteria than this author's writing style I would have given it 5 stars. Staci Hart has a lyrical voice and I fell in love with it at the get-go.

I existed in the space between our hands, between the beating of our hearts, between the breaths we slowly sipped, savoring the moment I'd imagined for so long.

Unfortunately this isn't how it works but before you jump to conclusions...see how I rated it 4 stars? Let me explain.

The story is inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion. You have the hero who went to war and the engagement that was broken off when he left. When he returns he is a broken man.

"What is wrong with me? Why do I destroy the things I love?" "Because you don't know how to give or receive love anymore. You've been this way as long as I've known you."

Wade comes home to the news that his father is terminally ill. Being the eldest sibling he takes charge and takes over handling everything that comes with getting your father's things in order. Spending time with his dad is his top priority - unfortunately that comes with a catch - his best friend's sister whose mentor his father, a Lit-professor, is. She is his first love...and his last.

Elliot was only seventeen when Wade left her because she didn't marry him on the spot and leave with him. For two years she wrote him, everyday. Not a single response came. She has never forgotten her first love, who hurt her so profoundly that she couldn't imagine being with another man. On top of dealing with the devastating news that the person, who is more a father than her own, is going to die soon, she has to endure Wade's cold behavior.

I am not going to talk about the main characters just yet. I need to address a character who almost shone brighter than everyone else in this story. Rick is Wade's, Sophie's and Sadie's dad and seldom have I loved a secondary character as much as I did Rick. He was an inspiration and a picture of tenderness, dignity, wisdom and kindness. The way he talked with his children and Elliot, his beautiful soul and quiet strength in the face of death...he was simply wonderful.

"You are loved and cared for, with or without me. So please, don't break or bend. Don't crumble and fall. Stand up tall and face the sun and remember me."

Elliot has a heart of gold, unfortunately she lets people use her and I couldn't get on board with her reasoning. She said that it wouldn't change anything if she spoke up, her sister (a despicable b*tch) and her father (that's where the sister has the bitchiness from...) wouldn't change. Her power was in the choice not to speak up.

And this is where I had my issues. There is some twisted logic... The author had the option to use Elliot living with her sister and not wanting to end on the street as a pretty good reason for not speaking up...instead she used this non-reasoning. I am sorry to say but Elliot was for two thirds of the book indeed the doormat she said she wouldn't be. I was happy when she finally put her foot down. Still, she was a very likable character and I loved her connection with Rick and Sophie.

Wade was broken and I did understand why he first thought he wouldn't be good for Elliot. Alas, there was too much push and pull going on. Both of their inability to communicate and to take a risk got a little bit too much at some point. They were going in circles. When he finally manned up I let out a huge sigh of relief and I have to say in the last 15% of the story he made it up to Elliot and back into my good graces.

Why had I done this to her? Why did I keep hurting her when all I wanted was to love her? Why was I so broken? Why couldn't I do the right thing? Why couldn't I be who she deserves? The whys had been on me the whole time

Now that I got all the reservations out of the way I want to tell you that despite it all this was an extremely enjoyable read and I gobbled the story up because I wanted to know how it would end. I wanted to see Wade grovel and, hell, he did.
The family's grief was devastating and touched me deeply - I grieved along with them. The angst throughout the story was almost too much to bear. It is also peppered with beautiful poems. And let's not forget Rick, who almost outshone the main characters...I have no words for how beautiful his personality was.

"Don't cry." He reached for my face, and I leaned forward for him to cup my cheek. "I can't help it. What will we do without you?" And to that, he only had one answer, and he gave it to me with strength his body no longer possessed, but his soul always would. "Live."

As mentioned in my intro, Staci Hart's writing is pure poetry and there is no doubt that she has talent in spades. Her style evokes deep emotions and I can't wait to read more of this author's works.

Profile Image for Megan✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
293 reviews487 followers
March 29, 2017
*****5 Stars*****

“I could heal him, but he could ruin me. I would make that sacrifice without question, simply because he needed me, and I loved him.”


Wow! I absolutely adored this story. I savoured every beautifully written word. “A Thousand Letters” ticked all the boxes for me and this amazing story epitomises why I love romance books so much. Each and every prose was artfully crafted to produce something outstanding that touched my heart and I’m sure this story is not one I will forget anytime soon. This is a beautiful second chance romance story that will move you beyond recognition and make you question the true value of life; never taking for granted the most amazing gift of both giving and receiving love.

Elliot and Wade were high school sweethearts and even though they were young, their love for each other was powerful and intense. They had a plan: Wade was going to join the Army after graduation and Elliot was going follow him a year later. They were going to get married and live happily ever after. Nothing was going to tear them apart. Unfortunately plans don’t always work out the way you want them to. Choices were made and Wade ends up leaving, shattering both of their hearts in the process.

“While I exist in this universe, I want you tied to me in a way that’s unbreakable. Undeniable. And I know what you want – you told me last night. I know you want me, want this, just as much as I do. So just make the choice. It’s easy.”

Seven years have passed and Wade’s father (Rick) is now dying, so he returns home from his posting in Germany to be with his father. Wade has avoided returning home for long periods of time during the seven years since he left, because it’s simply too hard. Everything at home reminds him of the love he and Elliot had shared and the heartbreak he has subsequently endured.


Elliot has never recovered from losing the love of her life. She filled in her time studying English Literature and received her degree. Now, Elliot is working part-time in a bookstore bar and is the carer of her sisters’ three children. Elliot also has to overcome a massive blow as her mentor, Rick, who was the man responsible for introducing her to the love of poetry and Elliot’s love for writing, is dying from terminal cancer. Rick has been like a father figure to her, considering her own father is a complete ass.

“There is no length to love; it’s infinite. It lives in you always. Hold onto it.”

Wade and Elliot were such beautiful characters who I wanted nothing but the best for them. They have been through so much during those seven years of separation, but their love for each other never diminished. They were meant to be and they had a connection to each other that was powerful and truly inspiring. They were never going to love another as much as they loved each other.

"My heart has been yours as long as it's been beating. It'll be yours until it beats it's last."

“A Thousand Letters” was an absolutely breathtaking story about holding onto your one true love and learning to forgive, even when the odds are stacked against you. This amazing story was so emotional and heartbreaking, but was so beautiful at the same time. I just could not get enough. If you love a great second chance romance story then you will definitely want to give this one a go. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,300 followers
February 10, 2017

Title: A Thousand Letters
Series: Standalone
Author: Staci Hart
Release date: February 9th, 2017
Cliffhanger: No

"My heart has been yours as long as it's been beating. It'll be yours until it beats its last."

A Thousand Letters is bursting with a thousand feels. If there's one thing that I demand from a book it's that I experience everything the characters are feeling. For an author to translate those words from the pages into our hearts successfully, it's no easy feat. So I have to start out by saying that I have considerable respect for her skill on that front. Not only that, but Staci Hari elevates the ordinary to extraordinary with her beautifully metaphorical, descriptive writing. And the angst, people. Ohhh...the delicious angst. I'm the kind of reader who eats it up with a spoon, and this book had me teary eyed and choked up on more than one occasion. So even though this wasn't a full, enthusiastic five star read, there was so much I appreciated.

This is a second chance romance inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion. Elliot and Wade were teenage sweethearts who were separated by family interference and pride. Ever since Elliot set eyes on him when she walked into her best friend's house, they only had eyes for each other. Unfortunately, Wade's impulsive marriage ultimatum and her father's strict disapproval tore them apart and they were both left empty and incomplete for seven long years.

Elliot's father and two sisters were despicable. I ended up loathing the whole lot of them, they were the pinnacle of selfish and malicious. As the book wore on, the extent of their self-serving ways are unveiled and I felt nothing but disgust for how they all took her for granted.

Elliot had a personality that more meek and submissive than I prefer. In the second half of the book, her consistent behavior in allowing them to walk all over her started to wear my patience. I was waiting for her to fight back, or to give me a reasonable explanation as to why she continued to live with her sister who treats her like a slave without any appreciation. When she explains herself, it really took me aback. It didn't make me feel any better, in fact it just didn't seem to make much sense to me.

Wade returns home when his father falls terminally ill. When he left all those years ago, he joined the army and rarely came back. It's too painful, the memories of what he lost still too sharp.

Elliot. Her name in my mind was a curse I couldn't escape, a ghost that haunted me day after day, year after year since I'd seen her last so long ago.

Wade is filled with regrets. His foolish pride and bad decisions have lost him the girl who will forever own his heart. He's just not sure if what they had is salvageable, too many years and pain have come between them. He's not even certain if they're the same people they once were, he's been through war and come out the other side not quite the whole man he used to be. He's not a perfect hero, he's a good man, but flawed. And there are a couple of instances towards the end when he really tried my patience. In fact, neither one of them were particularly fond of communicating with one another, and that led to quite a vicious cycle of anger and misunderstandings with them.

On top of the push/pull of their desire to re-connect, I think what gutted me the most was the sub-plot about Wade's father Rick. He was one of the most amazing examples of fatherly love I've ever seen. His wisdom, gentleness, unconditional support and big heart...I was devastated for his family. I don't often say this about a secondary character, but I think he was probably my favorite in the book. He was everything a father should be.

I don't want to say much more about the plot, just that I really enjoyed what Wade reveals about her letters to him and the significance of how they both use them in the end. The book rounded out on a higher note for me after some frustrations, so I really was torn over my rating. I chose three stars based solely on the fact that my own negative and positive feelings evened each other out. If you're looking forward to reading this to get your fix for a highly emotional read, then I encourage you. Don't hesitate! This is my first read by Staci Hart and it will certainly not be my last.


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Profile Image for Kandi Steiner.
Author 77 books13.2k followers
February 7, 2017
Wow. WOWWWWW. When you're moved to tears within the first 10% of the book, that's how you know two things: 1) The emotions in this story are powerful and 2) The author can WRITE.

We all know I'm a fiend when it comes to angst, but I've never had angst done like this. Never in my life have I read a book that was so raw, so REAL, so honest and heartbreaking in such a flawlessly beautiful way. Every single page made me feel -- anguish, pain, love, loss, desire -- I felt EVERYTHING. Hart didn't just show up when she wrote this novel, she showed up, kicked everyone else off stage, and held me captive for five straight hours of emotional, torturous bliss.

If you're like me, you appreciate the small details in a book that go above and beyond the "average read," and this book is packed with those details. From imagery so vivid I felt like I was walking right alongside the characters in the cold New York winter setting to lines that packed such a truth punch I nearly gasped out loud, A Thousand Letters won't just leave you wanting, it'll leave you REELING.

And even having said all this, there are two things that I loved most about this novel: the Austen vibes, and the poetry. When someone takes on the almost-impossible task of writing a book inspired by a Jane Austen novel, they know the challenge that lies ahead. And let me just tell you, if you've read or watched Persuasion, this story will resonate even harder with you. I swore to myself I wouldn't spoil anything in this review, so all I'll say is that if you thought Wentworth's letter made your knees buckle... JUST WAIT. And the poetry... GOD the poetry. From the first page to literally the very last, I PROMISE you, your finger will be exhausted from highlighting all the beautiful lines in this novel. And it's not just the little poems that separate the chapters that will do it to you, it's every line in-between. This book is like one long, continuous stream of prose that I want to dive into and float down forever.

I honestly can't say enough to do justice to what this book did to me. It will stay with me forever, and it is hands down the best writing to come from Staci Hart's beautiful mind.

A Thousand Letters was the first book I read in 2017, and what a shame for every book that comes after it, because I know without a doubt this will be my number 1 for the year. 5 my-heart-is-still-recovering stars!
Profile Image for Samantha.
455 reviews16.5k followers
March 17, 2020
TW: death of a parent, cancer, seizures, 9/11, IED/war violence, emotional abuse from family

This is a Persuasion retelling and while I can’t comment on how good it was as I’ve never read the original, I do like reading Persuasion retellings for the angst. This definitely had good angst, but it mostly hung on misunderstands and the characters not using their words. The prose is good but the characters can be overly gushy. There were also a lot of themes here, which you can see from the TWs, and I don’t think all of them had the time they needed. The male character does some shitty things and is forgiven rather quickly, which makes him hard to like. The female character’s family are horrible and feel like caricatures. But if you’re looking for angst, this has it in heaps.

- second chance romance
- angst and pining
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,440 reviews2,162 followers
July 14, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Standalone Book 2 of Austen series
POV: First Person - Dual

Elliot Kelly regretted the decision she made years ago. Too young and naive, she tried to fix what was broken but it proved to be futile. When the boy who used to be her everything came back into her life, she had to decide if there's anything worth salvaging.

It's been seven years since Wade Winters left his home and his heart behind. Being in military, he used the opportunity to immerse himself in his job to distract himself from the heartache that never fully healed. But an unfortunate circumstances forced him to face the past he was not ready to unearth.

But I didn't know how to face my past. I'd been running for seven years, and there could be no full stop.

Wade was an angry and sad hero. On paper it's definitely the kind of hero I'm drawn to. He was very broody and very flawed. I liked him in general but some of his actions/decisions left to a lot to be desired.

I carried the weight of my choices around with me always, and no one knew. No one needed to suffer along with me.

Elliot was a gentle soul. She was caring and considerate to others.
However, for most of the book I was angry with her with how she let herself be used and bullied by others and her reason for enduring it was even worse.

Personally I don't really see this book as a romance. It's more of general fiction centering on family drama with romantic elements. I enjoyed the storyline but there were times I wish the main characters got more time for/with each other. Their relationship was heavily entangled in family issues from both sides.

Why had I done this to her? Why did I keep hurting her when all I wanted was to love her?

A Thousand Letters is a tale of forgiveness and moving on. It would appeal to fans of emotionally charged and angsty story.

Books in the series:
Wasted Words (Austen, #1) by Staci Hart A Thousand Letters (Austen, #2) by Staci Hart A Little Too Late by Staci Hart Living Out Loud by Staci Hart The Sound of Silence (Austen, #4) by Staci Hart

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Profile Image for Priya.
233 reviews65 followers
March 10, 2018
3/4 stars, i dont know, i have very mixed feelings about this book.

This was my first Staci Hart book, it was not at all as i was expecting. The cover was gorgeous but the book not so much. I just dint connectbwith the characters, it was like yeah okay- Okay..!!

I loved her writing style, so i will be picking up more of her books. This book was good, emotional but some characters were annoying. Almost half of the book is inner thought of the main characters, that was annoying at times but then those two havnt talked in 7 years so it understandable but still it went too long. I had to skim and skip sometimes, I missed a good communication between main characters. This story had potential but it did not deliver.
Though it was a well written emotional read, the writing was good and felt so personal at times. Characters also stood on their own
Elliot, as she always hide behind people, putting others happiness first over hers and how Wade was struggling in life from his war.
Both characters are in love with each other and have guilt and regret towards their past and how they handled it, but their pride and lack of communication was stopping them expressing themselves.

{ She didn't know she held all the power over me; my heart was in her hands as it ever was.}

I will pick up more of her books in future.
Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,118 reviews2,565 followers
February 12, 2017
It's very rare that I do this, but I can't finish this one. DNF at 18%. The story and writing are beautiful, but I don't care for either main character. I don't do weak women! Hopefully Elliott grows a backbone by the end of the story, but I just can't stick around to find out.

Since I like the writing and plot, I'll definitely read other works by Staci Hart. Please take my choice with a grain of salt. I like strong, sassy, feisty woman. That's why this book didn't resonate with me. If that's not important to you and you just want to feel, please give this a try.

For more of my ramblings♥:
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Profile Image for Nicola.
1,390 reviews277 followers
February 18, 2017
2.5 stars.

A Thousand Letters is the first book I've read by Staci Hart and, being a lover of the second chance trope and seeing the number of positive reviews, I was looking forward to reading.

"In an hour, my world had been brought to a stop. In five hours, it would begin to turn backward, back to my past, back to the boy I loved. The boy I ruined."

Told from a dual POV, this is a fairly somber read right from the opening chapter. And ordinarily I'm happy with that, so perhaps it's me because you can't just ignore the raft of positive reviews, but I struggled to form a connection to either Elliot or Wade or become particularly invested in their journey back to one another.

With each page I was waiting for these characters to stir something within me, and whilst there were some moments that were indeed lovely and one particular moment that pulled a little (each involving Wade's dad who was the only character I warmed to), nothing much else materialised from me other than frustration, largely courtesy of Elliot's family and their drama. Because, irrespective of her denials, Elliot is indeed a doormat for much of the story.

I'd certainly say read and judge for yourself, it just wasn't the right read for me: the chances are I'm emotionally dead and you'll disagree with me.

Copy received courtesy of Social Butterfly PR for an honest and unbiased opinion.
Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,345 reviews488 followers
February 14, 2017
“For time cannot stop, But moments, Seconds, A fleeting smile, A kiss in the sunlight, Can live forever. -M. White”

I loved this book a lot. So beautiful, so angsty and so full of feels, ALL the FEELS! This is the first time I read a Staci Hart book and let me tell you that it won’t be my last. This author definitely has a way with words, simply beautiful. Is as if I was reading this book in slow motion, I just didn���t want it to end. I was so invested in the story and the characters, it was such a great experience. You know how much I love my second chance romances, and this one has definitely become an instant favorite.

“I'd loved him since the second I first saw him, and though time had passed, though I thought I'd buried that love, it sprang fresh the second I saw him again. The moments I kept locked away broke their chains and pressed themselves into my mind.”

This story is based on Jane Austen’s Persuasion so if you an Austen fan, you will be able to spot some similarities (and also differences) between them. This story is equal parts beautiful, equal parts heartbreaking. Elliot Marie and Wade met and fell in love when they were really young. They spend a few years together and have lots of plans for the future. An unexpected request by one of them and an unexpected answer by the other causes them to separate and go their separate ways. However, neither of them were ever the same. Omg, the angst is so much, the feels so great, you can’t help but feel for both of them from the get go!

“The first time I saw him, I was fifteen and he was sixteen, the boy with the dark shock of hair and broad shoulders, with eyes gray and cool as December and a smile as bright and warm as June.

The last time I saw him, I was seventeen, and he stood before me with tears in his eyes as he begged me to say yes. Begged me to go with him. Begged me to be his forever. Begged me to change my mind. But I couldn't. Didn't matter how much I wanted to, because I did. I would have given him the world. But in the end, it hadn't been up to me.”

Elliot’s best friend Sophie happens to be Wade’s sister. When Wade and Sophie’s dad Rick becomes terminally ill, Wade is forced to return home. And since Elliot is an integral part of the family, as she’s Sophie’s best friend and also Rick has always been her mentor, Wade is forced to face Elliot after 7 years.  Let me tell you, this was quite the experience. From the moment they see each other again, you can feel the connection between them and the love they once shared. At the same time, there’s so much pain and so much hurt between them. Staci did an amazing job making me feel all these emotions that her characters were feeling. My chest was super tight the entire time.

“The boy who I walked away from lived on in the wreckage of my heart, and I never stopped wishing things had been different.”

“Elliot was a shock to my nervous system, a bucket of ice water down my back, and the clarity it brought stung all the way to my bones.”

There’s a lot going on in the book. Wade’s father’s illness plays a huge part on the story and is also beautiful and heartbreaking. At the same time, Elliot has this horrible family that I guarantee you will love to slap a few times. Elliot feels like time has gone by and her life is in a standstill. And Wade is now a soldier that has been affected by war and all the things he experienced back there. So, the road to each other’s lives for Elliot and Wade is definitely a hard one full of bumps. I believe the story was perfectly paced to accomplish that. A lot of the issues had to be resolved before they could be back together. A lot of healing and self-improvement occurs as the story goes on.

“I'd become an expert at compartmentalizing my feelings. It was the only way I survived, by stacking up dusty boxes in my heart for every hurt, packing them away in the dark. But times like these blew the dust off the tops, opening them up to free the old pain so they could do more harm in new ways.”

However, the love they have for each other is always very clear. Never for a moment did I doubt that they totally loved each other and that they deserved a second chance at happiness but they definitely had so much work to do. The exploration of what happens when couples separate and then find each other years later is one of the things I love the most second chance romances. In this story, they find out that even though they love each other and that’s undeniable, they are not the same people thy were years before, they have definitely changed. Whether that will make them stronger in the end is the real dilemma. But man is this book just full of feels.

“How could I explain that when he'd left, he'd taken me with him? How could I tell him he was all I wanted, and when he was lost to me, I lost all hope?”

“The only way I could have her was to beg for her forgiveness, apologize for pushing her, for leaving, for disappearing. But could we build on top of the wreckage of our past, or would it all fall apart, unstable and broken? There was only one way to know —I had to try.”

So let’s talk characters. My favorite character here was Elliot. I love her to pieces. I believe she was the center of the story and what made it a 5 star for me. Now, you know how I love my heroines to be strong and sassy, well Elliot is actually the opposite. She was a different kind of heroine, she was kind, silent and brave, really brave, but in a different way. In the beginning, I have to admit I was thrown off by this. She was extremely loyal to her family even when they were awful to her. A few characters throughout the story actually question her actions (or non-actions) and somehow she’s perceived as a doormat. Well, it’s her answers to those people that made me understand her and I immediately saw her in a different light.

"Braveness isn't always loud. Sometimes it's silent. There's braveness in sacrifice and kindness. It's in doing a thing that needs to be done, even though it's hard, and even though it hurts."

“It sounds like you're saying that because I don't stand up to them that I'm weak. But here's the thing —there's no point. Arguing will not change their behavior, and it helps no one, especially not me. I don't suffer very often because I don't let them hurt me. My being present is a choice. My enduring their judgment is a choice. My choice, and therein lies my power.”

Wade was a little harder for me to connect with. He was a little ambivalent and at times gave me whiplash. However, this is based on Persuasion and if you’re familiar with Austen’s heroes, they’re often infuriating! In the end, he comes through and it’s just precious. Plus, the love he has for Elliot is undeniable.

“I have been unfair and unjust. I've been resentful and angry. I've been so many things I'm ashamed of, but the one constant is that I've always been in love with you."

The secondary characters were also great and extremely well develop. Wade’s family, his dad Rick, his sisters, and his best friend Ben were incredible. Charlie, Elliot’s brother in law is another character I simply loved.

There’s definitely a lot of heartbreak and a lot of angst in this book. But there’s also lots of beautiful moments, lots of love, lots of healing. Simply put, this book was perfection. I have so many highlights I wish I could put them all in my review. Having to choose is so hard!

"I've waited for a second chance to answer this question. I've dreamed of what it would be like to give the answer I wish I had so long ago. And now I can tell you that I will follow you. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, if you'll give me your heart in exchange for mine." "My heart has been yours as long as it's been beating. It'll be yours until it beats its last."

I think Staci Hart delivered big with this book. I laughed, I smiled, I felt pain, and I also cried, tears of pain and tears of joy, and it takes a lot for a book to make me cry. Overall, although a heavy read at times, this was a fast read for me since I was totally hooked. I loved the writing, the pacing, the character development and the overall love story. If you’re in the mood for a romantic, yet heavy and full of feels second chance romance, this is definitely the book for you!

"Life is short, so short, so precious, every minute, every day. Don't let the people you love, the people who make you happy, the people who bring you joy —don't let them go. Hang on to them, even when it hurts. When it seems impossible. Hold on to the things that breathe life into you. Listen to your soul and honor what it tells you. Live. Fight for what you love. Because one day, you'll be where I am, and in that moment I want you to look back gladly, with no regrets."


**An ARC was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**

Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews691 followers
February 10, 2017
★★★★★ 5 Stars ★★★★★

I adored this book! You know when you pick up a book and you connect to the story from the very first couple of chapters, it draws you in and makes you become a part of the world that is laid before you on the pages - this was that experience for me.

A Thousand Letters was an emotional read, very sad, but full of hope.

Second chance romances can often be angsty and this was no exception, with a hero who is back from his military base in Germany to spend time with his dying father, and a heroine who is so deeply ingrained in her ex-boyfriend's family, loved by everyone but her own flesh and blood.

Wade and Eliot never stopped loving each other, but circumstance and pride has prevented them from being together, and it was torturous for me as a reader to see how much they loved each other but still be apart.

"My regret was infinite. And that regret had made me lonely. Angry. It had changed me, twisted me into the man I was now. And now… now it was impossible to see a way back. I told her now or never, and that mistake would haunt me until the day I died."

If you are looking for an emotional read that will resonate with you, I highly recommend this book, the writing was phenomenal and I really hope Hart pens more books like this in the future, you could tell that this book meant a lot to her as an author, it just shows in every paragraph and word, there is so much passion.

I am basing my five stars on both my feelings whilst reading this book, and the sheer quality of the writing, A Thousand Letters was a surefire winner for me.

A Thousand Letters is a standalone contemporary romance, told from dual POV

ARC gratefully received

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Profile Image for Lillian ☁ Cloud 9 Books ☁.
574 reviews344 followers
June 16, 2017
***** 5 Stars *****

Wow... A Thousand Letters is a MUST READ! Absolutely flawless. At first I wasn't sure about reading this because I wasn't a big fan of Staci Hart's Tonic, but I'm so glad that I got the chance to read this. It's a perfect modern-day version of Jane Austen’s Persuasion.

"Braveness isn't always loud. Sometimes it's silent. There's braveness in sacrifice and kindness. It's in doing a thing that needs to be done, even though it's hard, and even though it hurts."

The story is a second chance romance between Elliot and Wade. The two had plans for marriage after Elliot's high school graduation, but things fell through and mistakes were made. A crack turned into a chasm, and they avoided each other for 7 years. Wade left for the army and Elliot stayed behind.

When Wade's father gets terminally ill, the two have to face their past and come to the realization that they aren't over. But things aren't going to be easy since both of them have seven years worth of pain, anger, and sadness.

This beautifully written story made me experience so many powerful emotions. There were moments my heart was in pain. This book is a must for 2017.

description description description

Profile Image for Bubu.
315 reviews386 followers
February 10, 2017
DNF @ 32%

DNF. DNF. DNF. Right now!

I came across this book's blurb only last week and it was the last sentence that intrigued me: *A contemporary romance inspired by Jane Austen’s Persuasion*. Staci Hart is a new to me author, by the way.

I'm a sucker for Persuasion and have been ever since I first read it. It has a special place in my heart. And if you need a reminder what an astonishingly beautiful piece of work Persuasion is, please please read Kathy's formidable review. And even if you don't need a reminder, read it anyway, because - as someone commented there - put it so nicely: "I feel like I've read the book again - you evoke it so powerfully".

Anyway, A Thousand Letters.
I'll admit to being wary. I'll admit to checking almost daily the incoming new reviews (almost all 5 stars) stating more or less the same: 'I cried my eyes out'. I'll admit that a part of me probably didn't want to like this book in the first place. How is it possible to re-write perfection? But I'll always give it a shot, nonetheless, and I'll always try and stay as fair as possible.

Let's start with the premise.
Elliot and Wade meet when they are 15 and 16, respectively, and it is love at first sight. Two years later, Wade has graduated from High School and enlisted in the army and asks the 17-year-old Elliot to marry him. I was constantly wondering why he had enlisted straight after High School in the first place. But anyway, they had already made plans, you see? He was supposed to go on his first tour while Elliot would stay back, finish school and then they'd marry. But Wade all of a sudden gets scared. What if he dies on his first tour? He will never call Elliot his wife, she will have nothing from him. So he decides that they elope as soon as she hits 18, and finishes High School with online courses. Elliot, overwhelmed by Wade's emotional outpouring, accepts his proposal. All she's got to do is tell her family; a family who's never really cared for her in the first place.
As we know from Persuasion, the family tries everything to convince Elliot not to marry Wade, and they succeed. Elliot calls the engagement off, and in the process breaks Wade's heart as much as her own.

Fast forward seven years. Wade's father who has also always been like a real father to Elliot is diagnosed with terminal cancer. He's only got weeks to live. Elliot is still very much part of Wade's family, best friends to his sister Sophie, almost-daughter to his dad, but they haven't seen each other since the day Elliot broke up with him. He's been stationed all over the world and managed to avoid seeing Elliot on those few occasions where he came home for a short period of time. Now, with his father dying, and Sophie begging Wade to let Elliot be part of their dad's final weeks, he can't escape Elliot any longer.

So I'm reading this, Persuasion constantly in the back of my mind, already thinking that the author hasn't really understood, at least in my opinion, the true fascination of Jane Austen's original. The quiet longing and suffering of two people amid mostly ignorant and selfish family members; the slow realisation that not all hope may be lost; that all it takes is a little bit of courage, a leap of faith.

Instead, I'm getting a cry-fest that starts pretty much on page 1 and doesn't stop until the point where I DNF'ed. I kept wondering why a plot device like Wade's father dying was needed. Yes, it brought Wade and Elliot back into close proximity but there are other setups that could have achieved the same. Why the sentimentality of a dying father? Or rather, why the manipulation of the reader?

I also thought that the author made a mistake by transferring Anne's family situation almost one on one into Elliot's family situation. Anne lives in the early 19th century, she's unmarried, she'll stay with her family for as long as they and she live. It's what most women experienced.

Elliot is staying with her sister Mary and Mary's family: two children and a husband. True to Persuasion, this sister should have never got children in the first place and has the emotional intelligence of a parasite. Same goes for Elliot's other sister and her dad. So why would a 24-year-old young woman stay with her parasitic sister, be used as a live-in nanny with only her brother-in-law truly caring for her? Because two years after getting her Literature degree from NYU, Elliot still doesn't know what she wants to do with her life.
Well, we know by now that after seven years, she's still waiting for Wade, right?

Okay. I could have continued, and I would have continued if the author hadn't pulled the mother of all emotional manipulations out of her hat. I nearly gagged. Just to be clear: This is not a political statement, either way. This is totally me and my problem alone. And, ironically, it has nothing to do with Persuasion either.

We learn the reason why Wade enlisted straight after High School. His mother was one of the many thousands of victims of the World Trade Centre terror attack.

Now let me be very, very blunt: I'm not against a fictional literary approach of this horrible day, I'm not against it being addressed. But I am absolutely and unequivocally against using a tragedy of that magnitude as a cheap plot device that has quite an impact on the plot itself in a romance novel. I, personally, find it distasteful to use the deaths of thousands of innocent victims to create a tearjerker. This is the author heaping one tragedy on top of another to make sure that everybody cries, and now all those reviews saying that they had been crying their eyes out from start to finish made sense.

So yes, this is me DNF'ing this book.
Profile Image for Bex | TotallyBex.com.
555 reviews198 followers
February 10, 2017
Give me a book based on a Jane Austen novel and I will read it in a heartbeat. A Thousand Letters is based on Austen’s Persuasion and it's a fine updating with a modern twist. Elliot is our heroine in place of Anne, Wade is Captain Wentworth, and the rest of the family follows the outline of the original—right down to the horrible sister and father.

Elliot works at a bookstore (the one from Wasted Words, by the way) and also watches her ungrateful and selfish sister’s children. She was left heartbroken after her boyfriend, Wade, left for the war. Elliot has been existing but not really living for years when her surrogate father falls ill. Rick is Wade’s father, so his illness brings the prodigal son back to New York to spend time with Rick before his passing. After not seeing each other for seven years, Elliot and Wade face their past head-on and it isn’t easy for either of them. Seeing Rick so ill puts things into perspective, but the road to mending their relationship is a bumpy one.

The strength of the writing in this book is insane. It is so poetic and beautiful, there is no doubt that Hart can write her ass off. I would have given this book an A+ rating based on the writing alone. However, there's also the storyline to take into account. Although I loved the prose, the connection between Wade and Elliot didn’t feel as strong as I would have expected. I know that there is a lot of water under the bridge after being apart for seven long and lonely years, but I didn’t feel the emotions like I craved. Their story is all about hurt feelings and loneliness and reconnection, so that was a big miss for me. The secondary characters add an extra-special layer of loveliness, so that helped keep my rating high.

If you like retellings of Jane Austen or are a fan of Staci Hart, I would definitely recommend this book. You may find that I had a case of “it’s not you, it’s me” where the character’s connection is concerned. I still enjoyed the story immensely (thus the rating) and I definitely recommend it.

ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Princess under cover.
617 reviews307 followers
November 4, 2018
OK, I'm DNFing this thing.

Thank goodness it was on my KU, for the 30 day trial. Otherwise I might have slugged through the whole thing just to feel like I got my money's worth. The irony is that if I'd read the whole thing, I would have felt like I wasted too many hours, and I would have, and my hourly rate is a whole lot higher than the cost of this book!!

So, look, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with this book. I'm keeping it at 3 stars, rounded up from 2.5 because there's nothing hideously wrong.

It's just not my thing. This New Adult, New Age, New whatever crap romance that's so on trend these days is JUST NOT MY THING. And when will I ever learn???

Now, sometimes, I do like a book in this category, like the last contemporary R I read - Can't Text This. I liked that one just fine.

This one is just one dragged out teenage angsty drama that happened when H was 18 and h was 17 and they'd been together for 2 years, been separated for 7, and never got over each other.

The end. Didn't need a whole however many hundreds of pages to explain this situation, dissect it to death and likely wrap up in the end in a neat little bow.

Not interested enough to find out.

OK, after that rant, and looking at the clock - I DID waste about 1.5 hours on this sucker. So round down to 2 stars.
Profile Image for My_Strange_Reading.
634 reviews94 followers
December 13, 2018
Annnnnnnnnd that put the nail in the coffin for Hart's modern take on Austen's stories. This was not Persuasion. This was a whiney, odious melodrama. Elliot (aka Ann) was a doormat but forgivable. Wade (aka Wentworth) was whiney, angsty and does NOT live up to his inspired character.

The best characters in this book were Charlie (LOVED him), Lou and of course, Rick.

Even if it's on Kindle Unlimited and 'free' I just can't see myself wasting another day of reading on another one of these. I'm out.
February 7, 2017

4.25 Second Chance Stars!

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A Thousand Letters is the first book I've read by Staci Hart. I must admit, the book cover caught my eye first and foremost. It was then when I'd read the book blurb, promising a very angsty emotional rollercoaster ride, did I drop everything and request an early copy of this book.

One thing that really stood out for me is the very poetic nature of Staci Hart's prose. Granted. This book centers around a Literature graduate, several poems and classic books quoted along the way, yet her writing in itself has a very artistic nature to it. It's very apparent, inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion, this author loves her classic literature.

A Thousand Letters centers around the long-fought journey of two lost lovers finding themselves face to face under very sad circumstances. Torn between grief and seeing each other again, the flame still flickers after seven years apart, of love letters gone unanswered. Can Elliot and Wade find their second chance amidst the sadness that brought Wade home after all this time?

I was in love with a girl who had dreams, a girl who loved quietly and without expectation. But the girl before me had her dreams dashed, and she loved submissively, putting everyone else before herself until she found herself buried and gone.

A Thousand Letters will take the reader on a very heartfelt emotional journey for both MCs. It's not lighthearted reading yet it pulls the reader through, chapter by chapter in dual point of view, towards that flicker of light, of hope, that still burns between these two long lost lovers. It's a journey instilled with hope, love for family that extends beyond blood ties, a bond that stands the test of time, through life and even death. Books like these ignite my inner romantic and are what drew me to reading in the first place. It's not smut. It's true romantic love. A beautiful book with a beautiful ending... the light at the end of their long tunnel.

Advanced copy received by author in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Syndi.
3,279 reviews956 followers
September 22, 2020
I never read Persuasion. I picked up this book blindly. I am surprise of how good it is. The angst is center story. I am glad Miss Hart does not overdue the angst.

What really blow me away is how I found myself connecting with Wade. His anger, confusion, angst, sorrow hit all the right spot. I especially can relate on his view of the word sorry. Wade is a complicated character.

I also like Elliot. She is the perfect match for Wade. Her gentle kindness (sometimes on the border of doormat) is the perfect opposite of Wade's dark side. I also love how they finally reconnect. It was sweet, kind and gentle. Only with few words.

Overall I love this book. It was beautiful sweet and emotional read.

5 stars
Profile Image for Francoise.
762 reviews34 followers
February 15, 2017
**4 stars**

I love modern day retellings of Jane Austen’s novels, so reading A Thousand Letters was a no-brainer! I was not disappointed, although the hero's personality was not as expected, based on Persuasion's Frederick Wentworth . This story deals with the melancholic and bittersweet aspects of homecoming, loss and regrets. A Thousand Letters is obviously a story written from the heart. Staci Hart’s writing is lyrical, her dialogues are witty and subtle.

“My regret is infinite. And that regret made me lonely. Angry. It had changed me, twisted me into the man I was now. And now… now it was impossible to see a way back.”

Elliott and Wade were high school sweethearts, but they have been separated by circumstances and miscommunication. Wade had enlisted in the Army and had been living abroad for seven years. He wanted Elliott to choose him, but she didn’t have the courage to walk away from her family. Wade is back to spend time with his dying father. Wade and Elliott try to keep their distance, but their feelings of loss and longing are overwhelming. Their love is still inevitable.

Wade has done well for himself in the army, but he is a man hardened by life. Elliott seems to be in limbo. Helping her sister with her children gives her a sense of purpose, but, in reality, she doesn’t have a plan for the rest of her life. She may appear meek or weak, but she has been emotionally abused by her father, a selfish, inconsiderate and condescending man. Elliott’s story is sad, she has had her dreams dashed, and yet she is still willing to make sacrifices for the sake of her thankless family, even at the price of her own happiness and fulfilment.

I didn’t always understand Wade’s resentment towards Elliott, it seemed partly undeserved and overdone, in my opinion. But he finally comes to his senses and slowly realizes that running away from his past would not save him from a lifetime of regret. Even if Elliott and Wade are both scared, the time has come for hope and second chance.

“I have been unfair and unjust. I’ve been resentful and angry. I’ve been so many things I’m ashamed of, but the one constant is that I’ve always been in love with you.”

A Thousand Letters is the story of a true love that has endured separation and misunderstanding. It was beautifully written and emotionally charged. This is a story that hooks you fast and keeps you turning the pages until the very end. So sit back and enjoy the ride! A Thousand Letters is a standalone, told in dual POV.

For more reviews & giveaways, follow me on my blog!
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,568 reviews166 followers
January 7, 2018

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This book was amazing. I luvd everything about it. It kept my away till 4 o'clock in the morning. I couldn't put it down. I don't know why I haven't read this author before. But I can't wait to read more of her books.

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Elliott is a quiet girl. She doesn't have many friend but the ones she has she loves hard. Her family are really hard work and quite horrible. There isn't a thing I liked about them. They are so mean and make her life hell. But she just let's it over her head. I really don't know how she does it. I just wanted to hug her throughout this book. Elliott out up with so much from everyone I just wanted to look after her. Life got even worst when her mentor and best friends dad Rick got really sick. She was so close to him he was the father that she never had. The only thing now was that she had to face her past Wade.

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Wade as been in the army since he was young.Did come home much cause he could face her. But know he has no choose his dad was sick and his sister and dad needed him more than ever. He has avoided goin home cause of Elliott. When he thought of her so many feeling came regret anger and love. He still loved her no matter what happened but he couldn't let her get close again. His heart was still broken. He knew hers was to but she hurt him.

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This story was heartbreaking in every way. I loved Elliott from the start she is such a caring and loving girl. I hated the way people would treat her. Wade was one of these people at times. Even though I really liked him to. I just felt protective of Elliott. I was so happy she had Sophie her best friend. I loved everything about this book. I couldn't read it quick enough I just had to know how the story was goin to go. So much happen in this book I was even a lil shocked in parts. I would highly recommend this book. I a sucker for second chance romance there one of my favourites stories to go to. You won't be disappointed If you you read this it's that good but do be prepared. It's a sad one.

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