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Who Was . . . ? Series

Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

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Born in Austria in 1756, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his first piece of music, a minuet, when he was just five years old! Soon after, he was performing for kings and emperors. Although he died at the young age of thirty-five, Mozart left a legacy of more than 600 works. This fascinating biography charts the musician's extraordinary career and personal life while painting a vivid cultural history of eighteenth-century Europe. Black-and-white illustrations on every spread explore such topics as the history of opera and the evolution of musical instruments. There is also a timeline and a bibliography.

Illustrated by Carrie Robbins.
Cover illustration by Nancy Harrison.

112 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2002

About the author

Yona Zeldis McDonough

49 books222 followers
I live in Park Slope, Brooklyn and many of my novels take place here. But my new novel takes place in New Hampshire, and I have woven into it a historical component: the tragic story of Ruth Blay, who in 1768 was the last woman hanged in the state. When I read about Ruth, I was fascinated and horrified in equal measure, and I knew I had to write about her.
I was educated at Vassar College and Columbia University, where I studied art history. But I started writing fiction in my 20's and never looked back. I am the author of seven novels, 27 books for children and am the editor of two essay collections. I'm also the fiction editor of Lilith Magazine . Please visit my website, http://www.yonazeldismcdonough.com or find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/yzmcdonough; I love to connect with readers everywhere.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 100 reviews
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,863 reviews2,299 followers
January 11, 2017
Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? by Yona Zeldis McDonough is an incredible book for an equally incredible person. The history of his personal life is fascinating and amazing. A remarkable person that died so young and left us so much. This book details the wonders and times of his life. Over 100 pages and lots of great sketches. Great job.
Profile Image for Maricarmen Estrada M.
346 reviews80 followers
January 1, 2016
Another wonderful biography of this series. A gifted man. Mozart was one of the greatest geniuses of all time, indeed. I enjoyed very much learning about his life
Profile Image for AMY.
2,675 reviews
March 15, 2019
106 pages. This was a very interesting book on the life of a famous composer and musician. I learned a lot about him and found the additional information and illustrations very helpful. Like other books in the series, the author tells the life story in a truthful manner, explaining how times and situations in Mozart’s life were very difficult at times. I like how the series explores the lives of famous people and shows their weaknesses, troubles and struggles as real people. It is helpful to see these people for the good and not-so-good things that shaped their lives, decisions and careers. Highly recommended for Grades 4-5.
Profile Image for Sue.
1,698 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2016
The drawings were strange and there is a glaring error on page 26 that says Maria Antonia was already engaged . . . to be the queen of France. That wouldn't happen for another 7 or 8 years.
Profile Image for Jean-Marie.
971 reviews46 followers
September 24, 2018
The 11-year-old said this book was "very informative." It is a super fast biographical read of Mozart. It gives young readers just enough info to have a basic understanding of the musician's life. It's a good starting point. We had Alexa play the music as it was mentioned in the book. I've found that's one of the best uses for our Alexa - playing music on cue to complement our read alouds.
Profile Image for Jonathan Westbay.
5 reviews8 followers
September 17, 2018
An excellent beginner's overview of Mozart's life

This book provides an excellent overview of Mozart's life. His childhood and family relations are covered well. The book also provides historical context and basic explanations of musical instruments. One criticism I have regarding the explanation of brass instruments: they are not played by mere blowing, as would better describe woodwinds; the tone is produced by buzzing the lips. Woodwind players pinch the lips. Overall, I have a good impression of this book.
Profile Image for Victoria Drob.
85 reviews5 followers
September 14, 2015
Reading this series along with my 8-year-old. It's a great brief summary for young readers about a great man. Given the greatness of the man and his extraordinary accomplishments, I feel like the book is pretty anti-climactic and doesn't convey this greatness, but that seems to be the case for all the books in this series. Either way, my daughter likes them and is fascinated to learn about the people, places, and events, so that makes the series incredibly worthwhile.
Profile Image for Allison Anderson Armstrong.
446 reviews14 followers
April 17, 2017
Fun informative book and easy to understand, but packed with facts! I like the timeline of his life at the end and how its lined up with a similar timeline of the world. Helps to place his life in history with other famous people and wars. These are great books.
Profile Image for Alexia:))).
28 reviews
May 22, 2020
Am aflat din aceasta carte multe intamplari din scurta viata a lui Mozart...Cel mai mult m au impresionat cate melodii,opere,sonate,concerte pentru pian etc. a scris el.Chiar a meritat sa i se spuna "Copilul minune"!
14 reviews
October 27, 2019
The book by Yona Zeldis McDonough is an informational book about a boy named Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His parents would call him Wolfie . Mozart was a talented boy. He had the gift of how to play any instrument without being taught. He became a composer and wrote more than 6OO pieces of all kind. Throughout this book Mozart goes through a lot of pressure and sadness. A connection I have with him is, I starts playing my instrument at a young age just like he did. I feel the theme of this story is, never stop doing what you love. I recommend this book to musicians and to middle schoolers. I hope you enjoy this book just like I did.
Profile Image for Mesho Maghraby.
10 reviews
June 4, 2022
الكتاب: من هو ولفانج أماديوس موتسارت
الكاتب: يونا ماكدونوف
عدد الصفحات: 110
الناشر: دار الشروق للنشر والتوزيع
يحكى الكتاب قصة الولد الذي ولد فی 27 من يناير عام 1756م في مدينة سالزبورج بالنيسا، ولفجانج الطفل المعجزة ، تعلم العزف على آلة عزف وترية قديمة اسمها الكلاڤيية، و في السن الخامس من عمره يؤلف بنفسه الموسيقى! لم يصدق احد أن هذا الولد يتمتع بكل تلك المواهب واعتقدوا أن هناك خدعة وأن من يؤلف والده ؟ لأنه كان مؤلف موسيقيا ، قام ولفجانج يتأليف سيمفونيته الأولى في التاسعة من عمره و كتب أكثر من ٦٠٠ عمل، ولكن يموت مبكرا" وهو عمره لا يتعرى الخامسة والثلاثين عاماً وترك لنا الموسيقى الرائعة.

تقييم 4 من 5
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
December 20, 2016
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is probably one of the most renowned musicians in the world. His beginning was small, he didn't start in some empire just in Salzburg Australia a decent sized town but not overly populated. He was a genius in music ever since five learning how to play multiple instruments with ease and even compose a few songs. He started to like music from a very young age watching his sister play instruments and wanting to play instruments with her too. He picked up music very quickly trying to play instruments at three and with help from his dad teaching him what music was he became great. Mozart became know as a kid genius traveling around the world visiting emperors and empresses. After growing to about thirteen Mozart started to create beautiful pieces that were a lot more clean because he was older and wiser in music knowledge. Mozart never stopped playing music even the day before he died he died he listened to a piece of music he was supposed to finish called the requiem.

Mozart is known all over the world for being a fantastic musician that could play what he heard and create music on the spot if he needed. The main idea was to inform the reader of who Mozart really was, his life story, important events in his life, and what it was like in that century. Some of the things that were really important were about his life and relationship with his father it was not all about him and his father but his father seamed to be weaved into all the important events that Mozart had. Along with his sister being an okay musician but not as talented as Mozart. The book also mentioned that Mozart traveled a ton and would sometimes get sea sick when they traveled on boats to visit the emperors and empresses. Mozart's life was a very interesting one with all the attention but the only downside is Mozart's father sometimes got mad and that would not be fun for either child. Mozart lived a full life even though he died at 35 with many accomplishments, children and a wife, I'm pretty sure that is enough for anybody.
Profile Image for Lynn.
3,291 reviews63 followers
February 22, 2011
This book is from the Who was... series. It is a terrific series of children's biographies. This book is about the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mozart was able to write music by age 5 and was gifted. He was able to make music most of his life and wrote many great operas, symphonies, etc. A wonderful book.
8 reviews1 follower
August 11, 2017
This whole series is absolutely amazing. It looks like a short, cartoony, fake, children's book, but, it is a serious, phenomenal story with loads of details about growing up. I read these books in about an hour, but I learn so much. These are great reads.
Profile Image for Slow Man.
1,057 reviews
October 14, 2017
With a biography like this, I learnt more about music and musical instruments. It's amazing that we can still hear his compositions after more than 200 years. And it is so inspiring that he has written and achieved so much in his short lifespan. He died penniless and that's a pity.
55 reviews
November 20, 2017
I loved this book! It was so informative and I had no idea how much of a genius he was! When we were reading she asked to listen to some of his music. I love how it drove her to discover more about him and his music. Great book!
Profile Image for Amanda .
867 reviews32 followers
September 29, 2020
Ahh.. Wolfie, the wonder child. This is a solid biography on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, his short life as a prolific musical genius, and his work. Also a good read on classical music history, composers, symphonies, orchestras, operas, arias, instruments and more. I enjoyed it.
24 reviews1 follower
May 17, 2017
The book who was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a very informational book. It was about an ordinary boy who was a genius at music. He was able to play piano especially well and compose music at just age 5. The book tells about the journeyMozart took in his musical career from when he was a kid to when he was an adult.
I found it quite interesting how he was able to compose music at age 5 because he was so young it just amazes me. I also never knew that his sister was also very good at music. if I could change anything about this book I would make it less choppy it just seemed like fact after fact. It was also seemed like the same thing over and over just stated differently like how it kept saying that he was more famous as a child because it was more amazing that he was so young but as he got to be an adult it was harder for him to get publicity.
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves music or anyone who likes to learn about history in the olden days because the book mentions a lot of things about instruments and also mentions a lot about how things were back then and the normal every day life and how it's different from today. I think this was a really good book and will definitely read it again.
Profile Image for David Rough.
Author 14 books12 followers
December 22, 2020
I have recently found this nice series of biographies for young readers. Various authors have contributed to this series, which now includes over 160 books. Each book is short (about 100 pages) and gives a good summary of a historical figure. The list of people includes explorers, scientists, painters, authors, musicians; there is a good balance between males and females demonstrating the importance of both genders in the accomplishments of mankind.

This book about the life and creative genius of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Born in Austria in 1756, Mozart composed his first piece of music at five years old. Although he died at the young age of thirty-five, Mozart performed for kings and queens and composed more than 600 works. This biography explores his phenomenal musical gift and his unusual personal life.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
1,240 reviews4 followers
April 14, 2024
Mozart was an amazing composer. Although he lived in the 18th century and made classical music, a lot of his pieces are still constantly stuck in my head today.

Mozart was a child prodigy. His musician family pushed him hard. By the time he was five or six, he was composing and performing. He became famous when he was young, and you can sort of tell that he wrote some symphonies as a teenager despite those symphonies being amazing.

Mozart was immature. Sort of goes with the territory of being really famous as a kid. He spent all of his money as soon as he made it and partied every day and all night. He lived like an 18th century rock star and died at the age of 35.

Mozart was… his nationality is a matter of debate. He was born in what is now Austria and is associated with Vienna, but he considered himself German. I claim Mozart as a man of the world.
Profile Image for Emily Garner.
57 reviews
August 26, 2024
This is an excellent introductory book of Mozart for children. It covers the main events of Mozart’s life, and nicely summarizes his character and why he is important. I think the book covered all the main things children should about Mozart. Also, bonus talking points include the orchestra, opera, Bach, and Haydn.

A few things I wish were different. 1. Mozart had a very eccentric personality. I wish they talked about his quirks a little bit. 2. I didn’t care how the author described Nannerl (Mozart’s sister) as less talented. She was also a musical prodigy and deserves recognition. The only reason she is lesser known is because women did not have equal opportunity then - not because of lesser talent.
June 3, 2019
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a musical composer. He is the son of the deceased Leopold Mozart, also a music composer.

Although, Wolfgang did not learn music in school, his greatness in music was dedicated to having a legendary father, Leopold Mozart. Leopold had always taught him to make money through his early childhood musical talent. This was the only talent he had.

Wolfgang was born 1756. He was deceased in 1791.
To date, the Mozart history is still present at The Lincoln Center, NYC.

*World Pride Month is June 1, 2019 - June 30, 2019, NYC. A time to show your talent?
This book was purchased, June 1, 2019 @ Housing Works Bookstore Café, Soho NYC.

Profile Image for Trudy.
690 reviews3 followers
April 28, 2021
After recently watching Peter Schaffer's Amadeus, I wanted to know more about the man and his rival, Salieri. After reading an excerpt from a book about Mozart, I realized I didn't want something that was heavy on musical analysis. So I took a page from James Holzhauer's book (Jeopardy champion) and found this book, part of a series that I already had read three, intended for children. It lived up to its stated purpose and led me to a clearer idea of what adult reading I'm seeking.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 100 reviews

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