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A Thousand Boy Kisses #1

A Thousand Boy Kisses

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One kiss lasts a moment. But a thousand kisses can last a lifetime. One boy. One girl. A bond that is forged in an instant and cherished for a decade. A bond that neither time nor distance can break. A bond that will last forever. Or so they believe.

When seventeen-year-old Rune Kristiansen returns from his native Norway to the sleepy town of Blossom Grove, Georgia, where he befriended Poppy Litchfield as a child, he has just one thing on his mind. Why did the girl who was one half of his soul, who promised to wait faithfully for his return, cut him off without a word of explanation? Rune's heart was broken two years ago when Poppy fell silent. When he discovers the truth, he finds that the greatest heartache is yet to come.

A stand-alone young adult tearjerker romance, recommended for ages fourteen and up.

316 pages, ebook

First published March 15, 2016

About the author

Tillie Cole

53 books24k followers
Amazon & USA Today Best Selling Author, Tillie Cole, is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother -- a farmer's daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses.
Being a scary blend of Scottish and English, Tillie embraces both cultures; her English heritage through her love of HP sauce and freshly made Yorkshire Puddings, and her Scottish which is mostly demonstrated by her frighteningly foul-mouthed episodes of pure rage and her much loved dirty jokes.

Having been born and raised as a Teesside Smoggie, Tillie, at age nineteen, moved forty miles north to the 'Toon', Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, where she attended Newcastle University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts honours degree in Religious Studies. She returned two years later to complete a Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching High School Social Studies. Tillie, regards Newcastle to be a home from home and enjoyed the Newcastle Geordie way of life for seven 'proper mint' and 'lush' years.

One summers day, after finishing reading her thousandth book on her much loved and treasured Kindle, Tillie turned to her husband and declared, "D'you know, I have a great idea for a story. I could write a book." Several months later, after repeating the same tired line at the close of another completed story, she was scolded by her husband to shut up talking about writing a novel and "just bloody do it!" For the first time in eleven years, Tillie actually took his advice (he is still trying to get over the shock) and immediately set off on a crazy journey, delving deep into her fertile imagination.

Tillie, ever since, has written from the heart. She combines her passion for anything camp and glittery with her love of humour and dark brooding men (most often muscled and tattooed – they’re her weakness!). She also has a serious side (believe it or not!) and loves to immerse herself in the complex study of World Religions, History and Cultural Studies and creates fantasy stories that enable her to thread serious issues and topics into her writing -- yep, there's more to this girl than profanity and sparkles!

After six years of teaching high school Social Studies and following her Professional Rugby Player husband around Europe, they have finally given up their nomadic way of life and settled in Calgary, Alberta where Tillie spends most of her days (and many a late night) lost in a writing euphoria or pursuing a dazzling career as a barrel-racing, tasselled-chap wearing, Stetson-sporting cowgirl... Ye-haw!

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
July 8, 2022
Note added 9/8/21:

Dearest fellow goodreaders,
If you loved this book, that's wonderful. I'm truly happy for you. I did not, which is an opinion I'm allowed to have...which we are ALL allowed to have. That said, if you enjoyed this book and want a tongue-in cheek alternate opinion? Read on...However, if you are someone who is so enraged by someone not liking something you loved and will feel the need to tell me I "have a hard heart" or "Wow look at you all confident insulting someone’s favorite book" (REAL comments I've received on this review, mind you), for not feeling the exact same way as you, then maybe steer clear.

Regardless, I read this a long time ago and have moved on to other books. If you enjoyed this book, that's wonderful. If you didn't, find comfort here. If I saved you from reading this and feeling super triggered and/or depressed? I'm content.

Still here? Then read on...

Okay, okay, where to start with this thing...


***Enter Diplomatic Val***






Oh, I'm sorry, did I say "Diplomatic Val?"

My bad.

Cause I tripped that bitch on her way in.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love me some Tillie Cole and I still will after this shit show.

But, as I was saying:

FUCK this book and the whispernet it came in on.


I wish I would have read some.

In all sincerity though, I'm about to fucking WRECK this thing for you.


So stop reading if you really want to read this book...

...Or keep reading if you really want to avoid some major, unnecessary book depression of the highest order.


There: you've been warned.
So don't act like I pissed in your Cheerios if you read this and then wish you hadn't.

But if you DO feel that way?


Cause that's how I feel after trudging through this thing.

How else do I feel?


And you know what? If I wanted to be depressed, I'd go to work.
Or watch Beaches.
Or Titanic.

Cause this book?

It's like someone took A Walk to Remember, Sweet November, The Boy Who Snuck in My Bedroom Window, and The Fault in Our Stars...wrote them all down on pink heart-shaped paper...

And stuck them in a mother effin' JAR of a thousand piss-me-the-fuck-offs.

Now, I actually liked all of those previous books/movies.

With Walk, the whole chick-dies-at-the-end shtick hadn't really been done in that manner before and I read the book and went to the movie (as a hormone-addled teenager at the time, mind you) not really expecting that ending.

And with Fault, whelp it was kind of like Titanic.


You knew old girl wasn't gonna make it to port before you went in.

Whelp, with THIS shipwreck, I had no idea.

And being that a NON-HEA (because that's what this was in my salty opinion) has been unprecedented before in my experience with Tillie Cole - and being that an HEA is just something I EXPECT with something peddled as ROMANCE - I did NOT expect this outcome.

But believe me, you saw the writing on the goddamned wall early-ish on.

But only after you were knee deep in the story and had one of those halfway moments where you are like, "Well we are already halfway there so..."


Might as well just keep on keepin' on. Ya'll.

And in ONE way, this WAS very much like Titanic.

Because why, you ask?

Because in this case...

The band was playing as the ship went down...


Whoops, wrong band.


There we go.
Nice job fellas.



Oops, they're still going...

As I was.

Again, don't get me wrong.

This was very well written - if super sappy and somewhat cliche at times.
And I truly felt the connection between Rune and Poppy.
And I became attached to them, for sure.

But honestly, it was like watching that movie Earth.

They introduce you to the tres adorbs wild mama elephant and her baby elephant...


...They even give them names and then take us along on their journey across the Sahara or some shit.

We get all attached...

And then these bastards show up:


And fucking turn baby elephant into dinner.

Now, tangent.

While searching for possible pics of said predator/prey moment, I came across some very graphic ones of lions attacking an elephant.
And it made me so upset, I can't even tell you.

So you're welcome for not putting one of those in here.

But I digress.

My point?

If I wanted to read about someone I'm attached to dying slowly of a horrible cancer and the effect that that has on their loved ones?

I would revisit all those super fun memories of my own 12 year-old self and the experience of watching my mother die in agony from said disease.

Or I could just make it faster and stab myself in the face with a sharp object.

Cause you know what?

As beautiful as this kind of story can be - and rightfully IS - to some people, it's just not what I would call a "good time."

I read to escape the daily grind and have fun, not to be reminded of the worst memories and feelings of my life.

Which is why I usually avoid books with death endings like the plague.

However, being that it's my practice not to read too many reviews of a book I am thinking about reading, as well as the fact that this wasn't alluded to in the blurb (I was legit expecting the oops I had your 15 year-old Oslo baby twist, no joke), I was simply not prepared for this book to...be this kind of book.

Needless to say, take this review with the proverbial grain of salt.

Most of my GR friends loved it, and for good reason.

It's well written - as all of Cole's book are, in my opinion - and I really did like Rune and Poppy (unrealistic and Manic Pixie Dream Girl though she may may be).

Their love story was the epic "loved you since childhood" story that dreams are made of...

My dreams though?
End with me and my hubster getting old and gray together.
Sitting on our front porch swing.
Yelling at the street kids to get the fuck off our front lawn.

NOT of my beloved soulmate dying of Cancer before age 30. And leaving me behind to experience a world I never want to experience: one without him in it.

And so with that...

Profile Image for Tillie Cole.
Author 53 books24k followers
February 28, 2016
This is by far my most favorite of the novels I have written. It called me to write it over 18 months ago, but I resisted until I could resist no more. Poppy and Rune have taken my entire heart and soul with them on this journey, and I am forever changed by it. Moved by it. Inspired by it.

I hope you all love this novel as much as I loved bringing these beautiful characters to life.

Yes, it's a tearjerker. But it's so much more too. Take a chance on this story of young, but undeniable love, you won't be sorry.

Like Poppy says, "Always say yes to new adventures."

Much love and happy reading.

Tills xx

Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
May 20, 2018
Jeezus, this was bad. Poorly written, the story was horribly executed. It was meant to be intense and heart-wrenching, but I felt nothing other than pure annoyance. I wanted the main characters to just shut up.
The odd slut-shaming pissed me off. The non-stop cliche. The romance and dialogue were vomit-inducing.

I couldn’t do it.

DNF at 60%.

In need of my romance fix. Buddy-reading with
my fav!
Profile Image for Larissa Cambusano.
527 reviews3,546 followers
August 25, 2023
goodbye. i’m fucking sad.

“and my heart almost burst.”

changing my rating from a 4.5 to a 5 because i haven’t stopped thinking about this book in a year.
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
March 17, 2016

Kiss eight hundred and nineteen was the kiss that changed it all. The kiss that proved that a long-haired brooding boy from Norway and a quirky girl from the Deep South could find a love to rival the greats.

It showed that love was simply the tenacity to make sure that the other half of your heart knew he, or she, was adored in every way. In every minute of every day. That love was tenderness in its purest form.

WOW. WOW. WOW!!!!!!

This was one of the most breathtakingly beautiful books I have EVER read in my entire life. HOLY FEELS. I cried my way through most of the book because almost every scene was filled with the most intense and powerful emotions you can imagine. The sheer, undying strength of the LOVE that Rune and Poppy shared overwhelmed me. I loved every single word of this book . And the ending was absolutely perfect for their story. This is one of those books that I know will stay with me forever and ever. I loved it with all my heart and HIGHLY RECOMMEND it to everyone as my first 6 STAR RATING of the year!!!

I'm exhausted. I've slept barely 2 hours. After I washed all the mascara tear streaks from my face, I went to bed thinking about this book. I fell asleep thinking about this book. I woke up thinking about this book. I can't stop thinking about this book. I keep replaying the story, the beautiful quotes, the powerful scenes over and over in my head. I can't get over how beautiful this book was. If there has ever been a single book that has EVER made me believe that REAL LOVE truly lasts forever and ever, THIS IS IT.

This is what it's about...
One kiss lasts a moment.
But a thousand kisses can last a lifetime.

One boy.
One girl.
A bond that is forged in an instant and cherished for a decade.
A bond that neither time nor distance can break.
A bond that will last forever.
Or so they believe.

When seventeen-year-old Rune Kristiansen returns from his native Norway to the sleepy town of Blossom Grove, Georgia, where he befriended Poppy Litchfield as a child, he has just one thing on his mind. Why did the girl who was one half of his soul, who promised to wait faithfully for his return, cut him off without a word of explanation?

Rune’s heart was broken two years ago when Poppy fell silent. When he discovers the truth, he finds that the greatest heartache is yet to come.

For anyone who want/needs to know the ending, I've included everything in the hidden spoiler at the link below. You don't have to read it first, but I know many of you like to know. I personally always have to know. I knew everything in this spoiler before I read the book and honestly (just for me), knowing was what made me enjoy the book more because I had that lifeline and reassurance. It's totally up to you!

*** ***

“She’s the love of my life. And I’m not walking away from her, even for a second.”

HOLY INTENSITY. There was more raw emotion in the first few chapters of this book alone than in most entire books I've read. I had tears in my eyes, my heart was pounding in my throat, I felt like I couldn't breathe because of how much I was feeling for this book. I alternated between crying and almost crying, falling in love and feeling overjoyed for the beauty of their fierce love for each other, and feeling broken-hearted for everything they were going through.

I held her. I held her so tightly I thought she would ask me to let go. But she didn’t, and I wouldn’t. I didn’t dare let go, in case when I lifted my head she wasn’t here.
I needed her to be here.
I needed her to stay.

Every few chapters, I had to step away from the book to regain my composure. But even though I wanted to take breathers, I just as desperately needed to keep reading. I wanted more of their story while simultaneously wanting to stop time. No matter what, every time I picked the book back up again, I was crying within moments. On more than one occasion, I'd have to stop reading because I literally couldn't see the words any longer through my tears. AND I LOVED IT!! Could. Not. Stop. Reading.

I loved how much validity the author gave to young love. It's so often dismissed as 'you aren't ready yet' or 'you can't know what you want yet', but this book gave it power and strength. I'm a firm believer that you know when you fall in love -- forever love -- even if you find your soul mate when you're young.

When he reached me, he didn’t touch the tear stains on my cheeks, as I left his untouched. Closing his eyes, he took my mouth in a kiss. And in this kiss I felt his outpourings of love. I felt a love, that at seventeen, I was blessed to have received.
A love that knew no boundaries.

Poppy's strength was beyond powerful. And the fierce loyalty and strength with which Rune loved her was beyond intense. He loved this girl with all of his heart and soul and he was willing to do absolutely anything to make every moment of her life be filled with that love.

This book needs to be made into a movie. I could picture every scene so vividly in my mind as I read and it would easily make an incredible transition to screen. *sends up silent prayer to movie gods*

Then she promised, “My kisses are all yours. No one else will ever have these lips but you.”
I brushed my lips against her more time and echoed her words. “My kisses are all yours. No one will ever have these lips but you.”

I highly recommend this book with all my heart. Be prepared to ugly cry. Possibly more than once. I can almost guarantee that you'll be full-out sobbing at some point. But know that it is absolutely worth every single tear... because the ending was more beautiful than I could ever have imagined.

Heart-breaking, breathtaking, unforgettable, and profoundly beautiful, this book will stay in my heart a long time to come. More than anything, it truly made me believe in undying love -- the kind of love that endures the most intense pain imaginable, and still shines through forever and ever and ever.

“You’ll stay by my side, won’t you?”
Crouching down, I cupped her cheeks. “Forever.”

RATING: 6 STARS!!! Standalone romance.



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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,351 followers
November 13, 2021
This one was simply just too darn sappy and cheesy for me. The dialogue wasn’t even age-appropriate the majority of the time (Mom of 17 & 11 year old girls). The grandmother and her gift was the best and most original aspect of the story, which I loved.

The whole second half of the story was completely unoriginal with Chinese lanterns (read this year in two books already), Sunrises (Dude), neighbor hero sneaking into heroine's room and bed nightly (more books than I can count include this), wishlist spots visited (every book that handles this theme), but hey I can’t love them all…

Profile Image for Caitlin.
379 reviews3,005 followers
April 17, 2022
This book was so painful yet so beautiful. But I will NEVER read it again because I value my mental health more <3
Profile Image for  ruby.
140 reviews
September 16, 2021
"NO" he roared
"Poppy was quirky, not cool"
"she was unique in a town full of carbon-copy bimbos. She didn't want to cheer, bitch or chase boys."

wattpad says hi
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,179 reviews56.7k followers
December 26, 2021
sad yes, but mostly just exhausting.

our hero's emotions are totally justified throughout the story but i found him tiresome with his constant anger. our heroine was a little too quirky and happy go lucky given the circumstances. and really it felt like not much happens.

i think if you're looking for a certain kind of story, and you want to be sad/cry this could probably work for you. it just didn't grip me enough to bring out those big emotions.

edit: also... this is not a traditional romance with a HEA so keep that in mind
Profile Image for persephone ☾.
575 reviews3,215 followers
September 16, 2021
please, Rune's only personality traits were being angry and broken ⛓🔫👿

"Our kiss may have been a middle finger to anyone who didn’t want us together, but her smile was a middle finger to the darkness in my soul."

The darkness of your soul ?? Really ??
Profile Image for *TANYA*.
1,002 reviews385 followers
February 24, 2017
If I had a nickel for every time I wanted to DNF this book I'd have a thousand nickels in my jar!! It took me FOREVER to finish this book!!! Needless to say I didn't like it at all. It tried too hard to be a tear jerker.
Profile Image for  A. .
1,163 reviews4,936 followers
June 20, 2020

I should really start reading spoilers before I start the book. But this is Tillie Cole so I one-clicked it without thinking.

I didn’t DNF this book because the writing was bad.

On the contrary. The writing was great.

I didn’t DNF it because I didn’t like the characters.

The characters were awesome. I loved them both dearly and with all my heart.

I didn’t DNF it because I couldn’t connect to the story or the characters.

No, the real reason is exactly the opposite.


I was one hundred percent invested into the story right until the 35% mark. And then BAM!

The three dreaded, ugly words....

And I was done. I was so pissed I almost threw my tablet against the wall.

Because I can't stomach another book that will make me feel miserable for days after finishing it. And no ending will make me feel better, believe me.

Real life sometimes sucks. And I want to use my books as an escape from the harsh reality.

Profile Image for Christy.
4,233 reviews35.1k followers
March 15, 2016

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Live hard, love harder. Chase dreams, seek adventures… capture moments. Live beautifully.

Every once in a while, you read a book that completely turns your world upside down. It happens every so often, and when it does, your heart is so full you feel like it could burst. I wish I could express how much this book impacted me, how much I felt while I read it, but the words to convey just how wonderful it was aren’t going to be enough. I guess I could quote Tillie herself and say that this book is as special as special can be . It’s one of those rare books that I want to give all the stars too! I loved it so much.

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Tillie is a favorite of mine, and when I heard she had a new YA book coming out I jumped for joy! I love YA and I love her writing so I figured it would be a great read. I didn’t realize just how good it would be. I didn’t realize it would be the kind of book that moved me and captivated me.

Poppy and Rune meet when they are 5 years old. They are neighbors and they quickly become the best of friends. Poppy’s mamaw gives Poppy a jar when she’s just a kid. A jar to fill with kisses. 1000 boy kisses to be exact. Rune, even at a young age, decides he will be the one to give Poppy these kisses. It can’t be anyone else.

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Rune and Poppy spend their childhood together and in love. Rune ends up having no choice but to go to his native country of Norway and to do the unthinkable… leave Poppy behind. No matter how temporary he can’t imagine ever leaving his girl.
This was Poppymin. the girl who would run to the blossom grove, laughing and dancing all the way… I couldn’t leave her. She couldn’t leave me. She needed me. I needed her.

No matter what this couple goes through, no separation, no silence, could ever stop them from being together. They were meant to be.

Rune and Poppy are both amazing characters. I loved Rune’s love and devotion for his Poppy. And Poppy… one of the best heroines I’ve ever read! She had the most fantastic attitude no matter what was happening in life. For such a young girl, she was someone I looked up to and admired.

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Tillie Cole is one of my favorite authors. This is by far her best book yet. These two characters and their story are completely unforgettable. This story isn’t always easy to read. It’s not a light read. It’s heavy. I had tears rolling down my face more often than I did not. It was heartbreakingly beautiful, but by the end, I had the biggest smile on my face. I promise you it is worth every single tear you will shed. It isn’t a book you want to miss out on. This is going on that list of one of my top favorite books EVER! If you haven’t read it yet, don’t miss out!
“Poppy and Rune. Two halves of the same whole.”

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Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
December 2, 2019
oh wow. who knew a thousand boy kisses would make me cry a thousand sad tears and break my heart into a thousand little pieces?! maybe its just that time of month, but goodness me, im an emotional mess.

i understand that this book is a little rough. the writing is plain and the characters are pretty basic, but something about this totally captured my heart. its one of those stories that really makes you think about how you live life and evaluate the things that make you happy.

what a tender and special story. <3

4.5 stars
Profile Image for selin♡.
49 reviews21 followers
March 10, 2022
oop i read this one last month but forgot to write a review. basically, it was cheesy as hell and i was cringing A LOTTT while reading. i don’t want to hear or read the name “poppymin” for the rest of my life again
Profile Image for Maditales.
611 reviews32.5k followers
November 3, 2023
Pretty predictable ending not going to lie but that just made the tears fall even more because I knew right from the beginning what was going to happen and I was crying for three hours straight while reading this book and the entire idea of saving amazing kisses as memories is super cute and wholesome and the epilogue made me feel at least a bit of happiness
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,601 reviews11k followers
July 12, 2016

I didn't think I would make it through this book. I cried and cried and cried and ............


This is a love story like no other and I hate/love it. God! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! What can I say to you people out there! My feelings are just shot! This book is so beautiful, so sad and just damn it.

Rune and Poppy met when they were 5 years old. Rune had just moved from Norway to Georgia and he hated it until that moment he met Poppy and everything became crystal clear. He met his best friend, his soul mate. But nothing lasts forever and I sure didn't see this one coming. I had my mind set on not finishing the book because I thought when they were separated at 15 that it would be just another "oh they are apart now and lets find other people and this was all meaningless". It wasn't like that, not like that at all. Did I mention is was the most beautifully, sad love story ever!


"Rune," she said, her voice serious and strong, "you live right next door, and you're a Viking and I just love Vikings. I think we should be best friends."
"Best friends?" I asked.
Poppy nodded her head and pushed her hand further toward me. Slowly reaching out my own hand, I gripped hold of hers and gave it two shakes, like she'd shown me.
A handshake.
"So now we are best friends?" I asked, as Poppy pulled her hand back.
"Yes!" she said excitedly. "Poppy and Rune." She brought her finger to her chin and looked up. Her lips stuck out again, like she was thinking very hard. "It sounds good, don't you think? 'Poppy and Rune, best friends for infinity!'"

Just kill me now because you all have no idea!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(

So Poppy's mamaw died when Poppy was 8 and she left Poppy and mason jar with little hearts in them so she could collect a thousand special boy kisses. She was to write them down on the hearts and have them for a lifetime to pass down to her children.

Rune and Poppy were in the blossom grove, Rune was comforting Poppy. Then Poppy told Rune about the jar her mamaw gave to her.


He stared down at me, then at the jar. My chest hurt again; I could see he wasn't happy by the look on his face. He'd gone all moody again.
I stepped closer to my best friend, and Rune's eyes fixed on mine.
"Poppymin," he said, his voice deeper-hard and strong. "Poppymin! It means my Poppy. For infinity, forever and always. You're MY Poppy!"
I opened my mouth to shout back at him, to tell him this was an adventure I just had to start. But as I did, Rune leaned forward and suddenly pressed his lips to mine.
I froze. I couldn't move a muscle as I felt his lips against my lips. They were warm. He tasted like cinnamon. The wind blew his long hair over my cheeks. It started to tickle my nose.
Rune pulled back, but his face stayed near mine. I tried to breathe, but my chest felt funny, kind of light and fluffy. And my heart was beating so fast. So fast that I pressed my hand over my chest to feel it racing underneath.


"You kissed me," I whispered, stunned. Rune lifted his hand to hold mine. He lowered our joined hands by his side.
"I'll give you a thousand kisses, Poppymin. All of them. No one will kiss you ever, but me."


The story tells about Rune's love for photography and how he was going to college in New York because of said photography. Poppy played the cello and was going to college in New York because of said cello. They were going to be together living their dreams. They had friends, they had each other, they had a love that could match no other. And then... I will never tell you but for the love of all that is holy, it all changed and it's the most heart breaking thing I have read in a long time!


The ending was so sad, I can't even. I just can't!!!!!!! Rune and Poppy's story ends in the blossom grove. My word of advice is to have a box of kleenex handy. I almost went through a whole box myself.



If you love unbelievable love stories, because there can't be love like that in this crappy world, then this story is for you. If you don't really want your heart broken and stomped on then it's probably not, but read it anyway!

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
March 14, 2016
{ARC Generously Provided by Author}

As I stared at Rune, I asked myself how I had gotten so lucky. I was loved by this boy, loved so fiercely that other loves paled in comparison.

I closed my eyes and replayed our lives in my mind. I remembered the times I hugged him and he hugged me harder. I remembered how I kissed him and he kissed me deeper. And best of all, I remembered how I would love him and he would always strive to love me more.

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Where do I begin to describe this incredible story???
Firstly, I’d like to give Tillie Cole a BILLION GIRL KISSES for creating the most beautiful love story I have read….EVER!!! I’d like to follow that up by stating that I also have a bone to pick with her because how can anything I read after this measure up!!??? I seriously don’t think it’s possible! This, in my honest opinion, is Tillie Cole’s MASTERPIECE . She has always been one of my top favorite authors, but after having read this GORGEOUS & HEARTBREAKING story, Tillie has definitely earned her place as my #1 FAVORITE AUTHOR!

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I knew even before I read this book that it was YA, and I don’t have anything against this genre, but I mostly read NA and Adult Contemporary books. That being said, I think those of you who tend to steer clear from YA really need to forego that stance and pick this one up ASAP! Rune and Poppy are two of the most endearing and wonderful characters you will ever come across in your reading adventures. Their love for each other was so awe inspiring and it will make you wish that a love like this could come into your lives.

Tillie’s writing is beyond exquisite. I highlighted so much of this book and found it so hard to pick just one quote to add to my review. There were some quotes that were so breathtaking but to post them here, would possibly spoil the story and you definitely need to go into this one blind.

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If I could shout it from the rooftops I would say - ”Drop whatever book you are reading and pick this one up!!” Make sure you have a box of tissues handy because the tears will start freely flowing!! Also download the song ”If I Could Fly” by One Direction. It is mentioned in the book and it gave me goosebumps while I was reading this amazing book.

This is definitely my FAVORITE Tillie Cole creation and this story is one I will carry in my heart for a long time to come. BEST OF 2016! BEST BOOK EVER!!!

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Profile Image for ♛ may.
816 reviews4,381 followers
September 30, 2016
DNF at 30%

This book is the epitome of cheesy. I know a lot of people really enjoyed it but I really cannot relate.

The writing is 100% unrealistic and just fricken puke-inducing-cheesy.

I'll let you decide for yourself . . .

(Keep in mind, the character is supposed to be 15 years old when he said this):

"Because of you, I’ll miss out on years of being with my girl. Don’t think that just because I’m young I don’t recognize what I have with Poppy. I love her. I love her more than you could imagine. And you’re taking me away, without even considering how I would feel.”

(She was 15 when she said this as well...):

“Maybe we’re like the cherry blossom, Rune. Like shooting stars. Maybe we loved too much too young and burned so bright that we had to fade out.” She pointed behind us, to the blossom grove. “Extreme beauty, quick death. We had this love long enough to teach us a lesson. To show us how capable of love we truly are.”

Excuse my ignorance but, DO 15 YEAR OLDS ACTUALLY TALK LIKE THIS? They sound like philosophers, not kids. -_- #NotRealistic

And apparently it gets really emotional (I read spoilers, terrible, I know) but I cannot see past the writing to enjoy the story, it's terrible in my opinion.

If you're into cheesy, unrealistic stories, then you might want to give this book a try, if not, then I would not recommend.

1 star.
Profile Image for bruna.
119 reviews2,199 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
November 8, 2023
dnf at 55%

i really can’t take it anymore. i started reading this book only because i thought it would make me cry—but i read more than 200 pages and didn’t shed a single tear. the story was giving me wattpad vibes, i couldn’t connect with the characters and the writing style was not good. i was going to force myself to read until the end, but after seeing spoilers about the ending i realized it wasn’t worth it so i decided to give up. it’s just not for me.

sydnee; i’m sorry babes... please don’t hate me 😭


i need a good cry 👀
Profile Image for zoii.
77 reviews339 followers
November 22, 2022
romance? babe this is straight up horror!
Probably the most boring and abject read of the year
Profile Image for Cara.
438 reviews823 followers
June 16, 2023
OH MY GOSH!!! As i'm still processing this book, I have no clue what to say other than, I will never forgive Tillie Cole for writing this book, because my heart just burst. A Thousand Boy Kisses was so beautiful, yet so heart wrenching. My heart hurts so much. This book honestly messed me up. I don't know how long it will take me to recover from this book. As I was sitting here trying to finish this book last night, I was struggling so much to hold back the tears, but boy did they flow. In my opinion everyone needs to read this amazing book at some point. This book absolutely DELIVERED!!!! I told myself I wasn't going to sob so much reading a damn book, but I will never promise myself that ever again. As i'm sitting here trying to write this review the tears are flowing freely and my heart is still hurting.

"Our kiss may have been a middle finger to anyone who didn't want us together, but her smile was a middle finger to the darkness in my soul".

Poppy Litchfield and Rune Kristiansen have been two peas in a pod since they were five years old. Rune moved to Blossom Grove, Georgia from Norway. One day, Poppy gets pulled out of school because her mamaw was sick, Poppy didn't understand what was going on until she got home and saw her family members quietly crying and nurses surrounding her mamaw. Poppy was her mamaw's best friend, her favorite girlie, her everything, they did everything together. When Poppy's mamaw tells her she's going on an adventure and Poppy can't come with her. Poppy doesn't understand what's happening, but when her mamaw tells her that she's going home to be with her angels, Poppy is broken. Before Poppy's mamaw silently goes home, she gives Poppy a mason jar filled with one thousand plain hearts. Poppy's mission is to find her soul mate, and every kiss that she has, she is to write it down on the heart explaining everything, who she kissed, where she kissed this person, and if it made her heart bust.

Poppy tells Rune what is going on, but Rune gets so defensive and tells Poppy that he is the only boy she will ever kiss. I loved Poppy and Rune's relationship so much, they were just so cute, sweet, and perfect, and deserved the absolute world. When Rune is fifteen years old he learns that his father got a job back in Norway, Rune is so determined that he won't leave Poppy behind, but Poppy tells him that he has to go, Poppy promises Rune that she won't kiss anyone else until Rune comes back. Fast forward, Rune returns back to Blossom Grove, Georgia when he is seventeen years old, where he befriended Poppy as a child, when Rune returns he just has one thing on his mind. Why did the girl who was one half of his soul, who promised to wait faithfully for his return, cut him off without a word of explanation? I'm not going to say what happens because you need to read it for yourself, but I will say that it will destroy you.

When Rune is away in Norway, Poppy halts her one thousand boy kisses. When Rune returns back to Georgia is he a completely different person, he's much taller, he's more angrier, he now smokes. Rune's heart was broken two years ago when Poppy fell silent without a word or why she cut him off, but when Rune discovers the truth, he finds that the greatest heartache is yet to come. One kiss lasts a moment. But a thousand kisses can last a lifetime. I love love love this book so much even though it destroyed the heck out of me. I just wanted to reach into this book and pull both Rune and Poppy in for a hug. Both of these characters deserve the absolute world. If this book turns into a movie, I promise you I will run to it so fast, but don't laugh at me when you see me sitting in a movie theater sobbing, looking like a whole mess. When Poppy and Rune were in the blossom grove touching the flowers, boy did that make my heart swell.

Profile Image for Ali Goodwin.
260 reviews34.5k followers
March 1, 2022
Such a cute and heartbreaking story 😭 I loved that its not only childhood friends to lovers, but that we literally get to see the two main characters grow up together.❤️
Profile Image for EmBibliophile.
618 reviews1,911 followers
July 12, 2022
2.5 stars

This was a sweet tiresome sad story, that was just kinda too much?? The hero was too angry. The heroine was too quirky. Together they were too clingy, too young, and just too much. And don’t even get me started on the dialogue. I know that they’re young and all of that, but god they made me cringe so bad!!
Profile Image for jesslyn.
340 reviews267 followers
August 11, 2020
Warning: a short but hateful review


Now I love and hate myself.

I love myself because I overcame and got through this torture.

I now hate myself because this book caused me the worst reading slump I’ve had this year. As of this review, I’m still on a reading slump so it’s going to be a while before you hear from me again.

SO! The age old question: Jesse, dear God. Why romance again?

Simple. A friend recommended this to me. I asked her to recommend me the saddest book she ever read because like I said, I’ve been in a sad mood all week. And she was like:

Her: “This one will do!”.
Me: “But it’s romance…”
Her: “The saddest books out there are romance, Jesse. Deal with it and do me a favor.”

But without further ado, let’s get to the review!

Ah, to be fifteen and damning your parents for things that they can’t control. I’m looking at YOU, Rune. But whatever, fifteen was a weird age.

I knew from the time I picked this book up that I’m signing up for cheesy.

Let me kick this up by saying the writing in this book is soooooo cheesy to the point that I had to pick up another book as an escape. The cheesy was torture. I was so convinced I was ready for this. Before I dived in, I convinced myself ”It can’t be that cheesy right? I mean I’ve read cheesy before. I can do this!”. God then slapped me in the head and went HA! You’re WRONG! because I’m saying this with the most certainty I have in my being that this book is by far, the cheesiest book I’ve EVER read. I was a little certain that maybe if I read this book during middle school, it would be much more enjoyable, but looking back, I don’t even think middle school me could stomach this.

So, with every ounce of goodwill left in me, I tried to convince myself that I’m just heartless. This book must’ve been a product of its’ time! A product of… I don’t know, 2008 when everything was embarrassing, ONLY to find out that it was actually published in 2016.

This book is a wattpad romance and you can’t convince me otherwise. I mean, the dialogues! I’m fucking dying! NO THAT’S NOT HOW NORMAL PEOPLE TALK! I appreciate the use of poetic language shit whatever but the author apparently didn’t know where to put expressions. Let me tell you something: people, especially teens, don’t talk like poets to each other. Save those expressions and how the sky is heavenly beautiful for the narration please.

The characters are the most boring ever and I really don’t enjoy the book’s constant need to point out how flawless Rune and Poppy are. Rune is basically a Greek god or something and Poppy is basically Sleeping Beauty. Okay, fine, five years ago, we all swoon for hot handsome boys. TODAY, we swoon for broken boys who have a personality. I cringed all the way through this book because I don’t need excessive descriptions of Rune’s six pack. I want a PERSONALITY out of these characters. God oh why.

The rest of this book is just unauthentic as it is. We don’t see Poppy’s struggle or her sickness showing until 75% of the book. Like seriously, NONE. Also the levels of stuff that Rune would do for Poppy and vice versa are just unrealistic as hell. I can’t even give you an example right now because they all do stuff that only happens in dreams… and it’s not just ONE TIME!

Oh, also that epilogue is a huge mess. I was desperately hoping for redemption or whatever. If I had shed a tear, I swear I would’ve given it a 2 star because I’m generous and all that. What happened INSTEAD threw the entire fucking plot to the trash can so yeah goodbye book, miss you never.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 53,909 reviews

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