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Sixteen-year-old Kyra, a highly-skilled potions master, is the only one who knows her kingdom is on the verge of destruction—which means she’s the only one who can save it. Faced with no other choice, Kyra decides to do what she does best: poison the kingdom’s future ruler, who also happens to be her former best friend.

But, for the first time ever, her poisoned dart . . . misses.

Now a fugitive instead of a hero, Kyra is caught in a game of hide-and-seek with the king’s army and her potioner ex-boyfriend, Hal. At least she’s not alone. She’s armed with her vital potions, a too-cute pig, and Fred, the charming adventurer she can’t stop thinking about. Kyra is determined to get herself a second chance (at murder), but will she be able to find and defeat the princess before Hal and the army find her?

Kyra is not your typical murderer, and she’s certainly no damsel-in-distress—she’s the lovable and quick-witted hero of this romantic novel that has all the right ingredients to make teen girls swoon.

276 pages, Hardcover

First published March 12, 2013

About the author

Bridget Zinn

4 books267 followers
Bridget grew up in Wisconsin. She went to the county fair where she met the love of her life, Barrett Dowell. They got married right before she went in for exploratory surgery which revealed she had colon cancer. They christened that summer the "summer of love" and the two celebrated with several more weddings. Bridget continued to read and write until the day she died. Her last tweet was "Sunshine and a brand new book. Perfect."
Bridget wanted to make people laugh and hoped readers would enjoy spending time with the characters she created. As a librarian/writer she loved books with strong young women with aspirations. She also felt teens needed more humorous reads. She really wanted to write a book with pockets of warmth and happiness and hoped that her readers' copies would show the watermarks of many bath time reads.

When not writing young adult masterpieces or working on world domination, I spend my time cooking, traveling, making films and taking my ball gown out for trips around town.
My current secret lair resides somewhere in (shhh...) Portland, OR where I plot daring adventures with my husband and two cats.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,368 reviews
December 8, 2015
The princess had to die. It was either her or the rest of the kingdom.
That's great, but why? This book had two major problems: it was a rambling mess, and it had huge, gaping plot holes. Half the times I wasn't sure what's going on, and the other half of the time, and for the majority of the book, I was asking myself: Why the fuck did Kyra have to kill the princess?

First off, I know the author died of cancer. It is a horrible, horrible way to die. I am sorry for her loss, I am sure she was a wonderful person, I'm sure she was beloved by her friends and family. This review is a review of the book, and not a criticism of the deceased. I did not like the book without any disrespect to her memory.

I did not like the book. I expected a fun-filled romp of a fantasy, and what I got was more of a romp through a forest of weeds, without an end in sight. The plot and the action was not well-written. It was confusing, the constant flashbacks only served to confuse the present and the past.

I didn't find the book funny. It was forced, and it was silly. Kyra had a pig, Rosie. Rosie is a stupid pig. I have no fondness the unnecessary inclusion of small children or animals for the sake of cuteness when the situation does not call for it. An accused murderer on the run? There's a situation during which no small cute pig is necessary.
The pig.
It was the most ridiculous thing in the entire world: Kyra, would-be assassin and master potioner, had resorted to hunting down her prey—her best friend the princess—with a piglet.
But she had no choice. The princess had to die.
I know the book is supposed to be funny and cute. It wasn't such to me; it was forced. Even the cutesy scenes didn't ring true. The main love interest talking down his fierce pet wolf to get wolfie and piggie to be fwiends? No, thank you.
“See, Rosie? Langley’s a nice dog. He just wants to be friends. I know he’s big and looks scary, but he’s just a puppy at heart. And, Langley, you’re going to have to be gentle with Rosie, okay?”
Now, the reason why the princess had to die was just stupid. I had endure 3/4th of the book with Kyra going WAAAAAAAAH I HAVE TO KILL THE PRINCESS. I HAVE TO KILL MY BEST BEST FRIEND while wondering "Why the fuck you gotta kill your best friend, gurl?" It was frustrating, to say the least. And when the time came for the explanation of WHY SHE GOTTA KILL THE PRINCESS, the explanation made zero sense to me.
And then, a few weeks later, Kyra was brought to her knees by the second vision she’d ever had in her life.
A vision. A bloody vision. How many visions has she ever had in her life? Two. This being the second of them. And OF COURSE THIS VISION CAN BE TRUSTED, RIGHT? What the eff, man?! There's no convincing evidence whatsoever that the princess has to die.

This was really boring, very forced, overly cutesy, and does not live up to the hype.
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
June 4, 2017
Poison is a cute but rather superficial YA fantasy about Kyra, a 16 year old "potions master" (she seems a little young for master status, but whatever) who's on the run for trying to kill the princess and heir to the throne, for reasons that the author coyly hides from the reader for about half the book. While Kyra's evading arrest, she's also trying to find the princess again so she can do a better job of killing her this time--even though said princess is her best friend. And there's a gorgeous (of course) ex-boyfriend helping to hunt Kyra down, as well as a hot (of course) new guy whose path keeps crossing Kyra's.

The story lags in a few places, the characterization seems a bit lacking, and some of the pieces don't quite fit together the way they should. It's not a terrible book, but it's not deep or challenging in any way. I'd recommend this mostly for younger teen or tween readers who like romantic fantasy. It's worth noting that the MC meets cute guy #2 while she's wading through a river in some frilly underwear. However, there's a small pig with magical man-hunting abilities on top of her head, so there's that.

It's a very weak 3 stars, but if you love lightweight YA fantasies with clean romance, you might enjoy Poison. For me it was kind of a waste of time.

On the other hand, now I really want an adorable pink pig that can hunt down anybody I want.
Go find Richard Armitage for me! NOW!!
Profile Image for Gelo.
28 reviews
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May 26, 2011
Very sad to know that the author of this novel lost her battle against cancer today, 25th of May, 2011...I really haven't heard of her until today on Twitter from John Green. My thoughts go with her family.
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
February 18, 2013
Poison was a fun adventure-fantasy with murder, intrigue, and potions. As if that wasn’t enough, there’s a sweet romance mixed in as well. And don’t forget about the adorable pig.

Kyra, is a Master Potioner who had a bright future ahead of her. She was highly respected in her profession, a mixer of potions that that range from sleeping mixes, truth serums, to extremely lethal poisons. Plus, she was engaged to another brilliant Potioner, Hal. All this was turned upside down when she attempted to kill her best friend, Princess Ariana, the future ruler of her kingdom. Since then she’s been on the run looking for an opportunity to finish the job, otherwise her kingdom will be destroyed. So while dodging discovery by the king’s men, she tries to locate the princess who has now gone into hiding. To find the princess, Kyra enlists the help of a despised criminal Arlo, because she has no other options at this point and time is running out. Enter adorable tracking pig, Rosie. Now armed with her master sniffer Rosie, Kyra goes on the hunt. Along the way she meets the Fred, whom she can’t seem to shake. It doesn’t help matters that Fred is distractingly gorgeous with a “heart-stopping smile.”

Oh, this story was just pure fun and adventure! Kyra was strong, capable and a little bit kick-ass. What more could you want in a heroine?! The idea of her wielding potions and having the smarts to make them up was ultra-cool! After being hunted and on the run, she can’t help but be guarded with others, but adorable Rosie and fun-loving Fred slowly creep into her heart, and chip away at her walls:

Bad enough that she’d gone all soft at the sight of a pig. Now Kyra’s feelings were threatening to overwhelm her because of a few stupid campfire memories, a ghost of a kiss in the night, and the sensation of invisible arms around her in the soft, misty rain.*

I thought I knew the story when I picked it up, but new twists and discoveries kept popping up that had me glued to the pages. There was never a dull moment in Poison, and it was easy to breeze right through. Although the romance was not the center of the plot, it was sweet, adorable and enough to satisfy any romance addict. What was a welcome change is that in a sea of YA trilogies, this is a stand-alone and the story wraps up just enough to make you happy.

Upon reading the last page I discovered the author, Bridget Zinn passed away, and I had such a sad heart thinking about this. I know she would’ve been a bright addition to YA had she continued writing.

*Quotes taken from an uncorrected proof and may change in the final copy.

A copy was provided by Disney Hyperion in exchange for an honest review.

You can find this review and more at The Readers Den.
Profile Image for Amber Argyle.
Author 29 books1,096 followers
May 19, 2017
Bridget's Zinn's Poison has all the right ingredients to make your heart ache for more.

By raise of hand, who wants an enchanted pig? *waves hand furiously* I'll admit, in the beginning, I was leery about a pig in a high fantasy novel? But the level of cuteness for this pig was off the charts. Also, it was kinda badass. I have no idea how a pig manages all of that, but this one did. Now I want one of my own.

In the beginning, I had a hard time connecting. Great hook. Strong action from the get go, but what kind of story focuses on a main character who killed her best friend and princess? It doesn't take long before we realize that only Kyra knows that the princess has to die or the kingdom does. Murdering the princess will surely cost Kyra her life, but what choice does she have?

And then the girl who never misses, missed. Now she has to hide from the king's army, her ex-boyfriend and fellow potioner, witches, and criminals. All while plotting the death of her best friend.

Did I mention that there's romance? Cause there is, and I loved it. Poison had the light, sweet kind of romance that tugs a sigh from somewhere deep inside you.

I finished the book and tried to find more of Bridget's books so I could immediately buy them. There are none. Bridget died last year. I had to work really hard not to cry. Bridget was a talented new writer with a long and beautiful career before her. I want to hug her. I'll settle for hugging her book and sending my love upwards instead.

A must read!
Profile Image for Tabatha.
223 reviews92 followers
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November 16, 2014
You can check out more reviews by me on my blog:

* Note: I apologize in advance for the swearing in this review.. I got a little bit carried away..

Suuuuuuuuper excited for Poison! ;D

I think that calls for a little piggy love n'est-ce-pas?

[image error]

Get it? Babe? As in, the pig? (:
.. No? You don't get it? Are you kidding me -.-
Oh well.. :/

Bet you wish you had such cute animals in you pre-read reviews huh? (:
Just saying.. If your post doesn't feature piglets or kittehs,

But don't go getting any funny ideas, don't even think about stealing it..

Oh.. And..


Over & Out, T xx
Profile Image for Shelby.
258 reviews
January 19, 2017
4 Stars
While reading this book reminded me of the Snow White story because the story line is like the Snow White story except it is a little differnt. I think I like the Snow White story better. I really like the twist though in this book because instead of a posin apple on the Snow White story there is a spell position instead. Through put reading this book I think it is the dark side of Snow White. I still like the original Snow White story better.
Profile Image for Experiment BL626.
209 reviews359 followers
April 22, 2013
Poison delivered on its promise. It delivered a kickass heroine, a charming love interest, a cute pet pig, and an exciting plot. I devoured the book in less than 3 hours.

+ the characters

Kyra was everything I hope for in a heroine. She was resourceful, quick thinking, resilient, determined, selfless, noble, kind, etc. She deserved all the superlatives. I liked how she didn’t hesitate to kick ass, I liked that she fought smart, and even better I liked that she won most of the times. I liked how she knew when to not fight but hide instead; I liked that she recognized her own limits. I liked how she came to adore her new pet pig, Rose. I liked how she eventually opened her heart to love, to Fred, in spite of the risks and her mission. The book constantly gave me reasons to love Kyra more. I was happy that the entire story was told in her 1st person POV so that I could receive her full awesomeness.

Fred, the love interest, was charming, patient, and best of all nice. I thought YA had ruined me with its bad boy cliche because the few times I encountered good boy love interests I found them boring. I thought boys acting like jerks was the only way they, as love interests, could ever be interesting. Fred proved me wrong, and I was grateful for it. He proved that it was perfectly possible for a love interest to be both nice and interesting. I loved how patient he was with Kyra because Kyra didn’t have the time and couldn’t afford the time for romance. It would have been understandable if he was curt to her, but I was very glad he never was. Fred was seriously and thoroughly a nice boy.

Rose, Kyra’s pet, was cute. She could have easily come off as annoying and a burden, but she didn’t.

+ the plot

Even though there were flashbacks, one of which was particularly long, i.e. the entire chapter two, the pacing moved fast, and it was mainly due to the writing. The writing emphasized action and dialogue and painted imagery only when it was relevant. The plot always moved towards Kyra’s goal.

I did not expect the amount of twists the plot had. Just when I thought the big twist was done and over, the plot pulled a few twists that were no less shocking. The ending pleased me.

+ negligible issues

I did have a few issues with the book, but they were in the way of “this is good, but it could have slightly better.” I wished I learned more about the hermit, Ellie, and how he got into the conspiracy and what ultimately happened to him at the end of the story. It was easy to fill in the blanks but I preferred to know outright. Even though he was a bad guy, he was just so pitiful.

Second issue was about Fred. I wanted to know how Fred got a wolf for a pet and learned how to steal like an experienced thief.

Third issue was about the romance. I’m glad it wasn’t a love triangle, that Fred and Kyra mutually liked each other, and that the other girl was nice and not made out to be evil so she could be easily bumped off. However, I wished Kyra and Fred came together earlier and not at the very last minute. I wished they fought for each other and communicated with each other about how they really felt.

Fourth issue was about the bad guy who was responsible for the main conflict. He was a caricature. The main conflict could have been avoided had the guy been disposed of in the first place when he got captured. In chapter 11, Kyra suggested people can be throw into prison for life for trivial reasons. If not executing him outright, he could have stayed in prison for life. On one hand, I’m glad the justice system had integrity. On the other hand, it seemed too good and simple to be real because what kingdom would willfully release a bad guy who will certainly return for vengeance. Anyway, once all was revealed and Kyra confronted him, he hit on her. WTF.

In Conclusion

I rate Poison 4-stars for I really liked it. The book was fun and exciting. Both the plot and the protagonist were strong. While the book wasn’t without issues, I found them negligible. Frankly, the biggest issue I had was that the book was a standalone. I strongly felt there were more adventures in Kyra’s future to be told.

If you like Poison, I recommend The False Princess, which I rated 4-stars too.
Profile Image for Jon.
598 reviews746 followers
March 18, 2013
Seen at Scott Reads It!
Poison is one of those books that I saw and I immediately wanted to read. Everything about the cover appealed to me from the "Snow White And The Huntsman" cover to the fantastic description. I never had the pleasure of meeting Bridget Zinn but I really wish I could have met her. From what I have heard and read online, Mrs. Zinn seemed like an amazing and humorous person!

Kyra is on the run after a failed attempt at killing the Princess, who also is her best friend. Along the way on her journey Kyra meets Fred who is both charming and a bit arrogant. Will a bunch of potions and a pig be enough to find the Princess and kill her? Will Kyra manage to evade the army that's searching for her? Why did Kyra try to kill her best friend?

Poison is by far one of the best fantasy books I have ever read! Bridget Zinn's debut is an extremely fun and entertaining read that is action-packed and filled with humor! This is an extremely addicting book that once you start, you won't be able to put it down! I love how even though this book revolves around an attempted murder, it is still a light and fun read.

The characters in Poison aren't exactly your average YA characters. Kyra was a character that I rooted for early on, even when she attempts to kill her best friend. I honestly never thought making potions could be so awesome and kick-ass until I read Poison. Kyra's potion abilities were incredible and they were extremely interesting to read about. Finally I have read about an extremely intelligent and witty character that was extremely likeable! Now a days in Young Adult literature, I seriously think a majority of the characters seem to lack a brain or common sense.

I'm super glad that Kyra didn't go all heads-over-heals for Fred. I have read so many books where the female protagonist claims she doesn't need a male to support her, and she falls immediately for the love interest. Fred, the love interest was named after the famous Fred Weasley from Harry Potter. Fred (from Poison) was extremely loyal to Kyra no matter what. I could definitely tell that Fred loved Kyra for who she was as a person. Even when Kyra abandons him for his good, Fred was persistent and kept coming back to her. Fred isn't one of those creepy stalker boyfriends that are rampant in almost every book I read. Kudos to Bridget Zinn for creating a likeable, charming love interest.

Everyone's probably wondering about Kyra's relationship with her love interest but frankly I'd rather discuss her relationship with her pig. Yes Kyra has a pig and her name is Rosie. The last time I loved a pig this much was when I first read Charlotte's Web. Rosie was seriously one of the most awesome animals I have ever read about it in a book (Sorry Rosie but I love Manchee and Wilbur more!). Though Kyra didn't always show it, I could tell she really loved Rosie.

I really enjoyed Poison and I would highly recommend it! Fans of Graceling will love Kyra and will love reading about her journey to kill the princess. Poison is definitely a must read with extremely likeable characters, fast paced action scenes, and tons of humor. Poison is an epic adventure unlike no other! Thank you to Disney-Hyperion for providing me with an ARC of Poison!
Profile Image for Christina (Reading Extensively).
513 reviews81 followers
March 14, 2013
I wasn't sure what to expect with this book but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. There is quite a bit of humor and lightheartedness so even though Kyra is on the run and has a dark task ahead of her, the story is actually fun.

Kyra is a smart and funny main character and she isn't perfect. She makes mistakes and sometimes trusts the wrong people or doesn't trust the right ones. I think this made her easier to relate to. There are some mysteries about her and some things that I wish were explored more such as her other abilities aside from potion making.

Fred also adds to the humor and I love their banter. He is not exactly a "Prince Charming" type but he is a decent guy who still has the ability to make Kyra a bit weak-kneed at times (though she really fights the attraction-she has a job to do!). Instead of being a hero who saved the day, they really helped each other quite a bit.

I do wish we'd gotten to know the secondary characters a little better. Of those characters, I think Princess Ariana is the one I felt I knew the best by the end of the book. Being able to see the flashbacks of their friendship through Kyra's memories certainly helped.

The magical world that the author created was very interesting. I liked learning about how magic worked and the various potions Kyra could create. That aspect of the book reminded me of Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock and I think Poison would appeal to fans of that book.

Overall, although it had some minor flaws, I thought this book was charming and funny with some suspense and plot twists but nothing overly dark. Although this isn't a fairy tale, it has that kind of tone as well as light fantasy. I laughed out loud while reading and had a smile on my face as I turned the last page. I only wish there was more.

Note: I am honored that I had the opportunity to read an e-ARC of this book. It is so sad that the author Bridget Zinn did not live to see it published.
Profile Image for Hallie.
954 reviews129 followers
April 9, 2013
I decided not to rate this one, given the difficulty I was having knowing how to choose stars. There was a lot that was very sweet and enjoyable about the book, but Zinn's death before the book was even published may have had a lot to do with the unevenness I found.

Structurally, I think there was a serious problem with starting the book with the Bang! of knowing that Kyra had tried and failed to kill Princess Ariana (only daughter of the king and queen of the country). It's quite a while into the book before we start to understand her reasoning, and a while more before we learn something crucial about the magic in the world further explaining that reasoning, and this lack of understanding makes investing in Kyra as a protagonist about whom we care very difficult. Aside from that, she's not just a skilled potions expert (in the case of Ariana, AKA assassin), she's a potions master. At sixteen. And she's not only learned everything she needs to know about potions (presumably from her teachers), but in the past she has been the potioner to administer an extremely tricky truth serum to a dangerous criminal, in a trial that will result in either his death or his freedom. (None of her teachers around to handle that job? Because Kyra didn't.)

For all that, I enjoyed this book for the most part, and very much liked many of the characters - especially the pig, who outcuted even the dog. Obviously the tragedy is that Bridget Zinn died so young, leaving family and friends bereft, but a small part of the sadness is that she'd undoubtedly otherwise have written many more books that would have delighted many readers.
Profile Image for Emma Michaels.
Author 19 books687 followers
March 14, 2013
I am enamored with ‘Poison’.

I haven’t felt so wonderful reading a novel in ages. Finally twists I don’t see coming, adventure that swept me off my feet and a girl as stubborn and pig headed as I am. How could I not fall in love? Plus, did I mention there is a pig in this, poison throwing darts, crazy witches and royalty? I kid you not, no matter what is released later this year, this book will be my most beloved novel of 2013. Rosie

Have you ever read a book that brings back that first sense of adventure you had when you started reading? This did that for me. I was swept off my feet and by the time I looked back up again hours had passed. I am a huge fan of ‘literary Easter eggs’ as plot tools and this book was bubbling to the brim with them, Bridget Zinn really knows how to write.

Yes, to all of you readers who are fed up with series-

This is a stand alone novel.

One that actually ties up all of the lose ends into a magnificent bow at the end leaving you feeling like you just just read the most fulfilling novel and adventure you can imagine. I absolutely fell in love with this novel.

You know those review that say, everything you want in a book you will find in __________.

Yeah, in this case it is actually true.

Adventure, romance, humor, fantastic characters who show real growth, excellent pacing, non-stop action but with attention to details and world building and a story you won’t forget.

I may be addicted to e-books but I am definitely going out and getting a hardback copy of this book to keep on my desk right next to ‘The Fault in our Stars’ to remind me why I write.

Poison is simply prefect.
Profile Image for Mackenzie .
190 reviews1 follower
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May 31, 2012
Is it just me or does this book cover look eerily similar to a poster for Snow White and the Huntsman?


At least it's pretty!
Profile Image for Lil.
526 reviews63 followers
February 8, 2013
Love. Love. Love. Love. LOVEEEEEEEEE. There are no other words to describe my feelings toward this story. Zinn managed to captivate me and take me on a really great adventure in a mere 276 pages. This is one of those books that you can't put down because not only is it adorable, it's simply perfect and leaves you aching for more of the author's easy skill of transporting you to new worlds. It kills me to realize that I won't be able to immerse myself in any other faraway lands that spur from Zinn's mind. Instead, I'm still fully content with re-reading my new pick-me-up fantasy.


Magical kingdom in peril
Potions master (flavor: feisty)
Evil princess (distilled from former best frien)
Tiny pig (with essence of adorable)
Handsome ruffian (must be funny, charming, good at rescuing; best if smells nice)

Blend with romance, add a dash of enchantment, mix well for mayhem and drizzle in humor.
WARNING: Contents may be irresistible.

That cute little description taken off of the back of my ARC describes this novel perfectly. An irresistibly enchanting tale with tons of laugh-out-loud humor, a perfect love interest, and the cutest little magical pig that you will ever encounter combines to form a tale of friendship and heroism that is remarkably perfect for all age groups. The young ones can find a really lovely tale and role model in Kyra while elder teens, like myself, can immerse themselves in a cute story that'll easily put a smile on their face a thousand times over.

The plot of this novel was obviously fast-moving due to its short length, but I never felt rushed. It was full of magical creatures that I've never encountered before, as well as scary witches that eat people (think Hansel and Gretel's story but more physically revolting) and gypsies that just want to lend a hand. The wide array of creatures and characters easily allowed us to continuously be surprised, though the overarching finale of the story could be inferred by any reader able to read between the lines.

But the most interesting aspect of the plot was clearly Kyra's Master Potioner status. There are only three masters in her kingdom and she is one of them. She can create potions that nobody ever dreamed of and loved her potion entitled Doze that puts people to sleep. Her darts tend to get her out of a lot of shady situations because of that little potion. But she does have one potion that can never fall into the wrong hands. It's got a red skull on it and it's entitled Poison...otherwise the only potion that can be used for immediate murder. The potion she used on her best friend, the Princess, out of fear that her marriage was going to cause her kingdom to fall. Would you be able to kill your best friend if it saved the entire kingdom? That's the question that led Kyra on the ultimate quest in this novel, and it's one that easily keeps you reading.

Lastly, I want to address the characterization. Clearly, I am a huge fan of Kyra. She's amazingly strong-willed and determined. She's focused and brave and all around amazing. She's the type of heroine that should be written about more often because she can easily serve as a role-model to younger children. And then there's Fred. Gosh, I truly loved Fred. He's handsome, hilarious, and full of surprises. Most of the humor in this novel was delivered through him and his actions were often very surprising. And I must throw out a shout out to Langley the amazing wolf dog and his best friend/animal love Rosie the magical pig (who is the most adorable pig you will ever encounter, I tell you!)

Needless to say, I have nothing but praise for this novel. I loved it more than I thought I would. What I originally imagined to be a cute read was not only adorable, but mesmerizing. Zinn is a literary genius and easily created a debut tale that is unforgettable. This story is not one to be missed. A must read for anyone of any age, even those who are not fantasy lovers.
Profile Image for papalbina.
574 reviews267 followers
March 14, 2013
When I was reading this book, I found out that Bridget Zinn died before she could see her novel published. That fact unsettled me because, among other things, Bridget and I were born in the same year, we were almost the same age when she passed away, and that remembers me (again) how brief our lives can be.

Although I think it's great that the book could be published in spite of everything, I really really think too that there was a lot of editing work missing in it that could have made the book stand out instead of being just one among many.

Some parts that affected the rhythm badly should have been cut out, some reasonable changes in the characters would have made them more believable, the embedding of some flash-backs was not timed right or the flash-back could have been spared, some scenes were too obvious where they were heading (like the river crossing part, I mean)... Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed reading the book, but I couldn't help seeing the flaws.

But let me tell you the positive things of this book that makes me even sadder thinking that Bridget Zinn won't be writing stories like this one anymore:

- Rosie, the piglet. That is a new approach to the animal companion and I liked it xDD And she was adorable.

- Fred: I love his personality and the surprises he hid.

- The other surprises, including the bad guy (yes, it surprised me, so what?), Kyra's secrets and unknown allies.

- The potions, although I would have loved to have more details about them, but that's just my inner potioner :P

- The book is very... hmmm... movie-ish? movie-able? movie-turnable? Don't know the word (if there is any). I could see it turned into a movie as enjoyable as "Ella Enchanted", for example. It has everything to be a great fantasy movie: potions, poisons, hidden talents, charismatic hero, strong heroine, princesses in distress, conspiracies, road trip... a piglet!!! It may not be the best written and structured book, but I think it could do a pretty good job as a story on the screen. It would make me very happy to watch that movie...

In the end, the book is enjoyable and entertaining. Not the best one out there, but good enough to spend a couple of hours in it...

Thank you to Disney-Hyperion and netGalley for providing me with a copy of the book
Profile Image for Kira Simion.
881 reviews141 followers
February 9, 2017

1 for the characters. Has a strong female and a funny male.

1 star for back stories. I really liked reading about the MC's back story. She was a tyro poison maker and now she's more of an expert.

1 star for plot. It was well structured and kept me entertained.

1 star for originality. I liked the kingdoms and the quest to do good. Action is a great storyteller. Just add action!

.5 of a star for the world building. Wish there had been a little more about the kingdoms and the world of poisons and etc.

Overall I really enjoyed this and finished in two sittings. :)

4.5/5 rounded up stars.

My favorite character was the pig. Oink oink! So cute.

Edit: 1-12-16

I reread it and it was still enjoyable, just not as nice as I remembered (which is not much).

Profile Image for Ms. B.
3,536 reviews60 followers
December 6, 2020
3.75 stars, refreshing and fairly innocent fairy tale like story about Kyra a young potions master who is on the lam after failing to assassinate the princess. Why did she try to kill a princess?
Perfect for tweens and teens looking for young adult books along with those who like royalty, witches, magic, gallantry, adventure and a little bit of romance in their stories.
Profile Image for Christina (A Reader of Fictions).
4,462 reviews1,762 followers
February 18, 2014
Yayyyyyy! I am SO glad that Debby forced me to read this book. Though I think it was on my to-read list anyway, I’m not certain I would ever have found the time to get to it, because there are an absurd number of books on my to-read shelf and I ALSO love rereading. I actually remember when this book was coming up, because I kept adding and removing it from my to-read shelf, because the reviews were ALL over the place, and I kept being convinced one way and then another, like a giant tug of war. The winner of that tug of war was Debby. *doffs hat to Debby*

Though I truly delighted in every page of Poison, I can see where it might not be everybody’s cup of cocoa. It’s all going to depend on your expectations and what you’re into. Thankfully, I went in with fairly low expectations and a feeling that the book would be flufftastic. It IS. There is NOTHING wrong with some well done fluff, and I had a big grin on my face the whole way through, so what is better than that?

Read the full review at A Reader of Fictions.
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,741 reviews5,998 followers
January 3, 2013
Poison was a fun read that will likely appeal to a wide audience. It's appropriate for tweens and has appeal for older readers too. The story started out strong and then lagged in the middle for me. By mid book it was a 3 star read but thankfully it finished with some fun twists at the end leaving me satisfied. So glad I kept reading. I love when an element of the story takes me by surprise and this book did that for me. (In hindsight I guess I should have seen it coming but I love when I don't see something until it's there).

There are some really fun elements to this story including an enchanted pig and a stranger named Fred who Kyra just can't seem to shake. I'll be passing this on to my daughter as I think she'll enjoy it.

Rating: 4 Stars - Great Book

Content: Clean

Source: Netgalley

Genre/Reading Level: Young Adult fantasy appropriate for tweens on up.

Finished December 26, 2012

*While visiting the author's website I just learned she passed away in 2011. There was a sequel planned but I'm not sure if it will be released or not.
Profile Image for Hypatia.
577 reviews77 followers
June 20, 2013
......does anybody else think that this cover looks suspiciously similar to Snow White and the Huntsman's book cover?
Profile Image for Sara Raasch.
Author 17 books6,024 followers
March 21, 2013
This book...there aren't words for how much I adore this book. It's the kind of fun, whimsical fantasy that needs to be on shelves everywhere.

Read this book. You really want to.
Profile Image for TheBookSmugglers.
669 reviews1,919 followers
April 14, 2013
Originally reviewed on The Book Smugglers

At just sixteen years old, Kyra is one of the most powerful and celebrated figures in the kingdom - one of the Master Trio of Potioners with exceptional talent, Kyra is also the best friend of Princess Ariana, who just so happens to be the direct heir and future ruler of the land. But one day, Kyra does the unthinkable: she attempts to kill her best friend by way of poisoned blade, and misses.

Now Kyra has fallen from upstanding member of society to villain, and she takes to the road, trying to stay ahead of the royal guard as well as tangling with other dangers that face a girl on the run (goblins, thieves, witches, handsome and charismatic traveling companions, etc). Though she's on the outs right now, Kyra is single-mindedly dedicated to her mission to find and kill Princess Ariana - the future of the kingdom depends on it. Luckily, she has the help of an adorable, magical scent-seeking pig (named Rosie) and one handsome and charismatic traveling companion (named Fred) and his wolfish dog to help her on her mission.

The debut (and sadly, last) novel from Bridget Zinn, Poison has a killer premise: smarmy and talented girl goes rogue and repeatedly tries to find and assassinate her best friend for specific reasons unknown.* Surprisingly, given the novel's core premise, the book isn't all doom and gloom; rather, Poison is a diverting, frothy romp of a fantasy novel. Written in a contemporary voice and featuring a snarky, strong female protagonist, this book feels and sounds very much like a fantastical Meg Cabot book (as many other reviews have pointed out before me). And, like Meg Cabot's books, Poison will certainly appeal to many readers - particularly those looking for some wit, lighthearted banter, and a sweet romance.

From a plotting perspective, Poison also does a fine job, creating a captivating mystery and chase story, as readers wonder why Kyra is so dead-set on killing the Princess - the reveal is solid, too (although the end of the book feels a little unresolved). On the whole, the romantic angle is of the instant variety, but sweet, the characters and world also of the fresh-faced, Pretty-Prince-and-Princess (of the western European) mold. And there IS an adorable magical pig who plays a main part in the story. Cute. Right?

These praises said, however, this is not exactly a deep or meaningful book - and the comparisons to the meatier works of Tamora Pierce or Kristin Cashore are, in this reviewer's opinion, way off base. Heck, even in comparison to some of the more lighthearted YA/MG fantasy novels - my favorite Patricia C. Wrede's Enchanted Forest books immediately come to mind - Poison can't quite stack up. The contemporary voice is intensely off-putting, and the haphazard, imagined magical rules and power structures (even at a very basic level) is frustrating. And yet, for those criticisms, I can't really fault the book because it is exactly what it presents itself as: fun, silly, with all the sweetness and airiness of strawberry shortcake.

Which is to say, it won't fill you up, but if you're in the mood for shortcake, you can't go wrong with Poison.

*Sadly, Bridget Zinn passed away before the publication of this book, to cancer. You can read more about Bridget and her work here.
Profile Image for Tanecia .
170 reviews143 followers
August 5, 2016
 photo neverendingstoriesheader_zpsede264e5.png

With a feisty cover and engaging characters Poison a is story that will capture your imagination and take you to a world filled with magic and adventure that will entertain readers alike.

Meet 16 year old Kyra- one of the best potion masters in her kingdom who was hired on several occasions by the King for her services is now on the run. When Kyra is labeled as a criminal for attempting to assassinate the future ruler: the Princess, who also happens to be her best friend. When her attempt fails, she is left with no choice but to find the Princess who is now in hiding and finish the job to save her kingdom on the verge of certain destruction. While trying to evade being captured by the kings army, Hal(her now ex-boyfriend), and her teacher must embark on a journey that she never saw coming.

When reading the first few chapters you get the feeling that something is missing. Why is Kyra on the run? Why would she want her seemingly best friend dead? It is not explained in the beginning but as you read further you are launched into an adventure that will take you there and back with flashbacks on how everything went completely wrong.

Kyra was a fun character to follow. She is quick on her toes, witty, and can hit you with a mean sleep potion when you cross her. She is a very strong willed heroin who occasionally has traits of a ninja, but it was also nice that every once in a while we would see that underneath this tough exterior was a scared, lonely, and selfless teenager who would betray her only friend to save her people. I found myself constantly rooting for her even when it seemed the impossible was impossible. And when things took a turn for the worse, Kyra meets an ever so charming traveler named Fred. Fred is a mysterious character. He is unmistakably handsome, he always happens to find Kyra when she undoubtedly doesn't want to be found , and he weirdly wants to know certain information about her life and questions her about why she lives alone in the woods and who is she running from. He also knows things he shouldn’t and he is also too observant than Kyra would like. With the suspicions surrounding Fred, will he turn out to be Kyra's second chance as a friend or is he an enemy in disguise?

I really loved the adventure aspect of the story. There was never a dull moment and there was always something happening from action, hilarious commentary between Fred and Kyra, to a brewing romance that is sure to keep you entertained. There are a lot of twists and turns and the buildup to the revelation was shocking and perfectly done! I was surprised on how well every detail we collected along the way came together and explained this complex plot.

All in all this was a wonderful read with great writing that will leave you satisfied. I would definitely recommend this book to readers who loved Graceling by Kristin Kashore.

Profile Image for Eustacia Tan.
Author 15 books284 followers
December 10, 2012
Would you kill your best friend if you found out she will destroy the kingdom one day? That's the dilemma that Kyra faces, when she see's her best friend Ariana destroying the country in a vision. So, she tries to kill her - but misses. Now, she's a wanted criminal on the run.

The story really starts with a bang. We start off with Kyra already on the run, and the back-story is given to us in bits and pieces. On the way, Kyra picks up a pig called Rosie and meets a guy called Fred. Ok, if I say anything more, I will blurt out one of the many plot twists.

Um, ok, the distract myself, let's talk about the characters. Personally, I loved Kyra. And no, it's not because she likes food (although that really makes me want to find her and become friends). Kyra was a well-written character and someone you can readily identify with. Plus, she's a master potioner, which means she has access to a whole bunch of stuff. Although having another talent may be overkill though.

And there's Arriana, who's totally not the normal girly princess. Or the warrior princess. She's just a normal tomboy princess. When we're finally introduced to her, I find her completely lovable. She and Kyra make a good team.

Rounding up the trio, there's Fred. Who's secretly whoops! Almost gave away a spoiler there! He's the nice-guy, although he may too nice at times. But he's genuinely likable, and down-to-earth. Despite his big secret.

The world-building was decent. It felt like a normal fairy-tale world (witches and stuff), so there wasn't anything very original. But it wasn't sketchy either, sufficient details were given to make the world Kyra was in feel realistic. I'm quite curious as to see if the later books would give the world more character, as in Shannon Hale's Books of Bayern series (I was very surprised to find out that The Goose Girl had sequels).

Definitely a title to check out!

Disclaimer: I got this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for a free and honest review

First posted at Inside the mind of a Bibliophile
Profile Image for Karyn.
104 reviews
December 18, 2012
I started this book expecting another dire story of a heroine's survival when the world was against her. Then there was a pig. Then a Fred. And it ended up being a fun romp through a world where chemistry is magic and magic (other than potions) is, well, dull.

The tonal switch is rather strange, admittedly. The story starts with Kyra on the run after attempting to kill the future ruler of her land while planning another attempt. There are flashbacks to the event, agony over being pitted against her best friend, and terror from close calls. Then the side characters happen. Kyra is the 'lone sane woman' in a way - no one else seems to be taking anything seriously and it's hilarious at times, though it drains the tension from the book.

Some of the plot twists are obvious, some are not. One that I liked at the time has convinced me this is not a book I'll be rereading. Knowing all the secrets completely changed the feel of the story and undermine Kyra's awesomeness. My main disappointment, though, was that Kyra's abilities were mostly told rather than shown. We never see her brewing a potion, just using what she has on hand. We barely see her fighting, though we're assured that she has expert aim and never misses. Except that once...

Overall it was an enjoyable light read that I'd recommend for the 10-13 crowd.
Profile Image for Jessica Trujillo.
11 reviews4 followers
March 13, 2013
This one is meh. Not terrible, just meh. I really wanted to like this book and was checking it out to see if it was worth giving to my niece, Kyra. To be honest, I only got 150 pages into the book and found that I really didn't care so I stopped. I thought the characters were flat. Maybe the books get better but I didn't care enough to find out either way. Even the dog and pig seemed one dimensional. I mean, Hen Wen was a pig with character. But all I knew about Rosie was that she liked the dog and cuddling. I didn't get a clear idea of the characters' inner self--even Kyra's and it was told from her point of view. I thought that the romance was lame (maybe it got better later?) but I thought 150 pages was a good enough try. There are so many other great books to read, why waste the time? Graceling by Kristin Cashore, The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander (or really any of the Chronicles of Pyrdain), Poison by Chris Wooding, Sabriel by Garth Nix--any of these I would gladly re-read and have strong, well developed female heroines.
Profile Image for Leahxx.
116 reviews60 followers
December 27, 2014
This book was so cute! It was so much better than I was expecting. It was pretty exciting with lots of bumps and thrills. And the characters were great too. Witty and dangerous and adventurous. It was a pretty cool book!
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