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Bloodhounds #1

Wilder's Mate

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Wilder Harding is a bloodhound, created by the Guild to hunt down and kill vampires on America’s frontier. His enhanced abilities come with a high price: on the full moon, he becomes capable of savagery beyond telling, while the new moon brings a sexual hunger that borders on madness.

Rescuing a weapons inventor from undead kidnappers is just another assignment, though one with an added complication—keeping his hands off the man’s pretty young apprentice, who insists on tagging along.

At odds with polite society, Satira’s only constant has been the aging weapons inventor who treats her like a daughter. She isn’t going to trust Wilder with Nathaniel’s life, not when the Guild might decide the old man isn’t worth saving. Besides, if there’s one thing she’s learned, it’s that brains are more important than brawn.

As the search stretches far longer than Wilder planned, he finds himself fighting against time. If Satira is still at his side when the new moon comes, nothing will stop him from claiming her. Worse, she seems all too willing. If their passion unlocks the beast inside, no one will be safe. Not even the man they’re fighting to save.

Warning: This book contains a crude, gun-slinging, vampire-hunting hero who howls at the full moon and a smart, stubborn heroine who invents mad-scientist weapons. Also included: wild frontier adventures, brothels, danger, betrayal and a good dose of wicked loving in an alternate Wild West.

Word Count: 36,653 = approximately 146 pages.

146 pages, ebook

First published March 8, 2011

About the author

Moira Rogers

82 books909 followers
How do you make a Moira Rogers? Take a former forensic science and nursing student obsessed with paranormal romance and add a computer programmer with a passion for gritty urban fantasy. Toss in a dash of whimsy and a lot of caffeine, and enjoy with a side of chocolate by the light of the full moon.

By day, Bree and Donna are mild-mannered ladies who reside in the Deep South. At night, when their husbands and children are asleep, they combine forces to unleash the product of their fevered imaginations upon the page.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 257 reviews
Profile Image for Ridley.
359 reviews345 followers
March 17, 2011
I'd call this a very weak three-star book. There's an intriguing premise here, but none of the elements are fleshed out enough to be engrossing. All the components - romance, world building, action plot - are almost skimmed over, making them feel perfunctory.

The hero and heroine meet and spend a few days on horses together, which the author does not actually write out for us to see, then suddenly they're consumed by passion and hooking up. The world building names the components of her "steampunk" world, but then doesn't go into details, leaving it just another "Our Vampires Are Different" paranormal romance. Then the action plot, the conflict that sends our heroine off into the dangerous wasteland with a scary bloodhound, resolves in a anticlimactic *pfft* of a weak fight scene. No sense of unbeatable odds, no dazzling maneuvers, no dramatic last ditch efforts. Just a werewolf bloodhound turning into a wolf beast and mowing baddies down handily before the heroine tosses off an attack that easily vanquishes the villain with no risk to herself.

Profile Image for Juliette Cross.
Author 41 books3,392 followers
August 4, 2016
Cool new world, exciting storytelling, and sexy romance. Loved it. Definitely recommended to PNR/dystopian readers.
Profile Image for Tori.
2,842 reviews480 followers
March 7, 2011
Originally posted at http://www.smexybooks.com/2011/03/rev...

Favorite Quote:
“I like my women enthusiastic.”
“It’s a wonder you can find any, unless you take care not to speak first.”

Satira needs someone to assist her in rescuing her mentor, Nathanial. What she gets is Wilder. A devastatingly sexy bloodhound created by the Guild to hunt and destroy vampires. As Satira and Wilder make their way to Deadtown, the attraction between them sparks and blazes out of control . But Wilder is a dangerous man. And a real killer in his true form. If he succumbs to the passion between Satira and him during the full moon then the beast will claim her no matter what. Even at the expense of the man who they are trying to save.

I’m a huge fan of steampunk and when Moira Rogers let me know they were writing a steampunk story I was fully prepared to stalk them until they let me have it. Luckily for both of us, they gave in gracefully. A novella at 103 pages, The writing team of Moira Rogers packs in an incredible smexy, action packed story that will have you glued to your e reader. An enchanting mix of old and new sets the stage as we engage with our two fascinating protagonists-Satira and Wilder.

Satira is a beautiful, intelligent girl who disguises her femininity with the trappings of man. In her world there is only one thing a woman can do and that is prostitute herself. But she wants more so she apprentices herself to a genius inventor. He gives her a safe place a live, a kind hand, and a goal for her life. He is all she has and when he goes missing she not only fears for him but for what will happen to her if he isn’t found alive. I really like how Satira is not the fainting indecisive heroine. She’s had a hard life but she has risen above it. She’s also very pragmatic and that struck a cord with me. She doesn’t hide from Wilder what she feels and gives voice to it often.

Wilder is a smoldering mixture of sex and gallantry all wrapped up in a rough and ready attitude. He works for the Guild and his job is to kill vampires. When he sets eyes on Satira he only sees a troublesome girl but she soon proves to him that she is more then able to handle her own on their mission. Being a Bloodhound (a werewolf) he is always careful to only associate with those who can handle him during the full moon because when the beast unleashes it answers to no one. This vulnerability softens Wilder and endears you to him. While he comes off a bit gruff and untamed, he never never goes completely Alpha on Satira. Her opinion matters to him and it shows. *dreamy sigh*

The dialogue between them is humorous and sensual at the same time. They play off each other well and the flow between them is a delight to read.The chemistry is apparent from the beginning and a steady undercurrent flows under their words, priming you for when they will go to the next level. And woooooweeeeeee, when they hit that next level-watch out. Sizzling.

The secondary characters are personable and interesting enough all on their own. What I really love about the Moira Rogers books is no character is used just as filling. Each one is imbibed with enough vitality that you want then to have their own story. And thankfully these authors come through for us.

The plot is solid with plenty of suspense, smexy time, and action to keep you satisfied. I would have liked to have seen a bit more interaction with the villain; a back story perhaps to how this all came about. All and all another brilliant read by the ladies of Moira Rogers that left me wanting to read more about these sexy Bloodhounds and the women who are their destiny.

Rating: B
Profile Image for Lina.
508 reviews135 followers
June 30, 2011
I picked this up because it was part of the Smart Bitches book club for May. I wasn't too sure what to expect, especially after reading that it was a steampunk/erotica/paranormal/western romance... I mean, really, WTF?

But that's the great thing about book clubs. They get you to read something you might not pick up on your own. For my part, I enjoyed nearly every page of this crazy-mix book. The authors write well together, mixing the genres brilliantly. It could so easily have felt like a disjointed story, but there was a convincing reason for the way it all worked together. My only criticisms would be that Satira's character was a mite needy emotionally (though physically she was as kick-ass as I usually like), and the crude language was a little bit surprising in the quasi-historical context.

The story is set in the Old West, or something very much like it, where women have limited options in career choices. We meet Satira, an apprentice inventor (enter steampunk) who accompanies Wilder, a bloodhound (enter paranormal) to rescue her friend and mentor from the clutches of evil vampires.
Bloodhounds have been made specifically to kill vampires, and on the full moon go into some sort of voilence-frenzy, and on the new moon, they go into some sort of (fanning myself as I type) sex-frenzy.... for days! (enter erotica)
The two main characters seem to have an instant understanding and mutual attraction. Satira is quite open from very early on in their acquaintance in letting Wilder know she would not be averse to sharing his bed. He thinks she's just been amenable so he'll try harder to rescue her mentor, she thinks he doesn't really want her... and high jinks entail!

Overall this was a fun, amusing read, with a great steam factor... And I don't mean the punk variety :-)
Profile Image for Jessica.
2,200 reviews70 followers
May 14, 2011
I was disappointed in this; I'd really hoped to like it. More Western than steampunk, the whole thing was confusing and disjointed. It's like the authors were trying to make it smutty (look, the heroine was raised in a brothel! and the hero has some sexual kink!) without being too smutty (but she's not a prostitute herself, even though she is experienced! and the hero's sexual kink is ... I really have no idea. There are hints that it might be bondage or domination, but it's all allusion and nothing is shown).

In other areas of the story, the hero and heroine suffer from the same - dangerous! but not too much! -- it almost felt gimmicky to me. And the torture scene? I really don't get that. I don't like reading about torture and I certainly don't find it heroic, but 1) how is this "mindless ghoul" susceptible to torture in the first place and 2) his succinct and coherent answers seem unlikely.

Overall though, horses and vampires aside, this is supposed to be a romance. I kind of get why Satira falls for Wilder -- she's suddenly alone, without financial or emotional support, in a world where society does not really allow women to be self-sustaining -- and this big strong guy who kind of reminds her of her step-dad shows up. I can see why she'd want to hook her star to his wagon. But I don't get why Wilder reciprocates and it's not explained in the story. Yes, they have lots of sex and seem to enjoy it quite a bit... so what? From what I can tell, Wilder has had lots of sex and enjoyed it quite a bit for years. Why settle down with Satira? I will admit, the ending was sweet and I did enjoy it, but I didn't feel satisfied by it because it didn't feel like the characters had earned it.
Profile Image for Ruth.
592 reviews66 followers
March 20, 2011
I really enjoyed this fascinating book from the very beginning. It is a really interesting mixture of a number of different genres, with none of them really dominating but just jumbled altogether to come up with something which seems fresh but comfortingly familiar at the same time.

There's Western elements (I could visualize the setting somewhere near Arches in Utah), there's paranormal (the hero is a "bloodhound", and there are vampires and ghouls running around), there's steampunk (the gadgets and tools and clever Victorian-style engineering), and there's romance (pretty steamy, but not icky). There is also fruity language, which I actually really enjoyed - it was scattered around and I thought was actually well-used for emphasis, but not so much that you roll your eyes at the author's limited vocabulary.

The plot was simple, but well-executed and the world-building was limited, but fit the needs of the story, so it all made for a really enjoyable read for me. It's also just as long as the story needs to be, rather than trying to fit a certain word-count for the sake of it (which really, really annoys me).

So, yes, I'll definitely be checking out the next one in the series, even though this was my first book by these authors.

And, will you check out that amazing cover? Oooh, shivers up the spine...

4 stars.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
March 24, 2015
This was a hit and miss for me. Some of the reason for the miss I can't quite put my finger on other than to say I felt disconnected most of the time. Other issues were the lack of transitioning the reader into the worldbuilding. It was like I was diving into the middle of a book or series and there was an assumption that the reader would just know things. I did grasp pieces of the world through things dropped here and there- steampunk elements, vampires, historical period on frontier, magic to turn men into half beasts, etc, but it was so spotty on the details that it was frustrating.

Then most tedious is the heroine's oversexed nature that came on too strong right at the get go making the hound seem tame in comparison. The instalust might not have been so bad, but she went from lust to 'can't live without him' in a blink. I get it that she grew up with a hound and took hounds to her bed so she didn't need to adjust to his nature, but still it all went by in a blur and I couldn't keep up.

But...I didn't hate the story either because I liked the tension between the two characters, excitement of the quest, hero & the wild west steampunk paranormal creative world.
Profile Image for Jackie.
3,883 reviews124 followers
September 14, 2016
I had forgotten how uncomplicated and yet so utterly intricate a spell the storytelling of Moira Rogers casts when one is lost in reading a book written by these talented ladies.

This is a series that has been on the back burner for me wanting to read it for a few years, book one merely whetted my curiosity and appetite for continuing it someday.
Profile Image for Melindeeloo.
3,209 reviews158 followers
March 11, 2011
Wilder's Mate kicks off the new sexy Bloodhounds paranormal romance series set in an alternate old West. The world building is intriguing with a touch of steampunk, vampire bad guys and the Hounds who are scientifically created vampire hunters who maintain a leash on their inner beasts for the most part but are still a bit wild and driven by instinct. Western steampunk erotic PNR? I know it sounds like a mishmash but it actually worked.

Satira is the daughter of a whore raised by a Hound and unofficially apprenticed to an inventor who has been kidnapped by vampires. Satira will do anything to rescue her mentor, but doesn't really have a chance of success until Hound Wilder takes up the search and Satira manages to convince Wilder to let her go along. Having been raised around Hounds, and been intimate with several, Satira doesn't see Wilder as less than a man - in fact she is more that willing explore the heat that rises between them and is not daunted by the thought of helping to satisfy his wilder once-a-month urges.

I liked Satira, she is mixture of capable and vulnerable, but she is also smart and uses her brain to come up with clever solutions to keep herself alive against their supernatural adversaries, but also has the common sense to follow Wilder's orders to allow him to keep her safe. But while I liked Satira, I just loved Wilder. He's a great combination of wild and dangerous, but he keeps control of his power and is at times very sweet with Satira, despite his animal urges.

I've come across a few Moira Rogers' shorts before, so going into Wilder's Mate I had a suspicion that the novella would be a bit more erotic than my normal fare. But the touch of steampunk in the Kindle sample along with the heroine's first encounter with the dangerous 'Hound' Wilder had me hooked - I just had to give it a try.

Wilder's Mate did hit a couple of areas that keep me away from generally keep me away from erotic romance - cruder sensual language, body fluids and brief backdoor forays - but even though they are not my 'thing',they were not belabored enough to pull me out of the story. And actually, on the whole Rodgers handles the hot stuff deftly. Instead of having a zillion pages of detailed love scenes, there are some that are the equivalent of full course meals and others that are just tasty appetizers, which I appreciated since "enough is as good as a feast" - actually most of the time it's better.

So, since there was much to like about the characters and a nice balance between the hot stuff and the story, I ended up enjoying Wilder's mate even with the step outside of my comfort zone.
Profile Image for Jess the Romanceaholic.
1,033 reviews487 followers
March 11, 2011
Quickie Review. For full review, please visitThe Romanceaholic.

I admit, it isn’t often that I buy a story on release day. With very few exceptions, I typically wait a week or two until I have a chance to read some reviews from people who share my tastes in stories before I plunk down any of my hard earned money. However, I am a Moira Rogers fangirl, and when I found out she had a new story that combined vampires, werewolves (of a sort), western romance, and steampunk, I couldn’t get over to Amazon quickly enough. Add to that the fact that it’s less than a Starbucks Latte, and I was immediately sold.

It should be noted that there was prolific use of the “c” word, for those readers who can’t stand its usage, as well as an occasional foray into some back-door loving. Despite the language, I don’t feel that this qualified as erotica, however, and would instead call it an “incredibly steamy romance”. Steampunk fans should also be aware that those elements were few and far between. Elevators, various weaponry, and steam carriages seemed to pretty much be the extent of the Steampunk elements, with nary an airship or pair of welding goggles to be seen. The inventions that were present, however, were quite important, and I couldn’t help but get flashes in my head of the movie Wild Wild West on occasion.

Overall, I adored it. I quite literally couldn’t put it down, and cannot wait for the continuation of the series.

A very solid 4.5/5 Stars
Profile Image for audrey.
689 reviews69 followers
May 26, 2015
All steam, no punk.

Intriguing twist on humanizing and empowering sex workers (which I adored) weakened by the fact that the two protagonists were both super-boring, they fell into bed 15 minutes after meeting and it was totally implausible except as shorthand for "one-dimensional characters ahoy". Plus this whole "Bloodhounds go pon farr every new moon!" thing turned out to be that he finally put his pon in her farr, which was the only rumpy-pumpy activity they hadn't managed by that point. He didn't so much lose control as go, "Oh all right then hold still," which was somewhat, yes, anticlimactic.

And while there were elements of interesting world-building in the whole vampires-vs-Guild, women-taking-vampire consorts thing, (oh and the ghouls, which were a high spot for me, almost as high as the inevitable tragic betrayal thing -- bonus points for that) but ultimately the book was much more about steaming up the windows of a horse-drawn, not-at-all-steampunk carriage every four minutes.

The full extent of the steampunking turned out to be that every so often someone remembered they were supposed to be in a steampunk book and found a bath with indoor plumbing. I call shenanigans, man.

Bonus points for snappy boob-related dialogue. If there was another book by this author that had more West and less chest, I'd definitely read it.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
793 reviews19 followers
March 12, 2011
As a fan of the author(s), I will always give one of their books a try, especially if the book is the start of a new series that I can place on my steampunk and werewolves shelves.

This book was a bit of fun. I say a bit because the book felt a little too short. I liked it enough to wish there had been more than what I approximate as a novella amount of pages.

The steampunk was light. I hope the next book in the series explores some of the inventions in greater detail, maybe allowing the characters to use those special weapons more.

I really liked both of the main characters. I wish they'd had more time to get to know eachother. Basically, do not expect an epic erotic steampunk romance. Just drop the word epic and you'll have an accurate description, which is still an immensely fun way to spend some free time.
Profile Image for Catherine.
522 reviews568 followers
April 11, 2012
Interesting premise but I didn't feel like I got to know the world very well. I'm still not quite sure about how it all works. Everything felt a little disjointed as I was reading. It was confusing.

The characters had promise but I would have liked to have gotten to know them more. I didn't feel a strong connection between them other than an understandable neediness on the heroine's end. I didn't feel much on the hero's end. Maybe if I had felt more of whatever mate bond they shared?

The book made me curious to learn more about the series but it didn't satisfy me on its own. Hopefully the next on will feel more cohesive. I think that would have gone a long way toward upping my enjoyment in the story.
Profile Image for Beth.
817 reviews75 followers
December 8, 2017
Really intriguing world building around the old vampire vs. human situation.

Old west meets steampunk & alchemy. Strong female lead -- yes more of a modern mindset (she's an anomaly as women can't be an apprentice Engineer *shocking*)-- but hey -- magic is also reality in this book.

Loved Wilder, alpha tendencies but no Asshat reactionary soliloquies -- he accepts her as is.
Profile Image for Marlene.
3,164 reviews223 followers
February 15, 2012
See all my reviews at http://www.readingreality.net/
Wilder's Mate by Moira Rogers turned out to be the perfect story for reading on a chilly winter's night. Not only is this first entry in Rogers' Bloodhound series a terrific blend of romance, steampunk, and steamy sex, but the hero is even described as having a higher than normal body temperature!

But the story of Wilder's Mate starts with the "mate" in question. Her name is Satira, and she's the apprentice to a Guild inventor named Nathaniel. The only problem is that Nathaniel's just been kidnapped. Satira wants to assist whichever Bloodhound the Guild sends to recover him. One tiny detail: she's trapped in the elevator.

Nathaniel's inventions, including the steam-powered elevator that was currently vexing Satira, were the reason he was kidnapped by the vampires inexorably taking control of the very wild West in this steampunk version of the post-Civil War United States.

The vampires represent the lawless, and the Guild represents the law. In order to combat the powerful vamps the Guild has created a weapon of their own, creatures known as Bloodhounds. The Hounds used to be mere men, but alchemy has transformed them into powerful beings that can hunt and kill vampires with terrible speed, as well as claws and fangs. Bloodhounds are werewolves, the traditional enemy of the vampire.

These Hounds have a weakness. Not the traditional one. They don't change into wolves at the full moon. They change into wolves at will. But at the new moon, they must have sex. A lot of it. For three days and nights. The Guild pays a network of brothels to be available for the Bloodhounds, and they pay well for the service.

The Bloodhounds also have a secret. Like wolves, they mate for life. If a Hound finds his mate, he has to protect her at all costs. If she dies, he follows within months. The alchemy that created the Hounds was not intended to pull this particular rabbit out of its hat, but there is no denying the fact that it has. The Guild doesn't want the Hounds to find their mates, but when it happens, there's nothing they can do.

Satira knows a lot about Hounds. Her mother lived with an old Bloodhound named Levi for about a dozen years. Levi helped to raise Satira, and Levi found her the place with Nathaniel before he died. Satira never knew that her mother was Levi's mate. Her mother probably didn't know either. But when her mother died, so did Levi.

Satira also enjoys the heat, the adventure, the roughness of sex with a Hound. She just doesn't understand why none of the Hounds who have ever shared her bed have never come back. She thinks there's something wrong with her.

But the Hound who pulls her out of that busted elevator knows exactly why none of those other Hounds have ever stayed, because it's taking every ounce of restraint he has not to take her the moment he sees her. And Wilder Harding isn't ready to do that until Satira understands exactly what's at stake for both of them.

Because Satira is his mate.

Escape Rating A-: Wilder's Mate is one of those stories where you just buckle up and hang on for the ride. This was an absolute blast from beginning to end. The story is very, very steamy, but there is a story and there is a romance and a happily-ever-after.

The story elements reminded me of several bits I've read before, but since those were all things I've liked, I didn't mind. Satira's situation is similar to Jaines Cord in Shona Husk's Dark Vow, the woman apprentice to a steampunk-type gunsmith because women aren't allowed to be master gunsmiths. The Bloodhounds mating-for-life compulsion being an unexpected side-effect of their change has some eerie similarities to the Breeds in Lora Leigh's series. But it definitely works in both series!

For a short book, Wilder's Mate wrapped all its loose ends very nicely. Great story and fantastic beginning to a series. I'm definitely looking forward to more!
Profile Image for Susi.
248 reviews104 followers
March 8, 2011
The first thing I loved about Wilder's Mate was the wonderful setting. The mix of western and steampunk is fascinating and the detailed description of all the steampunky gadgets totally drew me in. In addition to that we also have the supernatural element of vampires and bloodhounds- which add a certain edge to the story and make it stand out.

But what is this book actually about? On the one hand we have Satira the assistant of an inventor who just went missing. She has to find him ASAP or her life will be ruined. A woman would never be allowed to be an inventor without a male supervisor and without Nathaniel, her missing boss, she would be forced to give up the job she loves so much and would probably be doomed to do a more "womanly" work. She's even more desperate to find him because he's not only her boss, he's more like a father and friend to her and just imagining what might be done to him drives her crazy. Being independent and more tomcat than girl she decides to venture into the Frontier lands,  a region where the strong survive and the general rules of society don't apply, to rescue Nate and bring him back home. The only thing or person that stands between her and her rescue mission is the bloodhound who will be send to investigate the disappearance. Satira is a strong woman who knows what she wants, but she also knows what her limits are. I really loved to see this strong woman who's also able to give someone else the reign. Often you only get these stubborn women who want to be strong no matter what just to be seen as independant. I hate that because a smart woman would see what her abilities are instead of just being stubborn to prove a point. I loved that Satira was exactly like that. A smart woman with a strong heart.

On the other hand we have Wilder, the oh so mysterious bloodhound. *swooooon* This is one super hot alpha male. At first he has this exciting mysterious touch. we don't know what he really is or what being a bloodhound means. We just get a little hint here and there and the allure of him practically rises exponentially. He's what we love most about our alpha heroes- strong, protective and adorable even though he has some rather rough edges. But even more he's not overbearing or suppressive. He sees in Satira what she really is- a strong woman who is capable and doesn't need pampering. Yes, he still protects her but he does it with a certain amount of respect to her abilities and doesn't throw himself in front of her when he knows she could handle something on her own. This makes him one of my favorite heroes ever. And he has a wicked little secret that makes him sooooooo more appealing. *dreamy sigh*

The plot around Nathaniel's disappearance kept me glued to the pages. Reading Wilder's Mate is like watching a adventurous western only better suitable for the girly side in me. I loved how all the plot-lines unfolded and I was surprised by more than one revelation. Another plus is how perfectly the romance fit into the story- the mix between action, romance  and plot was masterly done. The only thing I regretted was that the story itself was so short. I could have kept reading and reading...

Wilder's Mate is a unique addition to the rather new steampunk genre. With the additional paranormal twist and the wonderfully realized love story it sets the standard high for other novels in this genre. Wilder's Mate is definitely another winner by Moira Rogers and I can't wait for the next book set in this fascinating world.
1,122 reviews303 followers
March 8, 2011
Satira is the assistant to a weapons inventor who has been kidnapped. If teaming up with the rough bloodhound Wilder Harding is the only way to get back the man she considers her only family, then so be it. Satira will prove to the him that she is capable of handling the journey and Wilder's animal side.

Wilder isn't use to having someone along on his assignments. As a Guild bloodhound he is sent to find the weapons inventor Nathanial using his enhanced skills the Guild gave him. He isn't thrilled to have Satira along because as each day draws closer to the new moon, the beast within demands that he uses her to sate his maddening sexual hunger and claim as his. When things turn violent with a vampire and his ghouls, no one will stop Wilder from keeping Satira safe. That includes the very person he's been sent to rescue.

This book is set in a alternate Wild West where there's advance technology for the time yet there are few options available for unmarried women. Satira is an intelligent woman who excels in a field dominated by men. When her mentor is kidnapped for his skills, Satira wants to get him back, not only because she loves him like a father but because without him she could end up selling her body instead of her work in order to get by. When Wilder arrives to start looking for Nate, Satira doesn't waste time letting him know that she is going with him. Satira is strong, intelligent and tries to hide her beauty behind men's clothing but Wilder brings out a side of her that craves his touch and so much more. I really liked that Satira didn't mix words. She told Wilder what she wanted, both in the mission and in bed. At times she is unsure if she is enough for him because of what he is but the attraction isn't one way.

Wilder is a bloodhound, or a Guild made shapeshifter. He was turned after fighting in the war and had no family to come home to. He's very good at what he does but his existence is a lonely one. During the new moon each month, Wilder has an intense sexual craving that has him hunting for a bed partner. Or two. At first Satira is a pretty girl that he wants to stay out of his way. As he spends more time with her on the rescue mission, Wilder begins to admire her spirit and soon he can't imagine taking another woman to his bed. These two are honest from the start and there are no games being played. Their sexual attraction quickly turns into something more meaningful and I could not get enough of these wonderful and witty characters.

Wilder and Satire will have to cross over into the Deadlands to find the missing inventor. There they encounter a rougher sort of man and deadly vampires who are out to take down the Guild. I loved the gritty world and fantastic characters Moira Rogers' created for this book. Whether it's Sitira's prostitute best friend or Wilder's not so loyal bloodhound colleague, Moira Rogers delivers characters that are worthy of their own books. The chemistry between Wilder and Sitira is undeniable and when the night of the new moon starts, prepare yourself for melt of the page smutty goodness. Wilder's Mate is set in a Steampunk world yet has the feel of a paranormal romance. Fans of both genres should enjoy.
Profile Image for Cecile.
208 reviews16 followers
December 24, 2011

For those of you that know me... and those that don't this is my little statement about short books.... I do not judge short stories on the rush of their relationships, because they are just that - short stories. So, yes the relationships always could have been drawn out more, yea it seems like they fall in love to fast and of course the story could have been made longer... but it is a short story. So with that said.... here is my review...

Okay short story aside, this is one awesome story. It is literally non stop... Whether it is with action, suspense or some hot sexual tension or just some plain freaking hot sex with one hellva man. Ms moria kept me on the edge of my seat with this story. And what was a "surprise" to me was the element of steam punk-ish mixed with the paranormal world.

You can almost say this story has it all. One woman determined to save her mentor - sparing no cost. Virtually giving up her own life for his. One bloodhound determined to save them all.

Satira is an inventor's apprentice; but since she is a woman - she will not be recognized as such. I admire her courage to stand up for what she believes in or should I say the people she believes in. Her faith in people runs as deep as the blood in her veins. She is a force to be reckoned with and for that alone I enjoyed her. Not to mention she is truly a kiss ass heroine. Ms. Rogers allowed me to step into the shoes of Satira and take notice of her situation... Satira never felt sorry for herself or pity for the surroundings she was in or never played victim for her past... And that I truly found enjoyable! A woman on a mission and armed and dangerous!

Now on to Wilder... Whoa baby. What a man, what a man... Or should I say what a bloodhound! He turned all the right buttons and hit all the right spots a woman has. He really earned the title Sex on a Stick... Or in his case, I need to say Sex on a Horse... Cuz that is just how he rides! He is a man on a mission... and he is all about completing his mission... at all cost. But I am not sure he expected for his heart to get caught up in this mission. Especially by the tiny but no hold no bars Satira. Can Wilder rein in his emotions before they get the best of him... Or will he show Satira just what he is?

These two explode the scenes with the sexual tension and banter they had together. They had me giggling and stiffling laughter as I would read some of their word exchanges. Ms. Rogers played these two characters very well against (and for) each other. I was not sure at first about the steam-punkish feel to the read, but I truly enjoyed this story and cannot wait to read more about this series ((hint hint, wink wink))! Every page was an adventure to take, every other word was some sort of smart ass remark and then the pages with the hot sex... OMG... you will want to read next to a fan, I promise! Ms. Rogers truly rocked my world and made me want to go back in time to find my own bloodhound! Kicking ass never seemed so naughty!!! Awesome job Ms. Rogers!
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
July 24, 2012

Moira Rogers had seamlessly blended multiple genres to create a really cool series with the Bloodhounds. It's got elements of steampunk, paranormal romance, and even the Old West. And somehow, it works. Amidst the vampires and shifters, steam-powered devices, horseback riding and really hot sex, I found a story I didn't want to put down.

Satira grew up the sort-of adopted daughter of a Bloodhound. Once he was gone, she became an apprentice to an inventor named Nathaniel... and he became her family. Now someone has kidnapped him and all that matters to Satira is getting him back. When the Guild sends Wilder to help search for him, she refuses to remain on the sidelines and offers her help on the hunt.

Wilder is no ordinary man. He is a Bloodhound, and if you're wondering what that means, suffice it to say that he is an enhanced human. (Getting into more specifics would only spoil it for you as it all plays out.) There is an attraction between him and Satira right away. The story follows the two of them as they work together to rescue Nathaniel and eventually give into their desire to be together.

I really enjoyed this book. You'd think with so many different genres mishmashed together, it could overwhelm the story, but it doesn't. The world-building unfolds over the course of the book, but I didn't ever feel lost in the process. I was very much in the moment with Wilder and Satira. There were times the heroine felt a little desperate, which made me cringe a bit. But thankfully, her attraction was not one sided.

The sexual tension was great and the sex was even better. It was hot and raw and Wilder was deliciously Alpha in the sack. He has all this barely leashed power and still a sweet vulnerability which makes him downright irresistible.

When she isn't emotionally needy, Satira is a pretty good heroine. Her history with Bloodhounds allows her to understand Wilder in a way that not every woman could. She is loyal, determined and capable, despite the fact that society devalues her because she is woman. And when all is said and done, she really delivers.

In the course of the story, we meet some intriguing secondary characters who will go on star in their own books in the series. But make no mistake, this is Wilder's book. He stole the show and blew me away.

*Book provided by author for review
February 15, 2011
Wilder’s Mate is wild west meets vampires meets steampunk. Sound amazing? Well, that’s because it is!
Satira is not your typical girl in a world were women don’t have many options. She’s unmarried, wears trousers, swears like a man and is an apprentice for a Guild weapons inventor. When Nate, her mentor, goes missing the Guild sends in a Bloodhound to bring him and the secret project he was working on back. But Satira’s not going to trust just anyone to get him back and insists on accompanying the Bloodhound in his search and she’s got a bag load of special weapons incase they run into any vampires along the way.

Wilder is a sexy male alpha that was transformed by the Guild into a Bloodhound, part man and part beast, to hunt vampires. Full moons see the beast set free but new moons bring a powerful hunger that cannot be denied.
He’s brought in on the big assessments, and this is one of them, he’s a professional but lets Satira tag along because if he went missing he’d want someone who knew and cared about him being the one searching for him.

They’re about to enter the Deadlands and the new moon is almost upon them, can Wilder protect Satira, even if it’s from himself?

This is the first Moira Rogers book I have read and wow, I’m gonna have to find me some more!
Satira has some self-confidence issues but she knows what she wants and is not afraid to reach out for it, and Wilder is something she definitely wants! She is blunt, spunky and I liked her right away. Wilder is oh so yummy, protective, and doesn’t believe that just because Satira is a woman that she is limited in the things she can do. This couple has intense chemistry that eventually leads to some burn-the-house-down love scenes.
Great world-building, incredible action, awesome characters and yeah, did I mention the love scenes? Whew, I need a cold shower!
Now the only thing I have to know is this; when can I get my hands on Bloodhounds #2?

Posted at Paranormal Romance Addict - 2/15
Posted at Reading Between the Wines Book Club 2/25
Profile Image for Chelsea Kumer.
681 reviews50 followers
December 27, 2011
Every now and then it's nice to encounter something really different in the romance world. I've read loads of shape-shifter romance, so that's nothing new. But I confess that steampunk in fairly new to me, and I've never read one in a western/pioneer setting. So naturally I felt I might enjoy this if only for the sake of novelty.

Satira is the apprentice to a weapons inventor, and her teacher has been kidnapped. Wilder, a bloodhound, is assigned to find him, and Satira insists on accompanying him. The journey takes them into the Deadlands--an area filled with vampires and other undesirables. Along the way, Satira and Wilder hook up, and a lot of steamy sex ensues.

The first comment I have to make is that this story is fairly short, definitely novella length. On one hand this is a plus because it is a fast, easy read--took me a couple hours--and it's not demanding in either time or intellect. On the other hand, it's a bad thing because nothing is really explained in any sort of detail. In terms of the world building much is left to the readers imagination. Also, some parts of the plot felt a bit rushed.

The characters were well written and likeable. The length didn't allow for too much in terms of development, but that is somewhat to be expected. Satira realizes her usefulness and power as an inventor. Wilder in turn attains a new place in his career. Both enjoy passion and emotional fulfillment in their new relationship. All in all, their romance felt complete and fairly satisfying to me.

The rest of the plot, while interesting, suffered a lot from lack of set up and world building. The story needed about 50 more pages to really clarify who all of the characters are, their motivations, the rules of science/magic in this world, and how this all ties in with the main characters. I don't know how much the author is to blame for this and how much is due to word count limitations. In any case, it felt like a brilliant premise that just fell incomplete in execution. I'm suitably intrigued, though, and I would willingly read the next book in the series. 3 stars.
Profile Image for Lady Jaye.
479 reviews51 followers
August 17, 2013
Erotica/Erotic romance is not normally a genre I gravitate towards. However, Kit Rocha/Moira Rogers' characters and world building seems to really work for me. Wilder's Mate is the first of the books in their Bloodhounds series, and said world building also happens to be the best/worst thing about this book.

The world itself is quite interesting and has this dystopian Old, Wild West, danger-lurking-in-the-shadows vibe. Immediately, I wanted to know more about this setting. That was the plus.

However, it was very vague. I spent more than half the book trying to figure out exactly what it was that a Bloodhound was, which, IMO, is a fail, considering that our hero is supposed to be one. Additionally, I would have liked to know a bit more about the world. Vampires exist. How/Why/Where? What exactly is the Guild? Why/How did they start? Just how powerful are they? None of this was made clear. That was the minus.

Satira and Wilder were interesting and vivid, but I didn't spend too much time invested in them because I was trying to figure out what exactly the stakes were and the lay of the land.

Oh, and the use of the c-word startled me, even more so when Satira would use it (to denote anatomy, that is - not as an insult).

Conclusion: it was interesting. I just needed a lot more information. But the story I read was good enough to make me want to read the next book.
Profile Image for ᴥ Irena ᴥ.
1,652 reviews222 followers
March 23, 2015
Vampires in this world aren't good or noble. They tend to enslave and kill whole towns, making new vampires or ghouls. At least the towns in the Deadlands which are not under protection of the Guild. The Guild has bloodhounds, a sort of a werewolf creature, to fight them. They are great at hunting and killing vampires. The downside of their condition (which was made combining science and magic) is what happens during the full moon (they become werewolves) and the new moon (that one awakens different urges).

Most areas have a bloodhound living there and protecting them. They employ an inventor (or engineer) for weapons and such. One of them, Nathaniel, has been kidnapped and his unofficial apprentice Satira decided she would find and save him. The bloodhound sent to find Nathaniel, Wilder, allowed her to come with him. And the new moon is really close.

Not a bad story apart from one scene where I really couldn't picture the thing they were doing. The world depicted here promises great stories.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,475 reviews
April 19, 2017
3.5 stars

Enjoyable mix of paranormal, Old West, and steampunk. Rogers does a great job with the characters and relationship. Wilder and Satira both are interesting and their steamy relationship is well done. While the world of Bloodhounds, vampires, etc., has tremendous potential, I felt too much was unclear, as if this were a follow-up and not the first in the series. Who are the Bloodhounds and how are they made? What is the Guild and how do they control the Bloodhounds? What are the various territories in this world and who runs them?

Despite the many questions unanswered or only minimally answered, I enjoyed the story quite a bit and will look for others in the series. I imagine I'll learn more answers to my questions in them.
Profile Image for Issa.
419 reviews20 followers
January 9, 2015
Fun story, too short without enough world building and campy in some ways to be great, but I still enjoyed it. Wilder's not a total ass and Satira's not a doormat so I felt good from the get go. The mystery is a little shallow and Wilder's sexual frenzy not quite as hot as I'd expected, but it's an enjoyable story, interesting characters, with plenty of room for more. Likely a series I'll try one more from just because.
Profile Image for Daniela.
977 reviews
September 2, 2020
(Explicito). No me gustó. A pesar de combinar vampiros y hombres lobo (un en este caso son llamados sabuesos que se pueden transformar solo en luna llena y que durante la luna nueva son una máquina de sexo o se vuelven violentos), no le encontré lo original. Es demasiado básico, muy sencillas las narraciones, los personajes, el contexto. No le vi nada del “viejo oeste”, por así decirlo; se que había carruajes y use las mujeres usan corsé. Tampoco se me hizo interesante lo del gremio de los inventores. Durante la primera mitad del libro sentía como si me hubiera saltado un libro o unos capítulos; poco a poco como que se van llenando los espacios en blanco. Tal vez no sea un libro para mi. Hay cosas muy convenientes, muy obvias. ... narrado en tercera persona y ofrece los puntos de vista de los protagonistas. Satira, además del hecho de que Levi haya hecho que aprendiera del inventor Nathaniel y que siempre fuera curiosa y no se dejara amedrentar por ser mujer, no tiene nada de especial ni resaltarle o rescatable; muy básica. Wilder igual, muy insípido. ...
Profile Image for Jessica.
335 reviews7 followers
June 18, 2021
Uneven early novel by the two-person writing team who more recently use the nom de plume Kit Rocha. World building is more facilitating than coherent, and certain details seem squeamish in a way that is almost ironic, given total lack of sqeam in, say, the Beyond series. (The first novel there is called Beyond Shame, which.) This isn't bad, but you can definitely see how much they've grown as writers. Which is pretty great all around.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 257 reviews

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