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Divine Guidance #2

Divine Signatures: The Confirming Hand of God

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As Latter-day Saints, we know God exists, but sometimes we may wonder, "Heavenly Father, are you really there for me?"

When trials seem beyond our ability to bear, some people lose their spiritual bearings, while others are made even stronger. How can we strengthen our faith and deepen our testimony to the point that we can endure whatever life holds in store for us and emerge stronger than before?

In this unique book, Gerald N. Lund shows how having a correct idea of God's character, perfections, and attributes is essential to our ability to strengthen our faith and develop our testimony.

He also reminds us of how much God loves His children and that He "delights" to bless us, especially when we are striving to do His will. As and example, Elder Lund introduces the idea of a "divine signature": "Sometimes blessings come in such an unusual manner and with such precise timing that they accomplish something in addition to blessing us. They so clearly confirm the reality of God's existence that they buoy us up in times of trials."

Throughout the book, Elder Lund relates story after story - some from Church history, some from his own life, and some from acquaintances - that illustrate the inspiring and life-changing insights he shares.

This book is a powerful blend of personal reflection and deep doctrine that will help us identify the tender mercies and "divine signatures" that abound in our own lives and which will lead us closer to God.

336 pages, Hardcover

First published November 1, 2010

About the author

Gerald N. Lund

64 books710 followers
Gerald N. Lund received his B.A. and M.S. degrees in sociology from Brigham Young University. He served for thirty-five years in the Church Educational System, and he served as a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy from 2002 to 2008. He is a prolific and bestselling author of both fiction and nonfiction and is best known for his historical novels, including The Work and the Glory series, Fire of the Covenant, The Kingdom and the Crown series, and The Undaunted. He and his late wife, Lynn, are the parents of seven children.

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Profile Image for Melissa.
2,370 reviews243 followers
December 17, 2014
I love Lund so I decided to try a non-fiction. I listen to this on tape and the reader was excellent. There was so much I wanted to re-read that I got the book and read it too. I love the stories of faith and the idea that they are God's way of letting us know He is there. This was a well written book that flowed well and gave a great picture. I LOVED the comparison between Nephi and Laman and Lemul if you ever wanted a recipe for what God wants of us compare the two as Lund did it is perfect!
Profile Image for Heather.
1,103 reviews7 followers
September 30, 2014
I really loved this book! I feel like it builds on two of my favorite conference talks – The Tender Mercies of the Lord by Elder David A. Bednar and O Remember, Remember by President Henry B. Eyring. These talks and this book teach important principles of recognizing the Lord’s hand in our lives in large and small ways.

There are so many sweet stories and examples shared in this book showing how Heavenly Father loves and cares for us and wants to bless His children. Some are life changing examples, others are simple, but all are wonderful and touching and have strengthened my faith and testimony. The main point of the book is to strengthen faith and come to know God. As we learn in the Lectures on Faith in order to exercise faith we need to know that God exists, have a correct understand of His character, and then we need to know that the course we are pursuing is in accordance with His will. With this faith and knowledge of God we are more likely to recognize His hand in our lives, even in the hard times.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the book:

“To strengthen our faith and deepen our testimony to the point that we can successfully endure to the end, we must know for ourselves with a surety that:
• God is our Heavenly Father, and we are His literal children.
• He and His Beloved Son want us to be happy and eventually come to a fullness of joy.
• They know us intimately and love us infinitely.
• They want to bless us, and they actually take great joy in doing so.” (Introduction)

“Three things are necessary in order that any rational and intelligent being may exercise faith in God unto life and salvation.
First, the idea that he actually exists.
Secondly, a correct idea of his character, perfections, and attributes.
Thirdly, an actual knowledge that the course of life which he is pursuing is according to his will.”

“Our faith is dependent upon our knowledge of God.”

“Did I question God’s power and ability to heal her, or at lease relieve her of her struggle? Not in any way. My problem was not with God. My problem was with me. I knew at that moment that my life was not pleasing to Him. That’s what was weakening my faith. Now I understand the third requirement of faith. For a man to have faith he must have an actual knowledge that his life is pleasing to God.”

“We believe that exaltation is not just to live with God, but to become like Him.” (The Relationship of Faith to Our Knowledge of God)

“‘The Lord’s tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strengthen, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ....I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are available to all of us and that the Redeemer of Israel is eager to bestow such gifts upon us....Each of us can have eyes to see clearly and ears to hear.’”

“The Lord’s timing of His tender mercies can help us discern them, acknowledge them, and treasure them.”

“‘Not only was his sister one of the first nonmembers he contacted in the mission field, but she became his first convert baptism as well.’”

“As a popular saying goes, ‘Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.’ But in my experience, it is just the opposite. What we call coincidence is God’s way of letting Himself be known….It was almost as though the Lord was signing His name to the event so they would know it was unmistakably His…They were like a divine signature, an autograph from heaven.”

“In the richness of His love for us, God sends down blessings upon His children, especially on those who are striving to be faithful and to serve Him.”

“Elder Richard G. Scott has often taught the value of recording impressions and promptings when they come so that they are not forgotten. He also taught that doing so can show the Holy Ghost that we are willing to be taught of Him as well and thus actually bring more revelation.”

“President Henry B. Erying taught a similar principle: ‘Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us or our children or our family today?...I would see evidence of what God had done for one of us that I had not recognized in the busy moments of the day.’” (Tender Mercies and Diving Signatures)

I love the chapter called “Turning Points – A Nudge from Heaven.” It is full of conversion stories and moments that helped people find the Lord and His Church.

“‘Heavenly Father. I need that check. Help me find it. Please!’ I don’t think my eyes were closed for thirty seconds. When I opened my eyes, I was looking at the ground just a few feet in front of my bicycle. There, to my utter astonishment, lodged in the top of a tumbleweed, was my check.”

“‘Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting’ (Matthew 17:21). That was it. The Master was saying that some problems are of such magnitude that it takes both fasting and prayer to solve them.”

“President Joseph F. Smith made a statement many years ago: ‘It has not been by the wisdom of man that this people have been directed in their course until the present; it has been by the wisdom of Him who is above man and whose knowledge is greater than that of man, and whose power is above the power of man….The hand of the may not be visible to all. There may be many who cannot discern the workings of God’s will in the progress and development of this great latter-day work, but there are those who see in every hour and in every moment of the existence of the Church, from its beginning until now, the overruling, almighty hand of [God].’”

“If the Lord had protected me, He didn’t have to show me that He had. I am sure there are many times in our lives when we are protected, but we go blithely on our way, never knowing how close we came to tragedy....He wanted me to know that He was involved in my life.” (Defining Experiences)

“Not all blessings that come from the Lord have to be dramatic, defining experiences. Often we pray and get answers that come quietly, so gently that we may not even notice.”

“‘Heavenly Father, I know that a lost shoe is a small thing in Thy sight, and perhaps I am wrong to ask, but I so want to have Thy Spirit with me today for my lesson. Wilt Thou help me find that shoe?’....First of all, God knew where the shoe was. Second, he had prompted me to say the prayer in the kitchen where the shoe would be the first thing I would see when I opened my eyes. And most of all, He knew how important this was to me. He wanted me to know that, in this case, even a child’s shoe was not beneath His notice.”

“Where did Amanda Smith find such astonishing faith and courage? It came directly from her unshakable faith in God’s power to heal, and her belief that He had not forgotten her, even in such a terrible hour.” (Answers to Prayers – Miracles Big and Small)

“We were sent to earth to gain experience and to prove ourselves….the Garden of Eden just wouldn’t do as a proving ground….the most precious metals are refined in the fire.”

“‘Endure’ comes from the Latin root, durare, which means to last, to be strong, or to become hard.”

“‘This life isn’t the reward. This life is the test.’” (The Paradox of Life)

“Quoting Elder Orson F. Whitney, President Kimball had this to say about adversity: ‘No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God…and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and which will make us more like our Father and Mother in heaven.’”

“The signboard had done the work of salvation....Had Cluff hesitated even for a few minutes, or rationalized that it was a futile effort, James Willie and Joseph Elder would have passed on by and been lost.”

“Every one of us came through with the absolute knowledge that God lives for we became acquainted with him in our extremities....The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay....coming through that experience had given him ‘the absolute knowledge that God lives.’” (A Strengthening Hand in Times of Extremity)

“The downside of life—the setbacks, the pain, the problems, the suffering—is pretty much universal (though not always in equal amounts in the lives of individuals), but the reactions to these circumstances vary widely.”

“Trying to excuse our failure to remain strong when adversity comes simply won’t do. There are too many promises of help from the Lord.”

“It’s not just what we believe, it’s what we feel about God and toward God. That is the basis for a strong faith. And a strong faith is the precursor to a deep testimony.” (Hardened Hearts or Softened Hearts?)

“Many people in the world do not reject the idea of a God, but they don’t see that He has any personal relevance in their lives or any place in the modern world.”

“These individuals do not question God’s reality, and the one even mentions His perfection, but they still view Him as unapproachable.���

“Another perception of God is that He is real, that He exists, but that His relationship to us is not personal.”

“They see God hovering over us, but with a critical eye, scrutinizing our every action, looking for the tiniest infraction of the rules.”

“This view reflects a perception of God as a benign, mellow, generously tolerant, forever long-suffering and forgiving Deity.” (Faith, Testimony, and Our Perception of God)

“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar His face is to us.” (Ezra Taft Benson, “Our Father Who Art in Heaven”)

“What was the first word of the Restoration?”

“God not only has knowledge, He possesses all knowledge. He not only had power, He is omnipotent, or all-powerful. He is perfectly just. He is perfect in His judgment and mercy and love. He has all truth, and nothing other than truth in His nature.” (“Our Father Who Art in Heaven”)

“I believe that in his justice and mercy he will give us the maximum reward for our acts, give us all that he can give, and in the reverse, I believe that he will impose upon us the minimum penalty which it is possible for him to impose.” (J. Reuben Clark, Jr., The God We Worship)

“The real challenge was not to get Israel out of Egypt, but to get Egypt out of Israel.”

“Our Father is always there for us. He has put no restrictions on our access to Him. We can turn to Him at any time of the day or night. We can present Him any question, any problem, and petition. We can do this in any language, with no restrictions on the subject or the gravity of the problem. We do not need a visa or a passport to gain access to Him....‘He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.’”

“When God fills our jar, He fills it to the top. Then He tamps it down to compress the grain. That is followed by vigorous shaking, which aligns the kernels of grain so the level in the jar drops perceptibly. Then once the jar is capable of holding more, the Father fills it to overflowing, giving us more than our containers can possibly hold.” (The God We Worship)

“‘When the time comes for a people to receive their first edition of the Book of Mormon you will see the Lord work miracles on a daily basis.’”

“‘I am not a mathematician, but if I were, I’d love to calculate the mathematical probability of having all the necessary elements come together exactly the way they did and at exactly the right time to make this happen.” (Preparing the Way)

“A valuable part of my scripture study in recent years has been to specifically watch for passages that teach about God’s perfect love for His children....God not slumbering....filling our jars.”

“God is our loving Heavenly Father. He knows our thoughts and motives and desires. He sees all things and knows what is best for us and will bring us great happiness. And He delights in blessing us and all of His children.” (“I...Delight to Honor”)

“‘Jesus Christ seeks to comfort us and show us His love. Before this earth life we walked with Him and talked with Him. Now a thick veil stands in the way. It is difficult to reach to hands that eyes cannot see and listen to voices that ears cannot hear....The love of Christ at first may seem little more than emptiness, but that’s because sin or confusion or resentment or guilt or false feelings of unworthiness or all of those things stand in the way....pure love is not obtained by pursuing passions. It is gained by keeping passions within the guidelines set by the Lord.’”

“Elder Neal A. Maxwell has said, ‘Whatever we embrace instead of Christ will keep us from being embraced by Him!’”(The Touch of the Master’s Hand)

“The gospel is a map that God has given us to help us find our way back home….The Father set up His plan to give His children the ultimate gift. Then He sent down His Only Begotten and Beloved Son to make it all happen.”

“The requirements of the gospel are simple, but living it is not….They gave us the gift of the Holy Ghost, one of the godhead, to be our personal companion and guide…..How often do we remember to thank God for this incredible gift that can lift and lighten our burdens and make the yoke of life so much easier?” (“My Yoke Is Easy, and My Burden Is Light”)

“How did the father see his son while ‘he was yet a great way off’?....The father had to be watching for his son. And when he finally saw him, he ran to meet him. He didn’t wait until he came all the way back….When we decide to turn back, the Father makes it ‘easy’ for us to return to the fold and He will immediately begin to bless us.” (“He Doth Immediately Bless You”)

“‘God is all-powerful. He is our only refuge from this horrible mess….When the earthquake came, we were prepared….We were blessed with peace in the midst of chaos. We learned an important lesson: our preparation helped us to avoid panic and fear, but the Lord, in His wisdom, allowed us to experience enough discomfort to know that He has all power. He is in charge. We are nothing without Him. We are dependent upon Him for every breath we take. Only He can save us from death and destruction. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is our perfect example. If we follow Him, we will be saved through obedience to the laws and ordinances of His Gospel.’” (Deliverance from Danger)

“‘Heavenly Father, are you really there? And do you hear and answer ev’ry child’s prayer?’ It is a question that even the faithful sometimes ask. It is a yearning, a pleading cry for reassurance, for confirmation and affirmation.”

“The Lord gives us a personal witness to strengthen our faith.”

“A truly converted person will be found ‘doing his duty.’”

“Even if we come to know and understand God’s attributes, our faith can be weakened if we are not living as God has directed. We are not talking about perfection here, but there must be a desire and a sincere effort to put our lives in harmony with God.”

“When our lives are congruent with the Lord’s will, we are empowered spiritual....If we let ‘virtue garnish [our] thoughts unceasingly; then shall [our] confidence wax strong in the presence of God’ (D&C 121:45). That is what we want as we seek to strengthen our faith. We want our confidence to be strong in God’s presence…..That kind of confidence, that kind of boldness comes from having actual knowledge we are living as God would have us live, doing what God would have us do.”

“Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). (What Can I Do to Have More Faith and a Stronger Testimony?)

“But remember, the Lord knows where you are. There may be another reason for you being there. So any time an appointment falls through, I want you to immediately look around and find someone to talk to. You can do this either by finding someone on the street or by knocking on doors.” (“I Will Go and Do” – Learning by Faith)

“God knows all things from the beginning. For Him there is no past, present, and future for ‘all things are present before mine eyes’ (D&C 38:2).”

“‘I still don’t believe in God, and I still don’t believe in miracles, but I think we’ve seen one today. So when you go home, you kneel bedside your bed, and you thank whatever God you believe in for what has happened, because you have seen a miracle in your life.’”

“When things aren’t going as planned, we have learned to have faith, do the best we can, and then try to enjoy the journey as much as possible and see what is at the end of the tunnel.” (Blessings Prepared Long Years in Advance)

“This book is about the God we worship. It is about our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. It is about their nature and their attributes. Its primary premise is that the better we know and understand their perfects, their attributes, and their true nature, the stronger we will be as we face the paradox of life and endure the perilous times in which we live. The Father and the Son want us to know them! And they want us to understand that their knowledge of us—our hopes, dreams, concerns, problems, sorrows, and fears—is perfect and intimate and their love for us is perfect and infinite. Knowing this truth is critical to our spiritual survival in these times.”

“George Washington said this later in his life: ‘No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.’” (Epilogue)

I’d like to do what he suggests and study about God’s love in the scriptures. Here are a few good scriptures to start with:
D&C 98:1-3
D&C 90:24
Profile Image for Ramona.
337 reviews65 followers
October 1, 2018
This book is a wonderful reminder of the personal nature of our relationship with God. In a world of billions of people, millions of places, and so many things passing through the hands of time God continually provides glimpses of miraculous alignment, putting His 'signature' on the lives of His children.

The book is filled with many examples that are too amazing to call 'coincidence', one after the other pointing to a divine design in our lives. One of the main themes of the book is understanding the true nature of our Heavenly Father, God. Only by knowing the truth about who He is and what He is trying to achieve can we measure the depth of our relationship, and His hand in our lives. He refers to Joseph Smith's statement that we must know there is a God, know the truth about His characteristics, and feel comfortable with our own lives in accordance to His will to walk in faith. This concept is very well taught and explained, and is the true highlight of the book.

At times the book can be on the repetitive side, but overall this is a wonderful thought provoking read, faith explaining journey that is worth experiencing. Life will be hard, and we are all asked to do hard things, but we can see the divine signatures in our lives as we walk our path.
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,741 reviews5,998 followers
October 20, 2020
Just what I needed. Loved this book and the feelings it brought while reading it.
Profile Image for Chrisanne.
2,607 reviews63 followers
August 7, 2020
A while back I was reading Elder Neil Andersen's talk from April 2020 General Conference. I noted a quick reference to this book and, though I hadn't been super impressed with the last nonfiction book I had read by him(gifted to me), I put this one on hold on a whim and promptly forgot all about it.

Two weeks ago I was struggling emotionally. A friend and I had set up a time to get together and I was really excited because COVID/Isolating and because I really thought she could help me fix this emotional slough I was in. Instead, I felt a curious reluctance to discuss my problems and, therefore, was left still feeling blue and worn out.

Then this book, which I had completely forgotten about, showed up on my hold shelf. Though I had soooo many books ahead of it, on another whim, I pushed it to the front of my stack again.

It was, as imperfect as it is, just what I needed. When I say it's imperfect, I mean that it doesn't quite draw all the lines from doctrine to example as well as it could. But that doesn't matter. Because I can do that.

As I started the book, I was intensely aware of the counsel of President Packer, to be careful about sharing spiritual things(metaphorical pearls before swine) but I feel like Lund does a good job being respectful without sacrificing the personal aspect of these stories.
Profile Image for Michelle.
15 reviews1 follower
May 28, 2013
I am not one to read religious books for the most part. I stick to the scriptures. But the thoughts and ideas in this book so completely addressed issues that I was dealing with in my own life: why do hard times destroy the faith of some and strengthen the faith of others?

The author didn't wander into his own speculations. He used scriptural and doctrinal examples, as well as personal stories. And reading this book at this moment in my life was a Godsend. A "divine signature."
Profile Image for Julia.
49 reviews
April 18, 2012
This book gave me a whole new view of my life. As I read it I recognized God's clear signature in events that I had not appreciated before. I find myself going back and rereading parts and I'm still learning from it. I am much more aware of His guiding spirit in everything I do and am so grateful for this confirmation I have received by reading Gerald Lund's explanations and examples.
Profile Image for Wesley Morgan.
277 reviews10 followers
April 28, 2019
First, I want to comment on the unique publishing of this book. The black cover and gold jacket were very nice, and they chose to print half of the chapters with gray pages (obviously from ink, not paper). This is because Lund alternates between expository and narrative chapters. At least, that's what he says he's doing. The two styles bleed into each other, so you get stories and theology in both types of chapters.

The expository chapters focus on faith in God, with a lot of scriptures and quotes from general authorities about how much God loves us and wants to help us. They usually discuss the Atonement and the plan of Salvation. The stories are all about miraculous "coincidences," often involving missionary work, unexpected meetings, or protection from danger.

The stories are amazing, but at some point, you naturally ask the question, why doesn't that happen to me? Lund mentions these questions throughout the book, and we have all wondered why bad things happen to good people (or vice versa), and why we don't always receive answers to our prayers, even when we are doing everything we are "supposed to" be doing. For most of the book, he doesn't attempt to answer these questions, other than showing examples of people (usually pioneers like Amanda Smith) who kept believing in God, even after it seemed like he had abandoned them, and they did receive the miracles they prayed for.

At the very last chapter "What Can I Do to Have More Faith and a Stronger Testimony?" there is finally a more detailed exploration of those difficult questions. Honestly, I think this is the only chapter that is worth 4 stars; the rest of the book is fairly similar to an average Ensign/Liahona article. Here, Lund acknowledges that when someone doesn't have a strong testimony, telling them to stop doubting and have a stronger testimony is not very helpful. He encourages those who only hope or desire to believe, and he discusses the basics of where our beliefs and actions should start. He reminds the reader that none of the miraculous stories happened to people who were perfect or knew all the answers, which makes them more credible (people outside the Church having a miraculous experience leading them to the Church can't be explained away as easily) and more hopeful for anyone who is waiting for their own answers to prayers.
Profile Image for Vanina Jepperson.
226 reviews
March 16, 2019
I love this book so much. I had listened to it several times before but this was my first time actually reading it. I must admit I love the audio version better, probably because I usually listen for long chunks at a time while reading sometimes felt disjointed. Still loved it though! A book that shares doctrine and stories on how Heavenly Father is thoroughly aware of his children and how he desires and delights in blessing us. Divine Signatures is basically a book on tender mercies and how sometimes those are delivered in such a way as if the Lord was leaving his signature, and making it very obvious that His hand was involved. Definitely not the last time I will be reading or listening to this one.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
865 reviews
January 4, 2021
Absolutely loved this book. It has helped me on my journey of trying to figure out who Heavenly Father truly is and what my relationship to Him looks like. I’m grateful for the insights gained and would definitely recommend.
117 reviews2 followers
December 8, 2017
Liked his stories and examples. Good Sunday book.
Profile Image for Jenny.
318 reviews
April 4, 2021
Great book to make you more aware of God's hand in your life (as well of many amazing stories of others).
160 reviews3 followers
August 9, 2024
This came into my life at the perfect time and I loved it! So many nuggets to keep and apply. My favorite to think about is that a seemed failure may be a success in disguise if you keep looking. He doesn’t word it exactly like that. We expect life to be easy. It wasn’t designed to be. It was designed to teach us and to make us stronger, but there is always evidence that the Lord is close by in the details if you are willing to recognize His hand.
Profile Image for Becky.
473 reviews
November 17, 2020
I have loved looking for divine signatures since reading this. Read on recommendation from Elder Anderson’s footnote to his talk on spiritual witnesses.
Profile Image for Tanya Wadley.
816 reviews18 followers
September 3, 2011
This book had some really wonderful insights and stories. I liked it and stuck with it even though for some reason this kind of reading is hard for me to stay with and sometimes boring.

I really loved the beginning part of the book that addresses the stereotypes applied to someone who has lost their "testimony". Every LDS church member should read at least the beginning of the book just for that!

I also loved his discussion of hell and the quote by James E. Talmage about hell (as the way many of us think about hell is way off the mark!).
"Hell is no place to which a vindictive judge sends prisoners to suffer and to be punished principally for his glory; but it is a place prepared for the teaching, the disciplining of those who failed to learn here upon the earth what they should have learned. [The] condition or state or possibility will ever exist for the sinner who deserves and really needs such condemnation; but this does not mean that the sinner is to be eternally and everlastingly made to endure and suffer. No man will be kept in hell longer than is necessary to bring him to a fitness for something better [glories, mansions, kingdoms etc…]. When he reaches that stage the prison doors will open and there will be rejoicing among the hosts who welcome him into a better state.”

I also enjoyed other quotes from the book:
"Whatever we embrace instead of Christ will keep us from being embraced by Him." Neal A. Maxwell

Poem and story by "Erin"
Dear God, its black again.
Two solid months of darkness
Two solid days of light marked Christ's arrival.
I guess He isn't coming.
Have faith, you say?
But faith does not hold my hand.
Or stroke my hair and tell me I'm OK.

"[They] laid their shoulders to the great pionts knowing that the little ones would follow of themselves." Thomas Jefferson commenting on the success of George Washington & Ben Franklin in drafting the Constitution

"The thermostat on the furnace of affliction will not have been set too high for us-- though clearly we may think so at the time. Our God is a refining God who has been tempering soul-steel for a very long time. He knows when the right edge has been put upon our excelence and also when there is more in us than we have yet given." Neal A. Maxwell

"All intelligent beings who are crowned with rowns of glory, immortality, and eternal lives must pass through every ordeal appointed for intelligent beings to pass through, to gain their glory and exaltation... Every trial and experience you have passed through is necessary for your salvation." Brigham Young

Profile Image for Jeanne.
530 reviews
January 10, 2021
Divine Signatures, tender mercies, seedbed for miracles—-These are all names to express the same idea—that there are no coincidences, only sacred autographs.

"Sometimes, the Lord sends his blessings in such a highly unusual way, dramatic or precisely timed manner, that it might be likened to a 'divine signature.' It is as though the Lord 'signs' the blessing personally so that we will know with certainty that it comes from him. In doing so, God not only gives his blessing, but at the same he strengthens our faith and deepens our testimony of him."

I copied plenty of notes and added several stories from the book here.

This was a tender experience—listening to my husband share these amazing stories showing God’s hand in the lives of faithful people. When his voice broke at tender moments, my own testimony was strengthened.

Apostle Neil L Anderson recommended this book in General Conference April 2020–footnote 24:
“In the week prior to conference, after my talk was completed, I was spiritually drawn to a book called Divine Signatures: The Confirming Hand of God (2010), authored by Gerald N. Lund...To my delight, Brother Lund’s words were a beautiful second witness to the principles shared in this conference talk and will be enjoyed by anyone desiring to study more about spiritually defining memories.”
Heavenly Father, are you really there? As Latter- day Saints, we know God exists, but at some point we may wonder, Heavenly Father, are you really there for me? When trials seem beyond our ability to bear, some people lose their spiritual bearings, while others are made even stronger.

How can we strengthen our faith and deepen our testimony to the point that we can endure whatever life holds in store for us and come out stronger than before?

Here are two remarkable stories from his book:

Sometimes, in addition to the timing, blessings come with such a unique combination of circumstances that it becomes very clear they are from the Lord. Here is a remarkable example of what I mean. The following story was shared with me by Elder Robert R. Steuer, one of my colleagues in the Second Quorum of the Seventy. Some years ago, he served as mission president in São Paulo, Brazil. It was his practice with newly arriving missionaries to give them real “missionary experiences” on their very first day as full-time proselyting missionaries. To do this, after their orientation and a dinner at the mission home, they would be sent out that evening with their assigned companions. The seasoned missionary would take the new missionaries out either tracting, street contacting, or giving discussions.
In one of the groups of new missionaries, there was a Brazilian elder who came from the far north of Brazil. It took this missionary about three days travel by bus just to reach the MTC in São Paulo for his initial training. On that first evening, after having a good meal, President Steuer announced that the new missionaries would then go out and do missionary work. This new missionary’s companion decided they would go tracting, a frightening experience for this shy new elder. The senior companion said he would take the first door and told his companion to watch closely how it was done as the second door would be his.
The young elder protested, saying he was too frightened, but his companion proceeded to the first door. When this young elder knocked on the second door, the senior companion stepped back and indicated for him to proceed. He shrank back. When the door opened, to the young elder’s utter astonishment, the person standing there was his older sister. She had run away from home three or four years earlier. The family had not heard from her since and had no idea where she was, or even if she was still alive. One can imagine the sweetness of that reunion and the tears of joy that were shed that night.
As he concluded this story, Elder Steuer said two things that deeply impressed me and made the point I’m trying to make. He said, “Not only was his sister one of the first nonmembers he contacted in the mission field, but she became his first convert baptism as well.” Then he added, “ As you think about that, Elder Lund, remember at that time there were between thirteen and fourteen million people in São Paulo!”

One of the choice conversion experiences I personally experienced happened while I was serving as a full-time missionary in the West Central States Mission. At that time I was assigned to a town in central Wyoming. One day in sacrament meeting, one of the sisters in the ward approached my companion and me and said that she had a referral for us. It was her mother.
This member had been raised on a cattle ranch about 45 or 50 miles outside of town. Since her marriage, she had lived in town. There she and her husband had met the missionaries and were converted to the Church. In recent years, her father had passed away and now her widowed mother lived out on the ranch, all alone except for a few ranch hands who worked for her.
This sister asked if we would go out and meet her mother and see if she might let us teach her the gospel. However, and she was quite emphatic about this point, we couldn’t tell her mother that it was her own daughter who had sent us out there. The daughter had tried to talk with her about the Church but had been abruptly cut off. Her mother had told her that she had her own church and wasn’t interested in anything else.
We were thrilled, of course, and agreed to meet her mother during the upcoming week. The daughter gave us detailed directions because the ranch was a long way out in the country and accessible only by gravel roads. We set out and, following her directions, eventually found the ranch. I can still remember pulling up in front of the house and startling three antelope that were grazing on the lawn. That’s how isolated the ranch was.
When we introduced ourselves, the mother, probably in her mid-60s at that time, was quite surprised that we had found her. We told her we were missionaries and that we had a message for her. She frowned. She said that she already had a church and wasn’t interested in changing. When I pressed a little, she became quite firm and turned cool. However, since we had come so far, she graciously invited us in for some cold lemonade.
As we visited, we asked her about the ranch and her life there. It was obvious that she was lonely and glad for the company. Then, at an appropriate moment, as senior companion, I took the lead and again mentioned that we were missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often called the Mormons. Again she cut me off. She knew about the Mormons because her daughter had become one. She repeated what she had said before with even greater emphasis. She already had a church and was very happy with it.
Disappointed, but not quite ready to give up, I asked her which church she belonged to.
“To the Church of Evans,” she said.
My companion and I looked at each other blankly. “The Church of Evans?” Then, trying to recover, I added, “I guess I’m not familiar with that church. Tell me a little about it.”
That seemed to please her. “Well,” she said, “it’s not a church in the normal sense of the word. I mean it’s not a church that I attend on Sundays. I’m too far from town to do that. But this is a church that comes over the radio. I listen to it every Sunday morning. The Tabernacle Choir sings this beautiful music, and a minister by the name of Evans then preaches a short but wonderful sermon. I never miss it. So that’s my church. The Church of Evans.”
I gaped at her. “Do you mean Richard L. Evans?” At that time, Richard L. Evans, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, was the voice for Music and the Spoken Word, the radio broadcast by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Surprised, she nodded. “Yes, that’s his name.”
“But Richard L. Evans is one of the apostles in our church,” I exclaimed. “That broadcast comes from our church.”
She was instantly skeptical and actually bristled a little, thinking this was some kind of manipulative trick on my part. She invited us to leave. Fortunately, I carried in my scriptures a folded sheet of paper with the pictures of the First Presidency and the Twelve. Eagerly I whipped it out and showed it to her. “There,” I said, pointing. “That is Richard L. Evans. He is a leader in our church.”
For a long moment she just stared at us, and then abruptly she stood up. “Stay right there,” she said and disappeared down the hallway. A moment later she came out carrying a large, gallon-sized Miracle Whip jar. It was stuffed to the top with bills and coins. “Here,” she said, handing it to me. “Mr. Evans talked about the law of tithing a year or so ago, and I was so impressed with what he said that I started paying my tithing immediately. But I didn’t know where to send it, so I’ve been putting it in this jar. I want you to have it since it is your church.”

In a bit of a daze, we explained that we couldn’t accept it personally, but that we would take it to the bishop and he would pay it to the Church. We then taught her the first discussion. We returned several more times, now with her daughter and her daughter’s husband, and taught her the rest of the lessons. About a month later, she was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sometimes known as “The Church of Evans.”
It is no surprise that the Lord would love a daughter like that. To pay tithing in a Miracle Whip jar when you didn’t even know what to do with it? That’s remarkable faith. But there was a problem. We never went tracting out in the countryside. Houses were widely scattered and it took too much gas. There was no way that we would have found her on our own. So the Lord made sure I had a picture of Richard L. Evans with us—something that I don’t remember doing either before or since—and prompted me to ask what church she belonged to. It took a little nudge from heaven to bring it all together, but it worked. She remained faithful to the Church until her death a few years later.
P. 37-40
Advice to missionaries from Mission President Stephen D. Nadauld, Switzerland Geneva Mission 2003.

“Elders and sisters, when an appointment falls through, it is natural to feel like you’ve had a failure and be disheartened about the waste of your time. But remember, the Lord knows where you are. There may be another reason for you being there. So any time an appointment falls through, I want you to immediately look around and find someone to talk to. You can do this either by finding someone on the street or by knocking on doors.”

The missionaries reported back to him the “little miracles” that happened when they followed his advice.

Here’s are a few—-

“Are You the Ones I’m Supposed to Talk To?”

Two missionaries went to an apartment building for an appointment. It was about ten in the morning when they knocked on the door, but no one answered. They stepped back in the main hall, and, remembering the president’s counsel, they started to talk about how they could find someone else to talk to. Just then the elevator doors opened, and a very large man got out. He was barefoot and wearing trousers and a tank-top type of T-shirt.

The moment he saw the missionaries, he started toward them. That immediately made them nervous for they had never seen the man before, and he was obviously coming at them. Then the man said, “So are you the ones I’m supposed to talk to?” They asked what he meant. He explained that he worked midnight shifts. He had come home that morning as usual and went to bed. But suddenly he woke up out of a dead sleep and had a strong feeling that he needed to get dressed and go downstairs because there was someone there he needed to talk to.
“You Are Wearing Those Name Tags”

Two other missionaries came out of a large apartment building after their appointment had fallen through. They immediately started looking around for someone to talk to. They saw a man crossing the square some distance away. They started toward him, hoping to intersect him. However, as they approached him, the man slowed his step, peering at them closely.

“Ah,” he said. “I notice that you are wearing those name tags.”

Surprised, they said yes, then explained that they were Mormon missionaries and had a message to share about Jesus Christ.

The man seemed pleased. “I thought so,” he said. “I’ve seen you or others like you around town before, and I always had a feeling that you had something to do with religion. I’d like to hear your message because I’ve been searching for religion in my life for the last little while.”
���He May Not Be Interested, but I Am���

Two sister missionaries got on a train. They chose a seat beside a man who was sitting alone. Like good missionaries should, they struck up a conversation with him. They told him who they were and what they were doing in France and then initiated a little gospel discussion.

The man was polite, but after a few minutes he said, “I’m sorry. I am not interested in religion.” Then he got up and moved to a different seat.

Disappointed, the sisters sat back. Just then one of them felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, and the man sitting directly behind them leaned forward. “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. That other fellow may not be interested in your message, but I am. Would you be willing to speak with me?”
The soul is like a violin string. It makes music only when it is stretched.
Neal Maxwell

Every trial you pass through is for your exaltation. Brigham Young
Humility Scriptures—
Ones that keep us humble when we think our trials are too much.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shelly.
176 reviews
February 28, 2011
I am not sure how to rate this. The doctrine presented is good although it wanders away from the topic and spends a lot of time on discussing untrue beliefs in the nature of God. The stories and examples from life experiences are wonderful and inspiring. I have problems with authors who say "I am now going to talk about this" and then talking about it. Just do it instead of telling us first. He also switches from "I am going to tell you" to "we have talked about." There are a lot of repetitive sections where I found myself thinking "you already said that." Bringing in an entire history of Lewis and Clark in the EPILOGUE when they had never even been hinted at in the text was odd as well. As far as a literary work goes, this is not the greatest book, but it is still insightful and reminded me to recognize the hand of God in my life. I guess I will be generous and round up to four from 3.25.
67 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2011
I was given this book for Valentines Day. I wasn't really sure why this book of all books would be one chosen by my husband. After all, I have a tempting collection of books on my wish list on GoodReads.... ;)But somehow he found just the book I needed right now. There were so many wonderful stories and insights that have inspired me and my family as I've related things to them. For example, I have found just the right things for my boys when they needed to hear it (I homeschool seminary for my youth because of our distance from a regular seminary--it has to be a stake calling). This book has increased my understanding of, and my relationship with, my Heavenly Father and Savior as well as my comprehension of how we are blessed when we need to go through hard things. This book confirms the fact that They DELIGHT to bless us, even in the smallest things we stand in need of.
542 reviews1 follower
June 13, 2015
This was such a great book! It made me think about all of the blessings in my own life and how intricately His hand has been in my life. This book is full of real life examples of how the Lord makes himself known in the lives of those willing to follow Him. I appreciated that while many stories came from the pioneers, there was an equal amount of examples from more recent years. The stories and concepts have made me think about my own faith and hope and has given me questions to use regularly for personal reflection. I would highly recommend this book!!!
Profile Image for Teri.
1,361 reviews
July 25, 2011
This book discusses strengthening faith and deepening our testimony of God. Many stories are told of divine signatures, experiences that show our Heavenly Father knows us personally.

I especially liked the chapter that discussed the scripture, Matthew 11:28-30. Very interesting perspective I had not heard before.

Made me ponder the divine signatures in my life. Great book to discuss with my dear friends. Great choice, Kathy!
Profile Image for Momsandeeaol.com Spencer.
15 reviews3 followers
March 17, 2011
Wow! Becky recommended this one and I love it. It is beyond "tender mercies" that are so unusual and so amazing that we can only attribute them to God leaving his personal and divine signature in our life... showing us that He indeed knows us personally and is aware of our life and needs. It is a bunch of wonderful and amazing faith promoting stories. Great read!
395 reviews2 followers
June 21, 2020
This is a fantastic book that Teri gave me for Mother's Day. It discuses the little coincidences we have that we are not sure are inspired or not and talks about them being Divine Signatures or a way for our Father in Heaven to let us know he is there and is aware of each one of us. It's a great book for anyone to read and a good Faith and Testimony builder.
Profile Image for Ann Baxter.
549 reviews
September 3, 2011
Wonderfully readable book. It gave me the opportunity to reflect on the many divine signatures in my own life. Something we all ought to do.
2,321 reviews5 followers
January 21, 2016
Okay. I liked it at first, but after a while it's a lot of the same. But it's a nice book.
Profile Image for Jon.
234 reviews11 followers
September 27, 2020
Wonderful book that was referenced in the notes of a recent general conference talk by Neil L. Anderson.

Very highly recommended. Here are a few of the many passages that I highlighted:
"To strengthen our faith and deepen our testimony to the point that we can successfully endure to the end, we must know for ourselves with a surety that:
• God is our Heavenly Father, and we are His literal children.
• He and His Beloved Son want us to be happy and eventually come to a fulness of joy.
• They know us intimately and love us infinitely.
• They want to bless us, and they actually take great joy in doing so."

"Let us here observe, that three things are necessary in order that any rational and intelligent being may exercise faith in God unto life and salvation.
-First, the idea that he actually exists.
-Secondly, a correct idea of his character, perfections, and attributes.
-Thirdly, an actual knowledge that the course of life which he is pursuing is according to his will. For without an acquaintance with these three important facts, the faith of every rational being must be imperfect and unproductive."

"Did you notice that Elder Bednar repeats the same point twice? He says that the Lord’s timing of His tender mercies can help us discern them, acknowledge them, and treasure them. This is a very significant observation. I would add one other aspect. Sometimes, in addition to the timing, the blessings come with such a unique combination of circumstances that it becomes very clear they are from the Lord."

[Some like to say that] “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” But in my experience, it is just the opposite. What we call coincidence is God’s way of letting Himself be known. A metaphor used by another author is a better reflection of how I see it: “Coincidence is the word we use when we can’t see the levers and the pulleys.”
Profile Image for Tanya.
2,803 reviews24 followers
December 12, 2020
Well, I think Lund is better at writing fiction than non-fiction, but I still benefitted from reading this book. I actually loved the concept of "Divine Signatures," basically equivalent to what the LDS community has taken to calling "tender mercies," except I think it better emphasizes the idea that God wants us to know he is behind these little miracles. Feeling His love and involvement in our lives helps us maintain our faith through the challenges we inevitably face in mortal life.

Most of this book is a recounting of faith-promoting personal stories, some from Lund's own family, and some from church history, but most from others he has come across through his many years of church service. Some were better than others, but all were uplifting.

3.5 stars rounded to a 4 for the great feeling with which Divine Signatures: The Confirming Hand of God left me.
Profile Image for Hila.
411 reviews4 followers
March 21, 2022
"What we call coincidence is God's way of letting Himself be known."

There are many reasons I really enjoyed this book. It gave me so many warm fuzzy feelings. Because I 100% believe we are so loved by our Heavenly Father that He arranges blessings and circumstances in our lives to help us and show us His love. I know I've seen His divine signatures in my life... those little moments that can be dismissed as mere coincidence or luck, but I know they aren't.

This book is full of real-life examples of such divine signatures. I loved those best. The other aspects of the book weren't as engaging, but were still good. This book was definitely a wonderful Sunday read for me.

And it was especially sweet as I turned the page today and found a scripture that has special significance to me. It was a sweet reminder that I needed today.
402 reviews2 followers
August 30, 2020
Excellent book! This book explores a relationship with God in a very personal way. Lund used dozens of stories to illustrate how God has a hand in our lives through timing of particular events and even intervention sometimes. By recognizing these moments or events more regularly, we will be able to see his hand in our own lives. This in turn. Can build faith, particularly in the face of adversity!

“How do we strengthen our faith and deepen our testimony to the point that we can endure whatever life holds in store for us and come out stronger than before? That is the central question this book seeks to answer.”

Recognizing these kinds of things in my own life, showing gratitude, and expecting them to happen in the future puts me on a path to greater faith.
Profile Image for Angela.
527 reviews18 followers
April 28, 2018
A wonderfully inspiring book. I loved the many stories of others experiences with tender mercies/divine signatures especially the missionary president who told his missionaries...if an appointment falls through, immediately look around and find someone to talk to. Miracles happened. . Some great statements from the book...This life was never intended to be easy. It is a probationary estate in which we are tested physically, mentally, morally and spiritually. -McConkie. From George Q. Cannon...God not willingly afflicting his children and that if he requires them to endure present privation and trial, it is that they may escape greater tribulations.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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