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Under the Stone Paw

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After inheriting her eccentric aunt's antique necklace, Anne Le Clair--a successful, young attorney--soon discovers that the necklace is one of six powerful keys that, when combined with the other five at the appointed time, unlocks the legendary Hall of Records. Original.

343 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2006

About the author

Theresa Crater

31 books73 followers
Best-selling author Theresa Crater brings ancient temples, lost civilizations, and secret societies back to life in her visionary fiction. Travel the world with Anne & Michael as they uncover arcane secrets and combat sinister occult forces in the Power Places series. In the Mystic Assassin series, Rainey returns from a near-death experience with a divine mission. Stand-alones include School of Hard Knocks, The Star Family and God in a Box. Her short stories explore ancient myth brought into the present day. The Star Family won best fiction in the Indie Spirit Book Awards in 2015. Return of the Grail King won the gold medal in visionary fiction from COVR in 2019 and Into the City of Light took the silver in 2021. Theresa teaches meditation and creative writing, and is married to Egyptologist, writer, and tour guide Stephen Mehler, who co-founded Khemitology with indigenous wisdom keeper Ab’del Hakim Awyan.

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10 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews
Profile Image for Mary Woldering.
Author 23 books161 followers
April 26, 2021
An esoteric treat that delves into secret societies throughout history and into the present, the Gnostic idea that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were not only married but had children. They were part of an unbroken hierarchy and family line with a universal destiny that stretched back to Atlantean and extra-earth roots.

Anne Le Clair, inherits her assassinated Aunt’s crystal necklace, but soon realizes she can no longer deny her place in her family and ancestor's destiny. There are evil forces at work vying to thwart that destiny and gain control of Earth. She is being drawn to the tunnels beneath the Sphinx in the Giza plateau in Egypt along with five others, each with a crystal necklace. They will meet under a particular star alignment.

Under the Stone Paw is a page-turning thriller, the concepts of which may disturb some readers, but it is well worth the read. If you like the works of Dan Brown and enjoyed The Da Vinci Code, this is a book for you. It's the first of a series of four books called Power Places.
Profile Image for Amber Foxx.
Author 13 books71 followers
December 25, 2016
Mystery, thriller, a touch of science fiction, visionary fiction—never mind the genre. It’s a compelling tale. Crater’s writing is polished and fluid, as she takes the readers through everything from chase scenes and fight scenes to transcendent spiritual experiences. She knows both modern and ancient Egypt well, bringing the settings vividly to life. I was fascinated enough to keep going even when I encountered such material as the Illuminati and the Shadow Government. I’m not into conspiracy theories or some of the more sci-fi-ish aspects this book, but I still cared what happened next. The characters are believable, the mysticism is beautiful, and the pace is riveting.
Profile Image for Donna.
1,607 reviews28 followers
April 22, 2018
Cover/Title: The cover on Goodreads is kind of boring but the Amazon cover (and the cover on my copy) is right on with the Sphinx. The title fits the story perfectly as well.

Characters: There is an interesting assortment of characters. The author doesn't really delve into the backgrounds of most of the characters. For the most part they are likable.

Plot: Anne discovers that her crazy relatives are not really crazy and her mother has been telling her that they were just to protect her. She is drawn into the mystery of the 6 keys and is fighting against time to put it all together.

Overall: This book started out well. At first, I loved all the history but then it just seemed to drag on. There was some action but it was dragged down by all the history they learn along the way. The book really needed to move faster. I almost put it down halfway thru because I was getting tired of all the historical background on their mission but not as much on the people themselves. Towards the end, I just didn't care if they succeeded or not. I just wanted to finish it. It is a shame because at the beginning I thought this might be a 4 or 5 star book.
Profile Image for Jeanne Dunn.
94 reviews2 followers
May 25, 2011
Exciting adventure that explores many worlds in many times! This writer does her research, tells a wonderful story and creates relatable characters. My true measure of how much I love a book is in the hours it takes to read it. I couldn't put this one down, and finished it within a day and a half. So glad to see that Theresa Crater has released another book! (Beneath the Hallowed Hill)
Profile Image for Lettie Prell.
Author 23 books34 followers
December 8, 2008
Egyptology and arcane teachings were the stars of this novel for me. Yet there is enough character, setting, suspense and romance to satisfy. Great easy-chair, Sunday afternoon fare. Just add bon-bons.
1,208 reviews15 followers
September 12, 2010
This was a very good book. It is compared to the DaVinci Code and does have several references to the Illuminati and Fibonacci and things you recognize from there. But its main focus is Egypt and the pyramids, which I found very interesting. It is a fast-paced, entertaining read.
Profile Image for Mandy.
301 reviews12 followers
June 8, 2014
An interesting take on the various mystical beliefs regarding ancient cultures.
9 reviews1 follower
August 18, 2016
Everyone will love this book

I loved this book. It had a story plot that Intrigued me, the cast of characters were amazing. I'm sorry it ended. Ill read this again.
Profile Image for Robin.
Author 1 book374 followers
February 2, 2017
This is a fun, romantic, adventuresome tale with a colorful cast and interesting settings.
Profile Image for Liesbeth.
302 reviews7 followers
September 18, 2019
Even though the cover doesn't look like it is an interesting book, as sometimes I am attracted by the story because of the cover. But o boy , this story is amazing if you like anything spiritual, Illuminati and conspiracies. This story has the same spiritual built up as the 'The Celestine Prophecy'.

Ann Le Clair personifies the modern world of today, where all spiritual thing are fairy tales and hogwash. But when she inherits the crystal from her aunt Chyntia, some unusual thing start to happen that she can't explain. When she meets Michael in a jewelry shop, things get slowly out of hand. Even more when her all powerful family, especially her grandmother and Thomas, are revealing the family secrets.

A great deal needs to happen to Ann before she can come to terms with it. She finds herself in a dangerous world where the Illuminati seems to know her every step. Is Michael a part of it or can she trust him?

They go on a dangerous mission to Egypt, to uncover the mysteries and the other lost crystals, a total of six. They don't have much time until the alignment, will they succeed or will the Illuminati succeed in their dark mission to take over the world?

It seems I am always attracted to Egyptian history and found the history lessons about the Egyptian Teters quiet fascinated and makes you think out of the box. I found this the most spiritual story and a book I definitely want to read again.
Profile Image for Rhonda.
636 reviews16 followers
March 8, 2021
This was an enjoyable and interesting read. The author clearly has studied many faith traditions and metaphysical lore. I look forward to subsequent books in the series as the characters, writing, snd premise mature. Of course there are a few quibbles. Structurally, the ending was abrupt and plot resolution was thin. Personally, I felt it had a lot more potential than what actually ended up on the page, which was disappointing. It felt to me as though, despite the author’s depth of knowledge, editors may have suggested she “dumb down” the metaphysical and esoteric knowledge & history in order to appeal to a wider audience. As a result, much of this material is a mile wide and an inch thick, coming across as shallow and untethered from its history and philosophy. Particularly after the rushed ending, this left me with an overall sense of a new age Dan Brown-ish attempt, with even less “meat.” Maybe I’m wrong about unmet potential, but if this review ever reaches the eyes of author or editors I hope they’ll hear that their audience wants more depth not less. The philosophical, metaphysical, historical, & faith communities incorporated into these novels deserve serious scholarship and treatment on the page or else it feels like cultural appropriation. Again, I’m not saying that was the author’s intent. There is enough meat there that you can sense she knows more and I hope that depth is given freer rein in upcoming books.
Profile Image for Margaret.
725 reviews4 followers
July 21, 2018
This book was a real surprise. I had sort of discounted it due somewhat to the cover, which has now been updated. Great new cover! This is an adventure and certainly a thriller into a family history dating back into antiquity involving the purpose for which they were destined. While this story is fiction, Theresa Crater has interwoven true history into the plot of Under the Stone Paw. The stone paw of the title is that of the Sphinx, the great mother. I was totally delighted when she spoke to our heroine.

There is so much in this story of past lives, relationships through time and a great deal about spiritual organizations. The characters are very well drawn and relatable. There is action all over the world, but it culminates in Egypt. Along with many of the characters, we visit most of the important Egyptian temples - outside, inside above and below. This is a fantastic read!
Profile Image for Patricia Stoltey.
Author 7 books116 followers
November 14, 2017
This is a novel that seamlessly weaves real information into fiction and makes it all believable. Theresa Crater blends her research and travel experience with her creativity to produce a fascinating story about the hope and plan of bringing enlightenment to the world after a period of ignorance and the fight to stop those who want to stop that new day so they can control the world's destiny.

Attorney Anne Le Clair is the reluctant force destined to save the future. She proves to be a tower of strength as she learns about her previously suppressed abilities and how she must use them. Much of the story is set among the pyramids of Egypt, a fascinating background for an excellent story.
Profile Image for David Taylor.
1,376 reviews19 followers
November 27, 2018
This book merged several loosely related topics regarding Templars, Egyptology, alternative history, and Edgar Cayce’s predictions in an action-packed adventure related to finding the Hall of Records. Theresa Crater has done a very good job presenting an entertaining story that may very well contain more truth than most people would wish to hear or consider. If you enjoy stories that are based on “alternative history” then Under the Stone Paw is a must read. I received this book in an author promotion and chose to provide this review.
127 reviews2 followers
November 5, 2019
This book has it all: action, adventure. archaeology, treachery, fiction, fact, religion, fantasy, sci-fi & love. The book was very well researched, and contained a mesh of fact & fiction. Most of the story takes place in Egypt & the reader is taken on a thrill ride. When I finished the book, I wished it was for real. How wonderful the world would be. This is a great story and the characters make it work. They are well developed and interact perfectly. this is a great book for fans of archaeo-thrillers. I highly recommend it! Now I really want to read the other books in the series!
538 reviews4 followers
January 7, 2021
Anne Le Clair is a lawyer trying to keep herself to the fringes of her family. They are a well known, well respected family with pull. She inherits her aunt's estate after her passing. That is when things begin to change. She finds out she is one of 6 people who together must save the world. Oh, and she only has about 2 months to learn everything she needs to know. This story takes you from New York to Egypt and what a ride! This is not your usual story about magic, it is very well written for adults. You will not be sorry you read this book. It was a great read from start to finish.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Duffy.
61 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2018
Mix conspiracy with mythology and the paranormal (a supernatural explosion), and this book is the result. Not only are there true facts and theories in this story; but there are still elements of fantasy. I got drawn into the characters, and found myself guessing who was for the Light and who was for the Dark. A must-read if you want a change of pace from your regular thrillers and paranormal books.
Profile Image for Shelly Wolf.
508 reviews6 followers
January 16, 2019
This is the first book I've read from this author,,,,,

The weaving of reality, myths, legends, religion, imagination and a speck of sci=fi is done seamlessl,,,, I really thought this was a good read,,,, something different than I am use to,,,, but still it was well written and it takes you on a journey, of sorts,,,, I would so totally recommend this book to anyone,,,,

I have gotten this ARC voluntarily to leave an honest review,,,,
Profile Image for Roger.
4,769 reviews20 followers
March 15, 2019
My first read from author Theresa Crater. I wanted to read this book. I looked forward to reading this book. Then I listened to the book. So much promise but disappointing. Reminiscent of James Rollins, Steve Berry & Dan Brown, but lacking and the flatness of the narration left it wanting more. The premise was so0 good so I'll give the author another chance but it won't be in an audiobook by this narrator.
Profile Image for Sheri Heiner.
115 reviews
April 21, 2020
Really a magical read⭐

This book was so enjoyable. I could have spent hours just reading about the different rooms that were so vividly described. I loved the characters, the locations and the twists and turns of the plot. The rituals, although not given much detail, seemed accurate to the theme. It reminded me of a book I read many years ago titled "Initiation" . If you enjoy a book filled with secrets, adventure, magic and romance this one is for you.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
56 reviews
August 10, 2020
I'm an amateur Egyptologist and I have a History degree with an emphasis on ancient history. I'm not so arrogant that I believe we have the only and only correct answers to the questions that arise about ancient civilizations. I very much enjoyed this book; my only concern is that it takes itself a little too seriously at times, and thus may occasionally loose the "civilian" reader. All in all I think it was a good book!
Profile Image for Annette Mordec.
205 reviews1 follower
November 5, 2023
Hmmmm..... what do I think........

A lot of history, a lot of various groups. All thrown into a blender.
Historical facts confused a bit, timeliness off. Better job of getting at least the time line would help the book.
Storyline would be decent, if not for the constant mix ups of historical timeline.
Either 56 thousand years ago or 3000 years ago in Egypt. Let's make up our mind when telling the story from when it all started.
6 reviews1 follower
November 28, 2018
This is the most fascinating book I have ever read, and over my lifetime I have read thousands of books. The history, the research, the time Theresa Crater must have spent to write such a masterpiece is amazing. I couldn't put it down and it is 7:30 AM the next day as I finished it. This book deserves five stars for content, plot, and characterization. So very interesting! Thank you Theresa!
Profile Image for Ann.
1,478 reviews
January 29, 2019
The blurb for this made it seem like it was to be a fast paced search for some strange artifact, but I'm not feeling that. There are, so far, at least 3 different sets of people but we don't even know yet what they're looking for, or whether there are any common goals. And, I'm afraid, I don't much care. So, at 15%, its DNF for me.
497 reviews2 followers
July 25, 2021
The book didn't deliver for me.

The book is well written and weaves in a lot of mythologies into an interesting concept.

It seemed like there was a lot of back story to bring in the characters and mythologies.

Once the story gets under way it just didn't seem to deliver for me, it seemed like there was a lot more mysticism than action.
420 reviews4 followers
December 8, 2018
Wonderful complex story.
This book combines myth, prophecy, metaphysics, different cultures, beliefs and eras into a multilayered wonderful story on saving the world. A must read. Looking forward to reading more books from this very talented author.
Profile Image for Sue Kimmet.
47 reviews
January 30, 2019
Excellent research that brings this tale to life! I found it especially interesting to bring together mythology from a wide variety of traditions. Will look forward to reading another book in the series.
Profile Image for Tammy.
50 reviews
October 22, 2019
A cross between the movie the Mummy and the Crystal Skull. Romantic and mysterious with a hint of mysticism. I could see each scene perfectly drawn with words along with the smells and sounds of the sites. Enjoyed every minute of this wonderful book .
22 reviews
November 24, 2019
I really enjoyed this book. It was a clean read. The characters were well-written. I look forward to reading more in this series. This is a stand-alone book, but I would recommend reading them in order if possible.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews

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