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Pulled Away

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When I moved to a new town, I found friendships and a love I never expected. Life was perfect until a friend of Ryan's arrived for a funeral—someone with a far more complicated history with him than I knew. A friend who looked at him the way friends don’t look at friends.
Slowly, she started ripping everything away; unraveling everything I held dear, pulling away every thread of my relationship.
He was torn between loyalty and love. I could feel it. I could see it. And I could do nothing about it.
Because the person who was supposed to fight at my side became the person I fought against.

I made mistakes. Plenty of them, By the time realization set in, Aspen had already walked out the door, leaving behind everything we had built together.
Now, I’m left picking up the pieces, trying to win back the woman I love. Aspen’s everything to me, and I’ll fight with everything I’ve got to prove that she’s the only one who matters.
But after all the lies and hurt, I’m not sure if love alone will be enough to bring her back.

306 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 3, 2024

About the author

Siena Sloane

3 books108 followers

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Profile Image for Jen ♥.
1,204 reviews460 followers
September 9, 2024
I'm not going to rate this because I started reading at the 49% mark—when Aspen left Ryan's idiotic ass. 💅

I think I can definitely say that I'm not one for angsty novels. I can handle some, I guess, but when the angst is from cheating or some OWD, yeah, I don't think it's for me. Or, idk, maybe the story itself is the reason? Dunno anymore. 🤷‍♀️

Even though I started at the second half of the book, I didn't find it hard to get into the story. Tbh, the last 50% was more than enough to paint a clear picture why Aspen ended things with Ryan. He is truly one blinded, easily manipulated dumbass.

To read that he picked the OW time and time again and cared for her welfare over Aspen is rage-inducing. I partially understand where he was coming from; after all, he really sees the OW as a friend. But this doofus didn't know when to draw the line and put up boundaries. If there's one thing that could make my blood boil so fast, it's when one of the MCs let OP overstep their boundaries and let them get away with it.

And I really, really hate it when MCs are so clueless about their actions and its consequences to the people surrounding them, especially to those whom they proclaim to love. This also depicts them as insensitive morons who should've known better how their decisions always affect their SO but still callously ignored the possible repercussions. I just can't with dense characters. 🤦

Despite all the things Ryan did and his sincere remorse for his far too long blindness, I still can't find it in me to forgive his stupidity. Sure, his grovel was okay, and he put in effort to make up for it, but, idk, I still find them not enough. Or maybe I'm just a freaking grudge holder who can't see past what his foolishness has caused. 😒

I'm just glad that Aspen didn't give in too easily and made him work for it. And of course, she's a better person than I am because if I were her, that dumbass will never get another chance, just saying. 🤷‍♀️

Anyhoo, at the end of the day, it's still up to the readers how they're going to appreciate Ryan's efforts. Although his attempts didn't work for me, I'm sure it would work for some.

I'll be needing a few weeks to read something like this again, because I can't for the life of me understand how this book drained so much energy from me. 😮‍💨
Profile Image for Raffaella.
1,556 reviews199 followers
September 5, 2024
Oh the angst, delicious, heavy, permanent angst!
The book is very well done, in all its parts.
The hero is an idiot and you want to bang his head on a hard surface more than once. There’s a lot of ow drama.
The hero and the heroine are il love and happy, he’s truly smitten by her, she’s a nice and cuddly young woman that loves animal and wants to open a refuge for animals, she’s a tech vet. Enter other woman. The hero’s bff, female friend, since they were lil ones. He swears she’s only a friend but as soon as she arrives we know she’s the devils spawn. The hero always favors her because they are friends, she has never been loved by her parents, because now her father is dying and she needs him and yada yada. She’s a manipulative bitch and it’s so very painful to see the hero scurrying around her like a headless chicken whenever she needs something. The poor heroine has to find out in a very humiliating way that they were married in college, for a brief time. At that point I would have thrown her out of the window, only if we were on the 20th floor though. The hero apologized and apologized and apologized but never changed his ways around ow, until the climax, and then I would have loved the heroine to slap his idiot face with a spiked glove because god, he deserved it. Basically what makes the heroine pack her things and leave his sorry ass is when the hero candidly tells her he’s going to Tenerife for a holiday with ow because he promised her years ago. Ha! I think she could have killed him and been found not guilty. He realizes ow cattiness and evil intentions but it’s too late and he has to grovel really hard for it. The second half of the book it’s him groveling and the heroine shooing him away as she should have done. I liked it very much, there’s a lot of angst that I wasn’t expecting, the hero’s intentions are clean, he loved ow only as a friend but tried to be present for her since her parents never loved her, and when they married he never felt anything more than friendship and divorced her in a few months asking her to stay friends. He never loved her, and when she’s back he never thinks of her as more than a sister. But since they have been more than friends it was tasteless and disrespectful for him to treat her with such familiarity in front of the heroine. He was hypocritical and naive and callous, and the heroine was perfectly right to dump him. In the end she made him grovel and wait a lot, not only a few days, but months, and I could believe his apology. Ps. Ow was the product of a rape, so her parents never loved her and her non biological father of course resented her, the hero knew this and was sorry for her, so he tried to be present for her.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Beeg Panda.
1,444 reviews490 followers
September 26, 2024
Kudos, Siena Sloane.

If an author is going to tackle this trope and expect positive reviews from readers like me who have zero tolerance for betrayals of this magnitude (I'm talking the equivalent to an earthquake intensity scale of X betrayal for me here ) then this is how it should be done.

I picked up this book because of the titillation of the it all. I’m a fool for this trope.

I continued reading because it’s yummy Angst Central, I so enjoy the writing style, the sweet perfect heroine, her worthy choices and his road to redemption.

I finished it because in his POV it’s obvious that the more time he spends with the ow, away from the h, he gets increasingly miserable. It doesn’t make up for the misguided choices he continues to make, his lies, the secrecy, his disloyalty, his utter idiocy, and his seamless natural closeness to the ow, but it does take a bit of the sting of his betrayals away. Only a little, because they just pile up and pile up and pile up.

because the formatting sucks right now

I rated it 1 star less because I needed more ow comeuppance or at the very least, closure. And because the MCS come across as younger than they are, especially Ryan, who is essentially a good person at heart, but, at 29 should know better and sound his age

Layers and why, 10 hours after finishing the book, I finally accept his thought process:
All his efforts at redemption were never good enough for me, nor the heroine, I'm proud to say - until I realised the layers involved in this story. I'm an impatient reader and nearly overlooked the importance of this arc:

HIs reasoning is based on
"...Dad sat me down before we left for college. Before he would tell me anything, he made me swear an oath of silence. I did it without hesitation, so intrigued by what could be so bad that I was never allowed to speak of it. I regret that promise now....Hadley’s parents suffered a home invasion that resulted in a sexual assault, and Hadley was the product of that assault. Her dad wasn’t her real dad.
They never wanted anyone to know and kept it quiet. They always just claimed that Hadley was a surprise baby. Dad knew because, as a lawyer, he was involved in the case. I was enraged. I get that they went through trauma, but there were so many things they could have done. They could have given her up for adoption, and if they didn’t want to do that, they could have chosen to love her for who she was.
Instead, they chose to make her pay for something that wasn’t her fault. And the worst thing? She had no idea she was paying for someone else’s sin.
I thought it was cruel then, and I still think it’s cruel.
He told me because he feared it would somehow get out and because we were so close, he wanted me to be prepared if it ever did. To be there for her. I ranted against the unfairness of it and he agreed with me, but despite his feelings on the matter, his hands were tied. If it ever came out that he broke client confidentiality, he would lose his license.”..............

................“Unfortunately, I put the vow I made to myself ahead of Aspen.”.............

H- Ryan
h – Aspen
ow – Hadley

The true villain as far as I’m concerned in his father. I loved everything about him – because if I overlook this one debacle he seems like a good steady man, the perfect husband and father; the upstanding lawyer - until I discovered that his decisions led to this whole damn mess.

“Ryan has always felt responsible for Hadley’s happiness.”
“And in the process, he gave up mine. I drew a line in the sand and he stepped over it.”
No, leaped over it without taking a second to consider my feelings. “Her happiness is more important to him than mine,” I murmur, the thought given words bitter as they leave my mouth.
“I don’t think he sees it that way.”
“It doesn’t matter how he sees it.” I shrug. “He had a choice, and he made it.”

50% in and the scales fall from his eyes when the ow shows him her true colours, BUT Aspen is pissed and so am I:
“I know he told me he feels nothing for her besides friendship, but to see this complete change of attitude is jarring. It makes me angry. Why couldn’t he have opened his eyes earlier? Why did it take the destruction of our relationship for him to see?”

Him and ow FINALLY:
“You’ve been my best friend almost my whole life.”
“If I was your best friend, you’d want what was best for me. Not this,” I spit out, gesturing at her towel-clad body.
“I’m what’s best for you! Don’t you realize? You’ve been choosing me every day since I got into town. It comes naturally to you. To us. What does that tell you?” she cries”
“Get out of my way.”
“Don’t go,” she whispers, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Stay, please. I don’t want to lose you.”
“I shake my head. “You’ve already lost me. I will never forgive you for your lies and manipulation. Please, get out of my way.” Clenching my fists, I wait for her to move. I don’t want to touch her because I’m scared of what I’ll do in anger. Everything is screaming at me to get out of here. To get back home to Aspen.”

The nail in the coffin:
“So she left me?” It seems that I need this spelled out to me because there’s no way I can picture my Aspen not wanting to see me.
“You took Hadley on a honeymoon. What did you think was going to happen?” Her words are dry, the sympathy and pity from a few moments ago nowhere to be found.
“It wasn’t a honeymoon,” I grind out. “It’s a holiday I promised her years ago.”
“You promised her (The OW) a honeymoon years ago.”

The initial "I’m sorries":
“I’m staring at her like a creep, but I can’t help it. I love watching her and I could do it all day. Somehow, I lost sight of that, and I know it will be one of the biggest regrets of my life.”
“I’m sorry I kept the truth of my past relationship,…with Hadley from you.”
“I’m sorry that I prioritized her over you.”
“And I’m so sorry that I didn’t believe you when you tried to tell me. I’m sorry for hurting you.”
“You are and will always be the most important person in my life, and I should never have allowed Hadley to come between us. It’s a mistake I will never make again if you give me the chance to prove it to you.”

Aspen’s take on the "I’m sorries":
“No, Ryan. Like I said, it doesn’t matter. Because it didn’t matter when it counted. You protected your relationship with her when you should have been protecting our relationship. But I didn’t matter. Nothing I said mattered. It took Hadley shoving everything I was telling you in your face for you to believe me. Until then, you picked her every single time. Humiliating me? Not believing me? Pushing me away like I meant nothing? Spending nights with her in the apartment doing who knows what? You can’t take it back, and it destroyed any faith I had in you. And don’t tell me you didn’t realize you were hurting me. You did. You just didn’t care enough to stop.”

“I grew up in a house filled with love. My parents loved me, but the love they shared…” she breaks off, a wistful look on her face. “It was epic. One-of-a-kind. I always wanted that for myself. “The kind of love that’s not selfish. That knows no bounds. Where I never have to doubt or second guess. I don’t want to have to fight to be loved….“I thought I found that kind of love with you, but I was wrong.” She swipes at another tear, and it’s all I can do to hold myself back from comforting her. “You do feel that, but not for me. I saw the depth of your devotion to her. The love you have for her and the history the two of you share. I am nothing compared to that. Right now, you’re angry at her for deceiving you, but you’re in denial if you think that kind of love just stops. I think you keep telling me you love me because of guilt. Actions speak louder than words, and you’ve shown me that if Hadley and I were stuck in a burning building, she’s the one you would run in to save. Not me.”

The ow just won't give up and his disgust:
“What are you doing here? In my house,” I grind out, clenching the towel in my hands.
Hadley takes her time answering, her eyes taking in my sweatpants, hanging low on my hips, and gliding up my naked torso before meeting my eyes.
She doesn’t bother hiding the longing on her face, and…I’m repulsed. For the first time in my life, Hadley repulses me. How did I not see the way she looked at me before?
Because you weren’t looking, you idiot. You trusted her. Blindly. Or she was just that good at hiding it. Squashing the urge to put on a shirt, I glare at her instead.”

More home truths – hero and heroine :
“Do I believe you love me? Maybe, to an extent. But not enough. Not enough to last a lifetime of difficulties and issues that any relationship faces. Look how easily Hadley came between us. And that’s while we’re still supposed to be in the honeymoon “moon phase of our relationship. What’s going to happen when we’ve had a couple of children and we’re bogged down by work and responsibilities?”

“Where was this all-consuming love when you lied to me? When you pushed me to the side? When you spent nights in her bed? When you left to go on holiday with her?”
“I’ve told you that nothing happened,” he cries in frustration.
“It doesn’t matter that nothing happened. I’ve explained this to you. I was hurting, too. Our relationship was on the brink of collapse and instead of putting your energy into fixing us, you chose her.”

“Aspen was right when she said I didn’t protect our relationship. But she’s wrong in thinking it’s because I don’t love her enough. The truth is, I became complacent, and that played a huge part in our downfall.” MORE ON THE COMPLACENCY BELOW.

The h does a runner and starts over, and he just can't let go and is worried about her safety – late to the party, Asshole:
“To wait in his car, shift after shift, and then follow me home, without me knowing, just to ensure nothing happened to me”

Eeeeeventually she hears him out:
“So, ten things you hate about me?”

1. “I hate that you lied by hiding things from me.”
“I did. I lied to you. None of my reasons matter. What matters is that my excuses hurt you. It was wrong, and it’s a wrong I’ll work every day of my life not to repeat. If you give me the chance.”

2. “I hate that you made me feel as if she was more important to you than me. That you made me feel like the outsider.”
“I fucked up. There’s no one more important to me in this world than you”
“But I failed you. I became complacent, expecting you to know my heart instead of showing you. To know that no matter who or what, you’ll always come first.”
“But that’s the thing. You didn’t put me first, or us. You put her first every single time. If you say I’m that important to you, then why would you do that?”
“Because I was a fool.” I sigh…“Just before college, Dad made me swear a promise to keep what he was about to tell me a secret. And I did. I never told anyone, but now I want to tell you.”
“Aspen, I so badly wanted to share all that with you, but I couldn’t,” I continue.
“Because of the promise to your dad.”

3. “I hate that you humiliated me. And I never want to see your college friends again.”
“There’s no world in which I’ll subject Aspen to Nicole ever again. I told them to leave that day, knowing I never wanted to see them again.”

4. “I hate that you took away my voice and made me feel helpless.”

5. “I hate, hate, hate that she was in our hot tub. With you.” Fuck, she’s really picking up steam. “That you allowed it.” Her voice is a hiss, her eyes blazing in anger. My heart thumps, shame, a heavy boulder dragging it down.”

6. “I hate that you’ve spoiled all potential island holidays for us.”

7. “I hate the thought of you never touching me again.”
“You’re as vital as air to me, Aspen. Since the day you left me, I feel like I haven’t been “able to breathe. The thought of not having you in my life, not touching you ever again, might as well be a death sentence.”

8. “I hate that I never felt good enough for you.”
“You tick every single box I have, Aspen.”
She sniffles. “I do?” My heart’s been breaking in increments with every “hate” coming from her mouth, but this, this is what completely annihilates it.
“The answer to that is so far beyond yes. I never dared dream I’d find somebody like you, and I’m so fucking sorry I made you feel you’re not enough”

Profile Image for Capt..
464 reviews35 followers
September 8, 2024
3.75 but rounding up (for now).

This one’s for the girlies who love angst and OW drama that is fake in a sense that the MMC is never interested in her beyond friendship and familial responsibility. Now, even though it’s a fake OW drama, it doesn’t mean you wouldn’t get frustrated in the first half. I know I freakin did! So much so that I wanted Ryan (MMC) to be castrated! And was ready to give this book a scathing review lmao 🌸

Basically Ryan and Aspen(FMC) are boyfriend girlfriend living together and in love and each other’s love of their life. In comes Hadley (OW), Ryan’s childhood friend and whom he has a past with. Through the first half you’ll get Aspen’s POV. How Ryan always makes time for Hadley, how he put her first, how he freakin slept in the same bed (no funny business) in her apartment because she needed him, how he defends her even when Aspen and his friends were saying that she’s a manipulative bitch who’s in love with him. Not to mention Ryan omitted a big thing from Aspen (SPOILER: he and OW were once married in college, I think? Then he divorced her because Ryan really didn’t feel anything but friendship for Hadley but was really sorry for her past and childhood experience).
In all fairness, Hadley’s background really is a shitty one so I kinda get why Ryan acts the way he does because he really feels sorry for her but he just goes about it in an absolutely stupid and brainless way!

The straw that broke everything was when Ryan took Hadley to a trip that he promised her years ago! When he hadn’t even took Aspen to their honeymoon phase trip that he also promised her. And when I tell ya I’m so angry for Aspen like I really wanted her to move on with someone better!

Then in the 2nd half you get Ryan’s POV. And to sum it up he’s just really fucking stupid dumbass piece of a nincompoop! He finally accepted that what everyone was telling him about the manipulative bitch was true when it was smacking him in the face by none other than the OW herself!

No he didn’t cheat physically or emotionally but he really did put Hadley first because that’s what he thought was the right thing to do, he became complacent in his relationship with Aspen, expecting Aspen to know what’s in his heart and that is she is the most important person for him.

Then Aspen left her ass then he groveled.

Was the grovel satisfying in conjunction with his mistake?
Could’ve been more but it was decent and solid. Since I don’t consider him a cheater, it’s just him being the epitome of stupidity and he really didn’t have any feelings for OW. He did all the right things.
-The OW verbal smack down in public.
-Accountability of his mistakes.
-Was a miserable zombie who couldn’t function properly when Aspen left his dumb ass.
-Plenty of grand gesture not just sending flowers and or gifts or all the lame things other authors consider as a grovel.
-Lowkey became Aspen’s stalker 🙈
-Saw OM asking Aspen out and was extremely hurt by it then panicked because she might move on (as she should! 💅🏽)
-I got to say the sheer panick and angst on the scene when he came home and found out that Aspen’s things were not in their usual place and he found out she moved out and really left him and that has him running for his car to go to her work but forgot that he’s just in a towel and his dick was literally dangling out and he forgot lol that was comedy and satisfying AF 😮‍💨

Did Aspen had any sort of body betraying syndrome during separation?
Nope. Praise Jesus.

Were they with other person during separation?
Nope. Ryan was full in giving stalker mode vibes. Oh but if you consider Aspen going in a not date-date with OM and the OM giving her a friendly kiss in the lips then a teeny bit yes, I guess?
Profile Image for Bookomaniac.
406 reviews23 followers
September 3, 2024
4.5 stars

Mood readers: If you want to be enraged and infuriated at a manipulative OW and a stooopid MMC, this is the book for you! If you are vengeful and unforgiving... probably not. Give it a pass (Spoiler- no physical cheating, unless you count hugs and snuggles).

OW drama at its finest- put your iPad in a rubber frame, cause you will definitely be throwing it across the room in a rage.... Ooooo lawdy

Loving young couple, living together, find their relationship sorely tested when a childhood "friend" comes back from London to visit her dying father, and she stays in their guest house. As you can guess, this woman is extremely manipulative and the boyfriend falls for her ruses due to their childhood friendship... and a secret he knows about her childhood that has him feeling extra supportive of her emotional health... at the cost of his girlfriend's feelings and sanity.

This story will easily divide readers - is he forgivable? Does he grovel long enough? Is he worthy of a second chance?

No physical cheating, though "comforting a grieving friend" is lots of hugs and snuggles. Emotional cheating - that's debatable, once you read the MMC's POV in the second half of the book. Stoooopidity - yes, the MMC is beyond gullible. The damage he does to the "love of his life" is immeasurable, and it's up to the reader if his long redemption arc is worthy of forgiveness and second chances. I reluctantly accepted his remorse and redemption... but still giving him the stink-eye because I'm a grudge-holding Scorpio...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Miki’s⚠️Safety Reviews⚠️.
458 reviews509 followers
September 12, 2024

Whats a girl to do when your DUMBASS boyfriend is almost to stupid to live?
🤭Well you leave his ass in the wind and don’t look back OR just make his ass Grovel!

‼️OW dad is dying and it’s the last of her family that never loved her. H thinks he needs to support her…..

This is the BOYFRIEND FOR DUMMIES A Guide for keeping your girlfriend.

1- Don’t spring a “Friends” visit on your girl when you have never told her about said special “friend” last minute. And definitely don’t invite her to stay with you without asking your girl first. Even if she is staying by in the apartment above the garage. 😙

2- Definitely don’t give the “Friend” a key to your house and an open invitation to spend all her time with you.🤔

3- Don’t start blowing off your girl for your special hot “friend”.😉

4- It’s probably a good idea to NOT be to HANDSY and DEFINITELY don’t CUDDLE with your hot special super sexy “Friend” and maybe also dont do it in front of your girl. 🤷🏼‍♀️

5- If your girl points out that your ignoring her for your super sexy special “friend” that your definitely to touchy feely with it’s a good idea to listen to her concerns not blow them off saying but she’s like “family” and just a “friend”. 🫡

6- when you see a guy hitting on your girl at a bar after you’ve ignored her all night for your super sexy “friend” maybe calling her a cheater isn’t a good idea 😜.

7- I don’t recommend taking most of the day off work to “hang out” and drink wine in a HOT TUB IN SKIMPY SWIM WEAR. Especially when that hot tub was a gift from your girl and your special place. And when your girl comes home and finds you in that hot tub chumming it up with your super sexy “friend” you should probably reassure her and try to understand her concerns not gaslight her feelings. 😅

8- I’m not sure 🤔 but I’m pretty sure telling your girl that your “friend” is like your “sister” doesn’t really work when you were MARRIED TO HER AND HAD SEX WITH HER. 🤔 I don’t think most people marry & fuck their sisters 🤷🏼‍♀️… most likely. And when she finds out in the most Humiliating way that you lied to her about only being “friends” you should not let her leave upset so you can stay behind and hang out with your “ex”. …. Yeah this seems like the wrong move for sure💯😳😵‍💫

9- Now. Might be wrong here 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I’m pretty sure sleeping in a bed for days in a row with you Ex Wife is NEVER EVER OK on any planet. 😬 and at this point I’m beginning to think this dummies guide isn’t going to help you. 😵

10- After a week of comforting your EX and SLEEPING IN HER BED maybe you should try to reassure your girl…just a thought. The excuse “NOTHING HAPPENED “ isn’t gonna cut it 😳

I mean do you need a guide to tell you this? Really? Cause…..🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

12-And when you get to that vacation it’s not a good idea to share and room and bed with her…. But you know what? It doesn’t matter anyways cause your relationship with your girl is over and your to stupid to live. 💀

If you have done one or more of these things listed above you are in the ⚠️”Danger Zone” ⚠️
We recommend that you avoid doing these things at all cost but if you are a DUMMIE then I suggest getting some knee pads cause you’ll be doing a lot of groveling. See a DUMMIES GUIDE TO GROVELING BELOW

If you are reading A DUMMIES GUIDE TO GROVELING you have really fucked up! Please take immediate action and follow the steps below.

1- IMMEDIATELY get your ass on a plane back from your honeymoon vacation and beg for her forgiveness for your stupidity‼️

2- If she has moved out and left your dumb ass (good for her) HUNT her down and try to at least explain why you had such a mental lapse in judgment. 🥺

3- When she won’t take you back….
-Stalk her at work
-Follow her home each night to make sure she is safe
-Give her some space
-Paint the room in her animal shelter
-Sell your home and move back in with your parents to make her dreams come true
-Plot and plan a happy future for her and make her dreams come true
-Send her daily LOVE text
-Send her flowers

💯Now that you have completed the actions above you are now ready to COURT your girl. And win her heart back🥳…. DONT FUCK IT UP DUMMIE!


🤷🏼‍♀️So I actually liked this way more than I thought it would. The angst is good and hero really is a good guy with a misguided loyalty to the wrong bitch. He was borderline unforgivable but I think the second half of the book showed his real heart and it was backed up with actions. You just have to get past the first half 😬

‼️It did help to know that he did NOT cheat physically or emotional. But his relationship with OW made me very uneasy. IT WAS WACK 😵‍💫

😅Should he have done any of this crap he did? No!
-But he had developed a lifelong bad pattern w OW and felt responsible for her happiness. It was ingrained in him. It was definitely misguided and his actions were horrible and wrong. But he wasn’t malicious I just think he had never been in this situation before…. In love and juggling the OW at the same time.
‼️He needed this to happen at some point so he could see OW true colors and get that bitch out of his life and not feel guilty.

💀Did he have feelings for the OW? Not romantic.

🤔Was the grovel worth it? Yes and Maybe.
Grovel/redemption takes up about 50% of book. He redeemed himself and there was some grovel. I think he showed us that he was worthy of the h again. And I DO believe he will NEVER make the same mistakes again. But he really really fucked up so some may not think it’s enough.

🤬I hated that the author threw in the whole marriage thing. His actions were a hard pill to swallow but add in that the they were sexually intimate and it makes all this 100% times worse. I think this could have been left out! Some things you can’t come back from and his actions mixed with that this is his EX WIFE NOT FRIEND crosses that line big time. The H should know that his actions would not be expectable on any level w a ex….friends or not.

🤬‼️Not enough comeuppance and closure w OW. She is crazy enough to come back and kill them all in 10 yrs. We needed more closure on this.

💜RYAN- ok he takes lots of hits in this review and book. But I will say that he never wavers on his love for the h. He knew from the moment he saw her she was his and would always be. I love his soft heart even if it was his downfall a time or two. He loves the h so much and he is so dedicated to her. He’s not all bad and deserves some credit for his dedication in the end. He never gave up!

🤔 Will I read more from this author? …. Not sure. I don’t like some of the future relationship set ups. Unrequited love for a manwhore, or watching the H fall into a serious relationship with OW. Having H and h in each others lives for years while seeing them w OP just isn’t gonna be my jam EVER. So it depends on what the author does with her tropes. And of course on if they are safe for me.
-Maya & Nathan- fuck you Nathan you shouldn’t have blown off Maya and got involved w OW!
-Rose & Carter- fuck you manwhore!

-I hope neither of these men claim to have loved these woman and were w OP I will never read them and if they didnt see there feeling for all this time then I won’t read it. I hate men that are not in tune with their feelings as adults and the woman pays for it.

‼️ one thing about this authors writing is that she is great with angst but she tends to fizzle out at important times in the book. Usually after the big reveals or when the tide is turning. I like more aftermath angst and drama and I like to see things play out more. But that just a me things.

OWD galore
No OP sex after they are together prior to this book.
OMD- she goes on one date and there’s a soft peck after
Both celibate during 5-6 months separation
Epilogue 2 years later
No cheating
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lydia's Romance.
603 reviews256 followers
September 6, 2024
3.5 Stars (rounding up)

What I liked/enjoyed:
✔️ The angsty first half of the book w/ the OW drama. Yum.
✔️ The writing was right on! Really enjoyed this.
✔️ The heroine, she wasn't a doormat. Miracle! ✨
✔️ The grovel from the hero (A+). Miracle! ✨

What I disliked:
❌ The rest of the story took a nosedive. I lost interest and maybe that's because the angst was completely gone. I'm a sucker for a good grovel but I think this was trying too hard. It felt contrived. And I couldn't connect with the hero's emotions. But more than anything, there was no anticipation left, it became predictable.

There are two books I can think of that did it better:
A book that kept up the angst/anticipation -
The Unwanted Wife
A book that made me feel the hero's angst -
Practice to Deceive
Two of my favorite grovel books ♥️

❌ Too many secondary characters, which I didn't care for. I know the author has other books with similar titles so I'm assuming these are interconnected? Idk, but it felt like I was suppose to know these character already, be invested in them. To me, they just got in the way of the story.

❌ The HEA felt lukewarm. Convincing for sure, but meh.

If it wasn't for the strong likes, I would give this 3 Stars (or less).

Other notes:
No cheating (emotional or physical)

Purchased Kindle book. $5.08 w/ taxes
Profile Image for cajareads.
190 reviews
September 8, 2024
Book so good I read it in one sitting. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely HATED it when the H was so oblivious to the OW’s evil intentions and agendas and set no boundaries with her but:

1) H straightaway shot down the OW once he got his head out of his @ss
2) no cheating, not even emotionally cheating IMO from the H because what he felt for the OW was just obligations
3) H did all the right things to win h back; yes yes including the stalking because he may have done it in the wrong way but with the right intention. The way he fell apart after making love to her again because he really did think he had lost her
4) the friends did not force themselves in the mcs business (in another words: awesome side characters)
5) h with a backbone and no doormat- YESSSS
6) I’d say H’s the one that used to be a doormat for the OW but I feel sorry for him tbh because I know what it’s like for someone to take advantage of your kindness so there’s that
7) h kissed someone (well more like the OM kissed her) when they were separated and I don’t have it in me to feel mad about it because she really did try to move on from the H
8) and again I love this second chance because H really did and said all the right things to win her again and not in the annoying way and this time he set a boundary between them and gave the h time and space

So why 4 stars only? Because the first half of the book really did test my patience and had me seething out of my mind so much so if I think more about it I may lower the rating to 3 🤬🤬

BUT the second half of the book saved it for me. I just love how both mcs handled their issues and the way H fought for h. And I love it when author gave us more than just two or three chapters of the H groveling and just wrapped it up. This time we get to read more than a few chapters of him trying to redeem himself and it’s so, so satisfying.

I’m very interested with Maya’s book and I think it’s going to be more angsty than this one.
Profile Image for Pinky.
533 reviews569 followers
September 20, 2024
Trigger Warnings:

“Either he loves me enough to choose me, or he doesn’t. I refuse to fight for a man to pick me.”

Mel🌜 recommended this to me and I decided to give it a go and I loved it. It is an angsty book, there is built-up betrayal which results in grovelling in the second half. When I was reading, I would be crying for our girl Aspen. Ryan, the MMC, pissed me off and there are things I wish we saw from his POV because I’m not sure what exactly happened. Regardless, I enjoyed this book and found the grovel satisfying. Realistically, I wouldn’t deal with the shit that Ryan did in the real world, but in the fictional world, I would forgive him. I haven’t read the author's other books but heard that some of the other characters have books. You don’t have to read the books in order since I read this book first and didn’t have issues following the story. This was an addicting read, I finished it in one sitting and recommend it to everyone.

Aspen has been blissfully in love with Ryan and they’ve been living together for a year. Ryan claims to love Aspen but when he tells her that his friend is coming from London to live in his old apartment, Aspen starts having doubts. Slowly, Ryan, the most attentive loving boyfriend, turns into a forgetful inconsiderate boyfriend.

Now for spoilers

Stay safe folks!
Shelved as 'dnf'
September 11, 2024
why do i get bored every time the “groveling” starts. i did like the angst and hurting my own feelings though 🫣

however i need that angst to be prolonged and also more suffering for the mmc ✋🏻 here we have another fmc who refuses to get with other men to hurt the mmc even though he had no problem hurting her repeatedly by choosing his ex wife/best friend over her 🙄

time to find my next cheating book 🚶🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for dee&#x1f9da;&#x1f3fd;.
66 reviews4 followers
September 8, 2024
Soooo … I did read this in one sitting🧍🏽‍♀️. I was in the mood for something angsty and this satisfied my carvings🤌🏽 .

I loved loved the writing , this book felt so real , like I’m actually emotionally attached to this heroine 😭 I felt like we’re best friends , that’s why I was so so mad at everything the H did , i had to put the book down sometimes.

The H fucked up a lot he put the OW over the h multiple times and you see the h slowly falling out of love it was so sad to see honestly:( and yes , he GROVELES! But I just didn’t forgive him🤧

I’m not sure how I’m going to rate this while i LOVED the writing the heroine and her friends , I don’t forgive the hero🤷🏽‍♀️

But I’ll definitely read other books by this author🤭
Profile Image for Jen .
807 reviews610 followers
September 6, 2024
The gut punch this book brought forth is worth the five stars alone. GUT PUNCH I tell you!

I love the fact I got all of the feels from a cheating book without any actual physical cheating. I love that I didn’t hate either of the MCs, though I did want to kick Ryan in some inappropriate places more than once. Aspen’s transformation from understanding girlfriend to angry ex unwilling to take any more crap was more than I would’ve put up with, but once her line was crossed, she was DONE.

The nuanced writing (this is the author’s third book!) was so well done and absolutely made this a fabulous read for me. I absolutely cannot wait for Maya’s story next. Please tell me Maya’s book is next?
Profile Image for Dani.
322 reviews8 followers
September 4, 2024
This was good. Not as angsty as I thought it would be, but good none the less. Ryan and Aspen are a couple who break up because of a manipulative ow posing as Ryan's bf. Those parts were good. And not once did I think Ryan would step out on Aspen for ow, but he was an idiot who fell for her manipulation. Manipulation that basically started when they were kids. I don't want to spoil too much, but something not very nice happened when Hadley the ow was conceived. Ryan was told in confidence from his father which made Ryan feel like he needed to be her knight in shining armor. She was a complete bitch, and Ryan fell for her lies hook, line, and sinker. He was most definitely redeemable though the lies he kept made me want to smack his head then give him a hug. Big idiot. His parents I really loved. They were hilarious 😂.

Overall I'm really liking this author and this is a series that isn't finished yet. And that epilogue. Man what a cliffhanger for the next book. Wtf happened to their friend Maya? From their dialogue it's something huge, and I have no idea what it'll be about. I hate that because I'm impatient to find out 🙈

For the safety gals out there. No cheating. I wouldn't even consider this emotional cheating. Not once in Ryan's POV did I get the feeling he was in love with Hadley. He felt a obligation to her that caused the downfall of his relationship with Aspen. Though that big ole lie he kept was really stupid. Aspen isn't a doormat. She doesn't let him in right away after they break up, and there is no BBS aka body betrayal syndrome. She actually voices how much she dislikes him. I would have liked to see Hadley cause a little more trouble though. Sue me. I like my angst. She just kind of faded to black. Guess we'll never know much about Derrick either because the author completely dropped him. Who knows?
Profile Image for Soph.
450 reviews25 followers
September 9, 2024
★★★★. This is why my boyfriend will never have a girl best friend. This is also why my boyfriend will have a brain.

I loved this book. The angst. The drama. The groveling. The pathetic man Ryan was. The queen who stood on business that was Aspen. The finally FINALLY no body betraying syndrome. The way Ryan actually stood on business and dealt with that specimen named Hadley.

I want books on everyone
Profile Image for JP.
131 reviews7 followers
September 21, 2024
Siena Sloane became an auto buy author with this one. If you crave OTT ow drama like I do, read Pulled Away. It has evil OW drama galore. Too bad the witch’s shenanigans end around the 60ish% mark-I was so sad to see this character go.

Profile Image for Margo.
2,077 reviews99 followers
September 10, 2024
This one is a must-read if you enjoy completely idiotic heroes who are helpless puppets of Machiavellian OWs. His betrayals are increasingly egregious until… I can’t even tell you because it is so unbelievable that he fell for this that I can’t spoil it.

After he sees the light, things slow down a little, but for the part of the book up to the epiphany, it really could not have been better. The h did her best to trust him until she couldn’t trust him anymore and then she dumped him ruthlessly and he had to grovel nonstop.

I’ll definitely be rereading this one!
Profile Image for maerie .
37 reviews
September 10, 2024
3.5 ⭐️

Aspen is so much better than me because I would’ve been on the news for murder. I wish we had gotten more of them after they made up (and I think aspen should’ve made him sweat more but whatever). The ending felt very rushed.
321 reviews33 followers
September 11, 2024
I re-read the first book in this series, but it was not necessary as this book is a standalone. There is some reference to the first book and it certainly introduces characters and storylines, but again, this book could be a standalone.

OW drama = OW was “best friends” with the H who is returning to town after being away for several years to be by her dying father’s side. OW is manipulative, condescending, emotional blackmailer, scheming, etc. OW constantly stabs the h in the back and the H constantly defends the OW as well as choosing to put the OW above the h. There is so much and the OW is a juicy villain, I highly recommend to read the book. Comeuppance? H verbally smacks down the OW and pushes her out of his life (too little too late). OW kind of just fades into the background which was a little bit of a let down…I really wanted her to get more of a smackdown from not only the H but all the surrounding characters. The h was great about standing up for herself to the OW and to the H.

Grovel = H has sooooo much to make up for: putting OW wants and needs above the h; not believing the h when she told him about the OW; choosing actions and deeds that he knew would hurt the h (staying overnights with OW and the biggest - going on a beach island getaway with the OW…ALONE); and several other things to atone for and the h lists them allllll out to the H!! H works behind the scenes to help the h achieve her dreams and will not take credit for it. H continually apologizes both in word and deed to the h. h does not just give in…she makes him wait months before even caving to talk with him much less start letting him back into her life.

There was no cheating in the story, IMO…H was always clear, even when prioritizing the OW, that the h was the love of his life and his soulmate.

Fantastic story and such well written OW drama with grovel. My only complaint is that it does end on a bit of a cliffhanger mystery involving other characters which may be who the next book will be about. Also, minor complaint, once the h and H decide to attempt to reconcile, the story wraps up fairly quickly. Don’t get me wrong, the grovel portion is long and well done but once she forgives it seems to go fairly fast.
Profile Image for Callie.
506 reviews22 followers
September 17, 2024
If you want to read a book with a dumb hero, this is it! (It was definitely on purpose to deliver that great angst but man, you want to slap Ryan for half the book.)

Ryan and Aspen are super in love but when his childhood friend Hadley comes into town when her dad is dying, he turns into an idiot. 😂 He lets Hadley live in their apartment in their house, cuddle up to him, cancels plans with Aspen to support her, and is basically Hadley’s boyfriend instead. He feels an obligation to her because she’s never had anyone love her growing up, and that totally clouds his judgement.

I liked Aspen. She tries to be nice about it but IS firm and honest about how it crossed lines and made her feel. Ryan just doesn’t get why she doesn’t know how much he loves her and is only friends with Hadley. (Um sir? How about your actions?)

I won’t lie. I HATE OW drama but suffered through it for the angst and grovel that was to come. But in real life, Ryan would’ve been in my rearview mirror when we find out he was **married** to Hadley for a few months in college. (He says he realized he only loved her as a friend 🙄) This would have been the end for me but the nail in the coffin for Aspen is when Hadley guilts Ryan into taking her on their delayed HONEYMOON that he promised they’d still go on when they divorce, right after her dad died.

Like I said, in real life, this boy would be dead to me! But in the book world, I was excited to see him suffer and grovel. 😂

I was so happy Aspen kept her resolve and left him. I also really took pleasure that everyone in his life was on her side too.

In my personal preference, I want a loooong, suffering grovel. This was definitely better than most books when the heroine takes him back in a few chapters, but in my opinion, it could’ve been even longer!

Also the end of the book sort of left cryptic clues about what I’m sure will be a book about a side character, so it wasn’t exactly the best epilogue to me, but at least we saw a glimpse of them in the future.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Paula Thompson.
486 reviews
September 4, 2024
Hadley was awful!

I love this couple, and it honestly hurt me when the MMC basically threw away their relationship for the bitchy OW. I hated that woman and I do not want to see a redemption story for her. Just sayin’.

Minor loose ends that didn’t get addressed, like what ended up happening to Derick. He just disappeared. Hopefully Maya is in the next book so we can discover what happened to her. That Cassie witch better be an ex girlfriend, not a wife, because that one was as much a witch as Hadley was. Nathan is stupid to keep her around when he could have had Maya.

Anyway, this had only one issue that always bugs me. The correct usage of a word is important, and using the word reign when it should be rein threw me out of the story. Sorry I’m an English Nahtzee but nuns taught me. You rein something or someone in, like a horse or your feelings. You reign over a kingdom or a nation. Ok, English lesson over…

I love this group of friends and I’m going to reread Bailey’s story because I loved her relationship with Kallan. Well written and recommended…
Profile Image for Mo ♡.
445 reviews15 followers
September 25, 2024
TWS: MMC'S FEMALE bitch of a best friend so proceed at your own caution. ⚠️

So this was the second book in this series, I skipped the first because it was a cheating book (although the FMC from that book had some self respect and moved on with the OM) BUT I still skipped it to read this one, and I just LOVE the angst which is why I read it. And no regrets here, I actually did enjoy it. But 😭 Ryan (MMC) WAS literally so dense throughout the book and annoying. He may not have physically cheated but I would still consider what he did, cheating. He did kind of grovel at the second part of the book (I wanted more though) and he honestly did love Aspen (FMC).
But I wanted more.

However I'm curious about the next book in this series, we got a snippet so I'll obviously read the next once it's out. Because I'm intrigued.
Profile Image for Nineette.
721 reviews14 followers
September 3, 2024
never invite a third

Definitely this relationship was put through the wringer and those moments I couldn’t contain my tears for her. He made stupid decisions after another not realizing how much damage he was causing to the person he loved.
Profile Image for ౨ৎ.
167 reviews7 followers
September 10, 2024
2.5 ⭐️

I am still bitter about it. Ryan is one of the biggest dumbass I have read about.
To be completely honest I am more interested in Rose and Maya
Profile Image for Eliana  Stellet .
2,774 reviews21 followers
September 3, 2024
This book got me feeling a LOT of things, will have to read it again later on to see how it is like the second time. Still thinking about everything in the story. And now i'm anxiously waiting for Maya's romance and already angsty about Nathan, if he is her future pairing like i think.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
244 reviews6 followers
September 14, 2024
Ryan the MMC was a completely blind idiot not seeing how manipulative his “bestie” Hadley was. The OW drama in this one was pretty good, made you wanna snatch her hair at times. I’m glad that the FMC, Aspen stood her ground, called out Hadley and didn’t make it easy for Ryan to get his second chance.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kathleen Lemke (Page).
567 reviews5 followers
September 25, 2024
My rating: 4 1/2 stars

What I loved: I loved the ow drama. I’m glad Aspen(h) stood up for herself and left. Even though it took Ryan(H) awhile to get his head out of his ass, I’m happy he did and got back with Aspen. My favorite was Ryan telling the ow off.

What I didn’t like: I didn’t like how we don’t know what happened to the ow. She kinda just went away which didn’t add up to the way she was. I truly wanted to read about her being miserable for the rest of her life ;)

***Major Spoilers/ Details/Triggers: OW Drama. H and h are in a relationship, living together. h lost her parents and just has the H and their friends. H lets the h know that he has a friend that he grew up with who lives in London coming to see her dad who doesn’t have long to live and ask if it’s ok if she stays at their apartment over their garage. h says ok even though she never heard the H mentioned this friend before. H and h are supposed to meet with his sister and friends but first H picks up the friend(ow), he will meet the h there. H never shows up and when h calls him, he tells her that the friend was tired. When h comes home, she sees how close the the H and ow are and also can tell that the ow doesn’t like her. When H is supposed to help the h out at the rescue shelter she is setting up, again the H doesn’t show up when he said he would because of the friend. H constantly put the friend’s needs above the h’s. h talks to his sister and the sister tells her that the ow had always been possessive with the H. Whenever h brings up how she feels, H tells her that the ow is going through a tough time and that things will go back to normal soon. When the H and ow’s college friends come to hang out, again the H ignores the h and the h decides to go to the bar. H sees a guy talking to the h and accuses the h of trying to get attention. h upset leaves. H realizes he is messing up but feels guilty for his friend/ow. Ow’s parents never showed her love. H’s dad told him that the friend/ow was conceived when her mom was raped. Ow doesn’t know but the H’s father wanted him to know just in case it ever came out that she would have someone there for her. So when the ow makes plans with the same college friends the H allows it even though he knows the h wouldn’t want it. H and h talk and he tells her that he will do better. When they come over it comes out that the H and ow got married in college but got a divorce when H knew he didn’t love her like that. h blindsided leaves. H knows he messed up and when the h comes home he tells her that he messed up but unfortunately he doesn’t have time to explain because the friend/ow’s father died and he needs to be there for her. Of course the H stays with the friend/ow to comfort her and doesn’t even bother to check on the h. The friend/ow reminds the H that he promised her a trip when they turn thirty since they never went on a honeymoon. H again feels guilty and agrees he will go. At the funeral, the friend/ow tells the h that she will never have the H and he will always put her first like he has been. She tells the h to ask him what’s happening next week. h tells the H that the friend/ow is in love with him but he tells the h to stop. Later, h asks H about the trip. H explains and h asks him not to go. H goes and while he is gone the h moves out. When H gets to the hotel, they are told only one room was booked. H upset but goes along with it. When H calls h, the friend/ow comes out of the bathroom with just a towel on. h hangs up when she hears about them sharing a bed. H freaks out and finally realizes that the h was right and that the friend/ow had ulterior motives. H leaves and runs back home only to find out that the h left him. H decides to do everything he can to get the h back. He goes to her job and apologizes. H asks if they can talk. When they meet up the H apologizes for everything but h wants nothing to do with him. h is now living with their guy friend and starts working at a strip club as a waitress. H finds out and goes to make sure she is alright. Again, the h tells the H he lost his right to worry about her. H decides to sell his house and move back home with his parents. When the friend/ow decides to show up when everyone is out to beg the H to talk to her, the H shuts her down in front of the h. H tells her that she is the one wrong and that he loves the h. He then organizes a fundraiser with the help of their friends for the h’s animal rescue. h goes on a date and gets upset when she sees all the friends together. Later, she finds out about the fundraiser and that it was the H’s idea. H and h talk and they decide try again but they are taking things slow. HEA with a proposal.

Final thoughts: I really enjoyed this book and definitely read more from her. I hope Maya gets a book <3

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Psalm Domingo.
323 reviews8 followers
September 5, 2024
I absolutely loved this. The angst is very very good. It hits really hard, and by the end, I can say that I've gone and been converted to support Ryan winning back Aspen.

I'm also curious how the other stories will unfold, especially Maya's. Will be keeping my eyes peeled for the next installment of the series.
50 reviews
September 4, 2024
very good

I really enjoyed this book. H was a boneheaded blind boyfriend when it came to his bf? Hadley. Ryan and Aspen were meant to be though there was a huge struggle. I love how Aspen did become one of those body betraying syndrome character. She held firm on belief on how H lied and kept being so loyal to ow. Really good. Can’t wait for book three!
Profile Image for Bev .
2,079 reviews458 followers
September 7, 2024
Really enjoyed this one, the angst was delicious. It lost a star because Ryan's stupidity became almost caricature when it got to the (non) "honeymoon" which was, let's face it, just ridiculous. Also because that awful OW Hayden got little to no comeuppance.
Profile Image for Yames Bond.
851 reviews11 followers
September 8, 2024

It took me many days to finish it but I like the story. I admit I had a hard time believing the Hero and all his excuses and I’m holding a bit of a grudge against him, but it was nice.

I’m intrigued about Maya! Waiting for that book to happen 👏🏼
Displaying 1 - 30 of 100 reviews

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