Suyi’s review of Warrior of the Wind (The Nameless Republic, #2) > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Sera (new)

Sera Nova I’m so excited! It feels so close but so far away till the book is out! 😭❤️

message 2: by Nate (new)

Nate Omg I can’t wait😭🫶🏻

message 3: by Suyi (new)

Suyi Davies Okungbowa Sera wrote: "I’m so excited! It feels so close but so far away till the book is out! 😭❤️"

I know! 😢

message 4: by Suyi (new)

Suyi Davies Okungbowa Nate wrote: "Omg I can’t wait😭🫶🏻"

Me neither!

message 5: by Cara (new)

Cara Yesss, so happy to see this update! I can't wait to read it!!!

message 6: by Kin (new)

Kin I cannot wait!!! The first book was one of my favorites last year 💚

message 7: by Kenneth (new)

Kenneth Truly November is a long time...and Lilong is bae. Damn!

Rosh (read in the A.M.) You had me at arcs

message 9: by Suyi (new)

Suyi Davies Okungbowa Rosh (read in the A.M.) wrote: "You had me at arcs"
Digital ARCs are already available on Edelweiss, and there's a US-based goodreads giveaway happening here soon. If you're on Netgalley, follow Orbit Books and you'll be notified when WOTW is put up (which will happen in the next few weeks).

message 10: by Monique (new)

Monique ahhhhh so excited!!

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