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Kiersten White’s New York Times bestselling Paranormalcy trilogy comes to a breathless conclusion with a signature mix of wit, romance, paranormal creatures, and a truly original heroine.

In Endlessly, pink-loving, butt-kicking Evie has way too much on her to-do list. Paranormals are begging her to open a faerie gate so they can leave the human world, something Evie’s not sure she has the power to do. The Dark Queen is torturing humans and must be destroyed.

On top of all that, Evie’s prom is coming up. She’s not sure what to wear, and, oh, yeah, her shape-shifting boyfriend, Lend, has been cursed so that he falls into an enchanted sleep whenever he and Evie are in the same room…and even Evie’s ex-boyfriend, the faerie Reth, can’t reverse the dark magic.

An epic battle is looming, and the choices Evie makes will determine the fate of whole paranormal world—and her own life.

385 pages, Hardcover

First published July 24, 2012

About the author

Kiersten White

61 books13.5k followers
Kiersten White is the #1 New York Times bestselling, Bram Stoker Award-winning, and critically acclaimed author of many books for readers of all ages, including the And I Darken trilogy, the Sinister Summer series, the Camelot Rising trilogy, Star Wars: Padawan, Hide, Mister Magic, and Lucy Undying. Her books have been published in over twenty territories, and her novel HIDE is currently in development with Universal Television and Peacock.

Visit her online at kierstenwhite.com and @authorkierstenwhite on Instagram and Threads.

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Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews163k followers
December 9, 2020
Brilliant and hilarious - an absolute delight!

Seriously, when as the last time that YA was pure fun? With so many doom-and-gloom books, Evie is an absolute relief.
“Bleep if I was going to stage a rescue in a freaking pantsuit.”
Evie, aka the Empty One, aka the Soul Stealer, aka the Harbinger of Death, is about to face her biggest challenge yet - College. (Ooo, I feel you girl).

But, before she can even get to step one of college, she's completely sidelined by this whole End of the World fiasco.

The Paranormals want her to open a gate (and possibly sacrifice her life). The Secret Anti-Paranormal Government Agency is trying to recruit her (and possibly lock her in a secret dungeon) and all she really wants is to switch the winter formal color scheme to pink (which if it goes wrong, could ruin her social life).

Honestly, she cannot decide which is worse.
“Do you have any sort of plan?” Jack asked.
“Not really.”
“Eh, just as well. It’ll be less of a disappointment when you fail.”
So many humorous YAs with "quirky" main characters end up being completely annoying and exasperating. For once, that was not the case.

I absolutely loved this one - the humor was spot-on and despite this being a third book, I found that I enjoyed it as much as the earlier novels. It's always such a pleasant surprise when a trilogy has consistent quality throughout.

Evie (as always) is such a bubbly and fun character to read. Her humor just makes this series pop.
“...A gate thrown too wide
Now our home calls
And darkness falls"

I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache coming on. "A for effort, ladies, but F for clarity. You do realize that your weird poem things never explain anything."
One of my favorite parts is when Lend (Evie's boyfriend) is cursed by the fairies. His curse forced him to fall asleep as soon as Evie walked into a room. I absolutely loved Evie's response to this predicament.
“I added watching Lend walk to the things I missed most about him.”
I adored the relationship between Vivian (Evie's sort-of sister, a fellow Empty One) and Evie. Watching them grow and come together was such a wonderful addition.
“So, thanks,” Vivian said.
“For what?” I looked up at her, confused.
“For being stupid enough to love your crazy, murdering lunatic of a sister and being such a pathetic dork that I couldn’t help but love you, too”
I am so sad that this series is over but at the same time, really happy that it ended on such a good note. This is one series that I am absolutely buying myself a copy.
“So who do you want to be?”
I smiled, resting my head against his chest. “I’m not sure yet, but I’m looking forward to finding out.”
Audiobook Comments
Read by Emily Eiden. This is one of the few cases where the audio makes the book SO much better. It is incredible how well Eiden reads this novel - her humor and tone just makes all of Evie's jokes absolutely rock. Loved it!

YouTube | Blog | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Snapchat @miranda_reads
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews369 followers
May 24, 2021
Endlessly (Paranormalcy #3), Kiersten White

Paranormalcy is a series of young adult urban fantasy novels by American author Kiersten White, beginning with the inaugural entry of the same name.

The story focuses on a girl named Evie, a member of a special international police force assigned to paranormal cases.

As the tale progresses, Evie's professional duties begin to conflict with her growing desire for a normal life.

Endlessly: In the final installment, Evie must deal with a new International Paranormal Containment Agency director, as well as the continuing battle against the Dark Faerie Queen.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: بیستم ماه اکتبرسال 2014میلای

عنوان: بی پایان کتاب سوم از سری فراطبیعی (ماوراء الطبیعه)؛ نویسنده: کرستن (کیرستن) وایت؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21م

داستان کتاب نخست («اوی» در سرزمین «خون آشامها») از این سری سه گانه، روایت زندگی دختری شانزده ساله‌، به نام «اِوی» بود؛ او در مرکزی کار میکرد، که در آن موجودات فراطبیعی را، شناسایی و خنثی و بیخطر میکردند؛ «اِوی» توان آن را داشت، تا آفریده های دیگرگونه را از انسان‌های عادی بشناسد؛ کار اصلی ایشان پيدا کردن خون‌آشام‌ها، و دستگیری آن‌ها بود؛ و در آن راه، لحظاتی سرشار از ترس و هیجان را، تجربه میکرد؛ «اِوی» در میانه‌ ی داستان کتاب نخست، متوجه میشود، که آن مرکز، او را هم در رده‌ ی موجودات فراطبیعی، در کنار «خون‌‌آشام‌ها»، «ديوها»، «پریان»، و دیگر موجودات فراطبیعی، قرار داده است...؛ و ادامه ی داستان در کتاب دوم: «اوی» سرانجام زندگی عادی را، که همیشه آرزویش را داشت، از سر میگیرد؛ اما او از کشف اینکه، عادی بودن میتواند شوکه کننده، و خسته کننده باشد، تعجب میکند؛ آنگاه که به «اوی» فرصتی دوباره، برای کار در آژانس بین المللی داده میشود، «اوی» میپذیرد، و ...؛ در کتاب سوم: با پیشرفت داستان، موجودات فراطبیعی عاجزانه از «اوی» میخواهند تا او دروا��ه ی شگفت انگیز را بگشاید؛ اما وظایف حرفه ای «اوی» با خواسته های روزافزون از ایشان، برای داشتن یک زندگی عادی ناممکن است؛ و اینبار او باید درباره ملکه پریان تاریکی نیز با آژانس بین المللی گفتگو کند ...؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 02/03/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Katy.
611 reviews330 followers
August 27, 2012
I really liked the first book and must have liked the second one enough (though I can't remember it), but I just COULD NOT get into this one.

The main reason? Evie. I don't remember her being this annoying. I know she has always been a bit "blonde," but I could have sworn I use to think it was kind of charming. I don't understand why she was so dense that she couldn't see the message Raquel was trying to send her, and there were some instances that blatantly obvious hints totally went over her head. And she was so mouthy - not in a witty way, but in a very disrespectful, irritating way. Who the hell does she think she is? I wanted to shake her and knock her out. On the bright side, she kept blacking out (explosions, people putting her to sleep, guards tasing her), so I guess there was SOME satisfaction that the books was knocking her out for me. Okay, maybe that was a little mean, but it was a bit satisfying.

And OMG, what happened to Lend? He was so bland in this book. I found myself really liking Reth's charismatic charm and Jack's mischievous wittiness in this book. But Lend? He wasn't swoony-worthy. He didn't do much. And the one thing he really did, GAH, what was wrong with him? I think Evie's stupidity was rubbing off on him because why in the world would he - honestly, what good could possibly come out of that?

And the whole concept of Lend and Evie's obstacle was ridiculous. I did like that White added because that part made sense, but the first part, not so much.

Putting annoying characters to the side… I felt the basic storyline of the gate had a lot of potential. HOWEVER, I felt White was just all over the place with this book, and she introduced TOO much and made everything SO brief.

Vivian and Arrianna did not have as big roles as I would have liked them to have.

And the thrown-in relationships – – they were so abrupt, glossed over and just disconcerting because they made you think, "Whoa, where did that come from?" but you never got your answer.

I wasn't crazy about the twist with Carlee. I wish she had always been in the book more, and she didn't have much of a role at all, and then suddenly, in the last quarter of the book, she becomes a major component. If I really stretch it, I can say, well maybe White did it to show us how the paranormal world can affect humans, but even then, I was ready for the book to end, and White just threw in something extra on Evie's already full plate. Too much for me, too much. And when it came down to it, her part was so anticlimactic. I was like, "That's it?" Sigh, just another minute, irrelevant situation thrown in there to make Evie's life just that much more complicated.

Like I said, the book had so, so, so much potential. White's descriptions are vivid, and there was plenty of action. But there were just so much that I could not stand in this book, and I don't think White focused on areas that she should have focused on in order to make this book more engaging for readers. It would have been a cute, fluff read had certain things received more attention.
22 reviews
July 28, 2012
"...when you are happy, you don't do anything! If you are content, the rest of the world and those who need you fall away into the background."

This sums up a pretty big flaw about Evie, and why I find her unlikable and irritating. I know she's supposed to be a fluffy, sparkling, pink-loving character but she seems so SHALLOW and selfish to me. Although she does try and justify her reasons for selfishness.

A lot of the series it's always Evie thinking about herself, how she thinks she deserve a normal life, how she doesn't owe anyone anything, how she deserves her happiness with generally little regard for everyone else.

When she has an opportunity to save people in this book, she doesn't jump straight into it. In a sense it's good because we don't have one of those annoying caricature selfless heroes who always gives up everything to save the world. But I don't think in this case the antithesis is done well either.

There's only two things Evie cares about and that is a) herself and b) Lend and okay, maybe c) close friends. There are those who made sacrifices in this book and it's hardly felt because Evie doesn't mourn much for them. She only cares about those in her inner circle and sometimes I really don't think she appreciates what other has sacrificed for her.

She's very good at crying out how she hates being manipulated, but it does take her time to understand the why and reasoning of why people do what they do and to get over it.

"And I knew that what I had with Lend was worth more than anything else I had in the world. Or could possibly have in another one"

The biggest gripe I have about this book is probably LEND. For the whole series Lend is said to be the BEST. BOYFRIEND. EVER.

And honestly, I don't see it.

I think White has done a poor job in making readers fall for Lend. It's easy for Evie to talk about how wonderful he is, why they are so perfect together but it's all TALK and no SHOW.

As a reader, I don't personally feel the connection or the chemistry they share. The relationship between them seems so superficial I can't help roll my eyes.

Also I don't like how Evie's world hinges so much on a boy. I know she was lonely growing up with IPCA, but her large sweeping declarations about Lend doesn't sit well with me. I would prefer Evie to be smarter than that. I know she's only a teenager and when you're that age you think this is it, but once again there was this level of 2D-ness and superficiality I couldn't overcome.

The humor in this book didn't work for me. I enjoyed it in the first book, but in this one there was a cheesy quality and over-the-topness. I think one of the reasons I feel that way is because Evie is no longer endearing to me.

The humor also undermined the danger. I never felt the urgency or the stakes so I wasn't propelled to keep reading and I put the book a few times. And even though Evie pushed herself into silly situations, you know she's going to succeed so I could never feel any tension or cared for her character.

What I did like about the book was the supernatural world White created, it was finally good to see all the threads coming together for a greater purpose.

I also enjoyed Reth and Jack. They have interesting and strong personalities that surpass Lend by a billion. (I think anyone beats Lend, I just really don't like him. He's a Vanilla Cardboard.)
Profile Image for Annabelle.
470 reviews928 followers
August 29, 2012

Where do I begin? I loved the Paranormalcy series, but in my opinion it had some pretty serious flaws that I found impossible to overlook. To be fair to my rating I should note that by the time I read Endlessly it has been nearly a year since I've read Paranormalcy and Supernaturally. Still, that doesn't excuse everything that was wrong with this book. I did love it, but I also believe that it could have been much better.

I don't dislike Evie. I really don't. I even like her. But I can't love her, because somehow I just don't connect with he very well the way I feel that I should. And that's kind of necessary. I don't dislike her. I just don't relate to her on any level. She's a girl. She's a teenager. She's in love. I feel like this is pretty much the only things we have in common. And that isn't enough for me. There's nothing outwardly wrong with her, but I just don't love her.

I know so many girls swoon over Lend, but I just find him to be so…boring. There's just not much meat on him. He kind of exists. And that's it. I just don't really feel anything for him. I wouldn't cheer if he died, but I wouldn't cry, either. He just isn't really anything special to me. However, I do find him to be annoying at times. Selfish. Stubborn. Blind as a freaking bat, and not in the literal sense.

I've always loved Reth, even though it's true that he has psychotic tendencies in the first two books. But in this book, it becomes perfectly clear that he really does care about Evie in his own weird way. I love that he's complicated, but not so hard to figure out that you get bored and stop trying. He has some seriously conflicting interests but in the end cares enough about Evie to let her do what she wants.

So, as far as plot is concerned, Endlessly did pretty well. It was exciting. It held my attention and was crazily action-packed.

So why didn't I love it the way of should have, since all of this is true?

It just didn't feel like anything new. It didn't feel very original. It had a very "been there, done that" sort of feel to it. Empty. Hollow. Not special. And I just can't justify giving it a higher rating when it felt like this.

Too much like the first book, too much like the second book, too much like a ton of other YA books out there.

There were, of course, some pretty awesome moments that I loved, that definitely had that original quality about them. But the parts do not make up for the whole. This plot was faulted in many ways, and I can't completely forgive that. And that's fair.

And then there are some nonsense parts that I'm pretty sure were created for the sole purpose of making sure the book lasted longer. But moving on.

The romance department was sadly underdeveloped in this book also, mostly because of a very stupid plot element that I hated. But so as not to spoil anything, I won't say just what it is. Just not so much development. I do like Evie and Lend together sometimes, but they don't seem to have much chemistry. Sometimes it sparks, and sometimes it just…doesn't. a bit lackluster. Boring.

Kiersten's writing was a novelty the first time I read it, because it was new. Unfortunately for me, it started to get very old very fast. It sometimes tries to hard to be cute and Evie's voice seriously grates at some points. i started to get sick of it before, and now I'm completely tired of reading it. It's very juvenile and it sounds very awkward sometimes and the phrasing…please don't even get me started.

Oh, boy. So, the ending was very neat and clean and fairy-tale-esque. I don't know…boring. It wasn't anything like what I expected and sadly I don't mean that as a compliment. I felt let down. Disappointed. This book could have been so much more. The ending could have helped make this book. Instead, it feels cheap and ill-contrived and was only unexpected because it was overly obvious.

I wanted to feel about this book how I felt regarding the first two books, but I just couldn't. It felt very "same old, same old," and frankly, I'm sick of it. I don't know if this book even felt necessary. Honestly, this series probably could have been squeezed into two books or even one. It was just mostly a bunch of random, dragged-out fluff that ruined the series. I may or may not be reading Kiersten's future works—I'll need more info before I decide. And would I recommend this series? Honestly, no. Don't be fooled by the covers.


Read more of my reviews on Sparkles and Lightning!
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
February 17, 2015
2.5 stars

One more series/trilogy finished!

It wasn't totally awful, but this is definitely a trilogy that I won't be recommending for my adult friends who like YA. However there is a tweenage girl in my neighborhood that that I think will eat this up with a fork and spoon!

Evie is an annoying and self-centered teenager whose personality would really play out better as a middle grade heroine (11 or 12 maybe?).
I won't do anything unless I decide to to it!
*insert foot stomping here*

Of course, that might make the romance difficult to pull off. Then again, the romance is pretty PG. There's some talk about prior make-out sessions and a few kisses here and there, but nothing that even remotely resembles something passionate enough to make me feel skeevy about giving it to the kid next door.

I remember loving the first book, but for the life of me I can't remember why. I have a sneaking suspicion that it was more interesting when Evie lived in the agency. If the trilogy had been more about bringing an evil government agency down, and less about all that fairy stuff I would have been a bit more excited about the book.
I think.
But I still would have had a hard time getting behind such an insipid heroine.

However, I think my neighbor's daughter will love Evie for all of the reasons that I don't.
Also in the book's favor is the lack of bloated prose. There's not a lot of descriptions of scenery or feelings, and unless you count Evie's temper-tantrums as a distraction, the story bumps along at a decent pace. Which leads us to the final thing that I think will work for the younger YA audience. At 266 pages this isn't a whopper.

So, while it might not be right for me, I think the sparkly pinkness of the story (if you've read this, you know what I'm talking about) will work for other readers.
Profile Image for Ashley.
707 reviews26 followers
May 26, 2013
I really really wanted to like this one. I tried. But it was kind of all over the place for me. I loved the world building. I loved it so much I really couldn't understand Evie's desire to stay away from all things supernatural and live in the real world. Esp, being raised as she was and knowing what she already knows....um, boring!! Also, she IS supernatural. I don't really get wanting to pretend she's not.

I have nothing against Lend. Lend's a good guy. But after the first couple chapters he was just kind of a boring place holder. We spent so much more time with Jack and Reth. Which is good bc they have much more
interesting and engaging personalities. And yes, I know Reth, is supposed to be manipulative, creepy, and borderline crazy, but
I wasn't getting that at all in this book. He ended up being the character I sympathized with and rooted for the most and I thought Evie ended up being rather cruel to him in the end, considering all he'd sacrificed and done for her. In fact Evie treated all these huge sacrifices everyone was making for her as if they were just somehow her due. Not only not acknowledging them but being flat out mean to almost everyone who really helped/saved her.

It seemed like the book dragged on and on, dwelling on drama that didn't really need to be drama. And then once Evie finally made her big decision and stopped being distracted but pointless rabbit trails, everything came together just a little two quickly and easily. And I realize the end was supposed to be dramatic and poignant, but her and Lend's decision just seemed stupid and based on nothing to me. Seemed like they took the worse deal for no logical reason at all. Not a horrible book, but not a very satisfying end to what started as a great unique series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kimberly Sabatini.
Author 1 book386 followers
February 6, 2012
*Sigh* I am so bleeping sad that the Paranormalcy Trilogy is over. I was lucky enough to obtain an ARC of ENDLESSLY through my agent Michelle Wolfson's Wolf Pack ARC Tour. But the fact that Kiersten is an agency sister plays no bearing on my delight in reading ENDLESSLY and my disappointment that it's over.

I am going to miss Evie and all the characters in her paranormal world. They were unique and I know that they will never come my way again. :(

What else did I love about this book and all the books in the trilogy? I adore Kiersten's humor for starters. I always find myself laughing at her quirky bleeping way with words and her creativity. Her take on the paranormal world is delightful. And my favorite thing about the books? It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that Kiersten writes fluff, because it's just so much fun to read, but if you're paying attention, she has depth and layers to what she shares with her audience. She gives deep thoughts and guidance in a way that is never patronizing. She doesn't talk down to her readers--she wins them over and is a role model through her characters. I mean--who wouldn't want to grow up to be just like Evie. And I'm not just saying that because I want a pink taser!

Without a doubt, ENDLESSLY comes to a fulfilling end, but I may never stop asking Kiersten to whisper in my ear about what happens to Evie in five, ten, twenty years--she's become a friend and I don't want to let her go.

Congratulations, Kiersten--You've done a fantastic job. Can't wait to read your next book. <3

Profile Image for ✨ Helena ✨.
389 reviews1,091 followers
July 12, 2020
This was a really satisfying end to the trilogy!

I still stand by the fact, though, that it would’ve been even more superior if Kiersten White had made the sexy faery, Reth, the love interest. It could’ve been the Cruel Prince years before it was a thing. He and Evie just had a much more compelling bond.

I’m going to miss the humour of Evie and co. and I will admit that I’d have wanted to run off to the other world with all of the other paranormal creatures. Magic worlds > the normal world ALWAYS. THATS THE RULE.

This series was a very fast and funny read, and I’m a bit sad that it’s over. I could see many more possible adventures for them, but sometimes too much of a good thing ruins a series, so maybe it’s good that it ended on such a high note.

I’ve yet to not love a Kiersten White book though. There’s just something about her writing style and humour that appeals to me so much and I hope that she continues on in this fashion. I love everything that she writes. :)
Profile Image for Shelby.
258 reviews
March 10, 2018
4 stars!
First I love this series so much for many reasons. I already read 1 and 2 and then I took a break from the series because I was reading other books as well. Then I finally had got a chance to read the series again and it is so good. I love everything about this series. I am so glad that I came back to the series. I would read the whole series over and over again. I would recommend this series to anyone.
Profile Image for Kathy - Books & Munches.
447 reviews181 followers
November 5, 2018
All in all, this entire trilogy was an okay read. I do realize I should've read them.. ten years ago, maybe? Pretty sure I would've enjoyed them better back then since the 16/17 yo main character got on my nerves A LOT. She's very self-centered and is ridiculously focused on her boyfriend and their relationship being more important than anything else. Yes, even more important than the entire eradication of other magical creatures.. It rubbed me the wrong way, is all.

I did like Kiersten's writing so I'm very, very curious to see how she grew since writing these three books.

Okay read, but wouldn't recommend reading them if you tend to get annoyed with "childish" characters.

Profile Image for Mundie Moms & Mundie Kids.
1,952 reviews208 followers
July 18, 2012
With ENDLESSLY Kiersten White delivers a highly entertaining, fast paced, engaging read.

Kiersten White you bleeping rock! I could not have asked for a better ending to one of my all time favorite paranormal series. When a series you love ends, it's like going through a break up. You grieve for the things you want to have, but can't and cherish/enjoy the things you loved while it lasted. In all honestly there are some books who are last in a series I still haven't read, because I don't want to admit that series is over, and reading them will mean they're done (don't judge me). When this book arrived I couldn't wait to dive in and enjoy every sarcastic moment I knew Evie was going to give me, despite the fact I was saddened this is the last book in the series. Luckily for me, Kiersten White ends her incredibly awesome series on such a good note. I'll definitely be re-reading this series over and over again.

ENDLESSLY dives a bit deeper into the dark world Evie's tried so hard to stay away from, but when those around her are threatened she jumps into action and does whatever she can to save them. With some surprising twists, and shocking allies, Evie and her team are about to make some incredibly challenging sacrifices in order to obtain their goal of saving both the paranormal and human world. There's plenty of sarcasm, hot character chemistry, heartbreak, sorrow, some bleeping fantastic sigh worthy moments, and a little more. Don't worry Lend and Reth fans, you'll be seeing plenty of them and a few other favorites.

I didn't think I could adore Evie any more than I did. She's a character who's really come full circle for me in this series. I appreciated the fact that though she's gotten a bit tougher, she's still that same sarcastic bundle of joy who doesn't hesitate to do whatever it takes to what she thinks is right. She's strong and independent, and yet she knows when to ask for help, whether she wants to or not. As a reader, I really appreciate an author who can create strong female lead who can hold her own, is sarcastic, thinks for herself, and yet in the midst of wanting her independence knows when to seek out help.

Oh how I adore Kiersten's romances and her sizzling character chemistry! Just because Lend gets the sigh worthy romance scenes with Evie, doesn't mean Reth can't have some sizzling character chemistry moments with Evie, despite her making her intentions clear. For all the romance moments with Lend, the scenes with Reth and Jack are often times hilarious, because Evie's sarcasm totally shines in those moments. Lend knows how to bring out her calmer side, and these two know how to ruffle her feathers and get her going, which is comical to say the least. I loved seeing Evie, Lend, Reth and Jack work together, because this made up for most of the story's humor. Normally these four being in the same room together would be a crash course test for disaster, but given what they're all up against and how it effects each of them they some how manage to put a little of their hostility aside to try and achieve their goal.

Aside from the bleeping fantastic character chemistry, and a few surprising revelations, I really enjoyed seeing how everything came full circle for Evie. Choices that she made earlier in the series catch up with her in this book, and the choices she makes now have and will have lasting consequences. Seeing such a diverse cast of paranormal characters, and getting to see a much different look into their worlds, and being able to understand why some things happened the they did gave great closure to Evie's series. Kiersten introduces the right amount of new characters to keep this book fresh and exciting, while keeping many of my favorites still very much apart of Evie's world. Her wrap up of the over all series's storyline created a most fitting ending for Evie's story.

I'm sure if Evie were here, she'd say that this is a bleeping awesome ending to a fabulous series. If you're a fan of this series, I HIGHLY recommend picking this book up when it's out next Tuesday. If you've not yet picked up this series, what are you waiting for! You can read my reviews for the previous two books in the series, Paranormalcy and Supernaturally here. Don't miss Kiersten's upcoming release party for ENDLESSLY here!
Profile Image for shady boots.
504 reviews1,970 followers
May 2, 2015
This review is also available over at my blog.


Actual rating is 4.5 stars.

The Paranormalcy series has really become one of the fluffiest YA series' I've ever read. I was never a huge fan, but I can't deny that I love the series as a whole. I gave the previous two books 4 stars, but I'm giving this one 4.5. Not only does it have my favorite cover, but it is my favorite book in the series.

Things in Evie's life are changing. IPCA has a new director and wants Evie back in containment. Humans are being taken by the Dark Faerie Queen into her court. Paranormals insist that Evie is the only one who can help them open a gate, a gate that will return them to where they truly belong. The only thing Evie wanted to worry about is the Winter Formal, but instead she has to save everyone, and she's running on borrowed time.

Starting this book, I immediately realized how much I missed the series, from the very first chapter. I was really excited to see all the characters again, even Reth, who I hated, but we'll get to him later.

I love Evie's voice. During the first book, I was kind of annoyed by her at times, but she's grown on me and I just love the girl. She still uses "bleep" all the time, and I also love that she's fully committed to Lend. In other PNR YA series', usually the girl finds another love interest and is suddenly torn, but Evie really does love Lend and has stayed with him since book one. I'm very pleased with that.

Lend was absolutely sweet. <3 He's definitely falls in one of my most favorite love interests. As for Reth he's changed a lot in this book. I used to hate him with a burning passion, but reading this book made me warm up to him a little bit. Evie and Lend's romance is fluffy as usual. Reth isn't quite a love interest, in any of the books, really, but we got to see some of his sweeter side. He reminds me of a more assholish and obnoxious version of Ash from the Iron Fey.

And I was really glad to see some of the other characters. :D Raquel, Arianna, even Jack. I actually really liked Jack in this book. He was hilarious. We got to see some more background story about him as well, albeit it was very subtle.

There are a lot of paranormal creatures in this series, but I guess faeries really are the main paranormals. We get to see more of the Light and Dark faeries, mainly the Dark Court, which I really liked seeing for the first time (you'll see why). There's definitely a lot of stuff happening in this book, so I was rarely bored.

All in all, I really liked this book, and this series. I thought Kiersten White ended it really well, even though I hope she would make some type of spin-off or prequel or something. I know she's working on all new series' though, so I'm very excited about that.

I recommend this series if you're looking for a really fluffy PNR YA. :D
Profile Image for Jeann (Happy Indulgence) .
1,028 reviews5,425 followers
February 23, 2013
Evie has come a long way since we first met her in Paranormalcy (book 1) where she worked for the International Paranormal Containment Agency (IPCA) and was just beginning to figure out her dark past that was entertwined with a faerie prophecy. As she learns the truth about herself, we experience Evie’s betrayal as she discovers who she really is. Her relationship progresses with Lend, a sweet shapeshifter that’s always been by her side, and her stalker faerie ex-boyfriend, Reth.

In the last installment of Paranormalcy, Evie plays a key role in bringing downt he corrupted IPCA, saving the entire paranormal world and bringing about justice with the faeries. It’s a sad goodbye to Evie, the pink-loving, blonde, smart, and witty teenager who has an immense sense of morality. This series really excels when you’re looking for a light-hearted, amusing, and fun read full of paranormal creatures and heart.

Even though it’s quite a light read, I wouldn’t say that the character building or world building suffers. This series is incredibly imaginative with lots of action, especially when it comes to saving the IPCA and encountering the faerie realms, where humans are mind-controlled and trapped to become fae pets. A big criticism I have about young adult paranormal series is the teenage angst. Here, it’s minimal and all we get to experience is Evie’s fun filled personality. She does think about which boy she must choose but ever since discovering the truth about faeries in book 1, Evie has never looked back.

The sudden appearance of a key character at the end of the book definitely let the series tie up nicely, and it did end with a bang. It’s a sad goodbye to Evie, Lend, Reth and Raquel.

This blog has been cross-posted on my Happy Indulgence blog. Check it out for more reviews!
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,884 reviews316 followers
September 30, 2019
Well, that was a pretty good conclusion to a very fluffy series. And I enjoyed it. I do feel like the second and third books could have been combined but this was the era of the trilogy's so I get it.

The one thing that I wish would have happened in this series was to see more growth from Evie. Despite everything that happened to her, she still remained so immature through most of it. It's almost like she never learned from her past mistakes and just kept making them over and over. And she was also very selfish and didn't want to listen to anyone - very teenager, I know. But I really wanted to strangle her for most of this book.

What I did like was the history we got of the fae and how all of the beings came to this earth. Also getting to see both the Seelie Queen and the Unseelie Queen and how they were tied up with each other. I thought White did a great job with building that history and using that to help wrap up the story. The ending was perfect for this tale - very bittersweet but uplifting. I wasn't very shocked by most of what happened, but there was one part that, while I had a feeling was coming, still was sad. For those who have read it, .

I am a huge fan of Kiersten White and have read pretty much everything from her. Her writing has definitely grown from this series but Paranormalcy was the first thing I ever read from her, so this series will always hold a special place in my heart.
Profile Image for Amy.
2 reviews
August 9, 2012
I did not want to read this book. I cleaned my house, to avoid reading it. I went for a jog, I cleaned out my cats litter box, I looked around for old school workbooks to work on. But Endlessly was still there waiting for me when I was done.

So I sat down-Kobo in one hand, coke in the other- and began (Reluctantly) to read this book. Now, why did I do everything in my power to not read Endlessly? Is it because I hated the first two books? No- I loved them!. Is it because the author has a horrible writing style? Gosh no- Quite the opposite in fact! Is it because I hated the characters? Never! Who could hate Lend and Evie? Then why didn't I want to read this book? Because I didn't want this story to end.

The title gives it all away, this is the last book. This is the end for Evie. This. Is. It. And I dreaded reading the last sentence that would be told in Evie's point of view, the last time that we would ever be able to get inside of Evie's head.

It's a weird way to look at it- I know. Who wouldn't want to read another book in a series that they love? Well, me. But that just shows what an amazing author Kiersten White is! She gets you so attached to the characters, so involved with them, that you never want to leave them!

But alas, all good things come to an end. So I read the last book in the Supernaturally series, and when I closed the book- I found myself with tears streaming down my face, and an empty coke can beside me.

Were these happy tears? Yes and no. Since this is the last book, you say goodbye to a lot of characters. A lot of characters. And not a goodbye like "Goodbye, I'm done with the book so I'll never read about you again", a goodbye like "Goodbye, you're leaving both me and all the other characters lives forever.". It's an intense goodbye.

But at the same time, you're crying because you're happy. Happy that some of the characters got the happy (To much usage of the word happy... Note to self: Find synonym's for the word happy) ending that they had been dreaming about since we had first entered their lives.

Before I get into the actual aspects of the plot of this book and the writing style- Let's judge this book by the cover. How bleeping gorgeous is that cover? I have to say, I think that purple looks great on our little 'Evie' up there. And she is just gorgeous, but definitely not how I imagined her. But that's okay, since I'm sure that I'm not the only one.

Now, onto the book! In this book, there is a lot of twist and turns a.k.a sub-plots. The main plot: The paranormals want Evie to open up a gate, just like she did in the last book. Only this time, all of the paranormals want to go through the gate and leave the mortal realm behind- going back to their home (Where they came from before they were banished to Earth). And the only one who can open it? You guessed it. Evie.

Then there's that Anne lady, who is the new director at IPCA. And this Anne lady keeps trying to bag and tag Evie, saying that she breached tons of IPCA laws- what's with that? To be honest, I find this Anne lady rather annoying- like a giant fly that keeps getting in your way.

Finally we finish our book-reliving-tour at the Dark Queen. She's trying to make more Empty Ones like Evie, which is bothering Evie to the extreme. Watching those poor mortal girls (Who are also pregnant) suffer in the faerie realms? Of course that would bother Evie- Especially since she knows that her mother must have gone through exactly what those girls are going through.

A lot happens in this book. A. Lot. And I loved every moment of it. Kiersten White seems to fit all these different sub-plots into the story with out making it seem crammed and rushed. She did it quite perfectly actually.

This book takes on a much more serious tone than the others. It still has that lighthearted and humorous writing style that we have all grown to love and treasure through the past two books. You'll still find yourself laughing- but just not as much. Instead there's way more scenes where you find yourself sitting on the edge of your seat and biting your nails. And I'll leave it at that.

My favourite aspect of this book had to be being able to watch Evie grow up and become the adult Evie that we've all been waiting for. But she still has those hormonal teenager moments- don't worry.

Let's not forget about the boys of the book. Lend, Jack and Reth. What amazing boys they are. I've even grown to love Jack! As much as I hated him in the last book, I'm glad that he came back for this one, it gives you a chance to see the good side of Jack that was hiding deep, deep, deep down.

Then there's Reth. Reth, the emotionless faerie that's always telling Evie that he loves her. Reth got into my good books as well when we saw his perfect composure falter slightly towards the end of the book, showing that he is capable of emotion.

And Lend. Oh my Lend. My little water boy. I love you! He's the perfect boyfriend to Evie through the whole book, who am I kidding- through the whole series. Oh, and he's super duper cute! As soon as Evie's done with him, I call dibs!

This is the definition of "The book I wish I wrote". If you haven't read the series yet, go do it! Run over the granny that's taking to long to cross the street, leave your laundry in the washing machine, don't change out of your pyjamas! I don't care what you have to do, just go and get this book!
Profile Image for Colleen Houck.
Author 20 books9,156 followers
July 27, 2017
What a satisfying conclusion to the series! I really loved how it all came together. My favorite scene was the end and I don't want to spoil it so I won't say anything other than the queen thing is awesome. Also isn't that purple dress on the cover amazing?
Profile Image for Christina (A Reader of Fictions).
4,460 reviews1,762 followers
September 15, 2012
Originally posted on A Reader of Fictions.

This review is for the audiobook.
It's been quite a while since I read Paranormalcyand Supernaturally, but I remember liking them, mostly because they were funny. I also appreciated that Evie is unapologetically a girly girl, but that archit doesn't mean she won't fight to defend herself. White also kills off at least one of Evie's friends in the earlier books, which adds a darkness and seriousness to the otherwise fluffy story. I don't know if it's because of the format change or not, but I did not enjoy Endlessly quite as much.

The plot does a bit of meandering. The overarching goal is to try and let the faeries and other paranormals that want to go home through a portal of Evie's construction. The drama lies in convincing Evie to try and in surviving the attempts by opposed parties to stop this happening. Much of the book is composed of those latter attempts, as both IPCA and the Dark Queen don't want the paranormals to leave for their own nefarious reasons. These challenges felt rather superficial and silly to me, perhaps because of how easy they were to resolve, and how little sacrifice was entailed. In the end, they really just seemed like ways to make the book long enough.

Here's the other issue: despite the fact that everything is accomplished pretty easily in the grand scheme of things, Evie whines NON-STOP about the things that don't go right. Every tiny thing that doesn't go her way she complains about ENDLESSLY (see what I did there?). So, for example, in a turn of events that delighted me because she deserved it, she and Lend are cursed such that if they are in the same room, he falls asleep. This happens just after a battle and Evie comments on how sore her body feels, which she then attributes to MISSING LEND'S TOUCH. Girl, it's been like two days of not touching your boyfriend. You can freaking deal. They need boundaries.

Seriously, I cannot remember if Lend and Evie were so completely disgusting in the prior books. From what I recall I kind of liked them. Either way, they annoyed the heck out of me in this one. They're CONSTANTLY professing their endless love for one another and arguing about which of them gets to sacrifice themselves for the other. BARF. Their every interaction is insanely sappy and made me miss the previous book where Lend was often gone for school.

Also, I have to mention the birthday/Christmas presents they give each other because OMG so ridiculous. Lend gives Evie a masquerade ball. Ariana made her a fancy dress (the one from the cover) and also made masks for pretty much every person in town. What? Who does this? Why not just have them go to prom? Later, Evie gifts Lend with a ten minute video of every single scene from Easton Heights where a character says 'I love you,' with Lend's favorite song playing in the background. Evie is the WORST gift giver ever. Giving that to her, since it's her favorite show would be thoughtful, but Lend tolerates it for her. Way not to buy a real present. If I were Lend, I would have dumped her right then.

Still, the book did entertain and had its funny moments. Jack, who stupid Evie accepts back as a friend, turns out to be the most entertaining character, mostly because Evie and Lend find him somewhat insufferable. I actually hated him before, but I liked him more the less I cared for Evie. Despite how many issues I had with just about everything, these are still entertaining, which is why you'll probably be surprised to see a rating of 3. This is one of those books that you enjoy even as you're constantly rolling your eyes.

Being fairly new to audiobooks, I don't yet know narrators by name and which ones to avoid. Well, Emily Eiden is going on the 'to be avoided at all costs' list. I just could not stand the sound of her voice, which is really unfortunate since I had to spend almost 10 hours listening to it.

She tries very hard to sound youthful, but, to me, she sounded like an old woman imitating a teen, not convincing at all. She portrays Evie in such a way that she comes across as a smug bimbo, when I always imagined Evie sounding friendly and perky. This Evie I wanted to punch in the face. Eiden did an okay job with the other characters, but since it's told from Evie's perspective that's really not enough to improve the situation.
Profile Image for Molly Mortensen.
484 reviews259 followers
January 11, 2024
Book two was slow, but book three definitely doesn't have that problem. It's pretty much constant action. Unfortunately, it's also more of a downer and Evie's turned into a moron. (I know she's worried about Lend, but maybe a plan or help? How will getting herself killed save him?)

What was the point in redeeming IPCA in book two only to have them do a 180 and turn evil? I hated that part. We have enough bad guys with the fairies.

The paranormal people want to go home (which is apparently not here) and they need Evie to open a gate. Which sucks because even if the good guys win, there won't be nearly as much magic anymore. Then the Queen of dark fey kidnaps Lend (accidentally).

I really didn't like the whimsical nature of the fairy lands, and how dark it was. (The whole dance until their feet are raw was terrible and not exactly original.)

(Sort of a spoiler, but in the synopsis.) Then after Evie actually gets Lend 'back' he's cursed! The best part of book one was their banter, being cursed to sleep whenever Evie is nearby kinda ruins that…

Unlike most good stories where there's character growth, Evie started as a great character and only got more selfish and stupid. Reth told Evie, "Because when you are happy, you don't do anything! If you are content, the rest of the world and those who need you fall into the background." And he really nailed it.

I liked that

The end was just okay. More good than bad but overall rather meh.

I hated how

I wish there had been another chapter or an epilogue. It ended rather abruptly.

Who died?

Profile Image for Joey.
932 reviews41 followers
April 18, 2016
This book was as expected amazing. It started off perfect and though I was crying so so so so bad at the end it was perfect.

I'm in love with Evie and Lend's love they are just so perfect and even when they couldn't touch each other they were still so precious and perfect. Reth is a nuisance as always but has a funny charm and I found I liked him a little more this book.

So much drama happened throughout the book starting from teen dramas such as proms and birthday parties and college and relationships, to all the Fey drama and other paranormal creatures and the gates.

I loved that Vivian was back I knew she would come back and I couldn't wait til she did. It was beautiful and devastating she had her soul thanks to Evie and then sacrificed it all just so Evie could stay and live with Lend, just when she could have finally had her family she had to give it all up. Nope that makes me cry so so bad.

All the different creatures going into the gate was expected, the books kept talking about the gate so it was obviously going to happen, though it broke my heart when Arianna went through, I had a feeling she would as she never loved her life but it was a beautiful and sad goodbye.

This book was just as incredible as it needed to be and I can easily read them all over again, the series is just so fantastic and well written with loveable characters.

I'm so sad this was the end I wish there were more. I could easily read another series of Evie having dramas. Plus what about all the other gates? And the beings that didn't pass through? And Raquel and David? There is more that can be done, but alas these were incredible and I adored this series so so much.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Esra.
413 reviews1 follower
June 22, 2013
[image error]

Sonunda saf zamanlarımda başladığım YA serilerinden birini daha bitirmiş bulunuyorum. Neden YA okuyordum ben diye düşünmeden etmediğim tek bir an'ım bile yok. Lanet olsun ki bir seriye başladıysam bitirmem gerekir diye bir düşünce yapısına sahibim. Yarıda hiç bırakmam (vampir günlükleri hariç onu asla bitirmem) Darısı gece evi serisi zoey ırspısının başına diyelim.
Kitap güzeldi feci değildi ama katlanabilirliğimide zorlamadı değil. Hep aynı döngüde geçip durdu peri dünyası - gerçek dünya- upta - peri dünyası -göl-peri dünyası....
allak bullak oldum desem yeridir. Kitabı bana göre katlanabilir kılan tek yaratık jack 'ti :D ben onu yerim :D Zaten tahmin edilebilir bir sona ulaşmaktaki bu sündürme taktikleri YA'nın klasiğidir , bu yüzden son'dan çok etkilenmedim diyebilirim. bye bye evie BLİİİP YOU !!! :D

yorumu bloğumda okumak için : http://allkillerbooks.blogspot.com/20...

589 reviews1,071 followers
August 4, 2016
Paranormalcy was a great book. It had some very remarkable things in there. It felt more real than Endlessly. Here, I found everything disconnected and just unrealistic, even juvenile.

Evie, oh gosh can I say how annoying she can be? I love her sarcasm but sometimes it just gets to much and not really what a person would do. She doesn't seem to care much and is really head strong in the book. To much, White, just too much of it. Lend... I liked him a lot in the first book. Not so much now, he didn't seem to exist here, maybe, because of the curse but he just seemed like a far away boyfriend, a prop. I actually began to like Reth more as I began to dislike Evie and Lend. He was always there for Evie and just was so caring.

This plot? It seemed not original, pretty much the same as the first two. She needs to save the paranormals yadidadida. Half of the time, I was bored to death of this unoriginality and similar plot.

Overall, the end was quite fitting for me, happily ever after for mostly everyone and PREDICTABLE. NO. It was like I was writing the story as I went. I knew that was gonna happen I knew this was gonna happen. On and on.
Profile Image for Ellie Mitchell.
Author 3 books235 followers
March 8, 2018
Having read the entire trilogy within the last two weeks, I must say that I was incredibly impressed with this series of books. The characters are easy to fall head over heels in love with, especially the sweet yet fierce narrator Evy. Lend was by far my favourite character throughout all three books. He is intelligent, thoughtful and down to earth, considering his unique heritage. The surprises never ceased and I found myself on the edge of my seat, willing good to triumph over evil.

Evy's guardian Raquel always seemed too mysterious to me, yet by book three, I found that we got to know her a little more intimately and I finally began to understand why she only seems to respond with different toned sighs. Paranormalcy set the bar high, Supernaturally kept it level, but Endlessly truly exceeded my expectations. It just sucked me further into this incredible new world and I still can't believe I'm not there now. A wonderful and truly pleasurable read. Would recommend the entire series with all my heart. Kiersten White is a true credit to her profession. :)
Profile Image for Anni.
582 reviews
December 16, 2017
Ich weiß nicht, wieso, aber ich mag Evie nicht und das ist auch der Grund, warum ich die Trilogie nicht wirklich mag. Ich bin also wirklich froh, dass ich sie jetzt beendet habe.
Mein liebster Charakter ist Reth, mir hat seine Entwicklung sehr gefallen. Aber ich mag David, Raquel, Jack, Arianna und Carlee auch sehr.
Aber leider ändert das nichts an meinen Gefühlen für das Buch, weil ich für 80 bis 90 % einfach nur genervt war.. Ich kann noch nicht mal wirklich sagen, warum ich Evie nicht mag, ich denke, es hängt mit ihrem kindischen Verhalten und ihrem Umgang mit Problemen zusammen..

2.5/5 für dieses Buch
2.5/5 für die ganze Trilogie
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,171 reviews48 followers
July 28, 2012
Evie is sooooooooooo stupid, weak, pathetic, whiny, and just an all around bitch.

I liked the first book and could even tolerate Evie then but she just got lower and more pathetic as this series went along.

It was hard for me to actually finish this book. And I normally have decent opinions of books or choose good books so I rarely have to rate them this lowly...the only books I had rated in such a manner thus far were:

1. Fallen Series (1 star)
2. Fifty Shades of Grey (1 star)
3. Fifty Shades Freed (2 stars)
4. Wolfsbane (2 stars)
5. Bloodrose (2 stars)

and now

6. Endlessly (2 stars)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,685 reviews

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