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The Filmmaker's Eye: Learning (and Breaking) the Rules of Cinematic Composition

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This is the only book that combines conceptual and practical instruction on creating polished and eloquent images for film and video with the technical know-how to achieve them. Loaded with hundreds of full-color examples, The Filmmaker's Eye is a focused, easy-to-reference guide that shows you how to become a strong visual storyteller through smart, effective choices for your shots. After a short introduction to basic principles, a variety of shots are deconstructed in the following This

192 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 2010

About the author

Gustavo Mercado

15 books8 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Ketab Dozd.
65 reviews14 followers
May 28, 2022
خوندنشو به همه علاقمندان به سینما شدیدا توصیه میکنم.
Profile Image for David.
573 reviews8 followers
February 10, 2013
a very interesting book detailing the various angles filmmakers use with many examples and illustrations. Similar to camera angles, this book also details the light setting, lens, etc that can be used on various application. Good book that can be referenced as both filmmakers and camera users.
Profile Image for Kurtzprzezce.
96 reviews24 followers
July 4, 2019
Ciekawa, ale nieco przestarzała. Ma też tendencję do powtarzania się. Prawdopodobnie wynika to z tego, że struktura książki została pomyślana tak, żeby ułatwić pracę początkującemu filmowcowi - otwieramy książkę na np. ujęciu podwójnym i mamy wszystkie potrzebne informacje. Dla kogoś kto chce przeczytać książkę od A do Z, wielokrotne powtarzanie tych samych rad (np. że trudno uzyskać małą głębię ostrości przy kamerach SD i HD, więc warto użyć konwertera 35mm) jest nużące.
Profile Image for floral.
162 reviews7 followers
February 25, 2023
its so insightful and a good memory refresher since i'm doing capstone this semester. would definitely refer back to this book when making my storyboard.
Profile Image for Sherif Nagib.
91 reviews386 followers
September 18, 2020
برغم بعض التكرار والحشو، يظل كتاب ممتاز عن فن التكوين السينمائي.
Profile Image for Kartik.
57 reviews4 followers
September 21, 2015
Great book. Lots of lessons for beginners or advanced students of filmmaking. I love the selection of films used as examples. If one were to simply watch all these films, they would get a very balanced view of world cinema and all the possibilities it offers. There are plenty of titles here I haven't seen, and I look forward to catching up with them.

For me, it was a nice refresher on lenses and how choosing them contributes greatly to what the audience feels and perceives.

In the Breaking the Rules section, there are nice tidbits on ways to think outside the box. One of my favorites is the Trainspotting example from the Dolly Zoom section.

Also, great examples from Oldboy (image systems), Marriage of Maria von Braun (use of Extreme Close Ups), Into the Wild (Macro Shots).


-In ECU or Macro shots, the background does not need to match exactly.

-Audiences accept when something is lit, even when it's not realistic or justified.

-Butterflies can block light so that actors are not overexposed in sunny day exteriors.

-I want to someday try a very slow dolly zoom.

-Establishing shots can carry an enormous amount of power. I used to take them for granted.

-Emblematic shots can be key pieces in building an image system.

I'll keep this as a handy reference in future prep, making shot lists, and storyboarding.

Can't wait for Mercado's next book, releasing November 1, 2015. It's devoted exclusively to lenses. Cover has a shot of Johnny Depp from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Profile Image for Alex.
60 reviews5 followers
May 16, 2020
Will be reviewing this one again before I start shooting.
Artfully organised like a textbook, yet reads like an immersive story. Well-explained and full of explanatory images. A must for any filmmaker.
May 25, 2023
En lo que se refiere a composición audiovisual, este es el mejor libro que leí al respecto.
Gustavo Mercado es un genio al momento de explicar cada uno de los puntos que toca: planos, proporciones de aspecto, ejes, regla de los tercios, regla de Hitchcock, regla de los 180°, tipos de composiciones, planos, ángulos, tipos de encuadres, movimientos de cámara, etc.
No solo es claro desde el lenguaje que utiliza para ir a la raíz de cada uno de los temas, sino que además incluye cantidad de gráficos/ilustraciones que sirven para explicarlos y, sobre todo, EJEMPLOS tomados de películas.
Algunos de esos ejemplos los utiliza para ilustrar lo que desarrolló anteriormente, y otros son específicamente seleccionados para realizar un análisis exhaustivo de cada elemento que forma parte de la composición.
Por otro lado, es muy valioso que, así como transmite las reglas que rigen la composición audiovisual, también nos insta a romper esas reglas y selecciona fotogramas dónde hay una ruptura que funciona.
Recomiendo este libro a todo amante del cine, cineasta y fotógrafo que quiera profundizar en la fotografía de las producciones audiovisuales. Lo considero un manual útil e indispensable para la consulta, del que podrán sacar muchas cosas en limpio y profundizar en aspectos que quizás ya sabían.
Yo creí que ya no tenía nada más que aprender sobre composición. Sin embargo, este libro vino a decirme: "Sí, querida, hay mucho más". Doy gracias por la lectura de este libro, adquirí nuevos conocimientos y afiancé los que ya tenía.

Dónde encontrarme:
Profile Image for Monqeth.
316 reviews99 followers
December 2, 2021
كتاب يعرض أسماء لقطات الكاميرا الثابتة والمتحركة، وأمثلة لها مصورة من الأفلام، مع مقالة شارحة قصيرة، وذكر فائدة كل لقطة وتوضيح تقني فيها، مع وضع مثال استثنائي يكسر فيها القانون أو العادة المرتبطة بتلك اللقطة.

يعتبر أعمق من Setting Up Your Shots by Jeremy Vineyard الذي يمكن قرائته قبله.

Profile Image for Javier Ruiz.
22 reviews1 follower
May 10, 2023
Still have a few pages left but I’m taking so long to get through it, just calling it complete. Cause I do that. I’m giving it 5 stars for having a really solid foundation for providing meaning to shots. It’s so important we as filmmakers understand each angle has a function. I dove into filmmaking without really understanding why certain choices are made and we always learn on the way regardless of our education. Nice book to keep in the library for reference. Cheers.
Profile Image for Brenden Gallagher.
411 reviews18 followers
April 11, 2022
Though I work in film and television professionally, I wanted a brief reference book to remind me of basic composition and camera movement principles that I can reference ahead of new rounds of storyboards. This is exactly how I was able to use this text. I think I will revisit it frequently, as it is a great little reference for reminding yourself of the composition fundamentals.
Profile Image for Mtume Gant.
53 reviews7 followers
June 3, 2019
A fantastic reference book for filmmakers and cinematographers. I could see myself checking out a section of this book every time I am considering using a certain type of shot or camera technique. It feels like a must have in your library
Profile Image for Danil.
23 reviews1 follower
February 23, 2020
Прекрасная книга в помощь всем кто хочет снимать кино. Отличные описание всех возможных видов кадров, с примерами как и почему оно работает. И как можно правила нарушать. Да, в технической части книга немного устарела, но в целом это никак не уменьшает её достоинств
Profile Image for Ehab Elgingihy.
64 reviews
March 28, 2023
الكتاب فيه تقريبا أغلب زوايا و قواعد التصوير و حركات الكاميرا، مدخل حلو لو حد ميعرفش حاجة خالص عن زوايا التصوير و كده بس لو حد عارف بس بعض الأساسيات هيلاقي الكتاب مش مفيد أوي، و كمان حتة الـThechnical considerations الكلام اللي فيها مكرر بحسه ملوش لازمة، الكتاب مش مناسب ليا أوي بس هو كويس.
Profile Image for Natalie.
398 reviews3 followers
August 11, 2017
Technology is a bit old but good for basics nonetheless
Profile Image for Karolyn.
7 reviews
December 27, 2020
A very dense read that took me a lot of time to process. However, afterwards I had a great understanding of visual strategy.
Profile Image for Heli.
117 reviews8 followers
May 28, 2021
Systematically written it guides you to think like a cameraman or a director. Good examples, totally out of my scope so it's hard to assess it.
Author 1 book10 followers
June 21, 2022
Not quite brilliant as the first book but still useful and to-the-point at explaining various types of cinematic shots.
96 reviews1 follower
September 13, 2022
این کتاب به شما نشان می دهد که چگونه بر قوانین مسلط شوید، سپس آنها را بشکنید.
-شامل مثال‌ها و بحث‌هایی از طیف وسیعی از فیلم‌های بین‌المللی است.
Profile Image for Comeoutandplay_.
13 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2023
So... I just discovered where my film school's professor based his lectures from.... even down to the stills.... nice.
Profile Image for Katherine.
864 reviews40 followers
March 8, 2012
Excellent, extremely instructive book. I'm glad I figured out how to request an interlibrary loan in the NYPL system for it. It was recommended in an email newsletter I think from LeahAndMark.com, one of the photographers we actually considered for our wedding and whose style I admire quite a bit. The theme of the newsletter was studying composition and they said to read this book and look to film as a place for interesting compositions and inspiration.

So even with that intent of getting educated on composition as it applies to photography, since I'm not a filmmaker (though the one film-making class I took in college where we made Super8 films was a fun experience), I was still extremely impressed with this book. It was written in a way that's still pretty accessible to non-film people and used all sorts of examples, not just artsy indie films but also Indiana Jones.

It was also very specific about the different parts that they wanted to call out in each example that demonstrated the principle or type of shot, as well as all the many many decisions made to put this shot together. Might be obvious to others but film-making is a bigger art with many decisions than I had realized before. Just the parts of pointing out where there's a certain "lighting strategy" at play were interesting to me.

The part that really won me over though was that each section also had a counterexample of breaking the rules with why and how it was skillfully done. So you're not locked in, really, and the author also discussed how storytelling effectively also means taking into account the history of how a certain technique has been used in the past. Kind of like tvtropes.org's explanation about how just because your favorite show contains an often-used trope isn't a bad thing of itself, it's a trope for a reason, after all.
Profile Image for Muhd F Wajdie.
6 reviews1 follower
April 5, 2016
Bagi pembikin fiem, penting untuk memahami akan maksud di sebalik setiap komposisi shot. Buku ini patut diterjemahkan dalam bahasa melayu agar para penggiat industri kreatif negaraku berhenti membuat drama 'ganja' yang saban hari mematikan pemikiran masyarakat. Tidak ada alasan lagi bagi penerbit yang menghasilkan visual ala kadar(sebab duit berkepok-kepok sudah dalam tangan). Zaman tidur sudah berakhir. Sudah lama kita tidak menyaksikan filem/drama yang berbentuk "art house cinema' atau sinema seni yang lebih kepada surealisme atau avant-garde. Sekurang-kurangnya seperti drama bersiri "Sherlock". Paling kurang pun, CSI.
Profile Image for Phoebe.
66 reviews5 followers
August 2, 2022
I love films yet hesitate to identify myself as a cinephile. I studied films at both high school and the university, but I haven't taken any proper film course. My knowledge about film theories and cinematography is limited. This book is very useful and suitable for film amateurs. Simple language is adopted to introduce basic camera shots like close-up, dolly shot and tracking shot. Many visual examples are also provided.

P.S. Reading this book reminded me of Foyles in London, as it was where I came across this book. When will I be able to visit it again?
2 reviews2 followers
December 25, 2012
Fantástico libro para cualquier persona que le guste el cine y que quiera estar atrás de una cámara. Aunque no fui fan de la parte tecnica, los ejemplos de como lograr y romper las reglas de la composición cinematográfica lo hace muy interesante y hasta hace que quieras ver toda una película de nuevo por tan solo una toma.
Profile Image for Joe.
236 reviews58 followers
February 2, 2014
This little book is filled with wonderful examples of each type of basic camera shot. The "breaking the rules" examples provide a nice counterpoint. A thought provoking, recommended read for beginning and intermediate film makers.
Profile Image for Luisa.
37 reviews2 followers
April 10, 2012
It has a lot of good advice about composition rules and what for is every shot possible, but it is very repetitive and very general, it is good for amateurs.
Profile Image for J Ryan.
3 reviews1 follower
May 18, 2012

Good read and very informative. Highly recommended for aspiring filmmakers and videographers. -@theMDXP
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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