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Immortal Awakening

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Gregory has lost interest in being alive. He’s been doing it for far too long. But dying is too much trouble, so he simply continues to exist in all his jaded, apathetic, eternal glory. In a hopeless attempt to find a diversion, he takes a night class at the local community college where he meets Nikki Christian. She seems to be everything he is not—young, open, honest, hopeful, charitable... the nauseating list goes on. However, Nikki is also overtly intuitive. She can see through lies and secrets in ways no human should, and Gregory has lots of secrets. Obviously, he should just eliminate her and be done with it. But there is something beguiling about a woman whose countenance shines like the sun in a world that’s gone dark.

260 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2010

About the author

K.C. Randall

1 book56 followers
KC Randall inherited her wit from her father, her imagination from her mother, and her love of reading from pretty much everyone she’s genetically related to. Her family used to tell stories to pass the time on long road trips because they were more entertaining than anything on the radio. From this, she learned to love playing with words.

It was not until she was almost thirty and reading a ridiculously popular young adult novel that it finally occurred to her…”Hey, I could do this.” So, she set about writing her first full-length novel. Once she started, she realized it was actually hard work, and that she couldn’t stop. Now she deals with countless stories boiling around in her head, demanding to be told.

While trying to type these stories into submission, she also plays the role of wife, mother, and elementary school teacher. She currently resides in a small town in Arkansas with her husband, two sons, daughter, and Thomas, the imaginary guinea pig.

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Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 reviews
Profile Image for Lisa Sanchez.
Author 14 books334 followers
September 17, 2010
Absolutely loved this book. It's no secret I'm a fan of paranormal, and Randall hit the ball out of the park with her debut novel. I'm a sucker for brooding, wounded immortal men, and Gregory ...Oh, Gregory (insert big smile) He's all those things and more, wrapped up in a super shmexy body. Woo hoo!

Nikki's character had a good mix of strength and vulnerability, and I enjoyed the initial interaction between her and Gregory. I felt the chemistry between the two, so much so that I couldn't put the book down.

Loved the little surprises Randall threw in with regard to her supporting characters. Cute surprise and very fun.

Can't wait to find out what happens next!
Profile Image for Jennifer DeLucy.
Author 26 books394 followers
September 15, 2010
I loved this book. It was a pleasure to edit and to read. KC has an awesome way with words, and her characters are contemplative and deep. There are some moments in this novel that truly make you think about life and the people in the world around you.

I'm a fan of paranormal novels, in general, but I'm rather picky. In light of this, I would recc. Immortal Awakening for anyone who enjoys a though-provoking paranormal read. Wonderful debut novel.
Profile Image for Jen (That's What I'm Talking About).
1,592 reviews304 followers
November 5, 2010
Immortal Awakenings is a light tale and quick read. There are some really lovely parts and the backgrounds of the characters are interesting, and I want to know more. One of the things I enjoyed about the book is that Gregory is a killer. The Immortals (vampires) in this world are not evil, but they view humans as food. They try to exist among them, but generally view them as cattle and dying flesh. I admire Ms. Randall for creating a hero that has a naturally dark side. We are witness to Greg’s eating habits, and it seems so natural. As Greg even said to himself:

I killed so I could live. No mortal could ever change that fact. Nikki would not make me feel guilty for surviving.

But she manages to do just that. After tracking Nikki and pondering time and time again what she means to him, Greg realizes that he loves Nikki. And apparently he is the first Immortal ever to fall in love. After this epiphany, Gregory makes some sudden and drastic changes in his philosophy and life style. I felt that the changes were a bit too radical and quick at first, but over time I grew to accept them.

Over time, Greg’s transformation grew to be more “realistic,” and therefore the book became more entertaining. The story had a satisfactory ending, but it was left open for a subsequent story. In addition, there are several things brought up in this book - Greg’s mysterious dreams and the Prophecy about which the Queen is concerned - that were left unanswered. I truly hope the author is planning a follow up story. Immortal Awakings is an enjoyable read that I recommend.

My Rating:
3 stars: Liked it, there were a few issues - recommend (B)

To see my full review, please visit my blog http://twimom227.blogspot.com on Tuesday Nov. 9, 2010
Profile Image for Jessica at Book Sake.
644 reviews77 followers
June 17, 2011
This is a vampire story that’s different from the rest. The difference is in the way the vampires or immortals interact with one another and in the young woman that Gregory meets. The story has great momentum throughout. At times I had issues with how whiny Gregory seemed even though he is supposed to be one of the eldest immortals and has always kept to himself, not showing much feeling for anything. My favorite part of the story was hearing about who the immortals once were. If there was a follow up book all about them telling their tales of their past lives I would eat it up in a heart beat. The story left off with an opening for a follow up and it is one that I will definitely pick up to find out where everything is going and how they are going to get there.

Reviewed by Jessica for Book Sake. http://booksake.blogspot.com
1 review
September 17, 2010
The theme and premise makes this book intriguing. The power struggle between what you want to do and what you'll allow yourself to put into action is what makes it so appealing and relatable. It all becomes suspenseful (especially with such a dangerous story line) because you want to know what will happen next and how it will all end.
Profile Image for Once.
2,344 reviews80 followers
October 1, 2010

I really enjoyed reading this book. Although it took a little long in the beginning, the middle and ending were unpredictable. However, it did remind me a lot of The Twilight series in some parts but the dialog was completely different. The ending in my opinion was exciting and I believe KC left it so she could continue with the story. After the book took off, i could not put it down. It's funny, exciting and loving. Overall the book is great.

It begins with Gregory, who is the main character and also the second oldest Immortal among all Immortals. The oldest Immortal is the Queen Eve. Gregory is alone for over a Milena and is completely depressed. He meets Nikki, a mortal in college. i will not mention why he is in college as I do not want to give away too much, but it's not what you might think. Nikki is an English Lit Major and the most compassionate, loving person you can meet. She also has a sixth sense. There are also Jenny, Lance and Rob who are Immortals, but you will never guess who they were their mortal lives. I thought it was interesting when I found out who these characters were. Jenny and Rob are a couple sometimes. I thought that was funny and Jenny's character did make me laugh a couple of times. The story takes place in California, which I thought was a little strange but like I said different. We follow two different scenarios, the first one is of The Queen. She sends over a couple of Immortals to find a prophecy who she believes is the only one who can destroy her ans the other scenario is of the love that begins between Gregory and Nikki.

I really enjoyed reading this book, it;s twists and turns compelled me to continue reading to find out what happened next. I will recommend this book.

review link: http://www.onceuponatwilight.com/2010...
Profile Image for Jennifer Monzon.
85 reviews7 followers
September 30, 2010
I really enjoyed reading this book. Although it took a little long in the beginning, the middle and ending were unpredictable. However, it did remind me a lot of the Twilight series in some parts but the dialog was completely different. The ending in my opinion was exciting as i believe she will make this a series. After the book took off, i could not put it down. It's funny, exciting and loving. Overall the book is great.

It begins with Gregory, who is the main character and also the second oldest Immortal among all Immortals. The oldest Immortal is the Queen, Eve. Gregory is alone for over a Milena and is completely depressed. He meets Nikki a mortal, in college. I will not mention why he is in college as i do not want to give away too much, but it's not what you think! Nikki is an English Lit Mayor and the most compassionate, loving person you can meet. She also has a sixth sense. There are also Jenny, Lance and Rob who are also Immortals, but you will never guess who they were in their mortal lives. I thought it was interesting when i found out who these characters were. Jenny and Rob are a couple sometimes. I though that was funny and Jenny's character did make me laugh a couple times. The story takes place in California, which i thought was a little strange but like i said different. We follow two different scenario's one of The Queen. She sends over a couple of Immortals to find a prophecy who she believes is the only one who can destroy her and the other scenario is of the love that begins between Gregory and Nikki.

I really enjoyed reading this book, it's twists and turns compelled me to continue reading to find out what happened next. I will recommend this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Charlie.
140 reviews11 followers
May 6, 2011
Immortal Awakenings is a great read. It’s quick, and funny, had the right amount of romance, and was intriguing. The characters are all so different but they mesh so nicely together. Except for Queen Eve, but she is scary anyway, so it fits! Aha.

Gregory, the main character and a vampire, goes to a college class to learn what people are saying about books he had written years (okay centuries) ago under assumed names. There he meets Nikki, who has no personal space, and refuses to let him ignore her.

Gregory, an Immortal, who like all other Immortals, likes being alone sets out to ask others (who he can stand to be with, but only for like once or twice a year) what he should do about the human, Nikki. Rob, Lance, and Jenny are great supporting characters, and I loved their history as well. Nikki as the story goes on shows them that this little group of Immortals are actually like a family.

The ending was left open so I am truly hoping that there will be another book soon.

[Received through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers Program]
Profile Image for Vicky Marie.
268 reviews17 followers
April 22, 2013
I can't finish this. Nothing is happening and I'm seven chapters in. It seems like the narrator has spent 90% of the time describing in great and agonizing detail such mundane things. I don't need to know every time you change your clothes or why you chose to wear those sandals. The love interest is really annoying. I like when the female has personality and a backbone, but Nikki Christian (yeah that's her name, was the author even trying?) was irritating. She talked too much. If I was the narrator I would have slapped her. What got me to put the book down was when the narrator (I can't remember his name, that's how bland he was) tells her that he killed someone and Nikki acts like he just told her his goldfish died. This story had potential, but the author needs to work on shortening descriptions and getting straight to the plot.
Profile Image for Audrey02.
358 reviews23 followers
October 25, 2010
This book was good. I give it 3.25 stars

I really enjoyed the new take on Immortals and the relationships they have between eachother and monrtals. I did get stuck on a few important parts, which is why I gave the book a 3.

There are a few important things never explained. The prophecy and what it means to the Immortals, Lazarus' ability to heal was a twist that came out of no-where, and Greg's dreams. The dreams were brought up several times and in great detail, but I could not connect them to the rest of the story. I think if these things could have been explained more fully the book would have definetly received 4 stars from me.

I am assuimg there will be more books and this is the beginning of a series. Looking forward to the next one...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Beth.
306 reviews18 followers
August 21, 2011
When I first started reading "Immortal Awakening" I didn't know if I was going to get through it. Gregory's thoughts were so filled with self loathing and anguish that it was, frankly, too depressing. I felt so much pity for him; there was no way I could handle that for an entire book. However, the clouds parted and a ray of sun (in the form of human Nikki) started an chain reaction within Gregory who's darkness started to lighten. I loved how the tale of Immortal Gregory and Human Nikki unfolded. What sets this typical "boy is immortal, meets human girl, they fall in love, yadda, yadda, yadda" story apart is the mystery surrounding Gregory's beginning, the evil immortal Queen Eve, and a prophecy that threatens Immortal way of life... Ya, good stuff.
Profile Image for Rachel Robins.
987 reviews24 followers
April 4, 2011
Another vampire/human romance. Although Randall had some unique aspects, I still found the plot to be clique. Some of the word choices like "wagging eyebrows" came across as cheesy. I struggled to connect with the characters and some of the romantic scenes came across as silly. In light of the whole "Twilight" franchise; I like that Randall is trying to carve out a unique story. I am curious to see which direction she goes with book #2.
Profile Image for Megan.
10 reviews
April 8, 2011
I really thought this book was going to be good. It was a slow book to get into and really it just reminded me of Twilight and some parts I swear she just took and changed some words. The best parts were the fight seens and she didn't write those. Some guy name Jason did. Maybe next book Jason should just write the whole thing it might be better.
Profile Image for Lori.
46 reviews2 followers
September 28, 2010
I loved this book, it was a great read. I enjoyed Gregory's character, his wit and outlook on life, very entertaining. I love Nikki, she was so charming!

And their love..the way KC Randall put their feelings into words left me breathless!

I highly Recommend this read!
Profile Image for Selina.
37 reviews
Shelved as 'lost-interest'
April 28, 2011
I'm already having doubts whether I will even finish this one ... it's not bad at all, I really enjoyed some parts of it, but something's lacking, it's hard to put a finger on what exactly ... I just think that if something interesting doesn't happen soon, I'll not pick it up again that soon.
Profile Image for Victoria.
302 reviews2 followers
October 24, 2011
I thought this was great quick read. It was funny and romantic. There was even some swoonworthy moments. However I am still confused about the prophecy. Thankfully there will be another book which I am looking forward to reading.

I thought the characters meshed well.
Profile Image for Bklover08-Valerie.
99 reviews2 followers
May 3, 2011
I found this story to be very good, a different take on the supernatural. Now, have to see if there will be a sequel!
Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 reviews

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